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The rules are simple and mostly apply to the creation of threads on /fringe/:
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Tipp's Fringe Bunker

File: e5aefa5f01eba93⋯.jpg (151.88 KB, 500x375, 4:3, cory_in_the_house_ds__cory….jpg)


This board is just gibberish at this point. Lets ground ourselves so there is actually a fucking point. Some people have no ability to look at things from the others perspective, and that is why the world is a chaotic shithole. People ignore others needs, believe they are god as soon as they are winning, then everything they ignored comes back to fuck their ass. I'd say most of the books here are self hypnosis, but then the material world is ruled by science, so that is why we are shitposting instead of ruling the world from a castle. I've been hitting a wall for years so something needs to change so I and others can move forward.

Who are you?

Why are you here?

What are your goals?

Why do you need magic?

How do we benefit?

What can we do for you?

What is holding you back?

Who are you?

Why are you here?

What are your goals?

Why do you need magic?

How do we benefit?

What can we do for you?

What is holding you back?

Who are you? I am a random ass suicidal white dude from America who knows he is in hell but has felt enough of a taste of heaven to continue.

Why are you here? I am here because human approval, material objects, and glowing screen events don't do it for me anymore.

What are your goals? Eliminate the ego, get a simple spot for meditation, art, and research, get unlimited weed, be as DIY as possible, immortality, a smoother path, a better hand in my next life, replacing violent wars with gaming/sport/evolution competitions, explore every universe to make sure all demiurge/archons/whatever the fuck are repaired or destroyed, regain the imagination and freedom of childhood, replace current governments with fair systems that provide safety nets for all the suffering while not holding back individualism.

Why do you need magic? Because 700 trillion jealous goblins follow me around 24/7 trying to turn me against myself so I live like a worm instead of being a sovereign being who accomplishes his goals. Everything exists, and while this world is USUALLY governed by the laws of science, I have seen unexplainable shit, and just like someone can cheat in video games there are time travellers, hackers, ai designed to do nothing but destroy etc. If you talked about computers in 1860 you would be thrown in a mental institution. Being free from the hive mind and looking forward is illegal in this world, so I need every tool I can get to escape the SCHIZOPHRENIA!!! shouting mobs enslaving humanity.

How do we benefit? I am an arrogant prick, because that is the only way to banish the unlimited arrogant pricks here, but I hate weak people getting exploited. If I ran all law enforcement I would be skinning alive child molesters, people keeping drugs illegal, con artists, drug addict sociopaths, cheaters, corrupt politicians or anyone who crosses the line between success and exploitation. I would skin them alive on a live feed. I do not want to do this, but I sincerely believe that until a message is sent to the barbarian wavelength it won't fuck off. This is just one solution though, and I am open to others. I am being honest, despite the fact that many will label me a psychopath now, because lying takes up too much energy and I am more interested in a fair world than my ego. I would be prepared to become world emperor tomorrow, and would not rest until all problems were fixed, and the fact that I can relate to every single person on the planet would make me a fair leader. I would also be prepared to sit in the background allowing somebody else to be world emperor while I meditate and give advice.

What can we do for you? Focus your meditation and will on healing. The moment you go for a bigger goal which affects demiurge/grand parasite/archon/whoever the fucks ego, you will start encountering literal demons. JFK, Hendrix, Cobain, Lennon, Bill Hicks, Tupac, Jesus, come on don't ignore all the evidence of everyone calling for unity being attacked. Go for the gold anyways. Every maze can be solved by just following the lines. It might take longer, but if you go in a direction long enough you will get where you want to go.

What is holding you back? I hate corrupt phony npcs, but I think what's holding me back is not connecting with like minded people. Even if you never see my piece of shit face, I can communicate with you through boards/telepathy/meditation, and as much as I hate to admit it I can't control everything, so maybe I need some of you. I've been getting fucked 24/7 for awhile now, and only feel at one when tripping, so one of you, (cop, alien, angel, archon, cia psycho, mossad psycho, ex partner, someone I trolled) initiated operation destroy me because I say things then do them, so I'm explaining that all I am doing is using free will to improve my life, and also reminding Mr Fearme that not only do I not fear you but I will continue transmuting your hatred into energy that helps me accomplish my goals.


yo ming,

maybe this would be better on fringebay or mewch. 8/fringe is kinda whatever/has been deleted/scattered a few times


>Who are you?

Rule 5 :^)

but nah idk, imma healer/writer/soul/dude//whaterva

>Why are you here?

'cause I volunteered to come back. According to a psychic

>What are your goals?

inner unity, sharing love, make my chakras shiny.

>Why do you need magic?

see above. but also it's fun

>How do we benefit?

see above, but also I like teaching

>What can we do for you?

I dunno, I think you guys in general might not be able to do much. The blind leading the blind, you know?

>What is holding you back?

habits, attachment to wanting a lover.



and others:

I hope that you like this.

I have some good resources. The threads this was on were suddenly archived or just deleted.

This video here, https://youtube.com/#/watch?v=CpH_rXGHX1w , is a remote "soft kill shield" for targeted individuals of all kinds. It will work to destroy many harassments. This other, https://youtube.com/#/watch?v=OZCgOoGSLdQ , is the second version of the targeted individual scatter frequency. I hope that they help."

"Dive deep within yourself, speak to your Higher Self (read Why I am no longer a Lightworker 1 and 2, by Cameron Day), enter your Akashik records, and you shall Know. We are One with the All (Infinite Source) as the All (Infinite Source) is One with Us. If you need more guiding, read from Bibliotecapleyades and Montalk. Finally, listen to the following videos https://youtube.com/watch?v=RQIO9cqwgcE [Embed] , https://youtube.com/watch?v=pSyUT2p4H24 [Embed] , https://youtube.com/watch?v=feilxGTQkow [Embed] , , https://youtube.com/watch?v=XvyPscRD1ss [Embed] , (commas are flying so they do not become part of the link).

Each has instructions, and the last one is particularly important; only watch it 1 time per day for 5 days, then rest for 2, and then you may repeat it. Beware that sometimes channels will try to brainwash you; the ones I have listed are safe. Reclaim your Divine Sovereignity, Fight the Parasites, STS/Duality Low Vibration/Frquency/Density Beings and the different Matrix Control Systems.

Remember always, do not go into the light when you die."

Demons and archontic parasites absolutely hate the last video!

Also merging one of my other comments:

"The DrVirtual7 has made these amazing videos:https://youtube.com/watch?v=YVDGY5BKT5k , to help you with making a Shield of White and Golden Light, and https://youtube.com/watch?v=MrvQ-YNThDg [Embed] , to protect yourself from and dissolve black magic, also cleaning the Space of Self."



whoops remove the #/


>I'd say most of the books here are self hypnosis, but then the material world is ruled by science

Have you read the recommended reading list? I can't tell if you're an occultist or a questioning fedora (especially since you say you want unlimited weed).

I'll indulge in your blogposting because you look like you might appreciate some attention from anonymous internet people.

>Who are you?

Some guy I guess

>Why are you here?

I'm probably meant to be here or something

>What are your goals?

Do whatever I'm meant to do and get out of this Demiurgic shitfest ASAP

>Why do you need magic?

I need it like I need the laws of physics. It's just a thing that exists that you can use for stuff.

>How do we benefit?

>What can we do for you?

>What is holding you back?

These last three questions read like the titles of each slide of a powerpoint presentation for motivating a company or something. What do you want us to say, OP? I don't get it.


File: 6aa08f42a6cc6cf⋯.jpg (53.62 KB, 800x445, 160:89, classroom_pic.jpg)

Who are you?

A neophyte forging his path

Why are you here?

to gain the tools to control my reality

What are your goals?

My life goal is to reincarnate with my memories intact, my current goals are to study as much esoteric knowledge I can get my hands on

Why do you need magic?

If the tools are available to alter my own reality without devoting my eternal soul to a spirit why not

How do we benefit?

Spiritual Freedom

What can we do for you?

upload pdfs

What is holding you back?

A child hood in a conservative christian house hold



sup smiley


File: 1f0be6f3938259e⋯.png (469.84 KB, 1310x2779, 1310:2779, Eidetic memory guide.png)

>Who are you and why are you here?

I am someone who knows self-hypnosis and Mystic powers shown by guys like Jack Schwarz, Charlie Salvador and Shaolin monks already interested me but what bought me here was this post from /x/ said that he'd show you how to have a perfect memory where you can read stuff once and never forget it using tulpas. I read WWA's book on memory also shit book, 90% redundant and needs an editor

>What are your goals and why do you need magic

I want that eidetic memory(like 1st pic says), I would like to be able to 'give' memories to people, I want like to alter my stature and appearance and change the genes I will pass on, I want to heal myself and others as quickly, I want to be smarter, I want to be healthier. almost all of those are pretty selfish reasons I think.

>Why do you need magic?

If 'Everything is possible except the impossible' with magic, then most of these goals can be done with going into trance (through autohypnosis) then concetrating on change already happening or building a thoughtform that can make it happen.

>How do we benefit and What can we do for you?

Forums like these are like charity because only ther person being helped benefits. As I get some help I might be tempted to come back and place information about what I've learned and help others here wanting to do the same thing. What someone could do to help is give me a guide that uses a hypnosis-like trance to make thoughtforms to memorize/learn/change appearance/ give memories/heal myself/etc. Hypnotic trance is the most /fringe/ thing I can do.

>What is holding you back?

Ambition is easy but I get lazy to sometimes even bother going into trance. That can be fixed by myself.


>Who are you?

A simple man.

>Why are you here?

Because it was chosen to come here.

>What are your goals?

To learn.

>Why do you need magic?

There's no necessity for magic. All is mind.

>How do we benefit?

More than 200 people have been helped by learning the secrets of the universe. You benefit by getting uncomfortable and look for the secrets within.

>What can we do for you?

Who are "we"? What you can do for yourself and for others is to wake yourself up from the deep slumber. Because the reference of the group you are referring to is unknown, the question cannot be answered fully.

>What is holding you back?

The beliefs of the mind.



>I am a random ass suicidal white dude from America who knows he is in hell but has felt enough of a taste of heaven to continue.

You have to go through hell to reach heaven. Remove the things from your life that creates what you refer to as "hell" and only "heaven" will remain.

>I am here because human approval, material objects, and glowing screen events don't do it for me anymore.

You cannot unironically claim to be aware of the need for human approval while stating that you want it while being here. Let go of the idea of need for human approval and material objects.

>Eliminate the ego

There's nothing to eliminate. Realize that you are not it and eventually the desires and monkey mind of ego will also disappear. Create discipline and follow a set of rules that will help you establish mastery over mind, body and ego.

>get a simple spot for meditation

The chair you used while writing your post is sufficient. You just don't believe it is.

>Why do you need magic? […]

Everyone in the world that has not awaken is schizophrenic according to the norms set for what schizophrenia means. Those who sleep follow a voice in their head mindlessly and believe themselves to be that voice. That voice brings suffering, personality disorders and delusions into the life of the individual. But the cunning part about the mind, is that it told the individual that it is not schizophrenic, so the person then believes itself to be sane, while in actuality, the person is skitz.

>How do we benefit? […]

Good and bad does not exist. It is a social construct created by the people so that they can justify feeling better about acts in the world. If you hate people, that hate will consume you. And you can't solve the problems of injustice or inequality because there's no justice and there is no equality in this world. We are born with equal potential in finding the truth, but our cultural onset is unique. Focus on your own awakening first, then realize the origin of all the problems in the world, for they have a common denominator.

>What can we do for you? […]

The only reasons demons attack is because there is something there for them to attack. Your idea of pride, your idea of self, your idea of worth or your idea of beliefs. Don't lay bread crumbs for the rodents, instead stop the cause of attacks by waking up to the truth. Any demon you meet you will have to forgive and let go off. If demons can scare you and steal your energy, become fearless first.

>What is holding you back? […]

This answer contains many beliefs and subjective opinions which is the cause of your suffering. If you hate "npcs" you also hate yourself, for you are no different than them. The difference between woke and unwoke individuals is that of choice and unique onset for life. Some are not meant to wake up and some are. If anything, this last question could be the whole reason why you started this thread, but you needed an excuse to get it written.

Learn how to meditate:

Sit down and don't move.

Focus on your heart and breath.

When it gets uncomfortable to remain and you want to leave, that is when the meditation starts.

Meditate until you have realized the origin of suffering.


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>Who are you?

Someone tired of coasting by on innate talent.

>Why are you here?

My mentor is sick and I haven't found a secondary one, so I use this as a low-grade substitute that I barely trust but use for seeds to verify independently.

>What are your goals?

Evolving too much to say at this point. In a manner of speaking, immortality has been my goal for a time, but non-physically speaking: I want to be a subject of stories/emblems in the future. Having learned that I've been immortal for some time, these goals are shifting, but not entirely. To be immortal is not to be remembered, I want to be remembered. I want to expand my lineage, perhaps not to Genghis Khan levels, but enough so that when someone says they share ancestry with me, it impresses their company.

>Why do you need magic?

Bit of a leading question that I can't answer plainly. As well ask why I need air, and I mean that more literally than the words indicate. Prana is one of the things that makes magic possible, and literally translates as "breath"… Why do I need air? It lets me get things done and I'd stop existing without it. Same goes for magic.

>How do we benefit?

Maybe something I post serves as a seed for growth in someone else. It's rarely my goal. I come here to contemplate, not contribute.

>What can we do for you?

Keep posting new content. But not too much. There are threads here from a year ago that still have useful information in them.

>What is holding you back?

Negative attachments, is this story different for anyone else?


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Hypnotize yourself to believe that your power and will grows daily. You're already three-quarters of the way there, the only obstacle is you don't believe you're capable of more.

You say your desires are selfish, then you say that you'd like to return to give back to the community. It's not that your desires are selfish, it's that you realize subconsciously that the "you" you currently identify as is not in a position to make these long-term determinations. You have to grow and become a new person, and then allow that person to determine your long-term goals. Your duty to yourself at this moment is to become the person who is both strong enough and trustworthy enough to decide a life path for you.

If you imagine the pyramid, right now the persona you're crafting is the foundation that holds the rest up. In your mind, the pyramidion (top/capstone) of the pyramid is where these goals lie, what you mean to achieve with your power. But it's pointless to speculate about what is contained within that capstone until you're within reach of it. At this moment, it's so far above you that it is disheartening to consider it.


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Someone pointed me towards this thread but for the record it isn't me lol


>replacing violent wars with gaming/sport/evolution competitions,

Fuck you faggot. Wars bring out the best in people and clean up the stagnation that comes with the tyranny of never-ending peace.







>t. edgy teen smeared in stale and misunderstood evolianism

Sad thing is that you probably don't even suspect how banal and boring you are.


File: ca5edbbb24d3a97⋯.jpg (164.02 KB, 649x960, 649:960, 1513642902800.jpg)

>Who are you?

A divine expression of the Creator A guy coasting on money from a job he just left

>Why are you here?

Found my way from 4chan's /x/ a year and half ago, but the subjects and information discussed here bring clarity to my "deeper questions" and vibe with me intuitively like no other philosophy or religion has.

>What are your goals?

My top goal in this life is to become a successful musician, in order to pay forward the hope and the happiness that it brought me. Most of the Great Work that I attempt is to refine myself into somebody capable of achieving this.

>Why do you need magic?

To me, what we here call magic(k) is the same kind of mindfulness and training of your subconscious that you see in self-help books, just with colorful metaphors and rooted in a deeper spiritual foundation. I feel that magic can help me overcome my own limiting beliefs and negative programming from the Matrix that have been ingrained in my mind so that I can realize myself and my goals.

>How do we benefit?

I'm pretty new to a lot of this, but anything that I come across that has been useful or helpful to me in my journey, I will happily share with those who seek it.

>What can we do for you?

Any advice, literature, or techniques that you think would help me would be highly appreciated.

>What is holding you back?

As mentioned above, the mental clutter of limiting beliefs and being programmed by the system to act and be as they want me to, rather than as who I am. I realize that I have a problem of setting the bar low and basking in these hollow victories because part of me feels like I can't have or don't deserve the happiness that I really want, so I settle for what I get from the bare minimum of effort. I've internalized the expectations of others to the point that I struggle to act for myself and harbor false suspicions about my family and the friends that actually want to help me and see me do well.

I know my goal is more focused on earthly life than goals like escaping the Demiurge or reconnecting with God, but my experience has shown me that music is my higher purpose, and if it is another illusion that I falsely identify with, then it is one worth suffering for.



Interesting pic. Does it work? I've always been hesitant to use tulpas because it seems like it could backfire heavily.




great answers


wouldn't smizzle say "post on mewch" and not mention fbae?


i didn't think it was because of the flag. I'd meant to point you toward the picture in this thread.


interesting pic.

I wonder how true it is, at least re: soul mate. I don't know if I've ever considered the idea that people would share a higher self.


hello fellow greenpill and musician friend



I've read that about Tulpas too. This guide tells you to make servitors but calls them tulpas by mistake. Servitors aren't sentient like Tulpas which can turn on you. Whenever the guide reads "Tulpa(s)", it mean servitors.

I haven't tried following the guide because I'm unsure where to start. First it takes making a memory palace and convincing yourself that that's your mind.



>I don't know if I've ever considered the idea that people would share a higher self.

Did you ever meet two people who are so uncanningly alike in their being, while seeming to have take a different path in life? That's my theory on different human beings sharing the same higher entity.




>Hello Akashic friend.


> If the higher self/soul/whatever exists outside of our linear time, it would make sense that this same spiritual entity could be playing as someone here and now, but also others in the past or future, and that could be what we understand as "past-lives" - but since higher spirits don't perceive time the way we do (if at all), to them this is no different than someone having multiple characters in an MMO.

>On what you said though, I actually have a friend who plays drums like I do, and we're both known for being silly/quirky/awkward to the point that people have said we're basically the same person at times. We even drove similar cars at one point (Red Hondas from the late 90s), before he upgraded and I bought his old one. Before I got into esoteric stuff, I've even had the thought "What if he and I are alternate-reality versions of each other that somehow ended up in the same universe?" Not sure if it's really anything to look into, but something I thought of.



didn't mean to greentext all that my bad =\


Who are you?

>An explorer

Why are you here?

>To show people they can live however they want

What are your goals?

>To do good to the world and humanity. To do that though I feel I must reach personal mastery. An imperfect person can't help but breed imperfection.

Why do you need magic?

>Magic, and the path to obtaining its power, has taught me many much needed practical skills, as well providing me with control over my life and environment that was for quite some time robbed from me by depression.

How do we benefit?

>I seek to improve myself and therefore improve all those around me in turn.

What can we do for you?

>Stop pretending like you are super intelligent and know all the answers to things

What is holding you back?

>Past trauma and attachment to the physical



>at his point

/fringe/ was gibberish from the very moment Cringe Wizard created it. You were played from the very start, corralled into becoming controlled opposition and led astray from the light of truth to the dark evil of satanism. You let a jew lead you.



Both tulpas and servitors are sentient. You choose if you want to imprint within them your soul DNA (making them sentient) or not. If you do, you have to teach them free will, or you're commiting a great abherration. A way to get past this is to allow the being to access ONLY your Akashik Records. A friend of mine reported that in 1 week his creation was wiser than him.


This copypasta is not cringeworthy, jew controlled content (at least the one from the authors I am showing you). I am aware that I have posted this in this thread. And this time I include an explaination of every video!:

I hope that you like this.

I have some good resources. The 4ch threads this was on were suddenly archived or just deleted.

This video here, https://youtube.com/watch?v=CpH_rXGHX1w , is a remote "soft kill shield" for targeted individuals of all kinds. It will work to destroy many harassments. This other, https://youtube.com/watch?v=OZCgOoGSLdQ , is the second version of the targeted individual scatter frequency. I hope that they help."

"Dive deep within yourself, speak to your Higher Self (read www.ascensionhelp.com/blog/2013/08/23/why-i-am-no-longer-a-light-worker/ and http://www.ascensionhelp.com/blog/2013/11/21/tell-the-lords-of-karma-that-you-are-sovereign-no-longer-a-lightworker-part-2/, by Cameron Day), enter your Akashik records, and you shall Know. We are One with the All (Infinite Source) as the All (Infinite Source) is One with Us. If you need more guiding, read from Bibliotecapleyades and Montalk. Finally, listen to the following videos https://youtube.com/watch?v=RQIO9cqwgcE which is a video that will help you to vibrate with the Universal Love , https://youtube.com/watch?v=pSyUT2p4H24 which will help you to awaken your Intuitive Powers aka Higher Self Guidance , https://youtube.com/watch?v=feilxGTQkow which will help you realize the Interconnection of Everything, aka. that You are Divine and that All is One ,

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LFXeCJ5j25o , this is an Etheric Extraction, to PURGE your etheric out of anything negative ,

https://youtube.com/watch?v=XvyPscRD1ss and this is a Supremely Powerful Subconscious Purger , (commas are flying so they do not become part of the link).

Each has instructions, and the two last ones are particularly important; only watch it 1 time per day for 5 days, then rest for 2, and then you may repeat it. Beware that sometimes channels will try to brainwash you; the ones I have listed are safe. Reclaim your Divine Sovereignity, Fight the Parasites, STS/Duality Low Vibration/Frquency/Density Beings and the different Matrix Control Systems.

Remember always, do not go into the light when you die."

Demons and archontic parasites absolutely hate the last video!

Also merging one of my other comments:

"The DrVirtual7 has made these amazing videos: https://youtube.com/watch?v=YVDGY5BKT5k , to help you with making a Shield of White and Golden Light, and https://youtube.com/watch?v=MrvQ-YNThDg , to protect yourself from and dissolve black magic, also cleaning the Space of Self."




Who are you?

>an Infinite Fractal of the Infinite Source

Why are you here?

>to help this world with extremedely high vibrations using the 432/444 Hz Tuning.

What are your goals?

>help Earth to evolve

Why do you need magic?

>I require of pure Infinite Source energetic work, not weak ass magic that deals with outer powers (the Infinite Source is Inside Us)

How do we benefit?

>You don't, dirty parasites.

What can we do for you?

>Nothing you retarded parasites. You, by the Sovereignity of my Infinite Soul, are BARRED from entering my Divine Sphere of Influence, and expulsed and liberated from my Divine Sphere of Influence. This is so because it is so. So mote it be.

What is holding you back?




the "parasites" i menction is/are the ones that say

>how do we benefit

>what can we do for you

like if i was making a fake contract with the parasites. i reject the parasites! all parasites are expulsed from my Divine Sphere of Influence by order of my Divine Sovereign Will! This is so because it is so, so mote it be!

putting this here for clarification

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