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Tipp's Fringe Bunker

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Can someone tell me the meaning of 666? It looks like it's related to Tribe of Dan.




666 is sunlight.



seeking a quick bite huh? you won't get it.


File: 17dc7e2014dec12⋯.jpg (164.77 KB, 1200x1976, 150:247, devil.jpg)

File: 77bb06a0f82e261⋯.jpg (96.57 KB, 419x704, 419:704, lovers.jpg)


Six is matter. Six six six is "the beast", materialist and/or sensual delusion.

On lovers card you can see the conscious (man) looking towards the subconscious (woman), who in turns looks at the divine. Thus revealing the path to communication with the divine or collective unconscious.

On the devil card, you can see both are bound and none look up.

As for the Tribe of Dan, you must read the Kabbalistic myth in code, as it was intended, not as referring to literal historical people. I haven't studied much in that direction yet, but if you watch playlist related you should get an idea of what the Tribe of Dan represents and how it relates to what I explained above.


Good luck and have fun.



Nice schizophrenias you got cooking there, mates.



kabbalah is incomplete.



Yes. It is also not the only system of correspondences, and not all systems coincide with each other.

But considering OP asked about the number six and a kabbalistic concept at the same time, well.

Six can be understood in a different way, too. Note that The Lovers card is number six. This relates to the path it represents in the Tree of Life.


File: a9d7320a26ee666⋯.jpg (3.07 MB, 4032x3024, 4:3, 15171083125912080541081.jpg)


I cant believe Im actually posting this for yall scrubs. Im surprised no ones figured it out yet.

LHP is now Saturn>Sun>Moon

RHP is now Uranus>Mars>Mercury

Middle Pillar is Neptune>Jupiter>Venus>Earth

Pluto becomes Ain Soph Aur

Each sphere is separated by 3, the number of the trinity.

LHP 3 6 9

Middle 1 4 7 10

RHP 2 5 8

Still making a finalized version as Metatron won't leave me alone until I solve this damn Tesseract puzzle. Take is as a rough draft, update it if you feel so inclined. Keep in mind too that the full tree involves 2 "balanced trees" followed by Kaballah and Qlippoth in the middle being Air and Water respectively. The balanced tree upright is fire, downwards is earth. Malkuth is in Kether.

I have a feeling I either mixed up Hod and Yesod positions or Tiphareph and Geburah.



666 reminds you that you're trapped in your beastful/material desires or that you are lost.

You're usually doing something that is destroying your greater destiny whenever you see it. Humans stopped evolving - the rest is self explanatory.

666 is not evil. It's just that "The ascended one who speaks Numbers" tells you to to quit acts leading to despair and aspire for ascension and spiritual enlightenment contrary to binding and blinding your soul into beastful/material desires.

"The ascended who speaks Numbers" is probably one or many of the following:

>the guide of this age of language

>the collective consciousness

>another ascended 4-5D being

Not sure which of the ascended beings you can trust as there are many of them OR if you can trust all of them.



>Images (deja vu)


>Six is matter. Six six six is "the beast"

Spot on.


Disclaimer: this is not an anti-Islam or anti-Christian post, this is just what I have studied and found to be true.

666 is a numerical transliteration of “six hundred sixty six”, written by John in his account of a revelation/vision he received.

He was writing in Greek, but used odd characters that Greeks would not normally use for a simple number.

The ancient Greek characters he used for “six hundred sixty six” are identical to the Arab characters (non-calligraphic) for “jihad (holy war) in the name of al-ilah (the god; Allah)”

John was referring to the eventual rise of Islam and how there would be a holy war between the two belief systems.

The Arabic phrase, which John called “the mark of the beast”, is displayed in calligraphic form throughout mosques globally, because it is used as the sigil for Allah.

Islam’s prophecies directly mirror those of the Old and New Testament, except from a different perspective. It’s a very interesting study if you’re into that kind of thing.



I'm going to need a citation on that


The first thing you have to think about is what is the context. The Revelation of John, imho, like so many other Jewish texts, is a coded revolutionary text, not a prophecy. Many have conjectured that "Nero" in gemmatria totals six hundred sixty-six. In other words, Nero is the beast, and the evil power to be overthrown is the Roman Empire.

Another example of revolutionary coding in the New Testament is whenever Paul refers to "our brothers in Babylon." Babylon = Rome


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The mark of the beast is the seal of servitude for the falling souls who are slaves of the animal mind in the Kingdom of Klipoth, where “no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name. Here is wisdom. Let him that has (Kabbalistic) understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man (Tiphereth); and his number is Six hundred Sixty and Six.” Revelation 13: 17, 18.

So, the number of the beast is 666. When we add these numbers together, 6+6+6, we get 18; and by adding 1+8 we get 9; the number nine is Yesod – Sex. In itself 18 is the Arcanum of occult enemies, those psychological entities (bestial ego) that hinder our spiritual development because of their bestial Fornication (animal orgasm). The Tree of Good and Evil is symbolized in the duality of the Eighteenth Arcanum; within the number 18, the Ninth Sephirah Yesod – Sex is found twice, which points out the good and evil ways of utilizing the sexual energy of the stone of Jacob (Yesod).

So, Tiphereth (the true Servant of God) is the sixth of the ten Sephiroth. Tiphereth begins and ends with the letter Tav, and corresponds to the letter Vau, V, of the Tetragrammaton IHVH. It is also called Meleck or King as well as the Son of Man (Son of Arik Anpin). It is the central Sephirah of the SIX that composes Zauir Anpin, the Microprosopus, or Lesser Countenance, the Microcosmos, the Human Soul, the terrestrial man.

The Malkuth (physical body) of the terrestrial man has three nervous systems or three brains which are located on the top, middle and bottom of the spinal medulla (symbolized in the Hebrew letter Vav) and that are represented in the inverted triangle of the seal of Solomon:

Tiphereth, in servitude of the Demon of Desire(in Hod) that squanders the fires of the letter Vav (spinal medulla) through the Sexual Center, sexual organs = 6

Tiphereth, in servitude of the Demon of Thought(in Netzach) that squanders the fires of the letter Vav (spinal medulla) through the intellectual center, the head = 6

Tiphereth, in servitude of the Demon of Evil Will(in the causal plane) that squanders the fires of the letter Vav (spinal medulla) through the emotional center, the heart = 6

So, 666 is the number of a Man, a Man that falls, and that Man is Tiphereth, the human soul in servitude to sin.

Until Psyche awakens, our Tiphereth, our Vav, is negative; it is asleep. That is why in the Book of Revelation the beast has the number 666. Those are three Vavs—three brains: mind, heart, body. All three are asleep; all three in us are dominated by animal desire. Our mind is dominated by fear, pride, envy, anger, lust, greed, gluttony, laziness. Our heart is dominated by negative emotions, by resentments, by memories, by cravings. Our body is dominated by habits, by laziness, by busy-ness. Our three brains are 666: three negative Vavs, inverted in Hell; that is why we suffer. We need to rectify that, to correct it.

The Eighteenth Arcanum is the abyss, darkness, and sexual temptations which the initiate has to fight against. The Ninth Arcanum is the Ninth Sphere, initiation into the mysteries of "The Hermit" as it is called.

The gods have judged the Great Harlot — humanity, whose number is 666. The sentence of the gods was:

To the abyss!

To the abyss!

To the abyss!

Synthesis: the beast 666 is the inverted triangle of the seal of Solomon, in other words, it is the soul bottled up into the number 18 (the unbelievers, the uncircumcised, our occult animal or bestial psychological enemies within). The mark of the beast is the sign on the forehead of Kain (the animal mind)!

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