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I have been wondering for a while, I thought I could find more information here. Forgive me if this isn't allowed here.

I noticed something really strange and noteworthy when I tried making a tulpa. And no this isn't a /x/ copypasta where it turned malicious. After a month when my tulpa was a hazy form in progress, I decided to draw her a second time after I first planned her out. A few months passed, and I lost free time, I had to take a break from working on the tulpa and she just kinda disappeared. I'm sure I would be able to start again anyways since she wasnt fully sentient or complete.

Eventually, I was writing some dreams down from when I was a kid, and all the sudden remembered that I had a dream about a woman that looked identical to the girl I forced myself into seeing.

In dream my mom got hit in the head with something (brick?) and my Dad ran away from home in anger and my mom started to cry and transform into this weird figure with just two black eyes, no mouth or nose. She looked almost identical to the tulpa. This was around 10 or 12 years beforehand.

So that lead me to wonder if these figures really live in your subconscious and aren't subject into our world until we allow it. Or is there more to tulpas? Are they archtype figures of a sort? I actually am starting to think they're familiar spirits as a possibility.

Is there any reading I where I can look into this sort of subject or concept? And is there any similar reports?



That thing you saw was a spirit. Even though it felt like you were making an original tulpa it had control over you while creating it and wanted you to give it a form to communicate with. It will love you and build your trust (possibly even through miracles) until you’re comfortable enough to let it change you and abuse the spongy nature of humans, making you something else than what you originally were.


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My initial impression is that this spirit is the anima, which according to Jung is a representation of the female part of a man's brain. In children it is likely to present itself as the mother or a motherly looking figure. Her behavior is varied, depending on who you ask she can be friendly or malevolent. I believe she can become a problem if your actions or beliefs are in conflict with the nature of the female part of your soul.



Yeah my first thoughts were that she was an archtype, or had some connections to jungian thoughts. I have read some of Jung and like to apply some theories of his into life.


Maybe so, do you know anyway to connect with her by chance?


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If you wish to understand the archetypes and their occultic significance I suggest you start by studying the esoteric interpritations of alchemy and it's hermetic roots. The Azoth posted above is a meditative symbol of alchemy containing many archetypes, It is used to purify the ego so that the soul may shine through it without impurities. Study the process here. and then meditate on the meaning of what you read while studying the Image. You can also read many of Jung's books on the subject.

Be mindful when generating thoughtforms. They exist in your mind and are created by you, any entity which claims to have authority over you is lying and you must expunge it, for it is either an unintended product of the shadow, or of foreign design and has been inserted memetically while in some hypnotically or chemically induced trance. If it has control over your body somehow you must remember that your soul is the root user of the system, made in the image of god, and expunge the demon via a command issued with deeply felt righteous indignation. If you cannot do this then there is something deep in your psyche that feeds it energy which you are not aware of. You must use psychoanalytical techniques to heal the wound. If you can find a trustworthy white magician (or therapist), they may be able to help further.

Also know that those who say that these entities are real and can give you powers that you yourself cannot are either larping, Black magicians who seek control over others, misinformed, or a severely delusional slave that has been conditioned through monarch type programming. The aliens are also a result of Monarch programming, they are only as real as people believe.




Be wise as a serpent.



Also, Elaborating on my original comment. The anima In your dream was likely trying to communicate something to your conscious mind so that you might adjust something in the male part of the brain which was not listening. You may have been conditioned or conditioned yourself, to suppress some emotions, and the anima was trying to get the ego's attention. What motivated you to create this "tulpa"? What do you think may have caused your dream? Are there any syncronicities that come to mind when you analyze these thoughts? You do not have to answer these questions here if they are are of a personal nature but ponder them.



I would like to clarify here that the entities are real in the sense that they exist in your mind and can influence your psyche, but not physically real, and can only influence the world through the permissions that you give them.



Huh, funny I see your post after just seeing an angel physcially turn on the lights in the room I was in. I’m glad you have a choice yourself, but given my experiences I cannot become a skeptic while remaining a rationalist. Many will dismiss me as trolling but I would like you to consider what you would believe if put in my position.



What you suggest possible is telepathy by means of an astral servant of some sort then yes? I have not progressed deeply down the path of astral projection, and mostly studied meditation and esoteric alchemy as part of my understanding of cognition and theology As well as some Ericksonian hypnotic techniques. If I were to perceive such an occurrence I would need to replicate it and perform it in another's presence to to verify whether it is real or delusional.



I did not think a mental construct could physically turn on a light switch.



Well I can't say I remember too Much about why the dream Happened, since I was young. But it might of been during a time where I didn't have many friends. And there seems to be a "mood" between occurences, emotional mood, if that makes sense.

As for why, I mainly wanted to create someone as a partner, I get lonely and wanted someone to talk to or spend time with. I also wanted to test my abilities of meditation and focusing. Also, maybe even get to know myself a little better. I know she's real in my plane of thought, and it's nothing bad, I believe it's just that I'm learning more about myself.

That's all I can really say for now, things seem a little fuzzy still.



Well perhaps one could. We are made in the image of god and as so we can create. This may mean that that we can create mental complexes capable of affecting reality via some kind of quantum entanglement mechanism, A prospect I have not ruled out. Nevertheless it remains a construct of your mind and exists by your will.


Rather than trying to draw a tulpa you intend to keep. try drawing the same image but while knowing it is intended to represent the anima. The anima must eventually "die" in order for a man to remain healthy. then maybe look for her in your dreams and see if there are more clues provided. My initial impression is that you, like many others who are affected by the control matrix, are suppressing emotions out of a learned defense mechanism, which causes a loss of of emotionally derived energy. Search yourself, familiarize yourself with the archetypes and let them guide you, but remember that they are a part of you. Do some contemplation in nature, away from the matrix.



Yes. Odin was my spiritual guardian. And indeed, The All Father rose up in a time of great need and commanded my mind, fighting off the enemy forces and revealing universal truths kept by gods which I could not have known.

There is a secret obscured in the mostly BS new-age "channeling" crap. Spirits and that is aspects of deities inhabit forms they match.

Create within yourself the pattern and form of the being you wish to summon, and you may become it. This is also part of the druid / animist shape-shifting magic… They use beasts or magic trees for their "tulpas" and summon external powers into themselves to increase their own influence.

Stop saying the word "subconcious" unless you're a "subhuman".

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