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Tipp's Fringe Bunker

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Im very scared of being mislead.

People on here talk a lot about how there are many corrupted traditions and paths in mainstream spirituality today, perhaps such as new age, wicca, or normie oversimplified hindu-buddhist doctrines, various occult authors who are jews etc.., but they rarely highlight what specifically they mean as far as I know.

well I'm going to assume the people who say these things, have direct experience of actual truth, and can recognise what is false.

So please share, what are the problems with these things? Which ideas are wrong that 90% of common books on magic/yoga/meditation promote, and how can you tell if an idea is false or authentic to reality anyway? How do you know if you are being misguided or not?

Would anybody more wise than me, help us understand what are common half-truths, or lies supposedly floating about in the esoteric world?

What are some examples of obviously wrong teachings in new age / buddhism / hinduism / occult?

Besides all the books that are 'kosher' on the fringe reading list, what are some authentic hindu, and buddhist paths / traditions that you reccomend to learn from? If I were to learn Kriya yoga from a local western ashram, how do i know if it is legitamate teaching, or if there is disinformation in these schools? How can I choose a suitable path other than an arbitrary decision??



>how can you tell if an idea is false or authentic to reality anyway

Reality is the ultimate measuring stick. Experiment, meditate and learn it.

>what are common half-truths, or lies supposedly floating about in the esoteric world?


Most jewish verbiage is made to disentangle you from experiental truth and overloead with meaningless associations, such as to induce the desired thought-pattern. That this is meaningless is of no concern to them. Jews do not manipulate "reality",or 'the world'. They manipulate people.


Well, if anything talks "divine feminine" or "life review" or "love and light" or "soul mate", you can tell it's bullshit.

In general feminism and political correctnes is corrupting all the good ancient teachings. The ancients pretty much all agreed that women are shit and not worthy of life, and also that being celibate is the true way. So pay attention for any philosophy that will try to sell you "white tantra" or other sexual shit or which will push females as divine or equal and tell you that you have engage in contact with them.

Gnosticism got corrupted, buddhism got corrupted, hermeticism got corrupted to a certain degree too.

Here you have a buddhist guy who makes articles that are real buddhism: http://www.buddhazero.com/

And here you have two guys talking real gnosticism without political correctness and feministic corruption: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCq7RcnXcRMLpKRLQCDp_IPA

Other than that I have not much else to give to you.. I am sorry to say you have to wade trough waves of shit and pick out the few gold nuggets from the piles of crap that are out there. Once you know what to look for you can easily see through most of the bullshit.


I could go on and on about which believes are bullshit and which are not and why but in the end that's just an opinion to some and a truth to others. This wouldn't really help you.

As you begin with exploring spirituality you have to first understand that it is, for the most part, a mixture of philosophy and psychology. Especially psychology, since it allows you to understand the nature of the human soul. If you know your shit about psychology - especially the model of "ego, it and superego" - you'll be able to see through a lot of bullshit.

Also, a important rule of thumb: Go with what makes sense, not what makes you happy or is convenient. Treat spirituality as a science, research the methods, test for effect. This, however, will often lead you to the placebo effect. And that is not always a bad thing, utilizing it to your advantage is the bread and butter of any halfway decent mage. But obviously many people will bet on it for scamming reasons. Just do your own thing: Find a method, experience, analize, change something, repeat until progress is being made, keep going until you become an expert, find your own personal enlightenment. Stay away from what I like to call "scapegoat-believes": Any believes that center about someone, some entity or something being the reason for all that is wrong in the world (the devil, ego, women, jews, god, demiurge, you name it). In my experience of almost a decade this ALWAYS leads to delusions. And take your time, this sorta stuff takes a lot of time, it's okay to take breaks too, it's not a race.

Ideally you'll want to find a practice that works regardles of which religion you connect it to. Meditation is an obvious choice here. If you're talented, self-disciplined and a little lucky, mastering astral projection would also help you gather a LOT of independant info. Another /fringe/ classic would be tulpamancy but there are many, many reports of that going wrong (though it might REALLY help you understand psychology better).

One last thing: Look out for cults / cult-like patterns within any group you join. If you inform yourself a little they are quite easy to identify. Within spiritual groups the classic cult-approach would be to make you completely silence your ego since that way you can easily be controlled - be it by the leader or by whatever spirit (just another ego) he's channeling (subconciously). But I don't want to go too much into details, I'd be opening pandoras box.

Oh, and one more thing: DON'T rely on books too much. Yes, some good ones are out there, but you shouldn't build your temple on someone elses foundation. Take a building block or two but don't declare anything your personal bible (especially not if the author treats it like one, big red flag). ALWAYS inform yourself about the author. If he's from /fringe/ sadly the chances are that it's filled with delusion - most of us are not very sane.


Feminism corrupts A LOT of things and while personally I have met a lot of bad people that, uh, probably just so happened to all be female, I wouldn't outright declare all and every female influence a corruption. Just be more critical of it.


If you quest for the voice of god while loving temples more than all other earthly construction, you will find the voice of god in one or more temples.


The "I" spoken of in the Kybalion together with the racial unconscious will lead you.

Learn meditation, if a strong word or idea pops into your mind seemingly out of the blue and it isn't easy to put aside, that idea should be strongly considered. It's in your mind for a reason. Meditation helps you to filter out the bullshit and every day things you might think about, and it clears the field for spiritual communication with an ancestral sage or some other supra natural entity who might attempt to make contact.

Look into astral projection and seek out teachings yourself in the astral instead of reading books in this world. There you must judge yourself. Listen to your gut, since false teachings set up by malevolent entities exist in the astral as well, but the difference is that you can connect with legit supra natural entities there more easily too. You could also stumble upon forgotten knowledge in the astral that doesn't exist in a book in our world at all.



Sounds like shit advice.

Strong word or idea might still be from the ego or implanted from negative beings, or tought forms. This happens all too often, so be careful. A lot of "evil" ones want to make contact and they will bring strong words or ideas into your consciousness and also they will pretend to be positive.

Yeah man give that guy the advice of mastering astral projection so that he can read books there. As if anyone here, including you, has mastered this. This is very hard, if it is possible at all. I suggest you start with a lot of earthly books first before you attempt to read books in some astral plane.

One last advice: don't listen too much to people on this board or any other community full of wannabe spiritual people or bullshit occultists. Don't take anything for face value. Yep, even this post. The most important part about all of this is to use your own mind and spirit and think for yourself, gotta learn to know and to feel what is right and what is wrong.


1) Don't fall into the trap of thinking that changing one aspect of your life will make a night and day difference (diet, nofap, excercising, meditating, etc…).

Look at for example some (or should i say most) members of the nofap club, who say that before nofap, they were anxious, depressed, acne ridden, and so on. And after it, all their ailes disappeared and they got superpowers.

People who believe that will probably think in 30 years when the zog conditions our children that endless orgies with sex robots are normal, that people who abstain from sex for one week are the buddha.

You have to follow the path of enlightenment to the fullest and seek to change all aspects of your life for the better, don't get stuck on one thing.

2) Even if you heed the advice from point 1), don't forget that your emotional connection to other people is more powerful than all habits/exercises. Are you healing yourself with musical and aroma therapy, do you meditate? Good, you should, but seeing the smile of your 3 year old niece when your family sings her happy birthday is what really matters.



Point 1 is very good, but with point 2 you really go down a dark and misleading route. I can really smell the demon hiding behind this illusion of love and happiness. That's the same stuff they create brainwashed newagers and cucked manginas with.

What if I tell you that connection to other people is actually not that important, and when you see your niece it is OK to think that she will turn into a soulless narcissistic tool for the demiurge sooner than you think?

OP, go your own way. Maybe you agree, maybe not, it's up to you. What I try to point out is that we don't live in heaven and people are not as awesome as a lot of newagers want you to believe. Don't let anybody tell you what really matters, never ever. It is only their own worldview and you must find your own.



You'll merely find an obsession with the temple itself. Which is a very Jewish mind frame. Mishima's Temple of the Golden Pavilion is a good text for this.

The temple is a place to study and to remember not a place to be worshiped.




temple is an implant, remove it





>>112890 and others

I hope that you like this.

I have some good resources. The threads this was on were suddenly archived or just deleted.

This video here, https://youtube.com/#/watch?v=CpH_rXGHX1w , is a remote "soft kill shield" for targeted individuals of all kinds. It will work to destroy many harassments. This other, https://youtube.com/#/watch?v=OZCgOoGSLdQ , is the second version of the targeted individual scatter frequency. I hope that they help."

"Dive deep within yourself, speak to your Higher Self (read Why I am no longer a Lightworker 1 and 2, by Cameron Day), enter your Akashik records, and you shall Know. We are One with the All (Infinite Source) as the All (Infinite Source) is One with Us. If you need more guiding, read from Bibliotecapleyades and Montalk. Finally, listen to the following videos https://youtube.com/watch?v=RQIO9cqwgcE [Embed] , https://youtube.com/watch?v=pSyUT2p4H24 [Embed] , https://youtube.com/watch?v=feilxGTQkow [Embed] , , https://youtube.com/watch?v=XvyPscRD1ss [Embed] , (commas are flying so they do not become part of the link).

Each has instructions, and the last one is particularly important; only watch it 1 time per day for 5 days, then rest for 2, and then you may repeat it. Beware that sometimes channels will try to brainwash you; the ones I have listed are safe. Reclaim your Divine Sovereignity, Fight the Parasites, STS/Duality Low Vibration/Frquency/Density Beings and the different Matrix Control Systems.

Remember always, do not go into the light when you die."

Demons and archontic parasites absolutely hate the last video!

Also merging one of my other comments:

"The DrVirtual7 has made these amazing videos:https://youtube.com/watch?v=YVDGY5BKT5k , to help you with making a Shield of White and Golden Light, and https://youtube.com/watch?v=MrvQ-YNThDg [Embed] , to protect yourself from and dissolve black magic, also cleaning the Space of Self."



4chan threads*


oh also remove the #/ bit


*person who notices how making fun of others increases your popularity laughs at a girl for being fat*

Shame on you! You stupid bully! All you do is put down others to feel better about yourself! You should never put down others idiot! You are so below me! I know I just said people who put down others are wrong, but I feel better about myself now that I put you down so I'm gonna enjoy my time at the throne. We could get together and come up with a fair scientific way of punishing people who harm others, but I wouldn't be able to power trip in that system, so instead you have no choice but to listen to me preach about how much better I am than you. Let's say for example, that fat girl you made fun of gave you a dirty look because you have broken down shoes, and that hurt your feelings and led you to be depressed. Doesn't matter! You need to learn how to get over it! Words are just words! But when I can use someones mean words to push my agenda I will engage in social warfare! And while I am engaging in the bullying I supposedly despise, I will preach about how you need to learn that an eye for an eye is wrong, and just because other people bully doesn't mean you can, but my punishment for you will be an eye for an eye punishment because you hurt that girls feelings, and I won't take into consideration how you were harmed first because logic doesn't matter. The only thing that matters is me getting high by dominating you. Now that you have this information, continue to blindly trust the idea that the most vocal egos of social justice who wield the same weapons they want to ban you from having are going to keep things in order!



Hey girl I am sorry someone called you fat and now you are mad. But I guess losing some weight wouldn't hurt you either. Well I really don't care personally because I am a celibate monk who only looks at the inner values of a person and you shouldn't really give a fuck what mundanes think or say, but your health is in your own hands.



>The ancients pretty much all agreed that women are shit and not worthy of life

Care to give any examples of "the ancients" that agreed on that?



The rejection of the temple comes from a false understanding of them. The default assumption is to treat them as part of the devotional when they should be viewed as a museum or library of your past knowledge



You mean the Akashik Records, then?



Talk of thoughtforms indicates an externalized concept of what controls your thoughts. You should not make yourself so vulnerable… Lessons of truth and self-control may be applicable to you especially.


I know not how to set you alight, but you are so very kind as to do it yourself when I gift you with kindling. So be it. We may sing together a song of irrelevancy suitable to the dishonesty of this forum.


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Funny someone with a reptilian flag posts this. Some argonian sure doesn't want people to know how they can externally manipulate people.


I am still astonished at how angry people seem about their pretenses of sincerity. Do you realize I see mockeries as a kind of redemption? I am cold, but I see co-conspirators. By creating patterns that are obviously dead in spirit, you indicate either an honorable disinterest in misleading others, or a fitting lack of skill. Either way, it makes the material more amusing, and I am appreciative.

I come here to practice empathy. Would that more did. To learn the voices of others, to wear their faces and their roles… it is endlessly interesting. To serve their interests, as well. I do not set myself apart. Those who have no charisma may still deserve aid if they have virtue or wisdom. I have found the errant scrap of that… not on /fringe/ specifically, but on chans generally I have tended to gain faith in humanity moreso than I have tended to lose it. Perhaps people know more than they let on; perhaps their errors are simply irrelevant.

Let me help you. Perhaps you can yet understand, and tolerate the sickness in your gut long enough to adjust your conduct suitably to new understanding.

H onor has context. Language has context. You are honorable if your roles are honorable. You have integrity if your roles have integrity. We are blessed here that we may speak to each other freely and try every voice. Yet who so tracks others in anonymous spaces has not honor, for in the context of anonymous online communities, they have breached the context's honor. They take away from the treasure of empathetic practice that we may have in freely changing our roles. This I do not do.

In truth, I am too cold for that to be a fair test of my honor.

I have not cared enough about anyone I have seen in these forums to seek to grant them identities beyond passing whim. If you are kind, my whim will grant you a kindly face. Else, it will amuse me to grant a different one. It is meant as no insult. If I describe someone else, why be offended?

Indeed, if something strikes home, it must have been for you. Is that not how this forum operates?



No big deal, and I am not saying that I know anything. I just want people to know that them being nudged externally is a possibility and widely talked about. The concept about tulpas and larvaes, tought-form attachments and so forth is widely known and much talked about in this forum obviously. But getting thoughts and emotions implanted from aliens or demiurgic forces is also talked about, you may find that Montalk holds this theorie especially pronounced, but also it is hinted at in the Ra Material.

Again not saying I am certain about this for sure, but it surely is possible. And I naturally tend to distrust anyone whith a lizardman flag who spits out post such as you. Makes me think that you are not only a larper but you may be an actual lizard. If you are, that's awesome. I think Montalk also suggested that Aliens will come and monitor forums, trying to confuse people and lead them down false paths.



>actually a lizard

No natural race is worthy of attachment. It is a category best transcended entirely.


Sit down and shut up

I'm Frank Skanga GFD

Priests of the Crystal Palace

Fuck the Bible

And the Koran

Fuck both testaments

The Book of Mormon

And Tao Te Ching

It's all bullshit

I'm tired of hearing

about morality

I have ethics

I care about what

is right and what

Is wrong

Not what

I need to do

to receive my

Holy Reward

I'm tired of filthy

television evangelists

smoking meth and

stroking cocks

taking the stage and

millions of bucks

then telling others

about their morality

Mostly taking as much

money as they can get

from mindless worshipers

who question nothing

I'm tired of politicians

saying, "God" and, "Faith"

twenty times in every

speech to tame a

flock of sheep

bleating their putrid

mindless song

then bombing the fuck

out of helpless, innocent

people of another faith

just to make a buck

from his ultra-rich

oil king buddies

because he couldn't find

any oil in Texas

And God sees all

all the while

prayers ignored

goodness destroyed

motionless children

dead and on display

arms and legs outstretched

bowels on the ground

skulls cracked and

brains bashed in

And God is watching

all the while

Everything happens for

a reason they say

again and again

There can be no light

without darkness

No good without evil

It's part of His

immortal plan

Glory to the lord

Glory be thy lord

Whitey said Genesis proved

that slavery was right

It was written

by holy hands

Hitler was a Roman Catholic

Taking revenge for Jesus' murder

The crusaders raped

and killed their

way to heaven

A Muslim blew the fuck

out of a bus-load of

people because someone

told him that Ala

thought it was

a good idea

Ala Ackba

Ala Ackba

God is great

Glory be thy lord

Hallowed be thy name

I'm sick of needless suffering

I'm sick of holy men

in Crystal Palaces stoking

little boys like Michael Jackson

using billions in tithes to pay

for lawyers because some

damaged kid hung himself

with an extension cord and

named a priest in his

suicide note

I'm sick of it

Everyone should

be sick of it

Life is precious

Life is sacred

Life is a great gift

After life is returning

to the earth

The filament will burn

and the light will cease

It is the Great

Scheme of Things

You should be glad your

sick heart will not

live on and your soul

will perish

Life is the result of

A random series of events

with no meaning

You will not find yourself

in a blessed place

surrounded only by

your faithful brethren


You didn't like them

much anyway

You didn't really care

about anyone

You had morality

Just enough righteousness

and belief in Jesus, Vishnu,

Ala and john Smith to earn

your eternal fucking reward

You didn't care about Ethics

You didn't do the Right Thing

For the sake of doing

the Right Thing

You had morality

You had to be a sheep

and follow the Pedophile Priest

The Meth Smoking Methodist

Opium Buddha's

and Pandering Politicians

They led the way

so they could make a buck

Because they understood

that it's all here and now

and they didn't give a fuck

about anyone else

Here and now is important

because I care about the

children with their skulls

cracked open and their

bowels on the ground

I care about the ones

with their hearts torn out

and their anus' rubbed raw

hanging from their own rope

because they couldn't

stand the shame

And God help me I care

about the sheep that can't

think for themselves

They all need our help

I want an end of righteousness

I want people to see that life

is all we get and our reward

will be the satisfaction of

helping each other through it

I want people to worship Ethics

Doing what is right because

that is what is good for everyone

and not for the promise

of eternal reward

Because morality is evil

Ethics bears no righteousness

But it is the best any God

could hope to create



Thank you, whether it works or not that's some pretty good ambient.

>Remember always, do not go into the light when you die.

Can you give more info on that? I've heard about the demiurgic "soul trap" but would like more details.

It's slightly offtopic, so forgive me for that guys.



Not him, but: Always walk your own path. Don't ask for too much, or the people who give you knowlegde will end up controlling you. That being said, this just so happens to also be the answer your question. The light is a path being shown to you. You have the right to question it. Plus the knowledge of the light being a trap is something that has been confirmed across religion and culture, it is something people close to death encounter all around the world and those who survive very often report not going into the light. Info like that, collected from several sources which are not connected to each other, is the best there is.

Of course this is where the internet becomes a curse just as much as it might be a blessing: Everything is connected these days. Basic research has become easy, but deeper confirmation has become though.

Spirituality is a LOT of speculation. You have to build it on a foundation of truth, else you can't sail the seas of the unknown safely.




People forget that they have the power to chose their own path, question everything and say NO. It's one of the most important powers people have, yet it is one of the most forgotten. It's like a secret.

That's the thing I always try to tell people when I post comments. I feel it's the most important and helpful and will free people the most. Think for yourself. Listen to what your own intuition says. You have every right and reason to use your own brain and go your own path, even if that's means going alone. But at the same time you have every right to be open mindet and be open to new stuff that you feel right and other people deem shit.

If I'll never stop posting/saying one thing until I die then it's this one here. People need to take their own power back and take full resposibility for themselves and their actions. Never follow a herd and never fall into traps of group thinking or group belief. Unless it makes sense for you.

For me, most of the things people believe in, do or say can go right into the trash can. It makes no sense, it doesn't feel right. Even in spiritual circles or philosophical circles, even here.

And yes, you should def question this "go into the light" thing, and the karma shaming thing, and the life review shaming thing, and the reincarnation thing. DoN't be afraid to question those things and say nO


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Wish there would be more people like you on this goddamn board.



>Well, if anything talks "divine feminine"

> all pantheons are bullshit

or "life review"


or "love and light"

>positivity is bullshit

yeah I know, don't ignore the negative.

or "soul mate", you can tell it's bullshit.

hmm. I think that depends on definition of soulmate, and also depends on the choices made by people/souls.





this is what i have been saying too, i sm >>112941 btw, thank you for spreading the message and discussing it! i'm happy and the all is too when people are enlightened.






i use multiple pcs too


The only truth is that there is no truth. Read a lot, think a lot, question a lot, it is the only ways to find answers. Your answers very well might differ drastically from others, but do not worry. It is one ray of divine light that you choose to explore, and others may choose to explore others.


Sage for double post but I highly recommend reading Liber Null & Psychonaut, and then after that Liber Kaos. Both are kind of complex and difficult books but I promise you they will work wonders.




It's important to distinguish between the new agey false light bullshit, such as "life review", most "soul mates", "ashtar command" (they put implants in you! there's more info around here https://www.realitywalker.com/spiritual-awareness-entity-spirit-guided-training/reiki-healing-systems-and-healing-illusions/ take what resonates) and the True Light/Non-Duality tenets (the Unitary Infinite Source, the non existence of duality, the corrupt demiurge and the demiurge [difference!] parasites and their kin, how to become shielded, how to expulse parasites, how to astral travel well, how to avoid parasites, how to reclaim your Divine Sovereignty, etc etc), which may sound with a little bit of fluff bunny-iness, but I assure you that if something invades your Divine Sovereign Sphere of Influence, you have full Right to Dissolve the threat and Expulse the invader with all Strength and Measure.



No one oppresses you as a Sovereign Being, which We All Are.



it's fine, but materialistic. it's a fact that life after death exists and the great densities (up to 7D) exist too. there are things beyond.


As another anon mentioned, reality is the ultimate measuring stick. Always approach an idea from the ground up. The base is your own perception. Basic input/output of the human brain. Keep an eye out for patterns. How they change over time. How things are connected. How all the little details fit into the big picture. How this picture you've built fits into whatever doctrine you were taught. That's how you find inconsistencies, and therefore lies. No lie is perfect, otherwise it'd be the truth.


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>well I'm going to assume the people who say these things, have direct experience of actual truth, and can recognise what is false.

There is not even close to a consensus on the minutiae (for this is, though it seems odd, minutiae) of the occult or paranormal arts among even the most seasoned of their practitioners. In the end, unless you find a guide whose advice is right 100% of the time (I have only found two and three quarters guides like that so far, and all of whom are dead, one of whom was a close family member so it's not like you can get his advice anyways, nor would it be right for you personally), you must be practical about what does or does not work, and you must be able to have your own skin in any game involving calculated risk. That, or you could just stay at home and be a mundane and then you never have to worry about this, but that comes with costs of its own.

There is no such thing as a free lunch, neither here nor elsewhere, and if you are still of the mind that one day someone will come to you and hand you a scroll containing the pure truth, well, best of luck to you. Even if a telephone line were handed to you that lead directly to God, who would speak to you in English, I guarantee you, you probably couldn't parse a fraction of what God said, and no human life is long enough to parse it all, not by a long shot. Now, that's possible, it's not like it never happens, but I'm just saying, be realistic about the degree to which The Truth with a capital T will be revealed to you. You'll know it when you see it, and then, it'll be bits and pieces. That's the bad news. The good news is that bits and pieces are quite sufficient to suit whatever purposes you may have.

Best of luck to your on your psychic endeavors.


The bottom line is that if you want to discover what's true, you have to actually put in the work. If you said you wanted to take a road trip and I handed you a map, that would be great, but it wouldn't be sufficient for you to then say you've been on a road trip to all the places on it.


1. Focus on essence and not form.

2. Know and apply the formulas like it's a science, you do x you get y result. Make sure you're actually doing properly, fulfilling all the requirements of belief, concentration, desire, etc.

3. Know when to universalize and when not to.

4. All the various religions, the followers are all really retarded, I've talked to many hindus for example and they don't know their own religion and they all say as much as me. Aside the people who specifically get interested in a religion or who are a priest or whatever, all the "members" of any religion have a very vague understanding and doesn't know shit. You can't expect rigor from the masses.

5. Learn how to think. Look into epistemology and logic. Read this book http://www.yogebooks.com/english/atkinson/1909logicalthinking.pdf and the montalk.net site with all its stuff about disinformation, make sure to really learn how to think properly, then go about the work of going through all this information and processing it and understanding how you are thinking.



What does it mean to universalise?


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Never accept as "truth" anything you haven't confirmed yourself. Even if you've seen it by yourself, question your own judgement.

What is important to you might be totally trivial and useless for others. The opposite is also true.

Also, there's really only one thing you must do: Find your guide that is a greater yourself you'll perceive as an external entity and let it guide you.

Also what this anon said



That's bullshit and your own mysoginistic obsession/neuroses.



>That's bullshit and your own mysoginistic obsession/neuroses.

That's reasoning and logical thinking together with observation of real life and facts. That guy is not the first one to observe this and won't be the last. Any thinking men will eventually come to this conclusion, unless he is cucked and brainwashed beyond repair.



If you think "spirituality" revolves around feminism and unveiling the natural evilness of women like that buddhazero.com website you have an unhealthy obsession there.

Good luck ascending to the spiritual-est levels of MRA until you reach menirvana.



This. Notions such as "muh wammin are evil!" are best to be transcended wholly. Once you begin to depolarize yourself from the most mundane aspects of life, you can step in and make it go your own way.




On the other hand, it's an excellent means to quickly and accurately determine the extent to which someone is bullshitting when it comes to occult practices. If they're still stuck in the "eww cooties" elementary school mode, you can safely save yourself a lot of time and energy that would otherwise be wasted entertaining the verbose stream of nonsense they'd then give you about any given subject.



chinese animal zodiacs and west astrology.

they're no different than knight templar's prophecy programming. it just promotes death of free will.

oraculum vitate



you mean




To Generalize the results to larger experience.


Analyzing esoteric truths is as simple as understanding archetypes and never assuming things.

There ya go. Have fun.



> Hitler was a Roman Catholic

> Taking revenge for Jesus' murder

This is what atheists actually believe. Yes, I know Hitler was raised Catholic, but it should be pretty obvious by his various statements that he wasn't a Christian, instead he was probably closer to some sort of Deist. He certainly didn't hate Jews for any religious reasons.



>To Generalize the results to larger experience.

To generalise what results? What "experience" is being made larger?



Oh alright then



i don't know about all that now…any proof?



He didn't particularly hate Jews at all. That's just a mundane-ization of his Theosophy. There's a great quote by Manly P. Hall about it but it seems to be wiped from the internet, like many interesting and useful things as of late.



There is a lot of passion in this art, so people can get really opinionated on what an ultimate truth means… but when it comes to the worst of half truths and lies?


Dogma is a bitch, and it bites. >>113198 laid it out perfectly.

if anything, you should look up the tactics of abusive personalities, Joe Navarro's Dangerous Personalities is a good book to learn about this, and it covers more life advice than just spiritual frauds.



Demiurge fags don't realize they're the ones fueling their own fucking monster.

Rule 19. The more you hate it the stronger it gets


> what are some authentic hindu, and buddhist paths / traditions that you reccomend to learn from?

Learn Chinese (do a lot of dominochinese.com with Anki for six months and you'll be about halfway there) or Sanskrit and read the original texts.

Read what the academics that have studied language differences and studied these texts say on how to interpret the texts – they have many, many years of studying the differences between modern and ancient usage, and most academics usually have the spirit of honesty behind them. Linguistics andor historical language are not lucrative fields, tenure is difficult to achieve, and there are no big grants by people with biased attitudes. To survive in such a field you have to have a love for what you do.

The only way, the *only* way, you can know what Buddha really said, is not by studying versions of events that have gone through thousands of years of chinese whispers. It is by reading what the buddha was recorded reading, and learning how the language has changed over time so you can really *understand* the buddha. Likewise any worthwhile philosophy.

If you wish to seek for truth in Judaism, converting to Judaism means learning ancient hebrew, and their original text has been passed down basically unedited because the Torah is nonsensical and impossible to translate, the worth of the Torah is in reading it and they believe that God will tell you what to read/see.

Those are basically the only options you have if you want to avoid people telling you what they *think* is the truth.

In metaphorical form, what I am saying here is,

do not drink from downstream, where thousands of animals have shat in the water. Get it from the source of the stream, where it flows crystal clear.



> This is what atheists actually believe.

I have a lot of atheist friends.

They do not believe this.

Indeed, I actually wondered this and asked around a lot of pro-atheist forums, and the like. Even in closed communities, there was nobody that professed this to be true.

This is a construct of your mind, not theirs.

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