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Tipp's Fringe Bunker


The project started in January, a book based on the ego session that helps bring awareness of suffering. It is now completed, spell checked, semantics checked and ready for to "leave early access on Steam".

The book is free.

Print it, read it and criticize it.

Now that the general template is made for a book, the second book will be more quickly written. Just the design work of the book took 40 hours. Magically enough, translating it to Swedish only took 2 days.

The first PDF is the English version and the second one is the Swedish.

Enjoy a "fringe" original.


>f you are diagnosed with mental disabilities that fall into the following categories: Anxiety-, Attention-, Mood-, Eating-, Psychosis-, Schizophrenia- and Personality -disorders; autism spectrum or other disability; you should be notified that this book

can affect your state of being severely negatively. It is recommended that you either:

speak with your doctor prior to starting a consciousness shift, or make sure that your life is stress free and there are no distracting obstacles that will interfere while reading this book.

And so, none of the 5-10 people who currently lurk on /fringe/ should actually read this book.

Or, you know, you just don't take that part too seriously and just read on.



If a normie picked up the book and had more skitz than previous board owners from this site, there needs to be a disclaimer and warning. There are people that go to Vipassanā retreats with false expectations and they break down mentally.

There should be more than 10 people lurking here.


(I'm writing this post as I read through the book.)

>be me

>develop a split personality as a child

>it was part of my "it" / "shadow self", but as I became aware of it it lost its state of sub-coincious, as it became concious

>thus, it is now my ego

>fully realize that it is "not me", yet also accept that it is a part of me, in a sort of "disconnected but glued together" sense

>as we read this book it mostly agrees with everything

>had a very disconnected point of view at the statements about ourself, usually basically saying "this is just as true as the opposite statement, it is a matter of perspective"

>not provoked by them, we tried to instead judge them by our personal experiences with it instead of seeing them relative to others, since it is very possible that a) I am the only person that actually has a soul, since I cannot prove otherwise or (more likely) b) that we all share the same soul, that we are all one being with many egos

>however, he comes to the same conclusions: Either there is no answer or both true and false are correct.

In general, I feel like this state I am is not the state the reader is intended to be in. The book makes it sometimes sound like everything the ego says has to be lies, any objective observation it makes or logical points it brings up have to be wrong.

The book makes a lot of assumptions about the ego, as for what it answers would be to certain questions, but most of the time those are just not true, my ego doesn't work that way. One could say "Something is wrong with this ego." or maybe even "Something is right with this ego.", no idea. Maybe, as before, both statements are both true and false.

What I find interesting is that it seems like the author assumes the ego is only capable of statements, not questions. But the ego consists of thoughts, and thoughts question things a lot. At least "mine" do. Or my egos, to be precise, but my ego is gonna take the risk of being a dick here and assumes that you get what he means.

I've read all of it now. I think this book is "well written" and certainly written by someone who has a great deal of experience and is probably the most "professional" member of the /fringe/ community, whatever meaning this even has considering the context here. I am sure it will help a lot of people. But I find a big flaw with it I just have to point out:

You got an entire book talking about the ego, but it barely talks about the subconcious "it" and the higherconcious "superego" or "higher self". These three elements cannot exist without another and have HUGE effects on each other. Understanding the ego just by itself seems a bit ignorant to me. But I believe to know that the author really "knows his shit", so to speak, about all those topics. I know he has a deep connection to his higher self, for example. So I find this very curious. I'm not saying "I could write a better book!" or anything, especially not within 200 hours, and like I said I am sure this will help a lot of people face their inner demons - especially if they join the discord group linked at the end of the book - but at the same time trying to expose the ego without also shining light on the shadow and higher self is just, you know, just not telling the whole story.

I am not sure if my ego is just weird and obviously I can only use my own ego and my experiences with it as the only point of referance but to me it feels like the book makes a lot of claims about the ego which are subjective and not objective truths? Maybe I'm just too aware of my ego for my own good, I don't know anymore.

Keep in mind though that for someone to have such a fundamental problem with the book and yet still think of it as a good book it has to have a lot of heart put into it. So yeah, I'd recommend it to the average /fringe/ user, don't get me wrong. But in my personal, of course completely ego-driven opinion (and thus, in the eyes of some, basically "nonexistant" opionion), this book deserves a part two that explains a bigger picture.


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Thank you.

Not everyone that lives have problems with the ego, thus some are completely unaware that the ego is capable of invoking a great deal of suffering. If you have managed to come to peace with your subconscious, that is a great progress for it will help you in the later part.

This is the first book, so it only covers the ego. There will be more books based on these topics and so eventually the higher self will be talked about in another book. If you go to page 160-161, you can find the HS being mentioned as a suggestion for where to go next, after reading the book.

The next book is already in the works and you can find a sneak peak of the cover art in the image attached.

Why ego needed a whole book is the same reason Jesus, Satan and God needed several books. Ignorance is the only thing making people suffer, not external dependencies, not other people but the one inside. And it was stated in the bible that God created the devil, and since we created the devil, we are God.

There are some people that believe that their ego is not creating any suffering, but those people usually have not suffered enough.

The next book will be about AP and what to do there. There will be lots of topics to cover in the next book. A kind of successor to the first book.

Keep up the good work and don't stop searching.


In almost every spiritual community these eyes witnessed over the past 7 years there has always been that one soul which claims to have conquered his ego, yet is the most consumed by it. They usually end up writing a book - though this one is far less filled with delusions compared to the others one can find out there.

It seems to be the default tactic of the spiritual teachers ego to first "fake its own death", then declare the rest of the worlds egos as demons, then go to war on them by spreading the knowledge of how wrong the ego is - as the one and only truth you gotta know in order to be happy. Of course the ego of someone with lots of followers is so happy that it isn't bothered by having to stay quiet.

Not the ego itself causes the pain, but an imbalance between ego, subconcious and superconcious. Those are what the holy trinity refers to and to only focus on one of the three pillars is foolish in the long run. Working with the ego is a good start but observation suggests that too many become too obsessed with it.

Starve the ego, feed the soul. Kill the ego and the shadow will feed on its carcass. Keep the two in balance and understand them fully and the superconcious will arise. The ego is a product of your mind, do not solve its problems by supressing it, rebuild it instead as something more positive.

Most importantly for new people: Do not follow only one idea when you should be still in the phase of self-exploration. Do not listen to only one teacher. Ideally, be your own teacher. ALWAYS keep an open mind. Never close it around one truth you find, thinking it is the only one. Keeping an open mind is all that matters because you WILL make mistakes and that is okay as long as you don't become too attached to them. Keep your eyes open, stay aware, question everything, learn from mistakes.



There's nothing to kill. The idea that you need to kill it comes from the ego.

It's a constant uphill battle. Whenever ego wants to do something, you have to be vigilant and say no.

People who read the story of Buddha believe he had won that day and that the devil just stopped pestering him. But the devil continues until the body is pure.

What causes pain is identification with the voice. When someone believes that voice to be themselves. It's not rocket science, it's just every religion out there.


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How quaint


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Its a question cementing a routine. Monks of the Theravada tradition chant recollections of the teachings each evening in the same manner one would remind a young child to wash their hands when they enter the house after playing outside. To that effect I'll leave this here to aid anyone who wishes to start such a routine.



of cementing a routine*


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>Stop believing in your own thoughts, that's all ego

>The only one you should believe is me, for I know the truth

>Also, buy my book and join my cult on discord

>No people with an ego allowed to keep it, though!

You're not the first to do this. You won't be the last.



>Stop believing in your own thoughts, that's all ego

Verbal thoughts and visual thoughts that create desire is illusionary. Learn the difference.

>The only one you should believe is me, for I know the truth

Those words does not exist in the book, you made them up.

>Also, buy my book and join my cult on discord

The book is free and no one is forced to do anything.

>No people with an ego allowed to keep it, though!

Doesn't say that anywhere.

The desire that you have to defend yourself against a book shows your level of illusion. Is lying your only means of communication?



The fact that he thinks ego is escapable is funny.

Everything is ego. Including choosing to "disobey" it… ironically that also is ego.

Look at a candle perhaps.

That's your universe in a nutshell.



>The desire that you have to defend yourself against a book shows your level of illusion. Is lying your only means of communication?

Why are you here? For the sake of your ego?

Funny that.

We burn in our desire.

You can't escape that.

To lose ego is to not be anything at all.

Which is impossible.



That's not how memearrows work, lad.


I dunno fam, he seems like an empty shell to me.

Then again, his judgement is clearly infected by ego though. One post of someone is enough for him to judge that "lying is the posters only means of communication". In his worldview apparently you are either ego-hitler or non-ego-buddha, no in-betweens. Ironic.



Who is it that is aware of ego?

How can you chose to disobey ego with ego, when ego is the creator of things to disobey?


Again, there's nothing to lose or destroy. Just an idea in your head. And it is not impossible to realize the origin of suffering.

Chose the opposite of what ego perpetuates. Ego is just an idea about yourself.



Have you ever considered the slight possibility that the ego can:

- Be aware of itself

- Disobey itself

- Talk to itself

- Thus, question itself

The biggest problem is that you think there is always only one ego. You know that the mind is overflowing with thoughtforms and you think just one of them would be an ego?

And again, what you are doing is too much of a genius ego tactic to not be from an ego. By faking its own death, declaring itself the "true you" and not an ego and waging a war against the entire concept of ego, it wins the ego-wars more elegantly than any other role an ego could take I can think of right now.

Also, like it or not but egos are souls. And it makes sense that there can be more than one: Since the universe is expanding and more bodies are coming into existance so do souls need a way to reproduce. The ego is the only part of the soul you actively create.

Every time you talk to your ego inside your head, it's another ego talking to itself. But of course your "totally not ego"-ego will throw out it's main defense, the law of "all the ego says is wrong", and boom, you can just stick to whatever you want to believe.

You think you found that "one sacred truth" you gotta apply to everything in life. You interpret the bible and the life of the buddha through it, you build a community around it, you write a book about it. Guess what, like it was said before: You are not the first to do this. Literally anyone who builds upon his belief structure on a scale like you are makes the big religions fit into their picture.

You expect everyone to just accept your truth and if they don't you got your belief built up so defensively that you'll never have to worry about anyone feeding you with doubt.

The soul consists of ego, it, superego. It doesn't consist of the "real" soul, ego, it, and superego.

Besides, it's even in the goddamn name. The higher self, aka. the superego, is the most dominant of your egos. Aka your selves. So there's already more than one ego. Since the superego is the external part of the soul within the external astral, it can't take the place of your "real you" either, at least not in the sense you want to believe.

And just as a cherry on top: You even mention in your book how you restrict the way people talk just so you can declare it a falsehood whenever someone breaks those rules since when they are, they are ego and thus automatically false.

I'll give you that much: Your ego's defense is the most solid I have ever seen amongst any of your kind. I mean shit, it's genius. But once you look at it from the right perspective - which obviously noone here has done before so I guess it's not as easy as I'd like it to be and I just got lucky - it becomes blatantly obvious.

Also, since you seem to be so focused on suffering: Deal with what really causes yours. You know, the physical thing? The shit that happened or is still happening? From experience I can say that anyone who walks this path you are on they had something bad happening to them. Something they compensated for. And on some scale I guess we all compensate for something. But for you to have such an negative focus I bet it's something big, and I'm sorry for that, but you shouldn't run from it. And the thing is, you've already run pretty far. I doubt you'll want to look back. You probably won't. To you I'm just an evil ego, a demon, testing you or whatever. But shit man, if you're so against the idea of ego, use that to question yourself a little bit more. Maybe one day you can be happy without having to constantly be at odds with something that is part of everyone.

I know I've given you a lot of shit here but I can see that despite your delusion, you're a good person that wants to help people. I want to see your genius to be used for something better. So please man… snap out of it already. I know you will just shoot all this down point by point, I'm no author, I can't compete with that. But maybe one night or (maybe one trip) you'll realize that sometimes, just sometimes, the ego is not full of shit and that this one speaks the truth every now and then, when the person listening really deserves it.


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>Have you ever considered the slight possibility that the ego can:

>- Be aware of itself

>- Disobey itself

>- Talk to itself

>- Thus, question itself

Welcome to Tulpa101. It's mentioned in the book.

>You expect everyone to just accept your truth

Again, no one is forced to read the book, no one is forced to attend anything. There's no expectation for anyone, not even self.

>And it makes sense that there can be more than one

Truth doesn't dwell in sense or opinions. You are making an assumption.

>You think you found that "one sacred truth"

Because religion points towards the truth, but belief in religion points towards illusion. Do the research, find the truth. Are prophets of the old age lying? Was it Jesus who created Christianity or the organisation that followed? You will find truth in nature and within. But not with beliefs.

>The higher self, aka. the superego

"Then Jesus was led by the Spirit into the wilderness to be tempted[a] by the devil.", proves that not even the prophet could control the higher self to not lead him to be tempted. Many people on Earth live their life according to a higher power they are unaware of, regardless of opinion of that higher power. The purpose of awakening is to listen to the higher self so that you can learn what is blocking and preventing you from progress. The HS will even show you how it perceives your life through its eyes if you ask, and through that realization, you can awaken as well.

>Besides, it's even in the goddamn name.

"You shall not make wrongful use of the name of the Lord your God".

"You belong to your father, the devil, and you want to carry out your father’s desires. He was a murderer from the beginning, not holding to the truth, for there is no truth in him. When he lies, he speaks his native language, for he is a liar and the father of lies."

When someone lies, it is apparent. Control your mouth or don't.

>how you restrict the way people talk just

No one is restricted, no one is forced to anything. When the light shines behind your eyes, even simple lies are known. If you wish to not follow the book or the teachings, that is by your free will.

>Deal with what really causes yours

With ignorance to the cause of suffering, we are bound to create more suffering. Surely we are all traumatized by our experiences, but if you fail to learn why from these experiences, they will continue being suffering. The words you speak unto another, you also speak to yourself, for your ears hears them just as well as the receiver. The actions you do unto others, you are doing with your body, so you are the victim of the actions as well. When you point one finger at another using your hand, there's 3 fingers pointing into yourself.

>To you I'm just an evil ego

Again, the assumption lies with you that you believe someone thinks of you that way. You are infinite potential, formless essence, dynamic energy, universal expression. To limit yourself into words brings great suffering.

>Maybe one day you can be happy

The assumption again is that the one you are talking about is not happy. Do you live inside the mind of those you speak of? Do you know who is happy and those who aren't? The kingdom of heaven was always all around you, waiting to be found. Those that believe it comes after dying haven't even lived once in their life.

>I know I've given you a lot of shit here

There's no race, there's no competition. There are only those who suffer and those who don't. Your written word is read and heard, to think that this conversation means to give or take shit is just another tug of war. What can genius be used for that is better?

>one speaks the truth every now and then

Is it enough to speak truth occasionally? Such is the world of his lies. Seek to speak truth daily, by the second of your breath. If you are to open your mouth to speak falsehood, be prepared for the consequences, known and unknown.

>when the person listening really deserves it

There are no winners or losers. There are not those who deserves and those who doesn't.

The book and the session that it mentions have been executed by over 200 people. Many of them have realized the origin of suffering and are now allowed to work on themselves using their own spiritual practices. The next book: AP and the session it will be mentioning, was done by over 300 people. Many of these people now know the tools for refining their body and spirit.

Spirituality is a rare topic in this world. Those that seek it using the Internet may now find it with greater chance. But just as there are many truthful practices, there are also many untruthful practices. Even in society will you find untruthful practices of spiritual nature and the ignorant practitioners. Lift yourself for no one else will do it for you.



This whole idea of "all assumtions are automatically wrong" is just stupid.

The existance of Tulpae proves that there can be multiple egos and there is no reason why that shouldn't be true. And I don't accept Bible quotes as an automatic proof for anything. But yeah, no surprise here.



Overall good book, the author seems to know what he is talking about when he speaks of Ego. If you want a non-kiked source on the Ego this could be a valid choice to indulge into. The Ego exercises in particular have quite an effect, especially the "What will my next thought be" one. It has helped a lot in dealing with certain personal issues.

It's a good gateway to further develop your consciousness.



If you learn about the Ego, you have to learn about the Id and the Superego as well. Else you will not know the full picture and you will fool yourself with your ignorance, thinking the Ego is all you have to work on. There are way too many people who don't know shit about their Id so it just takes the place of the ego once they starve it, while they stay completely disconnected from their Superego because they think getting rid of the Ego is enough to get in touch with your true self. To anyone new to spirituality reading this: PLEASE avoid those rookie-mistakes. I've seen too many people become empty shells controlled by their subconcious just because they thought the ego is that one ultimate enemy they have to defeat and then they're like Buddha. OPs book has some good info, but without also including the other parts of the soul it can lead down a dangerous path. Plus I'm getting some all too familiar cult-vibes here.



>higher self leads into temptation and lies

this is incorrect.



To dissolve the boundaries of the ego, that is indeed sufficient to overcome delusion. The superego is a contextual and ego-dependent beast. The atavistic impulses of the id also require the ego in order to be in some sense threatening. These three pieces of the Freudian model are all three bound in the self-conception of the ego, and although the Freudian model has some explanatory power contextually, it is not required that one adopt Freudian language to attain liberation.



sigmund freud was a parasite who wanted to destroy instead of create. he mentally poisoned many.





isn't that way the Buddha had to be poked and prodded by people around him for a while before he would teach anyone instead of someone going out on their own accord



No its not

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