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Tipp's Fringe Bunker

File: 93e39eec1dd3c76⋯.jpg (38.46 KB, 423x750, 141:250, ed8f4903ef535717ebaab34595….jpg)


I felt bad hoarding this all to myself, it's too good not to share again.

Here is a collection of books posted here before that I have reuploaded. I downloaded these when an anon shared them after he was accused of disseminating the books online so he decided to do the crime if he was going to get the time.

So here's a bunch of books from pissed off Occultists stolen by a pissed off Occultist.

There's some neat books from the Temple of Set and the Black Ship book was one he recommended. Sadly its file is broken and every file I downloaded from a torrent or online library to obtain it suffered the same fate. I'd appreciate someone sharing Black Ship by Malphas if you have it.




A few empty / duplicate folders but thank you



I'll go back and try to clean it up, thanks for the heads up.




Here we go, cleaned it up and filled the folders.


File: 4d2c3e60e76869c⋯.jpg (32.46 KB, 512x424, 64:53, beatiful eyes jim.jpg)


I love hoarding rare books. Thanks for sharing, OP.



Can any mods or reputable namefags tell me if this is a safe download? Too many autists, Pavel grabbers, and schizos to download stuff willy nilly.



Are you not esoteric enough to use some sort of divination to see if the book is safe or not?







>pissed Occulists

why are they pissed?



Reminded me off those shitty ads, "Occultists hate this simplex trick"



Because theoccult.bz admins are faggots.




This is all from a thepiratebay torrent that's older than your mom.

The shitheads from theoccult.bz only have like a handful of exclusive useful materials that isn't Eastern. The rest is bullshit occultist garbage that is uploaded on other sites and incredibly shitty overpriced "limited edition" books that members had to purchase.


the link is dead



I have failed to find it online, but its available via Amazon (https://www.amazon.com/Black-Ship-Malphas/dp/0984776702), and several other sources.


File: 0839673d163cdc6⋯.png (153.38 KB, 935x485, 187:97, Capture.PNG)


>and is the blueprint for a culture based on Left-Hand Path principles

Left hand path is the esoteric version of the mundane left wing politics. Do not read this shit with the mind for anything aside from gaining understanding for the nuances of how deception works.



>afraid of downloading mp3 and pdf files

that's not the way virus are disseminated my man



PDFs can be used to run executables but it's pretty easy to safeguard against that.



why do you make everything about politics? Must be the only way you feel important.



I dont make everything about politics. Are you saying that left hand path and leftist politics aren't one and the same? They are cut of the same cloth in their schools of thought. They are both inherently satanic. And everything that they consider good and a thing to do is harmful to both the self and the whole.



sorry for asking but can someone make a torrent of this? I'm trying to download using Mega but it won't fucking let me download the whole thing as a zip. Tried the extension and the desktop software, nothing worked


File: e178ce53f301d44⋯.pdf (1.54 MB, Uncle_Setnakts_Essential_G….pdf)


they aren't, the fact that you say it is inherently satanic just goes to so me you haven't actually read any of the books.



>destroy all tradition

>break all societal mores

>remove the son from the father

>and you can become your own god

Left wing politics and left hand path are synonymous. They are schools built entirely around deception and thus are inherently satanic. You saying otherwise just goes to show you are one of them.





Left hand path is about becoming an Ubermensch, not a leftist.

Mainstream leftists shill politics that are convenient for themselves, sure breaking of traditions and following anti-christian attitudes is completely up their alley, but the moment they're forced out of their comfort zone and told to walk the walk, they'll panic and run back to their safe space with their tail tucked between their legs.

I don't do left hand simply because I don't like the idea of it, but I respect it as a viable (if risky, even dangerous) path. Now would you please pull that jenova's witness pamphlet out of your ass and burn it?

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