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Tipp's Fringe Bunker


OK, i know im missing something here. ive looked at history, geology, and so on. the bible contains info that could only come from a higher power, but it is not the only source that contains such revelations. Then of course the mysterious mathematical precision of things like the pyramids and stonehenge.

Getting to the question: What underlying knowledge is contained in the Bible and other religious works? What does Christ have to do with the Sun, and are older stories related to his and how? What is the underlying meaning of said stories?

(2. No making threads just to ask questions, actually present substantial information if you're going to make a thread)



Literally listen to this and you will see a deep truth, believe me. All of this stuff you are even contemplating is a big fat lie and distraction. It is ALL a holographic matrix.




Kenneth you not real



fucking three hours long next video is alien wars.

god go fuck yourself cia




I take it you didn't actually listen to the contents of the video I shared. It explicitly talks about the many deceptions that this matrix reality employs (including alien wars as you talk). So you would more than likely agree with aspects of the video.


If you have to flip light switches three times or believe dates have magical significances, you are legally mentally I'll. If you have curly fry sideburns and believe there are magical dates and that you can say magic words to food before you eat it to enhance it, you are to be protected just as much as a bald eagle.

There is zero purpose to this society. You people are fucktards.


Here is a magic spell for figuring out who among your friends is an astral parasite. It doesn't always work because some are more advanced, but it catches some.

Express that you are discontent with your understanding of reality and the explanations given by the "designated go to people". If you are around an astral parasite, your brain will block you from even bringing up the topic because you will know before you even speak that this insect will throw a tantrum and end up trying to make you feel like shit for being WEIRD.



If I hear someone say this they are instantly my Ally. If somebody has an issue with this, they are an astral parasite who is too lazy to do anything on their own and wants to rape and delude you. Destroy these people at all costs. There's an old saying

"The end's justify the means, now watch this drive." - George Bush before he hit a golfball and accidentally destroyed two bowling pins in JEW CUCK SHITTY.


Some fools imagine that God created humanity out of love. Some imagine God is a tyrant and rebel against Him.

The wise know GOD as simply the harmonic series and basis of all structure that can possibly exist. As simple as 123456, as complex as infinity.

Life emerged from the harmony of the universe a very long time ago, but this world is young. The creator god IS, and that IS ALL. It is not cruel, nor evil, nor prideful. There is no demiurge, stop playing make believe.

Personifying mathematics and crying over whether a number is good or not is for infants and the mentally challenged.

The greatest deception of all is is to imagine life has emerged here in either a special protected place or in the sparse vastness of "space" unnoticed by others.

There is no fucking such thing as "astral", morons. Your mind exists in REALITY. Everything you imagine EXISTS somewhere in this realm. Now, stop pretending there is a division between imagination and reality, and become a warrior wizard of blazing fire.

For this realm is pregnant with the fullness of life, and the devourer approaches for its harvest.


File: 6d33448f0ffdd91⋯.png (160.47 KB, 399x333, 133:111, Screenshot_20180324_161430.png)




allegancies revealed TM



Stop huffing jenkem.




this is also a deception considering that it's trying to pretend that God isn't conscious and good and all powerful. it's basically a spiritual version of atheism, and a poor troll at that.

the truth: (warning, huge read)




>post this in thread

>exit thread

>click another thread again because it looks interesting

>strange, looks familiar

>scroll to bottom

>my post isn't there

>well I loaded the new page when I clicked in, so must be a different thread

>reply to post

>reload page

>it was the same thread

>still relevant


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