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Tipp's Fringe Bunker

File: d197f5d45ade691⋯.jpg (36.67 KB, 325x441, 325:441, 1518985119847.jpg)


ENOUGH with the hokus pokus.

Time for some DOWN TO EARTH magic.

TAKE a rabbit, get with some of your friends. Place it on a natural stone altar in the woods. Wait for the evening red.

KILL the animal, fuck it, cum on it. The alpha takes the kill, but everyone needs to cum!

TAKE the encyclopedia lying next to the corpse.

CALL upon the demon of your choosing.

BE BLESSED for they REJOICE in your depraved deeds.


File: f92dbd13404626f⋯.png (368.72 KB, 350x700, 1:2, Hardcore.png)

Yeah! Deal with it mom, I'm 17 now and I can do what I want!


File: 911db3dc18a7cff⋯.jpg (66.97 KB, 754x840, 377:420, 6c989d62d1574d96fcf8f2d96b….jpg)


File: b82749643744875⋯.jpg (299.71 KB, 900x1200, 3:4, op.jpg)


File: e0cf47d195d6930⋯.jpg (123.38 KB, 494x411, 494:411, bane.jpg)


nigger what? that's not how magic works, i bet you also tried to summon a big tiddied goth gf with this.


Maybe killing animals ritualistically is just stupid bullsh*t that Abrahamists do that never helped anyone.


File: cff0ad0f19fe764⋯.jpg (45.78 KB, 960x540, 16:9, gaza-jew-says-to-destroy-m….jpg)

>Murddering life foolishly in the name of a false god.


File: e6a871d852600ff⋯.jpg (92.84 KB, 800x600, 4:3, sad_girl_swimming_pool.jpg)



I recant of these posts.

I am not God. I don't have all the answers.



Just go shoot up a school already and get it over with, for fuck's sake.




OP here

It's not edgy it's legit magical practice. I have some experience praying to demons and this will for sure please specific demons.

Blessings of demons are strong.


File: d1b1d6379bedd7b⋯.jpg (18.12 KB, 255x245, 51:49, 00a4ac33e75365c386f29093b6….jpg)


Op is unfortunately right, they do this with people in secret societies, like skull and bones and other societies. It will attract very negative spirits that will help you in the physical, but will backstab you at any given time. Its how the illuminati, the jesuits and so on stay in power.



You'd have to be a real retard or just a fucking Asshole to do this. Who cares of it works


>get with some of your friends

ah fugg



>praying to demons


On top of being stupid, now you're too helpless to even come to the bargaining table as an equal? This has to be bait, this would be too sad otherwise.


File: 62dcb10ce34ab42⋯.jpg (111.35 KB, 546x857, 546:857, Lilith-in-Pisces-Lilith-as….jpg)

How about we use OP instead of a rabbit? Anyone up? Don't forget

>we all need to cum ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)



Yes plz


File: 50293879f4c0b37⋯.jpg (64.71 KB, 900x900, 1:1, 0oepTPd.jpg)


"Enough about saving money. I know how to REALLY get rich: a loan shark! Trust me, I've already borrowed so much, I know for a fact this works."


Do you have to kill him before fucking him or do you think (((they))) would prefer it if you reversed the order? To me, that sounds edgier. Put on some Slipknot, light some candles, really make a night of it.



Fuck him before AND after killing, obviously.


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



Why the cattle?


File: 61403b6e90eba80⋯.jpg (108.14 KB, 582x752, 291:376, damaged.jpg)




Goddammit I just had hot tea shoot out of my nose from laughing, thanks a lot anon, now I have to clean this up!



The demiurge had to compete with older bull cults that had codified shamanic techniques and threatened the supremacy of certain (((holy men))) by producing quantifiable results and gnostic states, usually via an entheogen or initiation into a mystery. Bull-honey-mushroom cults were power players up until only a few thousand years ago, and monotheists had to work very diligently on a multi-generational smear campaign to protect their pet egregore's reputation among mundanes. It's no coincidence that monotheism is against magic and obsessed with rejecting null-headed idols, who were heads of post-shamanic pantheons which shit on monotheism early in its history.

Rome adopting the bull as a symbol of its strength only made them more cow-obsessed. To this day, the only major polytheistic player left (Hinduism) holds cattle in high regard.



This one is very wise! Much wiser than myself. You should listen.


The answer is simple really. I'm a devoted follower. I am grateful for the presense of the demons I pray to. I called upon them when I was lonely and they answered. I don't do business with demons, I serve them. They are beautiful.



it is unnecessary for the corrupt demiurge to compete at all. actually, it has never done so, as all the "bull cults" were infiltrated from the very start. however, it tries to stamp out what it doesn't like.

only those beliefs (or should I say, knowledges) that reference the Infinite Source in any of its names, such as the Aeon Sophia (one of Unseparated Aspects), the Monad, the One, etc etc are safe.



>The answer is simple really. I'm a devoted follower. I am grateful for the presense of the demons I pray to. I called upon them when I was lonely and they answered. I don't do business with demons, I serve them. They are beautiful.




Sorry, I got a bit mixed up there. What I meant to say was that monotheism's god-figure was not regarded as particularly strong relative to any other god in the area, which was a problem for it and its priestcraft. Say what you will about polytheism as compared with its animist and shamanic roots, but any tradition which retains gnosis is going to have an edge when it comes to both unity with the monad and experiential manifestation.

The only way around it was a very long con, a marketing campaign to dwarf all marketing campaigns before it. Polytheism only failed to keep up because it was secure enough not to proselytize to nearly the same extent. All marketing since then has followed this viral and parasitic pattern.



I appreciate the endorsement. At the same time, how do I put this delicately? Assuming you're not just acting like a cuck for fun, let me put it this way,


is right, this is sad. Demons of the kind you seem to be referring to are not your friends. "Serving" them is pure masochism, it's just a magical form of having a 'bug chasing' fetish.

If you give your power out to just whichever spirit listens to you when you're lonely, you're likely to attract spirits which prey on the desperate. They're likely to be desperate and pathetic in their own right and are not in any way, shape, or form worthy of respect, let alone worship or service. You're buying into a glamour, at best. At worst you've actually managed to contact something worth considering, in which case, you're fucked already. Either way, good luck to you, you're going to need it.



Shut your insolent mouth, I do not allow you to talk like that about my masters and mistresses. None of those is pathetic, especially not the female ones. I know your practices. You capture and bind them and abuse them for deals and force them to do your will through magic. I am christian and believe in love. They are all deserving of it. I don't worship them for a reward, even though I instantly got one.

You better watch your mouth now or I might try and curse you with their help. I'm not too experienced, but they are and I'm willing to endure your counter attacks as their disposable vessel.


File: 334d45534260de7⋯.jpg (39.11 KB, 370x278, 185:139, 334d45534260de729a9e8d9d95….jpg)


stop edgy larp RIGHT NOW


OP isn't wrong. Since when has /fringe/ taken a stance on the primitive human perception of what sorcery is "right" and "wrong"? Don't be fools! OP isn't even talking about full on demon summoning, which requires human blood to be spilled. He is merely invoking their favor through needless destructiveness. OP should catalog and record his findings in this path of sorcery and present his observations to us for analysis.

Tl;Dr Stop being faggots and let OP dabble in the dark arts so that we don't have to.



Stop larping faggot, this isn't /x/



Hahaha, fuck! We were baited again! Bravo OP, you were in it for the long con! I applaud your patience, you had me going there for a second.

>You better watch your mouth now or I might try and curse you with their help

You already cursed me in a way, because this made me piss myself laughing. Man, I needed a laugh today, thank you! Boy, don't I feel silly for having fallen for it.



Take a look at OP's last post and then try to tell me he's seriously dabbling in anything at all. The only thing OP has summoned is this board's members for a laugh, he ought to be applauded.




OP here


Ok mb I won't curse you but you are mean for treating demons like that and saying they are pathetic. It is very rude of you and you should consider that!

Bye :3



Bummer, I was looking forward to seeing what your infernal hooker had up her sleeve.



OP send me a succubus for some fun night


It must be a female, skinny and beautiful with big tits

I pay her directly when she arrives here

show me what you got faggot, or else fuck off this board forever



OP seems to have a taste for rabbits, you'll probably get some kind of demonic Zootopia cosplay if you're asking him.

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