11/28/14 (Fri) 23:38:21 No. 11304
Greetings /fringe/ we are The order of the middle realm. an order dedicated to the cult of HERETH. A new faith and a framework for practitioners to reconcile the aspects of the predatory self (Seth) with the righteous self (Horus) to reach gnosis and have a better grasp on nature. HERETH is a messenger with your higher self,HERETH is your higher self to bring enlightenment into manifestation through your life. The Cult of Hereth is the revival continuation of the mystery tradition of ancient Egypt.
11/28/14 (Fri) 23:54:53 No. 11307
Sigil of HERETH
☻ 11/29/14 (Sat) 00:11:35 No. 11308
>>11304 We are all and nothing, we swear no allegiance and take what we please, committing to one will have you missing in all that the others could provide.
>implying you know shit about the teachings of Khem>implying we couldn't just read an alchemy thread and know all that which you might offer >implying i can't astral project and ask Thoth directly >implying getting tied to your shitty cult is worth anything you have to offer >implying all knowledge isn't free You find no welcome here.
Mods pls remove for advertizing.
11/29/14 (Sat) 00:14:46 No. 11309
>>11304 you're on the wrong team
11/29/14 (Sat) 00:16:24 No. 11310
>claims master >comes seeking help your sigil a shit, would not participate
11/29/14 (Sat) 00:18:02 No. 11311
>>11304 Reported for duplicate thread, anything you might contribute with you can find here.
11/29/14 (Sat) 00:22:09 No. 11313
First its the "Egyptians", next its the Latter Day Saints knocking asking for part of your pay, before you know it Jews are trying to teach you usury with hidden demands. OP is short and unsatisfactory, next time have more text and sources.
11/29/14 (Sat) 05:46:51 No. 11323
>>11309 Woohoo, Eris, Eris, Eris! Crazed chaos cult of Eris is best cult, Hail Eris. We strive for Harmonichaos. Slay the jews, make love to the prettiest girls. Start fires and shed blood my fellow devotees, GoddeSS enjoys the strife.
You do want to make Her happy, don't you?
11/29/14 (Sat) 09:18:51 No. 11334
>>11308 Ok
>implying you know shit about the teachings of Khem.You don't know me yet you claim I know nothing about the teachings of Khem.
>implying we couldn't just read an alchemy thread and know all that which you might offer
How do you know what we have to offer?
it's not the components of occult knowledge but rather in what context and with what understanding you might use.feel free to only lurk ,no one is stopping you,but our initiates will be steps ahead.
>implying i can't astral project and ask Thoth directly.Sure Go ahead, if you don't feel the need to be in a coven or an order to do that, you are on your way, we agree with thelema about free will,and with luciferianism about individuality and godhood.
>implying getting tied to your shitty cult is worth anything you have to offer.Who said anything about getting tied?
you are limited by your definition of a cult,we are not after your money either,initiations are free.
So no advertising here,you are just getting defensive.
11/29/14 (Sat) 09:23:13 No. 11335
Where can we learn more?
11/29/14 (Sat) 09:33:49 No. 11337
>>11309 I practice chaos magick myself,but limiting yourself to Eris is a marker that you totally missed the point.
I been among discordians,and chaos magicians and I can tell you with certainty ,most are posers and white knight sjw noobs.
The cult of Hereth is an open source system that's how it's intended, but the initiate have to show they are serious/worthy enough for the time being,therefore till the cult is established,initiations are closed and we select our own,there is a good chance that some of initiates would be rejected, we are laying down the foundations. So it's not open now, you have to possess a certain traits in order to be selected.
Being in the order at this time will give you a huge benefit in how much power and global influence you will have for the future.
Once the foundation is established, we will come out and expand beyond your wildest dreams,then our rituals and teachings and philosophy ,cosmology…etc will be public.
11/29/14 (Sat) 09:35:08 No. 11339
>>11335 ask me what you want .
11/29/14 (Sat) 09:37:05 No. 11340
>>11313 Again, initiations is FREE.
We are not after your wallet like most cults out there.
And I definitely understand your suspicions many so called orders give the occult a bad name.
11/29/14 (Sat) 09:39:55 No. 11341
>>11334 Bold claims for someone who can't spell, master.
11/29/14 (Sat) 09:40:54 No. 11342
Your posts are still lacking in information and this thread should be removed. Do things right next time.
11/29/14 (Sat) 09:47:45 No. 11343
Ok let's start with the basics . Human nature is not evil or divine,such mentality stems from judeo-christian cults, we recognize our predatory spirit and honor it. As in the God Set . We also recognize the divine self as in the God Horus . Those two forces within us all determine our actions,tapping into them both and harnessing the conflict is a fountain of unlimited power,to tap into. When balanced The Higher self HERETH awakes, and when he does,greatness,miracles,occult powers are a direct result.
11/29/14 (Sat) 09:50:07 No. 11344
>>11342 info incoming.
>>11341 that's intentional
11/29/14 (Sat) 09:51:21 No. 11345
File: 1417254681367.png (22.38 KB, 560x407, 560:407, 5f11e168c75010d017347e6018….png )
>>11343 Lets start with you removing that master pin and not picking it back up until you've proven yourself, mr pretentious Egyptian.
What you wrote there I've read in a dozen different variations.
Why should i subscribe and invest in your sekrit club?
11/29/14 (Sat) 09:52:32 No. 11346
Code 1.Human beings should honor their own nature. 2.one should not deny oneself,impulses,desires,fears,hopes. 3.morality is subjective,there is no fixed moral compass for everyone. 4.there is no good and evil only will. 5.self improvement is the highest priority. 6.fear is a challenge,it exists to overcome. 7.never decieve yourself. 8.strength is a virtue,cruelty to your enemies is encouraged. 9.a brotherhood of all herethians is essential,herethians stand by each other. 10.there is two rings inner and outer,the inner is held in secrecy,the outer is public. 11.The self is a double edged blade. 12.every Herethian should have an inner temple. 13.the teachings of Hereth belongs to everyone.
11/29/14 (Sat) 10:04:27 No. 11350
>>11345 I don't need to prove myself to anyone.
Why would you subscribe to my sekrit club?
it's not (my) sekrit club, I am simply a Keeper.
When we rise to Power and we will, you will be glad you joined.
Also Hereth called by the ancients (the face of mysteries) reveals the essence of occult knowledge and power,He gives sudden realizations of pure inspiration called planktons (Lord of the planktons), they are written down and gathered into (The book of planktons),planktons are not just for the high priest or prophet to write, they can be written by anyone providing they are initiates of the order.
Making the book of planktons an infinite book,dynamic and always expanding.
11/29/14 (Sat) 10:04:50 No. 11351
11/29/14 (Sat) 10:11:37 No. 11353
>>11346 Reminds me of LaVeyan 'Satanism', a thoroughly jewish affair. At least you aren't charging shekels for a sinister looking red membership card apparently.
Still, Aryanism is the path of the future, all other options lead to ruin.
11/29/14 (Sat) 10:23:46 No. 11357
>>11353 it would remind alot of people of lots of things,because it has elements from many truths.
The cult of Hereth is highly anti-jewish, we see judism as the seed of the slave mentality,something we are fighting to eradicate.
We have many takes on the church of satan and we are opposed to the word church itself .
COS is anti-christian ,it's nothing in itself but atheism mixed with a reverse image of Christianity,falling into the trap of letting your enemy define you.
11/29/14 (Sat) 10:58:29 No. 11362
>>11350 >I don't need to prove myself to anyone >>11350 >I don't need to prove myself to anyone >I don't need to prove myself to anyone Except you do, considering the situation you've put yourself in by posting here.
11/29/14 (Sat) 11:35:35 No. 11368
>>11362 No, it's not the first time I used the chans and won't be the last.
I will not prove anything, I don't feel a need to,simply, let the information be the guide and the judge.
My persona is irrelevant.
11/29/14 (Sat) 11:36:28 No. 11369
>opposed to the word church itself Yet you want to establish yet another organized religion. You're leaking water m9.
11/29/14 (Sat) 11:50:07 No. 11370
>>11369 we are a temple not a church, I assume you know the difference.
☻ 11/29/14 (Sat) 13:58:21 No. 11385
>>11308 >we take what we please What is this faggotry? No we don't, we take what we can, but not what we please; we're not that powerful yet.
What is Khem?
How do you know you got the correct Thoth?
>Mods pls remove for advertizing.No they can stay and we can mock them.
☻ 11/29/14 (Sat) 14:01:58 No. 11386
>>11304 OP tell me why you use these old dressings and what makes you think your various stances on various metaphysical issues are correct?
11/29/14 (Sat) 14:28:07 No. 11389
>>11385 >we're not that powerful yet >we Khem is Egypt.
Alchemy, Al Khem, way of egypt.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DGyYIJpMC-k This video alone will touch on things OP doesn't know.
Read this.
https://www.8chan.co/fringe/res/5215.html God damned neophyte.
11/29/14 (Sat) 16:43:31 No. 11402
>>11389 Al kem - the black art
kemet - black land
>using thoth instead of TehutiYou fuckers disgrace Auset. Was interested due to choice of heirohlyph, but the red prince is pulling too hard on your lotus for it to blossom.
11/29/14 (Sat) 16:48:38 No. 11403
>inb4 the cult doesen't initiate with the powers of the hexagram under Epsilon Delta and Altinak. Keep thinking you're initiated into the myseries of Kem.
Oðin ## Board Volunteer 11/29/14 (Sat) 17:18:01 No. 11405
>>11402 Khem means dark land, which actually means the land close to the Nile which was darkened by it, hence it was fertile. So yes, like
>>11389 says its Egypt.
Khem must be the 'obsolete' term for the Egypt that came before the Ancient.
>>11353 >At least you aren't charging shekels for a sinister looking red membership card apparently. And you aren't even talking Temple of Set.
>>11350 Everyone can rise to power. It's not like they need 'sekrit clubs' to do so.
And… Planktons? Aren't those the food of fish?
>>11304 Let me get this straight:
Seth is the ego?
Horus is the higher self?
Hereth is a messenger? Like Hermes? (Not Hermes Trismegistus but the Greek god Hermes)
11/30/14 (Sun) 00:10:23 No. 11435
>>11346 Sounds awfully like satanism
11/30/14 (Sun) 03:10:47 No. 11449
>>11405 I'm no expert on this and definitely a neophyte (n fact, on a side note, how can you know that the Hermetic texts are 100% valid?
I digress, Ch = K as Ch could also mean Kh, is there any source that shows that it is 100% a translation of Egypt and not Arts? It just seems like it could be either, especially with how used the practice is in secret societies.
Oðin 11/30/14 (Sun) 05:43:46 No. 11460
11/30/14 (Sun) 18:26:48 No. 11512
>>11405 Yes,
Two sages were having walking along the shore ,one held a child and said this child needs food to grow stronger. the other sage pointed to a rock and there was many planktons on it. the other sage understood what he meant, he fed the child, the planktons and they nourished the child.
11/30/14 (Sun) 18:31:23 No. 11513
>>11405 >>11304 Seth is the predatory spirit, he usurped the throne of Osiris because he can.
Horus is the Rightful heir to the throne and his mission to be king is righteous in nature,
Horus is not the higher self nor is set,Hereth is the higher self.
11/30/14 (Sun) 18:37:33 No. 11514
Hereth is not the messenger but the God and king of the middle realm and it happens that the earth on this age aligns with the middle realm as part of it's spiritual evolution. His colors are red,black. This and more is revealed in the cosmology files in (COH)
11/30/14 (Sun) 18:41:59 No. 11515
>>11386 What do you mean by old dressings?
11/30/14 (Sun) 18:48:31 No. 11516
The original thought of the creation ob Hereth came from Tehuti, and he alone had the technology and wisdom to do it.
11/30/14 (Sun) 18:48:36 No. 11517
The original thought of the creation ob Hereth came from Tehuti, and he alone had the technology and wisdom to do it.
Oðin ## Board Volunteer 11/30/14 (Sun) 19:41:22 No. 11519
>>11513 >Horus is the Rightful heir to the throne and his mission to be king is righteous in nature. That's funny because
>>11346 said to be no 'good nor evil' in this cult of 'Hereth'.
There is no mention of Horus nor Amun-Ra being solar deities.
>>11514 >Hereth is not the messenger but the God and king of the middle realm and it happens that the earth on this age aligns with the middle realm Wasn't Horus the king? What about Osiris, who is also the king of the underworld?
>>11514 >His colors are red,black. These are the colors mostly associated to seth/saturn.
Im having a hard time taking this cult seriously. They get their symbology halfway understood.
Maybe it's a saturnian cult after all and they dont realize.
Why is it called Hereth? Roots? Ethymology? All I see is a forest named Hereth.
>>11516 >>11517 2 Different IPs and IDs in a double post with 5 seconds of difference? someone's samefagging with a proxy.
11/30/14 (Sun) 22:27:18 No. 11538
>>11519 >>11519 >That's funny because >>11346 said to be no 'good nor evil' in this cult of 'Hereth'.There is no mention of Horus nor Amun-Ra being solar deities.
Amun-Ra as well as the whole Egyptian pantheon exists in the cult of Hereth ofcourse ,osiris is God of the underworld,Egyptian tradition is very rich , but since this is a post on a chan , not every bit of info about Herethism will be covered,Horus is also Harakhte ,Ra as Horus, a solar warrior deity and a mighty warrior.
Horus in Hereth , in the ancient texts the battle for Khem's throne still going on to this day, and tahuti found a clever way to turn that into a powerful progressive Entity called Hereth.
>These are the colors mostly associated to seth/saturn.Black is the Color of Set ,red The color of Horus .
however any associations in the occult tradition is not fixed in stone, liber 777 explored this aspect,but again it's also not fixed in stone.
>2 Different IPs and IDs in a double post with 5 seconds of difference? someone's samefagging with a proxy.my proxy switches automatically,it's no reason for alarm,I didn't samefag as both posts were me and I didn't deny it.
11/30/14 (Sun) 22:37:24 No. 11540
>>11519 COH is not a saturnalian cult ,we transcend that,Hereth is not a new deity , Hereth was drawn in temples and was personified as Ramses III and many of the Ramsesess that came after him.
in Ancient temples there was a mention and a picture of the face of mysteries portrayed as a humanoid with the faces of Horus and Seth, after this the Egyptian tradition started to wane but before this the High priests of Khem knew Hereth and how he is the evolution of the Egyptian tradition.
Hereth (Heru+eth)
Sometimes also pronounced Heret .
11/30/14 (Sun) 22:38:06 No. 11542
For some reason my posts duplicate.
11/30/14 (Sun) 22:40:15 No. 11543
The sigil represents the ears of Set and the eyes of Horus.
11/30/14 (Sun) 22:47:24 No. 11544
picture related
12/01/14 (Mon) 04:53:54 No. 11553
>>11538 You barely covered shit, and we filled you in on most,faggot.
12/01/14 (Mon) 07:03:01 No. 11556
>>11553 if the information itt didn't cover something you want to know about ,feel free to ask faggot.
>Gtfo nah I am here to stay
12/01/14 (Mon) 09:06:14 No. 11567
Do we still get our hearts weighed against a feather after we die?
12/01/14 (Mon) 09:28:24 No. 11568
>>11556 Okay. What is the purpose of the pyramids.
12/01/14 (Mon) 19:36:07 No. 11609
>>11567 yes, but Herethians are favored when passing through the duat
We are not judged by osiris and maat rather blessed by them your heart will be lighter as long as you believe in HERETH,and we get to go to the duat when (WE) want to pass.
In our practice we build a temple in the ether,surrounded by a huge piece of land,you can live there after death till you choose to take the trials if you do.
Graves and mumification hold little significance to us as the magi during his life would have transfered a part of his soul into an object, when they reincarnate the spirit joins with the reincarnated body, however we have deciphered the codes of immortality and the high degrees will perform the rites and formulas that grant them immortality.
they have many purposes,one of them would be initiation, space travel,astral travel,a direct link between orion and earth and a marker in time to preserve the mysteries of amenti, and a way if you know what you are doing to be called to amenti.
12/01/14 (Mon) 19:41:23 No. 11612
our practices include spiritual and physical alchemy btw.
12/01/14 (Mon) 19:42:40 No. 11614
>>11609 I was initiated in the pyramids.
12/01/14 (Mon) 20:29:43 No. 11620
Asatru has a concept of the soul that rivals the Egyptian cults in complexity.:
http://nrr.podbean.com/e/the-northern-soul-complex/ http://norse-mythology.org/concepts/the-parts-of-the-self/ Why should I choose Egyptian over European beliefs?
12/01/14 (Mon) 22:11:36 No. 11633
>>11620 You are letting your national sense get in the way of your enlightenment, why would you choose this over that?
Why not incorporate both in your practice, Tyr is Horus,Odin is Osiris the story is the same the names and places differ .
Nationalistic sense is something you have to overcome to reverse your conditioning. try to see the story not the actors.
12/01/14 (Mon) 23:58:12 No. 11646
>>11633 >Tyr >Horus >Not Baldur Besides, there's even older civs, more advanced than egyptians like Atlants who most likely have similar pantheons… why not disclose them? Weren't Atlants closer to 'enlightenment'?
12/02/14 (Tue) 00:44:20 No. 11657
>>11633 If what you say is true then there's no reason for him to look into your cult as "it's all the same, just different wrappings".
12/02/14 (Tue) 01:28:36 No. 11668
>>11657 that would be true if the COH does not progress further in this tradition,the tradition is a living breathing entity, and evolve like humans, and COH ,has alot of wisdom and practice to add to the ancient wisdom of the ancient mystery schools.
12/02/14 (Tue) 01:30:26 No. 11669
>>11646 what makes you so sure that Egypt is not an extension of Atlantian tradition ?
Oðin ## Board Volunteer 12/02/14 (Tue) 02:47:01 No. 11673
>>11669 It was, but it was just an extension, whose knowledge was used to dominate people while keeping all the secrets to themselves. I guess Atlantis was more advanced, and succumbed due to its 'openess'.
Thus the egyptian leaders wouldn't want another atlantis sunk before them.
12/03/14 (Wed) 13:54:25 No. 11795
>>11673 The nature of this age is different, nothing can be concealed as it used to be ,any autistic 12 year old boy can channel this high knowledge.
it can float on anyone's tongue.
the knowledge will give itself freely to those who are willing to listen.
To utilize this knowledge is totally another story, that's what we do in COH
12/03/14 (Wed) 13:55:58 No. 11796
>>11673 As many ancient cults we have two focuses at the moment
1. the God man
☻ 12/07/14 (Sun) 09:44:28 No. 12157