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Tipp's Fringe Bunker

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I've done a lot of research on religion, magic, the occult, and other related topics for the purpose of harnessing my own magical powers … As I see it now, there are several ways to do this, and they all have to do with the way one approaches magic and sees the world.

I've noticed that in the religious side, people submit to the will of god and "work their magic" through the power of a certain deity, attributing the effects of their works to the being they believe in. These people are usually quite selfless and never abuse the powers they have been entrusted with, aka never using it to suit their own petty human ends. They live their lives according to their religion, and essentially have no power of their own since they simply become conduits for the will of god - their miracles being manifestations of their divinity's power.

However, this is why I aspire to be a mage, and not a priest. I want to use my own energy, take responsibility for my own actions, and be therefore free to pursue my baser, human wishes like love, power, and prosperity. Not for all the power in the world do I desire to become a holy man … However, using belief systems, religions, and symbols as mere tools a la contemporary chaos magic seems evil to me - heretical, blasphemous, and dishonest. Should not true power flow from the heart, and be pure in its intention and manifestation? Working with a religion you don't really believe in sounds like a waste of time.

So are the gods really higher powers that deserve their supremacy, in the exoteric and esoteric worlds? Or are they just tools to be used in ritual?



Just do magic yourself, you don't need help from demons or other entities


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Imagine that the creation we inhabit is a massive wall of text, raw information everywhere.

Try to think of “gods” as chapter or paragraph breaks. Their area of influence is the text they encompass.

And then, understand that system is a set of metaphors. It’s a choice to accept that organization of information, it’s its own style of Kung fu.

Call it a Larp if you want. But what is the point? The point is to believe in something that allows your will to escape self sabotage. I personally look to the gnostic concept of the Demiurge as a model to understand self sabotage. The Demiurge is pretty much the Matrix.

There’s only one god, and that god is all encompassing and unknowable. Its body is the totality of everything. We’re cells in its body. We’re not separate from god, we exist inside of god.

Someone invokes “beings” or “entities” as a way around their limited belief in themselves, from all the psychic damage their existence has incurred. They need to attribute power to something other than themselves.

Your size is irrelevant.. you’re a consciousness existing in the same pool of energy that everything else is. How much you get to control of it depends on how much of your self sabotage you can avoid.

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