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All over the world, people report having been visited by people that can be named as "Shadow People"

They are pitch black beings that have a mist, or fog surrounding them to a point and can be horned or without

Some have glowing red eyes, while others don't

There isn't much information on these creatures, merely speculation as to what or who they are and what it is that they want from us.

Incidents of these entities involve being watched, or surveillanced by these entities, suggesting these creatures observe humans.

Others report acts of violence committed by these creatures.

The golden rule seems to apply regardless: Do not provoke them.

There goes a saying that merely talking or thinking or seeing depictions can excite a visitation by one of these creatures, but this is extremely debatable.

(I've personally never had any return of a Shadow Person after thinking, talking about or looking at depictions whatsoever).

Shadow people can announce themselves in several forms, yet are always (or at least 99% of the time) appearing in a human type form.

Some have had these beings follow them for as little as an hour to years.

Always watching, never doing (besides those that become violent for whatever reason that may be).

The theories can be merely summarised as such:

1. Demons

2. Extra-terrestrial beings

There is not much information besides the above written.

This thread is to talk about them, experiences and most importantly; to learn more about them from each other.


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Personally have no experience or encounters with them.

Here's a bearheart video on them though



I've met a few. That vid is overall right about them, if you disregard his categorization with references to specific entities. Shadow people are freelancers.


What's interesting is that when people wake up in sleep paralysis they see them a lot more than under other circumstances.

>The golden rule seems to apply regardless: Do not provoke them.

I have heard that, regarding sleep paralysis, they fuck off if they can feel anger instead of fear inside of you.

Personally I used to ALWAYS see them when I ended up in sleep paralysis, but then at some point this just stopped completely, I have not seen one in many years.

In order to properly learn about them we'd need to find a reproduceable circumstance in which a human can ALWAYS see them. Seeing as how widespread this phenomenom is I'd say chances should be pretty good for there being such an experiment for us to discover.


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Experiment is the key. Would be great if someone could report some kind of interaction with them. I'm not sure how does it work in sleep paralysis (I never head it, hopefully never will) but asking them questions would be best start. I am not sure if this is possible since people I talked to said they have crippling fear in that state.




I wrote about it in this thread among others. You can also search for posts by namefag "saya", she had problems with them for a while.


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relax bois, shadow ppl is just beings who are shadowy because they project no emotions, like anon said 'freelancers', they are just there to feed off of sentient being's feelings, as you project whatever feeling it is your having as a form of aura (correct me if im wrong), fear is theyr easiest food intake, as humans are scared as shit of what they cannot understand, it is said that you can summon a specific type of those beings (pic related its they sigil) and feed them for a partnership, although they can always fux with u until you get one of them to be loyal to u, when this happens you have a hyperdimensional being whos willing to do ur biding as long as you feed them good energies (theyr favorite food)


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Seen these things like a million times due to sleep paralysis. Usually they just loom over the side of my bed threateningly. It's pretty freaky and I try not to look at them.

I wonder if they're the same things that grab my and feel my body sometimes during sleep paralysis. Seen all sorts of other things too, such as greys, xenomorphs, a Nazgul, once I saw myself which slowly gained a hateful expression and twisted into a hideous demon right before my eyes. Now that was pretty fucking freaky right there.

Shadow people are pretty harmless compared to some of the other stuff, but of course none of them can actually harm you in any way.

>feel waves of energy as paralysis washes over my body

>sight slowly returns as I start hallucinating seeing the room around me through my closed eyelids

>see something over the side of the bed, looking at me

>feel hands on my feet, tugging on them gently

>will the entity to tug on my dick instead

>feel it start playing with my dick

>it's not doing a very good job, feels like some retarded kid playing with legos


Shadow people are the inverse of DMT others. As the conscious mind wakes up in the middle of sleep paralysis, the serotonergic system registers others where none exist materially, it's the same mechanism by which higher-dimensional others are contacted, but directed the wrong way, into lower dimensions. Just as DMT others are the positive others met in dreams, shadow people are the negative others met in nightmares.

They're frightening in appearance and in nightmares, but rarely dangerous, although if someone doesn't know what they're doing, they can inflict real psychic damage via illusion. If someone is truly stupid and supercharges them, for example by using a tryptamine without any mental controls, they run the risk of the damage being deep and long-lasting, if that someone is unlucky enough to run across one. This can be a useful learning experience if you recover and reflect on it enough to integrate it into your psychic landscape, since it mirrors a near-death experience.

This happened to me a while ago and it was still the most magically terrifying thing I've ever experienced, akin to repeating the moment of morbid physical death in a loop, with the accompanying sense of a sort of anti-enlightenment, a meeting with something as dead, disconnected, and trapped as higher-order others are alive, connected, and free. This is extremely hard to integrate into one's life but it's the ultimate memento mori. Shadow people can be dispelled very easily, but to dismiss them and the lesson here is to miss something important, as unpleasant as it is to face.


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> If someone is truly stupid and supercharges them

I don't know what you're saying here, charging them is exactly the way to handle them, good or bad. If they're malevolent they can't handle positive energy and will get burned out in a flash. If they're good natured they'll absorb the energy and start developing into a complete entity. This can result in some scary images when their bodies form, it may look like the process of a body decaying in reverse, starting off with rotten flesh on bones and slowly filling out and turning into the shape of a healthy body. Fulfill this and you have an ally for life.

There are also shadow cats. They tend to hide in corners and they can make dogs in the house uneasy, but they're usually friendly beings. A crystal mirror is a good way to feed them - and scare off the negative ones.



I mean getting in a position where you're unable to prevent the transfer of a tremendous amount of fear/pain/loosh from you to them. This, again, I know from personal experience, though at the time I was being profoundly stupid. You're right, it's just that you're thinking about it as a wizard or at least someone capable of feeding them an energy of your choosing, and I wasn't at the time. It would be a much different deal today.

I never saw the shadow person who fed off me form into anything, morbid or otherwise. I wouldn't call him an ally, and I haven't seen him since, but I suppose I consider what he did to be a gift, terrifying as it was.



Don't trust cats, especially if they are made of shadow!

t. Dog-person


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I think I know who all those people saw, OP…



La creatura….


You people are fucking crazy.



>The golden rule seems to apply regardless: Do not provoke them.

I've had experiences with them, many actually. There was a period where I would see them constantly, only outside though because once I started noticing them I started saying "you are not welcome inside this house" every time I entered it, as a precaution. After a while I started to get an idea of what their game was. They are very much like negative thoughtforms. Parasitic in nature. When they come the first sign of their presence is a level of fear/paranoia that is unexplainable. I suspect that the majority of insane individuals are actually plagued by these things but dont realize it. Anyway, I started confronting them "What exactly do you want? I do not fear you. Look at me and you can see that it is true, so why are you here?" And they would just stand there and seemed like they were surprised and confused by my being able to see them and not fear them. And I would continue talking to them asking them questions "what is your purpose" and so on. All responses felt like pulses of energy rather than words, completely unintelligible.. So I started asking simple yes/no questions and came to find that I could understand yes/no responses. They didnt seem to know what/who they are. All they seemed to know is that they are attracted to certain negative energies and their existence is wholly the negative energy that they are attracted to. I started to pity them, all they know is fear.

Unless I completely misunderstood the encounters, of course.



show them Unconditional Love! you can radiate it out while they're close. :D


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How does one actually manifest the feeling/experience of unconditional love? I feel it for certain people and entities (such as the Universe, I suppose) but… Conjuring it up within has been difficult.>>117627



I think the easiest way is to find unconditional love. I have no problem projecting unconditional love because I am full of it and no human wants it. Find the beauty everywhere and capture it internally. Weird way of saying it but, find the recipe so you can just make it



Forgive yourself and find love for yourself first. Then forgive and love your surroundings. Observe the feeling of love, feel its essence.


anyone ever see a light being and a shadow being at the same time? I once saw two playing chess. the black one had the dark pieces and the light one had the white pieces. the white one checkmated the dark one and the dark one slammed the pieces off the table like a lost game of monopoly and then the white one hugged the black one and the black one cried and then got happy and turned white and they flew away to heaven. was pretty sad, cute, and sweet.



Why do people like making stuff up?



Best post of the thread tbh.


My mother went through an intense Christian phase when I was a teen thanks to my step father (his father had been a Baptist Priest).

My aunt was pentecostal and mother gave that a shot for a while. Since the time I was very young, and we had attended their services where we were encouraged to "speak in tongues", I had felt the religious landscape was bullshit. Unfortunately, I didn't know all these mundanes were simply incorrectly performing oracular workings which their religion esoterically occults… From that time on I would doze off during church while trying to stay awake. Shadow beings crept among the pews. Once I mumbled then shouted out, "Oh no! He's Here!" during a quite moment having seen a giant demonic shadow looming above the congregation.

Then I began seriously playing around with magic, intuitively, as I had been attuned to some other presences as a smaller child.

I'll not cover those details, but this is the most interesting part: A few months later I was talking to mother about my brother having night terrors (waking up screaming and crying).

Mother said, "We're under spiritual attack." I just shrugged. She continued, "I've seen the shadowy things going down the hallway and entering your room, they're blacker than the darkest black. I'm worried about what you're doing in there."

I had just been summoning some friends to play with…



sleep deprivation

I used to see the shadow people a lot after staying up for 48+ hours.

Sometimes they would convene around me and just watch me, other times they would "pester" me in that they would announce their presence and "phase" "teleport" "ghost" through me but stay still at the same time "phasing" through me sometimes at a rapid rate and multiple directions.

I definitely noticed more of them about a year or so ago and have not seen much of them since.

I believe that what constitutes a "shadow person" can actually be multiple different things. It is more or less a bleed though from other dimensions. I assume that most of them are trapped malignant souls who rejected ascension or lacked the will to do anything but self destruct. These lower soulforms have varying degrees of sentience, self-awareness, or even anthropomorphic qualities. They are like a spiritual grey slop, returning to the chaos, but phasing through our reality as they wither away.

Others are certainly demons, bleeding through or utilizing concealment via telepathy or other mental projection to distort their appearance. These are less common but much much more dangerous as it can be unknown to what degree one of these is capable of effecting both our plane as well as the astral and ones mind. They can be rather malevolent and perhaps there is some grand order amongst them, but from my experience they are all more or less solitary wanderers.

Extraterrestrials, I think are some of the less likely "shadow people" /extradimensionals more realistically, but normally such beings do not project a lower formed animus into our reality and rather mentally project or simply appear as whatever they desire.

I have always found that for the most part me and the shadow people got along, in mutual quiet observations. They also seemed to act whether intentionally or incidentally as a barometer or alarm for spiritual/dimensional/occult/entity alert system.

Like some areas are certainly a deterrent to them other attract them such that they congregate in large numbers. Some of the more voided places I journey have been host to large groups of them, grouping themselves in a perimeter from whatever object or place that is present. I presume that it is like a gravity well for them, it attracts them as well as people and other entities, but they cannot get too close, or are afraid too, as if they would be absorbed or consumed by it.



> once I saw myself which slowly gained a hateful expression and twisted into a hideous demon right before my eyes. Now that was pretty fucking freaky right there.

I saw that shit in a dream. I was 14. I also heard them making noises and laugh. Yeah these things whatever they are made me pick up meditation and got me interested in occult stuff. Curiously I have yet to find people irl that have the same experience with these shadows.

Most of the time they don't even resemble 'people' more like a black blob that is lurking somewhere in the corner of your eye which sometimes manifests in front of you or you can sense some unexplained energy along with blackness.


I also had low sleep. Most common way to encounter them seems to have terrible sleep + fears and anxieties. I never saw them have a clear physical form.


Watch out for shills on this topic and on others.


I don't think shadowfolk are all that bad.

One time I woke to great vibrations. Like a subwoofer under my bed. I saw one clear as day, shadowy tendrils and all. I didn't feel fear, but instead vague nostalgia. The being jumped into me and I had this amazing, liberating lucid dream.

Are y'all sure these things are bad?


O.k, here is the deal.

I am in a circle of Rosicrucians in the political center of Europe.

Many of my friends are druids, spiritualists, healers and shamans.

In 2016 one of my friends had a massive heart attack and he died. He was only 47 years old.

In 2017 two more died (one in a car-crash, one got a heart-attack but he is an elder. He died on 17 April 2017 at the age of 77). They were druids.

In 2018 my best friend, Ralph, who is a spiritualist committed suicide but he job had a new job and he really loved life. I don't understand what moved him as suicide was against his spirituality.

The circle of enlightened people around me is getting smaller and I started to feel very uncomfortable about losing so many people in a short period of time.

I'm seeing signs everywhere on the streets and people on the internet say it's the word of God but at night they appear as demons. I'm freaking out and I stopped with the spirituality thing now that Harold, who was a friend of Ralph and a medium, died of kidney failure.

I sincerely believe the gates of hell have been opened and anyone daring to engage with spirituality is a target of demonic entities. I'm sharing this story because I know demons exist for millions of years but something happened causing their numbers to overrun humanity by factors of thousands.

I'm hoping to get info from people who experience the same. I believe there is a massive energy vortex, opened in 2016, enabling direct connections between the demonic astral plane and the earth's noosphere, possibility attaching to our very own biosphere (the human body). This means the demons are literally surrounding us now without us making effort to travel the astral realm or invoking spirits using special skills and known techniques. No need for ouja, they are watching me type right now and they seem to agree with me sharing this message here.

It's not only a message from them, but I'm personally interested in learning if there are more cases like this happening in other parts of the world.

Yours truly,



Did I neglect to mention Harold's kidney failure was acute and a surprise. He left a wife and 3 beautiful children. I'm left heartbroken after all these events.



I am not sure your hypothesis is correct. I've been here since the start of this body's lifespan.

I engage in all forms of spiritual curiousity and have only had a positive impact on my life. You sound bound by rules and by books. I can only say if more shadows cross over this place could feel incredibly welcoming for once. There are so many that fake their emotions and expressions. Sincerety feels like a rare trait. What baffles me is when people say they must protect this age and archsoul, something clearly hostile to it's inhabitants. What makes you think you are not the foreign archetype, and the world's soul has sent it's immune system after you?


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>I sincerely believe the gates of hell have been opened and anyone daring to engage with spirituality is a target of demonic entities. I'm sharing this story because I know demons exist for millions of years but something happened causing their numbers to overrun humanity by factors of thousands.

People these days treat everything like a shiny new i-phone. Not a guideline, but new tool or toy for them to fulfill their selfish monkey-brain desires. This causes psychic unbalance, even beyond the fucked-ness of the present world as it already is. Uncanny accidents can be the unconscious mind's attempt to correct for such unbalance, make less of a self-absorbed monkey out of us.

Magic engages the unconscious mind directly, and you should not consider it your toy. If anything, the reverse is closer to the truth. You should always seek guides and find out what you should be doing with your life. Don't use magic, technology, or anything else as an "enabler" or rationalization from protecting your ego from harsh truths or your life from changes you need to make, both in yourself and without. Most of all, don't use magic for that. A monkey with a gun will end up shooting itself itself in the leg. Then blame the gun. Before you get a gun, don't be a monkey. Don't use a gun as a monkey would, but use it as it should.

I hesitate to use this formulation because of how much hippies and self-absorbed lefties have distorted the meaning, but here goes:

"Don't use magic selfishly."

"Selfish" in its original meaning means something like "without regard to the Higher Order" .

You use the internet selfishly, you end up a neckbeard .

You use pain-killers selfishly, you end up an addict.

You use the economy/the country's resources selfishly, your children end up without a future.

Don't. Use. Magic. Selfishly.



The world is an organism. It has its own soul and being. In a microcosmic example, can you tell me what has the most influence on human bodies? Microscopic bacteria living inside the gut. They even go so far as to release small amounts of chemical which is mistaken as hormone by the body. The larger organism is thusly changed by the quality of it's microbiota.

The world is no such different organism, except it is much more fertile. Planets are inherently female energy, or the abundance of capability to create. Passing by essence is the masculine energy. Humans are egg cells of the planet itself, infused with the passing by masculine direction of outside forces. In short, every human exists to be filled and fertilized by the seed of these passing masculine directors before growing to adulthood.

The Earth, like a sand tiger shark, simply has those fertilized fight in the womb. This is the unfortunate reality. Those that do not mature at an acceptable rate are simply reabsorbed and converted back into usable egg cells. A human body sheds billions of cells a day, even eats itself when it needs yet the consciousness inside the body doesn't even feel it. These two principles are interchangeable. The Orobouros is correct for living in flesh, no matter what we are consuming one another less it be ideals, flesh, or even spirit.

Those that make it past this trial stage can be released from the amnionic layer of Earth's noosphere to roam the cosmos and the tides of the universe. Air is Water. We are released like spawnlings of a mother octopus, in the multitudes of millions, to the Great Sea.

There is intense competition as even small levels of perceptual I'm balance change the noosphere "chemicals" released by humanity, changing the mind and Archsoul of the very planet itself. Those that develop into viral organisms are bound to the great organism until they are reabsorbed by the great organisms own immune system.

Love or callousness. There are no absolutes to this life cycle. This is what it means to be human. This is what it means to exist in a finite life stage. There are even those who by sheer desire wish to reordain themselves, to be born once again. A reset button? Or simply a desire to be something else perhaps? Life outside the womb of this great organism is not so educationally two-dimensional.

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