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Tipp's Fringe Bunker

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fair warning: this is a very very /x/ thread, and it's also heavily /pol/ related.

if you don't like /x/ and you really really don't like /pol/ then turn back now and don't read this thread.

I'm giving fair warning, so don't ban me. it is heavily related to religion, spirituality, and very fringe stuff, but I don't know if it's YOUR brand of /fringe/.

however. I can't just give you one piece of the story. it's all connected.

I hope that whoever does read this learns alot, and becomes a better person as a result. I really like the /fringe/ as well as /rel/ and a few other boards so please don't be like /pol/ and /x/ and all the other boards that ban people like crazy. I can't even post this on /pol/.

anyway, that's enough precautionary bullshit. I'm going to get on with this thread and hopefully change some lives. I'm just going to make the thread the way it needs to be made, and hope that someone really likes it.

>inb4 tl;dr

it's a big read. fair warning.

I did try to find a flag to follow the rules, but none of them fit or fit unironically. I'll be going flagless for this thread. sorry about that.


this is information that you should take the effort to absorb and understand. It's a big read but know that nobody else will teach you what you are about to read here.

I've been banned before from /pol/ for posting this because "it belongs on /x/" and they don't want anyone reading this since the (((mods))) work for (((them))). hilariously I have also been banned from /x/ before for posting this because "it belongs on /pol/".

to be honest, in case something happens to me and I'm never found again (could happen to anyone?) you should archive this page after I finish posting all this information.


you can also hit "file", and then "save page as" on your browser to save this page as a file. or you could screenshot the entire thing. make sure to save the individual images as well, because archiving or saving the page might save them as thumbnails only.

I strongly encourage people to save this and make encrypted backups to hide in multiple locations because there is a witch hunt to stop the spread of this information. with the same tenacity as those who were tasked with preserving the existance of the bible, we must ensure that this information always lasts to continue to persist and exist for as long as human beings do unless we wish to fall back into the abyss of ignorance to the truth, God.

Jiyuu no Tsubasa Full English cover is in my opinion an excellent theme for this thread.

http s://www.hooktube.com/watch?v=kd3KXnGHt-I


http s://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kd3KXnGHt-I

if it doesn't work


god created this matrix for us to live in before going to real reality.

israel isn't a place on earth like the cult of globalism would like you to believe.

remember that the bad guy from one of the latest devil may cry games is called "mundus"

cucks, shills, liberals, sjws, alot of zionists, globalists, united nations, democrats, antifa, alot of feminists, corporate elite, and weird sects/cults of strange christians and fake jews, pedophilia normalizers, blacklivesmatter, and trump haters and obstructionists are ALL THE SAME PEOPLE.

notice how they all love worshipping false idols, and what they percieve to be ideal """perfect""" shapes, even though those shapes exist in the same imperfect universe as everyone else and are at the deepest level just as imperfect as they are. the globalists worship money, limitation, imperfection, corruption, false idols, pain, suffering, and deception among many other bad things.

they love spheres, so they invent the globe earth narrative with nasa (nasa translates in hebrew: "to deceive") and all the heavenly things become spheres, from stars to planets to moons and so on in our childrens textbooks. then they begin to worship cubes, like the big black cube middle eastern people worship over there, or the cube jewish people wrap around their forehead, and all the other cubes they have all over the place (and there are alot of them!) and regardless of if it's real or fabricated, nasa thinks that it's significant enough to show us saturn's "black cube".


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they also have that bronze bull or "golden calf" false idol in new york as well. then they worship triangles, like the triangle pointing down, and the triangle pointing up, like the illuminatie eye pyramid on the dollar bill, or how a triangle pointing up and another pointing down both combine as the star of david symbol on the israel flag. the globalist cult is also obsessed with finding/creating the philosophers stone and transmutation, specifically Lead(black) into Gold(white)

atlantis is the entire earth, that's why we can't find the one place that it's hiding. that's why there are pyramids and very similar ruins in every part of the world, even under water in the ocean. pyramids are triangle shapes and the one in egypt had a capstone like the eye on the dollar. atlantis was the previous earth-spanning government/civilization and was wiped out during the great flood that is remembered by many different cultures and religions, not just judaism. if you look at the flat earth map, and compare it to the map of atlantis, they look the same.

the tower of babel was most likely build and destroyed at the center of the flat earth map. "the north pole".

if you watch alot of horror movies but specifically the alien movies, and even more specifically the prometheus and alien covenant movies, you begin to notice that there is an obsession that they have with the (((black goo))) which is a strange parallel to oil, which springs from up from the earth after being tapped as a dark black liquid. petroleum is then used to make many other things like plastics, cosmetic products, and fuels. coal is also black, but is not a liquid. these things fuel many of the energy needs of our world. petroleum is also used by the pharmaceutical industry.

the globalists, are an insidious cult that has hijacked and parasitized off of other cultures and religions since the beginning of humanity. the word "vampire" comes to mind, and it isn't that big of a jump of logic considering how deeply entangled the webs of corruption are with globalists and human trafficking and all the rumors of "spirit cooking", the rape and murder of kidnapped children, and then the ritualized drinking of their blood. (just look up the insane amount of children as well as people that go missing every year. to say the numbers are staggering is an understatement)



9Look at those who belong to the synagogue of Satan, who claim to be Jews but are liars instead. I will make them come and bow down at your feet, and they will know that I love you.


9I know your affliction and your poverty — though you are rich! And I am aware of the slander of those who falsely claim to be Jews, but are in fact a synagogue of Satan.

just keep in mind that satan, jesus (both get called "the morning star"), santa, and all these other figures are false idols invented by the globalist cult to distract and confuse people so that instead of saying "I believe in and love the one and only God" they pray to a man or a statue of a man, or fear another being that is said to have mythical powers similar to God but is instead evil, and then throw tons of money into the religious establishement because of a reaction based out of fear and not love, so that imperfect human beings will save other imperfect human beings from suffering instead of the obvious. only God which is perfect can save imperfect human beings. there are alot of people who believe that satan or some evil powerful figure exists because they simply can't give God all the credit for everything that happens in life, from every baby that is born to every puppy that gets run over by a car. emotionally it's too much for them to accept the fact that God controls absolutely everything and that there is no other power that exists, so they feel the need to create a sock puppet that plays the part of the "bad guy" so that they don't have to rationalize or blame God out of ignorance.

the real original jews all wandered in the desert for 40 years being guided to israel, which was just right around the corner from where they were wandering. you could check the map and sit staring at it in confusion for years until you convince yourself that they were just retarded, or really- they were being guided to their deaths, so that they could go to heaven. heaven = real reality. it's real. israel.

>it's real



look up on youtube "anti zionist rabbi protest" and you wll see that alot of the jewish people today are against israel and against zionism because zionism is a political group that is part of george soros's evil group of globalists. look up the UN building. looks just like the tower of babel. many tongues one voice. globalism. israel was founded illegally by jewish rules. they didn't complete the three oaths. zionsim highjacked judaism and used it to break the three oaths and build a false idol, a false physical location of "israel" in the middle of the middle east just for shits and giggles and because it is a good strategic location to fuck with just about everyone. loads of oil pipelines needing to run through that area certainly don't feel like a coincidence, if you believe in those.




https://www.youtube. com/watch?v=5uEK7zaMEBg





and an interesting conversation. /pol/ will laugh hard at this one.



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here is where it all begins to make sense so pay really close attention

read the story of the tower of babel and get ready to shit your pants.


we already established that the globalists are essentially the same cult who built the tower of babel and that the motto for the UN building and it's amazing resemblance to the tower of babel is undeniable. what's one of the biggest things they are pushing? multiculturalism and diversity, but only in white countries. africans can have africa, mexicans have have mexico, and everybody else can have their home country, but white people are not allowed to have their own home country or they are racist and evil. white people are actually the minority in the neighborhood of earth and the globalists want white people to go extinct. it's a known fact, and there is proof everywhere. europe and usa are suffering from horrible immigration problems that destroy their home countries and don't even help the people who they think they are helping.

this is through and through, undeniably about the extermination of the white race. it's not about racism and it's not about hate. it's about a goal that the globalists have to simply wipe us out. not because if we are born a straight white male with blonde hair and blue eyes that we are automatically racist, sexist, misogynistic, antisemitic, islamophobic, or homophobic, because that's a lie that the globalists themselves made up. they want to wipe us out simply because we are who we are. just like islamic extremists who kill each other in the middle east simply because they have a slightly different interpretation of their religion, the globalists want to kill white people simply because we exist. white people are brainwashed to believe that they need to feel guilt from the moment they are born and apologize for being white until the day they die. this needs to stop, yesterday. the globalists want you to hate yourself like a person who brushes their teeth with fluoride poisoned and excruciatingly minty toothpaste, doesn't rinse their mouth and drinks orange juice immediately after to give themselves as much pain and discomfort as possible, and they want you to believe you deserve it too. (for the videos below you can swap "you" with "hook" in the link to view it on hooktube instead.)

gumballs immigration

http s://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LPjzfGChGlE

diversity for everyone, except for israel

http s://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-Q8BLfefGtg

open gates

http s://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K0hD7IffTJs

We're not sorry

http s://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6NzPYtmsZPs


they want to take all the dark skinned people in the world (((Lead))) and mix it with the rest of the world, specifically only into the most whitest of countries (((Gold))) until it's all black, because if you know even the slightest thing about alchemy and transmutation, you know that the globalists NEED something black to work with in order to turn it into gold or really we should say, "the globalist cult is made of people who are deeply unclean and evil in their very souls, and so they can only make fruits of the darkest, most tainted ingredients." No offense to black people. this is based on how the globalists think of you, not how I personally think of you. to any black people reading this, I don't hate you because I have probably never met you as an individual and we haven't commited any crimes towards each other. if you are civilized and friendly, I will also be civilized and friendly. it's that simple and I don't hold any hate in my heart. so lets just get that out of the way. remember that slavery never ended and that it simply just expanded to include all of us. all good and innocent civilized people need to unite and fortify the minds of our children with this information so that they may be vaccinated against these tricks forever more.


the globalists need lead to make gold.

the opposite is true for good people, because good people take good clean pure ingredients (white) and make good clean pure fruits from their work. (white) again, this is based on globalist logic. you can take it as literally or as metaphorically as you like but just remember that it's not about hate. a farmer avoids pesticides and other poison and uses high quality good clean dirt (which is black) but for the example lets say that dirt is (white ingredient) then the fruits that grow from that dirt are "organic" assuming they got certified before and they followed the rules. the fruit that came out is clean and healthy (white). I hope my example made sense.

good people: white goes in, white comes out

bad people: black goes in, taints and corrupts all the white until none is left, and then the remaining taint is transmuted into some poor valueless and impure """white""" """gold"""

you sow good seeds, you get good trees which give good fruit.

you sow bad seeds, you get bad tress which give bad fruit.


A Tree and its Fruit

(Matthew 12:33-37; Luke 6:43-45)

>Beware of false prophets. They come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are ravenous wolves. By their fruit you will recognize them. Are grapes gathered from thornbushes, or figs from thistles? Likewise, every good tree bears good fruit, but a bad tree bears bad fruit. A good tree cannot bear bad fruit, and a bad tree cannot bear good fruit. Every tree that does not bear good fruit is cut down and thrown into the fire. So then, by their fruit you will recognize them.

do you understand where this is going? the globaists are the false prophets. they want "the new world order" because they don't want to be like God, the want to BE God. they built the tower of babel to try to reach God because they were stupid enough to believe they could become God. two very different things. I'm not advocating violence. it's a bible quote. I'm advocating awareness.


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lets look at what both groups here wanted, and why:

the globalists want:

to racemix the whole world until everyone has coffee- skin, hair, and eye color. they want to force a giant harmful eugenics program upon the entire earth to destroy all unique cultures and races until nobody is special anymore and nobody has a home anymore. they want to do it for evil purposes that do not benefit the individual, or even the whole because everyone is screwed over as a result and the only ones who benefit are the elite cult members left unaffected at the top. they want everyone to have the same global government prescribed religion, politics, culture, music, clothing, school system and way of thinking. they want everyone on the same drugs to suppress their emotions and creativity, they want everyone chipped, modded, tracked, cybernetically un-enhanced, enslaved by their own bodies. they want to chain up your soul and deny you the personal freedom to love God.

now, why do you think they hated hitler so much? it's because he knew what they were trying to do, and he wanted the opposite.

hitler wanted: a beneficial eugenics program that tried its best to reduce disease and promote good health and also attempting to bring out the best features in his own people. blonde hair, blue eyes, fair white skin. strong and healthy men and women. the thing that they hammer into everyones heads from the moment that they are born is that it was all about "hate". that hitler was this evil guy who did all these things all for no reason other than hate, and with no other logical reasons. it was never about white skin being better than black skin, or brown eyes being better than green eyes or anything. hitler wanted every culture and race on earth to strive to be the best they could be by bringing out the best they all had from within. hitler didn't have a problem with african people, he wanted them to be the most beautiful africans they could be, and he wanted his own people to be the best germans that they could be, and he wanted every culture and race on earth to be the best they could be, but also to stop fucking with everyone else. hitler knew that if everyone could live to their greatest potential, but also learn to live and let live that the world could last in peace, but some people wanted more control. where we are today as the human race is a result of all of our struggles. it's a great moment to be alive.


remember the ending of the story of the tower of babel. God splits up everyone's languages and divides everyone back up into their own unique tongues again. you could also interpret this as God changing everyone back into unique races again. if you really think about it, God probably didn't split them up for the first time. God made people different in the beginning and it was the globalist cult that had race mixed everyone. God was simply splitting them back up as a result of globalist cult trouble making over the years. brings a whole new meaning the the globalist lefty chant "HE WILL NOT DIVIDE US" that they say to trump. also remember the reason the globalist cult wanted to build the tower of babel. they wanted to be able to reach God somehow. really pathetic plan on their part honestly. remember the reading about the firmament in genesis? makes you wonder why hillary clinton (a major puppet for the globalists) is always talking about "breaking the glass ceiling" considering that maybe that was part of their plan when building the tower. also please do remember to look up "operation fishbowl" where they tried to bomb the sky and break the firmament. It didn't work out for them. Isn't it funny how God is against globalists? or rather, globalists are against God.

if you want to view the same video on youtube then just change "hook" in hooktube to "you" so that it says "youtube"








please make sure that you understand that I'm not saying that it's bad to be black or that it's bad to be jewish and I'm also not saying that it's bad to be white or anything like that. there are plenty of beautiful people out there with brown eyes too. the mistake that alot of people on /pol/ make is over-reaching their stereotypes to the point that "all black people are nig nogs" or that "all jews are kikes" or some crazy knee-jerk auto-racism that just kicks in and turns off their logic. that reaction is exactly what the globalist cult wants. they want a giant group of people who don't like them, but are too stupid to really see beyond the surface. /pol/ will always complain about "da jews" and give big mean rude frowny faces to common jewish people walking down the street but they often fail to voice their opinions very much with more important people higher up on the food chain. it's kind of like controlled opposition, except you yourself realize that you are the controlled opposition from the beginning.

we must all understand that there are good and bad people on earth from every single race, religion, gender, culture, etc. and that this is not about hate, even if the globalists hate every single last person on earth.

alot of these lead and gold metaphors and backround on strange cult junk is to help people understand the way that the globalist cult thinks, and to better understand why they do what they do and what their motives may be.


So now lets get back to the three oaths and why isreal has been falsely founded.

the three oaths go like this:

(from wikipedia)

>Song of Solomon 2:7: I adjure you, O daughters of Jerusalem, by the gazelles, and by the hinds of the field, that ye awaken not, nor stir up love, until it please

>Song of Solomon 3:5: identical to 2:7.

>Song of Solomon 8:4: I adjure you, O daughters of Jerusalem: Why should ye awaken, or stir up love, until it please?

Rabbi Zeira interpreted the ‘Three Oaths’ to mean (((however he changed his mind later!))):

>The Jews should not rise like a wall (e.g. move to Israel en masse)

>The Jews should not rebel against the nations of the world

>The nations of the world will not excessively oppress Israel

the very important thing to note here is that if you read very carefully, you will realize that these goals do not have a defined point at which they are successfully met and completed. the reason for this is that these are indefinite goals that do not have an end point or at least not here on earth. what this means in this case is that the jewish people are simply meant to follow these rules for as long as jewish people exist on earth. don't move to israel en masse and set up a major home base there, don't treat your neighbors badly (the whole earth), and as a result nobody will oppress you too much. the jewish people are meant to exist upon the earth for as long as God wants them to, and God wants them to do it as guests, and they are to behave themselves and cause as little trouble as possible while they are here.

the sad thing is that none of these oaths are being kept right now. not only are there jews living in israel without the permission of God, but all three oaths are in a complete state of failure.


Most /pol/acks here never studied judaism, and dont realy understand it or where it comes from. If they did, they would also understand how big of a fuckup it is for a white person to be christian. That said, a "good jew" does have a choice, wandering around raising goats'n'stuff and studying the nature of existance and the meaning of god until death claims him naturally like in the days of the bible, anything that deviates from that makes him no longer a "real" jew.

The moment a jew touches money, he is undone, his entire existance becomes corrupted because they are not meant to value anything from this world. Problem is, the absolute vast majority of jews interpret this as exploiting everything while not giving a shit, instead of literaly detaching themselves from it to the best of their abilities and focusing solely to the quest for knowledge of God. As far as i know, huge amounts of jews fucked up big time and are now entirely corrupted, which is why the divine spark has re-written it's rulebooks. but it's all planned. God knew everything would happen this way.

anyway, god was guiding all the jews to israel but wandering them around the desert until they died so they could "go home" to real reality, since this whole universe we live in is a simulation created by the best computer that has ever existed and will ever exist. God.

that's why all the jews today are called "jew-ish" because all the real jews died back in the desert looking for israel as God had intended. all the jewish people alive today are just "jew-ish" because they try to follow the religion. not dissing them for the sake of dissing or anything, just saying that's a fact and I'm saying it simply because it is a fact, and not for any hateful reasons in any way. I'm taking this strictly educationally and logically. there is no hate in any of my words, and this is what I really believe after diving deep into information and study.

one of the translations of the shema prayer says "god is eternal and the eternal is one" the definition of eternal is "outside of time" because time is a construct of this false reality. time doesn't really exist. God is literally heaven. this reality, the one we live in now is fake. heaven is the only real reality, and since we are experiencing "not heaven" but our reality is fake, then it's the ultimate Non-contradiction because there is no real flip side to heaven. heaven simply exists, is the only real reality, and is good.


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>heaven (real reality, also is God):


>no bad limitation (freedom)

>eternal (outside of time and lasts forever)

>automatically perfect



>earth universe (hell simulation):


>limitation (everything is such a problem)

>temporary and temporal (time bound and doesn't last forever)

>intentionally flawed


>camp/boarding school

the spaces between atoms and the particles that hold atoms together are a huge amount of empty space. yet somehow we remain solid. the distance between the atoms inside us are massive. we are literally made up out of more empty space than we are of particles, because if you look deeper, even the particles that make up atoms are extremely far away from each other. you go deeper looking for more answers and see more empty space. It's a miracle that any solid matter including ourselves can even touch another object without going straight through it.

why do you think that matrix means "womb?" why do you think apocalypse means "the lifting of the veil"? what do you think renaissance really means? "rebirth".

we are in an artificial simulation womb reality and god is lifting the veil covering the vagina and we are all going through rebirth.


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I'm trying to explain:

>1 How to listen to god

>2 Listening to god is of the utmost importance

>3 Humans talking about (what god wants) are not actually talking about what god wants. The bibile/ any written test "of god"/ any religion of god. is not actually of god

>4 what god wants from/for each human is different hence point 3

>5 It's important to try not to commit the "sin" the imperfect human beings who wrote writings of gods and religions make. alot of these imperfect human beings attempt to claim authority and falsely claim officiality as they try to imperfectly extrapolate the message of god into a broad message easily digestible for everyone in such a way that it is used to control them or further confuse them by covertly and indirectly distancing people from god by giving them false ideas to worship- Which is not the nature of the message of god because the message is personal to each and every human being. I would be would be somewhat guilty the same as them if I told you how to talk to god and how to receive the message of god the way that others do, which is why I'm trying to convey the most simplest understanding that I can.

once I got rid of all the garbage between myself and god, I felt much closer to god.

I'm not exactly shitting on everything the bible or every religion says, since you can clearly see me using the bible as a source. just remember that most if not all religions are mostly if not all wrong- but most if not all religions have small pieces of truth, if you are willing to sift through the corruption. believing everything you read or experience in life as perfect, that's the problem.


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Basically the best advice I can give you is this, and I will try to stay on topic and not derail too far unless it's slightly important to know or be aware of:

>God exists. He exists not as a theory and not as a concept of the universe as a whole, but as an actual thinking real individual/beyond being/entity of pure power and love and permanently unmatched and immeasurable intelligence.

>God is the one and only God

>God controls everything and everynothing

>there is free will but God created free will so God controls it.

>all things that happen percieved by people as good or bad are things that God chooses to make happen

>there is no devil or bad enemy figure, and these false idol characters are always created by people who childishly refuse to give God credit for all events that take place.

>people who can't handle giving God credit for everything in every way, are accidentally foolishly insulting the intelligence of God by pretending they are taking away power from God by inventing false idol puppets like jesus and satan.

>some people can't handle giving God all the credit for everything because "my puppy died" and they rationalize "my puppy is good" so how can God be good if God made my puppy die? it's extremely sad and I'm not denying how these people feel even if I know that they are being stupid. not everyone can grasp the big picture, but even those who can grasp it are only grasping like a baby grasps at their mothers breast.


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>some decievers/people invent things like "satan/jesus" not because they can't handle giving God credit for everything, but because they refuse to.

this is because they believe themselves to be greater than God and want to become God or make humanity into God. see the story of the tower of babel. look up "the singularity" and do research on what kind of people are always pushing "singularity" speak, and technological transcendance. also everyone pushing "the internet of things" and trying to unite us all in bad ways so they can attempt to control us and spy on us by sneaking in bluetooth and wifi into toilets and salt shakers.

remember jesus and satan are both "the morning star" and jesus is "the son of man" and was also obsessed with trying to convince everyone that he was "god" which is one of the reasons I believe jesus was a globalist.

also note the obsession with zodiac signs. jesus talks about "the man with the pitcher of water" and that's supposedly aquarius. alot of people say "we are not the (jesus)fish we are actually the (ocean)water!" this is connected to how we know water is a sacred creation of God (great flood, waters above and below the earth) and these people equate hijacking the meaning of the current great awakening to mean that "humanity is the water" (hey did you know the human body is a large percentage of water?!?!?? but lets totally ignore all the other things we are made out of, and disregard the fact that we are souls, and we have bodies and not the other way around.)

so that in essence they are implying that "humanity is God" also there are many connections between jesus, satan "lucifer the light bringer" and the sun we see in the sky every day. they also want to hijack that because they want to worship the sun as another one of their many false idols. notice a theme? they enjoy taking the creations of God and worshipping them or claiming to be them.

remember God has a big ego and is very jealous. of course, God is the only one who is allowed to be this way because it's God! it is totally outside the style of God to become an imperfect human being and come to earth and let other imperfect human beings hurt and or kill them.


these same decievers throughout history made up lies like:

"the greatest trick the devil ever did was convince us he didn't exist"

which pyschologically tempts your mind to consider that you are worried that you are being fooled, and thus tricking a non-devil believer (since the devil isn't real but globalists worship that to be edgy and against God) into worrying that you are making a mistake by being unaware of a possible threat and then believing again in an attempt to "bring yourself up to speed" and protect yourself.


"the path to hell is paved with good intentions"

so what may I ask Is the path to heaven paved with? bad intentions?

>there is no hell, other than the very earth we live on. when God made the earth, the sun and the moon, and the stars and said "and it was good" it was not good for humanity, but good for the purpose God has for humanity.


>God communicates directly with every human being. You've been doing so your whole life, but not everybody realizes it.

>When you first learn to listen, it is very easy to convince yourself (and for others to convince you) that you are insane.

>It's not always a good idea to tell others what you are experiencing because they might react in very irrational ways that are harmful to your health and wellbeing. however, this is a great way to test who your real friends are. warning: you may end up alone because as it turns out, most people are shit. (most being shit based on experience. could simply be that some people just run into alot of bad people, giving them a confused angle on what people are the most common)

>there is no such thing as a random thought in your head. everything you think was meant to be thought of. yes, we all have silly or disturbing thoughts pop into our heads like this very simple and shallow example: "what If I choked on the food I'm eating right now?".

>some thoughts are given to you so that you can hold them in your mind and consider them without agreeing or disagreeing with them, similarly to how ideas are handled by the most intelligent people.

>some thoughts come up as miraculous ideas

>some thoughts come up so that you can think "No! that's stupid, that's totally bad, lets not do that." because it can make you aware of what Not to do.

>God will offer undeniable proof to you if you ask. But, and here's where it gets kind of funny… the proof is not transferable. The proof will absolutely convince you of the truth, but will not be anything that can convince others.

>Once you have a personal relationship with God, that supersedes all other teachings, the bible, your pastors, or history.


File: 4f1de63053335ad⋯.png (260.94 KB, 395x768, 395:768, 1309756424.png)

>most if not all religions are mostly if not all wrong- but most if not all religions have small pieces of truth.

>many religions are designed to get in everyones way and tie them up with tedious obsessive busy work that accomplishes nothing and gets them nowhere and entraps them in very limiting belief systems (just like schools and college and jobs in this world) (if you are too busy stressing out trying to do your homework and pass tests and exams and get good grades and figure out your taxes and pay all your bills, and worry about insurance, you can't stop and think clearly to improve on philosophy and wonder why you're doing any of this in the first place) there is no fun allowed, you are not allowed to wonder, you are not allowed to feed your curiousity, you are not allowed to be free, you are not allowed to dream.

>many religions are designed to trick people into thinking they need to go to a special building to worship God so that they don't feel as if they are being heard by God as well as if they were praying in the (((approved place of worship))) like churches, synagoges, and mosqs.

>the bible and all religious texts from most if not all religions are flawed and imperfect at the very least because of the fact that human people wrote the bible and human people are flawed and imperfect (many examples in the bible where both good and bad people had a chance to write/add things in while it wasn't done yet) "money is the root of all evil" but "money answereth all things"

>human beings are imperfect, and everything they make, say, do, and so on is imperfect, including bible, scripture, stories, any religious texts, books, teachings, and so on.

>the word of God doesn't come from the bible. everything here is a false idol including the bible, money, statues, kings, and so on.

Exodus 20

>"You shall have no other gods before Me."You shall not make for yourself an idol, or any likeness of what is in heaven above or on the earth beneath or in the water under the earth."

Deuteronomy 5

>You shall have no other gods before Me. You shall not make for yourself an idol, or any likeness of what is in heaven above or on the earth beneath or in the water under the earth.

>the word of God only comes straight from God.

remember people, I'm talking about the one and only God here. the infinite, beyond infinite. eternal


File: f5ae315f78232e0⋯.png (315.53 KB, 760x1790, 76:179, 24763425324.png)

a good conversation that I had with someone once:

>just acquire a million dollars if you're sad

>you're missing the point, happiness is not something external you acquire, the money analogy doesn't work; instead happiness is something internal you discover/generate through self-inquiry or extreme force of will or faith or spontaneously through blind luck; happiness isn't even the right word to be precise….point is that lasting human satisfaction and peace is what people are actually "seeking" and longing for, yet they already have it, it's in their grasp, if only they knew how to perceive it, how to pierce through the distractions and noise, and finally see what's going on.

I disagree and this is why.

>happiness, peace etc. is something you just get, and it was there all along so you just have to realize that.

good summary correct?

the reason why this is an imperfect and short lasting solution or rather short lasting delusion is because life and the many different aspects, factors, variables, and so on leave an imperfect human person with very little control over the many different things in their life in this imperfect earth reality.

there are always more problems, and there is no such thing as lasting peace, here- at the very least.

lasting human satisfaction is not what imperfect human beings are searching for.

what imperfect human beings are searching for is not temporary, or lasting, but rather eternal peace and and happiness and love and freedom. this can only be reached through not obtaining or grasping, but rather being gifted some semblance of perfection by God. this isn't about christianity, islam, judaism, buddaism, or any other flawed and imperfect attempted human interpretation of perfection using imperfect concepts and means in an imperfect hell/earth simulation.


File: f420e1945e658a3⋯.png (292.01 KB, 572x401, 572:401, 1436325342.png)

In my life I learned that science is as much a religion as religions are a religion, and as religion in its limited perception of the universe is imperfect; therefore so is science.

I'm presenting this from a the standpoint of someone with an enlightened "take a step back after considering everything without truly believing any of it" perspective. I'm not 100% loyal to religion or science at this point in my life. they can and do overlap between the lies.

>space is a giant ocean

>the earth is flat and hollow

>that's why astronauts train underwater

>algea was found on the international space station

>ask yourself why it's called a space ship.



>ask yourself why it's called an astro-naut.

>nautical miles. ocean.

>ask yourself why peter pan and the pirates ride flying pirate ships in space to the giant floating island of neverland

>ask yourself why her name is sailor moon

>ask yourself why the bible metions the waters above and below

>ask yourself why the bible mentions the firmament

>look up operation highjump

>look up operation fishbowl

>look up the antarctic treaty

>what a coincidence that you can only ever see one side of the moon because its dark side is always facing away from us.

>what a coincidence that the moon just happens to fit over the sun during an eclipse even though it is said that they are massively different in size and distance from us. what are the chances that they are just the right sizes and distances from each other AND US, to appear exactly the same size in our sky?

>why is it called a hemi-sphere

>half of a sphere = dome, thing is they want us to believe there are two over us.

astronauts can only go so far in space before the firmament blocks them fyi.

hilarious thread full of shills, but with some good posters. the shills arguments get destroyed and they fail miserably so it's extra fun.



File: 7971783be6223ce⋯.png (792.69 KB, 973x487, 973:487, 2153426326.png)

>I mean, why do people have to actively lie about it when they just assume it to be round and it being flat isn't even a considered possibility? What conspiracy is necessary most of the time?

people need to be told over and over again- convinced from birth that they are walking on a giant ball hurtling through space while it's spinning around very very fast; also, the people far away are upside down. you don't need to have your head full of shit to look around and observe the world around you to realize that the theme tends to be that everything is relatively flat, save for the mountains and hills and canyons in some places.

if there are as many infinite stars and galaxies as they say there are, the entire sky wouldn't have any visible individual stars because in terms of pixels on a tv screen the stars in the sky would take up every pixel of space that there is in the sky. the entire sky would always glow white and there wouldn't be a place in the sky to look at that was empty.

<"Infinite possibilities does not mean that every possibility is real. There are many stars but there is even more space. Nothing complicated about that."

(notice that in no place did I say infinite possibilities) if you travel far enough in what is supposedly "space" there will always eventually be another star in that place from earths perspective. this proves that if space was what the globalists say it is, the whole night sky would always be glowing white, 100% of all available space in the sky would be taken up by stars and there would be no space where there is not a star showing. essentially, you wouldn't be able to see clear plain sky, only clouds and bright glowing white backround.

the whole world is a flat dome shape that doesn't move. the earth is fixed in place and doesn't move. if the earth was spinning as fast as they say it is, we would have been launched off and life wouldn't exist on this plane. I mean planet.


File: 95fb32fb2a771c0⋯.png (1.5 MB, 1303x1236, 1303:1236, 3475423542.png)

since you are very little, one of the first things you are expected to learn is that you live on the earth and the earth is a globe, and you are repeatedly shown this big spinning toy and you have a few childish thoughts like "how does everyone on the bottom not fall off?" and everyone tells you its because "gravity" holds everyone on the sphere, but remember centrifugal force is very powerful and can keep water in a bucket even though its spinning around a certain point, but it makes the bucket of water feel much more heavy, like it wants to fly off it's handle with tremendous force. now imagine that all the things on the surface of the earth including its gigantic oceans are all that "bucket of water". what do you think would or rather should have already happened to us all and our cats and dogs and houses and cars if the earth was really spinning around as fast as they want us to believe that it is?

the earth presumably being as massive as we think it is (even though it's flat) is so heavy and so big that spinning at that speed would tear it apart. forces created by the spin would be greater than the force of gravity, but that's another deeper rabbit hole.

going by the rules of globalist approved science, if you actually do the proper calculations you discover that the force of gravity is not enough to overcome the spinning force of the planet (the globe spinning on its own, not the "spin around the sun") and that we should have been catastrophically flung off of the earth in a cataclysm along with the earth spinning itself apart to pieces by now.

think about why the ocean looks blue when the sun shines through it. think about how the sky is also blue, and how very ancient antarctic ice is also a strange blue color. makes sense? and troll science bro's with big fancy pieces of paper from the establishment claim "its rayleigh scattering, and the sky isn't actually blue it just looks blue but it isn't because reyliegh scattering just trust us"

every single image of earth from space release by nasa has always been a composite image. they will never release a true non-edited picture of earth from space.


File: 60233161beaa1ca⋯.png (498.81 KB, 806x497, 806:497, 13454363532.png)

go back and watch any video of a rocket takeoff. why do ALL the rockets always go upwards for a moment and then start to veer off course and curve off the side? they can't keep going straight up because they will hit the water and if they go much deeper they will crash right into the firmament. they always curve to avoid it. ALWAYS. the rockets always land somewhere else out of sight or people are told it's just a retrieval of parts, but you know what the truth is.

all rockets do this. except for this one. you can even hear the splash.

https://www.youtube. com/watch?v=IAcp3BFBYw4

they only thing that every country on earth ever agreed on and never broke their promise, as they all promised together, was to leave antarctica alone. the north pole is the center of the landmass and the south pole (antarctica) is actually a giant ring around the outer edges of the earth. it's illegal to fly there without permission (almost nobody ever gets that permission) and so it is conveniently incredibly difficult to prove or disprove this once and for all. what a coincidence.

remember when those people were trying to get God removed from mentions in the pledge of allegiance and on money and the mainstream AAA news intentionally made it seem like all those people were anti God or something?

those people were actually against the pledge of allegience because they didn't like how small children were being forced to pledge allegiance to a giant governmental corporate entity, and they didn't like how they misused the name of God by saying "one nation, under God, or having "in God we trust, on the money because all these things are based on political propaganda and brainwashing,

especially when children are forced to magically associate God with the government and all our money so that they are brainwashed from a young age to worship money and our government and the corporations as false gods and ultimately false idols. they were upset because God is good but the name was being put on bad things like money and the pledge of allegiance to the globalist cult.


File: b8d4aff1cbb75d5⋯.png (767.55 KB, 944x1433, 944:1433, 43457568742.png)

anyone who has ever gone to a tall skyscraper that allows an all around window view with protective railing (so people dont just fall off) and looked 360 degrees all around the horizon will notice that it is always flat and never curved even at that hight, when it should be.

bible says that God created the sun, and the moon, and the stars. they are mentioned seperately.

stars are not suns that are far away, they are something else.



File: d58327a4a648986⋯.png (972.72 KB, 1087x551, 1087:551, 754325342.png)


File: 5baeb22c9544193⋯.png (1.38 MB, 1294x952, 647:476, 423454342236.png)



actually, since the old one got deleted here's the same video.


File: 12d7483d8252180⋯.webm (819.02 KB, 576x324, 16:9, the universe is a simulat….webm)


please give feedback?


Interesting post, but I disagree with your quick dismissal of characters such as Jesus and Satan, along with your belief in a single omnipotent god that is testing humanity in the material world. (That is generally left up to an evil demiurge.) This really doesn't give any wiggle room for archetypes to form, in fact it dismisses their existence entirely. The archetypes are the creation of the single absolute God, (Brahma, Allah, The All, etc) so the theories aren't even mutually exclusive; however, you dismiss Jesus, Satan, etc as coping mechanisms, and don't recognize thought forms as supernatural at all. A counter to this might be to say that the thought forms are a result of the human mind, and it acts as a bridge between man and the absolute; meaning that because man is divine it is still technically created by God, but acts as a sort of bridge between the two until they become Absolute Men. Unfortunately you also seem to trounce on the idea of a man-absolute hypostasis, so I am forced to disagree with you.



If I understand correctly what you understood from part of what I said:

>there's only God

>only God is perfect

>God controls everything

>everything else is bullshit

>people are not perfect

I think you understood correctly even though you disagree. if I understand your words the right way at least.

I mean honestly, there's no demiurge or any other evil figures. God doesn't need to create some big red hairy guy with horns to do evil things. God can simply make people or nature do anything at any moment anyway. evil things are also a very strange grey area because only God understands the true meaning behind everything, so God isn't evil- even though puppies die, as an example.

it's nice to get feedback and it's interesting so thank you.

I know you disagree but what I'm really curious about is why you disagree.



I think Satan chose that land manly because that's the holy land.



I'm going to assume you read the entire thread (hopeful thinking)

remember that I said that the globalists invented the idea of satan and jesus and every other figure that isn't God? it's all a multi-thousand year long psy-op


But the Jesus of the Bible IS God…



…No. evidence points towards this being false.


Kek, no it doesn't. The Bible is virtually the only reliable source from that time and it is absolutely clear on Jesus' divinity, no question.

Josephus' History is the only other thing written during that time that mentions Christ, and even he, a Jew, hints at his divinity.



Jesus Christ.

Je suis Christ


I am godform

I am god

I am that I am

Inarguably a Christ incarnation thus a direct hand of god.



I included reasons why jesus isn't God in the thread, did nobody read the thread at all?






>that's it! it's proof! because I wrote jesus like this it automatically means I'm right!

I hope you don't seriously think this way

that just doesn't make logical sense.



man how do you know that jesus didn't just name himself that on purpose? his whole story is about him running around with a shopping lists of prophecy requirements and desperately scampering around to complete as many of them as he could to become the messiah.

>hey jesus uh, I think you-

<NO. I will now say a confusing parable so that I sound wise and edgy so you shut your annoying mouth and stop questioning me.



This is bogus. Christ is a title, not a name. And 'Jesus' is a transliteration of his actual name, Yeshua.


File: d36b76e9ceb71ba⋯.jpg (63.91 KB, 848x480, 53:30, never forget.jpg)

Great thread.



But spectroscopic analysis confirms that the sun and stars are the same material.



Rockets go eastward on purpose. Orbital velocity is 18,000 miles per hour, but by launching a rocket eastward you can utilize the 1,000 mph rotation of the earth to get into orbit with only 17,000 miles per hour. That's why we launch rockets from Florida and not Alaska, which would be much more secluded to keep up the "myth."



they like to show the public the spectacle of watching the rocket launch, it's all part of the show.



and you trust them?



You can test it out yourself, if you'd like. What method are you using to determine what substances stars are composed of?


File: 2cd5f8d5a311c0b⋯.png (655.77 KB, 838x945, 838:945, biblical flat earth.png)

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whoa all this flat earth info. where does this even come from? I certainly couldn't find this or it would have already been inside the thread.




which posts do you mean exactly?


on second thought, while alot of these are really cool, I'm going to stick with what I know. you're welcome to make a better thread than me of course.



just a couple of them, here and there.







File: bea5a3360c2ce4d⋯.mp4 (11.56 MB, 480x360, 4:3, Did Philip K Dick disclos….mp4)


>flat earth

The earth is simultaneously flat and round while also being simultaneously not flat nor round.

How is this possible? We are living inside a simulated reality. The Earth is flat when it needs to be flat and round when it needs to be round. Ultimately, it is neither because it's all just an illusion of the demiurge.

How often do players of the game World of Warcraft sit around and debate whether or not Azeroth is flat or round? If they did, would you not see how silly a debate it would be considering that Azeroth merely a simulated reality? The same applies to this reality once you peak behind the veil.



but there is no solid and undeniable evidence that the earth is actually a sphere in any way. nasa can't prove that to us, and they can't disprove the flat earth theories. they could do it in an instant but they wont.


File: 58a73d3c3a6d935⋯.png (10.32 KB, 525x480, 35:32, oc.png)


Check out my fresh OC



no, I think you misunderstood! not me! reeeeeeee



Explain the seasons.



thats bullshit its not round they use cgi for making you believe into its round

it was never a sphere


File: 95dcf7780e5ee9b⋯.jpg (304.56 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, simcity-wallpaper.jpg)


but if would would fly in noclip over azeroth you would see its


like nearly all 3D Games



I don't know, but does that invalidate everything just because we don't understand one thing? No. but it is fascinating that far more evidence supports a hollow flat earth than a spherical model.



The length of day and night vary depending on distance from the equator. In a map like this >>111822 we can see that what a spherical earth calls the equator (a straight line running through the middle of the map) would end up being a circle. Why is it that the day and night on the equator are exactly 12 hours, but it differs in other places? In a flat earth model shouldn't the sun rise and set equally, all over the world?


File: 93c727e6b1823f0⋯.png (20.51 KB, 600x514, 300:257, ClipboardImage.png)

File: ab2460ca4badccb⋯.png (16.57 KB, 631x404, 631:404, ClipboardImage.png)

Look at pic 1. You can see the earth revolving around the sun, and the constellations around the solar system. While the earth and sun are in this position a person at earth, during night, could expect to see a Cross Constellation at their zenith. Meanwhile, during sunrise, one could see the constellation Orion. Then lets skip forwards a month later. Keeping in mind that the earth [in this model] rotates on its axis as well as revolves around the sun; one would see the triangle constellation at night, and the swastika during sunrise.

Now lets look at picture 2. We can apply about the same principles from pic 1 in determining the constellations, and the only major difference is that the earth does not move at all, and it is the sun that revolves around the earth. But there's a problem noticeable. The swastika and cross constellations should never be visible from earth. So in order to keep up with the fact that we do see the swastika and cross constellations, one must, in this model, assume that the stars also revolve around the earth. The sun takes 24 hours to go through a full cycle of "day", I think we can both agree on that. However, now this model needs to explain the different constellations that appear in the sky depending on what time it is. On earth the constellations we see in the sky will flip every 12 hours, because the earth rotates in the heliocentric model. Now look at the flat earth model, this flip is harder to explain. If the stars rotated at the same speed as the sun, things would never change, you would always see Orion next to the sun. So in order to explain this 12 hour flip: the stars would have to rotate twice as fast as the sun. But this contradicts the laws of gravity. It is a well established fact that the strength of gravity is dependent on the distance from the body that is acting on it. And by measuring stellar parallax we can determine that the stars are extremely far away. Do you also reject the laws of gravity, and if so: on what grounds? And what forces to you attribute these celestial movements to?


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

How do you explain the retrograde motion of planets?



yea that does get me really thinking, like alaska right?

some have gone as far as to theorize that there are different suns and moons for different parts of the world.


File: 51a2552be206873⋯.webm (11.46 MB, 480x360, 4:3, big bang is fake.webm)


I'm not sure how it works but alot of people say it's like a baby's crib light up show toy. the stars are painted on the ceiling (metaphorically) and they rotate around.

alot of people freak out over the stars on a timelapse.


also check the .webm


File: 63ca6e49256994d⋯.png (115.29 KB, 1902x922, 951:461, a.png)

File: 2783ee161aa1d3f⋯.jpg (311.51 KB, 762x428, 381:214, b.jpg)

File: 863b8f08add4f82⋯.jpg (62.28 KB, 800x540, 40:27, c.jpg)


check this out

Coffee Cup Caustic

The light source is at C. Rays are reflected in the circle. Observe what happens as you drag C inside the circle.




File: 6644918283dbe30⋯.jpg (45.49 KB, 598x595, 598:595, photo_2017-11-21_09-59-57.jpg)



How does this apply? The sun is visible during day.


Uh so what are we supposed to learn from this? That globalists are trying to build a staircase to heaven which is doomed to fail and some stuff that religions are wrong and jews are not really jews? Is that it?



read slowly anon. slooowly.



>explain the seasons

This post illustrates what science really is - a theoretical construct meant to obscure the real world, blinding you to unexplainable phenomena. Go outside. Feel the air, observe nature. Do this every day for a year. Now you've experienced the seasons, this is what they are.

The reason you can "prove" your theories of the round earth, the stars and planets, is because you are working within a system built to prove this to you. It doesn't serve any other function. People tell you what to see, and you see exactly that. If you were to make observations outside of accepted theory, everyone will discard it as wrong, they will ridicule you, so you learn to not make real observations. This very thing has been exposed to me when discussing the topic in flat earth threads. When I provided my own observations of the moon and presented arguments based on them, I was literally told by science advocates

>don't make observations, you should only read from a book because you are so dumb you don't understand

which proves; I do not "understand" the fictional system of the book, so they think I am "dumb" when I observe reality and tell them about it. Scientists very rarely observe reality - they are busy explaining. This is the reason scientific progress is so slow today, no one is really studying reality any more, unlike in the 1700s to 1800s when many discoveries were made. People at the time didn't have that many books, so they had to do with reality, and this is how they made progress.



Most of what you said is true, but I still want a reason for the seasons in a flat earth model.



this anon has some common sense.



Seasons are a manifestation of the cycle of life: birth, growth, decline, death, repeated forever. You're just observing it on a difference scale, it amounts to one human generation. When looking at the natural world, smaller beings like insects have one generation per year, because they are the lower kind of lifeform. Birds, fish and lands living animals are a little higher up and live longer, but they still follow the cycle, having new offspring every year. Then ecosystem works this way.

Science wants to say

>it works this way because of the weather, animals have adapted to it

but I say no. It works this way to allow for beings of different enlightenment levels to incarnate and have an environment suited for them, in their current lifespan. There has to be longer lives and shorter lives for this reason. The world is formed based on the needs of incarnating spirits.

>mind over matter

Is the principle at work here.



I'm aware that reality is an illusion. But this isn't that good of a post. The physical world is a projection of the unchanging archetypal/magical world. However, the fact that seasons have an archetypal meaning, as you said, in birth, growth, decline, and death, necessitates some kind of physical mechanism for the seasons to come about. The fact that the length of a seasonal cycle corresponds perfectly with a heliocentric year seems to actually be an argument in favor of heliocentrism. And the concept of mind over matter does not necessarily apply here. As there is almost no conscious belief that the earth is flat, and the superconsciousn God is what mentally created the archetypal realm from which our world is projected from.


Hey OP

I'll skirt around the flat earth discussion because it doesn't interest me. Frankly, some stuff in here is giving me a timecube vibe, but a lot of it I can recognize as fundamentally true, and much of the rest has good intentions. I see you're an intelligent guy, who seeks truth through inner focus, so I want to take the opportunity to focus on posts like these:




But before I do I want to thank you especially for two really strong ideas you shared that were new to me:

>parallels between the tower of babel and globalism (can't be unseen)

>the true duality of heaven and earth, one eternal and the other time-bound, and how that duality does not leave space for a hell

The question I want to ask you most is the whether you've read Marcus Aurelius' Meditations. I see a lot of parallels with what you're saying here, so I wanted your input on the book if possible. If you haven't read it, then I heavily recommend it. I want to get your thoughts on a few ideas.

Aurelius has a very similar conception of God as all-controlling, both good and bad, and giving free will. As you may expect from Roman culture at the time, God with a capital G isn't mentioned; Aurelius rather believed in many gods. But the thing he worshiped as all-controlling, all-being, perfect and eternal, isn't God or gods as persons, with free-will and sentience. The thing he worshiped is "logos", which is a term coined by the Stoics that means, as far as I can gather, "the order of things". This concept is linked to nature as a whole. In nature, everything has its place, beauty and grace just as excrement and death, it all has a purpose, it's all ordained, and it all feeds into each other. The jumping gazelle and the blooming trees. The mountain and the emerald.

Humans are not above the decree of nature, even if some try to elevate their status to that of gods. And so every Man, though he has free will and free thought, moves in a direction that is part of the cycle of nature – part of the order of things. The thoughts you're having, the life you're leading, the direction you're taking, the hardships you face, it all has meaning, you're all supposed to be going through it, you're a part of a much greater, cosmic whole. You're a leaf in a tree, and one day you'll fall down and another will take your place.

Do you think this is compatible with what you're saying, or is God as a person who infuses the world with direction and meaning critical to your conception?



It's not a question of what "shape" the earth has, I merely meant to say that whatever is needed will exist in the form most suitable.

Whoever goes around thinking about the shape of the earth in their daily lives? I for sure don't. I'm not even sure I know what it means, conceptually. There was a globe with a lamp in it in the house when I grew up and it's round, I know this much. I've watched Star Trek, I read Tintin -Destination Moon (This comic book, interestingly was made before the supposed moon landing, still it's extremely accurate. It's almost like if it was used as a model for the moon landing itself…makes you think), but all of this is just amusing fiction, it means nothing as far as observations of the real world goes. I've observed the stars, I got a book with a star map when I was 8. I'm aware of the different ideas and arguments, still it means nothing to me in my daily life. Yet people keep talking about the earth being round, as if it was fact, but no one of them has seen it. Some guy escaped from North Korea last year and was interviewed by a reporter. The first thing he asks him is

>did you know the earth is round?

What kind of fucking question is that to ask someone who just escaped from a gulag?

But this shows how deep this conditioning goes, it's pointless, meaningless, and still it's repeated and used to mock people who haven't heard of it. It's truly ridiculous.

I do not believe anything regarding the shape of the earth, or the "function" of the natural world's physical manifestation. I do know whatever exists over on the other side comes in here directly, and by changing things over there, they change physically over here. Political and cultural things can be directly manipulated this way, life can be controlled. This is what I care about. I can change the overall temperature in my area, I can manipulate the weather. I don't hold it as impossible that someone of greater ability would be able to change the seasons, or to be able to create a cycle like this. These are the reasons I don't answer questions like that by presenting pointless reasoning within some logic of a system created by mundanes and blindly accepted and spread around. It's a mental parasite, these theories do nothing but prey on you mental ability, using part of your capacity, filling it with BS, like a bloated program on a computer eating your RAM and making everything slow and ineffective until you can't do anything.



Also, what do you make of the following quote by Goethe:

"The God-head is effective in the living and not in the dead, in the becoming and the changing, not in the become and the set-fast; and therefore, similarly the intuition is concerned only to strive towards the divine through the becoming and the living, and logic only to make use of the become and the set-fast"

I've been obsessed with it recently. To me, it summarises the typically human flaw of wanting a permanent state of happiness. The conditions that create happiness in a person are multitude and ever-changing, so wanting to cling to that state is setting yourself up for failure. Aurelius put a lot of emphasis on accepting things as they come, because they are your due in this world: the pleasure and the pain. And just like one should not seek excess in pleasure, one should not run from pain, because they are both tests of character. This is an idea that people have had for centuries, but that we aren't taught: the default human state isn't "being", it's "becoming". It's striving towards the divine, towards good and truth and honesty and justice, towards happiness, towards being in line with what the world requires of us. Reaching a state of permanence isn't possible. There was a time when you felt happiness, and that time is gone, or perhaps it is now, but it will leave, and come again. You may have been a good person all your life, but things will continuously come your way and test you, again and again, so that you can never qualify yourself as permanently "in line with your purpose", but always changing, always new. As you work on yourself, old versions of you, worse hopefully, better possibly, are left behind, you kill them, you emerge from them as a new person, ever striving.



This is interesting if you consider that we don't know whether light is a particle or a wave. If we're that uncertain of something that directly affects the way we see things (because the eye sees the light that reflects from objects), then maybe other things aren't fixed as well. We can usually combine senses to tell the true form of an object in our reality (e.g. you can manipulate a cube and figure out what it is, even with your eyes closed). But has anyone ever used senses other than the eyes to behold the whole Earth?



Hah, that's a pretty good comment in this context. Of course I know what you're talking about, but I didn't consider is directly. The earth when seen from outside is a particle, meaning it's round. When standing on it, its form is something else, like the double slit experiment and shrödinger's cat implies… particles are only particles when observed, otherwise they are waveforms.



wow, I'm really glad you liked it so much. I know flat earth is something we could dive into for hours and get a huge headach with, so I'm completely okay with you skipping that since other parts interest you more.

it's just so fascinating to me because nasa just can't disprove it. even if flat earth is incorrect, it proves nasa and alot of scientists and the fabricators of the mainstream paradigm wrong.


>The question I want to ask you most is the whether you've read Marcus Aurelius' Meditations. I see a lot of parallels with what you're saying here, so I wanted your input on the book if possible. If you haven't read it, then I heavily recommend it. I want to get your thoughts on a few ideas.

No I haven't, is it a free open source book? do you know a website where I can read it within the legal rules?

>Do you think this is compatible with what you're saying, or is God as a person who infuses the world with direction and meaning critical to your conception?

It sounds as if marcus aurelius was almost on the right track but kind of went off in a direction that doesn't sound too compatible with the way that I understand things. from what you said, his way of looking at the world seems like a better description for nature than it does for God, and of course as my understanding goes, God controls natures. there isn't only one nature, there are many natures that we don't even know about, and God controls all of them.

I think God is more like (not trying to paint a picture here, but it's confusing and risky to try to describe God without making a false image in the name of God) a hyper advanced super computer. God is so big and so omnipresent and omnipotent that even for those reasons alone not even counting the countless other ones, that the individuality of God is lost to our imperfect human perception. this is one of the reasons why so many different religions exist. imperfect human beings are desperately struggling to "know" God, and God commands that imperfect human beings try their best to perceive God more or less how I'm describing God in my thread here, without painting a false image *which is really difficult for me



OP here, not sure if I agree or disagree but you are extremely convincing because of how you properly think things out. you have a kickass set of logical skills and common sense.



>Also, what do you make of the following quote by Goethe:

>"The God-head is effective in the living and not in the dead, in the becoming and the changing, not in the become and the set-fast; and therefore, similarly the intuition is concerned only to strive towards the divine through the becoming and the living, and logic only to make use of the become and the set-fast"

I'm not sure at all that I understood that even remotely correctly but if I just happen to be right I believe that they were possibly trying to imply that you can only reach God if you are alive. if that's what they were saying then I completely disagree. but it all depends on what your definition of "alive" and "dead" are.

you could say that if we are living in the matrix,(earth life simulation) that we are asleep in real reality (heaven)

I'm not telling anyone to kill themselves, so don't kill yourself or do anything dangerous because that would be stupid.

you could say that we are awake and alive here in the dream, but asleep and dead in heaven.

maybe, when our lives naturally end on earth as does every human being that ever lived, this happens:

we are asleep and dead here in the dream which makes us leave it, and become awake and alive in heaven (real reality)

it's a very very long long shot, and I feel like I'm disrespecting myself for trying to squeeze meaning out of something that I barely understood and probably understood completely wrong, but if that's what they meant, it would be somewhat interesting.

(sorry for spacing, trying to read and write without making mistakes and making easier for others to read since it's confusing)

but if that's what they actually meant, I think they are stupid for implying that God isn't powerful both in life and in death (regardless of definition) as God is powerful everywhere and in every way without limitation.



>I've been obsessed with it recently. To me, it summarises the typically human flaw of wanting a permanent state of happiness. The conditions that create happiness in a person are multitude and ever-changing, so wanting to cling to that state is setting yourself up for failure.

Okay, yes and no. wanting a permanent state of happiness is completely fine but you have to use that drive for good and not for evil. believing that you can actually cling to that state in this imperfect matrix reality is what sets people up for failure. the permanent state of happiness does exist (heaven of course) and only God can give you that. it is real, and there isn't a reason why you shouldn't try to be happy on earth, but expecting to always be happy on earth is silly.

don't hate yourself for wanting better for yourself, that's what the globalists want you to feel. FIRST: love God. Second: love yourself third: love everyone else who is nice enough to love you.



>Aurelius put a lot of emphasis on accepting things as they come, because they are your due in this world: the pleasure and the pain.

it's true that God has a plan for everyone.

>And just like one should not seek excess in pleasure, one should not run from pain, because they are both tests of character.

it all depends on what type of pain and pleasure. alot of globalist propaganda wants you to avoid pleasure (while also simultaneously throwing stimulating temporary pleasures at you in every day life like fast cars and other AAA mainstream trash) and telling you to chase after pain, all because they want to keep you miserable and busy and distracted.

if you have good responsibilities that are virtuous (pain) then you should do the right thing and not run away.

if you have good virtuous pleasures like being with friends or family you love and trying to avoid the corporate wage slave lifestyle by trying to live as disconnected from the bad parts of society as possible, or making your girlfriend happy in bed (use protection!) pssh like any of us have girlfriends, let alone redpilled ones that are good genuine souls ;_; then don't see those as bad things.

examples of bad pain:

>being with people you don't like

>being with people who don't like you

>being trapped working as a slave in a job that will never go anywhere especially if you don't enjoy it

>being hurt by others and just simply allowing it to happen

examples of bad pleasure:


>excessive alcohol use (hey if you're 21/ legal age in your country a little very rarely is fine as long as your don't have health problems and your doctor says it's fine)

>fucking people who don't actually love you

>thrills of doing evil things

see how there's a difference between the good pleasures and pains (if you can call pain good, Pfshh I mean it really depends) and the bad pleasures and pains?

by all means avoid bad pains and bad pleasures!




bad pleasure:


absolute degeneracy. nobody should do this. nobody wins anything from this.



>This is an idea that people have had for centuries, but that we aren't taught: the default human state isn't "being", it's "becoming". It's striving towards the divine, towards good and truth and honesty and justice, towards happiness, towards being in line with what the world requires of us.

I agree in alot of ways but I started laughing really hard when it got to the place where it says "towards being in line with what the world requires of us" the main problem being that "the world requires of us" is often in direct conflict with the divine, honestey, justice, truth, happiness, good. this world is by no means "good" it's only good for the purpose that God has for us. but don't worry because God is very very good.

>Reaching a state of permanence isn't possible. There was a time when you felt happiness, and that time is gone, or perhaps it is now, but it will leave, and come again. You may have been a good person all your life, but things will continuously come your way and test you, again and again, so that you can never qualify yourself as permanently "in line with your purpose", but always changing, always new. As you work on yourself, old versions of you, worse hopefully, better possibly, are left behind, you kill them, you emerge from them as a new person, ever striving.

yea, life's a bitch and then you die, right? but permanence was never a theme of this world. even the pyramids don't look so good. only God can lift you up into a perfect state. so don't worry, it's all good. just try your best to be comfortable and happy and try to be nice within reason while keeping your safety in mind and wait for God you know?



genius underrated post.

>This is interesting if you consider that we don't know whether light is a particle or a wave. If we're that uncertain of something that directly affects the way we see things (because the eye sees the light that reflects from objects), then maybe other things aren't fixed as well. We can usually combine senses to tell the true form of an object in our reality (e.g. you can manipulate a cube and figure out what it is, even with your eyes closed). But has anyone ever used senses other than the eyes to behold the whole Earth?



>Hah, that's a pretty good comment in this context. Of course I know what you're talking about, but I didn't consider is directly. The earth when seen from outside is a particle, meaning it's round. When standing on it, its form is something else, like the double slit experiment and shrödinger's cat implies… particles are only particles when observed, otherwise they are waveforms.

now then, what happens if you intentionally don't observe everything and try to do something or accomplish some kind of goal? if you intentionally use sensory deprivation, what kind of amazing things can you achieve? I mean like just a simple well make ear muffs, smell blocking nose cover that still lets you breath, and blindfold.

don't fucking actually do this because you will just get seriously injured or die.



thread archive for safety reasons




What you're describing is a form of literal detachment from the physical world. In theory, it may even work. If you no longer sense anything, are you at all in this physical reality? Maybe you would move to another dimension and see a different reality and a different view of our current 3D world.




The book is almost 2 millennia old by now, so megacorp copyright laws don't apply. This version is missing an introduction that was very helpful in my copy, however. You can find the intro here:


The logos especially is a concept that I'm still grappling with and that only the introduction tries to shine a light on. It's basically the "animating force of the universe", but also the "order of things". Like an impersonal God. Anyway, I think you'll like it.

You're not wrong that there's a lot of emphasis on nature in Marcus Aurelius' philosophy, but also on nature as in "the nature of things". Even in the book, there's a lot of conflation between "nature", "the way things are", and "the gods", "the divine". That's why I saw a lot of parallels here.

I like the idea of being humble and understanding our flawed perceptions. That's why, with this in mind, I doubt the conception of God as an individual. Not that I'm set on that either, but sometimes "And God created Man in His image" seems more like "And Man created God in his image", as in, our perception of an all-powerful force is flawed, because we instinctively want to ascribe individuality to it, to communicate with it (i.e. prayer), to "know" it like you said. Kind of like aliens have a humanoid form in public consciousness, instead of just being some weird bugs with intelligence no higher than our bugs, or very powerful immaterial forces.



hey thanks anon! I don't open .pdf's though for security reasons.

and wow! I though my thread was long! since you know it so good would you be willing to give me your own personal summary of it's most important points? to be honest the style of speaking gets me in a strange way and I feel like I don't follow the words very good. I mean obviously because it's a very old text. reminds me of the first few times I read the bible back to back. after I finished cleaning my brains off the walls I did a little better so maybe I should force myself. if you can give me your own take on the whole thing I would love to hear it from someone who is passionate about it, because sometimes that's better than the thing itself in some cases, has a special magic to it.

as for God and individuality, think of my supercomputer example. this is kind of difficult to imagine but here you have God, and God can multitask information, multitask actions (doing things), process information, remember, create and destroy, guide and direct, control, gift ideas and so much more beyond what all the people and creatures and computers of the world that ever existed combined could ever even hope to imagine in their wildest dreams let alone reach a fraction of a fraction of a fraction of a percent of (and that's a generous example, truly the power and scale of God is unfathomable) got that? so now take that, and it can be anywhere and anywhen and everywhere and nowhere inside and outside of everything everyone and everynothing, and can exert beyond infinite effort and will and action and things we can't even understand in everyway everywhere everywhen simultaneously, and know what's going on in every place and beyond effortlessly and do everything effortlessly.

so that's one of the reasons why to alot of people that God doesn't sound like an individual. singular, but everywhere.



So you have no actually argument then?



>which is one of the reasons I believe jesus was a globalist.0


A lecture on on Jesus by Alen Watts. I think he makes a lot of good points and makes a lot more sense than "Jesus was a globalist"


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>the whole world is a flat dome shape that doesn't move. the earth is fixed in place and doesn't move. if the earth was spinning as fast as they say it is, we would have been launched off and life wouldn't exist on this plane. I mean planet.

Aaaaaaaannnd dropped



On what?

I'm merely explaining how I see it. I think you're asking the wrong questions, you're way ahead on the assumptions and won't get anywhere. It should've been clear to you if you read my posts.

I'm not some jew trying to win arguments. If you don't want to progress and develop yourself, I have nothing to say to you.



fuck off then, you soul is literally a loser.



people will wonder why I said this. it's because I'm sickened and disturbed by people with such self-limited and closed minds that can't and do not want to comprehend anything beyond their initial brainwashed programming.

and I stand by what I said and I will not apologize, because I am not wrong. it is wrong to be as ignorant and as foolish as to drop something so fast without even trying.



I'm not going to change what I believe if the person I'm speaking to can't even defend what he believes in.



I said I don't really believe anything regarding the shape of the earth. I consider it a trick question and I explained this pretty thoroughly. Where does this idea of the "earth" having a "shape" even come from? I don't really understand the concept itself. We're walking on it, the landscape has all sorts of shapes in the terrain. The idea of placing the natural world in a large perspective and relativizising it is of religious origin anyway, so why would a "scientist" go by this in the first place? People used to believe you'd fall of an edge at the "end of the world" if you kept going in one direction, and that chinese people had two heads. If someone really did fall off we won't know because they can't tell of it.

I'm just pointing at the fact that this whole discussion is absurd. Just because we can see stars in the sky, it doesn't mean the sun is a star and that we live on an object similar to them. All of this is assumptions based on the idea that you could somehow move beyond your subjective thinking and see an "objective" reality. All those theories come from this struggle in trying to maintain the illusion of the objectively existing world, by the spreading of theories that people have to accept blindly and not interpret themselves.

It's still just an illusion because all you say is just you, what I say is me, and I won't feed this egregore of objective reality by thinking and talking within its logic. You're not going to see that happening here, because I am opposed to this theory of lies.


be careful anons, the trolls are hungry for butthurt.



I love your sense of logic. I don't know how many times I have said this to you specifically but it feels like I'm replying to the same poster. you are a genius and I respect you.



I know man. Some people! They will forever stay ignorant and brainwashed. But it's their loss that they don't know the sky is water and the earth is flat, not ours. They are only fooling themselves at the end of the day. Just living in their own fantasy land because they can't accept "reality"… what ever that is.


File: e8f691028bd5581⋯.jpeg (25.69 KB, 400x516, 100:129, hlgrunt.jpeg)

>tfw you flew a plane from Argentina to Australia by crossing over Antarctic.

>tfw using a globe to navigate the seas and air ways results in accurate measurements and estimations of distances while using a flat earth map will tell you that North America is closer to Australia than South America.

>tfw you launched your own rocket into space to see the curvature of the Earth.

>tfw flat earthers will never put any of their theories to the test. Ever.

I'm mostly just surprised by how much time the flat earth trolls put into this. This has to be one of the greatest con games of all time, just to see how many people they can trick.


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Except no one launched rockets and saw any curvature. All real pics actually show a straight horizon even at the level of satellites and space stations. Those showing a curve are fish eye lenses bending everything in the pic. It's pretty obvious if you just use your eyes.

Many flat earth experiments have been done, for example with a green laser over a lake to show there is no drop in level, proving there is no curvature. There's also lots of observations like pic related.


File: 777a588ecbd69fe⋯.png (163.18 KB, 1341x579, 447:193, 645236234532.png)


>joins threads that mention flat earth

>lel flat earthers are trolls even though we go into threads that we do not like to complain and bitch about how it's so wrong

anyone notice how whenever anyone talks about flat earth, epic trolls or fucking shills alway seem to show up? it's like they are desperate to convince everyone that it's just some silly joke or conspiracy to be discarded as valueless.

in ancient times people ate herbs and roots and other plants when they got sick and thousands of years later (if history is really to that scale if you know what I mean) now everyone is taking pills with horrible side effects that fuck up your body so badly that you need to take even more pills to help fix what the other pills broke. people are paying the pharmaceutical companies billions a year in medical bills. now you see people making a huge comeback to eating a whole unprocessed plant food based diet and eating roots and herbs again to keep their health on the right track in the first place.

guess what else people believed in ancient times? the earth is flat.

remember that you should go to your doctor if you get sick and/or have any problems. ask your family doctor before doing or stopping anything.



Another thing we used to have in ancient times was capital letters in the beginning of sentences.



nice dubs you cheeky bastard


File: da56212c827615d⋯.jpg (82.17 KB, 561x606, 187:202, cat_tongue.jpg)


>tfw you saw the curve with your own eyes, unlike flat earthers and their flatness.

>tfw you literally launched your own rocket and saw the curvature.

>tfw you can measure curvature with a meter difference while flat earthers can do the basic bitch math right with a lake's worth of distance.


>tfw when a splinter doesn't kill you because you use antibiotics instead of shit to disinfect the wound.

>tfw Steve Jobs tried to cure his cancer by eating grass

>tfw CRISPR will fix all genetic diease

>tfw pills are just the chemicals from plants except sterile, pure, and in greater quantity.



poor attempt



You shouldn't be so condescending. It gives them a personal reason to not believe you, and that kind of habit will make it difficult to accept it if you're wrong on a subject.


This guy makes a good point against the fish eye lens thing though. https://flatearthinsanity.blogspot.com/2016/08/flat-earth-follies-high-altitude.html



>tfw non-NASA inventor wants to build their own private spaceship but get framed for murder

Really makes you think huh..

>Peter Langkjær Madsen[1] (Danish pronunciation: [peːdɐ lɑŋˀkæːɐ̯ mað̩sn̩]; born 12 January 1971) is a Danish engineer and entrepreneur. He co-founded the non-profit organization Copenhagen Suborbitals[2] and is the founder and CEO of RML Spacelab ApS.[3]

>Madsen was arrested in August 2017 for suspected involvement in the death of Swedish journalist Kim Wall, who was last seen alive aboard his submarine UC3 Nautilus.[4] He is currently awaiting trial.[5]



File: 604b66f00f487c3⋯.png (116.86 KB, 220x273, 220:273, ClipboardImage.png)


>tfw man wants to lead first Spanish expedition to East Indies but is supposedly killed by natives along with many of his men.

>tfw man was probably killed by people who want to prevent the world from knowing the world is spherical.

>tfw everyone thinks the world is flat and connect two completely unrelated events together in what could be described as saying correlation means causation.

Really makes you think.



you people will never learn, you are near permanently stupid or intentionally trolling.


File: f361d64c59c613e⋯.jpg (31.78 KB, 500x498, 250:249, 1465891859074-0.jpg)


Are you so far disconnected you don't see the failure in your own logic? Do you not see your hypocrisy when you deny your same logic? Are you so blind you can't see curves?




Does anyone have intel on "the Earth is a HUGE snowball and suns are used to warm up tiny places to sustain life and our seemingly dome 'Earth' probably isn't the only one on this planet"?



The fever dream of a mad man. Or the writings of an author of what we call fiction. Though many on here are unable to determine what is that of fiction or what is not.


>all these anti-flat earth shills hired by the globalists

your desperation to cast a veil over the truth is sad.


File: 1d58f4c8fa11abb⋯.png (2.1 MB, 1960x1493, 1960:1493, 67875442.png)


remember the ending of the story of the tower of babel. God splits up everyone's languages and divides everyone back up into their own unique tongues again. you could also interpret this as God changing everyone back into unique races again. if you really think about it, God probably didn't split them up for the first time. God made people different in the beginning and it was the globalist cult that had race mixed everyone. God was simply splitting them back up as a result of globalist cult trouble making over the years. brings a whole new meaning the the globalist lefty chant "HE WILL NOT DIVIDE US" that they say to trump. also remember the reason the globalist cult wanted to build the tower of babel. they wanted to be able to reach God somehow. really pathetic plan on their part honestly. remember the reading about the firmament in genesis? makes you wonder why hillary clinton (a major puppet for the globalists) is always talking about "breaking the glass ceiling" considering that maybe that was part of their plan when building the tower. also please do remember to look up "operation fishbowl" where they tried to bomb the sky and break the firmament. It didn't work out for them. Isn't it funny how God is against globalists? or rather, globalists are against God.

if you want to view the same video on youtube then just change "hook" in hooktube to "you" so that it says "youtube"








Now pay close attention to the lyrics from the second opening of season 1 from attack on titan.


"Don't the birds break out of their shell,

to fly in the sky and not in a cell.

Not to crawl pathetically,

or trade freedom for the chains.

Why do you have wings such as these?

It means nothing when you're not free.

The sky it looks too small in this cage.

I'll break free and fly high away!"

make sure to note the similarities behind atlantis, the flat earth maps, the tower of babel, and the walls that the people in the attack on titan anime live within, the dome that covers the flat earth, the words that hillary clinton said about breaking the glass ceiling, and the lyrics in the second op season 1 of attack on titan.


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God had foreknowledge and may have had impact on Eve and Adam's decision to eat the forbidden fruit.

God may have set them up to eat the forbidden fruit, just the same way Pharoah was told to release the slaves but then "hardened Pharoah's heart" so Pharoah couldn't let them go. or was the Pharoah supposed to go against his hardened heart and do the right thing anyway?

the fact that Eve did not know the difference between Good and Evil when she ate the forbidden fruit is very paradoxical, since She and Adam literally had no way of knowing that disobedience was a bad thing. They are technically being punished for doing evil when they specifically didn't know what evil was or that eating the forbidden fruit was wrong other than the fact that they were told not to eat it, but that goes back to the fact that they had no way of knowing that disobedience was a bad thing… The question is why? To learn? Are we meant to learn here on earth? Does this experience exist because we are supposed to learn what it is and know what is good and bad and avoid what is bad so that we may be distinctly good? it's becoming clear that everything is planned. update



ive just come from the forgotten languages thread on /new/, theres no shortage of paradigm shattering content there.

hope this doesn't constitute advertising >>>/new/8699



this reminds me on neuronal networks and machine learning

what if we are AIs

and earth is an AI factory

good AIs will live

bad AIs will get dumped = no eternal life



cool theory, everyone should try to be the best they can be, even if the theory is wrong.



it didn't really vibe with me anon. to me it just seems like a bunch of very creative scifi fiction ufo tinfoil. I Know I sound very un-openminded by saying that but my bs detecting sonar lights up when people talk about ufo's. I do understand the fact that there is some evidence of someone doing weird things throughout history like all those paintings that depict ufo's in the backround.

but it's just not my area of expertise. I can't reccomend or dis-reccomend it since I can't know how much of it is right or wrong. if I had more personal experiences with interesting people, perhaps some from far away places, maybe I would change my mind. I'm not against learning more.



i would like to agree with u anon, but ive looked at that website and your explanation just simply does not work at all.

the amount of effort put into that site is monentous, take for example all the languages that they created which actually work. (now they may/not hav a nodespaces v2.0 for this but if that exists it still means huge effor)

the UFO thing kinda is you know, paradigm shattering, but take down ur cognitive disconence and look again at it through a clear lens. if its all scifi then its very good and the writers obviously have done a lot of research and study to make their website look realistic, to the point (suppostly) of having access to confidential lockheed martin dockuments.

idk though, maybe everythings a big meme


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>Beware of false prophets. They come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are ravenous wolves. By their fruit you will recognize them. Are grapes gathered from thornbushes, or figs from thistles? Likewise, every good tree bears good fruit, but a bad tree bears bad fruit. A good tree cannot bear bad fruit, and a bad tree cannot bear good fruit. Every tree that does not bear good fruit is cut down and thrown into the fire. So then, by their fruit you will recognize them.

Funnily enough, I have come to the same conclusion about the globalists agenda that you have laid out in your last two posts. BUT, you have posted absolutely none of the well-known in conspiracy theorists circles evidence here, instead you are posting vague unsubstantiated rubbish that does not lead me down any of the rabbit holes that lead to the conclusion you are proclaiming is real. For example, why are you not linking us to the protocols of zion?

This leads me to a conclusion - you are attempting to remove the conclusion you are 'trying' to prove to us from any grounds of credibility.

This is also why many believe flat-earthism is a psyop being pushed onto the chans - as it removes credibility from the chans if people think we believe this stuff, then it makes the rest of us look just as stupid. You are also posting alot of flat earth stuff here, interestingly.

This is a well-known shilling tactic, and that bible quote you so handily quoted, is describing exactly who you are.

I think you are the wolf in sheep's clothing. Are you JIDF? You seem quite interested in changing our views on Jews, and are refusing to attribute any blame to their leadership.

You're posting religious content, globalist propaganda and at the same time decrying their aims as evil. You're posting /pol/ social engineering content here that I think you're choosing as tailored content to titillate our sensibilities. For example, most of your pictures are popular infographics that promote popular /pol/ or /x/ thinking - but your actual message in each post is often different. As if you were trying to sweeten the pot for us to continue reading your poorly researched posts.

I shall post a series of posts to deconstruct pretty much everything fake you've just posted.


File: 0c2e0731aa0750e⋯.jpg (25.71 KB, 128x128, 1:1, opis2.jpg)


>you should archive this page after I finish posting all this information.

>I strongly encourage people to save this and make encrypted backups to hide in multiple locations because there is a witch hunt to stop the spread of this information.

Because you know that anyone with any sense will realize everything you just posted is bullshit and delete it (like they have been on /pol/ and /x/) so you want your crap saved SOMEWHERE, right?

I am actually familiar with some of your conclusions (as are many of us) but your evidence is largely fake and mixed in with disinformation.

For example - a globalist agenda - true. There is a mountain of evidence supporting this. You have used none of it.

If I am wrong, and you are for real - then you need to stop and make a more sensible and correctly researched paper.


I see many flaws with your reasoning.

>god created this matrix for us to live in before going to real reality.

This is gnostic teaching, however you directly contradict this later on.

>israel isn't a place on earth like the cult of globalism would like you to believe.

It has a real geographical property. There is plenty of evidence for this, if you trouble yourself to seek it.

>notice how they all love worshipping false idols, and what they percieve to be ideal """perfect""" shapes

Have you read any occultic texts at all? For example, the triangle shape (and cross) represents the holy trinity - and in kabala it is their useful aid and mnemotic to understand their creation story. It is the also beginning of their tree of life. Symbols and shapes are made important for this reason - a mnemotic aid to understanding. You are making it into something else here.

Shapes are perfect representations because they are based on pure mathematics and are universal.

And the muslims just adopted worshipping black cubes because the previous religions in the area where they started were already doing it. They just needed to incorporate the local population by adopting their preexisting beliefs. Similar to christianity adopting pagan gods and customs.

>nasa translates in hebrew: "to deceive"

False, It's a common myth. Perhaps started by people who did not understand accented letters.




nasa or nasah: to lift, carry, take

nasha: to beguile, deceive


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You point out a lot of things, then fail to explain why you're mentioning them. Your posts read like a tinfoil hat wearers fever dream, with no logical connections or conclusions.

You are grabbing data points from widely separated and unlinked sources. Stop. If you are serious, you need to put all of this together properly, where it makes sense and your data points actually do link.

This whole thing just stinks of poor logic flat earth shillism and CIA psyop chan credibility destroying tactics.

Now, before you accuse me of not believing anything you say, I do believe. I have understood everything already, and everything you are saying does not fit properly, which leads me to think you have the wrong intentions.


>it's real


Both these words came into existence at separate points in the timeline, there is no connection. "it's" for example is a very very modern invention.

Also, I don't think you understand where the Jews actually came from, they are not that old a race. There was no single tribe of israelites.


>a false physical location of "israel" in the middle of the middle east just for shits and giggles


How is it false? The only evidence you provide is your sentence. We have the entire world's record of historical text, photos, maps and actual people who come and go there, that say it is a real location.


>they want to wipe us out simply because we are who we are.

Yes, strong argument there. You've included evidence, a persuasive argument and a clear motive.


>the globalists need lead to make gold.

I don't think you understand alchemy. There are two schools of thought around it, the common thinking is alchemy was believed to be an actual way to turn lead into gold in the material world. The more correctly understood esosteric study of it was a form of personal improvement through the occult.


File: a56bb1919673b25⋯.jpg (26.52 KB, 128x128, 1:1, opis4.jpg)


>the globalists want: to racemix the whole world until everyone has coffee- skin, hair, and eye color.


>"all jews are kikes" or some crazy knee-jerk auto-racism that just kicks in and turns off their logic. that reaction is exactly what the globalist cult wants.

Actually, that is wrong. You are proceeding with fake data. And contradicting your previous statement.

All the globalists want is right there in their label - globalism. One race, one government.

Then they want to remove everything that divides us. They want us to NOT hate jews, they want us to not hate muslims, and they want us to not hate whites. Yet, everything the globalists are doing (and your globalist propaganda you've been posting) is furthering this aim.

Get your shit straight.

You are also posting graphic infographics that push division and religious hate and say that you aren't doing this?


>there is no devil or bad enemy figure, and these false idol characters are always created by people who childishly refuse to give God credit for all events that take place.

>people who can't handle giving God credit for everything in every way, are accidentally foolishly insulting the intelligence of God by pretending they are taking away power from God by inventing false idol puppets like jesus and satan.

Why do you assume God can be insulted?

This is dangerously close to the territory of religiously sanctioned violence and intolerance.

Why would

>an actual thinking real individual/beyond being/entity of pure power and love and permanently unmatched and immeasurable intelligence.

give a fuck what an ant (human) on earth thinks?

The biggest logical fallacy that humans have is assuming that everything else thinks the way we do.


>"the greatest trick the devil ever did was convince us he didn't exist"

That's not a lie.

If you've practiced any sort of occultism seriously - you'd know that non physical entities exist.

If you assume that an entity you call "God" exists and is not phyiscally manifest, why do you also refuse to assume that any other entities exist? How do you know there is only one?

Some of us have set out to seek the answer, and some of us have found out without seeking… That entities exist.


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The person who banned you is right. You have not put much effort into this.

You need better arguments and clear logic.

Bible quotes are no good on their own.


omg what

I won't even bother. This whole post is weakly grasping at straws.

If you actually believe in flat-earthism then you need to prove it, for yourself as well as for us. No, more for yourself.


>go back and watch any video of a rocket takeoff. why do ALL the rockets always go upwards for a moment and then start to veer off course and curve off the side? they can't keep going straight up because they will hit the water

Someone else helped disprove you - thanks 111794

>Rockets go eastward on purpose. Orbital velocity is 18,000 miles per hour, but by launching a rocket eastward you can utilize the 1,000 mph rotation of the earth to get into orbit with only 17,000 miles per hour.


If you google "tower of babel" you'll see thousands of paintings that look nothing like the UN tower.


>I hope you don't seriously think this way

>that just doesn't make logical sense.

Dude, you made many posts asking us to believe you by using that same logic.

Looook, "its real"/"israel" omg because I wrote it like this it automatically means I'm right!

You need to stop and take a long hard look at everything.

But I think you're a JIDF shill anyway, because this is all too ridiculous to be coming from one person.


>it's just so fascinating to me because nasa just can't disprove it. even if flat earth is incorrect, it proves nasa and alot of scientists and the fabricators of the mainstream paradigm wrong.

Pretending for a moment, your bogeyman deciever/nasha doesn't exist - it has actually been asserted in recorded history since the 6th century BC that the earth is a globe… Did your evil globalist agenda exist back then, in the greek civilization? The roman empire? The hindu subcontinent?

Please stop, and try to find it out for yourself using your own senses - instead of reading shit on the internet.


I'm gonna stop here and I won't devote any more energy to your posts. /fringe/ needs to ignore this guy and let this thread sage.




I'm just here to say your posts are awesome and there's HARD evidence of Jewish conspiracy. Also this guy read one of my anti-Israel posts that was meant to make them question "are white people really that bad?" and transformed it into something else. This guy's a shill.

And to the shill: Most of us have seen paranormal stuff in the past, irl.


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>the globalists want:

>to racemix the whole world until everyone has coffee- skin, hair, and eye color.

Ayy it's more like latte colored skin



Pretty silly to argue against reality imo, but there all kinds of people in the world… They think what we discuss here is just LARPing. Someone even complimented me on keeping my roleplay setting consistent while elaborating on a topic. Reality won't always make sense but it can always be explained.



what's wrong with having decent spacing and ability to read rather than a wall of text?

A bit excessive yea


File: e59aa6a51d6d5bd⋯.png (935.97 KB, 1512x2943, 56:109, 753254372.png)


oh great, a shill. I'll read your shit later. here, have a copypasta. image related.



>Also this guy read one of my anti-Israel posts that was meant to make them question "are white people really that bad?" and transformed it into something else. This guy's a shill.

are you refering to the anon you are replying to that is replying to the OP, or to me the OP? care to link that post? might be relevant.



Making 6 posts when it could have been 3 does not increase readability.



I humbly add this to the discussion.

I have some good resources. The threads this was on were suddenly archived or just deleted.

This video here, https://youtube.com/#/watch?v=CpH_rXGHX1w , is a remote "soft kill shield" for targeted individuals of all kinds. It will work to destroy many harassments. This other, https://youtube.com/#/watch?v=OZCgOoGSLdQ , is the second version of the targeted individual scatter frequency. I hope that they help."

"Dive deep within yourself, speak to your Higher Self (read Why I am no longer a Lightworker 1 and 2, by Cameron Day), enter your Akashik records, and you shall Know. We are One with the All (Infinite Source) as the All (Infinite Source) is One with Us. If you need more guiding, read from Bibliotecapleyades and Montalk. Finally, listen to the following videos https://youtube.com/watch?v=RQIO9cqwgcE [Embed] , https://youtube.com/watch?v=pSyUT2p4H24 [Embed] , https://youtube.com/watch?v=feilxGTQkow [Embed] , , https://youtube.com/watch?v=XvyPscRD1ss [Embed] , (commas are flying so they do not become part of the link).

Each has instructions, and the last one is particularly important; only watch it 1 time per day for 5 days, then rest for 2, and then you may repeat it. Beware that sometimes channels will try to brainwash you; the ones I have listed are safe. Reclaim your Divine Sovereignity, Fight the Parasites, STS/Duality Low Vibration/Frquency/Density Beings and the different Matrix Control Systems.

Remember always, do not go into the light when you die."

Demons and archontic parasites absolutely hate the last video!

Also merging one of my other comments:

"The DrVirtual7 has made these amazing videos:https://youtube.com/watch?v=YVDGY5BKT5k , to help you with making a Shield of White and Golden Light, and https://youtube.com/watch?v=MrvQ-YNThDg [Embed] , to protect yourself from and dissolve black magic, also cleaning the Space of Self."




You. I'm talking about you, OP.



why would you accuse me of saying something in another thread that contradicts alot of the things that I said in my thread? sounds like you just came here to tell lies and discredit me.



wait, what website? I may be getting confused, or you may be replying to the wrong person.



>OP is a JIDF shill and here's why…

alright, I'm finally done with a huge shitload of work I had to do and I can now read your tl;dr about how you think I'm a shill even after all the things I posted in my thread. this will probably be fun.

>Beware of false prophets. They come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are ravenous wolves.

I agree with this, If you read my thread at all you would notice how I go on and on about not letting yourself get corrupted by false idols and other twisted ideas that complicate the relationship between yourself and God.

>Funnily enough, I have come to the same conclusion about the globalists agenda that you have laid out in your last two posts. BUT, you have posted absolutely none of the well-known in conspiracy theorists circles evidence here,

look at how big my thread is. do you think I'm going to go out of my way to make it a hundred times bigger filling it up with "well-known in conspiracy theorists circles evidence here"? I'm very sure you are the shill here because you want me to take a thread that already does a good job speaking about many different topics and just over-bloat the thread to death to water down the information so that it's impossible for newbies to get in entry-level-wise.

>instead you are posting vague unsubstantiated rubbish

Man really? that right there proves you didn't read a single thing in my entire thread. if you really did read the whole thing and that's what you have to say about it then I am honestly devastated by your lack of ability to make connections and notice patterns.

>that does not lead me down any of the rabbit holes that lead to the conclusion you are proclaiming is real.

if my thread didn't resonate with you, maybe you need to go down a few more rabbit holes of knowledge before coming back and reading this thread again. you sound seriously asshurt.

>For example, why are you not linking us to the protocols of zion?

damned if I do, damned if I dont. I know about it, I have been linked to it before by many here on /fringe/ and on /pol/ but it's a very long read and I haven't got around to reading it yet. please do link it in this thread if you feel that it's relevant. I'm just not the type of person to link things all over the damn place that I haven't carefully read myself. I'm not going to post something unless I'm sure it's extremely relevant to the topic. why would I risk posting a link to something that seems relevant, but I haven't been able to verify myself? that's low quality thread building because I have no way of knowing if the link I'm posting is full of shit or has legitimacy. if I read it, and I honestly do hope I have the chance to read it through and through one day, and If I like it, then I will make sure to include it in the thread next time around. but I don't fuck around, why include something that might make me look like a fool? I'm trying to make a clean organized thread based on things I know enough about to have reason to include in the thread. I wont say the protocols on zion are good or bad (but I hear it's a really interesting read) but you wont find me writing about random bullshit just to include it in my thread only based on the assumption that it might be relevant. you can easily read tons of things in my thread that prove that I am exposing shills and other evils, rather than hiding them. to say what I have said in this thread is far beyond the possible threshold of controlled opposition as you are implying because the whole point of that shill tactic is to bullshit away just a little information to seem like the other side. I have gone above and beyond with my willingness to post things that I have heard few others mention in the open and I will continue to be a source for the truth.



>This leads me to a conclusion - you are attempting to remove the conclusion you are 'trying' to prove to us from any grounds of credibility.

let me tell you something bub, you sound just like a hillary supporter/ trump hater. you're type is always getting mad for no reason and then accusing trump of doing some fake fucking shit that he didn't do and calling impeachment over and over again like you have any real evidence. accusing trump of playing with russia meanwhile in the backround hillary gives putin 11 GORRILION dollars worth of uranium *uranium one*. bunch of hypocrites and cowards you all are. now please add some fucking evidence to you accusation mr.shill because all you're saying is that I'm doing this and that but you can't point to any specifics because you are a liar. all you can do is spray and pray with accusations but you can't prove any of them because all I have done in my thread from start to finish is tell the truth.

>This is also why many believe flat-earthism is a psyop being pushed onto the chans - as it removes credibility from the chans if people think we believe this stuff, then it makes the rest of us look just as stupid. You are also posting alot of flat earth stuff here, interestingly.

whether or not flat earth is true or not (and I think that it's true) it reveals that for some strange and mysterious reason nasa is unwilling or unable to prove all the flat earthers wrong. it proves that we are being lied to.

>I think you are the wolf in sheep's clothing. Are you JIDF? You seem quite interested in changing our views on Jews, and are refusing to attribute any blame to their leadership.

if you even read an ounce of my thread you would understand what I'm talking about, but of course you shills don't dedicated that much effort to reading anything because your bosses have you on strict orders to post in as many places as possible and as often as possible. you get paid per-post, not quality, because you suck.

>You're posting religious content, globalist propaganda and at the same time decrying their aims as evil.

>"There's not even an ounce of wisdom in any religion hue hue I'll totally disregard everything OP said about globalists and how some bad people had a chance to add things to the bible"

>You're posting /pol/ social engineering content here that I think you're choosing as tailored content to titillate our sensibilities. For example, most of your pictures are popular infographics that promote popular /pol/ or /x/ thinking - but your actual message in each post is often different. As if you were trying to sweeten the pot for us to continue reading your poorly researched posts.

I'm posting what I am posting because it all fits together. the /pol/ images are important because they make people realize what the globalists want and don't want. you seriously can't be this stupid, and I know you are not.



>I shall post a series of posts to deconstruct pretty much everything fake you've just posted.

I'll be glad to wipe the floor with your argument. I have always been good at fighting off shills with my bare memes.

<you should archive this page after I finish posting all this information.

>Because you know that anyone with any sense will realize everything you just posted is bullshit and delete it (like they have been on /pol/ and /x/) so you want your crap saved SOMEWHERE, right?

wow, does it really bother you that much that this information is being spread around and that it's waking people up? how dare people save this information and show their friends and family! how dare they know the truth. you make me sick.

>I am actually familiar with some of your conclusions (as are many of us) but your evidence is largely fake and mixed in with disinformation.

then please prove it.

>For example - a globalist agenda - true. There is a mountain of evidence supporting this. You have used none of it.

>You have used none of it.

really bitch? really? really? are you fucking serious? some shills just flat out lie.

>If I am wrong, and you are for real - then you need to stop and make a more sensible and correctly researched paper.

you need to stop shilling so you can pratice better reading comprehension.

>I see many flaws with your reasoning.

<god created this matrix for us to live in before going to real reality.

>This is gnostic teaching, however you directly contradict this later on.

I never said I was gnostic. projecting much?

<israel isn't a place on earth like the cult of globalism would like you to believe.

>It has a real geographical property. There is plenty of evidence for this, if you trouble yourself to seek it.

>"HUE HUE ISRAEL IS IN THE MIDDLE EAST BECAUSE THE NEWS TOLD ME SO" but you're a shill, so this doesn't surprise me that you would say that.

<notice how they all love worshipping false idols, and what they percieve to be ideal """perfect""" shapes

>Have you read any occultic texts at all? For example, the triangle shape (and cross) represents the holy trinity - and in kabala it is their useful aid and mnemotic to understand their creation story. It is the also beginning of their tree of life. Symbols and shapes are made important for this reason - a mnemotic aid to understanding. You are making it into something else here.

you're grasping for straws. "no no this symbol belonds to the churge! and jezuz!" you have to understand that the globalists use alot of those symbols. that's the point. whether they stole them or made them up or just picked a shape and said "lets go with it" the fact is that they are using those things all the time and I mention it in my thread. on to the next line of BS.

>Shapes are perfect representations because they are based on pure mathematics and are universal.

Exodus 20:4 "You shall not make for yourself an idol, or any likeness of what is in heaven above or on the earth beneath or in the water under the earth."

only God is perfect, you think of shapes from an imperfect simulation reality as "perfect" and you are essentially worshiping a false idol and insulting God. that being said, math as is understood by imperfect human beings is imperfect. God knows perfect math, but human beings created their system of math with their own symbols and their own rules and their own meanings. worshipping math and numbers and symbols is worshipping false idols. I'm not saying that it's bad to learn math and be smart and do good in your life, but worshipping numbers as God - is cucked.

>And the muslims just adopted worshipping black cubes because the previous religions in the area where they started were already doing it. They just needed to incorporate the local population by adopting their preexisting beliefs. Similar to christianity adopting pagan gods and customs.

I notice you are trying to do some damage control here. it's really pathetic. everyone knows you are just trying to say "shh shh everyone stop noticing this".



<nasa translates in hebrew: "to deceive"

>False, It's a common myth. Perhaps started by people who did not understand accented letters.




>nasa or nasah: to lift, carry, take

>nasha: to beguile, deceive

apparently some books prove you wrong. more proof that you didn't read anything. I wont even tell you where it is. people who read my thread will know exactly where it is that my thread proves you completely wrong. enjoy working really really hard to find it. as a shill you deserve to read something you don't care about. enjoy being really bored reading the entire thread while everyone else knows that you are a deceiver.

>You point out a lot of things, then fail to explain why you're mentioning them. Your posts read like a tinfoil hat wearers fever dream, with no logical connections or conclusions.

Ohhhhh Nooooooo I'm crazyyyyy! I'm bonkers m8! you trying to discredit me with that old tactic? I'm such a tinfoil hat conspiracy theorist! whoa there goes the cognitive dissonance! I'm sure you think I have sluggish schizophrenia too.




>You are grabbing data points from widely separated and unlinked sources. Stop. If you are serious, you need to put all of this together properly, where it makes sense and your data points actually do link.


>This whole thing just stinks of poor logic flat earth shillism and CIA psyop chan credibility destroying tactics.

>"just shut up! shut up while we try to shut you down!"

>Now, before you accuse me of not believing anything you say, I do believe.


>I have understood everything already, and everything you are saying does not fit properly, which leads me to think you have the wrong intentions.

sure m8 I'm on the floor laughing at you.

<it's real


>Both these words came into existence at separate points in the timeline, there is no connection. "it's" for example is a very very modern invention.

>"there is no connection. stop looking here."

oyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy veyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy

>Also, I don't think you understand where the Jews actually came from, they are not that old a race. There was no single tribe of israelites.

grasping for straws

>a false physical location of "israel" in the middle of the middle east just for shits and giggles


I'm not going to say what it is because I don't want to give this shill an easy job, but everyone who knows chan culture knows that nobody in their right mind could intentionally do what was just done.

>How is it false? The only evidence you provide is your sentence. We have the entire world's record of historical text, photos, maps and actual people who come and go there, that say it is a real location.

>"your sentence is just words! your words they are just letters! your letters they are just symbols! your symbols have no meanings!"

<they want to wipe us out simply because we are who we are.

>Yes, strong argument there. You've included evidence, a persuasive argument and a clear motive.

grasping for straws

<the globalists need lead to make gold.

>I don't think you understand alchemy.

I don't think you understood anything that was mentioned in this entire thread. all your posts sound like they were written by an inexperienced outsider. you shills GLOW like a batman spotlight in gotham city. you are so embarrassing to even speak to. you have no business being on 8chan, or any chan for that matter. go become a farmer and make money selling vegetables that way instead of living dishonestly. you have to realize that when you try to discredit the truth, it could effect the world. what kind of world do you want to leave to the next human beings? you think you're a badass but you're not so heartless. you do care, I know it.



>There are two schools of thought around it, the common thinking is alchemy was believed to be an actual way to turn lead into gold in the material world. The more correctly understood esosteric study of it was a form of personal improvement through the occult.

so there you go againt pretending to be a literal numbskull and then making figuratives in the next line. you're just pulling things out of your back pocket now, as if you weren't already.

>Actually, that is wrong. You are proceeding with fake data. And contradicting your previous statement.

>"you're wrong! you're fake news!"

you're making me tired shill-anon. the truth wants to be free and there is nothing you can do to stop it.

>All the globalists want is right there in their label - globalism. One race, one government.

>Then they want to remove everything that divides us. They want us to NOT hate jews, they want us to not hate muslims, and they want us to not hate whites. Yet, everything the globalists are doing (and your globalist propaganda you've been posting) is furthering this aim.

>Get your shit straight.

you must be so ignorant to not realize that the globalists are pushing on both sides because of the different motives that they have, and they contradict themselves all the time. hitler was soooo evil but he had jews in his miltary working as generals, how the fuck is that possible? then the globalists just shove that piece of history right under the rug. why? because they don't want people to notice, get confused, and ask questions.

>You are also posting graphic infographics that push division and religious hate and say that you aren't doing this?

how dare any country be against radical islamic terrorism? so racist. you sound like a PC culture cuck. there are clear differences between a normal middle eastern person who just goes about their day praying and doing harmless things and some terrorist extremist who blows up innocent people for no reason. of course, it's the worst kind of people who are being shipped into america and europe by the globalists, huge amounts of rapists and thieves and terrorists. why? it's explained in my thread that you didn't read. you fucking skimmed the whole thread looking for straws to grasp at.

<there is no devil or bad enemy figure, and these false idol characters are always created by people who childishly refuse to give God credit for all events that take place.

<people who can't handle giving God credit for everything in every way, are accidentally foolishly insulting the intelligence of God by pretending they are taking away power from God by inventing false idol puppets like jesus and satan.

>Why do you assume God can be insulted?

nothing can hurt God, but it's still rude to be rude to God, for obvious reasons.



>This is dangerously close to the territory of religiously sanctioned violence and intolerance.

Please point out where? I don't promote violence in any way. I'm saying that people are being ignorant by inventing false idol boogy men and straying from the path of God by worshipping fear instead of God's love.

>Why would

<an actual thinking real individual/beyond being/entity of pure power and love and permanently unmatched and immeasurable intelligence.

>give a fuck what an ant (human) on earth thinks?

I'm not even going to answer that, your ignorance or your intentional act of ignorance is so foolish and so vast that it isn't worth it.

>The biggest logical fallacy that humans have is assuming that everything else thinks the way we do.

>"stop liking what I don't like!" "stop disagreeing with me or I'll report your facebewk post and get you expelled from school, wow I'm such a good liberal college student SJW"

<"the greatest trick the devil ever did was convince us he didn't exist"

>That's not a lie.

it's explained in the thread you didn't read.

>If you've practiced any sort of occultism seriously - you'd know that non physical entities exist.

the only entity out there is God. everything else is fear based negative reinforcement propaganda based on psy-op (psychological operations).

>If you assume that an entity you call "God" exists and is not phyiscally manifest, why do you also refuse to assume that any other entities exist? How do you know there is only one?

false idol worshippers like you seem to obviously be, are obsessed with worshipping many different false gods/ false idols/ fake spooky demons because one god isn't good enough for you, or you know about God, but you choose to rebel against God because it makes you feel edgy and cool. *tips fedora*

>Some of us have set out to seek the answer, and some of us have found out without seeking… That entities exist.

every spooky ghost encounter can be attributed to

1. things about the physics engine of our reality we don't understand

2. the wind knocked something over and everyone shit their pants while filming their spoon tip over with a nightvision camera

3. God just felt like being spooky

do you know why spooky shit happens after people play with a "wee gee board"? because it's a false idol and people are trying to get answers out of a piece of fucking cardboard instead of praying to the one and only God. God is pissed off that people are worshiping a piece of freaking wood with letters on it instead of seeking answers from God. so God gives them a scare, as if to say "HEY CHILDREN, WHAT ARE YOU DOING!? HAST THOU DARED TO COMMIT A SIN SUCH AS THIS?" and then people being ignorant as they are think "oh no le spoopy ghost is spooping us oh no!". it's all ignorance.



>The person who banned you is right. You have not put much effort into this.

oh I'm so hurt, ouch! you didn't read my thread, ouch!

>You need better arguments and clear logic.

I did just fine and I'm not going to change a thing, because now I know that it pisses you off. I'm sure I did good by this thread now.

>Bible quotes are no good on their own.

>"there is nothing to learn from some words of wisdom!" d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-amage control!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

>omg what

>I won't even bother. This whole post is weakly grasping at straws.

go back to 4chan

>If you actually believe in flat-earthism then you need to prove it, for yourself as well as for us. No, more for yourself.

lurk more

>I'm gonna stop here and I won't devote any more energy to your posts. /fringe/ needs to ignore this guy and let this thread sage.

>/fringe/ needs to ignore this guy

>/fringe/ needs to ignore this guy

/fringe/ needs to ignore this guy


OP here again, here's an archive of the thread.

great for showing people how shills do their thing.




really important shill guide to go by btw.


>thread starts to get slid after the shill gets humiliated

I am OP. hear me roar.



>I am OP. hear me roar.

Ok, I see what you did. two can play this game.



Low effort replies require low effort return replies



>I'm not even going to answer that, your ignorance or your intentional act of ignorance is so foolish and so vast that it isn't worth it.

sounds like you're too shit scared to acknowledge the possibility something bigger than your own mind exists.

I ask again, why do you assume God cares what you think?


>the only entity out there is God. everything else is fear based negative reinforcement propaganda

By that definition, are YOU a "fear based negative reinforcement propaganda" entity?


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Since OP is devoted to disinformation, I shall make this thread a facts about Jews thread.

Updating Jewish Genocide Of The White Race


regarding the growing list of mainly Jewish pedophiles and sex offenders. Men make up %49 of them yet Jews make up %2 of population. Victims are overwhelmingly gentile.



honestly anon, if you are the same shill as before- it's obvious that after getting completely humiliated by my reply to your false accusations that you really don't have any ammunition left. your creativity is spent and there is nothing that you have left to attack me with. I can sense it in your words that you are just struggling to sound oppositional at this point simply to try to gain some kind of traction in this false argument that you have fabricated. you want me to feed you some kind of convenient response so that you can latch on to that like a parasite and continue a new volly of cheap, poorly thought out, and very low insults and false accusations. if you had anything good to go by, you would have been able to take apart my thread like an angry child to building blocks, effortlessly. my thread still stands like the american flag after a battle through the night because my thread is based in truth at its very foundations. your words are based in the negative, lies, propaganda, disinformation, and deception. you seek to guide others away from the truth.

the truth needs no sugar coating. it simply is.

go home.



more proof shills don't read threads.


File: 7ab12ba2ee2457c⋯.png (147.41 KB, 530x645, 106:129, Jewish Communist Israel Co….png)

Published 10:17, 06 September 2017

Joseph Hirt said he fabricated story of being sent to camp and meeting Nazi doctor Josef Mengele to ‘keep memories alive’ about history of the Holocaust

A Pennsylvania man who claimed for years to have escaped from Auschwitz, met track and field star Jesse Owens and Nazi doctor Josef Mengele, confessed on Friday that he had fabricated the entire story.


New York Times article of russian women sold to slavery in Israel


Nigel Farage says that the Jewish Lobby has too much power in the US


Keep telling us about how "israel" doesn't exist

Make more rubbish posts, I'll make more truth pills


Israel to pay students to defend it online


JERUSALEM (AP) — Israel is looking to hire university students to post pro-Israel messages on social media networks — without needing to identify themselves as government-linked, officials said Wednesday.


File: e4c8ae5bcbf2606⋯.png (619.37 KB, 878x775, 878:775, 4WTBQS.png)

And now for the The Protocols of the Elders of Zion.

Interestingly the first person to "out" the document as a forgery is none other than Allen Dulles, who was in charge of project MKULTRA. He also oversaw the Bay of Pigs and was a member of the Warren Commision after JFK's assassination.

Why is this document important? It lies out a jewish plan for world domination. Sounds grand. What does it suggest doing?

It says to push communism (SJWism, cultural marxism), push race mixing, push replacement migration. (hello european migrant crisis). This is exactly what is happening, as anyone keeping up with current affairs will attest to.

Mr. Henry Ford, in an interview published in the New York WORLD, February 17th, 1921, put the case for Nilus tersely and convincingly thus:

"The only statement I care to make about the PROTOCOLS is that they fit in with what is going on. They are sixteen years old, and they have fitted the world situation up to this time. THEY FIT IT NOW."

Here's the actual document, translated into English for you.


Further reading



(See, unlike OP, I provide sources)

Also there are many websites that call the protocols a hoax, including wikipedia. Is wikipedia compromised? You tell me.


Also, ADL says this : ADL stands up and speaks out. We’re on the front lines to stop anti-Semitism.



if any of the stuff you're posting is true, then if anything you're only helping. I don't see why you are convinced that you are fucking me the OP over by posting things that expose corruption, unless you're dosing the truth with a little twist of disinfo to add to the confusion. maybe you're just delusional and have devoted as much autism to believing me to be a shill as I have dedicated to building a good thread centered on the truth? not really sure what your problem is, but hey- post away. it's a free country.



you know, you got me thinking. why did you immediately go for the shill accusation right from the start in your first few posts? you were pissed that I didn't mention certain things? my question is this: why didn't you just post thinks that you thought were important instead of flipping your shit like a bitch? if you feel like something contributes to a thread, but wasn't posted, how does that automatically justify calling me the OP a shill? I mean, you think something is good, stop crying like a bitch and post something relevant. you contribute to the flipping topic m8. I don't get that. one of the reasons I think you came here to instigate and discredit just for shits and giggles or because of more shilly motives. I really believe you have no idea how chan culture functions at all, or have never posted in a thread before in your life. I almost didn't think to make this post but I kept thinking about how awkward your reasoning and post style was. if you're just being a cunt because you're really really new, then I hope you lurk more and become a better poster and learn alot of good things and philosophy. if you're just a shill then you're just a shill.


>>112705 >>112703

>if any of the stuff you're posting is true, then if anything you're only helping

Good, glad you approve. Truth shall out.

>why didn't you just post thinks that you thought were important instead of flipping your shit like a bitch?

You're the one crying like a baby, your replies are just you insulting me instead of giving answers to my answers. I made well-thought out posts, you flipped out and started insulting me and others.

<You need better arguments and clear logic.

>I did just fine and I'm not going to change a thing,

This is why I'm giving you shit. You dont wanna talk. You wanna be right, and insult everyone else. Grow up.

Now I'm gonna make some more truth pills, so this useless thread has some actual content.


about our glorious Israelities. Anyone thinking that Israel does not exist needs to re-think this. The Jews are behind alot of the bad shit in our world.

The Rothschilds Purchased Jerusalem in 1829


Qatar Discloses Documents on Saudi-Israeli Secret Cooperation - A Qatari newspaper has published documents suggesting Saudi Arabia and Israel were plotting to disintegrate Syria even decades ago.


Yesterday, Israeli Border Police tried to drag into a jeep 3 Palestinian children (aged 7 to 8) who were playing near home. Arrests and detention of Palestinian minors by Israeli forces, often using violence and verbal abuse, are part of the occupation’s routine. This is not an isolated incident. This happens very often in Palestine. And people try to say that Israel isn't an apartheid regime.


Ken O'Keefe - US Military Fighting For Israel - Israel, not Iran, is the Threat!



File: d146df5fadd3b42⋯.jpg (81.87 KB, 760x425, 152:85, DPS1-ZjW4AA6nZU.jpg)

The Jews have taken control of violent extremists and are using them for their own aims. Don't hate the muslims - they're merely useful idiots. To be discarded when they have done their job.

The Jews have used muslims many times in the past for economic gain, often getting them to invade / take over a place so they can take it over.

Jewish Collaboration with Muslims During the Invasion of Spain


ISIS Leader Abu Bakr Al Baghdadi Trained by Israeli Mossad, NSA Documents Reveal


Adam Gadahn / Adam Pearlman a Jewish man is the head jew of the Al Qaeda.


Also, Senator John McCain has been buddies with these extremists, and is apparently under investigation right now. I think he is wearing a tracking device, see pic - which show the tracking device CHANGING LEGS.


Some more info about his role in the zionist plan.





>You're the one crying like a baby, your replies are just you insulting me instead of giving answers to my answers. I made well-thought out posts, you flipped out and started insulting me and others.

Sure, I'm not exactly happy that you decided to have such a sudden and immature reaction to attack my thread but the reason behind it bothers me more than the fact you are doing it in the first place. I mentioned all kinds of deep dark truths and cold hard facts and you stab me in the back by calling me a shill. the way you replied made me feel like you didn't even read my thread carefully before just lashing out like that. obviously that doesn't feel too good.

>This is why I'm giving you shit.

>You dont wanna talk.

I openly encouraged discussion in the thread. dumping a truth-load of info in a giant thread that took me alot of effort to make and then defending a wild shill accuser that felt like an SJW attacking trump for no reason isn't really my idea of talking.

>You wanna be right, and insult everyone else.

man, you're just salty I wiped the floor with your poorly thought out faggoty nail scratching temper tantrum.

>Grow up.

look who's talking.

>Now I'm gonna make some more truth pills, so this useless thread has some actual content.

See, that's what gets me confused about you. you seem so dedicated to talking about the truth but you call this thread useless and then post your own things without taking anything else in the entire thread into consideration. all disagreements aside, will you at least try to give the thread a chance and read it start to finish? I honestly feel that you didn't even do anything beyond skim past it violently fast and then get mad at me. I'm sure you will find a lot of wisdom in these pages anon. I don't care how silly it makes you feel after, as long as you learn something good.

I'm not sitting on some big golden throne of rightness with a shiny diamond crown of smugness, I just want people to fucking learn good shit.



Then answer my questions without getting upset and lashing out at me.

These contradictory statements come from one single post of yours…

>God exists. He exists not as a theory and not as a concept of the universe as a whole, but as an actual thinking real individual/beyond being/entity of pure power and love and permanently unmatched and immeasurable intelligence.

OK, I don't know where you're getting your proof from, but proceeding from that premise anyway…

>all things that happen percieved by people as good or bad are things that God chooses to make happen

Do you mean good and bad are all chosen by God? Do you mean, What people think is Good or Bad are all the same to God? How do you know what it thinks is Good or Bad? Everybody has wildly different ideas about this.

>are accidentally foolishly insulting the intelligence of God by pretending they are taking away power from God by inventing false idol puppets like jesus and satan.

Wait, wait… insulting God? Taking power away from God?

My question was :

How do you assume something is Good or Bad? How do you assume the almighty cares if you think something is Good or Bad? How do you know what insults it? How do you know power is taken from God?

How do you know? Have you spoken to it?

This is why I said this is dangerous territory, mate.

Muhammad personally issued jihads for his people to brutally murder, enslave and rape entire towns because he said that he knew what God wanted.

How do you know that Good or Bad isn't an human invention, and actually has no meaning to God?

How do you know that God doesn't WANT evil to take over the world, because it exists on the world and since God created us and created evil, it all is part of his great plan, so we should accept evil and do the cruellest and most vile things we can imagine, because it's permissable under creation, otherwise he would stop it from happening if God didn't like it?



<Then answer my questions without getting upset and lashing out at me.

Then ask them nicely and politely in a civilized manner instead of accusing me of wrong doing on the first post.

<These contradictory statements come from one single post of yours…

>God exists. He exists not as a theory and not as a concept of the universe as a whole, but as an actual thinking real individual/beyond being/entity of pure power and love and permanently unmatched and immeasurable intelligence.

<OK, I don't know where you're getting your proof from, but proceeding from that premise anyway…

anon, this is spirituality and religion. not everyone has to subscribe to everyone elses ideas. I can't force you to believe everything I do and you can't force me. life is a game of trying to make the most sense to others. some ideas win more often than others. when we pass on based on my beliefs I know God will be like "yea so this is the truth" and you might believe in something else. whatever is the purpose on getting hung up on any of this is beyond me. I guess humans have a fear built into them of being wrong about something that may effect them forever, like the great beyond. I suppose it's reasonable to be worried about such an important thing.

>all things that happen percieved by people as good or bad are things that God chooses to make happen

<Do you mean good and bad are all chosen by God?


<Do you mean, What people think is Good or Bad are all the same to God?

npc's in a video game or people playing a role on a stage are all doing their job or programmed in one way or another to play their part. as human beings we are programmed to strive for what we believe is good and strive to stop everything we believe is bad. the story would be quite stale otherwise without philosophical conflict. minds wouldn't think, souls wouldn't grow.

<How do you know what it thinks is Good or Bad? Everybody has wildly different ideas about this.

God makes everyone similar but also a little different. little differences can have big effects. butterfly effect.

>are accidentally foolishly insulting the intelligence of God by pretending they are taking away power from God by inventing false idol puppets like jesus and satan.

<Wait, wait… insulting God? Taking power away from God?

only figuratively. people can't actualy take power away from God, but they can be foolish enough to appear to be trying to.

<My question was :

<How do you assume something is Good or Bad?

God gives different people slightly different moral compasses that change and grow over their lifetime.

<How do you assume the almighty cares if you think something is Good or Bad?

deep spiritual experiences give me the indication that God does care.



<How do you know what insults it?

God isn't actually insulted by anything, because people can't actually hurt the feelings of God. you can have rules and programming that a person is to go against a rule that has supposedly been made by God but it was meant to happen anyway and thus still a part of the story, we can't break free it's more like play your role and then you're finished. lots of built in intentional contradictions.

<How do you know power is taken from God?

it can't be and it isn't.

>How do you know? Have you spoken to it?


<This is why I said this is dangerous territory, mate.

it's funny how you already felt I would say yes. difference between myself and some psycho cult(s) in the middle east is that they like unnecessary violence and I don't. I'm just helping demystify and simplify and remove the corruption of thousands of years of twisting of words into the mess it is today into a simple and direct individual one on one per person basis relationship with God that isn't tied up with pointless bureaucracy and red tape. I'm helping people become connected to the force like a jedi, but not the cucked kind like in nu-starwars.

<Muhammad personally issued jihads for his people to brutally murder, enslave and rape entire towns because he said that he knew what God wanted.

what an idiot. nobody ever learns anything from unnecessary violence but hate.

<How do you know that Good or Bad isn't an human invention, and actually has no meaning to God?

there are grey areas but there are also absolutes. there are also absolute grey areas and absolutes with grey areas. many shades to a big rainbow. God is aware of all of these different variables, factors, and dependancies. who what when where why how if and or but. in our false matrix reality here things are intentionally hidden so that we have to rediscover them ourselves.

<How do you know that God doesn't WANT evil to take over the world, because it exists on the world and since God created us and created evil, it all is part of his great plan, so we should accept evil and do the cruellest and most vile things we can imagine, because it's permissable under creation, otherwise he would stop it from happening if God didn't like it?

you could just as easily assume we are meant to overcome it. if we lose to it, and we are the good guys, then in the long term then it doesn't matter so much does it? if the supposed bad guys in any given situation stop all the good guys then God will just invent some other bad guys that are bad for them. we aren't God, we aren't perfect. we all have our time here. if God didn't create hillary clinton how could have Trump defeated her so much? what kind of story would it have made if trump just walked up and said "look at me. I'm president now"


Here's a red pill. One of the most fun things to do on chans is to take people with completely fractured ideas of how to understand others and feed them garbage data until they go insane.

Saged because I'm non-native and don't wish to mess up local thread ordering.


While I'm here, a redder pill. The people with the most fractured ideas of human psychology tend to be in charge. Insanity is the generic shortcut to productively counter-inductive thought, and comes much more readily than intelligence. You can't pressure people smart, but you can pressure them insane. It's fun to fuck with the leader-psychos, but doing so tends on average to make them more rather than less effective, because processing garbage data tends to make their conduct harder rather than easier to predict.



fascinating. are you referring to the trolls who ask me (the OP ) silly questions, or are you saying that I'm the one being fractured or fracturing someone else?


>local thread ordering.

garbage data. doesn't exist.







and all others

I hope that you like this.

I have some good resources. The threads this was on were suddenly archived or just deleted.

This video here, https://youtube.com/#/watch?v=CpH_rXGHX1w , is a remote "soft kill shield" for targeted individuals of all kinds. It will work to destroy many harassments. This other, https://youtube.com/#/watch?v=OZCgOoGSLdQ , is the second version of the targeted individual scatter frequency. I hope that they help."

"Dive deep within yourself, speak to your Higher Self (read Why I am no longer a Lightworker 1 and 2, by Cameron Day), enter your Akashik records, and you shall Know. We are One with the All (Infinite Source) as the All (Infinite Source) is One with Us. If you need more guiding, read from Bibliotecapleyades and Montalk. Finally, listen to the following videos https://youtube.com/watch?v=RQIO9cqwgcE [Embed] , https://youtube.com/watch?v=pSyUT2p4H24 [Embed] , https://youtube.com/watch?v=feilxGTQkow [Embed] , , https://youtube.com/watch?v=XvyPscRD1ss [Embed] , (commas are flying so they do not become part of the link).

Each has instructions, and the last one is particularly important; only watch it 1 time per day for 5 days, then rest for 2, and then you may repeat it. Beware that sometimes channels will try to brainwash you; the ones I have listed are safe. Reclaim your Divine Sovereignity, Fight the Parasites, STS/Duality Low Vibration/Frquency/Density Beings and the different Matrix Control Systems.

Remember always, do not go into the light when you die."

Demons and archontic parasites absolutely hate the last video!

Also merging one of my other comments:

"The DrVirtual7 has made these amazing videos:https://youtube.com/watch?v=YVDGY5BKT5k , to help you with making a Shield of White and Golden Light, and https://youtube.com/watch?v=MrvQ-YNThDg [Embed] , to protect yourself from and dissolve black magic, also cleaning the Space of Self."



I have seen this posted all over the place and I'm currently convinced it's spam. if you can't explain it to me I'm not even clicking on it. prove to me that it's not garbage.


if anyone is still interested in this feel free to talk some more.


File: e59650277acb11f⋯.jpg (33.59 KB, 480x360, 4:3, hqdefault[1].jpg)

>flat earth

>sun is floating above the earth

this is the most basic proof of bullshit incoming. I lived in a tall building for some time and I saw the shade of the mountains and the earth moving towards the horizon every evening as the sun began to set. If the earth was flat and the sun was always orbiting on top of it, there would not be sunsets. The sun would just shine bright in the morning and shine less brightly in the night when it is away, but it would still shine brightly.

Globe earth makes the most sense. Flat earth is stagnating creationism, globe earth is evolutionary progress.



>what is perspective

did you ever even see the video of that experiment where they watch a boat travel to the horizon and "dip" below the horizion and disappear and then they use the camera zoom/telescope to bring the boat back up above the horizon? explains a lot.



That's not how perspective works, perspective doesn't make the shades grow larger that quickly, if anything the fact that shades stretch so much means that the sun is moving lower relative to the horizon. Oh and the shades never change directions, which your "flat earth with sun floating above" model does not explain


File: a555e1617ab9de2⋯.jpeg (40.06 KB, 480x432, 10:9, 56745675342.jpeg)


>the shade doesn't stretch

>the shade doesn't grow larger

>I can't understand this concept so I'm making things up in my head that nobody said




you convinced me with your green quotes, oh worthy wise man. I now believe that the earth is flat. You should feel proud



oh boy you dont really know the Forgotten Languages website do you? big shame,…

no im not talking about the thread linked in the post u replied to, im talking about the website they TALK about in thread. i thought u realized this, go back and look at teh website again pls. very big if true


>all these old shill posts

A late fuck you.

Oldest plan for "Air map of the world" is flat and wonder why Airplanes = AIRPLANE?

They also modified the world map. Don't know how they did it but all maps don't have north pole ice caps. Not mandela bullshit but something's going on. The residue still existed in old maps it's because they fucked with the past.

Wonder why global warming fags never said a word about the ice caps?



Earth shape aside for a moment. I never understood why is the fact that the word "plane" is contained in "airplane" an argument at all.

It's like these really dumb feminists on Facebook that say history is sexist because it's "his-story".

I get it that North Americans are usually unaware of the vast history behind words that happened before their country even existed and tend to put themselves in the center of everything, but why, why is

>ever wonder why history == his-story? THATS RIGHT MIND BLOWN

Even an argument? It's some kind of chimpanzee tier "logic" that I could only understand if it was the product of some CIA manual for spreading bullshit on the internet or something.



Here in Europe they have been sperging out over the melting of the ice caps for decades. But it turns out the northern ice caps come and go.

If you weren't so keen on validating your schizo fantasies you would know this.


Use your energy better. It's obvious you need to work on yourself before you try and fix the world.



Why should I?


This shit is what happens when you get your information on occult practices from the fucking history channel and then shit bricks because you managed to push thoughts like "black people are called black… I've heard that alchemists talk about black stuff… Races mix, alchemists use to mix ingredients… Must be the same thing…" out.

"Hmm, lemonade is a yellowish liquid, so is pee… They must be the same."


Schizophrenic bullshit.



>black people are called black… I've heard that alchemists talk about black stuff… Races mix, alchemists use to mix ingredients… Must be the same thing…

That is the case though.



A small child could tell you how flawed that logic is. Even if his claim is in some universe the case–and as far as OP is concerned it might as well be, not that he would know what to do with that information–that kind of association is an unsuitable proof. If OP wasn't such a "keep my rantings like they're the bible" fag, maybe he could have made a parallel, but you would have to be a tremendous brainlet to think any of this constitutes proof of anything other than OP being a run of the mill conspiracy theorist too annoying for either of the other boards.

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