>>11117Socrates said the unexamined life isn't worth living.
Aristotle said the unplanned life isn't worth examining.
What makes the forms in a hierarchy? All I see are the ideas which have survived, and the ones that have died.
It seems that the more an idea connects with the human condition, and the more it is relatable and contrastable to our conscious experience, the more likely it is to survive.
The more impenetrable idea also survives. Laws of physics and such survive because they are solid in every fashion, and consistent with each other and the universe around them.
Ideas that control men to violence against men with other ideas successfully, seem to survive.
Ideas which are unique in their form and content have little competition in their uniqueness which makes them survive.
On the whole, these forms would not exist if they were not transmissible by human communication.
If a man is born into nature alone, he is feral and never develops these complex syllogistic thought forms.
Turns out, Aristotle is right. A=A.
This is all real. You are a piece of the universe which is aware of itself.
That means you are a little computer which is able to generate models of itself and understand those models by generating another model within that model which it is then able to understand by generating a third model of itself within itself.
This continues forever like a painting of a painting of a painting.