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Tipp's Fringe Bunker

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Remember that We Are Always Free, Sovereign, Divine, Inmortal, Eternal, Unlimited and Non-limited Beings.

The Mayans predicted, using one of their complex calendars, an "end of the world" and a start of a new one (a new cycle, more rather). Most of the ones who saw the 2012 hype, however, did not realize that, in case that change did not come instantly, there would be a transition period between the old and the new age. This also had happened with the other ages as they have been described by the Mayans.

The most common and shortest duration of this period is of 5 years. It's going to end globally in some hours. Once it happens, We Will Be Free! Free from what? From the corrupt demiurgic false light/darkness duality, the nwo and all such preponents!.

When it ends, a liberation period will begin, in which the remnants of the old age are truly removed. This may take up to the end of 2018. Once that time ends, We Are Definitely Free.

The year of 2018 also coincides with the ending of many ancient and very long cycles, and with particular dates of some cycles which have not ended, but just progressed. For example in this latter category, the "photon belt" as the bibliotecapleyades describes (although the "belt" may be of the false light, I trust swathes of the bibliotecapleyades), and many others.

Relating to this, >>112478 has material.




It has happened. Ommm….


Are you sure that it's over? Each time I think of the parasite, I still feel a loss of energy. I'm pretty sure I'm still cursed. I'm willing to work towards my freedom of course.



by freedom, I meant the "great parasites", as in the NWO, and the corrupt demiurgic false light/darkness in general and its servants, not particular beings's suffering.

as soon as it was midnight at my time, i felt like a wave retreating from my awareness and i knew that they were (are) gone forever.


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I wish I could believe you, OP. I really wish that we simply had to wait for time to go by to get out of this prison



It fits the same timeline as the end of Kali Yuga, too, roughly, although some say it'll end closer to 2025. There are indeed a lot of predictions through various ancient cultures that point to this point in time being significant. Also

>still in physical form

>free from the demiuge

I agree that there's a lot less to be afraid of considering the likelihood that all of those sealed indictments are the NWO scumbags, but how does that make us free from the demiurge?



Waiting is what all control mechanisms aspire for you to do. Trust no one who offers answers that don't require a measure of blood and blister.



i have no info about the time-helped natural dismantling of the spiritual sides of the matrix, but in the physical side, something of a positive nature is certainly happening. the physical matrix, at least, is going bye bye.


ACCORDING to the mayans, reality structures itself in cycles. They said that a minimum of time had to pass between the remnants of the old "age" (12000 years of duality-darkness ended in 2012 for example) and the fresh new "age". In my opinion this time period has shown itself to be of 5 years. Why there are sealed indictments just now, and why so many? Why did the chief of the pentagon say that aliens are exist beyond any reasonable doubt? Why so many positive events have been piling on each other lately? Why did Schumann's resonances PEAK (40 Hz!!) during the noon ( russian observatory time, gmt+7 or so) of Sep. 23? Why there was talk of a duality-darkness portal getting desperately opened and then getting closed by the duality-false light of the corrupt demiurge (duality-darkness is also part of it, two sides of the same coin!) (and that was reported by the In5D blog) Why so many sudden step-downs? Why are the MSM shrieking that aliens are real all of sudden? So many "coincidences", which are SYNCHRONICITIES!


Did I accidentally imply to you that you should wait idle? I am sorry. Reclaim your Divine Infinite Sovereignty, keep increasing your vibration, eat healthy, help others in the Infinite Universal Love of the Infinite Source, manifest your own reality, summon True Light aliens, etc! The world is your oyster, as shown by Non-Duality, and as a kind wizard with whom i associate very much told me: "walk along smelling the flowers"



>summon True Light aliens

You're going to need to talk more about this. What True Light aliens are there and how does one summon them?



according to the kind wizard, it's ALL about vibration. ALL. You intention that the frequencies that you output are synchronized with the aliens's. They generally come very quickly, depending if their physical forms were close already, or not, if you were focusing on summoning aliens in ethereal or whatever form.

Because the vibrations will be determining everything, there's no chance of trickster spirits.

EVERY race has members that are considered of the True Light. You know how not all pleyadians are of the false light? and how not all reptilians are of the dualitarian darkness? and how not all grays are enslaved to the hive mind? it's like that.

A fun experiment to do is to get an akashik reading and specifically summon the aliens that are from your own race (as in starseed – your first incarnation on this physical was on their planet, and thus you are of their race and carry aspects of it and the planet on all the subsequent incarnations) For example, the kind wizard read me and saw that I am a full Arcturian Starseed (and I then discovered that I was an indigo too). I would then summon True Light Arcturians and hang out with them/talk with them, etc.



according to the kind wizard, it's ALL about vibration. ALL. You intention that the frequencies that you output are synchronized with the aliens's. They generally come very quickly, depending if their physical forms were close already, or not, if you were focusing on summoning aliens in ethereal or whatever form.

>Because the vibrations will be determining everything, there's no chance of trickster spirits.

>EVERY race has members that are considered of the True Light. You know how not all pleyadians are of the false light? and how not all reptilians are of the dualitarian darkness? and how not all grays are enslaved to the hive mind? it's like that.

>A fun experiment to do is to get an akashik reading and specifically summon the aliens that are from your own race (as in starseed – your first incarnation on this physical was on their planet, and thus you are of their race and carry aspects of it and the planet on all the subsequent incarnations) For example, the kind wizard read me and saw that I am a full Arcturian Starseed (and I then discovered that I was an indigo too). I would then summon True Light Arcturians and hang out with them/talk with them, etc.



whoops double posted!



How does one get an akashic reading? Must I attain enlightenment first?



you can read it yourself, and no, you do not need absolute enlightenment. You have to will yourself to the Akashik (it's like past life recalling meditation) and then read from it. It's like many huge books. You can also do so while sleeping.

What I did was to ask the friendly wizard to read it for me (since i couldn't go into a deep enough trance to travel there, although i did see it in a dream)



How you know?



I searched "maya believe that the world has been destroyed", and the references have been unusually hard to find: they were more common to see around 2012.

Here's an extract:






from these sources (possibly excepting the last in some respects) one (can) draw(s) the picture that after every age's ending there's a transition period.

i also base myself off what the kind wizard has told me.




No problem


This thread literally woke me up.

It's happening.

Goodbye physical matrix.


It's funny, it's been some years since I had a real moment of clarity. I made such an object of it in my mind and thought that I lost the thread, and now that all seems silly. Dark nights of the soul and all that, I suppose. Anyways, this has been in the works since November 22nd, exactly 5 years after the last moment. I have a package in the mail, the same thing I had last time. This time I'll stretch it out a bit, I think I've earned a vacation from the ego.


OP all the horoscope people and tarot card reading types have been saying all the same stuff this month, it's very sync.


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Trump's victory was a miracle, truly.

Do you think that "Kek" could be a True Light being?



yes it was a miracle. and kek is just God showing theirself to meme people in a way that they will understand.

kek, pepe, etc. it's God putting on a mask so they wont get too scared and just saying hi.


All it takes is enough people not consenting to this awful game. After that it's over. All it requires is enough processing power. Tough with all their rituals and american gladiators but, it doth thou thus of thou this thy wilt beist donst.



There is no such thing as god, just THE ALL. There are evil fucking people within THE ALL so stop thinking THE ALL is going to save you when THE ALL is corrupted. It's actually up to you, not THE ALL to save THE ALL, though THE ALL is you as well but if we are talking about who you are individually you are not THE ALL just tapped into THE ALL



if it were that easy, everyone would have done it many many times over. the problem is that there are far too many NPC's programmed to keep doing their part. soulless jail guards. it ends when God says it ends.


that's satanic bullshit, which (((they))) also worship. but (((they))) aren't in control. God is.



“Then I saw three evil spirits that looked like frogs; they came out of the mouth of the dragon, out of the mouth of the beast and out of the mouth of the false prophet. They are spirits of demons performing miraculous signs, and they go out to the kings of the whole world, to gather them for the battle on the great day of God Almighty.”

(Revelation 16:13,14)


There are greater purposes surging in the misty shadows and bursting through clouds as rays of light…

This realm is not what most think. Even the controllers of the matrix are blind to minds of the old gods some druids still commune with. (if they would only analyze their awareness, they'd see the mark true powers that be leave as they dance with their oracles)

The Mayans didn't predict an end, the calendar they made just ran out of days. If they were still here they'd have made another calendar. It would be like future archaeologists thinking we predicted the end of the world was December 31st because we stopped making days. However, this period was designated by men to be an era of change. There is no such thing as an "age of aquarius" according to celestial events – alignment of ancient structures proves that the stars HAVE NOT changed; The precession & Brahma cycles are Bull-fucking-Shit.

However, the ruling party's esoteric spiritualists would like to unite the lands they dominate under a single religious umbrella – an occulted form of Luciferianism which worships the celestial spheres of the Compass and claims measurable plane of the Square to be profane.

This "world" has been put under a strong enchantment spell since before WWI / War of 1812 (see: also the comet of Napoleon & its thousands of earthquakes and other disasters). "Elite" spellcasters plan to slowly "reveal" the occult "truth" (read: bullshit) to reinforce the spell and enslave the masses in one ring (to rule them all? yep). Hence all the occult crap in music (even Taco Bell sporting "Belluminati" adverts). It's not an awakening, slaves going deeper into the deadly sleep of a guided dream.

TL;DR: It's a trap.




Whoa Whoa Whoa!

You're saying the precession of the equinoxes is bullshit? That there are no celestial Aeons???

Gonna need some sauce on that pls.

Also, what is this realm? Which old gods? Measurable plane of the square???



>although some say it'll end closer to 2025

I think this is when the changes will become noticeable.

>but how does that make us free from the demiurge?

Being free from the demiurge is not the same as being free from physicality if you are already physical; when dead/purely metaphysical, you will now have the free will to decide whether or not you want to become physical again.


>alignment of ancient structures proves that the stars HAVE NOT changed

What about when taking into consideration the idea that when looking up at the sky, you're looking up at a former still-image of the universe in the past (or perhaps an emulation) in order to blanket our knowledge from what's truly out there?

>It's a trap.

Who are they trapping, and what will they do with those who've been trapped?



The technology has significantly advanced since the last we last transitioned. It is impossible to stop events from unfolding but it is now possible to prolong the time it takes. The transition is happening I just fear it will take much longer than 5 years.


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nah, the Transition is just beginning


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just finished "Initiation into hemetics" by Franz Bardon.what are your thoughts on Bardon? has anybody progressed with his methods?



Age of Aquarius started around the age of enlightenment. Balanced by Leo on the other side, were in an egotistical age of humanitarianism and identity politics.

Were balls deep in this bitch now fellas. Gotta wait for the natural purging before Age of Capricorn crossed by Cancer.

Cant believe yall this fuckin stupid.



You gnosticucks are the eternal whiners who think they got it all figured out.

Fucking roleplayers.



The Gnostic posters here are the only ones whos brains seem to function at least a little bit. You bullshit occultist are just jaelous that you won't be able to get as much insight and wisdom in 100 lifetimes as the average Gnostic poster here has. I feel pity for you blind degenerate.


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>you won't be able to get as much insight and wisdom in 100 lifetimes

But what a ride it'll be


did it transition yet?



Im a gnostic, but Christian Gnostic is the closest flag this board has. Having an open gnostic conduit connects you to more than just "god" but a lot of people dont wanna accept that.

Look at the past ages and cross them by their opposites.

Pisces by Cancer explains the feels oriented illusion age we just left, and Aquarius by Leo explains the current age. You cant tell me Im wrong on that unlesd youre just ignant

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