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Tipp's Fringe Bunker

File: 90611caeea3dff8⋯.jpg (60.78 KB, 700x700, 1:1, The-Order-of-Nine-Angles.jpg)


What you guys think about the Order of Nine Angles?



There's a thread about it on mewch.








Surely we can discuss it here too. Though it's a good idea to check the mewch thread for the PDFs.



Link to thread maybe? Please?



mewch.net/fringe/ then check the catalog


they are a 1960's cianigger cult


File: 3e173de60d4c8a9⋯.gif (35.04 KB, 220x220, 1:1, tenor.gif)


>group from Western England



File: 2b4102110b5d611⋯.pdf (401.64 KB, The Black Book of Satan (O….pdf)

Who cares about the fuckhole that is mewch? If there is any place that is even more dead than this board, then it's mewch fringe. I think it's good to have an ONA thread here, and everything else interesting that is on mewch so that mewch can die off in peace. Make 8ch fringe bigger



Mewch is doing fine but it's a /b/ based chan revolving around camwhores. Smiley seems to have left it after his demands were denied (he wanted a large amount of new features and boards to use as his own personal autistic blogs). The site owner currently manages all boards including /fringe/.


File: d5b3dadae063e5e⋯.pdf (61.9 KB, 1-o9a-kulture-ethos.pdf)


Exactly. In my personal humble oppinion it would be better if we centralize one fringe and use it as our forum. I think this is better than having three or more empty, dead fringes with spread out wizards who either miss out on stuff on the other fringes or have to lurk on all the boards at the same time.

But whatever, let's post some more about ONA.


"I am so fucking important. Ugh. When will people realize this? Ugh. Six million different made up titles and they still don't fear me? Ugh! Fear me! Give me approval! I'm wearing a crown! Look at how powerful I am! Powerful people need the approval of others before their power kicks in! Dewd just fear me dude I'm in the Order of the Nine Cringels!"

By Human Faggot



what happened to fringechan? it was there and pretty active, then I left for a couple months and it was gone. wtf?

>concentrate on 8chan

probably better to concentrate somewhere other than masonniggerchan



>what happened to fringechan?

According to people involved with it, the owner Alpam is in jail for cp.



>the owner Alpam is in jail for cp

jesus, how hard is it to just not fap to cp? wtf is wrong with people???



From this perspective, all that was perceived was that there was too much posting of CP and the host got fed up and chose to cease hosting.


File: 9c19b2eb32debf8⋯.jpg (50.84 KB, 800x467, 800:467, sand_ruins_by_ajvl-d7cqljf.jpg)


Empires have been buried by uncontrolled lust and depravation. Netzach is bound to degenerate into A'arab Zaraq without the redpilling of Hod



Not sure what to make of it at fucking all. I never heard of them before like 3 weeks ago but I've been doing autistic as shit sperging into various shit and one of the theories I've come to has to do with light, the way that light refracts and the capability of the eye to/not to compensate for that, with the goal of identifying a theoretical 'omnipresent illusion'.. after a fucking ton of work into it this research has started to, for some time now, revolve around 9 angles. And those 9 angles, while not the same shape as the op picture, contain all the shapes within that symbol, as well as every single sacred geometry shape that I am aware of.

Has me a bit weirded out that I never heard of them til now.


Go away John Cameron Denton


File: 1142d409ae189fc⋯.png (42.61 KB, 220x224, 55:56, 1522281304532.png)


There are rumors that the Neo-Nazi group Atomwaffen Division was set up or infiltrated by O9A members to get them to enact acts of terror and create discord. I'm a newfig when it comes to this stuff so I haven't actually read any O9A literature yet, this is all just hearsay from around the water cooler.




<avoid mewch at all costs, it's totally rulecucked and if say anything they don't like even if you don't break any rules they delete all your posts and thread and ban you. its 200% censorship.

polite sage as to not disrupt the thread






Not ONA, but ToB. A group which pretends to be ONA but don't even follow the Dark Gods of it but instead some grey and hindu shit.


You can defunct guitar?


Every post here is just somebody begging someone who is actually enlightened to let them steal their status when they validate them by encouraging instead of discouraging the fake flexing of knowledge by posting symbols or buzzwords. Seriously, your shit is straight up fucking gibberish. It's stuff that should be kept to a private message with the other dumbass who uses that religion/cult as their language for understanding reality. This is a forum for people of different backgrounds exchanging ideas , not a forum for inside jokes. If you are still focused on the past, you are doingg it wrong, or as the niggers are saying now, since they somehow create at will "stay in your fucking lane". What kind of dumb nigger faggot has a tool that connects billions of people who desperately need some fixes for their shit world and uses it to be like omg 1985 and omg master azmodeus . Kill yourselves.

So here's some real shit. I have to do everything, I guess that's a consequence of being everything and everyone else just being an inanimate object used to prevent the full insanity that onsets upon discovery of the reality that loneliness is eternal because there is only one.

Sane: wow the world is gross humans are awful fuck this shit

Retard: I know every human who isn't white is awful. Despite the fact that every institution in America is run by whites who are just a different flavor of Jew, I can just banish reality at will and escape accountability.

Kill yourself. All races are shit. There are good and bad people, not good and bad skin colors. Niggers are gross, whites are gross, Jews are gross, spics are gross, Muslims are gross, Asians are gross, all these people LOVE this shit and consent to it every day. These people have not gone anywhere beyond the animal level (not to disrespect animals, just using a term to paint a picture) , and believe that the meaning of life is this dog eat dog Darwinism shit where selling people snake oil is justified because "you just gotta do what you gotta do". Evil fucked up shit is allowed to happen because corrupt fucks do fucked shit, sacrifices are required by people who weren't directly affected by the evil act, then those people say "man , I want to make 900k instead of 880k, so fuck that shit who cares that the clintons traffic humans ". Almost ever fucking person you encounter iis part of this. They are full supporters of their country / race of choice despite the fact that all these Earth factions were built on raping murdering and stealing better than everyone else. These people, Mexicans, liberals whatever, have no fucking problem with whatever barbaric shit is done by the people who they like, then to dominate others they don't like they go "omg that person did a crime kill them I have blood lust". This is because these people have zero integrity. It's fucking impossible to not spot these people once you've reached Jedi status and spent some time going "hmm, maybe there is more to life than age, United states, and dna ". I am the poorest most uneducated fuck yet I look at trillionares like rats rapingg their own mother, because once you see the big picture that is what is really happening. Why did all these monks and shit leave society and stare at a wall for years and find more than any celebrity? Because this is fucking slavery and there is nothing to anyone whose only priority isn't advancing forever. I'm not talking about new houses, I'm talking about new plateaus. There are people who lived in the 600s with more knowledge of how this actually works than some rich jewgle programmer. Somebody falsely imprisoned and tortured for shit they didn't do is in Utopia now while kim karashian begs for bread crumbs in the form of temporary ego boost from likes. Focus 100% of your being on this rather than obvious d and c buzzwords like WHITE. Nobody cares. Seriously, nobody cares. On a long enough timeline, anyone would have discovered calculus, and anyone whose parents can afford to buy their kids takeout 3 times a day is going to get "fake smart" from their Jew education. There is nothing to anyone without integrity. Think big and beyond this, do you really think with all that there could be, some Jew faggot who stole somebodies site is going to be given any power by anyone? It doesn't really matter what you think, i am going there anyways. Fuck Jesus, he's a false hope Jew faggot who enables child rape. Fuck him and his Christ cuck pedo cult. Take all that stuff they talked about though and create heaven. Why would somebody use their time saying this instead of just ripping people off like the other 7 billion Jew faggots here? I could rip people off because I know how, but I know that method is shit and leads nowhere. Wow, you made the iPhone 50, cool, and somebody else is 200 and when they breathe they feel the ecstasy of their child being born, a line of pure coke, a fat smack off the dab rig, and the first bang of a whore cunt. have fun with your gold, berg



Everything I just said is going to be cleaned up to pg 13 and put on a Joe Rogan podcast, and I'll be wiped clean too to create the next missle for human advancement , because that's how things work in this jewniggeruniverse


File: 701335890095278⋯.jpg (41.38 KB, 955x500, 191:100, work smart.jpg)

Any recommended meditations or practices to become smarter? i want to do better in school and life.



Why did you post this giant wall of meaningless text?



Want to become smarter? Cool. Start by doing your own research instead of asking others to spoonfeed you. There's also a reading list somewhere in this site to get you started.



Because guitar is defunct.



First time I've seen a archive link not work for a chan. I've been off the chans for a long time now and now Mewch is dead.

I want to read more about their worship of Sauroctonos.



Mewch has been entirely purged from archive.org same as some other ONA websites… really makes you think huh? Mewch had a thread with all ONA pdf:s in it.








I heard that niners are able to evoke Shugara, but she mostly treats them much worse than other occultists



That is because most Niners are unworthy pieces of human garbage. Most of them just want an excuse to do evil for it's own sake and completely miss most of the occult meaning of the Sevenfold Way.



>completely miss most of the occult meaning of the Sevenfold Way

Where I can learn more about noncorrupted 7fw? Im quite a new in everything occult



Read Naos and then Hostia to start. Avoid the "offshoot" groups like Temple ov Blood etc.


Redpill me on shugara


Btw they had a reddit group but it got raided to shit.



I use the imagery in my music not really a follower



Contact her and make better music :^)




exactly lmao


File: f2c12d73a9fde5f⋯.png (6.06 KB, 960x720, 4:3, shugara-sigil1.png)



Full text in the .pdf ONAOS: A Guide to The Sinister Tarot



It's hard to find edgier card designs than that, which is a shame because as an oracle, its mechanics are pretty good.


File: e5883a3685380ea⋯.png (1017.6 KB, 717x960, 239:320, star_game.png)


There's imagery guidelines freely available if you'd like to try your hand at crafting a set. Feel free to stray from the path. Subvert everything.





Invidious embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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