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Esoteric Wizardry


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>Plato believed that the Forms were interrelated, and arranged in a hierarchy. The highest Form is the Form of the Good, which is the ultimate principle.


>Plotinus identified his "One" with the concept of 'Good' and the principle of 'Beauty'. [I.6.9] His "One" concept encompassed thinker and object.


>The privation of good (Latin: privatio boni) is a theological doctrine that evil, unlike good, is insubstantial, so that thinking of it as an entity is misleading. Instead, evil is rather the absence or lack ("privation") of good


>the ethical problem and the metaphysical problem coincide: the measure of reality, as of the good, of the certain and of the true, is the perfection of actuality or power. Per virtutem et potentiam idem intelligo.



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"We must therefore say that every action has goodness, in so far as it has being; whereas it is lacking in goodness, in so far as it is lacking in something that is due to its fullness of being; and thus it is said to be evil: for instance if it lacks the quantity determined by reason, or its due place, or something of the kind."
- Thomas Aquinas


This shit is too abstract for me. Try as I can, I just… can't grasp the meaning of this.


He's saying that Good is the basic, the standard virtue. Evil is not a seperate force from good, but the absence of good. Imagine good as water, and ice as the absence of good. Ice is different from water, but is the same chemical


Actually I would say light and darkness , though cliched, is a better analogy.

Darkness isn't it's own entity, it is nearly the absence of light. It is the same with good and evil.





Socrates said the unexamined life isn't worth living.

Aristotle said the unplanned life isn't worth examining.

What makes the forms in a hierarchy? All I see are the ideas which have survived, and the ones that have died.

It seems that the more an idea connects with the human condition, and the more it is relatable and contrastable to our conscious experience, the more likely it is to survive.

The more impenetrable idea also survives. Laws of physics and such survive because they are solid in every fashion, and consistent with each other and the universe around them.

Ideas that control men to violence against men with other ideas successfully, seem to survive.

Ideas which are unique in their form and content have little competition in their uniqueness which makes them survive.

On the whole, these forms would not exist if they were not transmissible by human communication.

If a man is born into nature alone, he is feral and never develops these complex syllogistic thought forms.

Turns out, Aristotle is right. A=A.

This is all real. You are a piece of the universe which is aware of itself.

That means you are a little computer which is able to generate models of itself and understand those models by generating another model within that model which it is then able to understand by generating a third model of itself within itself.

This continues forever like a painting of a painting of a painting.


Nothing is inherently morally good or bad. We created morals. I read Nietzsche everytime i shit, "blessed are those who sleep for they will soon drop off."

Morality isn't real… I'm not real. Neither are any of you. Life is pointless, we will die and go nowhere. You shouldn't entertain the idea that you will. Life is without meaning or purpose.


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>Morality isn't real… I'm not real. Neither are any of you. Life is pointless, we will die and go nowhere.

What the fuck did you just say about me you little bitch?

Do you even astral?


The Good is the source of all Being; The Good is the Wellspring of Life. Evil, in a surprisingly literal way, does not exist–the fate of evil is oblivion. The more perfect one's alignment with the Good, the more real one becomes–more actual, more divine. Evil just fades and fades until it is nothing.

When Adam and Eve ate the Forbidden Fruit, the first thing God said to them was "Where are you?" They had faded so much that He could hardly see them.


>I read Nietzsche everytime i shit


Good and bad is the same thing. Junk food can be considered good compared to having nothing to eat which would be bad. Healthy food would be considered good compared to junk food which would be considered bad. I'ts the same thing just a difference in degree.



To our front we see moral relativism trying to bridge the gap into absolute morality. At this time a kind soul might inform him that what he is trying to do is impossible.

What you say is wrong. If something can be better than something else than necessarily the as an absolute goodness. If not-bad is better than bad then necessarily there is a good that is better than both. That is absolute morality. One established in bad will say then it is all relative." One establish in neither-good-nor-bad will there is neither-good-nor-bad" One established in good will say there is good, neither-good-not-bad and there is bad." The one thus established in goodness is the correct absolutely for what he says allows no contradiction.

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