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Tipp's Fringe Bunker

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So i took Chelation powder called EDTA a couple months ago, because I apparently build up heavy metal toxicity easily, and now i have severe paychosis, worse than ever before.

What do i do? I dont want to take meds. ;__; either i have yeast infection of the edta fucked my body up even more



intention the infection dissolving.



Make a sigil that represents healing yourself and pour all of your energy into it. For an extra energy boost, imagine to yourself that if you fail you will die, so the anxiety and fears kicks in too. Then simply sign it with blood and burn it. Forget everything involving the ritual too. Hopefully it helps.


try taking chlorella and spirulina for heavy metal detox maybe


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>yeast infection

Stop eating bready/yeasty glutenous foods and it is for your own betterment not for restoration.

Take herbs and spices. Cinnamon, Curry mix, Chilli, etc. and eat raw fruits or leafy vegg too.

Throw away cats if you already have them. Toxoplasmosis infection is the major cause of schizophrenia pic related is an artist obsessed with cats until he'd slowly developed shizophrenia when infected. Make sure your house don't have rats too or poultry (if you don't have a cat to prey on rats!) and don't let cats or rats use or feed on your utensils/plates/drinking glass.

The main problem is cats are carrier of many bacteria and other kinds of viral infection for going anywhere so it'd be better to have dogs instead as long as you can keep dogs clean (they can't wash themselves unlike cats).


Remember to go with the nature's way first! Onion, cilantro, and garlic.



>paper sigil and burned

this is legit

>extra boost

first time I heard of it, thanks.

my method for healing is I visualize an orb for healing, channel energy into it everytime I meditate then break that orb in case I really need it. The problem is it will make you feel very lethargic.

If it's not life-death situation I wouldn't dabble to greater sigil although OP's problem should be valid enough.


It's possible you did some serious harm to yourself, improper use of chelating agents can cause serious neurodevelopmental issues. Frankly I'd say go to a doctor.


Red meat 3x a day

Niacin, the flushing kind. Enough to make you flush, at least once a day.

Distilled water, chug that shit.

Piracetam or any other nootropic similar.


A glass of decent quality vodka once a day, accompanied with a prayer to a saint of your choice.

That should get you grounded.

Avoid leafy greens in large quantities, pork, chicken, hamster, dog, as well. Racoon and bobcat are ok. Bear meat is even better but hard to come by.

No fruit. Pretty much avoid sugar altogether if you can.

Curious as to why you believe you build up heavy metal toxicity. This kind of belief is usually a sign of some other deep problem not being faced. People start talking about "toxins" in their bodies as a way of generalizing usually some self destructive behavior they refuse to identify and correct.

Just remember the red meat, niacin, and vodka and you should be good in a couple of months.



I should of added the following to that post:

Tumeric, alot.

Cayenne, some.

Vitamin C, at least 2-3 grams 3x day.



Because I had professional testing done and I accumulate toxins easily. I also have leaky gut and bbb issues.

Do you think autists are just self-destructive “just because”?


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>Do you think autists are just self-destructive “just because”?

I think people create health problems because they have unresolved issues they are incapable of facing directly.

Shit happens and said shit gets submerged into the subconscious so the conscious can continue to navigate the day to day complexities of dealing with survival.

It's all the shadow stuff that ultimately makes people sick. Address the shadow.

Meanwhile your body is physical, based in this world, biological. Give it meat. The vodka will help dull your sensitivities so the body and adjust back to being the dynamic animal that it is.


When you detox from certain things aka heavy metal toxicity, the metals are still in your body, they are just dislodged by watever chemical detoxes you, and then are removed by the body normally. The removal process isnt super fast, and the metals will actually affect you more in this aggravated state, compared to them being stored in fatty tissue etc.

I say your best, and probably only option is to wait it out, drink lots of water, and eat lots of fibre



the sigil is a good choice but adding so many conditions is not good at all. you are signing a needless contract with yourself instead of leaving the symbolic pattern with energy alone to do its work.




i differenciate between false autism and true autism (including aspergers)

false autism is caused by mercury and aluminium, specially in vaccines.

this condition is removed very easily by simple detoxifications.

true autism is a spiritual "change" it's not necessarily negative. it's caused by "flaws" on the spiritual DNA of the soul. imo, it is harder to fix than false autism (although since we are Sovereign, Divine and Free Beings, creators and observators [at once] of our Reality, it is certainly easy).

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