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Looking for resources on the darker sides of magick and mysticism. Spooky rituals, skulls, all that neat stuff.

I've been reading about the Aghori, so naturally I'm fascinated.



>inb4 someone posts "Nocturnal Wicca" or whatever that cringey book is called


Do qabalah


There is a reason that shit is called dark magic. If you are interested at all in any left hand path shit.. sure read up on it.. get informed… Do not fucking try any of it. If you feel the need to not heed this warning, at least read everything you fucking can on what ever ritual you are interested in. Not just a couple of websites search everywhere until you can not find any more information on it. One of the things that you can count on with the left hand path horse shit is that they never go too deeply into what consequences could arise from performing their rituals. Most people are aware that there is an EGO and an ID, but they are usually not aware of how deep the metaphors go, how none of the esoterics can be spoken of in anything but metaphor or the fact that everything occurs in 3's and that includes the EGO and ID, because there also exists an IT, and if you approach IT with a flawed mind you will fucking destroy yourself.



>what is super ego


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While I respect your opinion, I believe it comes from a modern (speaking relatively) semitic or neopagan perspective, which is from my experience, more about repression rather than natural order. They Aghori seem to be trotting along nicely, not that I would want to do what they do.

Anyway, I'm just looking for interesting reading material on the dark arts. I'm inheretly lazy, so I won't be juggling skulls and shooting fireballs any time soon.


search for thai(and chinese) dark magic, thats the darkest it gets

those hindu bros you are talking are intense too, tibetans are mad shit aswell




Are ladyboys magical? I have long suspected this but I can't find comprehensive info on thai magic. Perhaps you can tell me where to start looking.


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What stuff on Aghoris have you read? Svoboda's trilogy?



Second the request for thai occult reading material, I know they're pretty dope.



If darkness = ignorance, why would you want your magick to be dark? Wouldn't that just be mundane shit, or demiurge worship/idolatry? At best it sounds like driving blindfolded.


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>If darkness = ignorance

I'm pretty sure OP wasn't speaking from this paradigm.

OP mentioned Aghoris, and Aghoris do some pretty dark stuff, but they do not do it ignorantly. Everything, both light and dark, good and bad are only manifestations of consciousness, they are non-different but they present a semblance of difference to us, living in a dualistic world. Behind them there is only emptiness of supreme consciousness. Aghoris take this philosophy to it's logical conclusion. In the same way - taboo breaking and indulgance in violence and darkness can have a liberating effect, if undertaken with a correct view of these practices - a view that everything that is, is Shiva.



My man. Now we're talking.


Interested as well, I have no clue what I would do with it though.


>You're wrong to seek dark knowledge! Surrender to fear and ignorance!

Ignore this kind of thinking OP.

The most interesting thing about Aghoris is that they believe that everything is perfect . Truly uniting your behaviors with this idea will ruin your life in the civilized world. Looking at a child being raped by a nigger and saying "this is a part of perfection", will jolt the minds of NPCs too harshly; they will react with fear and, as a result, physical violence. Where the Aghoris fall short is where most of the Eastern sects fall short: aspiring to emptiness and peace is not true asceticism. Transcendental anger is the purest path to a breakthrough into the surrounding perfection.. but, if flawed, the surrounding vacuum states. You don't want to spend much time in the latter. And you don't want to bring the latter back with you.

My advice to you OP, if you are interested in the path of the sorceror and not the new age hippie, is to experiment with anger. Learn to tame your anger. Not by quelling it, but by allowing it to completely consume you. Lock yourself in your room and learn to let anger into your mind and heart. This anger should be pure. Not anger at your own foibles or injustices. This should be anger at the very atoms of the universe. Anger at the laws that govern Creation. Anger at God. I want to say more, but there are secrets that I cannot divulge here.

Leave an email and I'll give tips for money .


"karma isn't real" yet all these meathead murderer psychopaths who went to kill people for CIA / Mossad terrorists oil profits come back and are in hell then kill themselves. PTSD is fucking badass.

Let's do some math

"OMG an American student was shot this is a tragedy!" + "Haha a foreign student was shot this isn't a tragedy because I get to select when murder is evil" = zero integrity = I jerk off to your pain



Depends on the ladyboy but the chance of one of them being magical is high compared to any randomly-selected male or female. Sexual magic involving them yields better results than anything else I've seen in that field, to the extent that I am honestly wary of performing it with anyone else.

>b-b-but d-d-degeneracy

b-b-but r-r-results



Hmm. This sounds like an interesting practice that I hadn't considered. I don't yet know about it being a more direct path, but the mechanics of it seem sound. I'll have to give it a shot and report back, thanks anon.


I see gnostics here, well there is this thing called Anti-cosmic satanism or current 218

it's basically dark gnosis, the natural order is your enemy, yahweh is the demiugrge, satan is the rebel that leads the awakened ones (fireborn) against the material world and it's minions (clayborn) you work with the anti-cosmic gods (chaos gods) to bring down the demiurge and his creation.

this involves dark magick rituals.

you hate everything and you use that hate to energize the forces that will bring about the end of reality.


1. Genesis

In the beginning, there was nothing but the energy of Chaos. Absu and Tiamat slept, and dreamed their darkest dreams. And all was good until their dark dreams began to spawn the cosmic gods. Tiamat and Absu were disgusted by these abominations. Their wailing disturbed Tiamat’s and Absu’s sleep. Absu and Tiamat agreed that these worthless abominations must be destroyed.

Enki, the self-proclaimed leader of the cosmic gods, formulated a most evil plan: he would kill Absu to protect himself. Enki proceeded to trick Absu, which resulted in the death of Absu. Upon hearing what happened to Absu, Tiamat was in a rage. She prepared for war against these useless gods. She created an army of ferocious demons to battle the worthless gods.

The anti-cosmic gods were spawned from the force of Chaos itself to assist in the battle. In the meantime, Enki made love to his wh*re, and his son Marduk was born. They named the birthplace of Marduk the Temple of Absu, an ultimate blasphemy to Absu himself. Marduk became the leader of the cosmic gods. Kingu, a top-ranking demon of Tiamat, was captured and imprisoned by Marduk and his forces. Marduk, being a power-hungry wh*re, decided to confront Tiamat. He sliced her in half, and from one half he created Heaven (his kingdom), and with the other half, he created the Earth. Marduk needed a creation to rule over to satisfy his thirst for power. He decided to create man. But in order top do that, he needed the blood of a god, and none of the cosmic gods were brave enough to sacrifice themselves. They debated about what to do, and finally decided on a plan: they would kill Kingu.

Marduk mixed Kingu’s red blood with the red clay, and man was born. What Marduk did not realize was that because humans had the blood of Kingu, they would eventually turn against him. And the anti-cosmic gods had one more trick up their sleeve: Satan. Satan was spawned from Chaos to counter the creation of the Earth and man, and he soon became the leader of the anti-cosmic gods.


2. Life on Earth

Man began to evolve on Earth. Civilizations were spawned, and great inventions were made. Marduk took on a new identity: The Demiurge. He presented himself in many different ways to many different cultures. He was known as Marduk by the Sumerians, Ra by the Egyptians, Yahweh by the Israelites, Zeus by the Greeks, etc. His one demand was total compliance and worship. The Demiurge was pleased with his creation, and was pleased that they were following him like sheep.

As time went on, some began to drift away from worshipping the Demiurge. They began to question his existence. These people were labeled as “heretics” and were shunned and persecuted. Some even began to worship Satan, who was there to fight the Demiurge. Satan appeared before many people, and had many names: Typhon, Ahriman, Set, Loki, Samael, etc. The Demiurge made sure that Satan was vilified in every religion, in hope of making humanity fear what was considered to be “evil”. The Demiurge had one goal: to keep his people blind and ignorant so that they will follow him.

Satan has one goal: to avenge the death of Kingu by destroying the Demiurge. Because humans had the blood of Kingu, they would slowly turn against the Demiurge. Satan was there to speed up the process. Satan would awaken their black flames, the very flames that the Demiurge tired to extinguish. The flames that would make men onto gods.

The black flame is the product of Kingu’s blood. It is the “divine spark” that is in man. The Demiurge seeks to extinguish it, to keep men from becoming gods. Satan offers to rekindle the black flame, making man into god. Man is faced with a decision: side with Satan and become a god, or side with the Demiurge and be limited by the constraints of the cosmos. Those that side with the Demiurge in the end times will be destroyed along with the foolish Demiurge.


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3. The Laws

The Demiurge made many foolish laws, while Satan only has one law, which is total lawlessness. A Satanist spits at the laws of the Demiurge and the laws of men. He is above such things.

While there are no strict laws a Satanist must follow, there are some guidelines that will lead to a better life on Earth. They are as follows:

1. Do unto others as they do unto you. If a man strikes you on the cheek, destroy him. If a person shows you love, show them love.

2. Mercy is for the weak masses. Show no mercy towards your enemies. May your hatred towards them burn as bright as a thousand suns.

3. Practice indulgence, but not compulsion. Abstinence leads to misery, but so does over-indulgence.

4. The strong must use terror to make themselves heard over the waling of the inferior majority.

5. Make war for the sake of war, for combat separates the sheep from the wolves.

6. Know thyself. Self knowledge is the key to perfection.

7. The weak masses are trapped by morality. The Satanist is beyond such constructs.

8. The Satanist should strive to create a fascist society in which the strong rule over the weak. Communism and Socialism must be fought, as they seek to have everyone wallow in mediocrity. Might is right.

9. The Satanist should be prepared to sacrifice his own life if necessary to hasten the return of the dark gods.

10. Weakness must never be tolerated. Annihilate the weak!

11. In order to have chaos, there first must be order.

12. Honor the anti-cosmic gods

13. If someone is bothering you, ask them to stop. If they persist, annihilate them.

14. Pursue undefiled wisdom, and flee from self-deceit. Be one that will receive the burning rays of gnosis.


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4. The Gods

The cosmic gods are worthless abominations that must be destroyed. They disrupted the flow of Chaos and disturbed Tiamat and Absu. The Demiurge (Marduk) created humans to be his slaves. Humans are bound to the shackles of the cosmos for all eternity, damned to a life of servitude. The burning path of Satanism offers freedom for this miserable existence.

The anti-cosmic gods are as follows:




Lucifuge Rofocale








As you can clearly see, the anti-cosmic gods outnumber the cosmic gods. This puts “evil” at an advantage. Satan is the leader of the anti-cosmic gods, and was spawned from the raging chaos itself. The anti-cosmic gods unite to form Azerate, the eleven-headed dragon of Chaos, the one that burns holes in the universe itself so that Chaos may flood through. Azerate and the raging Chaos shall vanquish the useless cosmic gods, and the Ancient Ones (beings that predate time itself) shall rip the Earth in two.


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5. The Ancient Ones

The Ancient Ones are primal beings from the first creation. They loathe the filthy cosmic gods. The Ancient Ones weald unrefined power in its’ original and chaotic state, and they are the beginning and the end. They eternally desire to bring the outside into the inside and cause existential decompression, causing catastrophic results for materialization and form. In other words, bringing forth the original chaos. They will destroy the Demiurge’s worthless creation, and spare those that have their black flame ignited. The Ancient Ones desire to unify with Tiamat, and will end this existence. A new dark aeon will be begin, as all returns to primordial nothingness. Chaos will reign supreme. All that dare oppose the Ancient Ones shall be destroyed. There is no stopping them or controlling them.


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6. The Satanic Creed

To be a Satanist, one must swear themselves to the anti-cosmic gods, and to their brothers and sisters. The Satanic creed is as follows:

I acknowledge Satan as my king, father, and god. I will swear myself to the anti-cosmic gods.

I believe in the truth that is beyond all forms, and I believe the wisdom that shall destroy all lies.

I realize that there is a battle between Chaos and order, and I realize my part in the battle.

I believe in Chaos, the origin and end of all things, and declare Satan as the outer aspect of my inner might.

I look forward to the dissolution of the cosmic order and the beginning of a new dark aeon.

I believe in power without end, and will sacrifice all upon the bloodstained altar to the dark gods.

I praise the dark gods with my heart and soul, and I await the final battle and the victory that will come.

Hail Tiamat! Hail Satan! Hail Chaos!


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7. The Satanic Statements

One violent action speaks louder than one thousand words. Do not say, do. Do what you must to get your point across.

Only the subhuman majority is limited by morality. Morality is a human construct, and is relative, not universal. Do what thou wilt.

Only the inferior submit to social norms and the status quo. Be bold, walk your own path. Satanism is about crossing boundaries and moral limitations.

Your enemies do not deserve mercy. Showing them forgiveness will only lead to them taking advantage of you, and eventually destroying you. Kill them before they kill you. Make yourself a terror to your adversary.

All of the so-called sins lead to true happiness. Do not be constrained by the human construct that is morality. All things human are flawed, and that includes morality.

Annihilate every lie you come across. The most dangerous lie is the sanctified lie: the lie that everyone believes to be the model truth. Do what you must to silence liars and the lies they preach.

There exists one lie that is the absolute worst. A lie that has successfully infiltrated many of the Western governments. This lie is Christianity, and it must be fought in every way, shape and form. Burn the churches and kill the priests. The abomination that is Christianity must be wiped from this Earth.

Love is for those that deserve it, and is not to be wasted on worthless ingrates. Loving your enemy only places you at their mercy.

If given a blow, retaliate a hundred-fold! Make the aggressor sorry that they ever bothered you.

There is no Heaven, and there is no Hell. Earth is the tormented that we are subjected to. If you can survive and Earth and rekindle your black flame, you shall become one with the anti-cosmic gods.

The light of Lucifer shall appear as darkness to the blind.

Your will is your law, and all transgressions must be responded to with sardonic wrath.

Do not kill for freedom while on Earth, but kill for tyranny and control.


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8. Magick

Magick is the will to create change in the environment by manipulating the flow

of energy. There is no “white” or “black” magick. Magick is magick, and can be used to hurt or heal. The self-proclaimed “white magicians” are nothing more than self-righteous, hypocritical cretins. They claim that they only use magick for altruistic purposes. One practices magick for self-gain, not to help others and be “good”. It is natural to want to do things for self-gain. Your natural desires should not be ignored.

Many claim that “black” magick is used for harm and for self-gain, while “white” magick is used for unselfish purposes. A true magician is not bound by any limits or morality. His will is his own law.

“White” magicians place themselves in a pentagram during ceremonies to protect themselves from “evil” forces, the very forces they are calling upon for help. To the Satanist, this is hypocritical. It is hypocritical to call on these forces for help, and then to protect yourself from the very powers you have invoked.

A Satanist does not join hands and dance around in a special happy circle. A Satanist does not light different colored candles for different wishes. A Satanist does not call out to the “father, son, and holy spirit”, and a Satanist does not pick a “saint” for personal guidance. Such things are reserved for hypocritical, “fluff”-obsessed Neo-pagans. If you cannot divorce yourself from hypocrisy, you will never be a Satanist. Instead, you will be left to wallow in mediocrity. Magick is a tool of the sinister elite, and is not meant to be used by the masses. Magick is not “fluffy”, “happy” garbage, it is a powerful tool that will give the magician the ability to achieve greatness.


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9. Attera Totus Sanctus

Here me now, for I am the great accuser. I accuse Christianity of being a cancer, a curse, blight upon the human race. It is one of the few immortal abominations to exist! Christianity preaches weakness and self-deceit, both of which lead to death! I hereupon deny god and his Christ, and I blaspheme the vile, rotten holy spirit!

Jesus represents failure, weakness, and incompetence. Humanity took a frail, weak man on a stick and turned him into a god, a god that promised to “save” us, but failed. Has Jesus returned? No, he has not. And he never will. If, by some fluke of nature, the King of Jews does return, we shall crucify the bastard again! I curse and defile his disgusting name!

Pazuzu, strike the followers of Yahweh with disease! Hail Pazuzu! Leviathan, swallow them whole! Tohu Tehom Theli Than Leviathan Tanin'iver Taninsam! Azerate. Destroy the accursed cosmic gods for all eternity! Vedal-gal teikals somdus Azerate! Lucifer, pour thy redeeming wrath upon us! Purify us with your holy flames! Oh Infernal Lord, vanquish the lie of Christ once and for all! Lylusay Tateros Volt Sids Lucifer!


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10. Pseudo-Satanism

There are many radically different forms of Satanism, most of which are false.

The two most well-known types of Satanism (LaVeyan and Setianism) are also the two most incorrect versions of Satanism.

LaVeyan Satanism is false for many reasons: it’s a humanistic offshoot of Atheism, and is really just Ayn Rand and Nietzsche dressed up in spooky clothing. LaVey’s rituals are simply done for theatrical effect, and do not actually work. The only thing that they may do is resolve conflicts in the magician’s psyche. Nothing more.

LaVey made a few critical errors in his works. He uses Marduk as one of the infernal names, when Marduk is the name of the Demiurge himself! He uses the word “Shemhamforash” in his rituals, which is calling upon the name of god. LaVey was a hypocrite, as he said a Satanist should never call upon the name of god in a Satanic ritual.

In LaVey’s “Invocation to Satan”, he focuses on the forces of darkness rather than Satan himself. He also claims that Lucifer and Satan are separate beings, which is absolutely false.

Setianism is slightly more intelligent than LaVeyan Satanism, but it is not without several errors. Its’ biggest error is that it is trying to make Satan into something harmless and easily accepted, in hopes of becoming a major religion. Satan is not harmless. Satan is the god of the dark light and raging Chaos! Satanism isn’t for the masses, it’s for the elite few that have the will to break through the shackles of the cosmos and receive gnosis. Well, at least Michael Aquino had a better idea of what he was talking about than LaVey.

There are a few men that got Satanism right, three of those men are Michael Ford (author of several books), Jon Nodtveidt (musician), and Frater Nemidal (grandmaster of the Misanthropic Luciferian Order, and author of the Liber Azerate).

11. The End Times

Everything that has a beginning has an end. All will return to it’s primordial nothingness, and Chaos will surge. The Ancient Ones shall rend the Earth into pieces and mercilessly slaughter the followers of Yahweh.

The blind dragon Tanin’iver will be awakened and shall ascend through the gates until his eye opens in the Ajna sphere (also known as Abbadon). When he regains his sight through gnosis of the black light, he unites Lilith (below) with Satan (above), and concentrates the nightside forces and thus manifests Azerate. The cosmic gods will then be destroyed along with the universe, and a new dawn shall begin.


How stupid, to praise strength while worshipping the gods who lost, and to demand that one do as thou wilt only so long as they will as some system. When you craft a story, next time be sure to win.


Isnt there a lot of dark stuff Pagans used to do?

I know the Druids burned people in big wicker baskets or something.



This is your first post here. Let it also be your last.



>10 posts of LaVey tier shit

>shit talks LaVeycucks

pls just ignore this larp.


Skulls are good OP, you need skulls to live.



Look up Kali cultists. They're into some fucked ups hit.


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Jealousy. Rage. Envy. Hate.

Envy is supposed to be a pretty powerful dark energy.

Duplicitous undermining of someone while you pose as their friend or at the very least as non-threatening.

Pretty much any negative energy hidden from view is dark magic.

Ritual should refine and direct the energy. Base cultures where there is still a lot of primal emotion would be good sources for inspiration.

Hollowed out, empty core. Cannibalism, mutilation. Destruction of being. Very bad long term karmic repercussions. Many lifetimes of just bad fucked up shit happening to you and around you.

If you direct bad energy towards someone and they decide to not accept it, something bad is going to happen to you or someone around you. We are all connected on some level so there are varying degrees of acceptance and agreement with what we go through/send and accept.

Fear is one of the tools used to create an acceptance. Sometimes just giving or receiving a gift is enough to 'bridge the gap' in essence.

But its all larping.All ritual is larp. And the better you are at immersing yourself in the larp, the more successful your ritual will be.

The topic that should always follow one on dark magic is the topic of protection. Inevitably your going to start a magical slap fight with some other dark mage with a closet full of black candles and hand written tomes full of bad emo poetry.



>The topic that should always follow one on dark magic is the topic of protection. Inevitably your going to start a magical slap fight with some other dark mage with a closet full of black candles and hand written tomes full of bad emo poetry.

Shit, I was feeling bad until I read this and laughed, now my sacrifice to Satan is ruined!


Why not completely establish yourself, like paid off house, a skill/trade, be reasonable, then once you are there fuck up people who try to fuck with your shit, and if people betray you then it wont matter because you will be set?

There is no point in gambling with evil games when there are long boring paths that give you a decent life.

The NSA/cops/CIA won. You can't just slide under the radar doing crimes anymore. Even if somebody you are doing crimes to is a criminal, they have money for lawyers. This generation is being held to a different standard.

Seriously, you ain't getting fucking anything done. There's a very good reason everyone just bowed to the new world order. Us military dominated everything, city of London has finances down, NSA has surveilence, cops can kill unarmed people, everyone on Earth has a microchip cell phone, the Jews have media/entertainment for psyops and mind control, sport ball leagues are the colleseums,

Seriously, what is your plan? I would love some competition to ensure that these people don't just get comfy and corrupt like they always do, but that's not coming. Be evil by living independently and for yourself, and getting more done than fucktarded zombies. Everyone will envy you eventually and that will hurt them.



greatly unlikely. the events that have happened recently point to the contrary. (((they))) are dead. the mayan transition period of 2012-2017 is over. WE the Sovereign and Free and Divine Beings have won.



I don't think it will be over until the reset. Same way everything was shut down and reset about 10,000 b.c.

Previous >>118146

is right about getting completely established. This wold system is designed to fuck with people.

At the same time there is also guidance and assistance available from above.

You can operate on the periphery in this system, but there is always going to be pressure. Always someone or something trying to jack with you.

The best approach in my opinion is to try not to take any of it too seriously. Its theater wrapped in theater. A movie inside a dream.



Look thereupon and know it for rot, the product of apathy and weakness.

Life is the darkest magic. Wither and die if that is your choice, fucking LARPers. Those who would wank off to self destructive ends are not fit to survive.

In the Christian Bible it says that "The last shall be first" and fools imagine they'll be at the front of the parade. Do you not understand this as the greatest darkness? The enlightened know them as cannon fodder in the greatest war we'll ever fight, where only the strong will survive.

Ready yourselves you fucking weaklings. Your time draws nigh, we're all in this together against a foe more insidious than chaotic darkness itself. Life eats chaos and death to prune weaklings obsessed with "dark" arts.

To become enlightened is to know the void has you. Either become selfish and thus easily picked off, or self destructive and thus a waste of flesh, or a warrior of doom to be feared by all that scurry about in the shadows.

ITT: Ignorance of the highest degree.



>theater wrapped in theater

>movie inside a dream

that's what it is, as i see it. this reality is an hyperholographic learning matrix.

a kind wizard once told me to stop being so gung-ho (worried) about life's issues, and walk while smelling the flowers. (in other words, progress while also chilling if you need it, and always progressing)



Ultralarp II: Larper's Revenge



Prove this baseless assumption.



Prove that a guy who spouts shit like "ready yourselves, you fucking weaklings" and goes on tirades about some final battle (buddy we know that's a false light trap) is larping? That's like asking me to prove that fish swim in water. I use my +2 wand of baleful shitposting against your larping ass.




faggots. Dredge deeper. Black shit is meant to be dredged and worked and toiled until you dig up everything it has to offer, which happens for only as long as you toil, and only as much as you can get out of it in any single moment.

The warrior shit isn't wrong. That guy is still a faggot. Train harder, berserk, be brutal, cross all voids, weather all storms, surpass your own limitations… it's directly related to your effort. Black is Will. Black power is Will power. That's the symbolism at least.

That's all the darker side you need OP. Kinetic Prowess. One step less edge than that is Physical Prowess. It's the red to the kinetic black. Motion itself, then Material.



Well your knowledge on satanism is fascinating and i'd love to know which are the Cosmic Gods?

As in

most well educated people can talk for hours about the hundred iddentities of chaotic being but i rarely see someone listing the 'good' gods



Itt: dark magic edgelords



Psychopaths don't get PTSD.



Listen to this one; psychopaths, sociopaths, and narcissists are our fated enemies. Beware of the unholy trio. Fight against them.


File: 2ec4674a3bc30aa⋯.png (37.2 KB, 356x339, 356:339, the-dark-triad.png)



What you mean is the Dark Triad.



A psychopath is a broken sociopath. Sociopaths usually don't go around killing people, they function as vampires. "The Dark Triad," the specific name, escaped my mind. Thanks for the reminder.


So, any PDFs on chinese dark magic or whatever's dark enough to fit OP's criteria?



The Grand Grimoire: The Red Dragon - ISBN# 978-1506186016

The Testament Of Solomon - ISBN# 978-1516890552



The Book of Smokeless Fire - ISBN# 9780998708102

Jinn Magick: How to Bind the Jinn to do Your Bidding - ISBN# 9781519118752

The Picatrix Liber Atratus Edition - ISBN# 9781257767854



So much Abrahamism




The cosmic gods are the archons. Ever the The Matrix? The agents and the people they work for. And whatever's above that.

The text posted above wasn't originally from the guy who reposted it; it was written by someone involved with Current 218 back when it was being reforumlated as Temple of the Black Light (I believe).

Most of it is basically correct, but.


>Why not completely establish yourself, like paid off house, a skill/trade, be reasonable, then once you are there fuck up people who try to fuck with your shit, and if people betray you then it wont matter because you will be set?

That's not bad in and of itself, but the real problem with that is (1) I want enlightenment and knowledge more than material things and (2) those people took everything I ever loved and hoped for, and they're not going to sit back and enjoy it while I build a shitty life devoid of everything I wanted over in the corner - if they want me to shut up and be happy, they can bribe me for it, but fuck threats; I'm too miserable to scare.

>There's a very good reason everyone just bowed to the new world order. Us military dominated everything, city of London has finances down, NSA has surveilence, cops can kill unarmed people, everyone on Earth has a microchip cell phone, the Jews have media/entertainment for psyops and mind control,

You're a faggot. Your defeatist attitude and its contagious nature are the only reason those fucktards have any power left at all.

And, no, I don't think they're going to win; at least, not against those who strive for spiritual practice, evolution, and survival.


I don't think we're out of the woods yet. The big fight is still on the horizon. Maybe it won't be as massive as some predict, and maybe it'll be everything and more, but nobody has won just yet.





You are a flaming homosexual, and I'm not buying whatever bullshit you're trying to push.

Have a "dark art" fetish is fine and good, but the ultimate point is to develop strength, willpower, and develop a certain type of Gnosis. See this post:


>The blind dragon Tanin’iver will be awakened and shall ascend through the gates until his eye opens in the Ajna sphere (also known as Abbadon). When he regains his sight through gnosis of the black light, he unites Lilith (below) with Satan (above), and concentrates the nightside forces and thus manifests Azerate. The cosmic gods will then be destroyed along with the universe, and a new dawn shall begin.

That's the point. It's an alchemical formula. Nothing more, nothing less.

You're probably a typical Pete Carroll fanboy. Blow me.



Bumping for more spooky stuff

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