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Tipp's Fringe Bunker

File: fda1ce66226fae5⋯.jpg (44.91 KB, 640x360, 16:9, inedia.jpg)


Is Inedia a noob trap?




Why did you even ask this question, you fucking idiot?

You know what, it totally is true! Why don't you try it, starting now?



You sound bothered



It is as I always say: better bothered than brain dead.



Instead of typing out a bunch of bullshit, how about actually presenting a valid argument for Inedia?



>argument for something that needs to be experienced

I don't think that's a thing.

If you've ever been so high on energy that you aren't hungry, that's one step toward inedia.

just google inedia study.

also, rule 2



>high on 'energy' that you aren't hungry

mfw ADHD kids on ritalin talkin bout shit




Channel/Breathe in prana with deep breaths, 100 breaths, or go see a traveling saint like Amma, and maybe you'll have some idea of what an energy high is like.

Or just have fun? Like haven't you been excited enough you don't feel hungry or tired?

unless you're just trolling, which occured to me halfway thru typing this



Why did you ask that guy for a valid argument for inedia?

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