I am starting to remember being a kid and astral projecting or fucking whatever the fucking into places where
1) i could play pokemon with all these other new creatures, except it was a real life mmorpg not cartoon really
2) i could play this mmo shooter type game which I designed as I went
3) i could go to this world where everything was filled with water, so you could just swim anywhere, and I could fuck whoever I wanted. I was like 8 but was going to orgies and shit.
I could literally just save/load.
Fast forward like 20 years, and the only good experiences I had were on hallucingenic drugs. Long story short, this world is a fucking retarded scam and its so scammy that i have tried killing myself multiple times and always fail. There were 3 girls I met who I loved but the most fucking retarded adjustment bureau tier shit would happen to fuck it up. Now my reality is just sitting here while the only three things I liked get fucked by retards, extreme physical pain, and meditation. I have reconnected with my old self through some crazy yogameditachant shit and invented some new ways to think and shit, but everything just gets destroyed then i have to watch fucking celebrities experience heaven while all my retard friends worship them.
Ok I will get to the point. There is no point to this world. Anyone who feels off, we were gods already and had a nice deal going where we didnt fuck with eachother. We got summoned here by shitty fucks who do everything they can to steal all we have. Thats why you will be all third eye levitation status then some parasite will fuck you and you end up on the fucking chans.
So, I am going to fucking delete whoever is associated with this prison. Not destroy to teach a lesson, I am going to eliminate you from fucking existance. I am nearly completely detached from this plan, so any day now you will be fucked. Anyone who was on the cool team before, I will be happy to assist you in rehabilitating while we rebuild heaven. Anyone not fitting in in this pyramid scheme, join us. This is literally fucking nothing. May seem overwhelming, but its happening so you might as well prepare.