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Tipp's Fringe Bunker

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What is /fringe/'s take on addiction from a spiritual way?

I mean, what are the spiritual perspective when analyzing or dealing with an addiction? Drugs, attention, porn?


You are in the hands of the evil ones. You have no power over yourself but they have power over you. As long as even one single addiction has hold of you, you are chained to this shithole of matrix we live in and they feed of you and drain and use you. Most attachments count as addictions. To free yourself you have to free yourself of every single addiction and attachment first. "Eww but everyone I know is addicted to at least one thing, so that can't be a bad thing." That's why everyone is fucked and trapped here, including you. The claws of the demon that posesses you (metaphorically) are so deep driven into us that it is literally impossible for most of us to escape the grip of our addictions, dooming us forever. You should make it a top priority to let go of all addictions and attachments for good, no matter how boring and empty and bland your life will be.



What do I do then?

What is the point of living if life becomes so empty and bland?



I don't know what you do. You try your best and go cold turkey. I am in the same boat right now, struggle to get free of my addictions but life sucks a lot without them and I keep falling back every time. It's next to impossible.

>What is the point of living if life becomes so empty and bland?

You free your soul. Is this not enough for you? Fuck this single life, it's only a small step in your journey. You have to think for the future and work for it. Besides when you attain a certain state of development you will enjoy the simple, free life and it will not be bland to you anymore. You will be thankful not to be addicted. Think of a monk. A monk is happy and he is not addicted to anything.



Don't listen to the fag responding to you, he knows nothing about the true purpose of addiction.

Addiction limits the willpower not to subdue you but to test your limits and how hard you can push back. Try picking up an addiction, getting rid of it, and repeating. Cutting cold turkey keeps you from ingesting but does literally NOTHING else. You're still the same weak faggot you've always been except now you're just not indulging in your addictions.

Feed your demons, make them scared.



Gtfo out here with your terrible advice, go live. Are you afraid of your own potential? The simple "free" life is for plebs and definitely isn't free.



Dear degenerate mundane, please stop responding. Your enlightened replies calling someone "fag" and "weak faggot" will not be missed. You will also not be missed when the free people move ahead and you will be stuck in this shithole because you cannot let go your attachments/addictions to it.

"feed your demons, make them scared" that's what someone would write who only lives for the cheap instant gratifications and has no willpower, self control or higher aspirations whatsoever. What the fuck does that even mean, you think your demons will be scared? They will laugh at you just as I feel tempted to laugh at you too. They chain you and they devour you.

"Are you afraid of your own potential?" My potential to be addicted to useless shit? Makes no sense once again.


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>Besides when you attain a certain state of development you will enjoy the simple, free life and it will not be bland to you anymore.

Look I commend you for going down this path, but dude you aren't just gonna be suddenly content with nothing. I've lost all of my attachments before, and first thing I noticed was that I had no drive to do anything, and at first the taoists are right in that you can just cultivate virtue and a feeling of being content, and at first they're right, but eventually being free of any attachments becomes your normal mode of thinking, you start to lose your attachments to even happiness and contentness, and he's right, everything does literally become bland. I still cultivate because it's my only purpose, but the feeling of achievement isn't there anymore most of the time, only really when I get a new siddhi or something and that usually lasts only a day or so. Eventually I found myself cultivating desire like in pic related, trying to give my life meaning other than the same damn meditations every single day, and I'm not attached to the extent that I need it, rather I'm aware that I'd feel good with it, and I pick what I desire, so it's never degenerate shit like lamborghinis and blow



Of course it sucks. I can feel it too when I cut out all the stuff from my life just emptiness remains. Sometimes I ask myself: "why the hell am I doing this? should I not enjoy those pleasures while I can? They will be taken from me sooner or later anyway, what's the point? Did I not come here to enjoy them?"

But it's a trick of the mind to keep you trapped so you waste more time, energy and all ressources in general with the addictions. Until it is too late and you die, then the addictions and attachments will make sure you come right back here for another run. I think it is of utmost importance to be able to say NO to every single earthly thing, only then will you be free to move on. God knows how many lifetimes I have been stuck in this hell, and god knows how big of a part attachments and addictions were responsible for that.

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