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Tipp's Fringe Bunker

File: f329dbea43c0e71⋯.jpg (57.48 KB, 278x278, 1:1, floweroflifebw278.jpg)


Perception is an illusion, existence has no inherent meaning. Do drugs. Feel god. Find yourself.

Has anyone here ever "opened" the flower and seen the secret?


There are many secrets contained in this Universe. But yes, opinions are not important, truth will be truth and it will remain throughout the ages. Those that live a fantasy life will be punished accordingly.

Learn where the devil is and you will find God, for god created the devil.



What is living a fantasy? We are ALL living a fantasy are we not?


File: 34bf0f0453b099a⋯.jpg (52.26 KB, 600x600, 1:1, 6ee.jpg)

Yeah, go ahead and do drugs. Everything is an illusion and nothing matters. Go have mundane fun and leave this place for real students of the occult.

Gee, pic related


What is real occult? Synchronicity is the source of all that is occult, magic is psychological.


File: 10edac1c271c29f⋯.jpg (38.09 KB, 700x700, 1:1, mr. reich.jpg)


>those digits

wew lad


Noone has anything to say ? Truth will prevail!


File: 5bc27fbe993c5e7⋯.jpg (67.38 KB, 800x800, 1:1, 1515030749594.jpg)


Only for you my friend.



a dream which is collective… beware this post as it was initiated by a shill…



darkness parasite enslaved and owned by the corrupt demiurge

>christian god

false light parasite owned by the corrupt demiurge







Anyone who's done a sufficient amount of a proper tryptamine and has any inkling what they're doing, or anyone who knows how to pay attention during dreams for more than just "now I get to mind-bang this dream girl because that's the only time my imagination works" has opened the flower in some language or other. I no longer understand why it's so hard, if your diet contains L-tryptophan, it's basically that simple once you do it a few times and know where you're going, and you'll be outright told how to come back once you're there.


File: f40cf9846cb9925⋯.jpg (132.36 KB, 641x900, 641:900, 181.jpg)


Observe the objective Universe.

God doesn't exist.

The devil doesn't exist.

New task:

Find the devil so you can find God. "For god created the devil".

>but he doesn't exist!

Correct, now find it. Use deductive reasoning with knowledge and objective facts to locate the thing that doesn't exist (but metaphorically do) and liberate yourself.

>darkness parasite enslaved and owned by the corrupt demiurge

le demiurge is not the enemy, common death is. Of all the men on Earth, what do you have in common? You are born and you are dying. Is there something that makes death come quicker? Are there actions and behavior that shorten the life span?

>false light parasite owned by the corrupt demiurge

Don't read the OT, NT bible literally. There is no God. It's not important if the historical events have happened or not, read what the prophets said and implement that into your life.


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Why is it that whenever someone has nothing of substance to say all they post is flower of life Alex Gray 3 6 9 Ancient Aliens shit? Read the recommended reading list nigger. You sound like vid related.



I keep confronting this darkness in my mediation called fear. It's something I have to work on for a while.

I've been wrestling with the concept of karma. Light workers love to slash that whole system but it just turns them into inconsiderate hippies who will lie cheat and steal because they removed their concept of karma.

I would rather go the other way and embrace karma. Once I locked myself into that system I find it very difficult to be an asshole and have been experiencing compassion toward my fellow Earthlings.



Nobody evades cause and effect, at least not within the contexts where causality holds any meaningful descriptive power. Westerners who "reject" karma but who still speak in terms of karma reveal the extent to which they'll just say any old shit.



ponder the interconnection of everything


did i imply that i got that from the bible?


false light "lightworkers" are hypocrites, but individuals of the True Light have learned how to dissolve the duality, knowing and understanding the Non-duality, and thus eliminating all fear in the seat of their Divine Sovereignity.





s/have learned/learn/

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