Fringe community 03/04/18 (Sun) 20:38:21 No. 117135
Im making a ancap spiritual village in portugal, I have bought 2 hectares of land in the country side. It would be nice to work with esoteric and dank wizards XD, just dont curse me haha.
I got the idea to write this because I saw people talking about this on fringe bay.
Here is the link, you dont need to pay to join, just send me a application form.
Right now its raining like mad, so may would be the optimal time to join.
SAGE! 03/04/18 (Sun) 22:45:35 No. 117143
holy shit this one is retarded
03/04/18 (Sun) 23:55:03 No. 117146
I have a wizard friend in Portugal I should tell about your place.
03/05/18 (Mon) 02:14:15 No. 117154
>dank wizards XD, just dont curse me haha
Why not?
03/05/18 (Mon) 02:20:03 No. 117155
>Would you like to get robbed and turned into fertilizer for my new farm?!! XD
Sounds intriguing…I'll be there in May. I just have to swim across the Atlantic after I cross The USA from the West to the East Coast first.
03/05/18 (Mon) 11:09:28 No. 117184
Alright mate I'll be waiting :D, good swimming.
03/05/18 (Mon) 11:14:57 No. 117185
Thats up to you, big boy. Was part of my plan about getting caught in your games, maybe? XD
03/05/18 (Mon) 11:22:08 No. 117186
We are living together in community's, but my end goal is get enough land to make my own ancap village, or country :^).
Also its not ancap 100%, its more anarcho spiritual than ancap, imagine the ancap flag but with the flower of life in the middle. (((Immortal vampires welcome too XD)))
03/05/18 (Mon) 14:07:34 No. 117190
Did you post this to cobra etheric liberation on facebook? You'd have better chance at finding people there since there's like 13k members.
03/05/18 (Mon) 14:24:05 No. 117193
I just like this community better, most people in the Facebook group are normies. I also like th e memes here more than, what the normies post. Even though i still follow cobra a bit im starting to distance myself from him, with the recent "face reveal" I think he might have different agendas than what is presented, see the liberation imminent thread for more info.
03/06/18 (Tue) 10:22:29 No. 117265
Dropped. I heard this braindead autismo retard talk about that stuff
03/06/18 (Tue) 10:58:04 No. 117268
So growing your own food is retarded? Then I must be a retarded varg, to bad for me then XD
You have a weird mentally if somebody you dont like, talks about something and you then, associate that thing with him.
Permaculture is the best way to grow food in harmony with nature.
03/06/18 (Tue) 13:14:45 No. 117270
Why reinvent the wheel?
Second is that the idea sounds less like actual ancap and more like "I want to run an ancap commune". Emphasis on the "I".
You have already stipulated that it can only be vegan and you have the solitary right to veto any idea. Which makes perfect sense since it is your land. And otherwise it would likely turn into "gasp" anarchy.
Still, sounds cool. If you didn't have all the rules in place and instead just focused on actual anarchy and capitalism it would kind of be interesting.
Because under true anarchy/capitalism your going to get people who are more than happy to settle for gibs while others are going to become financially independent and settle into an elite class that their wealth gives them access to.
Even if it only means that they can afford propane for heat while others are burning twigs.
03/06/18 (Tue) 18:51:28 No. 117308
I made the rules after attending a permaculture community in portugal called ahimsa, problems arose from not having any specific rules and the group started to fragment. (And then I made osei, tada)
I made these rules to explain clearly for people, what im making/doing. And the rules I made, are not much compared to the rules in our society. It is basic ethical rules.
Also I want people that respect nature and people, not just any shlomo ruining the place. If you get my drift XD
If you haven't lived in community before you wouldn't understand the rules, but those who have lived knows there needs to be some basic community rules. Or else problems arise.
03/06/18 (Tue) 19:00:18 No. 117309
Why bother? (((They))) will just infiltrate your community and poison it from within by convincing your populace of wanton self indulgence.
03/06/18 (Tue) 19:04:00 No. 117310
You type like a twelve year old and you have the political ideology of a twelve year old, so I will be fucking shocked if you have any success with this.
03/06/18 (Tue) 19:09:40 No. 117311
Im just in a spurde sparde mood. But I will be serious with you, if you want.
03/06/18 (Tue) 19:14:53 No. 117312
Oh well, at least I tried right?
In the future I plan to work with zero point energy, and (((they))) will probably get me by then, but not if me and my team at (crypto company) succeeds
03/08/18 (Thu) 00:30:33 No. 117365
You really only need a few basic housekeeping rules. But they have to be absolute. 3 strikes and your gone kind of absolute.
Simple like "no trash or animal waste left overnight."
Put them in a charter and make them inviolable, tied directly to the existence of the organization. Meaning any attempt to dilute or otherwise undermine the rules results in the dissolution of the organization.
The rules are the rules even without a leader.
Beyond basic housekeeping I don't think you can dictate or legislate human behavior, including dietary restrictions. People evolve over time, beliefs change.
I lived in a religious community for several years. I left after it became clear that the people in charge didn't even really believe any of the groups teachings beyond what they could use to get what they wanted.
03/08/18 (Thu) 02:36:21 No. 117367
That's a cool website. thanks. but, let me say, I've actually met and talked to a good number of people who live in these "intentional communities" and they are fucking insufferable. I mean, every one of them has some special snowflake (usually, secular & "environmentalist" based) religion that you have to adhere to strictly. And, the thing is, most of it is absolute retarded LARPing, and completely impractical. They just want to do a lot of gardening and act like they've saved the planet. They never notice that the effort most of the time isn't worth is (eg. cabbage is $0.35/lb - why would you spend all that time growing it yourself?)
that pic's ironic, right?
>Beyond basic housekeeping I don't think you can dictate or legislate human behavior
this. But…. every "intentional community" I've ever known about does precisely this. They basically legislate everything, and usually most of it is completely impractical LARPing bullshit
03/08/18 (Thu) 05:47:35 No. 117371
Having the i.q. of a ham sandwich definitely helps when it comes to these ideological groups. You can't think too much about what your doing.
I've thought about creating an Independent Catholic monastery, with an emphasis on brewing beer, mead, stout, and the like. Mostly because I like beer and think it would be a cool way to live.
03/08/18 (Thu) 11:16:52 No. 117376
My community is pretty open, like if you dont want to eat vegan food, you can buy your own food and prepare it.
Everything I make I share with the group, so basically you get free food living here. But you won't get free food if you go and buy your own, ofcourse I will still share the vegan food with you.
Im looking to make a close relationship with the members that come here, a heart to heart bond.
I have no crazy forcefull ideologies other than respect nature, humans and the animals.
And if that sounds like too much, then it properly isent for you.
03/08/18 (Thu) 16:41:29 No. 117378
How is ohni going? I still have a load of that you were giving away.
03/08/18 (Thu) 18:06:29 No. 117381
Its going slow but good. We are working on a app right now, should be out of beta soon. We are a long term hodl coin. Expect big gains in a year or 2, we will be hitting 1 dollar, this year we will be 1 or 2 cents according to our future estimates.
Im not the ceo if you were wondering, im part of the team
03/09/18 (Fri) 02:47:42 No. 117399
Again, and based on personal experience, just having some basic housekeeping rules and making them inviolable will go a long way in running off the riff raff. I think its a pride thing. "These rules are for mere mortals and not someone of such superiority as I" while they leave shit scattered every where and tools left out in the rain.
03/09/18 (Fri) 03:28:53 No. 117400
>I've thought about creating an Independent Catholic monastery, with an emphasis on brewing beer, mead, stout, and the like
not religious, but doing the benedictine thing would be epin
>if you dont want to eat vegan food
so… no livestock? fail
03/09/18 (Fri) 10:11:46 No. 117413
Im gonna get animals, but personally im not gonna eat them. You can raise your own livestock if you want, no problems. Just no load hens. :)
03/09/18 (Fri) 10:12:39 No. 117414
03/09/18 (Fri) 22:25:58 No. 117425
>"ancap" not eco-an
>occultist not spiritual
>egocentric veto power not basic democracy
>shitty youtube videos and patreon site not capturing his progress
>2012portalblogspot, coorey goode, exopolitics and 777alaje not The Enneads, Coniunctio Mystica, Corpus Hermeticum and Bibliotheca Chemica Curiosa
Why should I even bother?
03/09/18 (Fri) 22:32:11 No. 117426
>Im gonna get animals, but personally im not gonna eat them. You can raise your own livestock if you want
oh cool; you just said vegan, so I was like no butter or milk or eggs even???
>load hens
do I even want to know what this means? i-is that a thing?
eco-fash is better
03/10/18 (Sat) 10:05:38 No. 117439
It is a spiritual place. Open for all non violent beliefs
>"ancap" not eco-an
I see it more as anarcho spiritual but there is no flag for that.
>egocentric veto power not basic democracy
There is basic democracy, the veto is only last resort, it is there because I had problems in a old community pertaining to this, and its also my land. Nobody is stopping you to buy your own land.
>shitty youtube videos and patreon site not capturing his progress.
I just bought solar panels waiting for delivery right now, I have my progress on post tab. Cant do videos without electricity. Using my van to charge my phone right now.
>2012portalblogspot, coorey goode, exopolitics and 777alaje not The Enneads, Coniunctio Mystica, Corpus Hermeticum and Bibliotheca Chemica Curiosa
Im open minded and would like to share different information with you. Thats just what I have been researching through the years.
03/10/18 (Sat) 15:24:12 No. 117442
village was jonestown'd after an months
03/10/18 (Sat) 20:53:49 No. 117453
where is the land and how much did it cost?
03/10/18 (Sat) 23:49:14 No. 117456
i bet Portugal is a beautiful country!
great surfing in portugal i hear
03/10/18 (Sat) 23:55:19 No. 117457
03/11/18 (Sun) 14:02:45 No. 117480
Write me a email so I can answer you, email is on patreon.
03/11/18 (Sun) 15:11:00 No. 117486
How will you prevent it from being a sausage fest? A village has to reproduce somehow and I doubt the demographics of people willing to join you would be anywhere close to being in your favor..
03/24/18 (Sat) 19:36:13 No. 118185
Actually there is already 2 girls that want to come. And I will also put it up on websites like workaway and wwofing which will attract different people.
03/29/18 (Thu) 15:56:09 No. 118323
SAGE! 04/11/18 (Wed) 16:47:59 No. 118581
Have you heard of the rajneeshpuram, a former spiritual libertarian commune in Oregon?
04/19/18 (Thu) 08:58:31 No. 118985
Do you offer living with proximity to manual labor work so we can gather material wealth and improve the city?
Cost of living there?
What manual labor do you want done? Worksystem? Hourclocking? from morning to night?
Plans on what to grow?
Nigga you have spiders down there?
04/21/18 (Sat) 14:32:22 No. 119107
No I haven't heard about it.
04/21/18 (Sat) 14:36:31 No. 119108
Yes you can live away fron my community and work as you please, 2 there is no cost of living here, hell you get free food living here. I just need enough money monthly to keep the place running and donations help with that.
All labor is appreciated.
Im growing everything I can grow, my aim is to be self sufficient.
Yes there is spiders, but they wont harm you if you respect them and nature.
05/03/18 (Thu) 10:18:49 No. 119607
Here is a picture of my place.
05/04/18 (Fri) 13:42:28 No. 119662
Did I see you on mwch growing your potatoes?
05/04/18 (Fri) 13:43:44 No. 119663
Ah I did.
I am the Potato nigger btw. How are ye coming on son!?
05/05/18 (Sat) 21:59:46 No. 119726
The country is protected by the Virgin Mary, do not practice Black Magic or you will be smitten a thousand-fold.
05/06/18 (Sun) 02:28:48 No. 119752
Very beautiful land, friend. I would love to join you guys but I'm intent on more traditional monasticism for the time being. Perhaps one day after I've sufficiently unfucked myself I could swing on by and help grow potatoes.
Best of luck.
05/07/18 (Mon) 22:46:49 No. 119808
Yes im on mewch, doing pretty good. How many potatoes are you growing?
05/07/18 (Mon) 22:51:44 No. 119809
Also its may now so get ready to come, if you want to join now. Dont forget to bring your wands and sigils too. :^) senpai is waiting for you
05/08/18 (Tue) 00:52:44 No. 119814
Only 11 this year. Got to rent or buy a digger because there is a pile of rubble from a house dumped where I want to create a vegetable garden on. Take the grass off and remove all that crap. For now I have em in a box I made from some planks. Also a whole box of beetroot too.
Not a commie meself but I do not like corporatism and this out of control consumerism. it is cancer.
05/08/18 (Tue) 07:37:44 No. 119822
Dont worry, this is not out of control consumerism, this is just
a ancap community trying to live without a goverment, and not starving to death because somebody took charge of the means of production, :^).
05/09/18 (Wed) 15:35:19 No. 119857
how the hell do u make portugal the country let u inside of portugal the country if u arent from there
05/09/18 (Wed) 16:44:41 No. 119858
You can go anywhere in Europe with a European id
05/09/18 (Wed) 17:09:05 No. 119859
im from usa lol how do i trick portugal into letting me inside of portugal
05/09/18 (Wed) 17:23:36 No. 119860
Tell them you're a nigger muslim, works in most of Europe ;^)
05/09/18 (Wed) 18:24:23 No. 119861
Would my 1% Jewish blood work?
05/09/18 (Wed) 22:42:04 No. 119872
You could try, jews rule everything anyway. XD
And the other anon can be a illegal immigrant in my community. Maybe swim across haha. If you stay here and make a life you wouldn't want to go back to Orwellian murica at least I don't think so.
05/12/18 (Sat) 04:03:11 No. 119938
Not so bad. I wish you well with that.
I wonder if you will have any complications with any "authorities" on down the line
05/16/18 (Wed) 18:16:06 No. 120083
I got solar now, but I hurt my rib doing mma training with the neighbor, It hurts a little when I Breathe, I think I bruised a rib. will be making videos when im feeling better. Also I made a natural toilet.
05/16/18 (Wed) 22:07:58 No. 120096
remember the esoteric shitting thread my dude, go for those powershits!
05/16/18 (Wed) 22:55:36 No. 120098
I will Never forget :^) I will post pictures of the toilet soon, it feels nice to be past pajeet shit in the woods and have a real toilet.
05/17/18 (Thu) 00:40:36 No. 120104
Observe your community dousing for future designated shitting streets once you struggle with hygiene.
05/20/18 (Sun) 20:17:49 No. 120262
I got this spiritual ancap flag for my community. Thoughts? I like it
05/20/18 (Sun) 20:47:58 No. 120264
Also mods add this flag as spiritual or esoteric ancap.
05/20/18 (Sun) 21:11:13 No. 120266
What the flag represents.
I call this flag, Spiritual / esoteric anarcho capitalism.
The tree symbolizes knowledge and wisdom, and being in harmony with nature and people. The snake protects the tree from the government and represents not to step on me, or my community.
The black color on the flag represents no government or mental slavery, the yellow color represents freedom and Liberty, also open and free market and trade. Voluntary work and respect for each other.
05/21/18 (Mon) 01:38:08 No. 120276
Fellow ancap here. I wish you the best of luck OP.
Have you purchased the land yet?
05/21/18 (Mon) 09:22:29 No. 120292
not OP but yes I think he's already done that, he's building toilets at the moment iirc.
05/21/18 (Mon) 12:23:08 No. 120314
Yeah im past the stage of finding land, now Im growing food, also I just made a big toilet. But I damaged my rib so im staying in bed and relaxing for a couple of days. Buts its getting better now.
SAGE! 05/21/18 (Mon) 23:06:06 No. 120327
Post one with 11-20 x 11-16 pixels and I'll let BO know
SAGE! 05/23/18 (Wed) 23:36:09 No. 120454
05/24/18 (Thu) 19:45:57 No. 120500
Good luck when all your property is burned down during the Summer.
>Im looking to make a close relationship with the members that come here, a heart to heart bond.
No autists allowed, I assume.
Any racial requirements to join in your community? I'm a bit less white than your average moor. You seem to be running low on females too, surely the less competition with BBB (big black boys) the better. Speaking of women, in Portugal you have the advantage of homeschooling. No need for you to send the next generation to "big gov solves everything just give us half of your salary when you grow up trust us and remember to chop off your dicks" kind of education.
Also, where in Portugal is that? I'm not asking for an address, just, is it north of Mondego, south of Mondego or along Mondego? If it's south lmao at your geographical choices
05/24/18 (Thu) 20:12:50 No. 120502
I have answered all this on my patreon. Its in this thread. Also made a work away profile which is getting traction. Actually in The last community i was at there were more women than men. So i Hope this becomes The case here too.
05/24/18 (Thu) 20:18:00 No. 120503
Actually i enjoy autist/imageboard humor, more than normal fag mundane humor. This is why im advertising my community on imageboards, because i need somebody i can joke and relate to that isent a normal fag.
05/24/18 (Thu) 20:23:47 No. 120504
I dont judge people by race i judge the individual. Heart to heart means making a good connection with people like a second family.
05/24/18 (Thu) 20:28:24 No. 120506
Also im in the penamacor area of Portugal.
05/24/18 (Thu) 23:16:24 No. 120511
>It is a spiritual place. Open for all non violent beliefs
Wtf are you doing m8?
05/25/18 (Fri) 10:27:51 No. 120518
What do you mean? You
05/25/18 (Fri) 10:30:43 No. 120519
You think my beliefs are bad? Or accepting non violent beliefs are bad, it doesn't mean you don't have the right to defend your self from the government and people. Actually I encourage that.
05/25/18 (Fri) 21:34:15 No. 120542
That's a nice area, I've lived nearby many years ago and hope to go back in the future.
I've read the patreon. The rules remind me a lot of hippy artistic people I've dealt with in the past and do not intend to repeat. Still, the idea up until stage three is my kind of thing, though I don't know if you would be in need when I become available to join. Heh, I'm a musician myself that could help with stage 4, but anyone can be an artist if you don't have standards.
Also, if I'm not allowed to get drunk and give speeches about how Salazar did nothing wrong I guess I'm not welcome anyway.
I was also going to criticise your no fite stance but then I saw you're into martial arts and shit so it's cool.
I will keep an eye on your project. If it survives the next 5 years and I get my shit together by then, I might contact you. Good luck, m8.
05/25/18 (Fri) 21:45:30 No. 120543
After skimming about salazar, he sounds like a silent hitler wanna be that ruled Portugal under fascism for 40 years, im open to all opinions from people. But my community IS spiritual ancap. Just so you understand. But I personally don't mind you making shitposting speeches irl. :)
06/15/18 (Fri) 08:44:04 No. 121687
Here is my finished toilet. Its at stage 1, its a compost toilet. I dug it with a pickaxe minecraft style.
07/06/18 (Fri) 17:35:43 No. 122949
Some new pictures, firecircle, natural house and driveway for cars and tents.
07/06/18 (Fri) 17:54:49 No. 122950
When can I come and live?
I got nothing to offer except my wisdom and my muscles. No money, sorry.
I almost need nothing, all I care for is to reach enlightenment. If I die it's alright too since I want to go to the astral planes anyway.
07/06/18 (Fri) 18:24:35 No. 122953
07/06/18 (Fri) 18:41:52 No. 122956
You live in dirt shit holes, they build clean swimming pools and clay brick houses out of dirt shit holes.
07/06/18 (Fri) 21:53:42 No. 122969
Somebody hasn't read Lord of the flies and The Beach but fuck it. far be it from me to stop rich yuppies from reinventing the wheel. Try and not eat each other mmmmkay guys.
if you were enlighten then you would have no problem going alone.
07/06/18 (Fri) 21:55:49 No. 122970
Read the thread, you can come now if you want.
07/06/18 (Fri) 22:02:34 No. 122972
I know all this already, don't be too judgemental fire anon. I like your yang thread by the way. I'm building like primitive technology at the moment and I'm using lime stone now.
And I also know about the vegan youtube gardener. I do permaculture my self. Which I find works the best.
07/10/18 (Tue) 05:50:38 No. 123094
that's nice but Pinoshits can get the wall. so can Liberals, and Libertine Communists.
hi from /fascist/
07/10/18 (Tue) 07:53:10 No. 123103
since when has non-violence solved anything? rhetorical question. never.
07/10/18 (Tue) 09:09:35 No. 123105
That was meant in relation to the community, and not the geopolitical situation. I changed the rules since then, long time ago.
07/17/18 (Tue) 01:27:34 No. 123449
07/18/18 (Wed) 09:18:44 No. 123509
How exactly is this a "spiritual community", to me it seems more like a bunch of hippie expats just finding a cheap place to live and pretending that there's something spiritual about it.
Do you do any:
- meditation
- group rituals
- work with nature spirits (not just planting vegetables)
Do you have a vow of celibacy/obedience/silence
What is your spiritual framework and what exactly is the purpose of gathering people around you?
07/19/18 (Thu) 17:58:25 No. 123535
I will do all this later, (actually i do most of what you listed personally already.) I also need the right people that is open to this kind of occult and spiritual wisdom.
But right now im in the startup faze of the project, so planting and building are higher on the menu.
07/28/18 (Sat) 23:36:45 No. 123842
pick one my child
07/29/18 (Sun) 20:35:56 No. 123870
Op, are you still here?
07/29/18 (Sun) 22:36:28 No. 123876
No. We abducted him.
07/30/18 (Mon) 15:13:41 No. 123915
Op here doing the daily berry picking. And getting probed at night by communist ets.. the usual routine. Other than that, I'm doing good.
11/22/18 (Thu) 18:11:10 No. 126457
hey op did you had lots of money saved up before you jumped on this project? do you have any job? i want to leave society too. thanks