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Tipp's Fringe Bunker

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explain why you exist at all, beyond "two adults had sex" since adults have been having sex for millions of years and you never appeared before, and they didn't pick you anyway, parents don't design their offspring or know them.

You have 15 seconds to explain your existence, you can appeal to your /fringe/ beliefs of course.


Because you keep being forced to relive your existance until another "you" judges it and thinks it was done "right".


Because I will it and I AM everything.



im here to bring a massive change in the minds of many


Within the most mundane thing, such as a leaf, contains all that ever was and will be. Therefore "You" doesn't exist rather I am God experiencing infinity



Mostly this; we exist for the same reason the universe does, continuous growth.


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We're in Samsara, I exist to master the cycle and retain all knowledge through my many lives.


I'm just here to suffer in the eternal darkness that is this universe



You don't exist. None of this is real.


This exact question has bothered me since I was a child and is pretty much the first question that made me realize the inadequacy of the prevailing explanations and materialist doctrines to where I felt there could be no truth in the reality that was presented to me. I did not immediately become a theist then but reached a deep nihilism then after a long while I discovered gnosticism and since then I've been gradually gaining an understanding of just what the fuck is going on. This said I still have not answered the question and until I do, I don't know why the fuck I am here, and what is really going on, and what I am. Honestly OP once I'm able to actually answer your question in my opinion I will have effectively reached the highest degree of enlightenment or at least reached upon a point of understanding where everything is clear to me and death and incarnation will be no mystery to me.











See: https://mewch.net/fringe/res/1195.html#q1195

It's dealing with the exact same problem as OP is talking about. It's a convoluted way of saying "why the fuck am I here in this body and mind".


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For me the only intuitive and reasonable answer is God. God designed me, for his purposes, out of his abundance of love, he was a treasure who wished to be known, he is my origin and my end purpose. He knew me before I was born, he shaped me and sustains me, nothing else make sense. No materialist answer is sufficient, no "expanding universe + evolution" makes sense without a divine law giver to shape its laws and parameters.

Samsara never made sense to me, no hindu/buddhist doctrine makes sense to me. Since if you are the "ultimate self" you would never, ever be deluded or mistake your identity with something you are not. If there is "no-self" you would never be under any delusion, for there is no one there to be deluded. If you were the "ultimate self" you should be omnipresent and all powerful and self-created, but clearly this is not the case…If you were the "no-self" then you shouldn't even exist as a conscious "bundle" of transient parts, you should have never appeared or experienced any suffering. The chain of karma and samsara would never have a real origin.

The greeks were closer to the answer than the hindus/buddhists. The Christians and Moslems are probably the most accurate.




the purpose of sentient life as far as I can tell is to gather and create knowledge

I can think of no other reason, all of our other functions could be done by something without sentience, but that specific function, the ability to gather and understand knowledge and create new ideas, is unique to sentient beings


Humans can not know or comprehend why at this point in our evolution

What color pill is the nihilism pill?


This world is ENTIRELY false. Only lies can tell of spiritual truth. If you wish to be spiritually true, lie incessantly. Lie about everything great and small.

Are you willing to believe that I truly believe this? Why or why not?


Because every single one of your ancestors worked tirelessly, fought and died to ensure your existence. You have been moulded by millenia of pain and suffering and now you waste it on esperanto cave painting websites.


So, you're asking us to explain consciousness. But I think it's impossible at this point, or maybe at all.

I've thought about this question of course. "I" did not exist before I was born, and then somehow "I" appeared in this body at a certain age. Why here and not somewhere else? Why now and not a million years ago? Or in a body of a rat?

Accident? God? We don't know. A more interesting question is - can we be reborn? After all, if the "I" appeared once, why not twice or an infinite amount of times?



well yeah but so do you.


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Because I am a reincarnation of an ancestor thousands of years old, and he decided now's the time to return, or someone made that choice for him. There's no way of finding out why now, as long as I am in materia I am not supposed to know.


Ask a consciousless being this question and watch how much they freak out since they aren't even alive.



What definition of Samsara are you using?Do you mean Nirvana? When you say the Greeks and Muslims were closer to the answer, are you referring to Hermeticism and Sufism?


Did you have other plans?


"To bring harmony to this world by showing people the way forward."

Someone told me that.


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Did you ask them how being a conceited cunt was working out for them?


Because my existence is possible, and because time is infinite, I was bound to exist eventually



I don't think my purpose is that big, anon. I think it's just some social circle stuff. You don't need you be so butthurt. We all have a purpose.



>What color pill is the nihilism pill?

that's the black pill; a blue pill made to appear red but that is black on the inside,


I have a few ideas about why I am here, but actually I don't know. Should I even care? Maybe I find out after I die, but as long I am alive here I work on digging my way back out of this shithole again.



I have and they do freak out. I wish I could just tell who’s real upon seeing them.



How do I know if I'm real? What if I am just like them and I don't even know. Maybe I think I have a consciouness, but I actually have no idea what it is even like to live and have a consciouness. I need a way to make sure I actually live, that I am not merely deluding myself


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First, because this is a manifestation arising causally from the basic principle of duality, of which being this human in this time and place with this ego, on this board, answering this dumb question is a perfectly natural consequence.

Second, you ask questions in a breathtakingly unconsidered way.

>adults have been having sex for millions of years and you never appeared before

Don't even get me started on how incorrect this statement is, on so many levels.



I know the question that will let me tell if you’re “real.” Do you really want to know it? I’ll post it if you really want me to.


I am starting to remember being a kid and astral projecting or fucking whatever the fucking into places where

1) i could play pokemon with all these other new creatures, except it was a real life mmorpg not cartoon really

2) i could play this mmo shooter type game which I designed as I went

3) i could go to this world where everything was filled with water, so you could just swim anywhere, and I could fuck whoever I wanted. I was like 8 but was going to orgies and shit.

I could literally just save/load.

Fast forward like 20 years, and the only good experiences I had were on hallucingenic drugs. Long story short, this world is a fucking retarded scam and its so scammy that i have tried killing myself multiple times and always fail. There were 3 girls I met who I loved but the most fucking retarded adjustment bureau tier shit would happen to fuck it up. Now my reality is just sitting here while the only three things I liked get fucked by retards, extreme physical pain, and meditation. I have reconnected with my old self through some crazy yogameditachant shit and invented some new ways to think and shit, but everything just gets destroyed then i have to watch fucking celebrities experience heaven while all my retard friends worship them.

Ok I will get to the point. There is no point to this world. Anyone who feels off, we were gods already and had a nice deal going where we didnt fuck with eachother. We got summoned here by shitty fucks who do everything they can to steal all we have. Thats why you will be all third eye levitation status then some parasite will fuck you and you end up on the fucking chans.

So, I am going to fucking delete whoever is associated with this prison. Not destroy to teach a lesson, I am going to eliminate you from fucking existance. I am nearly completely detached from this plan, so any day now you will be fucked. Anyone who was on the cool team before, I will be happy to assist you in rehabilitating while we rebuild heaven. Anyone not fitting in in this pyramid scheme, join us. This is literally fucking nothing. May seem overwhelming, but its happening so you might as well prepare.


Ever look at a problem, internally come up with a solution, then the next day you see a used car salesman selling your idea? These jewish fucking parasites are either taunting us or revealing what they are doing through their movies. If you didnt watch the matrix and go holy fuck this is the bible you dont speak magic. People can communicate through a fucking grunt the mailman makes as he delivers the mail. Schizophrenics are literally just souls awakening.

Maybe I was sent here because these people just got too barbaric. Hahaha yeah i was just randomly born here hahahahahaha yeah spend another 28 years reinforcing that false bullshit you slimey fucks.

This is just basically some dudes server on garrys mod. Im sorry my black science man, but you actually know nothing. All you did was write the strategy guide for final fantasy X.


Heres a trumagik (c) (r) hint. Your actions have infinite implications. You will know when a portal arrives. There are certain decisions you make that affect your life more than others. Bold moves may be the key to getting out of a hell. Also, fuck your Earth body. If it breaks, cool get a new one on the next stage. If demondouche pops up and says worship me or die, just die.



This isnt saying you just go through that pain for the fuck of it, but prepare like you are ready to die or you will live in fear.



Fuckin you gotta get anime with shit. Kill your ego. Be the hero. Nobody fucking likes faggot villains. What collaboration based universe wants selfish fucks? Some people think it doesnt matter one way or the other since abrahamic religions are cringey bullshit, but some stuff is true.



>since adults have been having sex for millions of years and you never appeared before

I don't know about that lad, I feel like I've been around longer than just this incarnation.



Go ahead. Knowing the truth doesn't change the fact if I'm real or not. With knowledge of it I at least can come to terms with it



Have you ever wondered why you’re confined to your own viewpoint, why you see through your eyes and no one else’s, why your awareness of the universe is confined to your body and you’re not simply aware of it all, has any of this ever confused you at all?



To be honest those things only caught my attention when I first came across teachings about ego, the self, enlightenment, magick and so on. If I had never encountered those teachings I'd probably never even think about this stuff. I must say I simply don't remember thinking about this stuff on my own. Maybe I did, maybe not.

Before I found my first esoteric books and became a student of the occult I used to play videogames and jerk off to porn basically all my life without giving a shit about anything else


This body demanded a soul.


Consciousness is everywhere. When I was born, structures in my brain -maybe microtubules like Penrose said- captured some of it and confined it to this brain, feeding it with input data that consciousness represents as "reality".

That is to say, the physical parts of my brain keep a bubble of consciousness separated from a great sea of consciousness. It is not an "illusion of separatedness" in the sense that it is truly separate, if only for a while until my physical structure decays and this bubble of consciousness either:

a) dissolves into the consciousness ocean (which would be the standard option, that I guess would feel kinda like joining with everything and God and all that shit)

b) finds a way to keep separate from the consciousness ocean instead of dissolving, thus surviving death (which is what I aim at with magick)


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>why are you here

Why not?

If there is a reason, I'll find out.

If there isn't, I'll find out.

Who really cares? I'm dealing with this experience now and someday and maybe in the distant past I'll deal with other ones.




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