>Initiation is your own life. If you want initiation, write it upon a staff. Whosoever has understanding let him understand, because there is wisdom within. Initiation is neither bought nor sold. Avoid those schools that give initiations by correspondence. Avoid all those who sell initiations.
Initiation is something very intimate to the Soul. The “I” does not receive initiations. Therefore, those who say, “I have so many initiations,” “I have such and such degrees,” are liars and fakes, because the “I” does not receive initiations or degrees.
There are nine Initiations of Minor Mysteries and five important Initiations of Major Mysteries. The Soul is the one who receives the initiations. This is a very intimate matter; something that one must not go about speaking of, nor something that must be told to anyone.
Indeed, all the initiations and degrees that many schools of the physical world confer have no value whatsoever in the Superior Worlds, because the masters of the White Lodge only recognize the legitimate initiations of the Soul as genuine. These are completely internal.
The disciple can ascend the nine Arcades, pass through all the nine Initiations of Minor Mysteries, without having worked in the Arcanum A.Z.F. (Sexual Magic). Nevertheless, it is impossible to enter the Major Mysteries without Sexual Magic.
In Egypt, everyone who reached the Ninth Sphere would inevitably receive by word of mouth the terrific secret of the great Arcanum (the most powerful Arcanum, the Arcanum A.Z.F.).
The first ordeal that the candidate has to face is the trial of the Guardian of the Threshold. This Guardian is the reflection of the “I,” the intimate depths of the “I.” Many are they who fail this terrible ordeal.
In the Internal Worlds, the candidate has to invoke the Guardian of the Threshold. A terrifying electrical hurricane precedes the terrible apparition.
The larva of the threshold is armed with a terrible, hypnotic power. In fact, this monster has all the horrible ugliness of our own sins. It is the living mirror of our own evil deeds. The clash is terrible: it is a face to face and hand to hand battle. If the Guardian wins, the candidate becomes enslaved by the horrible monster. However, if the candidate is victorious, the monster of the threshold flees terrified. Then a metallic sound shakes the universe and the candidate is received in the Children’s Chamber. This reminds us of that requisition uttered by the hierophant Jesus Christ who stated:
Except ye become as little children, ye shall not enter into the kingdom of heaven.
In the Children’s Chamber, the candidate is welcomed by the holy masters. The happiness is immense because a human being has entered the Path of Initiation. The entire College of Initiates (Children) congratulate the candidate. The candidate has defeated the first Guardian. This ordeal takes place in the Astral World.
The Guardian of the Threshold has a second aspect, the mental aspect. We must know that the mind which the present human being possesses is still not a human mind. The present human being’s mind is found in an animal stage. Therefore, in the Mental Plane each person has the animal physiognomy that corresponds with his character. There, the cunning person is a real fox. The passionate man appears as a dog or a male goat, etc.
The encounter with the Guardian of the Threshold in the plane of the mind is even more frighteningly horrible than in the Astral Plane. Really, the second Guardian is the great Guardian of the Threshold of the World.
The struggle with the second Guardian is usually very horrible. The candidate is the one who must invoke the second Guardian in the Mental Plane. The Guardian comes preceded by a horrifying electrical hurricane. If the candidate is victorious, he is received with a warm welcome in the Children’s Chamber within the Mental Plane. However, if he fails, he remains enslaved by the horrible monster. All our mental crimes are personified in this larva.
The encounter with the third guardian takes place in the world of the will. The Demon of Evil Will is the most terrible of the three. People do their personal will. The masters of the White Lodge do only the Will of the Father, “on Earth as it is in Heaven.”
When the candidate becomes victorious in the third ordeal, he is again welcomed in the Children’s Chamber. The music is ineffable, the festivity solemn…
After the candidate has triumphed in the three basic ordeals of the Guardian of the Immense Region, he must then enter into the Hall of Fire. There, the flames purify the candidate’s internal vehicles.