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>They worship Saturn. They worship time. They use time to enslave us. These people rule us for reasons that we don’t understand.

>Tolkien at Oxford told people he wasn’t writing an allegory but the true history of Europe 6500 years ago. His book ‘Lord of the Rings’ is really about Saturn.

>Saturn was possibly a lot closer to earth thousands of years ago, but this can’t be proven.

>The giant eye on the south pole of saturn is a hurricane. There’s a hexagon at the north pole. Venus and Mars could have been in conjunction with saturn at one time.

>What did our ancestors know?

>All of our history has been subjugated by kings and popes, and we are blinded as to our history.

>This extract from Icke’s Wembley marathon was the most interesting bit, in which he talked about the way Saturn broadcasts emf waves around the solar system to planet earth, and the moon also plays a role in this perceived control system by amplifying the Saturn broadcast. He gives all his sources and I followed them all up.

>Every religion on the planet uses Saturnian symbols. How does it influence banking, police and education. The secret cult behind the Jovian cult (Jupiter) is saturnian. They set up Jehovah as a bogeyman, while the real guy is Seth or Satan meaning Saturn. 6 pointed hexagonal star is logo of Rothschilds. Saturn has hexagon at the north pole.

>Called the black sun.

>The God before Christ is Saturn (YAHWEH-EL), the previous God. The man behind the curtain is Saturn. Christmas is the Saturnalia. Dionysus is Saturnian. Saturday is Saturn’s day.

>We believe time is sequential, when it’s fluid. Time is relative, not sequential. Saturn is a false god entrapping us in time, when in fact time is fluid. We’re always racing ahead thinking we’re gonna get somewhere after more time, to make us anxious, when in the present, we’re already fine.

>We are in fact timeless. George Maxwell shows you how corporations, nations and countries use Saturnian imagery in their flags. Nissan. Chrysler.

>The black square mortarboard is Saturnian. It’s in Hindu tradition. The origins of it are all lost. Something changed the earth and wiped our memories.

>Stanley Kubrick and The Saturn Death Cult

>Is the greater body of Stanley Kubrick’s films an exposé of a hidden elite obsessed with dark Saturnian sexual rites, paedophilia and the planned ritualistic transmutation of mankind?

>The author and filmmaker Jay Weidner has proposed that legendary film director Stanley Kubrick created his masterpiece 2001: A Space Odyssey as a visual and alchemical initiation into the ongoing transformation and evolutionary ascent of man to a so-called Star Child destiny.

>Set against the backdrop of a space mission sent to the planet Jupiter to investigate a strange artificial monolith, 2001: A Space Odyssey is an almost surreal experience that incorporates thematic elements including human evolution, technology, artificial intelligence and extraterrestrial life. According to Weidner, it is a bold attempt to envision the next evolutionary step for humanity as it reaches out beyond its own planet into the depths of space.

>During a March 6, 2011 interview on Red Ice Radio, Weidner asserted that Kubrick had originally wanted to set the story’s monolith on the planet Saturn as it is written in the Arthur C. Clarke novel of the same name and not on Jupiter as it appears in Kubrick’s film. However, the special effects team apparently could not replicate Saturn’s rings well enough and Jupiter was substituted into the plot.

>Weidner doesn’t buy this. He believes Kubrick was pressured to make the changes by highly placed occultists worried that the film was too blatant in its depiction of the role played by Saturn in their occult human transmutation agenda. However, from the perspective of this website’s core theme there are enough eerily familiar images in 2001: A Space Odyssey to suggest that Kubrick did in fact get ‘Saturn’ into his film.

More at:



>All ancient faiths were based on the oldest science, astrology : the influence of the planets. The planets were the gods in Greece and Rome, Egypt and Babylon, India, Scandinavia, S. America …. Our current world faiths originated in the same ancient world. It should be no surprise to find they are also all based on astrology, all recognising One God.

>Satan, the Devil, is easily recognised as a portrait of massive Saturn, the higher dimension of this spirit, beyond the personal astrology of the horoscope.

>This recognition, based on the Kabbalah, gives us the rational, credible, scientific and multifaith understanding of God we need in modern times. It strongly supports the message of the Bible, especially the Gospels, the message of love and peace but avoids the literal simplifications of fundamentalism.

>The Tree of Life is the basis of the Kabbalah, the esoteric Tradition behind the Bible. The Tree is quite clearly an astrological map of the solar system with all the planets and Signs of the zodiac.

>The Tree of Life reveals astrology at the heart of the biblical Tradition, from Genesis (3.22) to Revelation (22.2) where its astrological character is confirmed, as too its role within Christianity : ‘The Tree of Life which bare twelve manner of fruit [the twelve Signs] and yielded her fruit every month.’ [The monthly cycle of the moon through the zodiac.]

>Satan, the Devil, is always portrayed with the horns, cloven hooves and goaty legs which reflect Saturn’s nature as lord of Capricorn, the Goat. This does not brand Capricorns : with the Sun in this Sign, they are often more enlightened about this materialistic spirit.

>Saturn is not the largest planet but astrologically Earth is ruled by the same spirit of materialism, money and power. Saturn’s spirit has an overwhelming influence on us.

>The Kabbalah Tradition reveals much more evidence and insights to understand this identification and the meaning of Satan, the Devil. The 22 Tarot Trumps represent the 22 Paths of the Tree of Life, the ten planets and twelve Signs. The Devil represents the Goat, the Capricorn Path.

>When we sacrifice everything to the pursuit of money and power, we miss the important things in life : our emotions, relationships, higher ideas, our spiritual life. Evil is just an excess of materialism which ignores human values. A mistake we can all make, sometimes a big mistake.




More on:

David Icke - 'The Moon Matrix & Saturn Firewall' - Red Ice Radio (24-04-2011) - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ppQUCPJWKOg

'Diamond rain' falls on Saturn and Jupiter - http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/science-environment-24477667

A Diamond Planet? - The Diamond Fields of The Mind - http://www.bibliotecapleyades.net/universo/cosmos77.htm

The Worship of Saturn - Saturn, so active in the cosmic changes, was regarded by all mankind as the supreme god. Seneca says that Epigenes, who studied astronomy among the Chaldeans, “estimates that the planet Saturn exerts the greatest influence upon all the movements of celestial bodies.” - http://www.varchive.org/itb/satwor.htm

Satan, the Devil and Saturn, Lord of the Rings and Capricorn, the Goat - http://www.factsbehindfaith.com/Satan-astrology.html

Do You Believe in Magick? (Saturn and 9/11) - https://www.youtube.com/playlist?lis...98B1B1B049374E


Hebrew Name: Shabbatai

Hebrew Meaning: The "Sabbatic" from the Hebrew meaning "to cease."

Hebrew Theme: Cease, rest.

Saturn, with its huge rings, seven of them, was known in Talmudic Hebrew literature as a representation of the Shabbat (Sabbath). It earned this reputation because of its prolonged orbit around the Sun.

The planetary body Saturn, in the Hebrew language called Shabbatai—y)tb#$—comes from the three-letter Hebrew word Shabbat—tb#$. Shabbat, of course, refers to the seventh day of the week in Jewish reckoning, Shabbatai was the seventh planetary body known to the ancient Jews. Seven is a special number of rest and is addressed in Jewish numerology.

In the Tanakh (Bible), the heavenly body Saturn is referred to by the prophet Amos (5:26). Apparently the Babylonians named a god after Saturn and called it Chiun. Because this Babylonian god of stone was embraced by some of the Jews of the day, the One true G-d of their Fathers visited His anger upon them.

In Jewish commentaries, the legendary name given to the antichrist is Armilus.

This Armilus will deceive the whole world into believing he is God and will reign over the whole world. He will come with ten kings and together they will fight over Jerusalem…Armilus will banish Israel 'to the wilderness' and it will be a time of unprecedented distress for Israel; there will be increasing famine, and the Gentiles will expel the Jews from their lands, and they will hide in caves and towers…God will war against the host of Armilus…and there will be a great deliverance for Israel and the kingdom of Heaven will spread over all the earth." (Encyclopedia Judaica)

"Other references further describe Armilus as arising from the Roman empire, having miraculous powers, and being born to a stone statue of a virgin (which is why he is called "the son of stone"). It is also interesting that he makes this statue "the chief of all idolatry" with the result that "all the Gentiles will bow down to her, burn incense and pour out libations to her."

(In Search of Temple Treasures, Randall Price)

Later, some rabbis in the middle ages interpreted the position and movement of both planetary bodies Shabbatai and Tzedeq (Jupiter) as a sign of imminent Messianic redemption.

(Signs in the Heavens, Avi Ben Mordechai) http://www.jordanmaxwell.com/articles/religion/religion10.html

“Pan was a composite creature, the upper part–with the exception of his horns–being human, and the lower part in the form of a goat. (…)The pipes of Pan signify the natural harmony of the spheres, and the god himself is a symbol of Saturn because this planet is enthroned in Capricorn, whose emblem is a goat” -Manly P. Hall, Secret Teachings of All Ages

“The Fraternitas Saturni (FS), the Brotherhood of Saturn, has become known to English readers through fragmentary descriptions which emphasize the sensational, sex-magical aspects of this lodge’s work or else its darker, more Satanic, side.This is understandable in light of the fact that the FS is (or was) the most unabashedly Luciferian organization in the modern Western occult revival, and its practice of sexual occultism perhaps the most elaborately detailed of any such lodge. The FS represents a unique blend of astrological cosmology, neo-Gnostic daemonology, sexual occultism, and Freemasonic organizational principles. This grand synthesis was originally the vision of one man, the long-time Grand Master of the FS, Gregor A. Gregorius.”
-Stephen E. Flowers, Fire & Ice: The History, Structure, and Rituals of Germany’s Most Influential Modern Magical Order: The Brotherhood of Saturn




I admit that the demiurge fags are pretty delusional, but saturn cult is almost as much so. Accept the fact that there is no creator already. The aether has and always will exist alongside the material plane and gods will always be creations slaved to us in the ather.


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You may like this article and the documentary linked in it:

I wonder if there is any truth to the first point in this pic..


Cult of Saturn controls halfchan's /x/ and censors / bans people they hate.


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Time is a place in your mind like the past, it exists only in your mind.
You see our society longs for pictures, a snapshot to keep forever. It's a fear of life, of dying.
Time passes away and you can't do nothing about it.

Time is a construct of death, refuse to believe in it and become fearless.


>it's going to be too late



tfw sun, mercury, uranus and neptune are all in capricorn.

Uncanny synchronicity huh?


Great point, we forget this too often.
Do you know techniques for time shifting?


Maybe not a good sign…


I'm a capricorn, what do?


Learn astrology. You being a capricorn is meaningless in this context.


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>Techniques of time shifting

First you have to break free of beeing a slave to time dictatorship.

Do what you feel like,when and how long you want.
If you look at the media telling us, kids sit too long in front of their playstation or telly, this is a strategy to make you feel guilty so you stop even you would like to go longer, this makes you come back again and again and again.
Just as playing these free mobile games where you play a certain amount of time but you get cut off to wait for a while to restore a life, you find yourself playing the whole day and over and over again.
It's a strategy to keep you addicted.

Refuse to follow their dictatorship.
You are master of your life and of your time, take back the ownership.


Continue to learn. Astrology is a huge starting point, eventually branching off into vedic and esoteric astrology. Combine that with your occult learnings and kahpow u got revolutionary ayyy


>They worship Saturn. They worship time. They use time to enslave us. These people rule us for reasons that we don’t understand.
Understanding time does equate to worshipping time. If you do not know the rules, don't play the game.
>Tolkien at Oxford told people he wasn’t writing an allegory but the true history of Europe 6500 years ago. His book ‘Lord of the Rings’ is really about Saturn.
I can see the thematic comparisons between the two, but I very much doubt Tolkien made it about Saturn. There is absolutely no chance the book is about Europe's real history, its a work of fiction.
>This extract from Icke’s Wembley marathon was the most interesting bit, in which he talked about the way Saturn broadcasts emf waves around the solar system to planet earth, and the moon also plays a role in this perceived control system by amplifying the Saturn broadcast. He gives all his sources and I followed them all up.
>taking David Icke seriously, and not just as an interesting and well-crafted personal narrative.
>Every religion on the planet uses Saturnian symbols. How does it influence banking, police and education. The secret cult behind the Jovian cult (Jupiter) is saturnian. They set up Jehovah as a bogeyman, while the real guy is Seth or Satan meaning Saturn. 6 pointed hexagonal star is logo of Rothschilds. Saturn has hexagon at the north pole.
I don't know enough about religion to state conclusively that all religions share Saturnian symbols, but most western religious infrastructures do contain some sort of Saturnian symbology.
I can't be bothered with the Stanley Kubrick tangent, there is a difference between artistic expression and reality, and although Kubrick blurs the line between the two frequently, they should not be taken as fact.


>yfw Saturn 29 gif is the neophyte symbol

[conspiracy intensifies]


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>Understanding time does equate to worshipping time.
It is. There is no time, ergo theres nothing to understand.

>I can see the thematic comparisons between the two, but I very much doubt Tolkien made it about Saturn. There is absolutely no chance the book is about Europe's real history, its a work of fiction.

I dont know much about Europe 6.5k years ago, but the symbology regarding Morgoth (Moloch), Sauron (Saturn), the rings and the eye obviously relate to saturn.
The rings are also a mechanism of power and binding, just like in real life (ie. marriage)

>taking David Icke seriously, and not just as an interesting and well-crafted personal narrative.

Icke is to be taken with a grain of salt.

>I can't be bothered with the Stanley Kubrick tangent, there is a difference between artistic expression and reality, and although Kubrick blurs the line between the two frequently, they should not be taken as fact.

There's a lot to see in Kubricks movies, beyond the movies themselves. Ive made a few posts on this.


Holy shit that gif's creepy


yea i've heard countless iterations about how time is construct and what not. but you know what, only because it makes sense theoretically does not make it so. Even when approaching time as a concept, you must still seek to understand it and its effects on your fellow man, it is an undeniable fact of our remainder of our stay in this planet.

I saw the LOTR trilogy being more about racial struggle through a Euro-centric bias than an epic clash between cosmic entities.

I've seen and re-watched Kubrick's films many a time, and I'm aware about recurring themes.

Well going back to the topic, Saturnal Cults aren't as evil as people make them up to be. "Let's demonize that which we do not understand."


The supposed absoluteness of linear time is bullshit but some form of time will always be relevant to us.

Read: Realm Dynamics and Timeline Dynamics (both by Tom Montalk) as well as The Holographic Universe by Michael Talbot.

This whole thread is filled with faggotry btw. I don't know what you guys hope to accomplish with all of this gibbering. Most of the posters in this thread need to put their conspiracy tinfoil hats on at least.

I consider the thread as a whole a distraction.


I've iffy about reading any books by Montalk after hours pouring over his website. Highly interesting and impressive perspective on our universe. Read the Holographic Universe, carries a lot from what hermetists, buddhists, and post-modern chaotes have been saying for ages.

I've retired my tinfoil years ago, and should not be prerequisite to entertain an idea or concept.


I only but books in italics. The two articles I recommended to you aren't books.


Btw, you're still not using the tinfoil flag… or any other flag. Just pick a flag and start using one!!


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I stand corrected.
If you didn't notice I was using a flag on my previous post, i just happen to conveniently forget it on my last post. it was all a masterful ruse.


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*If you didn't notice I was using a flag on all but one of my previous posts.
excuse my mistake but english is not my first language.


It's not about demonizing it, its about them using energies related to this with their own purposes while screwing everyone else.

No, learn2symbolism


>implying I have a use for symbolism beyond some basic thoughtform programming and subconscious communication and sigil-linking and whatever
>implying I need to know about the symbolism of other groups and the ebin conspiracies surrounding them
>implying it wouldn't be better to use symbolism to construct your own grand conspiracy that you actualize yourselves


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
>Watch this
>Have your mind blown into smithereens


>this thread

>time doesn't exist

Neville Goddard was right once again..

and pruning shears is revision. You simply revise, and as you revise the day you repeal the day, for the day is not slipping into the past, it does not recede as people think, it is always advancing into the future to confront you, either pruned or in some strange weed-like state.



OP you're a fucking moron; kabbalah translates to 'to receive' as it could only be passed down, like how the current yogi's have their system.

Also Jehova eloheim is chokmah; not jupiter.

Isn't this board supposed to have a brain?



It was written.

"Satan, who is the god of this world, has blinded the minds of those who don't believe. They are unable to see the glorious light of the Good News. They don't understand this message about the glory of Christ, who is the exact likeness of God." Corinthians 4:4

It should also be advised that the Jesuits, who control the Vatican and also rumored to control the governments of multiple nations on Earth, are in fact Luciferians who worship Saturn, and have a long string of child molestation, rape, torture and murder. There are multiple ex-Jesuit Vatican priests and exorcists that came out and said this. Their biggest plan is to cause a war in which will wipe out Israel and the Middle-East at once. Here's a quote by Henry Kissinger in 2012 regarding the fate of Israel. This man is a member of the most NGOs, heavily affiliated with Rockefeller and a member of Bilderburg.

"In 10 years, there will be no more Israel".


Think of the pyramid many of us relate to the NWO. At the top of this pyramid is Lucifer. It will be a One-World Government, controlled by the Jesuits, and their ultimate plan for Humanity is to convert the world to their God, Lucifer. We are already seeing the seeds planted via the New Age philosophy (One-World Religion) and the Lucis (Lucifer) Trust. This type of Government will most likely be Socialist in nature, which the people themselves will bring about (the ideologically subverted "cultural marxist" Left-wing) in the West. It will be Socialist culturally, but Corporatism will be the more obvious enslavement method via the TPP and Common Core education creating a Nation of workers instead of thinkers. To get a glimpse of this, look at the Private Prison industry in the USA. That is the future. The wealth inequality will continue to rise while the people will continue to pathetically argue about identity politics as enforced via Common Core and your average University.


These people have one huge thing in common, all the way to the Jesuit General to your average tumblr SJW: They despise everything about Jesus Christ. The same can be said about the Zionists, which imo are mostly being used by the Jesuits or at least under the control of them (most of them are part of the Saturn cult anyway).

There's more others can add to this as this is just a very brief synopsis regarding the Cult of Saturn and it's relationship with the NWO.


Crowley talks about kinks in time while he was practicing AP and meeting with an illuminati member



YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
This song is an illusion (pretty great though)

Kabbalah is very confusing. What is 'pathworking'? Like meditations?


lrn2ethymology nigger. kaab is cube, alah is el.

eloheim isnt the same as el, the eloheim are the descendants or cultists of el.

jupiter and saturn are related, nevertheless.



Less than anything wizard like it seems like this alternative theory on the genesis of our solar system just uses myth and explains it in modernist scientific terms albeit the electric universe is not accepted by the mainstream yet.

Saturn as Sauron (the evil/all seeing eye) is also interesting. Also the god of the bible is Saturn. Hence why you must rest on Sabbat.

It is kinda depressing though because I want to be a God, and the explanation that gods are just natural forces or lesser or greater magnitude that humans have attributed will to is kinda a killjoy.


I am a Capricorn. Does it explain why I'm obsessed with beauty, power, and control?


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I think it's kind of a meditative visualization where you move yourself through the paths on the tree of life and thus move your mind through different degrees or planes of conscience.

I don't think necessarily so, if you are thinking as in "my Sun is in Capricorn", then not.

>Their biggest plan is to cause a war in which will wipe out Israel and the Middle-East at once

Pic related.


Yo m8. I know it's a fucking retarded thing to ask around here but where are you from? The mere country will do.


Koreatown Los Angeles, Why?


Seeing as you are a Muslim, I thought we may be from the same country and I DEARLY need somebody else relatively close to me to be interested in this stuff too. Wading through this cesspool alone is tiring, menial and tedious.


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Your verbosity is cursing/influencing this awesome ,magnificent , cool and fun website made by lord smiley

I blame the mysterious energies of Saturn


That person has an amazing grasp at etymology.


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
good goy, dont forget to praise the black cube of alah - EL too!


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Thanks for the video

I'm more of a sufi mystic and esoteric christic (there is a poem where rumi made a Tulpa of the black cube and showed it to some girl who wanted to make a pilgrimage )

If you want what visible reality
can give, you're an employee.
If you want the unseen world,
you're not living your truth.
Both wishes are foolish,
but you'll be forgiven for forgetting
that what you really want is
love's confusing joy.


I wonder if this is M from those great /x/ threads around 2010.


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nice dubs


ive watched the whole thing whats the end message though can someone be clear i mean he goes on on how pedowood works and all and colour analysis but then what? dont watch tv dont wear purple?


If you didn't understand it's not within your reach yet.


The nature of all things is to be cyclic, and interconnected.

That's what I've gathered.


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thanks, so we go from life to death everything is dual yet is there a singularity? i mean is there a greater life form that is beyond the cycle..


Read either the arcane teachings, or the kybalion… or the book of Aquarius

I'm not exactly sure where I read it from, but essentially there is divine law which is the all.

From what I've read, it's stated that you reincarnate for many life times over, until you've reached a certain point. At that point, you rejoin in union with divine law.

That is the essence of what I was reading anyway. You'll get more clarity if you read the books themselves.


Electric Universe theory postulates that not only was the Earth originally a moon of Saturn but that the Earth was actually born from Saturn.



This theory has a body of evidence backing it against mainstream cosmology. Big Bang theorists have to scramble to explain why each new piece of evidence gathered with our increasing technological advances don't match their models which are created based on math first then made to fit the evidence after with things like dark matter and energy.


David Talbot wrote a couple of books on the subject “The Saturn Theory” and “Thunderbolts of the Gods” that take a forensic approach to the cosmic picture based on empirical evidence and comparing myths from around the globe to get a picture of our true history.



I have to admit, I was pretty sceptical when I clicked that link to the article. I was pleasantly surprised.

This has a lot of potential. Now if you'll excuse me, I've got some further reading to do.


merci l'ami


>Starts off interesting with solar, lunar, and seasonal symbols being secretly imbedded in the bible

>Later uses lame gay jokes in "Soul Plane" as evidence of illurminurrty

A lot of the "Pedowood" and Illuminati symbolism in media sites/videos always struck me as a form of celebrity gossip.


Holy shit, this has to be a fucking satire.

>Teddy Bear

>Symbol of love + romance
>Care Bears
>Care Bear Rainbows
>Rainbows=Gay Agenda
>Yogi Bear
>Boo Boo
>"Boo" as in "You mah boo baaybaay!"
>Yogis have tantric sex
>Yogis are often naked
>bear? bare!
>OMFG YOGI BARE it all makes sense now! Also Snagglepuss is a fucking faggot!



Yea, the godlet Saturn

>known as Shabbat to the kikes

>known as Satan to the Christians

is made incarnate through the Jews, who subvert the Masons.

The root of evil on Earth.



Fuck I can't take this deluge of tenuous buzzwords


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Bare double meanings.



This is an extremely fascinating theory in relation to your post, OP.


This was a really interesting thread. I've never heard of this Saturn cult before, despite being familiar with most of the stuff mentioned here. I have to take breaks from Ylilauta more often and check in here. Good find, it really put some pieces together about things.



You should think about leaving. I don't think the CITY OF [FALLEN] ANGELS is a good place to be right now.



What makes you say that? I also live there for now, but I intend on moving in the next year or so. Not sure where to as of yet.


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If you can Victoria BC is a amazing city.



I was thinking Washington, although I have friends in BC.


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Did you guys know that Saturn (the planet) has a hexagon larger than Earth on its north pole?



An interview on this topic of the history of the cult


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The cube shape is particularly interesting about this one.



Saturn will also be moving into Capricorn.

>fucking Saturn Returns for older millennials




May I ask, what's the meaning of this?


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now use that and see if you can spot a pattern in the media content after, which things are predominant in most movies from 2001 and on?


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wow bro, you trying to tell me some of the most iconic buildings in the cultural capital of the world were featured in hollywood movies and television shows? and… they were destroyed in a disaster film??? GET THE FUCK OUTTA TOWN


oh my god some throwaway gag in a donald duck cartoon is evidence of a conspiracy now

and that fucking simpsons one omg. two skyscrapers look like the number 11, WOW BRO THE PLOT, IT THICKENS

this shit is absolutely fucking autismal. take your meds you fucking faggots. jesus christ i wanna read about cool mystical shit not this schizophrenic garbage.



you don't belong on this board, fucktard

donald duck and simpsons was predictive programming, it happens all the time

some producers higher up KNEW what was coming because FREEMASONRY & SECRET SOCIETIES

wake up piece of shit and dont talk down people when you you're a mudblood mundane fucking ass



He's a gross mundane and I almost gagged reading his post



>cool mystical shit

How new are you?




with our love we could change the world if they only knew


great video

This is off topic but

what do you guys think of this guys youtube




Hes an alright dindu but there are other channels with the same content that are a lot better



Who would have the most up to date information>?

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