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Tipp's Fringe Bunker

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>Initiation is your own life. If you want initiation, write it upon a staff. Whosoever has understanding let him understand, because there is wisdom within. Initiation is neither bought nor sold. Avoid those schools that give initiations by correspondence. Avoid all those who sell initiations.

Initiation is something very intimate to the Soul. The “I” does not receive initiations. Therefore, those who say, “I have so many initiations,” “I have such and such degrees,” are liars and fakes, because the “I” does not receive initiations or degrees.

There are nine Initiations of Minor Mysteries and five important Initiations of Major Mysteries. The Soul is the one who receives the initiations. This is a very intimate matter; something that one must not go about speaking of, nor something that must be told to anyone.

Indeed, all the initiations and degrees that many schools of the physical world confer have no value whatsoever in the Superior Worlds, because the masters of the White Lodge only recognize the legitimate initiations of the Soul as genuine. These are completely internal.

The disciple can ascend the nine Arcades, pass through all the nine Initiations of Minor Mysteries, without having worked in the Arcanum A.Z.F. (Sexual Magic). Nevertheless, it is impossible to enter the Major Mysteries without Sexual Magic.

In Egypt, everyone who reached the Ninth Sphere would inevitably receive by word of mouth the terrific secret of the great Arcanum (the most powerful Arcanum, the Arcanum A.Z.F.).


The first ordeal that the candidate has to face is the trial of the Guardian of the Threshold. This Guardian is the reflection of the “I,” the intimate depths of the “I.” Many are they who fail this terrible ordeal.

In the Internal Worlds, the candidate has to invoke the Guardian of the Threshold. A terrifying electrical hurricane precedes the terrible apparition.

The larva of the threshold is armed with a terrible, hypnotic power. In fact, this monster has all the horrible ugliness of our own sins. It is the living mirror of our own evil deeds. The clash is terrible: it is a face to face and hand to hand battle. If the Guardian wins, the candidate becomes enslaved by the horrible monster. However, if the candidate is victorious, the monster of the threshold flees terrified. Then a metallic sound shakes the universe and the candidate is received in the Children’s Chamber. This reminds us of that requisition uttered by the hierophant Jesus Christ who stated:

Except ye become as little children, ye shall not enter into the kingdom of heaven.

In the Children’s Chamber, the candidate is welcomed by the holy masters. The happiness is immense because a human being has entered the Path of Initiation. The entire College of Initiates (Children) congratulate the candidate. The candidate has defeated the first Guardian. This ordeal takes place in the Astral World.


The Guardian of the Threshold has a second aspect, the mental aspect. We must know that the mind which the present human being possesses is still not a human mind. The present human being’s mind is found in an animal stage. Therefore, in the Mental Plane each person has the animal physiognomy that corresponds with his character. There, the cunning person is a real fox. The passionate man appears as a dog or a male goat, etc.

The encounter with the Guardian of the Threshold in the plane of the mind is even more frighteningly horrible than in the Astral Plane. Really, the second Guardian is the great Guardian of the Threshold of the World.

The struggle with the second Guardian is usually very horrible. The candidate is the one who must invoke the second Guardian in the Mental Plane. The Guardian comes preceded by a horrifying electrical hurricane. If the candidate is victorious, he is received with a warm welcome in the Children’s Chamber within the Mental Plane. However, if he fails, he remains enslaved by the horrible monster. All our mental crimes are personified in this larva.


The encounter with the third guardian takes place in the world of the will. The Demon of Evil Will is the most terrible of the three. People do their personal will. The masters of the White Lodge do only the Will of the Father, “on Earth as it is in Heaven.”

When the candidate becomes victorious in the third ordeal, he is again welcomed in the Children’s Chamber. The music is ineffable, the festivity solemn…


After the candidate has triumphed in the three basic ordeals of the Guardian of the Immense Region, he must then enter into the Hall of Fire. There, the flames purify the candidate’s internal vehicles.


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The Ordeals of Fire, Air, Water, and Earth

In the ancient Egypt of the Pharaohs, these four ordeals had to be courageously faced in the physical world. Now the candidates have to pass these four ordeals in the supra-sensitive worlds.

The Ordeal of Fire

The candidate is exposed to this ordeal in order to examine his serenity and sweetness. The wrathful and choleric inevitably fail this ordeal. The candidate experiences being persecuted, insulted, wronged etc. Many are they who react violently and return to the physical body having failed completely. However, the victorious ones are received in the Children’s Chamber and are welcomed with delightful music, the music of the spheres. The flames horrify the weak.

The Ordeal of Air

Those who despair because they lose something or someone, those who fear poverty, those who are not willing to lose what they love the most, fail in the ordeal of air. The candidate is thrown into the depths of a precipice. The weak ones cry out and return terrified to the physical body. However, the victorious ones are received in the Children’s Chamber with festivities and greetings.

The Ordeal of Water

The great ordeal of water is really terrible. The candidate is thrown into the ocean and believes himself to be drowning. Those who do not know how to adapt themselves to the various social conditions of life, those who do not know how to live among the poor, those who after being shipwrecked in the ocean of life reject the struggle and prefer to die, they, the weak ones, inevitably fail in the ordeal of water. However, the victorious ones are received in the Children’s Chamber with cosmic festivities.

The Ordeal of Earth

We must learn how to take advantage of the worst adversities. The worst adversities bring us the best opportunities. We must learn to smile before all adversities. This is the Law.

Those who succumb to pain before the adversities of existence cannot victoriously pass the ordeal of Earth.

In the Superior Worlds the candidate finds himself between two enormous mountains that menacingly close in upon him. If the candidate screams with horror, he then returns as a failure into his physical body. However, if he is serene, he becomes victorious and is received in the Children’s Chamber with great festivity and immense happiness.


The Initiations of Minor Mysteries

When the candidate becomes successful in all the introductory ordeals to the Path, he has the absolute right to enter into the Minor Mysteries. Each of the nine Initiations of Minor Mysteries are attained within the Innermost Consciousness. Thus, if the student has a good memory, he then can bring into his physical brain the memory of those initiations. However, when the candidate’s memory is not good, then the poor neophyte is unaware in the physical world of all that which he learns and receives in the Superior Worlds. Therefore, those who wish to be aware in the physical world of all that happens to them during initiation have to develop their memory. It is urgent that the candidate develop his memory. It is urgent for the candidate to learn how to consciously depart within the Astral body. It is urgent for the candidate to awake his Consciousness.

The nine Initiations of Minor Mysteries constitute the probationary path. The nine Initiations of Minor Mysteries are for the disciples who are on trial.

The married disciples who practice the Arcanum A.Z.F. pass these nine elementary initiations very rapidly. However, when the disciple is celibate and absolutely chaste, he can also pass the nine initiations, although more slowly. Fornicators cannot receive any initiation.

The Initiations of Major Mysteries

Five great Initiations of the Major Mysteries exist. Seven serpents exist. Two groups of three, with the sublime coronation of the seventh tongue of fire that unites us with the One, with the Law, with the Father. We need to climb the septenary scale of fire.

The First Initiation is related with the first serpent, the Second Initiation with the second serpent, the Third Initiation with the third serpent, the Fourth Initiation with the fourth serpent, the Fifth Initiation with the fifth serpent (the Sixth and Seventh belong to Buddhi, or Soul Consciousness, and to Atman, or the Innermost of the human being).

The First Initiation of Major Mysteries

The first serpent corresponds to the physical body. It is necessary to raise the first serpent through the medullar canal of the physical body. When the serpent reaches the magnetic field at the root of the nose, the candidate attains the First Initiation of Major Mysteries. The Soul and the Spirit come before the great White Lodge without the Bodies of Sin and in complete absence of the “I.” They look at each other, they love and fuse as two flames which unite to form a single flame. Thus, this is how the Divine Hermaphrodite is born, and receives a throne in order to command and a temple in order to officiate. We must transform ourselves into Kings and Priests of Nature according to the Order of Melchizedeck. Whosoever receives the First Initiation of Major Mysteries, receives the flaming sword that gives him power over the four elements of Nature. We need to practice Sexual Magic intensely in order to raise the serpent upon the staff, as Moses did in the wilderness. Love is the basis and foundation of initiation. It is necessary to know how to love. The struggle in order to raise the serpent is very difficult. The serpent must rise slowly degree by degree. There are thirty-three vertebrae. There are thirty-three degrees. In each vertebra the tenebrous ones attack us terribly. The Kundalini rises very slowly in accordance with the merits of the heart. We need to terminate with all of our sins.

It is urgent to tread the path of the most absolute sanctity. It is indispensable to practice Sexual Magic without animal desire. Not only must we kill desire, but the very shadow of desire. We need to be like the lemon. The sexual act must become a true religious ceremony. Jealousy must be eliminated. You must know that passionate jealousy terminates household peace.


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The Second Initiation of Major Mysteries

The ascent of the second serpent through the medullar canal of the Ethereal Body is very difficult. When the second serpent reaches the magnetic field at the root of the nose, the initiate then enters into the temple in order to receive the Second Initiation of Major Mysteries. It is good to emphasize that the human personality does not enter into the temple. The personality remains at the door putting its affairs in order with the Lords of Karma.

The Innermost, together with his Ethereal Body, is crucified within the temple. That is to say, the Innermost clothes himself with the Ethereal Body for the Crucifixion. This is how the Ethereal body is Christified. To Soma Psuchikon, the Wedding Garment of the Soul, the Body of Gold, is born in the Second Initiation. This vehicle is formed with the two superior ethers. The Ethereal Body has four ethers, two superior and two inferior. Thus, with the Wedding Garment of the Soul we can enter all the regions of the Kingdom.

This Initiation is very difficult. The student is severely tested. If he is victorious, the midnight sun shines, and from it descends the five pointed star with its central eye. This star comes to rest above the head of the neophyte as a sign of approval. The result of the victory is the Initiation.

```The Third Initiation of Major Mysteries```

The third serpent rises through the medullar canal of the Astral specter. The third serpent must reach the magnetic field at the root of the nose, and then from there descend to the heart through a secret passageway within where seven holy chambers exist.

When the third serpent reaches the heart, a most beautiful child, the Christ-astral is born. The outcome of all this is the Initiation. The neophyte has to experience within his Astral body the entire drama of the Passion of Christ. He has to be crucified, die and be buried. He has then to resurrect and must also descend to the Abyss and remain there for forty days before the Ascension.

The supreme ceremony of the Third Initiation is attained with the Christ-astral. Upon the altar appears Sanat Kumara, the Ancient of the Days, in order to grant us the Initiation.

Everyone who attains the Third Initiation of Major Mysteries receives the Holy Spirit.

It is necessary for the man to know how to love the woman to attain this Initiation. The sexual union must be filled with immense love. The phallus must always enter the vulva very gently, in order not to harm the organs of the woman. Each kiss, each word, each caress, must be totally free of desire. Animal desire is a very grave obstacle for the Initiation.

Upon reading these lines, many puritanical people will judge us as being immoral. Nonetheless, those people are never scandalized by brothels and prostitutes. They insult us, but they are incapable of going to the neighborhoods where the prostitutes live in order to preach the Upright Doctrine. They hate us, but they are incapable of abhorring their own sins. They condemn us because we preach the religion of sex, but they are incapable of condemning their own Fornication. This is how humanity is.


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The Fourth Initiation of Major Mysteries

When the fourth serpent has succeeded in the ascent through the medullar canal of the mental specter, then the Fourth Initiation of Major Mysteries is attained. The fourth serpent also reaches the space between the eyebrows and descends to the heart.

In the world of the mind, Sanat Kumara always welcomes the candidate saying, “You have liberated yourself from the four bodies of sin. You are a Buddha. You have entered the world of the Gods. You are a Buddha. Everyone who liberates himself of the four bodies of sin is a Buddha. You are a Buddha. You are a Buddha.”

The cosmic festivity of this Initiation is grandiose. The entire world, the entire universe trembles with happiness, saying, “A new Buddha has been born.” The Divine Mother Kundalini presents her child in the temple saying, “This is my beloved child. He is a new Buddha. He is a new Buddha. He is a new Buddha.” The holy women congratulate the candidate with a sacred kiss. The festival is terribly divine. The great masters of the Mind extract from within the mental specter the beautiful child of the Christ-mind. This child is born in the Fourth Initiation of Major Mysteries. Everyone who receives the Fourth Initiation gains Nirvana. Nirvana is the world of the Holy Gods.

Whosoever reaches the Fourth Initiation receives the Globe of the Imperator of the Mind. The sign of the cross shines upon this globe.

The mind must be crucified and stigmatized in the Initiation. The universal fire sparkles within the World of the Mind. Each one of the thirty-three chambers of the mind teaches us terrible truths.

The Fifth Initiation of Major Mysteries

The fifth serpent rises through the medullar canal of that embryo of the Soul that we have incarnated. The fifth serpent must reach the eyebrows and then descend to the heart.

The body of Conscious Will is born in the Fifth Great Initiation. Everyone who is born in the World of the Conscious Will inevitably incarnates his Soul. Everyone who incarnates his Soul becomes a true human being with Soul. Every true complete and immortal human being is an authentic Master. Before the Fifth Initiation of Major Mysteries no one must be called by the title of Master.

In the Fifth Initiation we learn to do the will of the Father. We must learn to obey the Father. This is the Law.

In the Fifth Initiation we must decide between two paths, which one to take to continue on: either to remain in Nirvana enjoying the infinite bliss of the boundless sacred space, sharing with the ineffable Gods, or rather to renounce that immense bliss of Nirvana and remain living in this valley of tears in order to help the poor suffering humanity. Renunciation, the long path of woe and bitterness is different. Whosoever renounces Nirvana in order to live to benefit mankind later attains the Venustic Initiation, this after Nirvanas gained and lost from boundless pity and compassion for humanity.

Everyone who receives the Venustic Initiation incarnates the Inner Christ. There are millions of Buddhas in Nirvana who have not incarnated the Christ. It is better to renounce Nirvana for the love of humanity and have the joy of incarnating the Christ. The Christ-Man has the right to enter into worlds of Supernirvanic bliss and later, the Absolute.


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Summary of the Five Great Initiations

First Initiation. The Innermost and the Conscious Soul (Buddhi) are fused, thus creating a new initiate, one more who enters the stream.

Second Initiation. The Ethereal Body called Soma Psuchikon is born.

Third Initiation. The chakras of the Astral body are opened and the Christ-astral is born as a beautiful child.

Fourth Initiation. The Christ-mind is born as a very precious child. The initiate has been born as a new Buddha.

Fifth Initiation. The Human Soul, or Causal body or Body of Will, is fused with the Inner Master, who is Atman-Buddhi (the Innermost and Divine Consciousness). Thus, the three flames are one. This is a new and legitimate Master of the Major Mysteries of the White Lodge. Whosoever reaches the Fifth Initiation can enter Nirvana. Whosoever reaches the Fifth Initiation is born in the Causal World. Whosoever reaches the Fifth Initiation incarnates the Soul. Only the person who reaches the Fifth Initiation is a human being with Soul, that is to say, a True Man.

The Vehicles of Fire

The authentic and legitimate Astral, Mental, and Causal vehicles are born of Sexual Magic. It is obvious that during the copula between man and woman, the aura of the husband and wife is totally opened. Then, within our own depths, marvelous psychic fertilizations can be performed. The final outcome becomes precisely the birth of our legitimate Astral, and later the birth of the other bodies in successive order.

Patience and Tenacity

Powers are not obtained by playing around. This is a question of much patience. The inconsistent people, those who go about looking for results, those who after a few months of practices are already demanding signs, indeed are not ready for occultism. Such people are not good for these studies. Such people are not mature. We advise these people to become members of some religion and to wait a while until they mature. To tread the path of the Razor’s Edge, one needs the patience of Saint Job. To tread the path of the Razor’s Edge, we need the tenacity of very well tempered steel.

Conscious Faith

Those people who enter practical occultism, that are full of doubt, totally fail. Whosoever doubts our teachings is not prepared for the path of the Razor’s Edge. For people like this it is best that they join some religion and beg to the great Reality for the solar power of Conscious Faith. Thus, when they have gained Conscious Faith, they are then ready to enter this strait, narrow, and difficult path. Whosoever doubts occultism must not walk this difficult path, until the moment that he receives the power of Conscious Faith. The occultist who doubts can become easily demented. Faith is a marvelous Solar power.


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The Food of the Serpent

The entire path of Initiation is based on the serpent. This has its special cosmic food. There are five known basic elements with which the serpent is nourished, namely the philosophical earth, the elemental water of the wise, the elemental fire, the elemental air, and the ether. In these elements live the elementals of Nature. The Gnomes inhabit the philosophical earth. The Undines live in the water. The Sylphs in the air, etc.

The Gnomes work in the entrails of the great mountain range. This is the spinal column. The work carried out by the Gnomes consists of the transmutation of the lead of the personality into the gold of the Spirit. The raw matter is the seminal fluid. The furnace of the laboratory is the coccygeal chakra. The Water is the seminal fluid and the sympathetic cords form the great chimney through which the seminal vapors ascend to the distillery of the brain. All the work of the Gnomes is alchemical. The metallic transmutation is the basis of Initiation. The raw matter must be transmuted into Philosophical Gold.

The Gnomes need the fire of the Salamanders and the water of the Undines. The Gnomes also need the vital air and the friendly Sylphs of the mind, to move the seminal vapors inward and upward. The outcome is the transmutation of lead into gold. When the aura of the initiate is pure gold, the work has been completely performed.

The region of the earth extends from the feet to the knees. Its mantra is LA. The region of the water is from the knees to the anus. Its mantra is VA. The region of the fire is from the anus to the heart. Its mantra is RA. The region of the air encompasses the area from the heart to the space between the eyebrows. Its fundamental mantra is YA. The region of the ether extends from the space between the eyebrows to the top of the head and the mantra is HA.

The serpent of fire is nourished with these five basic elements. Now we can understand why the neophyte has to pass the ordeals of earth, water, fire, and air. The purifications and sanctifications related with these elements of Nature nourish the serpent and permit its ascent through the sacred mountain range of the spinal column. The ascent of the serpent is impossible without the purifications and sanctifications of these four elements. Brahma is the God of the earth. Nararyana is the God of the water. Rudra is the God of the fire. Ishwara is the God of the air. Sudashiva is the God of the ether.

By meditating upon these ineffable Gods, we can obtain their assistance for the awakening of the chakras, wheels, or discs of the Vital Body. It is advisable to make these magnetic centers vibrate in order to prepare them for the advent of the fire. Meditate and vocalize the mantra for each element. Concentrate your attention on each of these elemental Gods and beg them to help you with the awakening of the chakras. In this way you will become a practical occultist.


The Chakras and the Plexuses

The candidate for Initiation must profoundly know the position of the chakras and plexuses.

The fundamental is at the base of the spine, the fourth sacral vertebra, the coccygeal plexus.

The splenic is on the spleen, the first lumbar vertebra, the splenic plexus. This center obeys the solar plexus. Nevertheless, we have to recognize that the true second center is the prostatic, or uterine, and not the splenic.

The umbilical is above the navel, the eighth thoracic vertebra, the solar plexus.

The cardiac is in the heart, the eighth cervical vertebra, the cardiac plexus.

The laryngeal is in the throat, the thyroid gland, the third cervical vertebra, the pharyngeal plexus.

The frontal is between the eyebrows, the first cervical vertebra, the carotid plexus.

It is urgent to know that the chakras and the plexuses are connected by means of nerve filaments.

As the serpent rises through the spinal column, the spinal chakras are put into activity, and by induction, the plexuses are also activated. The chakras are in the cerebrospinal nervous system and the plexuses in the sympathetic nervous system.

As the serpent rises through the medullar canal, it puts into full activity the spinal chakras or churches in successive order. These in turn make the corresponding sympathetic plexuses vibrate by electric induction. It is urgent to know that each spinal chakra and each sympathetic plexus is septuple in its internal constitution, just as the igneous serpent of our magical powers is.

The first serpent opens the chakras in the physical world, the second in the Ethereal, the third in the Astral, the fourth in the Mental, the fifth in the Causal, the sixth in the Buddhic and the seventh in the Innermost. This process is the same for the plexuses, because the chakras or churches are connected to the plexuses by their nerve branches.

Then, the initiate should not despair because he has not opened the Astral chakras with the first serpent. They are only opened by the third serpent, that of the Astral. With the first, only counterparts of the physical are opened in the Innermost. Bear in mind that the Innermost is the counterpart of the physical body.


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The Problem of Internal Illumination

Many occultist students want internal illumination and suffer horribly because in spite of many years of study and esoteric practices, they remain as blind and unconscious as when they first began to read the first books. We, the brothers and sisters of the temple, know through our own experience that the cardiac chakra is definitive for internal illumination. The Shiva Samhita, a great Hindustani book, speaks at great length about the benefits obtained by the yogi on meditating on the chakra of the tranquil heart:

“The yogi acquires immense knowledge, knows the past, the present and the future; he has Clairaudience and clairvoyance and can go through the air wherever he pleases. He sees the adepts and the yogini Goddesses; he obtains the faculty called Kheckari (to move through the air) and bhuchari (to go at will to all corners of the world).”

Those who want to learn how to leave in the Astral body at will, those who want to enter into the Jinn science, to learn how to place themselves within the fourth dimension with the physical body and travel with their physical body to any distant place in the world without the necessity of an airplane; those who urgently need to awaken their clairvoyance and clairaudience must concentrate their mind daily on the cardiac chakra and meditate profoundly on that marvelous center. To meditate on this center for one hour daily is marvelous. The mantra of this chakra is the vowel O, which is vocalized by prolonging the sound like this: OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO.

During the former indicated practice, one must pray to Christ, asking him to awaken the heart chakra.

The Laboratory of the Third Logos

The Earth has nine strata; in the ninth is the laboratory of the Third Logos. Actually, the ninth stratum of the Earth lies exactly in the center of the planetary mass. There the Holy Eight resides. This is the divine symbol of the infinite. In this symbol the brain, heart and sex of the planetary Genie is represented. The name of this Genie is Chamgam. The center of the Holy Eight corresponds to the heart and its upper and lower extremities to the brain and sex, respectively. All beings of the Earth are structured on this basis. The struggle is terrible: brain against sex, sex against brain, and that which is most terrible, that which is most grave and painful: heart against heart.

The sacred serpent is coiled in the heart of the Earth, precisely in the Ninth Sphere. She is septuple in her constitution and each one of her seven igneous aspects corresponds to one of the seven serpents of the human being.

The creative energy of the Third Logos elaborates the chemical elements of the Earth, with all its multifaceted complexity of form. When this creative energy withdraws from the center of the Earth, our world will then become a cadaver; this is how worlds die.

The serpentine fire of the human being emanates from the serpentine fire of the Earth. The terrific serpent profoundly sleeps within its mysterious nest of strange hollow spheres, similar in fact to a true Chinese puzzle. These are subtle concentric Astral spheres. Indeed, just as the Earth has nine concentric spheres in the depths of which is the terrific serpent, so too does the human being, because he is the microcosm of the macrocosm.

The human being is a universe in miniature. The infinitely small is analogous to the infinitely large.

Hydrogen, carbon, nitrogen, and oxygen are the four basic elements with which the Third Logos works. The chemical elements are placed in order of their atomic weights. The lightest is hydrogen, whose atomic weight is 1, ending up with uranium, whose atomic weight is 238.5 and which is in fact the heaviest of the known elements.

The electrons constitute a bridge between Spirit and matter. Hydrogen in itself is the most rarefied element known, the primary manifestation of the serpent. Every element, every food, every organism is synthesized into a specific type of hydrogen. Sexual energy corresponds to Hydrogen 12 and its musical note is Si.

The electronic solar matter is the sacred fire of Kundalini. When we free this energy, we enter the path of authentic Initiation.


Did you see



or is it synchronicity?


So many levels, and yet almost no consistency in practice. Your ideological and self-congratulatory corpulence is awe-inspiring.



I had been planning to post this for a while now, but yes, it was this post that had reminded me. If that was you, I thank you.



Yep, that was me. Thank you for posting this thread.


Why would I want initiated into a group that gives me power in a world that puts Ross Ulbricht in prison then tricks everyone into forgetting that he went to jail for competing with evil mafias and cartels who are protected by us police and military?



>so easily falling for distraction

why would you want it, indeed.


Man, that's a lot of shit to sift through.

Doesn't explain my experience whatsoever.

Self "initiated" from a single digit age simply by pondering the concepts of duality, unity, magic, etc. and ignoring the advice that we shouldn't talk with animals, plants and objects beyond childhood. If you have the idea of, "I don't know if it works unless I REALLY try it myself" then all this crap about a framework for magic just seems like a crutch that non-magical folk use to get started understanding the universe.

If you want to know anything it's simple: Just ask everything, it'll tell you.



>Man, that's a lot of shit to sift through.

>all this crap about a framework for magic just seems like a crutch that non-magical folk use to get started understanding the universe.

Most "frameworks for magic" are bullshit occultism with sparkles of truth so that fools get attached to shitty thoughtforms that are detrimental to actual development. This is the reason the "occult" is full of semi-religious nonsense for anyone who is capable to see through deception.

>If you want to know anything it's simple: Just ask everything, it'll tell you.

This requires a connection that usually gets lost in early childhood. It's not very helpful for seekers that had to wade through a sea of filth in their quest.


Accurate paradigm


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