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RulesMetaModerator LogLibraryArchivesFAQFringe GuideRanksCSS/fringe//asatru//4chon//ask/#looshFringechan

The rules are simple and mostly apply to the creation of threads on /fringe/:
1. No duplicate threads of topics that already exist unless the previous thread has hit the bump limit
2. No making threads just to ask questions, actually present substantial information if you're going to make a thread
3. No creating new threads purely to no-effort shitpost (you will be forgiven if it's a major GET)
4. Post threads that fall under the subject matter of /fringe/ (creepypasta is not allowed here, take that to /x/)
5. Respect anonymity. No identifying posts.
6. Do not sit on the default flag or post with no flag all the time
7. Do not raid/attack the board
8. Meta board discussion goes in >>>/fringemeta/
If the board goes up for claim and the board owner can't be found anywhere, please contact live:chanseywrites on Skype to give the board to her.

Tipp's Fringe Bunker

File: e6a6fb370005611⋯.jpg (102.02 KB, 790x960, 79:96, 74362344.jpg)


I would have asked some of these questions on /fringemeta/ but it looks completely abandoned and full of spam. I'm sure that nobody would ever answer my questions there so I'm asking here. Not all of my questions are /fringemeta/ related.

>1. there is this horrible blindingly white backround in threads but even worse in the /fringe/ catalog. in the catalog it makes it so difficult to see subjects of any given thread unless you hover directly over it. this makes browsing the catalog for interesting threads extremely slow and painful for my eyes. please fix it. I do like the somewhat dark blue color inside of threads where it isn't blindingly white. using a normal browser so I know it's not me.

>2. in the catalog and inside of any thread on finge or on the index, if you scroll all the way to the top a strange high frequency chirping/humming/buzzing sound comes from my computer. It doesn't seem to come from the speakers. don't know what this is, but I'm sure whoever set up /fringe/ does know.

>3. I really like /fringe/ so if possible can anyone tell me all the other /fringe/ boards that exist, even if on another website than 8chan entirely? I used to know this other one but I can't remember the name of it, and I heard something about a mewch (different chan website) but I'm not sure where to find it. the more /fringe/ the better.

again I apologize if this is out of place. /fringemeta/ is an abandoned spammed ghost town.


Oh bollocks. I just saw >>111038

>Do not start threads just to ask a question; post your questions in a pre-existing thread instead.

Honestly even If I had read that before had I knew it existed I don't think I would have been too happy considering it so rude to post a bunch of unrelated questions in another persons thread. forgive me but I think I made the right call here. I really hope my thread doesn't get deleted now for petty reasons. please /fringe/ mods prove to me that you are not as rulecucked as other claim you to be.

peace and love. no ban no delete.


>. I really like /fringe/ so if possible can anyone tell me all the other /fringe/ boards that exist

and have it go to shit just like here? I'll pass



I get it, you don't want me in the club. fucking esoteric occult jackass. I'll make my own club with strippers and vodka and blackjack. you know what, forget the vodka and blackjack. gotta go redpill all humans.



>heard something about a mewch but I'm not sure where to find it


and the other fringe that's currently up is fringebay, aka the link on top that says tipp's fringe bunker

>don't think I would have been too happy considering it so rude to post a bunch of unrelated questions in another persons thread.

I think you should read/try stuff more.

The thread you are mentioning, stickied on the first page, is literally only full of questions. that is what it's for.

none of the fringes are super great. the one that was pretty good died because of one of the admins.




oh also the question thread literally has a link to the question thread on mewch lol




Yeah no worries, email smiley at fringewizard@protonmail.com and describe the problem to him. He's the one that designed the CSS and he'll know how to fix it. Although I don't have any of the problems you described and haven't seen anyone else complain about 'em tbh. Also if you can't find the other /fringe/ boards idk what to tell you. They're not hard to find AT ALL.

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