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Hey all… So I've had some interesting experiences lately and I could use some input. To start, I'm not particularly well read in the esoteric, I've only ever sperged into the concepts/theories surrounding the hivemind/collective unconscious/memesphere or what ever jargon its going by now. Aside from that and skimming through some of Serano's writings I never really read into much else. I've told some details

I've been sperging hard into a lot of random stuff for a while now. Searching for facts on various topics, mostly researching ancient myths/history and then researching the etymology of every word written on those topics. That eventually lead to me putting obscene amounts of energy into esoteric cryptography. I eventually started to find that no matter what I did as long as I put enough mental focus into it I would get a coherent, yet incomplete, message out of what ever code I was looking at.

This lead to me visualizing the codes as a 4 dimensional object that exists on an 8 dimensional plane which I've started to refer to as the labyrinth. For lack of a better analogy this labyrinth would look similar to the movie 'the cube'.

Visualizing this 'language cube' lead to some spoopy fucking shit happening. First I noticed that all of my physical ailments had either diminished or subsided completely, but I started feeling this new symptom, a sort of pain in my forehead/temples that isnt a headache.. Its like a burning pain/pressure that doesnt feel quite like anything I've felt before. Kind of like a mental/spiritual muscle fatigue sort of pain. I wouldnt say that it hurts but it definitely qualifies as 'some sort of pain'.

From there, after a week long spergout, I spent 7 full days determined to wrap my head around the mechanics of this 'language cube'. Literally, 7 days. I only slept when my body crashed and I'd wake up 2 hours later and get back to it.

At the end, I had this "Aha!" moment where I fully understood the whole thing, and it was amazing it was like being able to see the whole universe. But I could only hold onto that understand for maybe 30-60 minutes after that it was too much to continue focusing on it and I blinked just for a second and just like that I didn't understand it again.

But, even though I lost the understanding I remained at a much higher level of awareness than I had ever been at before. Started noticing patterns I had never noticed before as well as shapes that I had never considered possible.


At this point I started thinking that "I have unlocked some hidden powers and I know so much now" and that hubris resulted in me experiencing an illusion. I got lost driving to a place where I knew where I was going. Couldnt find the road I needed to get to even though I knew where it was. 3 and a half hours of desperately searching for this road (after an hour of it I realized something really fucking meta was going on because Im driving back and forth where the fucking turn should be but its not there and everyone I asked for directions had no idea what I was talking about. And I started steadily deteriorating into a panic induced madness upon the realization that I seemed to be under some sort of illusion and if it was cast upon me then that implies that my family was in extreme danger. Really started fucking losing it. At probably the last possible second I stopped myself and forced myself to regain my calm and prayed as hard as I could for a light to be shone on my path. before this I really wasnt all that religious and poof, just like that the turn I needed to get to was right in front of me.

After this experience I started to become keenly aware that something was trying to get my attention. Every time I tripped or dropped something if I took a step back and looked at the area around where it happend I would notice arrows and/or stuff like words written in the shadows of trees,

At this point that pain feeling in my head started to get more and more intense. At times it feels like a powerful electric force. Which I have considered to be either the feeling of using parts of my brain which I had never used before and thus are growing pains, or that it is some sort of metaphysical shock collar.

Also, what ever is trying to get my attention, it sometimes feels like there is a booming voice speaking directly into my brain but I can not understand what it says. I've taken to assume that certain short/blunt responses can be taken as a 'yes', no response a 'no', and more complex responses as "its complicated", and thus simple questions can be used to communicate back and forth. The content of these discussions has given me some information that I hadn't known that I was able to read up on and find that it was true.

But, it also seems that what ever is trying to communicate either has unpredictable moods or is actually more than one entity, as there are times when it is extremely obvious that it is trying to deceive me. Once it implied that "my life and all existence is a joke that it created for it's own amusement" to which I replied "why would you do that, so that when I figured it out I would hate you?" which got a yes followed by what felt like mocking laughter. And I replied "well then you failed because I am still here talking to you and I can find no reason at this time to hate you" Which seemed to have frustrated the shit out of it and the rest of the night it seemed to be shameful.


In addition to that I have started noticing that I seem to be able to see shadow. Not as in shade cast from an object but more like a glitch in reality. Flashing lights producing a black void of a shadow that is much wider in area than the area illuminated by the flashing light. As well as what I've come to call shades, some sort of ghost type apparitions that seem to be less ghosts and more the manifestation of negative thoughts. I've noticed that they come around when I am feeling anxious, angry, fearful, etc and that if I allow myself to not notice their presence it seems like they feed of those emotions and in turn amplify them. They do not seem to be able to do much else and they also seem to respond to interaction. At first I would tell them "I dont fear you be gone before I destroy you" and they would scurry away. But lately ive been talking to them "oh there you are how many of you are there tonight? Looks like 4 of you." And then I abruptly end any small talk with "I am going inside you are not welcome in my house begone".

And from all this stuff a bunch of information has been brought to my attention.

>We have a job to do

>but we forgot what it was

>We aren't supposed to be here

>We are here because of a horrible crime, a lie and a betrayal that was committed against us, and 'the benevolent higher being(s)'

>But we are not innocent, we were able to see the betrayal coming and to ensure survival/eventual vengeance we told a gigantic lie

>It is possible to fix the wrongs

>but it is also impossible

>it is a universal catch-22 that shouldn't have happened

>but the reason for the existence of humanity is that we ourselves are a paradox and in that we are the only ones capable of figuring out how to fix the problem

and the icing on the cake

>this reality that we have known for thousands of years is the spiritual desolation known as hell

Like I said, I am not well read in the esoteric, this is all shit that I have come to know through this experience. Can anyone validate/shed more light on it?


My biggest question is:

>this feeling of power/pain

>entity(s) that seem to be deceitful much of the time

Did I stumble into something that I need to nope the fuck away from? Because my every instinct screams "keep learning"



>I've told some details

must have baleeted the rest

>I've told some/most of these details to a couple of people, there is a bit more that I get the distinct impression that there would be severe consequences if I ever spoke them.



Well, if I were you, I wouldn't believe any of it. Certainly an interesting experience, but I've never seen anyone talk like this that wasn't delusional beyond redemption.

When they tried to put me away, I was locked in a room, for 3 months with a man hounded by his dead comrades and another that talked to god. Then I was locked up in another place, for 3 months, with a man that talked to god, then a young man that talked to the past and future, with a neighboring psycho talking to his spy satellite's AI through neural implants, also a homeless woman being chased around the country by MIB. They were hollow. Blind to the world beyond their dream glazed eyes. Stuck in their own mental prisons for the rest of their lives. Nothing else mattered anymore. Not even when lobotomized with psychiatric medication. Their brains short-circuited.

I would interpret your experience as a form of synethesia and use it like any other body part to my own god given ends, and ignore any result of no immediate material consequence. That's me, practical to the end. Tulpas and prayer for immediate physical reasons. No bullshit delusions allowed. That's why I dropped hypnosis, aka 'magick'.


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


I should add that your conversations sound like internal dialogue and hypnotic suggestion. There are various hypnotic inductions that induce a very similar state. Like pendulum swinging, dowsing rods, or as I've experienced, tulpas. Also magick! All magick is designed to induce belief without any causal relationship. It's pure hypnotism.

I've posted about tulpas here: >>115094

It's easy to know what's real or not because it sucks up mental horsepower. There is always calculation and WORK being done to produce real results. The unconscious can be very convincing in its snappy responses, but it always has to go through you to calculate anything of substance.

See the video, too, to see what I mean. It responds to unconscious suggestion, and it's conveniently insubstantial, making the gullible believe something is there besides themselves.



That greentext pretty in line with Gnosticism and Gnosis-related teachings. You can google about it if you like.

Anyway, whoever's "transmitted" that to you at least doesn't lie about the basics, so keep listening I'd say.



Calling it conversations isn't an accurate way to describe it. There's really no way to talk about most of this without metaphor. It's a sensation of pulses that do not correlate with normal bodily functions. And I've started to write down the sensations, short ones dots and long ones dashes, and it so far translates into morse code every single time to produce a coherent message. What the hell would explain that?

And as for it just being my mind telling me what I already know/believe and overall delusion that was my first thought about all of this I set out to prove it was all my imagination. I told some people that I thought I was losing it and I needed them to tell me if they see things after I point them out. And they always verified that they saw it too once I pointed it out. And other stuff like "see that street light over there? Its going to turn off"

and anything I say like that is always right so much so that it started to spook me and I tried to ignore everything.

I've been browsing through the threads in the catalogue and it seems the "shades" that I mentioned are called "shadow people"? And it seems the consensus is that they are exactly as I've described?


I've figured out that much. The bulk of the information that I've gotten out of it is stuff that I have been able to verify as at least being an actual theory. And some of it involves things that were omitted from the bible that make the stories make a lot more sense, which I've been able to verify as also being actual theories. Most of the deceitful stuff seems to focus around fucking with me personally which I've come to accept as a sort of test of character which I haven't yet figured out. The "information that was transmitted" was all after I had reached certain 'milestones' the first one was after "I got lost in an illusion" I thought I had lost my fucking mind, there is no reasonable explanation for how I couldnt find a street that I knew how to get to, and the most ridiculous part was when I stopped people for directions they had never heard of the street or the place I had to get to or sent me in the wrong direction

After 3 hours of being lost and only finding my way after praying I spent like 3 hours that night in my backyard just looking at the stars trying to figure out what had happened. And then I said "Father in heaven I have sinned against you, I held myself as knowing many things and always being correct in what I know but now I know that I know nothing." And all that stuff from that green text hit me in the head like a sledgehammer.




visualized a great figure of the 4th physical dimension contained within the 8th. obviously your awareness is elevated.


third eye opening



not really hybris if you weren't cocky or egotist about it


your Sovereign Being heard. you don't need to pray (or shouldn't) to any thing that is outside you. connect with your Higher Self.

>voice that speaks in words and lies sometimes

a parasite, a negative entity or MK-ULTRA.


>ghost like entities

they may be alive and conscious. try to speak to them about the Infinite Source.

>we arent supposed to be here

this is a hyperholographic learning matrix that we entered for our learning.

>horrible crime


>we are not innocent


>it's possible and yet impossible to fix the wrongs

other lie

>only we can destroy the corrupt demiurge!

a lie.

>this is hell

lie. the society and its constructs may be hell-like but this realm is not hell.




>christian god (corrupt demiurge front) natter natter

do not feed parasites.

please see these videos:

"I hope that you like this.

I have some good resources. The threads this was on were suddenly archived or just deleted.

This video here, https://youtube.com/#/watch?v=CpH_rXGHX1w , is a remote "soft kill shield" for targeted individuals of all kinds. It will work to destroy many harassments. This other, https://youtube.com/#/watch?v=OZCgOoGSLdQ , is the second version of the targeted individual scatter frequency. I hope that they help."

"Dive deep within yourself, speak to your Higher Self (read Why I am no longer a Lightworker 1 and 2, by Cameron Day), enter your Akashik records, and you shall Know. We are One with the All (Infinite Source) as the All (Infinite Source) is One with Us. If you need more guiding, read from Bibliotecapleyades and Montalk. Finally, listen to the following videos https://youtube.com/watch?v=RQIO9cqwgcE [Embed] , https://youtube.com/watch?v=pSyUT2p4H24 [Embed] , https://youtube.com/watch?v=feilxGTQkow [Embed] , , https://youtube.com/watch?v=XvyPscRD1ss [Embed] , (commas are flying so they do not become part of the link).

Each has instructions, and the last one is particularly important; only watch it 1 time per day for 5 days, then rest for 2, and then you may repeat it. Beware that sometimes channels will try to brainwash you; the ones I have listed are safe. Reclaim your Divine Sovereignity, Fight the Parasites, STS/Duality Low Vibration/Frquency/Density Beings and the different Matrix Control Systems.

Remember always, do not go into the light when you die."

Demons and archontic parasites absolutely hate the last video!

Also merging one of my other comments:

"The DrVirtual7 has made these amazing videos:https://youtube.com/watch?v=YVDGY5BKT5k , to help you with making a Shield of White and Golden Light, and https://youtube.com/watch?v=MrvQ-YNThDg [Embed] , to protect yourself from and dissolve black magic, also cleaning the Space of Self."



You've constructed a tremendous paradigm and you've pumped a ton of time and energy into crafting it. Google "Opti and I" for an example of where your head is going. I'm not insulting you, they can be very engaging alternatives and can provide great structure for lateral thought, but the danger is always in taking them too seriously, because if you get to a point where you put too much stock into your own previous lateral thought and then something happens which makes one key thought clearly false to you, it could cause some real problems, to put it mildly.

That's great that you've created a grand and transcendent concept, just remember that paradigms are not the things they represent, they are representations. Treat them as such when necessary and you'll go far.


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Understanding something and then forgetting it seems normal. It's because what you already fulfilled is now part of your being and it's not in your conscious thought because it's been hardwired in you already. I experience this too.


Shadow people are beings in formation. They can be positive or malevolent. Either way you can handle them by sending them positive energy. The good will develop into friendly beings and the evil will not be able to take and will overheat and be destroyed from it.

<Embedded vid has some general things right.


This isn't unique, I've pretty much gone through all of what you describe, I assume it's a stage in a person's development in the occult.


>my life and all existence is a joke that it created for it's own amusement

Your personal demiurge (Choronzon) is lying to you through almost-truths, in the same way a sage can tell you the truth through almost-lies. However, a demiurge is a kind of final form or boss level of the ego, it has no real power over you, although it will say it does.

*You* created this world, not him. The dream is yours, he's a villain invented to enhance the drama. His role is to do evil things and then to lose to You. You haven't ever been in any real danger. You can dream of the third act here, the one where the lie is exposed and he's defeated. Stories cycle, but no story is ever a real threat to you.


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>the dream is yours

I left some details out. Years ago I lost consciousness because of a fairly serious injury. While 'unconscious' I was entirely conscious but in a 'dream like' state. I didn't understand how I was unconscious but in a lucid dream at the same time until recently.

It was a very strangle place consisting of eternal blackness but also eternal light, was extremely cold and comfortably warm, lonely and not lonely, etc. During it I was just looking around like wtf is this? and eventually I asked "where am I?" "what is this" "who am I?" "where did the music I was listening to go? I miss the music" and right after that is when I came to.

The injury I had was a vibrational concussion caused by the concussive force of an explosion, the blast of the explosion itself never touched me. And I've recently figured that I was looking into the void, at one with the oneness.


Very fucking interesting. I've only skimmed through it and it seems to be a 1:1 with some of the conclusions ive come to.

Looking back through my posts I realize that I've made a mistake in my explanations. Pretty much none of it can be explained without metaphor and I tried to avoid that which kind of distorted a lot of what I was trying to convey. Im going to put some stuff together and see if I can salvage that.




>it's complicated

So all these efforts have turned you into a magic 8 ball?



Intro to Gnosis 101


This world is Hell but also Heaven, depends on the collective's disposition.

You're not only planeswalking and jumping from dimension to dimension(lost car ride for example) but seeing through the veil to organize information (divination and gnosis using physical reality as a medium/'conversations' youre having with the booms n morse code)

Youre doing ALL of it.

Be careful, people will tell you ANYTHING to get what they want and dream of.

Don't support the false system

Don't give up on magic

Ill be back on later if you have any questions, though understand I am simply a student as well as yourself. Too busy lately. Im only now responding after reading this thread hours ago. Really sync'd with me because Im having the same experiences in my own way.

Welcome to 'Hell' by the way!




there are some sides of truth in what you say, and some sides of disinfo that seems to be propagated subconsciosly (*A.K.A. this is healed by researching and learning more, experiencing more to discover the true truth.)*




I practice what we call "hiding the truth in plain sight". You're the misinformed shill. That entire first post and thread is ripe with parasites. Try again next time!




the hell you talkin bout

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