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I am currently considering starting to study magik, but I keep telling mylesf "nahh thats bullshit". Can somebody give me some personal mystical experiences you had so I can make a decision?


I assure you, when you have your first real magical experience, like, the real deal, doubt will be the last thing in your mind. Consider looking up some Terence McKenna talks on DMT experiences. He's great at adding synchronicity elements.

If you think it's bullshit, that's fine. You are under no obligation to believe in it. However, if I told you some of the weird shit that has happened to me, you wouldn't necessarily believe it. I've talked to the dead in dreamspace, I've been visited by hyperdimensional aliens who showed me the future, and I've attained–for a holy moment–satori. I've had a metafictional hyperdemon show me the syntactical nature of the world allowing magic to be real, and I've had Gaia offer me sex with a dryad, and then in a profoundly weird moment, myself.

In all of this I have retained my sanity, friends, family, marriage, my job in a lab, etc etc. There's no conflict. Anton Wilson was right. Reality is what you can get away with.



Go into it with an open mind and a perspective that, Magic = Energy, Reality and Manifestation.

technology today would of been considered magic yesterday.

The human body and mind is capable of alot.


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The bottom line is that if you don't want it to be real for you, then it really doesn't have to be real, you can live a materialist life from start to finish. However, if you want it to be real, then it's another game. I don't mean "I wish it was real but oh well," I mean, "hey wait what the fuck, how did that happen?" real. All it really takes is just one event to unfold before you, plain as day, and then the floodgates open.

I remember the first time it actually worked. I almost shit a brick but I couldn't stop laughing. It's nothing short of utterly astonishing. The rock-solid foundations of mundane reality fall out from under you. It is either the most terrifying possible experience known to man, or the definition of transcendence and ecstasy. It's really a matter of interpretation, and that's the root of it, magic is not really anything more than the understanding that the world is literally, actually, concretely the story you tell yourself about it.

There are plenty of people on this board who obviously do not live in the same reality I do, who live adjacent enough to the reality I inhabit so that we can communicate, but who are otherwise really living on a different plane, or living in some many-worlds outcome that is a few branches from this current one I'm in, and suddenly their world is in flames, all because at some point some dude shitting in a street in India farted and one of the particles in his fart couldn't decide whether or not it wanted to collapse or not, so now someone half a world away is living in a world where the ghost of his grandmother is in an on-again off-again semisexual open relationship with an avatar of Enlil, the Sumerian storm god, who is bound within a five-block radius of her grave by a jealous sorcerer vying for her hand in marriage, or possibly to present her spirit to a clay figurine of Azathoth for all eternity. Nobody–least of all him–is quite sure which. Magical belief requires lateral thought. If this sounds like exaggeration, there's a reason. It actively, actually serves my magical work to be able to engage this way.

A word to the wise, if you throw up easily or you get carsick, seasick, or have acid reflux, you might want to go pick up some dramamine before performing magic because even magical acts without internal alchemy can cause some nausea in people with a low threshold.



That's strange. You've been meditating. Haven't you had experiences with lucid dreaming? What about Kundalini or what about doing work on your chakras? Have you practised semen retention and if so, surely you had a succubus encounter?


The first time you see magick work, you will no longer have any doubts. Until then, do or do not. We are not Christians or Muslims to forcefully "convert" anyone.



>and I've had Gaia offer me sex with a dryad

Aren't those humanoid tree spirits? What did she look like? Did you refuse its offer?


>post is deleted

Its a shame, your post got me interested in what it was about. Are you implying that meditating causes lucid dreaming? What are the benefits of meditation and what is the goal/purpose of it? How often should you be doing it?



The first time reality unravels before you, you will shor bricks. I'm not sure about being a materialist from start to end, though. I started a staunch materialist and rationalized my way around it for a couple of years, but at some point your worldview goes to shit. If you are flexible and concede, it's all cool. Otherwise you'll be angry and conflicted all the time (cognitive dissonance). But all in due time.

Just don't fool around with things like the Goetia or evocation in general until you are ready to take it seriously. Other than that, few things in magic can get you killed.

I recommend you watch the YT channel mindandmagick from start to finish. Changed my life.



Well she was taking me on something like a guided tour through my body at the time, which was neat but fairly rigorous. There was a lot of sweating involved, I would compare it relatively favorably with "mushroom sweats," favorably as in, the goal was a shamanic invocation of Gaia or a surrogate appropriate to the area. It was less of an 'offer' and more like 'oops now a tree is jacking off your psy-dick' but my wife's given the go-ahead for that sort of thing and since she's only semi-greenpilled (though approving of magic and my practices generally), it wasn't like it was cheating.

It was better than rubbing my dick on bark, I can tell you that much, but the entire process was by necessity a grubby experience. Sure did feel alive after that, though, and I knew my way around the woods very well after that despite them being way larger than I had ever explored on my own. I never really had an internal compass until I did that, so it left a boon.

I use 'dryad' to just mean tree spirit, it wasn't an oak. If memory serves it was a douglas fir, though I think there was a cedar girl on offer. Gaia herself is definitely a milf but I'd be worried about fucking her directly, I think a stand-in is safer and considering that she was offering a stand-in, I imagine so. Men have gone nuts off of less than direct sexual contact with an avatar of nature itself, and it was an honor I got an audience that way.



*I imagine she'd agree with me.

Gaia really strikes me as a femdom, though. She's really nice, actually, and I was expecting her to be a bit harder but she was actually very open, but there was always a slight edge to her openness, like, yeah, come on in, but also she's not changing her habits just for you, you're a guest and that's it, you don't really tell her things unless you request some minor change for the sake of the whole experience.

The fairy resemblance is there but imo if I had to choose between the two, as much as fairies are relatively cordial, the relation to Pan makes them much more likely to do something super fucked up as a joke. Like, stick-a-wasp-down-your-urethra level.

Dryads themselves are, like Gaia, super nice once you go through the proper channels. The one not in the middle of giving a direct physical demonstration was busy telling me that fungi fuck using pure transmission of information and that's one way humans picked up sexual magic. It was all very neat but I was a bit preoccupied so I couldn't write down all the details.



i was pretty much like OP a week ago. i became interested in magicks about 1 month ago, and became open enough to the idea to try and meditate, it helped against my autism so that was a plus, but then i attempted "astral projection" about a week ago, which requires you to basically create a 3d map of your surroundings in your mind and imagining yourself outside your body. i still suck at it and can't hold myself still when i "leave" my body, i also can't do it for longer than half a minute.

but the last sentence of your post really spoke to me because it gave me a raging fucking headache and a stomach ache every time i tried it.

i'm still sceptical about the whole hyperdemon etherial stuff but i'm pretty damn sure magick is real.



how would you write down the details anyway? you weren't in the physical world were you?



I've been hearing about nature spirits for a while and I really want to contact one but I don't know where to start.

Is there any books you could recommend or did you just happen to encountet them?



So did you or did you not fuck the tree spirit? I'm still not clear on it.

Also not clear on how a tree spirit looks. Was it just a tree or did it look like a human?


From what I understand, magick practices are all about the mind: visualization, intent, desire, emotions, focus…My problem is that my mind is kind of dead. Over the years I've become a dumb, numb automaton with no imagination or creativity, full of negativity especially towards self. I barely feel any emotions. Everything magick related I've ever tried just doesn't do anything to me, at all, even though I genuinely believe in it. I realize it's all about knowledge and practice but I feel like I cannot overcome this myself anymore, I've sunk too deep, I have no willpower left to do anything myself. Can I get some kind of outside help with this? I don't mean advice, is there somebody or something that could 'carry' me to this different state of mind? Psychedelics aren't an option.



Semi-physical, I was in a state where I didn't really need to astrally project, since the location was right, but I did need astral vision. It spilled over into the physical world through my senses, though as an invocation, I wasn't asking for physical changes beyond those of sense. I certainly would not have been able to write anything down although the most important stuff I learn, I either write down immediately after if I can recall it, or if it's really in there, I ask dream others (the same as Tryptamine others) to help me remember and then the information will usually turn up in a dream at some point.


Yes, I fucked a tree spirit. It was humanoid, out of mental convenience to translate the experience for me, but it was never so humanoid as to be mistaken for a full human. It wasn't just a person representing a tree, in other words, but something certainly more alien. Bark, roots, branch-limbs, all that. Hot, but in a distinctive kind of psychic way that is not so easy to explain to someone who hasn't done it much. You know that point just before orgasm when the whole world ends up filtered through that kind of immediate, physical haze? It's that but very drawn out. Taoist magicians learn to edge very effectively to make use of that state of sexual gnosis. Everything, then, becomes force-filtered through the realm of the immediately, palpably physical, your mental censor goes away. Connections between things become far more readily apparent.


It's something I just sort of did. As background, I had already had some magical experiences and had my hand held through some first ones by psilocybin. My goal was to return to that place independently by going out and recalling that distinctive state until it filled in. It was dusk/twilight when I started to aid in visualization and there was a pointed focus on plant life and loops of chemical signals since I was becoming a biochemist at the time. It was more mammalian-brained than reptilian or primate.

I do have some pointers, though, if you live near woods and intend for this to be a forest-related invocation. Avoid buildings and human settlements like the utter plague. Clothing isn't so much of an issue so long as it's plain but civilization makes that state nigh impossible. Obviously electronics of any sort are also a terrible idea. Getting as dirty as possible, while initially silly, helps considerably and while I don't recommend just crashing like a slob through the undergrowth, if you're away from established trails, it has a tendency to make the whole thing easier. Bodies of water are your friends here and can pull double duty as a means of deepening inhibitory techniques if that's easier for you, or else making a wider connection to the biome as a whole rather than the immediate stand of trees.



>Its a shame, your post got me interested in what it was about.

It was a highly defeatist post. He claimed that he's tried magic for about two years and he's never had any success at all. I found that extremely hard to believe.

>Are you implying that meditating causes lucid dreaming?

I definitely noticed that when I began daily meditation, I had a much higher likelihood of remembering a dream. This eventually manifested into a higher likelihood of being aware of the fact that I was dreaming. To be honest with you though, I was always meditating with the Theta Binaural Beats. I mean, the pure Theta. No music attached to it or anything.

>What are the benefits of meditation and what is the goal/purpose of it?

For me, the sole benefit of meditation is self-awareness or rather, the destruction of one's autopilot. I believe all of my maladies in life come from treating life like a movie where you just try to fast-forward to the best bits and ignore the rest. The problem then is: how can you know when to pay attention if you're already ignorant? I think one must submit to this reality and be aware, anyway. Originally, I had an issue where I didn't want to be fully conscious because a lot of life's fun is actually dependent on being in a state of ignorance but in the end, I concluded that all the suffering that comes from that ignorance (an extent to which, in your current state, you couldn't possibly know mind you) isn't worth protecting just for the sake of some fleeting moment of happiness.

It's best to rise.

>How often should you be doing it?

You should be doing it daily. At least 10 minutes. Some people on /fringe/ supposedly spend several hours with a stilled mind and body in void meditation.


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>It's best to rise.


>a lot of life's fun is actually dependent on being in a state of ignorance

you know. I never got into a lot of certain things because I couldn't lull myself into ignorance.

but I find that having so much kundalini energy and self-love makes everything far more fun than it ever was being ignorant. As fun as being a child I guess, if not moreso.

>the destruction of one's autopilot

crashing this plane with no survivors


that's amazing dude. I'd love to hear more stuff if you have more shareable experiences. I know some of mine I'm probably not supposed to share.

>I've talked to the dead in dreamspace, I've been visited by hyperdimensional aliens who showed me the future, and I've attained–for a holy moment–satori

these 3 I've had some experience with.

actually I might have had sex with a spirit when I was on ayahuasca the first time.


>meditating causes lucid dreaming

yes it does. assuming you intend to lucid dream and take steps like remembering dreams and being aware.


>It is either the most terrifying possible experience known to man, or the definition of transcendence and ecstasy. It's really a matter of interpretation, and that's the root of it, magic is not really anything more than the understanding that the world is literally, actually, concretely the story you tell yourself about it.

cool. yeah I find that having more love and chill in general makes reality-shattering easier to integrate, otherwise it gets overwhelming and scary.

thanks for all of your posts, I enjoyed reading them/love hearing about magical experiences



You say you genuinely believe in it but it appears what you genuinely believe is the other stuff you wrote that is disempowering you.

There are a bunch of people/things that can carry you into that state of mind, but I won't talk about some of them. With people it's easier for them to get energetically changed into something more like you so they're less likely to want to take you there unless they're super-grounded.

You can pray and ask god. You won't feel the changes right away because you're not sensitive enough but it will help.

Why aren't psychedelics an option? Mushrooms are relatively easy to grow and san pedro powder can be bought on ebay.

I think it might take a little longer than you'd like to get where you want to be, but yoga and bhakti would do it.

You could try listening to this stuff to help get some of those negs off of you.



If you need to ask yourself this question then you're not ready.

All who have ever studied magick have been drawn to it by their own intrigue.



While it's true that it won't work if your belief is super fixed, it's reasonable for someone interested to want examples of it working, since the question surrounding magic usually tends to be "can you prove it?" If he wants examples, that's perfectly fair. Magic is a craft, give him something to aspire to crafting.



>it won't work if your belief is super fixed

magick will "work" regardless, but asking someone who has no faith in the practice to study it is like handing a gun to someone who is unaware of the existence of firearms and asking them to fire it.


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Someone with utterly no belief in magic's capacity to work and no concept of what magic involves can hardly be expected to perform magic with any degree of success, and it's ridiculous to think that someone who is brand new to it who's asking for the most basic of anecdotal proofs is wrong for not taking it on faith. I know better than to think of magic as a faith, I don't need to be told whether or not it works because I know that it does. Someone interested in it ought to know, if only for the sake of safety and full personal consent, that it is indeed quite the firearm they're being handed.

I admit I may have been a bit too enthusiastic in my quest to get OP to start practicing magic, because let's face it, magic is not only useful but an engaging and surprisingly creative pursuit. However, anything particularly usable is also abusable. It might be time for a story, actually.


I do have a story, though this might be a bit of fair warning. I have plenty of positive stories, but many of them are so positive as to not even be stories since they lack conflict. I suspect the times when I fucked up might be more interesting.

For example, the reason I know not to go into human civilization in the middle of a nature-based experience is because I performed similar invocations a decent number of times and though my first time was successful, I got cocky. I went on a trek through the woods, and assumed that because I now had an internal compass and a decent sense of location, I could cut across a section of houses along a particular road, then keep going into deep woods. Bad mistake.

What had initially been a positive experience turned into a headfuck with breathtaking speed upon the sight of the apartments, and what had been a lesson on 'animal magnetism' of a sort became something I can only compare to horror trips. It was as if someone had shoved electrodes under my skin and was playing all at once the entire history of the conquering of natural territory by human intervention, by way of psychosomatic pain that radiated from my temples and salivary glands.

I decided that the only way out was through, but this, too, turned out to be stupid, since the apartments, though in the woods, were fairly well-peopled, and there were several spots where I had to pass other people, with me half-naked and just caked in filth head to toe looking like a fucking aghori in my goofy getup. Normally that doesn't bug me at all in the middle of an invocation because, yeah, no shit I'm going to look that way, I want it to work, but social expectation came back hardcore, and pretty much the rest of the experience, Gaia made me pay for it by telling me all sorts of fucked up shit about my own future and my own negative tendencies with respect to my nature as an animal and even as a human. This precipitated about a year of working 80-hour weeks and suffering from a terrible lack of sleep, and the only time I can ever say I suffered from something like anxiety or depression. She doesn't fuck around.

I had been sloppy and stupid with my psychic partitioning and because I was young and dumb, I had not yet sufficiently developed mental techniques to set 'anchor' points in certain mindsets, and my dispelling was, let's just say not particularly well-considered. Looking back, it's actually very lucky I came out of all of that with my sanity more or less intact, if a bit loosened (it was well worth it, that's the important thing). It wasn't the last mistake I ever made but that one stands out as one of the dumbest.

As for how it turned out in the end, the next time I made a serious attempt to contact Gaia or whomever it was in her place, it was a totally different experience. She wasn't punitive, but she showed me how to form mental anchors and develop useful astral totems, plus she upgraded my dispelling practices and unfucked my head of a lot of depressive stuff. That process in itself was wild, she reset a lot of basic stuff just to prove that it could be done, including sexuality, body image, my relationship to violence, etc etc. It didn't make me not myself but it did set me back to being a functional member of society, so it all has a happy enough ending. The lesson is really that your own mind is a terrible enemy to make.


These people jerk off to worms and go to horror conventions. Their "magic" is them having the magic ability to connect with other people with tattoos who invite them to parties. I'm sure there's a couple "psychics" aka delusional con artists here using confirmation bias to get "magic energy" for the next scam. But it's basically just people doing what the social media faggots do where they use something to feel special. Authors, inventors, scientists, athletes, philosophers, celebrities, secret society members, conspiracy theorists, musicians, event planners, country makers, language inventors, poets etc etc etc, there are 5000 classes tied to normie society that effect about 99.9999999999999% of the universe, and these people do fucking nothing. Do what thou wilt is just Christianity/Judaism/Islam/Hinduism/Buddhism with a new name. "I am god now because I said so!" Alot of these people are probly just genuinely evil and need some cheerleading. If you had a Christian upbringing, satanism is good to counter the propaganda if you have too much fear, then it can be dropped. If you aren't a moron then just do what you want and don't fuck with others who just want to do what they want without bothering you.

Taoism is cool I guess. I used it to get control over my ego. You can get that eastern wisdom from some anime.

While these people roleplay people are making robots. The best thing the world can do is just have a jubilee and move on. Everything can be kept in an archive but everything basically needs to fuck off. I kind of hate these fucking losers for keeping insanity alive but I come here out of pity because the last fucking thing we need is another George Bush.



Reread what you just said. You make no fucking sense. Admit you were delusional but gained the ability to stick with your will and explore new areas. That is the best case scenario. This shit is the most retarded fucking Scientology tier shit I have ever fucking red. I understand human psychology so I'm not gonna completely break you down because I want you to move on, so celebrate your experience and go the fuck back to reality.

You are literally just sitting in a room staring at a wall affecting reality in no way. Jay Z has 1000000000000000000x more say than you. You couldn't get one person to come to an event you were running, but yay dude you discovered the next chemistry! You are Isaac Newton!

Tough to hear, I know, but you should start the process to come back to reality now before you die homeless or something. There are infinite things that humanity needs to work on, and if you give a fuck about even having the space to have this stupid ass conversation again at some point in the next eternity, then get to some real fucking work. I don't mean a job, I hate money, I mean get the fuck on some mission that isn't just going to level up your character in an MMO.



Confirmation bias the post.

Wow I type that's magic. Wow you read that that's magic. Let's call everything magic instead of the 1/1000000000000000 things that anyone gives a fuck about. I am a human being interacting with other human beings. That is magic. The bar has been set. You are not a fucking magician until you can build a car from scratch, perform surgery, connect the entire planet through the internet, heal a disease, amaze thousands. What the fuck are you doing? You threw on a crown and said I'm king without doing anything. Do you honestly thing there is one soul on the planet who is going to come to the aid of someone who just goes hehe I'm king now I play life on god mode hehe I can be evil because magic hehe? Magic is my ability to bring you back to fucking reality. And I'd never call it magic. It's like me handing you a fucking beer at a bar.

I have not learned one useful thing since coming here. Bunch of omg Mercury retrograde tier shit. I come here because some people are left behind,I know the feeling, and through spreading the idea that those left behind should be helped society can spend more resources on cool shit than mental institutions. That is magic. No, it's social engineering. It has a fucking name, and by not confusing people the world operates better. Calling dumb ass fake shit magic and convincing people who don't know any better that some dumb ass shit is magic makes the world a worse place.


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Well, I suppose now is as good a time as any for OP to meet our resident schizophrenic. No self-respecting esoteric board ought to be without at least one to compare against as a control against which one's ability to present sanity can be tested.

This, too, is part and parcel of the social aspect of discussing sorcery and esoterica with others. I imagine that since you're here on 8chan, you won't be too put off by it, but if it's not this guy, it's someone else. It just comes with the territory, and to be honest it adds a certain paranoid-schizophrenic delusions-of-grandeur aesthetic that really ties the board together.


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Society and reality mean little to nothing at all to me any more. I have no use for them. Perhaps as many as three or four dozen people are important to me, the rest I treat well since I quite like the world I live in, but I am not responsible for them, they're not my family.

>Taoism is cool I guess.

You'd be right about that if you knew what it was.

>I used it to get control over my ego. You can get that eastern wisdom from some anime.




>Society and reality mean little to nothing at all to me any more


>Perhaps as many as three or four dozen people are important to me

>the rest I treat well since I quite like the world I live in


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How do you contact/invoke Gaia ?



Society to me is just as it is. Trying to force it to my will or trying to confirm to it is a truly stupid waste of energy. I've played that game before and it's just a miserable experience.

That doesn't mean I don't care about my family or that I lack empathy. It means my focus is on what's actually in front of me and what's within my power to sincerely impact for the better. To slave away for anything else is ideology, it's psychic poison and it's not based on real empathy anyways. Therefore, appeals to "society" and "reality" from anyone but those specific people are going to be wasted effort.



You will have to adapt this to your own methods, but what worked for me was to go into relatively undisturbed woods and focus on either inhibition of my social or human-specific habits, or excitation of more primitive impulses. It helped to have a lot of Terence McKenna talks about the gaian mind running around in my head a bit beforehand, though not so much as to totally color it. An object symbolic of the immediate biome works best as a focus.

Humans are animals. We do some unique things but we're mammals, we are not so removed from the impulses that motivated our distant ancestors. Those impulses are still in there, and there is value in giving a voice to an older model of the planet as a mother-destroyer, birthing the world that she also consumes, ouroboros-like. Consider Kali as a model. Invocation of Gaia involves placing one in a more primal state until this pattern becomes internally manifest as felt experience rather than flat theory. You will know which ecstatic techniques have the most distinct effect upon you personally. Go with that, Gaia or whatever you want to call her will show if you can run with your instinctive responses.



>many of them are so positive as to not even be stories since they lack conflic

honestly those are my favorite stories.

I was in a dramatic writing class where the teacher was talking about stories need conflict to be interesting but I disagreed in my head at the time.

anyway, cool story. I'm not sensitive enough to hear all that stuff consciously, yet.




I bought a watch last year.



>Humans are animals. We do some unique things but we're mammals, we are not so removed from the impulses that motivated our distant ancestors.

Our aim should always be to transcend our animal being and evolve and move the fuck outta here. Our bodys, our biology and our animal side is just a burden, a prison. It's shit. Likewise Gaia is shit. She is part of the demiurge, a sadistic whore who keeps us trapped here as animals and in the end kills us. "Mother nature" is shit. What's natural is shit, because what's natural is mostly demiurgic prison. Earth is the lowest element there is, and physical earth is basically the botton of the shitbarrel. In my humble oppinion we should not strive to earth but strive upwards to the higher dimensions where the vibrations are higher. Gaia is only another hindrance. Nature and earth are overrated beyond belief. Just like sex and procreation. It's actually shit to bring children into this world, all you do is summon souls into the demiurge matrix. You bring children, those poor souls into the lowest and shittiest realm possible. Likewise all nature spirits are mere tools, those fairys and dryads and whatever are not as amazing as everyone makes them out to be. If earth was completely nuked and Gaia was massacred, nothing of value would be lost, in fact only the prison with it's foul goddess would be broken and we all would be free. No more souls would be summoned here to get tortured.

I am not really thankful to be here. It takes more than fresh air or beautiful forests to manipulate me into thinking nature and gaia are so amazing. I definetly feel that my home is somewhere else and that I am a mere vsitior here, or more like prisoner. When I see the cruelty of nature and how harsh earth is, how brutal animals and humans likewise behave it only makes me sick. I doubt there is a place more degenerate than this in the universe. Everything good and worthwile here was created by man, man had literally to pick up the shit lying around and use his godgiven ability to will and to create and make good stuff from the shit. Man made protections against Gaia, against the beasts and the weather, man started to kill Gaia and cosnume it in order to survive. Maybe man is not an animal after all, but merely a prisoner on earth who forgot, and go brainwashed into being an animal.



Send my regards to the gnostics in that case, when you warp out of here. I find it palatial, you consider it a prison, fair enough. I won't keep you buckled into this life, and I have no reason to bother you unless you give me one, which would be a waste of time for us both.

If your methods lead you to unity with Aeon Sophia or whatever your goal may be, more power to you. My route to liberation was phrased differently but by hook or by crook, you'll get there in the end. Thanks for your input, I'll keep it in mind.



I'll see if I can't find some of my old notebooks at some point that would contain more specifics and examples of things actually occurring. I was more prolific when I was starting, if only because I found more to be new and noteworthy. Some part of me misses what it was like when *everything* magical was new and invigorating.



Glad you understand. After I have floated through space and/or the astral and rested for a few hundret years I will come back and get ya out of here too, but this time I will not make the mistake of incarnating here.

>unity with Aeon Sophia

no, not really. I am a humble man, even being reincarnated in the Hyle, one step above this world would be already a huge improvement and probably enough. My only goal is just to get away from earth and be free. While I'd be curious to explore other realms and planets and possibly returning to my home world, merely floating through space for a few millenias as pure consciousness without a body would be still better than being here imo. After death I will find out what's possible. See ya later



Everything is possible. Unite with the United Infinite Source, if you want. Its most pure manifestation, the Perfect Potentiality and Oneness of All, is in the 7th Density.

Become Sovereign and Divine and Free. Read Cameron Day's "Why i am no longer a lightworker" 1 and 2.

Read from bibliotecapleyades and montalk, and take what resonates.


>foul goddess

the Earth Consciousness is a True Light being. these children that you pop out have chosen to incarnate here, or have been duped into doing so (by the CORRUPT demiurgic parasites called "archontic ankle biters" and "lords of karma"


visualize roots coming from your feet into the Earth. use your ability to connect with anything and everything to make it more easily. you can do this.

use high frequency music on the 432 Hz or 444 Hz scale!



>the Earth Consciousness is a True Light being.

While I don't see it and I think it's the opposite I aknowledge that it may be true, and if it's true then I apologize for what I said obviously. However I don't even know if I am from the True Light. I might as well be from the True Darkness or whatever. So far I have found nothing I belong to or that resonates with me. Is there even something like True Shadow?


people who write long usually larp or know less than what they sounded like. they usually parrot other's experiences too.

my experiences were as follows:

>hdd failed, impossible to fix

>days passed and no luck. even threw it and punched

>try summoning a demon and angel to fix my failed hdd. not sure which or if actual demon or not.

>thinking how can this even be possible.

>try one last time.

>it worked cimpletely then it failed completely after i've salvaged everything i can and need.






It will work regardless of your belief system. I know because I was a hardcore atheist and materialist. Then I read about chaos magic and how it worked with any ideological frame. I thought: If it works with any ideological frame it must work with utter disbelief. And I tried it and it fucking work. I’ve practice it for more than a decade and it works OP. It will make your life weirder and more interesting. Maybe even better.



in my view there is True Light, false light (duality of corrupt demiurge), and false darkness (same)



If you have to ask, then no.



I'd actually be really interested in the context of this because admittedly although I have spent the last decade involved in both shamanism and a lot of advaitic/taoist thought, I've only recently really gotten into the meat of specifically chaoist works (I recently actually bothered to read Liber Null, Psychonaut, and Liber Kaos). It all seems to hold up to experience, so I'm not at all doubting you, but I'm curious as to the specifics of what you actually did, especially with respect to how you came to be involved in it in the first place.



I got into chaos magick after reading an interview of Grant Morrison. Then I read pop magick and started practicing it. Back then it was a little bit about demonstrating that magic was false and laugh at the superstitions of this writer I liked. As I said, I was an atheist and materialist-and wanted to proof the-whole magic thing as shenanigans.

I started sigilizing and keeping a magic journal as prescribed. I thought I was going to disproof magic in a month or so. Instead I had a 50/50 rate of success with weird sinchronicities sprinkled in. So I kept going and sooner than later I found myself with stranger an stranger results. So I kept going, on and on. Back then I explained away the results as pattern-recognition and a bundle of different psychological biase strung together, nothing metaphysical. Soon I was at a loss trying to explain the weird shit that was happening around me.

So… to answer your question of what were the specifics of my initiation?

1. I came into magic completely virgin and devoid of preconceptions or expectations

2. I was devoid of the result lust that makes magick not work at all.

My advice for you: don’t bring all that Taoist/Kabbalah/whatever baggage into magic. Bring it only if you actually believe in it. Have fun. And guide yourself only on the most simple (and therefore truest) definition of magic: causing chance in accordance to will



> causing chance in accordance…

Change… chance.

Chaos can be a bitch sometimes



It is funny that unlike in new-agey bullshit, many magicians are skeptics.

I was quite like you, and Grant Morrison's "Pop Magic!" was also my first read, along with a book from Disinfo.com I bought called "Book of Lies".

I've always had a very scientific mindset, but some parts of Grant's shit sounded coherent. I started using invocations and saw that I could reprogram my mind so effectively with it, so I was hooked.

Then yeah, the sigils creating really unlikely stuff until one day the universe kinda "woke up" and oh well, that was just the beginning.



>So I kept going, on and on. Back then I explained away the results as pattern-recognition and a bundle of different psychological biase strung together, nothing metaphysical. Soon I was at a loss trying to explain the weird shit that was happening around me.

I admit I remember that 'falling in' period really fondly, glad it took in your case.

>My advice for you: don’t bring all that Taoist/Kabbalah/whatever baggage into magic.

I'm just listing it for the sake of clarifying some stuff I said earlier. Any kind of practice or field of thought is to me like learning another language, it's a means of developing expressions. Any school of magic is no different and ought to be given as much respect as any other. I appreciate the advice though, I'll keep that in mind moving forward with chaos magic.


Definitely worth it.

There are many different applications u can use to magic that derive from the simplest of understandings, such as the mind is infinite, universe is infinite, therefore your intentions to bring magic to life can be infinite.

Meditation on the pineal gland to release dmt.

Meditation on the solar plexus, cultivate and manipulate qi.

Being able to project heat out of palms or to see the wispy mist like qi coming off hands and body is fun also.



>I'll see if I can't find some of my old notebooks at some point that would contain more specifics and examples of things actually occurring.

cool, thanks (:

>I was more prolific when I was starting, if only because I found more to be new and noteworthy.

Yeah honestly I should also start writing more, I've been told I should and it would probably help other people heal if I do so. Thank you for the reminder.

>Some part of me misses what it was like when *everything* magical was new and invigorating.

All is Mind tho, so can't you reinvigorate that? I remember a time when I was opening my heart; I'd been living on a farm/near innawoods for a couple months and after opening a bit I was looking at the trees entirely differently, breathing in LIFE and feeling the wonder of my environment.

I know what you mean though, it takes effort to sustain interest in things one is accustomed to.


>After I have floated through space and/or the astral and rested for a few hundret years I will come back and get ya out of here too


that's part of why I'm here. I spent some time out there and came back.

>this time I will not make the mistake of incarnating here.

eh it sucks compared to being out there but it's not hell.


>Is there even something like True Shadow?

sounds like the middle ground or brownpill.

so-called "true light" from my understanding simply doesn't take part in war between 'light' and 'dark' and self-develops and brings awareness/light into places. at least that's where I'm at. I'm not tryinta resist anything other than my own base desires, just giving people the tools to self-reflect and heal.


In this view I'd think a True Light being could call oneself a lightworker. The channeled beings I work with are quite likely true light; they seem only to have helped/guided me to higher consciousness with no expectation of anything, just delight in someone else being on the Path.



I appreciate the offer! We'll see where I am at that point, though. Like I said, I'm actually quite content being here, but if I'm still kicking around samsara, stop by and say hi!

You don't have to incarnate here if you'd rather just send an astral hello, it's not an issue. Best of luck on your journey!


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Could one potentially have a monogamous relationship with a similar creature, or are all astral beings huge sluts?



>true light does not take part in the duality

this is true, as it has trascended it.



Just speaking from personal experience, I really never got the feeling that the concept of 'monogamy' came into it. It had more to do with the concept of connection itself. A tree is not exactly a monogamous thing. On its surface can grow moss, lichen, all kinds of fungi, it can trade nutrients with all sorts of different organisms. Trees actually reproducing is not at all monogamous, and with good reason, since sprouted trees almost never make it to fruition even as saplings, that's their nature. If you want to go to the forest immediately closeby where you're going to go all the time, you can probably develop a relationship that way, but I don't know if I'd recommend it. Any of the times I've gotten greedy for the presence of a particular creature, spirit, what-have-you, I've gotten the feeling that they're somehow disappointed.

Developing a monogamous relationship with something primarily astral is possible, people do it. I'm not saying don't try it, there are plenty of fish in the sea, but something which finds human customs alien might balk at the idea of symbiosis with only one other thing. Plus, you're going to die long before they are, or else if you body-swap with someone and retain impulses, they'd have to get used to you all over again. That's just tree spirits though, there are other spirits of things you could maybe develop a monogamous relationship with. All you really have to do is ask, in the end.



Nice, what is that

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