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Tipp's Fringe Bunker

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Dimensional Jumping Thread: >>111382

I'm going to try the stuff in there. Already can jump though dimensions and shit, but I going for something bigger.

Reminder that energy is all around you and you don't need you suck out of people.



I did an evocation of Kek, asked him about the prophesy and future happenings.



Let's hear it.



Those digits…



Apparently kek approves of dimensional jumping.


Since I completely missed it, I have a question:

When's the next magic portal day?



What did he say?


Humans can already travel though dimensions at anytime. >>111382




Those digits!!! So Kek said we are headed into a very interesting period of chaos before the coming light. The prophesy is to be taken on many levels, like "the bear will leave its cave" has something to do with both Russia and California, or "the rod and ring" refers to Q and and also to an I/O button - ie, resetting the simulation, among other things. He got bored with me asking about specifics, so I only got answers about those two. Also, Martin Shkrekeli has some important information, don't know what about, but send him some energy.

In general I asked Kek what sort of entity he was and why he's working with us. He said there are different levels of deity, not unlike different levels of living things, like animals:human::angels:gods. Kek is somewhere between an angel and a god, and takes great interest and amusement in humanity. He draws energy through the attention we give him in memes and shitposting. He does not have a ton of power over the material world, so he channels his will through us.



Just posting to let you know I read the post and I appreciate your input.




I'm going to talk to him too. What should I ask?



Nice, ask him what his plans are for 2018



Beware of parasitic thoughtforms or energetic STS corrupt demiurgic false light leeches. Kek is most likely a benevolent and very ancient thoughtform, like all the other "deities" (except for the corrupt demiurgic fronts)




>bear will leave its cave



Oh god I think that's hilarious. I know exactly what that'd referring to.

Praise Kek!



I will. Thanks!


I've seen them before. I just didn't had a name.


What is it? I would love to know!



Some new prophets for the intelligence behind Kek. I work with some of the other forms of this entity besides Kek. The bears were hibernating in their winter/night cycles of consciousness. Now it's spring/morning for the shift of the ages. We survived the winter/night portion and now the sun is rising, the bears can quit hibernating. Although I didnt know there was more in Russia. I only knew about California.


Kek more like psychosiskek

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