Sit down and shut up
I'm Frank Skanga GFD
Priests of the Crystal Palace
Fuck the Bible
And the Koran
Fuck both testaments
The Book of Mormon
And Tao Te Ching
It's all bullshit
I'm tired of hearing
about morality
I have ethics
I care about what
is right and what
Is wrong
Not what
I need to do
to receive my
Holy Reward
I'm tired of filthy
television evangelists
smoking meth and
stroking cocks
taking the stage and
millions of bucks
then telling others
about their morality
Mostly taking as much
money as they can get
from mindless worshipers
who question nothing
I'm tired of politicians
saying, "God" and, "Faith"
twenty times in every
speech to tame a
flock of sheep
bleating their putrid
mindless song
then bombing the fuck
out of helpless, innocent
people of another faith
just to make a buck
from his ultra-rich
oil king buddies
because he couldn't find
any oil in Texas
And God sees all
all the while
prayers ignored
goodness destroyed
motionless children
dead and on display
arms and legs outstretched
bowels on the ground
skulls cracked and
brains bashed in
And God is watching
all the while
Everything happens for
a reason they say
again and again
There can be no light
without darkness
No good without evil
It's part of His
immortal plan
Glory to the lord
Glory be thy lord
Whitey said Genesis proved
that slavery was right
It was written
by holy hands
Hitler was a Roman Catholic
Taking revenge for Jesus' murder
The crusaders raped
and killed their
way to heaven
A Muslim blew the fuck
out of a bus-load of
people because someone
told him that Ala
thought it was
a good idea
Ala Ackba
Ala Ackba
God is great
Glory be thy lord
Hallowed be thy name
I'm sick of needless suffering
I'm sick of holy men
in Crystal Palaces stoking
little boys like Michael Jackson
using billions in tithes to pay
for lawyers because some
damaged kid hung himself
with an extension cord and
named a priest in his
suicide note
I'm sick of it
Everyone should
be sick of it
Life is precious
Life is sacred
Life is a great gift
After life is returning
to the earth
The filament will burn
and the light will cease
It is the Great
Scheme of Things
You should be glad your
sick heart will not
live on and your soul
will perish
Life is the result of
A random series of events
with no meaning
You will not find yourself
in a blessed place
surrounded only by
your faithful brethren
You didn't like them
much anyway
You didn't really care
about anyone
You had morality
Just enough righteousness
and belief in Jesus, Vishnu,
Ala and john Smith to earn
your eternal fucking reward
You didn't care about Ethics
You didn't do the Right Thing
For the sake of doing
the Right Thing
You had morality
You had to be a sheep
and follow the Pedophile Priest
The Meth Smoking Methodist
Opium Buddha's
and Pandering Politicians
They led the way
so they could make a buck
Because they understood
that it's all here and now
and they didn't give a fuck
about anyone else
Here and now is important
because I care about the
children with their skulls
cracked open and their
bowels on the ground
I care about the ones
with their hearts torn out
and their anus' rubbed raw
hanging from their own rope
because they couldn't
stand the shame
And God help me I care
about the sheep that can't
think for themselves
They all need our help
I want an end of righteousness
I want people to see that life
is all we get and our reward
will be the satisfaction of
helping each other through it
I want people to worship Ethics
Doing what is right because
that is what is good for everyone
and not for the promise
of eternal reward
Because morality is evil
Ethics bears no righteousness
But it is the best any God
could hope to create