All ancient faiths were based on the oldest science, astrology : the influence of the planets. The planets were the gods in Greece and Rome, Egypt and Babylon, India, Scandinavia, S. America …. Our current world faiths originated in the same ancient world. It should be no surprise to find they are also all based on astrology, all recognising One God.>Satan, the Devil, is easily recognised as a portrait of massive Saturn, the higher dimension of this spirit, beyond the personal astrology of the horoscope.>This recognition, based on the Kabbalah, gives us the rational, credible, scientific and multifaith understanding of God we need in modern times. It strongly supports the message of the Bible, especially the Gospels, the message of love and peace but avoids the literal simplifications of fundamentalism.>The Tree of Life is the basis of the Kabbalah, the esoteric Tradition behind the Bible. The Tree is quite clearly an astrological map of the solar system with all the planets and Signs of the zodiac.>The Tree of Life reveals astrology at the heart of the biblical Tradition, from Genesis (3.22) to Revelation (22.2) where its astrological character is confirmed, as too its role within Christianity : ‘The Tree of Life which bare twelve manner of fruit [the twelve Signs] and yielded her fruit every month.’ [The monthly cycle of the moon through the zodiac.]>Satan, the Devil, is always portrayed with the horns, cloven hooves and goaty legs which reflect Saturn’s nature as lord of Capricorn, the Goat. This does not brand Capricorns : with the Sun in this Sign, they are often more enlightened about this materialistic spirit.>Saturn is not the largest planet but astrologically Earth is ruled by the same spirit of materialism, money and power. Saturn’s spirit has an overwhelming influence on us.>The Kabbalah Tradition reveals much more evidence and insights to understand this identification and the meaning of Satan, the Devil. The 22 Tarot Trumps represent the 22 Paths of the Tree of Life, the ten planets and twelve Signs. The Devil represents the Goat, the Capricorn Path.>When we sacrifice everything to the pursuit of money and power, we miss the important things in life : our emotions, relationships, higher ideas, our spiritual life. Evil is just an excess of materialism which ignores human values. A mistake we can all make, sometimes a big mistake.'''KABBALAH = KAAB (KAABA) + ALLAH (EL) => CUBE + EL (SATURN - BLACK CUBE)'''=='''Synonyms'''==SATURN - SATAN - SATYR - PAN - SET - EL - CHRONOS - YAHWEH - ALLAH - BAAL - OSIRIS AND MORE==More on:David Icke - 'The Moon Matrix & Saturn Firewall' - Red Ice Radio (24-04-2011) -'Diamond rain' falls on Saturn and Jupiter - Diamond Planet? - The Diamond Fields of The Mind - Worship of Saturn - Saturn, so active in the cosmic changes, was regarded by all mankind as the supreme god. Seneca says that Epigenes, who studied astronomy among the Chaldeans, “estimates that the planet Saturn exerts the greatest influence upon all the movements of celestial bodies.” -, the Devil and Saturn, Lord of the Rings and Capricorn, the Goat - You Believe in Magick? (Saturn and 9/11) - READ==Hebrew Name: ShabbataiHebrew Meaning: The "Sabbatic" from the Hebrew meaning "to cease."Hebrew Theme: Cease, rest.Saturn, with its huge rings, seven of them, was known in Talmudic Hebrew literature as a representation of the Shabbat (Sabbath). It earned this reputation because of its prolonged orbit around the Sun.The planetary body Saturn, in the Hebrew language called Shabbatai—y)tb#$—comes from the three-letter Hebrew word Shabbat—tb#$. Shabbat, of course, refers to the seventh day of the week in Jewish reckoning, Shabbatai was the seventh planetary body known to the ancient Jews. Seven is a special number of rest and is addressed in Jewish numerology.In the Tanakh (Bible), the heavenly body Saturn is referred to by the prophet Amos (5:26). Apparently the Babylonians named a god after Saturn and called it Chiun. Because this Babylonian god of stone was embraced by some of the Jews of the day, the One true G-d of their Fathers visited His anger upon them. In Jewish commentaries, the legendary name given to the antichrist is Armilus. This Armilus will deceive the whole world into believing he is God and will reign over the whole world. He will come with ten kings and together they will fight over Jerusalem...Armilus will banish Israel 'to the wilderness' and it will be a time of unprecedented distress for Israel; there will be increasing famine, and the Gentiles will expel the Jews from their lands, and they will hide in caves and towers...God will war against the host of Armilus...and there will be a great deliverance for Israel and the kingdom of Heaven will spread over all the earth." (Encyclopedia Judaica) "Other references further describe Armilus as arising from the Roman empire, having miraculous powers, and being born to a stone statue of a virgin (which is why he is called "the son of stone"). It is also interesting that he makes this statue "the chief of all idolatry" with the result that "all the Gentiles will bow down to her, burn incense and pour out libations to her." (In Search of Temple Treasures, Randall Price)Later, some rabbis in the middle ages interpreted the position and movement of both planetary bodies Shabbatai and Tzedeq (Jupiter) as a sign of imminent Messianic redemption.(Signs in the Heavens, Avi Ben Mordechai)“Pan was a composite creature, the upper part–with the exception of his horns–being human, and the lower part in the form of a goat. (…)The pipes of Pan signify the natural harmony of the spheres, and the god himself is a symbol of Saturn because this planet is enthroned in Capricorn, whose emblem is a goat” -Manly P. Hall, Secret Teachings of All Ages“The Fraternitas Saturni (FS), the Brotherhood of Saturn, has become known to English readers through fragmentary descriptions which emphasize the sensational, sex-magical aspects of this lodge’s work or else its darker, more Satanic, side.This is understandable in light of the fact that the FS is (or was) the most unabashedly Luciferian organization in the modern Western occult revival, and its practice of sexual occultism perhaps the most elaborately detailed of any such lodge. The FS represents a unique blend of astrological cosmology, neo-Gnostic daemonology, sexual occultism, and Freemasonic organizational principles. This grand synthesis was originally the vision of one man, the long-time Grand Master of the FS, Gregor A. Gregorius.”-Stephen E. Flowers, Fire & Ice: The History, Structure, and Rituals of Germany’s Most Influential Modern Magical Order: The Brotherhood of Saturn DEMIURGE, NO NWO==