Liew Thow Lin, is a retired Malaysian contractor in his 80s.
Liew Thow Lin (Chinese: 劉少林) of Malaysia is known as the "Magnet Man" (Chinese: 磁人),[1] or "Mr. Magnet"[2] because he has the ability to stick metal objects to his body.
Liew has performed in many charity events showing his ability.[citation needed] He can make metal objects, weighing up to 2 kg each, up to 36 kg total,[2] stick to his skin. He has also pulled a car using this ability.[3]
Liew's ability is not due to any source of magnetism. Scientists from Malaysia's University of Technology found no magnetic field in Lin's body, but did determine that his skin exhibits very high levels of friction,[2] providing a "suction effect".[3] The trait appears to be genetic, appearing in Lin's three grandchildren.[2]
Liew was featured on the second episode of the Discovery Channel's One Step Beyond.[1]
Daniel Kish lost his eyesight as a toddler. He started making clicking sounds with his tongue, and now, at the age of 47, his tongue clicking can help him ride a bicycle through traffic without trouble. Kish explained to National Geographic, for its July 2013 edition, how human echolocation works: “Sound waves are produced by every tongue click. These waves bounce off surfaces all around and return to my ears as faint echoes. My brain processes the echoes into dynamic images. It’s like having a conversation with the environment.”
Daniel Kish (born 1966 in Montebello, California[1]) is an American expert in human echolocation and President of World Access for the Blind, a non-profit founded in 2000 to facilitate "the self-directed achievement of people with all forms of blindness" and increase public awareness about their strengths and capabilities.[2] Kish and his organization have taught echolocation to at least 500 blind children around the world.[3] Kish, who has been blind since he was 13 months old, is the first totally blind person to be a legally Certified Orientation and Mobility Specialist (COMS) and to hold a National Blindness Professional Certification (NOMC).[2][4] He also holds masters degrees in developmental psychology and special education.[2]
Prahlad Jani, also known as "Mataji", (born Chunriwala Mataji, 13 August 1929) is an Indian sadhu. He claims to have lived without food and water since 1940, and says that the goddess Amba sustains him.
Born Chunriwala Mataji, Jani grew up in Charada village in Mehsana district. According to Jani, he left his home in Rajasthan at the age of seven, and went to live in the jungle.
At the age of 11, Jani underwent a religious experience and became a follower of the Hindu goddess Amba. From that time, he chose to dress as a female devotee of Amba, wearing a red sari-like garment, jewellery and crimson flowers in his shoulder-length hair. Jani is commonly known as Mataji ("[a manifestation of] The Great Mother"). Jani believes that the goddess provides him a liquid sustenance or water, which drops down through a hole in his palate, allowing him to live without food or water. Since the 1970s, Jani has lived as a hermit in a cave in the rainforest near the Gujarati temple of Ambaji, awakening at 4am each day and spending most of his time meditating.
Two observational studies of Jani have been conducted, one in 2003 and one in 2010, both involving Sudhir Shah, a neurologist at the Sterling Hospitals in Ahmedabad, India, who had studied people claiming to have exceptional spiritual abilities, including other fasters such as Hira Ratan Manek. In both cases the investigators confirmed Jani's ability to survive healthily without food and water during the testing periods, although neither study was submitted to a scientific journal. When questioned six days into the 2010 experiment, the DRDO spokesperson announced that the study's findings would be "confidential" until results were established, and a further official press release by the team stated that any inside analysis information may be disclosed only at the discretion of the principal investigator, DIPAS. Uninvolved doctors and other critics have questioned the validity of the studies and stated their belief that, although people can survive for days without food or water, it is not possible to survive for years. Especially, since glucose, a substrate critical to brain function, isn't provided. The veracity of Mataji's claims have also never been independently confirmed with all tests being indigenously conducted.
Enlightened Tibetan masters traditionally stay in their bodies for three days after death. This is recognized by the fact that their bodies do not begin to decompose and that the heart chakra is warm. This fact can be explained with the continuation of life after death. The 16th Karmapa died in 1981 in a hospital in Chicago. The body did not rot in that time and the heart region was warm. Dr. Levy cared for him until his death:
• "Early the next day he died actually. We saw the change on the monitors. The heart pulse changed in a way, that clearly shows that the heart fails. (…) With all the drugs we could not get him high again. We continued to work, gave medications, and then his heart stand still. I realized that it was over. You could see his heart die on the monitor. This was the point when I gave up. His Holiness had been lying there dead about 45 minutes. We started to pull out the feeding tube, when I suddenly saw that his blood pressure was 140 to 80. My first reaction was that someone leans against the pressure monitor. It was impossible that he became alive again. Then a nurse screamed: "He has a good pulse! ! He has a good pulse." One of the older Rinpoche patted me on the back, as if he wanted to say:" It is impossible, but it happens." The heart rate of His Holiness was 80, his blood pressure 140 to 80th in that moment. No one said a word now. It was a moment of "That does not exist. It can not be." It was clearly the greatest miracle that I had ever seen. I mean, it was not only an extraordinary moment. It happened an hour after his heart beating had stopped. I ran out of the room to tell Trungpa Rinpoche, that His Holiness is alive again. I had the impression that His Holiness returned to try if this body can still carry his spirit. So he came back to see if his body was still usable. Only the power of his returning consciousness could do that."
• 48 hours after his death, his chest was still warm. In this moment, my hands were both warm, and his chest was warmer than my hand. In order to test this, I moved my hands to the side of his chest, away from his heart, and there it was cold. I then felt the middle again, and above his heart it was warm. I pinched his skin and found that it was still elastic and completely normal. After 36 hours, the dead typically have skin comparable to dough. And his skin was still like that of the living after 48 hours. It was as if he weren’t dead. Shortly after we left the room, the surgeon came and said, „ he is warm, he is warm.“ And then it came to be that the medical staff asked again and again if he were still warm. It was naturally consistent to the traditional Tibetan experience. Developed individuals like his Holiness stay in their bodies after breath and heartbeat have stopped, within a state of deep meditation. After three days the Samadhi ended. It was recognized that his Holiness was no longer warm and that the process of death set in. After this, the atmosphere changed, it too became normal.”
Chief of staff Radulfo Sanchez had no medical explanation for this.
83yo Seken Tolebekov lives in Almaty Oblast, Kazakhstan. It spite of his age, his hands possess an unusual strength: he crushes rocks with his bear hands, STV channel reports. He started crashing rocks at the age of 24, since then he has dealt with more than 2000 rocks.
"I think I have some sort of power in my hands. I am getting older, but my hands are still strong. I believe that I got the power from on high. It started when I was young. I kept feeling heat in my right hand all the time, then I felt an urge to crush a rock.
"Sometimes people try to repeat what I do. But it has always ended with injuries and bone fractures for them.
"I don't feel any pain when my hand comes in contact with the stones, it feels like crushing sand," the old man said.
Local doctors believe that inheritance, diet and healthy lifestyle are behind his special ability.
According to Seken's wife Raikhan, he likes to eat meat and broth and is fond of the Kazakh national cuisine in general. "He also eats some diary products, goes to bed early and wakes up early. He is hardworking and likes to spend time with children. We have been married for more that 50 years. I've been taking care of him all my life," she said.
Ngoc Thai has gone more than 30 years without sleep. Ngoc, in his 60s, has tried medications, folk remedies, even drinking himself into a stupor, but he has been unable to go to sleep. Doctors have given him a clean bill of health, and he does not appear greatly impacted by the sleeplessness. He lead a more productive life than most with a full 24 hours at his disposal.
Thanh Niên also claimed that Ngoc acquired the ability to go without sleep after a bout of fever in 1973, but according to the Vietnam Investment Review, there was no apparent cause.
Now in his sixties, Ngoc Thai assures that a lack of sleep does not affect him physically, boasting of being able to carry two 110 lbs sacks of rice over 2 miles to his house every day. Still, Thai isn’t merely abstaining from sleep to show off, break a record, or to advance a research project. In fact, he has tried everything in order to get some shut eye. Be it medications or even traditional folk remedies for insomnia, Thai remains wide awake; alcohol doesn’t even seem to succeed in tumbling Ngoc. According to physicians who’ve examined him, Thai seems in perfect health, save for slightly diminished liver function.
Al Herpin (born 1862?; died January 3, 1947) was an American known as the "Man Who Never Slept".[1] Al Herpin, who lived in Trenton, New Jersey,[2] claimed to have developed a rare case of insomnia, whereby he could not sleep. The supposed cause is unknown, although it may be linked to his mother suffering a major injury a few days prior to his birth.
In the late 1940s, Al Herpin's claim attracted the attention of several medical professionals; inspecting his house they found no bed, or other sleep-related furniture, but only a rocking chair. Herpin claimed that after a long day's work, he would rest in his rocking chair reading the newspaper until dawn, then return to work. He was in good health, and had a constant level of high awareness, defying all scientific understanding of the necessity for sleep. A piece in the New York Times[3] on February 29, 1904 reported that:
At the outbreak of World War I, Paul Kern volunteered as a cadet in the Hungarian army. After being shot in the head by a Russian soldier and losing part of his frontal lobe, he was taken to Lemberg Hospital. After waking up at Lemberg, he never slept again. Ernst Frey, professor of mental and nervous diseases at the Eötvös Loránd University, treated Kern but was unable to find a cause for this abnormality.
Brain and nerve specialists of Central Europe are puzzled by the astonishing case of M. Paul Kern, a Hungarian Government official, who has not slept and not even closed his eyes since he was wounded by a Russian bullet on the Eastern Front in 1915. After being wound- ed, he recovered consciousness in a Lemberg hospital, where he was transported to Budapest. From the moment when he opened his eyes in Lemberg he has not slept; nor, indeed, has he had the slightest desire to do so. The best brain and nerve specialists in Budapest have been unable to trace from X-ray examinations any abnormality. Dr. Frey, a noted University professor, who has been watching the case for years, admits that he is baffled. Curiously, apart from an occasional headache, Kern has not suffered and has not gone to bed for years. His work has not revealed the slightest signs of deterioration. At first he tried to sleep, but hours of wakefulness lying in bed exhausted him more than working.
>>11778 Sort of related to this, how much sleep do the people of fringe get? I get 8 and a half to nine hours but was wondering how much I should be getting in order to be the most healthy.
>>11915 Have you felt the vibes in your head? I've heard my own thoughts streaming through my mind. Brain activity can be heard in similar sounds to the ones do waterfalls do, as in some sort of continuous crashing of water. The sound loudens as your brain waves intensify.