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Tipp's Fringe Bunker

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If you've at least read the Kybalion, you know that even nothing is something, but did you know that literally everything is nothing?

Einstein's famous formula, e=mc/2 tells us that energy is mass, and that mass is also energy, and newton's 3rd law "When one body exerts a force on a second body, the second body simultaneously exerts a force equal in magnitude and opposite in direction on the first body", reveals this truth even to mundanes, but most people will never be able to realize this.

Scientists know that nothing can be created nor destroyed, things can only undergo nature transformations and shape transformations, yet they claim that everything in the universe originated at a single point in time and space, specifically, during the big bang, which occured everywhere 14 billion years ago, these two claims are not actually conflicting, because all energy has mass which nullifies it, that's why there is a finite upper speed that something can travel in the universe, because even apparently "massless" particles have a point at which they become too heavy to accelerate themselves further, not due to a lack of energy, but because the energy itself IS the weight.

Throw a punch, and your fist will weigh 50 kg for an instance, throw a harder punch and it will weigh 100 kg, how is that possible? If you strapped a 100 kg weight to your arm you couldn't throw even a weak punch with it, so how come your very hand can weigh that much in motion without pulling your whole arm down?

The answer is very simple ; there is no mass nor energy being exerted here, more mass just means more energy, and more energy just means more mass, no matter how much energy you have, the sum of it after you subtract what is lost to its own mass is 0, nil, the whole universe is a loan, if you borrow money from someone it may seem like you're richer than before, but you're not, borrow more money and you just increase your debt, if you start out with 0 dollars and borrow a million dollars, you have 1 million dollars + 1 million dollars in debt, 0, it would be the same if you borrowed just 10 or a billion, it's the same with the universe, except money is energy and debt is mass, the total amount of energy in the universe that isn't rendered inert by mass is either incredibly tiny or just straight up 0 J

All kinds of crazy fucked up shit goes on here, magick, science, whatever, but in the end, it's all just a giant puppet show, an illusion, the law of polarity states that there exists no force that doesn't have an opposite which can turn it back to 0.


The magic of Zero, the net sum of the universe.


Bullshit pseudo-esoteric metaphysic wankery: the thread

>that's why there is a finite upper speed that something can travel in the universe




Then explain, how does something appear out of nothing and no-thing?

>I don't hafta tell ya anythin neoffyte!

It is costum that when you tell someone they are wrong that you also provide the correct information



Nothing is just a concept. Everything exists.


saw this in the nerve center and am posting before reading but the guys over on

>>>/nothingness/ might appreciate this, they even have a fringe thread




oh gawd

>scientists know

someones been brain fucked

>finite upper speed

yea…. about that….

>nothing can be created or destroyed

Outright false, even according to the (((scientific consensus))). Particles and anti-particles continuously pop into and out of existence everywhere, and all the time.

Be careful with the Kybalion you have access too, the interpretations have Qabbalistic influences.



>Particles and anti-particles continuously pop into and out of existence everywhere, and all the time.

And wouldn't you know, those quantum fome particles always negate each other and return to zero, nothing is actually being created here, the sum of every such particle that has ever existed is a flat 0, just like everything else.

I also noticed you believe there to be a dichotomy between science and occultist studies, while there is in fact no such thing and there has never been one, William himself even refers to contemporary scientific papers in his books, it is true that the scientific community has dilapidated harshly during the previous century, though.

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