>Sigil magic isn't considered bad or anything if used as a personal crutch, is it?
It's only considered "bad" in Christianity. Start with something small and mundane that needs to get fixed/completed, like a job assignment, etc. that other people might find value in.
This isn't like Christianity where you follow the whole shebang, it's not mandatory to go down the Left Hand Path. Pick what you like and you believe feels right to you. Magic is totally ok to use as a crutch if people go to religion for the same thing right?
>Sanity is 'out there' rather than in your head, since most people seem to see themselves as crazier than
everyone else. If we voice too many mad thoughts, we get locked up. I recall a woman in the local asylum
who thought she was a bird in a cage - she'd learnt to keep quiet about this as telling people only got her
extra medication and ECT. Being safe is being sane - not expressing your mad thoughts. - APIKORSUS An essay on the diverse practices of CHAOS MAGICK from the Lincoln Order Of Neuromancers L.O.O.N.