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Tipp's Fringe Bunker

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Is there any scientific literature or documents out there that prove homeopathy to be an effective form of medicine and immunization?


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Google motherfucker. Have you heard of it?

>Please hold my fucking hand and walk me paintstakingly through shit any fucking 12 year old with even an iota of a sense of what critical thinking could do with 30 minutes of free time and a fucking dial up internet connection.



Homeopathy runs contrary to mainstream theories of chemistry and biology.

Doesn't mean it doesn't work.


homeopathy, by and large is absolute bullshit.

i tell you though, they could cure allergies 100% if they started people with a homeopathic dose of the allergen, gradually increasing it over a long period under medical supervision to reverse anaphylaxis if it occurs.



>they could cure allergies 100%

exposure to an allergen, in many cases, can actually increase the immune response


anon is probably having trouble finding any info bc its complete and utter bullshit


>Doesn't mean it doesn't work

it means there's not reason to believe it works. have been any double-blind studies that have shown efficacy > placebo? …because iirc the answer is no


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>Homeopathy runs contrary to mainstream theories of chemistry and biology.

>Doesn't mean it works.


I tried a similar remedy, Bach flowers, for a couple of months, and it did not deliver anything of what it promised.

And I'm saying this as somebody who firmly opposes biomedicine and any philosophy that advocates separated treatments for body and mind



There is a reason people ask here instead of google. When you google all you get is biased, currupted new age-ridden marketing bullshit and never know if the info is any good. It mostly isn't

Here people at least can expect some legit, more honest answer from fellow wizards. I'll ask here first any time before bothering with google


Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaahahahahahaha some stupid "vet" who went to kill civilians for oil is now paralyzed hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaahahahahahaha a he is in hell forever because karma is real ahshajahahahahahahahahahahahshahahshshshahshshshshshshshshshshshahshshshshshshshshshshshshshshshahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahs

Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaahahahahahaha some cop who let's select sweaty italian men that they want to fuck sell coke and use pizza shops as fronts just got shot! Holy fuck hes dead now hahahahahahahH his family of psychopaths who enabled him is now depressed as fuck hahahahahahahahahahahaha awww little baby snowflakes crying because daddy is dead? Grow up weak faggots. Nobody gets to decide whose pain is Important and whose isn't.



Are you shizo or something?



That's not how you use "snowflake" you fucking redditor. "Snowflake" implies a person who thinks of himself as special and unique, like a snowflake, because all snowflakes are all different.

It's does not mean an easily offended or triggered person.

I hate you people. Stop using the internet. Stop using language, you can't even use words properly. Learn what it means before using it.

This is something babies do, they realize words have meanings, and adapts their usage of the word to fit that meaning. Are you telling me you are below the level of a baby? Well?



do you seriously think that this schizo cares about proper use of words? He doesn't understand the meaning behind his words, I doubt he even realizes that he is the one typing them.



Yeah, it's virusanon, he shows up from time to time. He's a schizophrenic mundane or else an overdedicated shitposter, nothing to be concerned about.


I just love how no one helped OP


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