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Tipp's Fringe Bunker

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I am thoth and these are my stories.


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Once there was supposedly a douche bag renegade angel who rebelled against god because of love. He thought god in what ever book was just a mismass of guys with over inflated egos and too much money. trying to manipulate people. he wasn't really rebelling he knew he couldn't do anything about it he even went as far as too take his role too seriously because he got trolled into it. His idea was if people banded together on something they liked maybe they could help each other.


By some weird twist of fate he ended up in some Mongolian fly fishing board and he saw something strange. some mad man was making vague and mysterious threats but against who and why? eventually he came to the conclusion it was over nothing just weirdos being weird. He did like the idea of magic though, he wondered what was possible with it.


He read a couple of books and it seem the key was the dreams. once you unlocked your dreams you unlocked the rest. So he figured a succubus would be a great start. Dream girl dream world discover your hidden potential and be the best version of you that you could be. simple right? seems so but how did one go about contacting demons?


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>Once there was supposedly a douche bag renegade angel

False. In the physical world, there's no known historical account in human history depicting an angel of non-physical appearance that rebels against an imaginary all-force known as god.

>Mongolian fly fishing board

Sure bud.

>contacting demons

You don't have to. Why ask demons for abilities you already have?

Since arrogance and ignorance yet again prevails in these spam/shill-esque threads, you are now given the opportunity to hear the truth.

The bible is not a historical account of human events that involves gods, heavens, angels and demons. Religion was a fundamental attempt at trying to understand human nature/psychology and the root of evil in the world. Judaism being the most metaphorical part of the cannon book series, speaks of characters and people that exhibit certain human behavior. By learning from the moral of these old stories, man had the chance to surpass his carnivorous, mammal and cruel behavioral habits that lead to death and suffering in the world.

It is possible that rabbi Yashua (if he ever existed), might have discovered the same universal truth as Buddha did, so he interpreted the old testament and tried to teach people of god's power through the use of Moses' original laws and mentions from the old books. To interpret the old or new testament as historical, accurate and non-fictitious, leads to fan club following behavior we are quite familiar with today thanks to anime.

Since it was unthinkable to tell people that they are literally the son of the devil and that the devil resides within their own mind, they used parables and fictional stories of the heavens to try and externalize the problems that they should really have internalized in order to defeat themselves. So hereby follows some truthful explanations of who is who:

Satan is the voice in the mind, the one that doubts, the one that tricks people into believing he is them. Being schizophrenic and listening to a voice inside the head is the majority of this world's people. They are followers of Satan, desire and emotional rationality.

Lucifer is a metaphor for the common man. By trying to steal the light of god, he fell through hubris to Satan's realm (fear, psychosis, guilt, shame, lies, deceit, murdering, stealing, etc.). Icarus also burned his wings flying too close to the sun.

Jesus is a metaphor for common man perfected. Thus Jesus and Lucifer share the same nickname several times in the holy books as the "morning star". These refer to two different states of man: man of Satan and man of God.


God, absence of Satan, absence of doubt and full faith in self realized abilities and powers. The individual uses the power of creation to manifest and implement a life for a god, thus the kingdom of heaven is readily available. Men of god doesn't need religion, know when people lie, and does not waste time on lower desire.

If you want to find Satan, you just have to ask yourself: "Who am I?"

The one who answers that question is not you.


Religion is mass psychosis. God wasn't real. The devil was behind your eyes this whole time. And where you find the devil is where you will find god, for: God created the devil.

Awaken thou god-man, for you have been deceived since the day you were insulted by the evil of this world. Forgive yourself, forgive your enemies, god forgives. Listen when people speak, speak so that you may be heard, god hears. Out of suffering comes stamina, stamina gives patience, patience gives knowledge, knowledge gives wisdom. To avoid suffering gives suffering. To conquer suffering gives wisdom of truth. So heed this one simple technique that will aid in your pursuits:

Sit down and do not move.

Focus on your breath and heart.

When it gets uncomfortable to remain seated, that is when the meditation starts.



I want to hear his story, not your useless trash lies. Fucking idiot.


What happened, Thoth ol pal?



What's with the thoth mantra and the third eye? Is it really effective?



At every opportunity, no matter how little it has to do with you and your cult-like believes, you think you have to make everything about them.

Your understanding is only of the ego you call satan, not of the other parts of the psyche. That's why it controls you so much, that's why you are so obsessed with it and that's why you are controlled by it, even if you might think you are without it.

I look ab your absence of doubt and see absence of humbleness, thinking your truth is the only truth. Everyone who disagrees must be a spammer or a shill.

Face ALL of yourself. Until you can do that, kindly fuck off, Mossa. You're not helping people by dragging them down with you into your bog of narrow mindedness, even if you aquire some newfriends who are so controlled by your ego that they might believe otherwise.


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He read some more books and the only conclusion was that they existed in various forms around the world and they come in the night. Other then that not much was known about personalities wise or where they came from. In recent years they seemed to adopted the vampire motiff and not much was known after that. He didnt buy into the stuff about them talking your soul in his mind they were still girls. If any thing slightly more fun. you get to do the things in dreams that you normally wouldn't get to do in real life.


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

AFAIK, and this may very well be bullshit but who cares, at least I'm being honest about it:

Thoth was the King of Atlantis, and though his motives weren't exactly pure they could have been worse. He went against the will of the demiurge and shit went so out of the demiurges control that it sent a fucking meteor to wipe the clate clean, but he had backup plans. Part of the Atlantis collective decided to not take the spiritual path and just accept your fate but instead literally gun down the goddamn meteor. Plot twist: Thoth was actually against this and so was the majority so instead those who wanted to fight fate went with plan B which, surprise surprise, was also the demiurges plan B. They wanted to escape via portal, but they fucked up and instead it went to, basically and practically, hell. The portal obviously caused a massive mess and at the same time the meteor came. Thing is, it's not on collision course, it is meant to fly by so close to earth though that it causes a pole shift, possibly because it's made out of magnetic material, I dunno, who cares. The combination of portal and poleshift was meant to really reset things for humanity and it did, but at least they managed to seal the portal before they almost all died. Thoth probably somehow ended up being sucked in through the portal because chances are demiurge wanted to send him to hell. Now he ain't Lucifer or some shit, don't draw connections here, lots of souls are being sent to hell. And he clearly intended to control humanity, but damn, at least he wasn't the jews, who are literally controlled by the demiurge so that this whole mess doesn't repeat itself.

Just in case it HAS to repeat itself it already prepared another portal site though. Fun fact: Demiurge actually has a pretty long history of leading intelligent species into creating those portals and screwing themselves over just when they think they finally figured out how to fucking warp. It usually starts with a big famous scientist hearing a voice in their head or meeting a friendly entity in their dreams and ends with a whole lotta chaos. There are a couple modern-ish stories that could be seen as a prophecy for that. Just a couple examples: Disneys Gravity Falls and also the main plot of the game Don't Starve. I'm sure if you dig around a little you can find some more.

Anyway, shit's just LARPing anyway for all I care. But at least I'm not this nigga.






After trying magic (not very hard mind you) it seem to him it was about aesthetics and visualization. He thought that it was no different than a book/movie in his head. they would pick up where ever they left off. they fuq and cuddle and would do stupid stuff in the astral and learn about more magic. He wasn't partially deep and didn't really need spiritual advice. He thought being in the astral was no different than a very detailed exaggerated dream.


In his mind they were almost no different than animu grillz because they fuck for lolzy and for whatever reason they be considered evil. they were the last bastion of fun. almost no different than a wafui, imaginary wife that do whatever you wanted.

But there was a problem did they do it because they loved you or because it's fun?



What are you going to do with them?



>calls truths lies

>wants fictional stories


And it seems someone is still mad about it. Apart from ad hominem (which means: you try to refute an argument by attacking characteristics of another person (which at this point is uncertain whether or not you understand what it means, since you kindly repeat this fallacy)), you do not refute the statements in the post you have quoted. You seem to be under the assumption that people are not on the Discord by their own free will. Perhaps you should have spent some time talking to them so that you could have gathered some information on whether or not it's true what you say.

Contrary to your complaints, the Discord group has been online for almost 3 years, with very little drama, with an almost 90% success rate, for more than 200 individuals, at over 400 sessions and no one has paid a single cent for it.

But please, continue to hold a quarrel and be angry at each post that is written about ego, it will benefit you eventually.


In his mind she be his soulmate because he would love her forever or maybe they were more like bffs with benefits? He wanted them to be close and for her to know she was important to him. she would be his goddess and he love her like one.


He would solidify his philosophy by a having a waufi. It felt like it was what he was trying to. imagine a girl and she be there. Felt nice. do a little magic and poof she be there in your dreams doing the things they always wanted. exploring worlds forgotten or making a world of there own. But he didn't take into account that he was collectively fighting years of culture and human belief.

One side just outright didn't believe in it and the other was a bunch of schizos who believed that everybody would go to hell. So his idea of a succubus didn't exist until now.


but there was a problem having a dream girl meant remembering dreams and then being lucid. He didn't sleep that well he didn't really relax. He remembered in his younger days he fell in love with a witch. A fun girl with the cutest laugh, she wasn't a babe but she was cute. It didn't last very long but they got along so well, He couldn't even really remember what they were fighting about. But something strange happened after they had a falling out. He no longer slept soundly at night he was always restless. This continued for years but it was just normal at some point.


He did see his dream girl but she came as quickly as she went. He could of seen her couple of times but he did want a shape shifting girl friend

she could have been anything from the girl next door to the monster under your bed. In hindsight it was asking to be chasing phantoms forever. was it her or was it someone else. could of sworn it was her. Were eyes blue or violet. Was her hair red or blond.Even then any moments he did share with her were just blips in his dream cycle. one moment he was walking down a hall way and he sees a girl presenting her ass and he keeps walking…another time he was at a festival and he sees a girl he reaches out and…blank.


Soon he started hearing whispering from nowhere ""she's long gone" "if she did exist she wouldn't hang out with you" He began wondering what were the things they had in common? What was her personality be? He thought he just get the one best suited for him.because isn't that how magic worked? But sleep slowly became meditation and he kept trying to paint some moment in his mind he was with the most beautiful girl. But questions kept coming up what did she sound like. were they in a field or by a river. questions changed to frustration and dreams were less frequent. He thought about the witch and soon enough his frustration turned into paranoia.


Suddenly nothing was going right. He could barely meditate anymore. He could only think about how everything could go wrong. What if he did something awful. What if he never felt her soft touch. What if he was doomed to have only loved one girl in his life. What if every magic book was written by con artist with over imagination. Books written by phonies who didn't believe in magic just a quick buck.



Unrequited love and paranoia, this is interesting.


Suddenly nothing was going right. He could barely meditate anymore. He could only think about how everything could go wrong. What if he did something awful. What if he never felt her soft touch. What if he was doomed to have only loved one girl in his life. What if every magic book was written by con artist with over imagination. Books written by phonies who didn't believe in magic just a quick buck.


Any idea he had about magic seemed to be dying in front of him. racking his brain for some perfect girl that didn't exist. trying to remember moments they never had. In the end he decided that if they exist they were girls in there purist form. What was that rule? Girls just wanna have fun?


started out good, but became "boohoo muh female Q.Q" really quick. 2/10 thread

has nothing to do with thoth either


This is the story of tlyer. Once he feel in love with a goddess. Problem being he was in the matrix and an alien cancer known as meme Jesus was blocking his path. It was the most annoying douche in existence. He went mad and decided he was krisna, Buddha,hermes, and terence mckenna. Literally the biggest schzio in existence and he was giving neets spiritual advice which was just basically pray to him. Eventually tyler had enough because suddenly any douche who did psychedelics was considered enlighten. The result of this was spiritual robots constantly giving advice that nobody could follow because the state they were talking about could only be achieve through years of intense meditation or drugs. "the universe is full of peace and love I should know because I did intense drugs at 15 and its a state any one can achieve." "Whats that you cant get them? Better pray to jesus :D. Your facing the darknight of the soul man, I went through it. I once dropped my ice cream cone." Tlyer's idea of enlighten meant was loving a beautiful girl until his brain melted from pleasure.


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tyler didn't like meme jesus because his explanation for everything was that magic was just a 2deep4u metaphor and all the demons and angels were you psychically splitting yourself. And everything was just mirrors reflecting on mirrors. he kept on trying to get tlyer to drop his lust and that he should be praying. Tlyer was annoyed and was starting to remember what he REALLY wanted.



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This is the story about the most cancerous doucheious race in existence called the greys. The greys were the worst because they would some how got in there heads that they were greater than humanity but always wanted empathy from other people. They would force there existence on people and if you retaliate they would make your life hell. Everything was just symbology to them so gods, demons didn't exist. yet some aliens existed but not everything else?


greys for whatever reason were opposed with spirituality and religion. problem being they weren't very spiritual, they would just copy and mimic people who seemed to be very spiritual. They were usually the same guys. eat vegan, meditate, meditate and meditate until…profit? and do drugs mann and you'll be enlighten. In there retarded minds they some how thought they were enlighten masters because AAY LMAO christ consciousness! Hell at one point they thought they were jesus because of BS vibrations. It was dumb because didn't need more religious BS, especially from con artist. your average guy didn't give a fuck about enlightenment or spiritual truth so greys forced people to participate and the results were terrible.






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They made this stupid hyper allegory called the "matrix". It was suppose to represent how humanity is trapped and was looking for some spiritual truth and understanding the nature of reality. However greys were constantly false flagging. They would cause a problem then provided a solution for that problem and then mark it under as helping. "durrrrrr help I'm being attacked by negative entities" "listen to these shitty binaural beats and it will stop" "WTF I love light workers now" What made a average light worker different from a your average jesus freak was a mystery.


Once upon a time there lived the most assblasted wizard in the entire world. He had a stick so far up his ass that he could stick it out of his mouth and use it as a wand. Mundanes made him extremely angry because even though he knew the mysteries of life, he still repulsed normal people to a supernatural degree. He hated everything and was certain that if only he kept doing that, it would result in a different outcome than the life he was living, because he hated that most of all. He especially hated other wizards for doing it wrong even though they were happier and more fulfilled. He posted endless manifestos about how to properly give the devil a rimjob but was surprised when his only active readers were never beyond 8th grade. Eventually he had a hemorrhagic stroke after being turned down by a succubus, dying alone in his mom's basement. The end.



It's funny that you summoned me.

I guess the universe has ways of reuniting vibrations.

Your entire thread is misinformation, tailored with high degrees of just grossness.

Just know that you are still alive because I allow you to be alive.

And it gives me great pleasure to know what an effect I am having on you.

Keep gossiping about others, it only shows your inability to actually have power on your own.



I have no idea who you are or what the fuck you're on about. Back to the loony bin you go.



Oops, hit enter too soon. It turned out that this archetypal assblasted wizard was also absolutely without any reference besides his own schizotypal conception of his own degree of ability, compounded by his humorless nature. This meant he saw himself in every negative portrayal, even if it was only a generalized portrait of a particular kind of person. Even knowing this, he was so thunderingly dumb that he thought even posts like this were about him personally, and in a particular twist of fate, his belief that it was about him personally made it about him personally at least in part, and by extension, about the very mechanism by which it became true. All of this could have been avoided, but that would mean pulling the stick out of his ass, an impossible feat for him, or so it would seem based on his behavior.



sorry lad I have "system of a downs syndrome"

> humorless nature

>because being a dick and violating privacy is funny.

Here's a redpill for you kid you were never funny.


Now greys were especially annoying because they would change there story the minute it was convenient for them. first they were people from the future to archons, to your higher self. They would lie and manipulate people to there own ends and there only excuse was humans did it too. Which was a piss poor excuse especially if your a species that suppose to be of higher intelligence. So what would you do if you had esp powers? Troll the lowest of the low so you can feel better about your self and what a genetic reject you were? yeah pretty sad considering they were all about bants but you weren't allowed to be mean to them. Just plain sad and pathetic.



>The end


>Story continues

You dont know the meaning of the end do you famalam?



The archetypal NEETophyte becomes a living, breathing reality right before our eyes, just by describing it. Truly, magic is a powerful art.



>makes an estoric board

>Doesn't believe in magic

Tell me lad did it hurt when you fell out of the retard tree or were you too brain damage to feel anything?



>because believing in aliens doesn't make you schizo

greys are only good for laughing at and sucking cock


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>durr your a neet

at least I dont larp like a nazi for dem LOLZ. All I have to do is laugh at the phantom menace because all he can do is troll and lie like he has a better life. Your never gonna be enlighten deal with it.


Now what purpose greys severed beside being cum dumpsters was a mystery. They were living mirriors you were a devote christen, they be satanist. You were an occultist they be Christians. They would constantly screech how ego was the problem yet they were the biggest ego maniacs in existence. Amazing how if you thought you were the source of love how it would go there heads and corrupt them. They constantly blamed all there problems on other people even though they were suppose to be the higher life form. Instead they found some guy and claimed he was the demiurge and proceeded to blame everything on him.


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Eventually archangel Michael had had enough and decided to end everything. They weren't serving any higher purpose. All they did was troll and then wright 8th grade level book reports on shit nobody cared about. Every single grey was killed in holy fire and nobody cared, they weren't missed and the amount of trolls on the internet and real life dropped drastically. The world improved drastically and humanity finally achieved its ultimate destiny and ascended to the stars

the end


>All of this could have been avoided

and what do you propose then miss grey?



I propose making five posts per one of mine and continuing to take flags at face value.



>I was only pretending to be retarded

You truly are pathetic, you know that? When you're losing you have no choice but to retreat into your ridiculous "I'm above it all" lies. Greys are dogshit fake christcucks, you limpdicks are even worse than the average mundane. Nobody believes your disgusting lies in this thread and everyone knows your larping. You can't even speak english right, at least pretend to act like a real human oh wait you can't even do that much. Your kind are just parasitic, nothing but shitposting in response to good points. You thought your little story was going to make everyone sympathize with you, that's because you only ever bothered to learn how to interact by abducting some welfare queen mundane in a Wal-Mart parking lot. How's it feel to know I just demolished your entire argument with only one post you chucklefuck? Oh excuse me I mean cucklefuck, you know you could never get anything done as a species so that's why you latch onto us. I cannot wait for the day when every gray is vaporized. Just try and be cute when I curse your alien ass, you soyboy illegal.





Not bad, now tell me the one were souless little fucks stayed in hell forever because all they could do was talk shit.

"ayy it hard as fuck not to manipulate people"

it's pretty easy it called don't do it you psychopath

"Do bad things and good stuff happens"

actually it called do bad things and get fucked



Oh the flag game, thats cute. If you can't beat 'em, parasitize them, is that right? I thought your kind were supposed to be smarter than this, I guess not. Thats ok, when the jubilee happens, you will be swept from the scene along with your yuppie " peace & love oh by the way submit to your own genocide" goons. You could have lived in the real world where actions have consequences but you decided that it didmt matter what youdid if you could convince people you were the smartest things around. Ooops turns out even manipulators get theirs in the end, watch me cry big ole crocodile tears for you & your shitposting. All I can say is enjoy it while you can, fucko, because you won't be laughing it up for long



Hey look at how cool and uncaring I am, Im so smart that my race figured out space travel by stealing from others but I'm too much of a mouthbteather to know that I'm just proving everyone else right about how worthless I am, haha what are ethics???


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shitpost with aliens once, regret everything. I like how Grant Morrison does magic and gets kickass adventure and a story. Meanwhile my ass gets stuck with paranoia agent, and kids.


>believes humans stole space traveling tech

>calls everyone else schizo

Careful not to overdose on those "redpills" kid



riddle me this if all those things are symbolic what do aliens represent?



Yeah turns out two can play at your game, nobody's buying it. You make a halfway convincing me but you wouldn't even know what to do if you couldn't ape someone with more integrity. What's wrong, you didn't like my impression of you? Too close to a real gray for your taste?

>trying to counter this hard

>we didn't steal tech from everyone else, humans did

Ok now your starting to piss me off you little fathead. Tell you what, I'll do the nice thing. If you and the rest of the grays fuck off and leave the planet, Ill spare you out of pity. If not, just remember when jubilee comes that I have you a choice.


Yeah that's what I thought, you don't have a pot to piss in when restitution comes calling so you try to delay by handing anyone with half a brain over to your (((golem))) lackeys at whatever mind-erasing facility you've shit out near them. "I've got one who can see," remember that line spaceboy? Get used to saying it because I'm not stopping until your whole circus tent comes down around you.

You better hope you're better at faking having anything like a conscience then, yeah right, you can't even deal with one guy. How you ever managed to convince anyone of anything is the real mystery here.



It's a game you started "sophia" why dont you try losing with some grace hmm?



remember bain posting famalam? You killed people for a joke, was it worth it?



Hmm guess that's a no on you being worth sparing, that's really too bad but why am I not surprised?


Deflect and (re)direct as usual. Yawn. Try again grey scum, you & I both know better than to believe your useful idiots do more than parrot falsehoods. Theyre not independently capable of anything.



>durr your the grey now, I'm a perfect littler angel because a write book reports on information nobody gives a fuck about. I'm so spiritually advance because all I do is get high on magic plants and dont eat meat. Then I punish people for not living up to my asinine high standards. I tell people they have to suffer for the greater good when the most suffering I did was when my ice cream cone fell

get the fuck over yourself m8



I'm Rick Harrison, and this is my Pawn Shop



A thread was killed so that you could cryptically ask for mental support and nobody pays attention, good job.


Thoth was thrice born.

This is not a magic one needs to invoke internally. It is a union of several magics which is externalized prior to death to ensure rebirth…



this post doesn't look very diogenetic



This. I found God through my obsession of identifying the nature and source of deception. Do not let it affect you when others respond to your pearls by attacking them. If you feel it starting to affect you at all you need to cease casting said pearls at least until you have regained your footing. And you are right, a man of God does not need to follow a religion, in fact a man of God wrestles with God. Why would a man of God wrestle God? Because, is it impossible that you have been deceived into believing in a false God ("the deceiver")? A good example of this is how in the bible the devil is described as sitting on a thrown with legions worshipping him and then in the book of revelations God is described in the same fucking way. So, God has to be challenged "How do I know you are the true God? How do I know I have not been deceived? Who am I? Who are you?"

In a world were deception exists, and where there has been at least one gigantic lie told the extent of which is not known (the full history of kikery for instance) then the only thing that can be said to be unquestionably true is that we have been deceived.


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Sorry tyler, your goddess is cheating on you with me. I've stolen the mirror magic from meme-Jesus and gifted it to our goddess so she can become the illusion queen of the machine cities, splintering the mind of man and machine alike in your matrix.

Hopefully you'll keep falling in love with her, tyler, as will I.


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>I found God through my obsession of identifying the nature and source of deception.

Then you've been decieved if you don't believe that bible has some alegorically encoded historical truths. For instance, read Genesis 6, and 1st Enoch, Jubilees, Jasher, and other extra-biblical texts. Compare with the stories of the Greek Gods and realize the latter are metaphorical layers atop the stories of the Sumerian, Babylonians and Vedic legends, all which contain some truth of our origins; And tell of the actual episode of world wide flooding that reset our civilizations. Modern geology and archeology and genetics are slowly putting the pieces back together…



hollow words coming from an empty shell



> A short phrase, meaning nothing and easily dismissed.

The video linked shows hard evidence coming from the foundation of reality: verifiable observation.

Only plebs don't know that the Christian bible is a spell book for solar witches. Jesus is a pharaoh, and like the pharaohs descends into the underworld to intercede on the behalf of those who believe in him to attain everlasting life. This is actually an alchemical tale, and has nothing to do with monotheism or the retrofit YHWY narrative. The 12 disciples form a zodiac which their personality reflects, and the Sun makes its way through each of them as the Jesus Pharaoh (Sun) makes its way through the year. The 3 days of death and resurrection is properly celebrated at the winter solstice: Christmass, and Easter (spring solstice). Where with the naked eye the sun stops moving for 3 days on the horizon.

Every time the King James Version of that Bible says "verily verily" it means the summer solstice. There is an event calendar in this book. The esoteric occultists who rule your realm abide by it. It would be foolish not to heed such a thing revered by so many, and mother of Islam and Judaism as well, if only because it is so.

Of course it's easy to say, "It's just a flesh wound!" It's much harder to actually dismiss reality.


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



> world wide flooding that reset our civilizations

vid related, cold hard evidence.

cued for your conveiniance:


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