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Tipp's Fringe Bunker

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We used to have a thread on old /fringe/ with a bunch of greenpilled videos, documents, etc.

Lets bring that back. I'll start with all the greenpilled videos I can remember and new ones I've found.


There's been an influx of people just posting videos and podcasts with small descriptions that have been shitting up the catalog. I've just been deleting them, but instead I'm changing the subject of this thread to "/fringe/ Media". All podcast and videos are to be posted here or in an already pre-existing thread. Any new threads that only have a video or a podcast with a small description are going to be locked or deleted and redirected here.

Post last edited at


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

John Chang (The Magus of Java), into one video.


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Extreme Qigong Kung Fu Martial Arts Competition China


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Kirlian Photography

>A technique for recording photographic images of corona discharges and hence, supposedly, the auras of living creatures.


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Carl Sagan explains the 4th dimension


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Rice Consciousness experiment, inspired by Dr Masaru Emoto


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Kanzawa Tadashi controlling animals with chi


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

The Boy With Divine Powers (Buddha Boy) meditated for months without food and water


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Wim Hof is a Dutch extreme athlete known as "The Iceman" for his ability to withstand extreme cold, which he attributes to his Wim Hof Method breathing techniques based on Tibetan Tummo meditation but without its religious components.

Posted some one of his breathing techniques and an interview here,




File: 4264947919d4e90⋯.pdf (1.63 MB, Teleportation Physics Stud….pdf)

Document from the Defense Technical Information Center website on teleportation.

Some interesting stuff on page 55 onwards about psychokinesis and teleportation being possible and witnessed.


File: be93c47fea26e97⋯.pdf (5.37 MB, CIA-RDP96-00787R0005004200….pdf)

Document from CIA website on Soviet and Czechoslovakian Parapsychology Research (mental influence remote viewing etc.)


>Soviet and Czechoslovakian researchers have accepted the reality of paranormal events and are primarily concerned with the formulation of a unified theory to describe the basic energy transformation involved. Soviet emphasis on the electrostatic and electromagnetic components the energy may play an important role in the final determination of the nature of psychical phenomena. This emphasis on energetics or intersection effects has lend to the concept that man must be investigated as a complete, integrated unit.

>Soviet and Czech pyschotronic research will eventually be applied to human problems. As this occurs, the question will arise whether this knowledge and the equipment developed will be used for the enhancement of human freedom and social development, or for regimentation and enslavement. Psychotronics could conceivably play a role in contributing to the survival of the human species; by emphasizing the interconnections between all living beings, it should help to reduce human aggressive tendencies. By the same token, it could also be applied to increase such aggressive tendencies and it has powerful potential for us as an effective weapon against groups of men and key leaders.

>The Czechs claim that a direct transfer of biological energy from healthy to diseased or injured muscle is not only possible, but proven. The Soviets do not restrict the possibility of such energy transfer to any one physiological system, but state that biological energy transfer can be utilized to relieve human functional disorders of the nervous system, the internal organs, and the mind. In all cases, such medical applications of biological energy transfer are officially described as having beneficial results, but this may not necessarily be true. By analogy, conventional medical techniques can be beneficial, but when misapplied, can cause serious damage, or even death. By the same token, there can also be “psychic” malpractice, although the Soviets and Czechs are not likely to publicize this fact.

>Both Czech and US researchers have described Robert Psvlita’s work with psychotronic generators as possibly the most important contemporary development in the field of parapsychology and as a major contribution to the deeper understanding, mastery, and utilization of biological energy for human advantage. Just as in the example of direct transfer of biological energy for medical purposes, the use of such devices is not necessarily intended to be beneficial. If Pavlita´s devices can kill insects at present, their potential in the future after refinement and enlargement may well be for killing men. If bioenergy can be reliably controlled and focused by such devices, death could be caused by disruption of fundamental brain rhytms, heart control, or biological clock mechanisms.

>Soviet research with Kulagina and Vinogradova indicates that energy interchanges, or transfer mechanism, may be possible between gift psychics and inanimate objects. There is evidence that Soviet resesrch with these women also involves attempts to influence animate biological systems. In 1972, Latothe reproted that Kulagina had the capability for and starting the beat of an exercised, living, frog heart. If true, it supports the contention that Czech and Soviet claims for “beneficial” application of biological energy transfer are reversible – if a frog heart can be started and stopped, the same effects might be imposed on humans. Such dramatic effects illustrate some of the dangerous potential of controlled biological energy transfer.


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Nina Kulagina moving objects psychokinetically







File: 0cf83c3389b84ff⋯.pdf (1.71 MB, CIA-RDP96-00789R0026002900….pdf)

Document from CIA website "Parapsychology in the People’s Republic of China: 1979 - 1989"


>4. Psi as a personally developable skill

>It is assumed as a matter of course in P.R.C. that psychic ability, as well as other benefits, can be developed through the practice of qigong. In the West, by contrast, the literature on improving one's longtime psi ability is sparse, although the importance of immediate perfonnance- enhancing techniques is generally acknowledged.

>2. Young girls, aged from 6-12, were considered the best ESP candidates, and a majority of the work in the early phase was done with them. However, as they grew a little older or, more accurately, usually after menstruation started, their ESP ability ceased. This is contrary to the rule that the more mature the child, the more easily it can deceive adults. The observed fact is explained by ancient phenomenological qigong theory, which claims that "qi" can come from two sources: "Yuan-qi", or primary "psycho-body-energy" is acquired at birth and disappears as one matures. Qi is also gained through qigong practice.


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

This channel is a treasure trove. A messy one, but still.



Any fan of Franz Bardon will surely enjoy these.

The impact of pic related is diminished if you haven't followed the channels in order.


Courtesy bump since i edited the OP

There's been an influx of people just posting videos and podcasts with small descriptions that have been shitting up the catalog. I've just been deleting them, but instead I'm changing the subject of this thread to "/fringe/ Media". All podcast and videos are to be posted here or in an already pre-existing thread. Any new threads that only have a video or a podcast with a small description are going to be locked or deleted and redirected here.

Some examples of what I'm talking about.







There are magnets under the desk


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Body building legend and six time Mr. Olympia Dorian Yates is green pilled af. He's dropping green pills left and right in this interview


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Emerald Tablets of Thoth - Audio Book edition.


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Outwitting the 'Devil'



Good (audio)book on learning how any kind of entity can influence you and how to avoid it. The techniques used by the 'devil'.




MFBH youtube channel>>124410

Mercury Fire Blood & Honey:

Is a Stand Alone/Self Contained - Complete System.

It will require nothing… besides your own diligence, to make this work.

Should you complete this entire system, and then seek higher advancement, with our lineage…

You may apply at LoneManPai.com


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Interesting stuff right here. He's claiming that the hallucinogenic drug Ibogaine which is derived from the bark of the iboga tree and is being used as a last resort by opiate addicts to come off can be used to reset your brain. It's also supposed to be the best thing to take for depression. It's supposed to put you into a state similar to sleep and a state deep reflection where you have deep introspective dreams where you find the root of your problems and pluck them out. The drug is also supposed to promote neurogenesis. He goes into a lot more detail than I am and it's a really interesting watch. The drug is legal in mexico and canada and a schedule 1 drug in the states.

Random article I found on the drug.


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