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Tipp's Fringe Bunker

File: 7c71457611c5f14⋯.gif (30.52 KB, 300x292, 75:73, Phrenology-300x292.gif)


This page lists 155 topics considered to be "pseudoscience":


If there is a 1% of a given pseudoscientific hypothesis being true, then there is a 89% chance that one or more of those theories are actually true. So /fringe/, which are they?


155% of you bullshit occultists are in psychosis. Kill yourselves schizophrenic simpleton trash fucks. Your lives are a fucking lie. You are basically toddlers trying to whine your way to success.

Look! You awoke right before the third sunrise of the month! You pointed east at Michaelangelo Archangealis! You recited the poem of acceptance into the local mental institution!

You faggots are in denial. Get fucking lives and do something other than basically becoming the best at making Windows 95 programs. Wow! Kewl! U succesfully did something that people did 50 years ago and have now created a better system for! You are officially magic the gathering! Nah, you are fucking retards. I'm gonna get rich and write your horoscopes in your local newspapers so I can manipulate you into staying the fuck away from everyone who is worth anything. You will listen because you are so fucking retarded that you think there are only 12 possible days that everyone in the fucking universe can have. Despite the fact that there are hundreds of different languages, every day for every human only happens one of 12 ways that only magikul psychics who have stayed within a 5 mile radius 99.9999% of their lives know about. These "psychics" (morons in psychosis) have no idea how to say one word in any other language, but they know exactly how a man in Congo is going to find love. Aight. Good one. That makes sense. It is so real! #confirmed

You dangerously retarded fucking morons who have caused every war ever are definitely gonna keep running shit! You so smart! And you are also smart! And your religion$ make lots of sense! You just made up some fucking shit and said it's real, and it's not real at all, but you are going to try to destroy everyone grounded in reality because of your FAITH, aka your stubbornness which prevents you from admitting your brain is so fucking damaged that you think you can essentially walk into a bank and say "I'M MASTER AND THE VOICE IN MY HEAD SAYS IM MASTER BUT I SERVE HIM AND MY MASTER SAID HE WANTS YOU TO LET ME BE YOUR MASTER SO GIVE ME ALL THE MONEY NOW!" and just because some other criminally insane opportunists latch onto your bullshit for some easy conning you deserve special protection for your group of psychopaths. Nah. I already ended your bullshit you stupid pussies. Every religion is dead. Welcome to fucking reality, bitches.



You're quite upset.



Please teach me the ways of Fecalmancy.


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God gave me my awesome superpowers which are real. I'm awesome as fuck.



It's raining (you)s for (you). That's a lot of words for someone who doesn't care about "the paranormal" and considers it a psychosis. judging by how you use it, you don't know what that word means btw

I'll let you in on a little secret: you are fucking transparent, mate. Perhaps to everyone but yourself.



There are only 100% tho. Did you ever learn basic maths?

Why are you so mad if this is all BS? Because it doesn't bother you, right? Seeing as you're telling people to stop doing what they're doing, it must matter a lot to you, meaning it really does work against you. check mate


Can we actually talk about the subject of the thread?




Hey imaginary friends in my head, watch this! I'm gonna show this dude how not mad I am by telling him how not mad I am. What kind of loser thinks that my belief set is such bullshit that it is based on delusional beliefs I formed while in psychosis? What kind of loser thinks that my belief set that isn't based on delusional beliefs I formed while in psychosis is so fragile that I would need to take time out of my day to try to manipulate them into not calling out my belief set that isn't based on complete fucking nonsense? Ugh! I'm totally just trying to steer them in another direction just because like I'm like magic and can like do whatever I lyke want even if it's flying ugh I just wanted to do that to try it ugh I didn't do it because my ego was shattered ugh whatever I'm going back to the wizards den *drives to job at mcdonalds*.

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