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Tipp's Fringe Bunker

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What does it mean? I have it since 2015

i need to know more google is not really helping i found reare good infos

pic related some interesting from some $$ kaballah book i couldnt find a free pdf


there was a thread last month. think only a news article was posted.




Its is only swamp gas


I've had it for very long time, possibly forever. I can't see black, except with astral sight. My physical eyes just perceive a ton of static wherever black is.



That's your schizophrenia.


I've had visual snow for as long as I can remember. I also have tinnitus. Ringing happens about once a week; sometimes once a day. There's also a constant electrical static noise that I hear when everything is quiet. Kind of sounds like distorted crickets.



are we under mindcontrol?

chipped ?

are they listening?





I think there was survey done on people who experience the Mandela Effect and the vast majority of them experience visual snow and tinnitus.



geee, multidimensional vision much?


Vaccine injected nanomachines interfering with your biomind.



how do i get rid of them?



Go to the radio dead zone in west virginia / virginia



My static started in 2013 when I quit fluoride and started meditating. For me, all objects have a small halo or translucent aura distinct from the static; the intensity of both is increased temporarily after meditating.


A close friend of mine's gf has visual snow, and she just has bad eyes in general. I also have terrible eyes and while I'm sure my visual static is nowhere on her level, I still see it when looking at plain texture/colors and also while looking into darkness. I use it for basic meditation so I don't dislike it. But my point is that it's probably just your eyes considering my eyes are awful and so are hers and we both expierence it



Elaborating on my own post, when I meditate on the static, for a very long time and with the luck of success, I see what can be described as glowing diamonds which is just really amazing to look back on. Be it visual disorder or something esoteric, I really recommend focusing on it



i can see some forms of seethrough prisms when i focus on it but not much more



Synethesia - when there are connections between senses. Such as ability to see sounds, or numbers having color. It can be very broad. Some can taste or smell sound.

I can see the inner workings of my mind, see sound "flashover" from my ears. See the patterns of emotional states and brain waves. Sometimes it looks like static. Sometimes spots. I know when EMF "interfears" with my thoughts. Sometimes standing near a microwave or high powered electric motor will cause changes in the eddy flow of the brain state.

Cultivate the visual snow. I used to be not so good at it. Now it is part of my bio-API, and there are some who would love to dissect me, but I can destroy them easily…



>That's your schizophrenia.

why is this asshole everywhere?



really freaking cool


interesting theory for sure.

massive /x/ thread on the meffect




He's not. That's just your schizophrenia making you think that.



It might be related to glitches in the frequencies which uphold the simulated reality.



Had visual snow a long time, but recently I have started seeing seeing small white "stars" swimming around if I focus enough.



Do you see them in the same places? When I shut my eyes, in the center of my vision, there is a dim white ring that's been getting sharper over the last 5 1/2 years. Also, strong red and green hues, as well as "breathing" geometric shapes chaining and superimposing over my vision - especially on empty walls.



Did you work on your third eye? Did it develop naturally over 5 years without any effort on your part?

For me those states appeared pretty fast when I started to really work on my third eye. One, two weeks it took and I experienced the light static, the occasional orbs, and a ring in the middle of the vision when I close my eyes. The ring later became an eye that stared at me. What I did was nofap, visualization every day and meditations upon my chakras, especially a lot of third eye meditation.

Then I kinda forgot and went back to fapping and playing videogames only and all my progress degenerated: the light static dissapeared for the most part, the colors and orbs too and the eye in the vision when my eyes were closed too dissapeared. When I started working on my energy and my third eye again all these symptomps came back within a short time.

The hight of my third eye work was when I suddenly saw an explosion of many red, fiery orbs in my vision who flew across my vision and dissapeared when I was walking on the street. Another thing was with closed eyes I saw a blue eye staring at me and it was ultra real. Both events shocked me and left me bewildered.

All those are sings of progress of your third eye opening. Don't stop the work and ruin your progress like I did. Actually intensify the work and push it throuh until your third eye gets open for real.



Thank you for the reply! No, I haven't really pursued anything to do with the 3rd eye - I always considered the topic pretentious due to the people I knew preaching about it. Watching them gloat their superiority never seemed to come across as "enlightened". It's interesting that you mention it forming an eye and looking at you! That happened to me only once, back in 2013. I was very far from home and was deliriously ill, so I assumed it was just a fever dream.

It's great to hear this from your perspective, it validates the experience to know that you seem down to earth and not lording it over people. When you see the orbs, do you feel as though the colours are effected by who's around you? Not like auras, because they're not connected to the person, but the orbs seem to superimpose and become "tainted" by some. (Alternatively, some people seem to be "highlighted" by the orbs, and interacting with them always leads to good experiences.)

Would you recommend continuing opening the 3rd eye to someone with a history of psychosis? I've been hospitalized on numerous occasions due to delusions, nothing like what I talk about here though. I've never mentioned these because it seemed insignificant until learning others' experience the same.



Well when I saw the huge explosion of many orbs (small fireballs, maybe fairy like things) I was completely alone. I was walking in nature near a forest and only couple of farms were there. I have no knowledge if those orbs relate to any human being.

When I saw the hyper real blue eye appearing before my vision and staring at me when I was meditating with closed eyes…I was also alone, meditating at home. Every other orb appearance seems to happen at random so I cannot draw a definite connection to anything. But I have a few theories: Robert Bruce claims that you see orbs when the place you are in is haunted or at least ridden with negative energy. It might be the case that while abiding in such places you see the orbs as signs of spirirt energy. But I have to definetly confirm that for myself yet. The orb explosion might be because I either entered spirit territory and they surrounded me…or I entered a clean ground (it was nature after all) that maybe negative energy washed away from me, and I saw it happen.

The eye staring at you obviously only means you make great prigress with your third eye chakra, I think there is nothing more to say.

As for my advice, I doubt I am qualified to give any at all. You don't even want my advice, because I tend to favour extreme routes without care or concern for mundane safety or stuff like that. But if you really wanna know, I would tell you to open it. There is only one way to know the truth. The physical world is overrated anyway.

"Sanity can be the toll-

Leading to the core of your soul."



I appreciate your honesty, after ruminating on the last experience including the orbs I'm also unable to find a cause behind them. I'm inclined to agree with you about the negative energy - except for a couple times where it seemed to draw attention towards a positive event. Then again, the negative tends to outweigh the positive in the sense that I'm warned of situations or people that would otherwise bring me harm if I hadn't had taken action to avoid them.

I'm familiar with taking extreme routes in the pursuit for higher understanding, to be honest I'm very restricted in my waking life and due to confining circumstances I've been pretty reckless when my own well-being is involved. If I get even a small inkling that something I'm doing might lead to something bizarre, I do it - I'd sooner live with the punishment of trying than the regret of walking away.

I'll continue seeking out more in-depth information regarding the 3rd eye, thank you for pointing me in the right direction. If you're still around, I'd be curious to hear what you think about the idea there's a correlation between the 3rd eye and the pineal gland. Thanks!



You are welcome and of course thanks from my side for the pleasant responses. You are very formal and kind so I'd feel bad if I didn't adapt at least a little bit to this style just to return the kindness.

A lot of books and other sources tell us that spiritual phenomena is different and personalized for every single individual, since all is mind. Your own experiences may be completely different from mine and also have completely different meaning than mine have. I say "may" because even thought there is a general comon tendency for most people who experience such things it is still possible for some to mean something radically different. When in my case orbs might indicate presence of spirits or energy, in your case they may be guidance or something else, only you can know this. Your mind creates experiences according to your own views as far as I'm concerned.

>If I get even a small inkling that something I'm doing might lead to something bizarre, I do it - I'd sooner live with the punishment of trying than the regret of walking away.

This is pretty much the same mindset I have come to entertain after a long process of realization that what truely matters is not your own safety or your own survival.

About the pineal gland, they say it's the manifestation of the third eye in the physical body. If your pineal gland is activated and works well, your psychic abilities will be activated and your third eye will be open. I never really could find the connection why the pineal gland should represent the third eye and why it is even necessary to have it in good condition, since the third eye is a metaphysical thing, a chakra, it is broadened awareness. But then I heard about a case of a man who suffered from pineal gland cancer. And the cancer affected his pineal gland in such a way that he started to see major visions, visions and beings and worlds so grand that you would come to assume that his third eye was completely open and he could see all that is in the spiritual world. He even started to do huge paintings of what he saw, and those paintings are full of occult stuff and the typical things that people report who have their third eye open. That made me think that maybe there is something to the pineal gland after all…besides so many spiritual people talk about the pineal gland, even teachings from ancient times tell that the pineal gland is related to the third eye so…I mean I cannot know it but I feel it makes sense. Besides since the pineal gland is in most people completely calcified and inactive, or "rotten", no wonder why almost nobody have their third eye open and has supernatural powers like seeing spirit worlds, spirit beings, astral light, seeing into the future, telepathy and telekinesis etc etc. But I must say that research found out that the Pineal Gland releases DMT, which of course is the spirit molecule, a sort of psychodelic that frees your consciousness from the brain and expands it. This may be wy the guy who suffered from cancer in his pineal gland started to see all those visions, because the cancer must had caused the pineal gland to release high amounts of DMT or something like that. It may be the case that without the pineal gland it would be completely impossible for you to open your third eye as long as you live in the flesh. But even if that is the case, thankfully your consciousness is fully released after death and your third eye is automatically open.



I forgot to pick my Gnostic flag here, but I guess you know that it is still me. Well now at least.



I hope you don't feel pressured to express yourself more formally on my account, I only articulate myself this way online to communicate more efficiently and minimize misunderstandings. Honestly I'm quite blunt in most situations, but it's nice to know that you're enjoying our conversation as much as I am.

Anyhow, it's interesting how these experiences seem both incredibly personalized and yet shockingly archetypal simultaneously. What's your view on Jungian topics such as the "collective unconscious"? Have you ever had a spiritual experience or dream that played out symbolically, and then was later mirrored in waking reality with more tangible people/objects/locations? If it's personal you don't need to elaborate the details entirely.

As for pineal gland and the release of DMT, perhaps the reason it's been a natural occurrence in my case is due to the avoidance of flouride calcifying it. What's your view on synesthesia? Do you think it has a relation to the release of DMT also? It's interesting how you describe the worlds he sees, it'd be interesting to know the painter's name and see his images. Have you had recurring dreams of sublime landscapes or architecture? Seemingly nonsensical - or at least, unexplainable in waking terms but "making sense" within the dreams? Something like a weather event or seemingly natural phenomenon that seems commonplace or "right" within the landscape? Sometimes it feels like there are other people, real people in the dreams, like a shared dream. Getting close to them blurs us together, at least in my experience. I don't know if they feel "me", or if it's just an isolated dream.

Thank you again for your insights!


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Nah I'm not feeling pressured, no worries. Just now, being inspired from our conversation I lied down and tried to meditate on my third eye. To further inspirate me I listened to the attached video. Even if it's placebo, it helps me concentrate so I try out some of those vids sometimes. (I don't always meditate with sounds tho). At first nothing at all happened for what seemed forever, but then as I drifted more and more from reality into fantasy world I suddenly found myself in pretty deep trance and it was then that I actually had another very vivid vision of a face staring at me (well, it was only the upper half of a face). It was small, as if in the distance but those eyes pierced me. I guess they were female, as if belonging to a girl, but I am not quite sure. Naturally the surprise and shock drew me out of the trance instantly and after this nothing happened again at all. It's funny that I saw the upper half of a face. Last time I meditated and went into trance I saw the lower half of a womans face, the chin and the lips. I am pretty tired now and will go to sleep so i won't go down some rambligns on what this could mean.

I will come back to your post later and address some of your points again, but for now I leave you the link to one article about this pineal artist: http://the-nexian.me/2-uncategorised/122-the-strange-story-of-an-artist-with-pineal-cancer

His name is Shawn Thornton and in this article there is a link to his whole gallery….or maybe not whole, dunno. but there are quite a lot of his paintings.

>Have you had recurring dreams of sublime landscapes or architecture?

Indeed I had, and they were the most fascinating and amazing-feeling dreams I can recount. But I will talk about this later when I am back. Why do you ask this? Did you have this too? What kind of phenomena did you experience overall in regards to third eye and maybe even astral traveling?



Thank you for the link! Shawn's art seems familiar, reminds me of the intricate works of Paul Laffoley. What strikes me personally is the use of eyes throughout the work - patterned into the whole. Did you find a relation to any symbolism within his pieces?

Glad to hear you also have a positive experience with the frequency videos, I've found them to help - but also working towards finding definitive proof of their assistance by tracking EEG behaviour with OpenBCI equipment. Hoping that if we can determine exactly what's going on, we can figure out external ways to influence the waves more strongly. I have a hunch that gamma is overlooked, I hope to see if they compliment theta in any capacity. Or it'll be debunked, and we can move on to another idea. Win-Win?

I'd be interested to hear a more detailed description of the girl in your vision. Do you think the upper face and the lower face belong to the same entity? Any emotional expression?

I asked about the landscapes because my most prominent dreams take place in the same locations. Within those places, I feel the presence of other people - at first I was under the impression they were all deceased, as an entity I come into frequent contact with lead me to believe they were science fiction author Philip K Dick. It was so bizarre to me, because I met "him" before knowing who he was or what he had to do with my own interests. I only knew of Blade Runner as a film, and that his name was mentioned on the back of William Gibson's "Neuromancer" - now I'm obsessed with his works, for a lack of a better term. Reading his novels and transcribing his Exegesis have become a central part of my life. I was also lead by a different entity to study the works of Goethe, especially the "Faust" poetry - but also his scientific studies. I was influenced by another different entity to delve into Pre-Socratic philosophy, Heraclitus to be exact. My music tastes have expanded incredibly, also - far beyond the limited tastes I had beforehand. I feel that after the night of December 1st, 2012, I ceased to be alone. I feel like I blend with entities in my dreams, and for the better - I've actually grown to detest the person I was before this had taken place. They've helped me to become more assertive and less gullible, more diplomatic in a sense. They've civilized me, to a degree.

I hope that doesn't sound too insane. It took me over 5 years to come to this conclusion, most of the years spent trying to conceal and deny it. I've only come to appreciate the additional company after it, in a way, saved my life.

Hope you rest well, looking forward to hearing from you again.


File: 2fc4b13d7da0302⋯.pdf (1.34 MB, AwakeningTheThirdEye - Sam….pdf)


I am back. Let's see what we can find out.

>What's your view on Jungian topics such as the "collective unconscious"?

Carl Jung is a good source to study, much like Alan Watts mainly because they were both involved with real philosophy and the metahphysical, occult phenomena and admitted them as real, unlike almost any other scientist, doctor or wannabe philosopher. Those were great guys actually who still had an open mind somehow (imo at least). The collective unconsciouness is defintely real from my own observations, but one can also call it the collective ego. Besides most individuals being egoistic/unconscious retards, when many of those get together they form this meta ego/unconsciousness and become like a hivemind, all individuals become bound by this meta ego in addition to their own egos. That is of course society, but can be anything where few or more people are involved. Religion, lodges, clubs, clans, guilds and so on. Isn't this why it is said of a real master to never be part of any group? The sage abhors any community because he is aware how this unconscious hivemind entangles all it's members and limits ones own freedom.

What's your oppinion of this? Maybe you don't agree with this at all.

>Have you ever had a spiritual experience or dream that played out symbolically, and then was later mirrored in waking reality with more tangible people/objects/locations?

I don't really know. I am not so advanced, or should I say aware yet that I can tell such things. I can hardly remember my dreams at all.

>Have you had recurring dreams of sublime landscapes or architecture?

>Sometimes it feels like there are other people, real people in the dreams, like a shared dream

Sometimes, but very rarely I have extremely vivid dreams that I have no trouble remembering at all. Those dreams seem to be of a completely different order than normal dreams. A lot of times in such dreams I get to visit the same magical, beautiful location where I would love to stay forever if I could. It feels extremely good to be there. A lot of times it's a mysterious place in nature, something like a lake or forest of the utmost beauty and mystery. Sometimes it's a place where when you look into the sky you see a sky full of galaxies, colors and swirling stars. Rarely I will meet a person in such a dream that seems to be self-aware, or real. A person that is not a product of my dream mind but who exist by itself, so real and uncommon they feel. I have come to the conclusion that those dreams are not actual dreams. They are legit astral travels during sleep. Travels into hyper reality. My waking state in this physical existence seems like a lame joke compared to the magnificence of such dreams.


>Did you find a relation to any symbolism within his pieces?

A lot, but for the sake of this post I won't go into it. I am pretty sure you will find a lot yourself.

>I'd be interested to hear a more detailed description of the girl in your vision. Do you think the upper face and the lower face belong to the same entity? Any emotional expression?

Well I don't know if the two halves of the face belonged together and were of the same entity. Maybe even not. Maybe it was hallucinations. The lips were red and the eyes were blue, and somehow cold pirecing through me. I don't want to interpret too much into it because most likely it was a trick of the mind anyway, a hallucinatons. You get this stuff when you sink into deep trance. But maybe it was the Gnostic spirit of wisdom, Sophia, who I have been asking recently to help me attaining Gnosis and to show me the way. Or maybe it was the Tulpa that I am trying to create somehow starting to manifest before my eyes. Who knows.

Judging from your experiences with entities and how you do reseach you seem pretty advanced so I assume you will know most of this stuff already and come to your own conclusions. Unfortunately for me no entitiy came into contact with me as far as I know and I received no direct guidance, unless maybe passive that I do not know about. I would like to get in contact with helpful entities but I guess it cannot be helped.

Also I am sorry that I can not answer all of your questions and explain more because frankly I don't know too much myself and my experiences are also pretty limited. However I attached a book about the third eye which I believe is not in the fringe library…and even if it is, who cares. Maybe you will find it helpful if you haven't come across it yet.



After a long time of struggle, self-observation and making progress I realized the most two damaging factors imo that hinder you from progress on any spiritual undertaking, especially work on the third eye. And those are masturbation/ejaculation/wasting semen, and alcohol. When I was a mundane I didn't even notice the damaging effects of those two things. I would drink beer or harder stuff and not care at all. I would fap all the time and not even realize how much energy I waste with it. But after having done the work I am aware of this now, I can actually feel how damaging even one beer is. Normies do not comprehend this like I didn't before, but once you start the spiritual work you will exactly feel that even a little bit of alcohol can do great damage on both your physical body and your energy bodies. Same with masturbation. Now I feel how much energy you waste when you orgasm once. It's unbelievable…when you experience this it all makes sense why most of the masters are celibates, why monks value celibacy so much and why Gnostics say you should only waste semen when you make a child, and else never ever. Celibacy alone may open your third eye after a few months or years because you just keep storing the life energy without wasting it and you get filled with it more and more until all of your latent spiritua powers develop naturally, nurtured by the energy.

So, this is my personal advice to you. It may not apply to you because everyone is different, but you can at least experiment with it and pay attention to it. No wasting of semen and no alcohol will greatly benefit you if you work on your third eye. But of course you will have to confirm this yourself. For me it took years to finally realize this from own experience.

I wish you best of luck in your undertakings.



Post 1/2

Exactly! Sometimes it feels like I'm systematically losing respect for great people simply out of their dismissive attitudes towards incredible phenomenon. It's almost like they're supposing if it's something they personally can't make sense of, it's either unworthy or non-existent - what a level of hubris!! Passion for knowledge doesn't care about your intellectual standing among peers, they should be in a constant state of attempting to debunk themselves. Mistakes are precious, especially in a "blind" experience where you'd be unaware of the direction you want to aim in without the aid of setbacks. I agree with your ideas surrounding the collective ego, but I see it more like a "copy" of the collective unconscious that's been manipulated and warped by addicts to the "material" life - corporations, credit/debt, nonsensical social hierarchies - it's like the majority of people are anchored to the sick and malnourished hivemind, and maybe I'm going a little too tin-foil hat here, but I think that's the purpose of all those lodges and clans. Poison the subconscious mental connections we share, and divide the masses against one another. I'm naive enough to believe that if this power/control system wasn't in place, people are generally well-meaning. It's been like this forever, though - maybe it's just a more tangible scapegoat for the Demiurge. Remember that scene in "Men in Black"? A person is smart, but people-

>I don't really know. I am not so advanced, or should I say aware yet that I can tell such things. I can hardly remember my dreams at all.

It's funny you say that, I wouldn't consider that to be reflective of being inadvanced. It's a responsible mindset to adopt, seems beneficial to filter our experiences. Often times I doubt and repress an experience until it re-appears many times, and then worry that it ever even happened. Then again if something resonates with a deep-seated desire, I'll cling to an incredibly weak coincidence. Being self-aware doesn't stop me from it simply, haha.

>They are legit astral travels during sleep. Travels into hyper reality.

The landscapes you describe match up with a theory I read on halfchan, except in terms of certain drugs. The thread was describing how when people have a shared experience under the influence - people smoking salvia claim to see a cosmic mother figure who comforts or scolds them, people taking ketamine claim that the sky and the cosmos superimposes onto their ceiling and expands, under the influence of psychedelics many people claim they interact with "machine elves" who laugh with them and give them mind toys and thought trinkets. Perhaps we don't need substances, but can attain that in dreams? Learning the "cosmic co-ordinates" and zoning in on the location? Beats me. How have your experiences been in attempts to communicate with the self-aware dream people? Any success? That's one endeavor I fail repeatedly - attempting to get closer feels like they're devouring my volition and I lose my ability to interact in the dream, can only watch the experience through them and their actions. Not fun. When you speak of hyper-reality, what is your personal description of the term? Where do you think it stands within dimensional terms - how some believe it's witnessing a 4th dimensional experience lacking the "eyes" to perceive it's true nature. Does this parallel your current conclusions, or do you have a different take?




Post 2/2

Your vision of Sophia sounds like an archetypal experience, perhaps because you're attributing it to her it makes it so? Or maybe that's my own wishful thinking. Philip K Dick had a vision of Hagia Sophia coming to him in the form of Linda Ronstadt, and he incorporated it into his VALIS novel. Did you feel that the cold piercing sensation was a judgement, or more of an attention-gripping awareness? I can understand the temptation to dismiss it as a hallucination, but when you mentioned the face it reminded me of a discussion online speculating whether the "fun fact" claiming you can't invent unique faces in dreams has any truth to it. If her face was unrecognizable as someone you know personally, it could mean something. Or, it could be the face of someone you forgot or even an invented face because the factoid is bunk. Who knows, heh.

Honestly I'm not advanced by any means, for instance I didn't have a firm understanding about what is truly meant by a 3rd eye opening until this thread. Although I have dreams and "experiences", or so I believe at times, I don't know how to analyze them without attributing extra meaning. Don't be sorry about the questions, it's better to be honest about the reach of knowledge we possess. The conversation is more important.

The book you've enclosed has been enlightening so far, it strengthens the validity of these sensations and provides exercises that don't seem redundant or nonsensical as many other sources do. It's enjoyable that it doesn't come across sugar-coated, too. I'm only 1/3rd through though, so I guess that's the first impression.

I agree 100% with you about how damaging alcohol is to this process. All of my lowest points have been achieved due to going on a bender, and the withdrawal that follows. The celibacy comes easy to me, I don't even have to try. I'm unfamiliar with the differences between our physical bodies and energy bodies, so I'll be looking that up in the meantime. I have had a series of bizarre occurrences surrounding masturbation though - I'll be abstaining for weeks or months, and then when I feel like it's unbearable to continue abstaining I'll focus on a certain idea or situation during "climax" and it seems to work like a magnet attracting everything I focused on during the act towards me. Almost like I'm meeting "it" half-way, I bend towards it and it bends to meet me. It might just be multiple coincidences, but once you mentioned the energy saved by abstaining it got me thinking about what the energy might be able to influence when released. Then again, it could be damaging, so I'll heed your advice until I find more evidence of my orgasm magic.

Thank you for the words of wisdom, I hope your endeavor to attain Gnosis continues to be an interesting journey.

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