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Hey guys,

I don't know a lot about the occult or magick, but I'm desperate. My social anxiety is only getting worse, and honestly it's probably gonna cost me my job and eventually my life. The constant feel of terror, awkwardness and humiliating scenarios i end up manifesting is literally killing me.

I've been on several medications and they don't don't help, which is why I'm here, I'm that desperate.

Is this something the occult could help me with somehow without having to sell my soul to the devil?

Sorry for the rant and if this is the wrong place for this. I'm in a really dark place, anons.


There is no need to sell your soul to the devil because that is bullshit and won't work out. Also you don't have to kill yourself, you can always become a shut in NEET or hikkikomori and play MMORPS all day long, completely rejecting society and "social life". I recommend Black Desert Online, Elder Scrolls Online and Blade & Soul. Either live with your parents or leech of state wellfare. It is better being shut in than dead and this way you can work in safety on your enlightenment and your occult skills without mundanes annoying you with mundane trivialities. And you can quit your medications which is most likely way better for your health.

Where a will is, there is a way.

If I were to take a guess I would say you have some kind of attachment to you that torments you. You would be wise to look into that. Besides that… look into your current life situation and your health and lifestyle, maybe simple things like stop masturbating 6 times a day and going out into the sun a few times a week can help.


Start with Sigil magic, it's a surefire way to get results. Once you get that taste of belief start diving into the recommended reading list, I started with Initiation Into Hermetics, but it was a bit abstract for me (I need to read it again), I read Magical Use of Thoughtforms after and had an easier time forming my belief system. Remember not to share your progress with mundanes, bring it here.



Thank you for the suggestions, anon. Sigil magic isn't considered bad or anything if used as a personal crutch, is it? Also, where's would you recommend starting out?

Thank you again for infusing a little bit of hope into my shitty life.



Frater Xavier has a decent program on sigil magick and it is in video form, so no hard books to slog through. And do not worry, things are not black and white as they made out to be. If you are unable to help yourself, you cannot help anyone or anything, so start inward first. All the best,



>Sigil magic isn't considered bad or anything if used as a personal crutch, is it?

It's only considered "bad" in Christianity. Start with something small and mundane that needs to get fixed/completed, like a job assignment, etc. that other people might find value in.

This isn't like Christianity where you follow the whole shebang, it's not mandatory to go down the Left Hand Path. Pick what you like and you believe feels right to you. Magic is totally ok to use as a crutch if people go to religion for the same thing right?

>Sanity is 'out there' rather than in your head, since most people seem to see themselves as crazier than

everyone else. If we voice too many mad thoughts, we get locked up. I recall a woman in the local asylum

who thought she was a bird in a cage - she'd learnt to keep quiet about this as telling people only got her

extra medication and ECT. Being safe is being sane - not expressing your mad thoughts. - APIKORSUS An essay on the diverse practices of CHAOS MAGICK from the Lincoln Order Of Neuromancers L.O.O.N.


Adderall WILL break you out of your shell, so if you can look up the symptoms and create a decent enough story that is close enough to the truth for you to half believe it, you can lie your way into medication that WILL help you deal with people.

If you're already on adderall, try taking some shrooms to realize how PATHETICALLY SMALL everyone's stupid opinions are, especially your own.


Dude where the fuck am I? How are you sigil faggots multiplying? Can you fucking agent Smith's just fuck off with your cringey bullshit? I'm trying to build heaven and you psychos are just here like DRAW LINES AND YOU CAN MANIPULATE OTHERS!





Who is the person behind this faggotry? I want to know what type of person says "draw some lines on stuff and use them to manipulate people" so I can definitely not chop off their dicks.


When I saw people slandering that smiley dude I felt pity. Is he one of the people trying to draw lines on pieces of paper to manipulate people? If he is, then holy fuck the people spreading that shit about him are the greatest people in the fucking universe.


I'm in no way trying to hurt people who are already struggling and weak. I love the misfit losers. I'm trying to get to the bottom of your shit. My one skill is getting to the bottom of shit no matter what but sometimes I waste years on it. So how bout we just get to the point? Who are you fuckers? Are you sucking energy from people to get laid? Do you not understand that there are consequences for that type of shit? Even if your shit does nothing, if your intent is to manipilate people for profit then prepare to get fucked by a divine cactus dildo.


You need to start thinking positive stuff. Download a bunch of self-improvement books and read them. I know most of them are shit and they are just repeating each other but if you have really bad social anxiety it probably means your thoughts are messed up. You need to start let's say "hanging around" some better thoughts. The way to do it is by welcoming them into your head, either by thinking them up yourself or by reading them from a book.

What exactly is your problem? Do you not know how to make friends?





What? Neither of these replies makes much sense to me.


>it probably means your thoughts are messed up

For sure. I'm not shrink, but it probably stems from a fear of rejection, wanting to fit in, stuff like that.

>Do you not know how to make friends?

Not really, I have friends and I don't have a hard time making new ones. It's just that I am extremely uncomfortable in social situations. I'm always second guessing myself and thinking that others are constantly judging me. It's like a perpetual parallel inner chain of thought.



1. Read Grant Morrison's Pop Magic! and specially the parts on invoking the gods

2. Instead of invoking a god, invoke a demon that personifies your social anxiety.

In the ritual separate yourself from this demon, and dramatize a performance in which you control it.

3. Profit.

The rationale behind this is that you detach a part from your own brain (your social anxiety personified as the demon) and control it through the dramatization that the magickal ritual consists of.

This magick doesn't necessarily have a supernatural component so it'll be easy to carry out even if you're a skeptic, given that you dedicate yourself enough to it.


Join an intentional community. That's what worked for me.

A really cool thing happens when you live in the same place with the same people working towards a common and wholesome goal for an extended period of time; you're pretty much guaranteed to endear yourself to them eventually unless you're just awful. Once you've got a group of people you spend every day with who love you social anxiety evaporates.




And these places tend to attract socially awkward people so you won't be the only one




The Social Skills Guidebook - ISBN# 978-0994980700

If that fails you may need to consider a therapist using 'Systematic Desensitization' therapy (http://web.csulb.edu/~tstevens/Desensit.htm) or Cognitive Behavior Therapy (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cognitive_behavioral_therapy).


For helping social anxiety developing a regular meditation practice is probably the best thing to do.

I would personally avoid beginning sigil magic, invoking gods, demons and all that other stuff until later if you actually decide to walk the narrow path.

Your magick will either not work, or drain too much of your energy until you build up your flux reserves.


If you want to build your flux, look into nei gong.

A mix of breathwork, and kasina is probably best starting out.

The breathing will get more oxygen to your brain, calm your nervous system and so on.

The kasina(object concentration) will develop your focus and self control.


You're so obsessed with the concept of self. It's like having holding an apple in front of your face and telling yourself that the apple is all that exists.

You're literally frightened by nothing. All your fears are illusory. Start meditating. focus on your breath, not your thoughts. Then you'll see just how ephemeral they are. You'll see that whatever holistic 'you' you've built up over the years is kaleidoscope of fractured images and feelings.




>The universe is mental

>actually it's breath and void of thought

>Wake up neo

by forcing your truth onto people you have limed everyone else. what "you" perceive isn't universal true


been there, done that: it's called terminal self-absorption. get someone over you. get a boss. follow instructions. lay off games, porn, drugs, meditation, magic, chans, internet advice as much as possible. good luck, or find God.


Have you tried Memento Mori?






My god you're really getting worked up about this. You obviously don't understand the sympathetic principle in magick. It is performed in a lot of different ways. A doll, a photograph, something or anything that represented and is connected to the target, will all do. Sigilcasting is just one of many methods along the same lines. Various methods of constructing the sigil are done, but it's to represent and obfuscate and intention, and is used with trancework to release an intention into the world to be manifested.

If you think there's power in the lines so to speak, then, you're an ignorant mundane.

Go read PME by Franz Bardon and think about how mundanes imitate rituals and outward things and then fail to have the same results as a true practitioner.

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