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Tipp's Fringe Bunker

File: c480c18cbc7657e⋯.png (28.54 KB, 1407x657, 469:219, Push.png)


Here is a sigil about fulfilling ones goals.

Its a mixture of both discovering what one really wants and finding the path to that goal.

It should be on fire, while resting. Ignoring it would be best because it feeds on silence.

Also it likes to break things.

Thanks and good luck.


File: 268ad9a2b8e7e9e⋯.jpg (37.89 KB, 500x473, 500:473, 1509653120767.jpg)


Earlier today, a few hours ago, I searched the catalog for a thread on sigils and didn't find what I was looking for, and then you posted this. Thanks OP.


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


No prob. I love using fringe for doing sigil work. My goal is an accelerated humanity beyond mediocrity through synchronicity.



Very green pilled. I admire that. Keep up the good work.


File: 0313a21c0d85a0a⋯.gif (1.79 MB, 478x302, 239:151, bengston method.gif)

The Bengston Method


right-click the video, then click on "Loop", then click on the gif image. The Image consists of 20 specific images related to my personal goals. The choice is yours.



why the highly suspect song?


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


File: 66937752cdc1f79⋯.jpeg (71.24 KB, 400x447, 400:447, 2C18B1B1-95C2-43FE-84C6-E….jpeg)

This is a sigil for making one’s mobile device function without issue. I’ve had great success with it.


Thanks! He’s so helpful and good-natured.



I just masturbated to your sigil and now my dog keeps barking at me.


File: e7b4ccd8818c2f5⋯.jpg (98.28 KB, 1200x659, 1200:659, doggo.jpg)


>what did he mean by this?


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


I pull most of this shit straight from intuition when I'm doing it. Both the drawings and the music.

I wanted a song about being human and the Smiths song was the only one I could think of. Google brought up the Highly Suspect song and it felt 'tingly' so I used it instead.


File: 338dcc18882ea32⋯.png (13.03 KB, 1890x694, 945:347, untitled sigil dance.png)

Another chaos sigil for this chaos sigil thread.

use appropriately (which means light the fuse and run)


File: b20669f190fce28⋯.gif (1001.93 KB, 500x291, 500:291, lone digger dogs.gif)


Nice. I like all the Highly Suspect songs I have heard, which is why it grabbed my attention.



Lol elaborate please. I don't want to fuck my own shit up because its already fucked up.



It's mostly just a representative of using chaos magic and specific for this thread, but could be used anytime if someone wanted to.

I would define chaos as the sublime humorous nature of the Universe where even in the worst situation one should expect a punchline. It's sort of the core of "meme magic", all coincidence and synchronicity stuff. The way that magic is most powerful when just done for fun. So that's wrapped up in the image.

Generally if I'm in a rut or untenable situation and really don't see any way out I sometimes use a sigil that relies on chaos to find the solution rather than try to control my way out of it with specific outcomes. Same principle applies to turn chaos loose in someone else's life, which can be easier than trying to hex or curse them since its more about their own karma and less about me wanting an outcome. Like throwing a kitten a ball of yarn to keep it busy.



Fantastic explanation. Thank you so much.



I have weird stuff happen around me all the time, always have. Electronics malfunctioning, programs doing weird stuff.

One time I.T. was working on my computer at work, and as had happened often before both home and at work, on totally different computers, the computer refused to eject the c.d. I commented to the I.T. guy about being used to it and he gave me the weirdest look and said he'd never seen a computer do that, much less two different unrelated ones. He had no explanation why it was doing it. To me it was just normal life.

So for full disclosure that image also represents that particular game playing entity in my minds eye. Probably a leprechaun or something.






That's good advice, but OP's sigil has already made my life better and the knowledge he dropped was pretty sweet and gave me clarity to work through some major issues I had been going through.


Thanks, OP



You're fucking fourth-rate cattle drone receptacle with no thoughts that are not excrement. You'll do anything anyone with a semblance of authority tells you to do. You'll imitate their thoughts and actions, bowing on your knees and worshiping them, kowtowing and prostrating yourself to them with no free will of you're own. You're just a vessel. You died many years ago and now you're just drifting purposelessly like sea-foam across the ocean regurgitating endless combinations and permutations of someone else's excrement which you believe is valuable within your robotic dichotomy. But in truth you can't see further than your own nose, just using some random guy's sigil on Fringe with no knowledge of anything at all. I'll tell you a secret Anon: You eat and sleep and move and think in total sync with the wax and wane of the tide-cycle. The lunar phase controls every feeling and emotion you have and yet you call yourself free. Maybe you'll get high on some dopamine once in a while but I don't expect much else.



You don't know shit about me. Based on that stupid ass reply I'd say you're a sad cringey little loser.


File: 70b2f2245371355⋯.png (270.13 KB, 1890x840, 9:4, burntoward.png)



Thats an interesting take on my sigil work. Your not paying attention though. If I succeed in making everyone my slave, it means they are free.

To get where I want to go means standing on the shoulders of giants.

So don't be upset if I'm summoning giants.


File: ab22006f0fb68f2⋯.png (277.8 KB, 1890x840, 9:4, reburned.png)

I'm going to bump this because an important aspect of this thread seems to have been missed.

The Bengston Method.

The guy has been using it for the last thirty years to cure cancer in a clinical setting. And it involves power manifestation. Instead of tripping balls over fears of loosh farming, the Bengston Method should be the primary locus.



>If I succeed in making everyone my slave, it means they are free.

??? Explain


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Previously stated here:


>My goal is an accelerated humanity beyond mediocrity through synchronicity.

My goals require an elevated humanity, not a subjugated one.


File: c1a181f1f1afce4⋯.png (4.49 KB, 233x270, 233:270, Screenshot_2.png)

Nice thread.





File: ed53138eecb95a0⋯.png (582.9 KB, 750x1334, 375:667, IMG_1437.PNG)


More info on The Bengston Method please


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Interview attached, long but best description of what he does and how that I've found so far.

Basics are that you create a list with a minimum of twenty things you want. At least twenty, but more is better. Be specific and include a context for each one. Build out each image/goal in your mind as much as possible. If you want a car, be specific about the type and have a scene where you are fully involved with the car, radio jamming, feel of the seats, stink of the air freshener, super model sitting next to you asking why you keep saying she has to eat all the eggs and then laughing maniacally, etc.

Once your satisfied with the image/memory, move on to the next goal.

Then begin cycling through the images. Practice cycling through the images faster and faster. The idea is to get it plugged into the subconscious so that its like any other automatic process, walking, blinking, farting, etc.

I'm not too clear about the healing part because I've only used it trying to heal the entire universe, then slept for about 18 hours (true story).

Stuff I've picked up from David Snyder videos is to be playful with it. Avoid ritual. Pretend it works. This helps bypass your filters.


File: 6b72c29e2081d6c⋯.jpg (919.01 KB, 2560x1440, 16:9, 20171122_164250.jpg)

My hair got fucked up so i made this sigil to hopefully get it to grow faster




Looks like a disgruntled moose.


File: 5b7608bdc522916⋯.png (46.47 KB, 1890x840, 9:4, lovers hunt.png)

Here is a sigil about being found.

Its a high energy sigil wrapped in hidden truths.

If you are meant to be on the path it will bring to you the kinds of wisdom you need to succeed.

I really don't know what all it does, but it seems nice.

Thanks and good luck.


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


here is some music to accompany the previous sigil

The sigil isn't related to vampirism but it is related to the idea of Sholomance. Sholomance was the school where Vlad learned to become what he was.


so I had the impression a sigil is intended for whatever intention is placed upon it either at its inception/incarnation, or with the bulk of intention directed at it.

and I also had the impression that it would primarily if not solely benefit the creator of the sigil.

So… is there any use to using these?

Can't they just be used by the creator to make whatever its creator wants, despite whatever he says it means/whatever reason people direct energy toward it for?


File: fe3ba5d0572f372⋯.jpg (250.37 KB, 1024x1066, 512:533, goetia_seal_of_solomon_kab….jpg)


>and I also had the impression that it would primarily if not solely benefit the creator of the sigil.

My understanding is that the sigil connects with specific energies/entities in the Universe, related to certain goals. Like medals of christian saints. Magic is full of sigil work where the sigils are shared.



that would make sense. I would imagine then that multiple people can use a sigil someone made up because they impregnated it with intention to vibe a certain way when they made it (?)


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


I've tried really hard to be accepting of the belligerent type of intelligence on this board, but everyone has their end point.

I've reached mine.


File: 010db720b4709de⋯.png (2.76 KB, 1395x665, 279:133, not a dragon.png)

[someone asked for me to draw the dragon. The dragon refused. It insisted that it was best represented in the dreamtime. If you asked, expect. If you didn't, ignore and find a simpler path because it won't ignore you]


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.





>sigils connect

beware of using or even looking at any random sigil, then. you may have terrible consequences.



Help a brainlet out. How to make a sigil? How to charge a sigil?


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


I'll let Grant Morrison explain it. I'm lazy.



Thank you!

But he doesn't really explain how to charge them though…



If youre new just charge them with semen tbh.



Uhh.. are there other ways?



Just about any method of attaining gnosis will do, jacking off and looking at them at the moment of orgasm is just the easiest method. As for paying some token sum of semen or blood as a 'seal,' that'll work, the important thing is that you have an event which 'seals the deal' and actually hits the start button on the sigil in your mind, after which you stop worrying about it, which is often phrased as 'forgetting' or 'sublimating' it. These are correct phrases but the truth is that the bottom line is, once a sigil is working, it's working, and if you keep worrying and giving a shit, it tells your mind that what you want seems to be for it to be sme pointless exercise, which it can be if that's what you want.

If you want it to be more, commit to suspending your disbelief for long enough not to worry about it.

Also, you can leave the vowels in. Or just fart out a sigil from random impulses. Sigil crafting is basically just a near-nucleic magical ritual, the important thing is that it anchors an intent or desire and takes it out of the realm of 'what if' and gives it a certain mental weight. I like to think of it as bribing my psychic censor to look the other way.

If you really want to go whole-hog, Frater UD's Practical Sigil Magic is readily available as a free pdf, and the method is really easy, *almost* too easy, but just hard enough to give it some weight.


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Vid embeded is a very good method (any method for self-hypnosis basically includes what you want).

Bonus video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x_O5I8xDB_w




Many thanks anons!

I'll pray/make a sigil for you!


Are memes and sigils the same thing? What is the connection between memetics and magick?



meme=idea that is replicated through spread, or an idea that basically self-spreads.

sigil=contextualized idea, given form in a symbol and energy to do a purpose.

the connection between memetics and magic is that both are based in Will and Intention, and given Energy.


File: 5f9ad5a75bb13ec⋯.png (44.26 KB, 1395x665, 279:133, seeing things.png)


Are memes and sigils the same thing? What is the connection between memetics and magick?

Artistic expression begins with ancient primal drives.

Thoughts, ideas, emotions that are too complex for language to express fully.

So these drives and complex energies associated with them are expressed through symbols.

You see art every day, but sometimes you see something that just triggers something and you can't explain what or why it did.

When it happens to a percentage of the general population its tapping into a meme.

The tap root of reality in a sense.



I had another thought, but it flew the coop.

Probably something about resonance.

Ok, now I remember, it's a continuation of the theme of this thread, one I keep returning to.

Biologically we have a history from the dawn of whatever began this reality. Written across time. Millennia of experiences building to the creation of complex organisms, including us.

But at the same time we have spirits, who we are as human beings seemingly coming straight from the source and separate from that millennia of experiences that give form to our animal bodies.

Why we are so seemingly naive yet ridiculously powerful.


Thoughts on keeping sigils Vs destroying them?



Not unless you treat them the same. Personally I'm extremely distrustful of memes, they smack of psychoviral programming, but if you somehow really grok with a meme, you are perfectly free to imprint your intention onto it.


File: 1deb64ebe928ffd⋯.jpg (1.97 MB, 2048x1365, 2048:1365, 9315213870_98aeb1ee15_k.jpg)


Depends on what you made it for and why.

Just my personal opinion, but I'd say just follow your gut. If it did what you wanted, give thanks for it and torch it if you think its right. Or catalog it and keep it for some future reference.

I like chaos, hence I draw [undefined] and post them without regard. I don't sign them. I keep the originals on whatever I'm using but there's a lot more that have been lost in one way or another.

I don't think anything is ever truly lost though. And these may just be aspects of greater things intersecting me and making an impression in the moment.


A meme is a meme, no matter what. People use them for directed purposes, and that's on those people using them. Directing energy. Don't hate the player, hate the game.

Or better yet just be conscious of the game and acknowledge the power these meme's have in our lives.

Go to a traditional Catholic Church between services and just sit and look at the statuary. These are profound and deep memes, far apart from any religious implications, if your able to stay conscious while looking at them.



>christian parasite psychoviruses have power

they do in the minds of their believers. that's why the corrupt demiurge and all that it has spawned must be fought against and rebuked at all costs.



Oh believe me, I do hate the game. I hate few things in this world but that game, I despise.


File: 200467609669129⋯.gif (173.39 KB, 500x400, 5:4, Sick Sad World.gif)


The world of memetics today looks very much like the Thames did in the 1850s (or, let's face it, the Ganges today), a river of utter shit and refuse. Yeah, sure, there's plenty of water in there, so long as you don't mind getting cholera. Some people manage to do some amazing things with water, just take a look at hydraulics or the sheer power output of a dam, but if you expect me to drink from the sewer, you may be sorely disappointed.

"Meme addiction" is a real thing, although the people who spout that phrase are among the likeliest to actually suffer from it, even if they don't know it. Uncritical acceptance of anything which increases your social capital among your 'fellow' shut-ins just means you're an other-peopleist, hooked on the sloppily-written narrative of consensus reality, where everything worth anything is sucked dry of its value, then stuffed full of sarcastic nihilism and reproduced en masse as a sort of regurgitated psychic sludge that upholds society's stranglehold on itself.

Being totally susceptible to any passing psychovirus which just happens to be able to insert itself into your brain is the antithesis of health. Leaving the door to your psyche unlocked so that any fleeting thought can just plug itself in and tell you all kinds of goofy nonsense just means you basically want the mental version of mad cow disease. If you're smart, you put a lock on your door and you only let in people and ideas who have worth and value.

The very first thing anyone ought to do when defining the architecture of their own astral space is to ensure that they can analyze any incoming ideas as quickly and accurately as possible and to vaporize on sight anything which even hints at being psychoviral. In a nutshell, anyone who spreads around any old ideas is just a mental cumdump, so loaded with psychic STDs that one could pick up some rotten strain of ideology just by looking at them. No thank you.

tl;dr I'm going to build a big, beautiful mental wall and culture's going to pay for it.


But, I digress. To get back to the topic at hand, a decent sigil for a well-constructed 'mental gatekeeper' servitor can work wonders. Personally when it comes to servitors, the more time invested in a sigil, the better. A one-off spell only needs to have a few good components, but for a servitor you're going to keep around, invest some hours in it, really make it your own, and you will see that investment pay for itself many times over.


I have read the Reality creation thread and I can't help but wonder if it's fundamentally the same as sigils?



Sigil work is a modern trend in "reality creation," which is a synonym of magic. Sigils are one means by which the will can be expressed, one vehicle or set of vehicles. You could take any working vehicle from point A to point B and have it be functional, but a well-crafted vehicle is less likely to break down.

To abuse the metaphor a bit, the reason people practice forms of magic other than sigil work is because those vehicles perform a given task better for them. If you just want to get around town, driving some dorky Prius is fine, but it's worthless if you need to haul furniture. Similarly, you can haul furniture with a u-haul, but parking is a bitch and you would hate to have to drive one every day.

Drive what works best for you. Once you really know how to get around, you could work with just about anything. If I'm smart about it, I can rephrase my statement of intent and have that be enough to cast it (logomancy), but whatever works to convince you that a given spell is cast will do.

Spellcasting trends operate reliably because the reinforcement of hearing other people say "this method works" means you're likelier to buy into the idea that it works and you're performing it "the right way." The very notion that you have cast something with success and no longer need to worry about it means you have cast something with success. Whether or not it manifests (or whether or not it's what you really meant) is a related but distinct question, but once you get a method which produces results down, you can do just about anything that you can justify.

As a rule of thumb, everything is possible so long as you can come up with an excuse for it.


What should I read in order to reach a basic understanding of Sigils? Thanks



Watch that Grant Morrison video posted on the thread


Would it still be a sigil if you used a combination of hashes for single letters (or an entire word) and aranged these into computer-generated images? Also, is it true that the most powerful sigils are the ones with the Frank Runes, and all else is small-stuff?



Yes to your first question, no to your second question unless those runes mean anything to you.



*mean something particularly profound to you.


File: 66243e98988853b⋯.png (22.5 KB, 1395x665, 279:133, knwldg.png)

Here is a sigil for gathering esoteric knowledge and experience.

Use with caution or use with abandon.



You found me. It looks like a sick demon humming bird. Nice drawing.


File: 078fafa3a0359e7⋯.png (50.52 KB, 1395x665, 279:133, DCFH.png)

For the special.

fast growth guaranteed


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


It is what wanted to be drawn.

Reminds me of Hekapoo.

Probably drawing from the same archetypal energy.

Good luck with the path. Everything is alive (hylozoism).

[That's my standard warning. I'm free and clear of any fuckups you may make beyond this point.]


File: b5e60da437d9f9d⋯.png (16.64 KB, 730x1354, 365:677, lthSkl.png)

I'm not supposed ot hurt.

So "elighsckeal"




Should be as



File: d965e76646423e3⋯.png (27.7 KB, 730x1354, 365:677, leithscéal.png)


To the anon posting sigils: How are others supposed to use these sigils if they weren't made by themselves?


Cringe. Should I start buying Beanie babies next? Harry Potter isn't real. You look like a fucking idiot, instead of aknowledging that you try to drag other people into your nonsense, therefore since you are knowingly spreading disinformation, you are a fucking terrible person and should kill yourself. Tarot? Name one succesful group of engineers, scientists, or doctors who consult with Tarot cards and not scientific systems?

Tarot/horoscope/religion are ways for stupid fucks too lazy and in denial to avoid facing reality. Hypnosis is a thing, yes. People can use lucky charms etc to activate the placebo effect. That's it . Any dumb ass rituals you use are not going to work for somebody else, and that is why after 1000s of years zero people have been able to recreate any of their magic spells.

Hopefully this has the reverse effect on you and you double down so you can speed up your fall and then the world will be a better place where Sovereign beings can take control of their own lives instead of sitting idle 40 hours a week for pieces of paper that select groups of cheaters get to print at will.

I've lost friends because they valued their imaginary egods over people right the fuck in front of them. I'd make huge sacrifices to try to help build friendships, then they just went "wow me and God did it!" Then banished me to hell.



Go to google.com and search lucky rabbit tails or whatever those things are. Then buy one and pretend like it let's you bypass fear/anger/doubt. That why you don't get into the habit of needing to try to get "consent" by having somebody view some scribble you made in the looney bin.

Denial is a hell of a drug, but that doesn't mean stupid people aren't bad people. The intent behind this "loosh farming" sigal shit is exploiting some innocent person so you get something. The majority of the universe agrees that people who do shit like that are fucking douchebags, and that is why there are justice systems in every country to deal with shitheads. People didn't just decide to cut off thieves hands because there isn't a strong energy behind justice.

You will most likely ignore this because you "consequences" don't exist for you. Let me know how that works out for you faggot.




Thank you for your input. We take constructive criticism seriously here, and we want you to know that we of the Hogwarts PTA have listened to your feedback and will be taking it into consideration moving forward. We want to make sure that every mundane who visits has the chance to comment so that we are all reminded what the mundane world is like, it serves a valuable purpose and we are pleased you're here.




Taking the time to write "cringe" as a response implies a 40 something single woman.

Fuck off to some other board.





Indeed, I have been guided my entire life to stay on the path. Therefore my life has been one huge series of fuck ups that are my doing. I absolve you of any former tether (real or preceived) to my cosmic entity.



>Any dumb ass rituals you use are not going to work for somebody else, and that is why after 1000s of years zero people have been able to recreate any of their magic spells

Lol what? Have you tried just following the instructions? It works, because it's real. But if you start by saying "cringe", you're not going to be focused when performing it since you feel embarrassed, and that's not how you do spiritual magic successfully. You can be a sceptic and be successful, I am, but you need to be able to consider the possibility of it being real.


File: a83cf55927f3a20⋯.png (335.67 KB, 1218x942, 203:157, B.png)


File: ab69628cb3336fe⋯.png (88.22 KB, 363x480, 121:160, Pickle_rick_transparent.png)



this one is very pleasing to my senses.



It's a real entity. Leprechaun or some sort. Trickster/novelty maker. Etc. Delineaus Abstractus.

"He who knocks, and then runs and hide. Laughing at whoever opens the door."

We have a fairely long history together.


"The card at the right of the lower line represents the person or qualities that will reveal spiritual knowledge. The High Priestess, when reversed: Being confused and led astray from the true path. Spiritual deception. Overzealous and shallow-minded pursuit of the esoteric. Insecurity, conceit and self-destructiveness. The forces of nature unleashed."

you can't pass up a reading like this. When the High Priestess in Reverse is revealing spiritual knowledge.



You can't understand a fucking shit, his accent is too heavy

Shit video btw


Wow instead of making toast I'm gonna add an unnecessary step to the process so retarded as's slow simpleton demiurge has time to sneak in a virus that steals my sovereignty!

It's called fucking hypnosis you fucking annoying fuck. I'm raining on your parade because you are in the wrong fucking universe. Go back to that lower dimension where manipulation is king. Go on down. Good boy demimoorge. Oops just hit the trigger on the demolition! Aw damn demi moorge just fucking died what the fuck she was so good in GI JANE that's the film that inspired me to become a limitless tranny!


If you rely on conning to survive, your con will eventually be exposed, you will be held accountable, and then you will have no way to survive. You will also be cut off from everything because nobody likes faggots. This is great because you psychopaths always lose, but despite that inevitability I won't hesitate to use my ability to invent new ways to speed up the transformation into mortality for this latest form of evil , it's already in, this is it, bye bye demi moorge!!!


Dammit he got me! Damn L! I've never been so humiliated in my entire life!


File: 7d5f9c4df9622d4⋯.jpg (339.41 KB, 934x1353, 934:1353, 1500688254342.jpg)

hey guys im putting together a big ol sigil and i was wondering: do you guys ever recharge or maintain them after the initial cast? I dont have much experience but one i pulled off flawlessly was one i cast and forgot about. this next one is even more important to me because i learned a lot about what i really want, so should I maintain with regular casts? or just let it fly in a one time go?

would it be a bad idea to check on it with tarot readings?

thanks guys



I think it depends on the nature of your intention. If it's an effect that will carry on or if it's going to cause a single action is what should help you decide


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

for the care and feeding of appropriate sigils in this thread


File: 0dddfe631cf2833⋯.png (1.06 MB, 1734x546, 289:91, ClipboardImage.png)


Feeding it energy is cool but not new intentions.

Imagine your sigil is your employee and you're his manager, it's an ego boost if you pop in and say "keep up the great work, chum, I know you've got this", a little demotivating if he pops in regularly with "how's it coming, looking forward to the results" but if you want to piss off your employee and make him hate you, show up with a stack of change orders and say "hey I know you're working hard but I need you to do all of this instead, figure out a way to make it work with what you've done so far".

Basically your sigils are engineers and you're their PHB.


File: f2e37d61b7053ed⋯.png (6.23 KB, 416x485, 416:485, Capture.PNG)

Is it really needed to go through the process of writing the desire removing the vocals etc?

I made a sigil but I just thought my wish and draw it as I it came to my mind

Pic realted is the result

will it work?



I forgot to mention that there is a vocal there (capital i) and a number 3



What would be the most effective way to charge a sigil if I dont want to fap?



Just direct intense emotions towards the sigil, doofus.


File: 64f8ea6fa4d43c5⋯.jpg (32.97 KB, 585x501, 195:167, doof.jpg)


i-im not a doofus but tenks


File: f9ff43c3b1c7c2f⋯.jpg (86.46 KB, 1000x1000, 1:1, Kali mandala.jpg)


Your creating something for your "subconscious mind" to understand and act upon.

A sigil is just one way to do it. You could draw a picture with the desired outcome in it. It's theater to occupy your conscientious mind.


Put it in a frame and light a candle in front of it, then meditate on your intended goal for what seems like an appropriate time. Either let the candle burn down or put it out and relight it for each session.

You can get more elaborate, but that heads into the realm of practical magic, root work, pow wow, ritual magick. Those are paths that usually include some kind of initiatory experience to get into. Proprietary information and closely held secrets by those who have worked hard to learn them.

If your not interested in that but are wanting rapid advance, use the following mantra with the mandala in the pic.

Om Hrim Shreem Klim Adya Kalika Param Eshwari Swaha [Om Hreem Shreem Kleem Ahd-yah Kah-lee-kah Pah-rahm Ehsh-wah-ree Swah-hah]

“Om and salutations to She who is the first one, dark within her own reality, the supreme primordial feminine, who cuts through illusion to the unabridged truth of existence.”


File: 1a866b70cf1e384⋯.png (17.55 KB, 1466x660, 733:330, yule.png)


File: 215d476689b15cd⋯.png (36.21 KB, 1895x865, 379:173, minds_eye_reopener nufcaut.png)


'I seek that which was once mine'

The ride



What cannot be forgotten


File: ebe0329a91382cc⋯.png (24.17 KB, 1883x853, 1883:853, return.png)



I seek that which was once mine

The ride



What cannot be forgotten


File: 7a5b5edaaf452a0⋯.png (21.97 KB, 1883x853, 1883:853, uwlnvrundrstnd the ride.png)


to add explanation would be pointless to those not connected to the specific energy involved. Insulting to those in the know.

Life gives life.



File: 6856cab7373f23b⋯.png (43.22 KB, 1240x1244, 310:311, to give.png)


lost in placation


Does consistently creating, charging and burning the same sigil increase its effectiveness?



Probably not.

I view my work more as a monkey in a zoo, flinging shit at spectators on the other side of the bars.

Not that the other denizens of /fringe/ are the viewers. Pretty sure we are all in the same zoo, with unknown viewers enjoying the spectacle.

But I'm probably wrong.

I'm a high trauma individual and do a lot of stuff based purely on intuitive/instinctive impulse. Hard to pin a solid reason on my actions.


Does anyone know of any groups that would be interested in buying sigils for specific purposes? I absolutely hate bringing magic and money together, because of how often people have used this kind of thing for personal gain. But I'm living hand to mouth at the moment.

I just want to help other people, but it would be nice if they could buy be a coffee or something in return, you know?


Can someone give me the steps of how to do sigil magick? I am new

Is there any method without masturbation?



Actually most methods of sigil use do not involve masturbation. Masturbation as the means of charging it is simply a way to try to teach new casters how to get into altered states and how to recognize their own altered states and how the mechanics of casting work. In fact all of sigil magic's elements are malleable.

But, here's the basic outline:

1. Write your statement of intent. Make it a positive statement (nothing with "no" or "not," you want to assert only what will be the case instead, always describe a positive scenario for you).

2. Add "This my will" or something to the effect to the front, NOT "wish" or "want" or "desire" or "would like," nothing that indicates thirst. You must be clear: This event will happen. This will be. This is the case.

3. Cross out any repeat letters, or any vowels, this is a matter of choice. Or scramble the letters if you like big, complex sigils, but best to start small.

4. Using the letters that didn't get crossed out, make a monogram that includes all of them. No matter how warped or distorted, you should be able to justify to yourself that all the letters are in some form included or could be extrapolated from the shape. Overlaps are encouraged but not to the point of the design being too simple. You don't want it so simple as to be memorable later if you can help it, not until you overcome lust of result, and you haven't yet. That's okay, you can still do cool stuff!

5. Put it in a circle or triangle or square or some other outline shape that will make it look more like a seal. Add some weird details to make it look more magic. This is where it's really arts & crafts, have fun.

6. Charge it by orgasming while looking really intently at it, or meditate with it as a focus. Staring at it until it disappears from your vision is also a winner if you can really get into a trance state. Drug use is allowed if you're really in a pinch, but it's a bit tasteless.

Now, you've charged it. Turn it over and go about your life. Neither remember nor try to forget it because either will fuck you up. Just, do anything else. As much as possible, consider the matter finished. Don't look at it again if you can help it until you get your result.


File: 19b90b8f8788b2a⋯.png (101.59 KB, 1522x819, 1522:819, wylfiwyn.png)


Everything this poster has stated is accurate.


what you look for isn't what you need


also, run.



Image looks lovely and appropriate for its goal.

Did it work? Been a while since your post.


File: c49fb4cf44b1143⋯.jpg (2.91 MB, 4032x3024, 4:3, 20190601_144608.jpg)

File: 1315cdea4203d8c⋯.jpg (3.06 MB, 4032x3024, 4:3, 20190521_002039.jpg)

Can anyone help me charge these?



For casting in general or charging sigils you don't really need a trance state, you just need energy (yours or external) running through a symbolic ritual set up with intent.

Trance is only required for perception, not projection.

I'm not parroting dogma, I'm speaking from experience.



Correction. You can use a trance state because it will help you detach from the ritual and forget it easier, not muddling the magic later with unwanted energy.

However, once you get to a certain level of skill in energy manipulation, you don't need to forget about sigils or rituals in order for them to manifest. All you need is to make sure not to interfere with the spell energetically.


File: e2823f142f6ee43⋯.jpg (81.92 KB, 1148x2040, 287:510, 37.jpg)

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