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Why do I find a ton of information and articles on how to prevent day dreaming, but find nothing on how to train your imagination skills? Where would be the best place to look if I'm trying to make my inner experience as intense as our outer ones? I want to be able to completely live another life inside my head.

Are there like any communities or anything of the sort around this?

>inb4 that's not healthy



There are different levels of daydreaming. Escapism daydreaming should be avoided at all costs, in my opinion, and unguided pondering/uncontrolled thought should be encouraged. Calling it uncontrolled thought is a bit misleading, what I mean by that is when we force things sometimes we overlook the pattern beneath it. This is how the builder winds up searching for the perfect stone to finish his project and in doing so tosses gems into the scrap heap. In other words, letting your mind wander, while maintaining your awareness of where it wanders, is important. Whereas merely going into a blank faced daydream to make the clock move quicker should be avoided.

You could call what I am talking about imagining things but using your imagination implies a directed effort "I will imagine about this specific thing" rather than "I will open my mind and allow the universe to take me on a little trip"

The universe wants to teach you things, let it. How do you figure out how to open up this mindstate? Sperg into something specific, something you enjoy thoroughly, sperg into it like it is your mission in life, things like eating are chores that must be done so that you can get back to your mission. And while you are going full autismo into it, dial it up a notch and sperg into "how can I make this thing better than ever before". Create.



If you want better day dreams you need better night dreams. As always, the answer is a union of opposites.

I'll not select for you a reference manual, you must seek to find. Instead I'll mention the process and let you search after whatever Silver Keys that catch your attention.

Imagination is powerful, and rulers do not want to empower their serifs. This is why they focus the workers onto their system and discourage day dreaming.

Begin training yourself to dream about a subject or environment at night. Begin thinking about it 90min before you sleep. Be prepared for bed and at 30min before sleep meditate on the subject / place / event, but don't lay down, leave a light on. Then turn off the bright lights, lay down, and fall asleep while concentrating on / imagining the subject – day dream yourself to sleep.

Do not be discouraged if you don't remember your dreams. You'll need to maintain a neutral acid balance and take your vitamins, including potassium (eating foods is better than supplements). Keep a dream log, if you remember a dream about the subject, write it down. Most people only remember the dreams they wake up from or the lasts dream of the night. Your goal is to wake up from a dream in the morning with what you focused on still influencing the last dream before morning. Your imagination will be growing very strong and during day dreams they should feel more vivid, able to tune out background easier.

Next proceed to lucid dreaming. You should also practice focused imagination and visualization during the day. Open one's mind with meditation but rather than dispel the thoughts that come to one's mind, latch onto ones that go in the direction you wish: To solve a problem focus on it, to escape latch onto more fanciful daydreams. These should get more pronounced with practice of unifying both nightly and daily mental states.

Once lucidity has been unified with the subconscious while both sleeping and awake, you've been initiated into the practice of dream magic. Stay at this level if you like.

Your sleeping mind does various things, it plays out scenarios to practice them, it commits short term practice to long term memory, helps create muscle memory. The spiritual conscious mind is largely a spectator there, looming over the lower beastly body, witnessing from afar the confusing subconscious shell sort itself out, and playing among the dreams this process produces.

Becoming conscious of how dreams affect your life night and day will raise your level of awareness. You'll be shielded by your ego, so it's important not to have experienced ego death if you do not wish to proceed. Beware that in such a chaotic open dream state there are other forces grazing the aether that can influence you. If they notice you noticing them you may have to defend yourself. So, it's best not to proceed further until you've learned to dispel dreams and wake yourself immediately from the sleep cycle at will. This will be very handy later.

The next stage is to create a familiar. This will be a thought form to help you in your dreams. It needs to be something or someone you like, but do not love. An angel or demon has traditionally been used as it's both likable and warns the mind it is dangerous / powerful, not to be trifled with. My brother uses an imaginary robot, which he enjoys programming, destroying and rebuilding rather than making separate thought forms. Your goal is to create a mental guardian, that which can defend you while you sleep. You may want to focus on scaring yourself with a movie or game, summoning that monster in your (day and night) dreams so that your guardian can practice destroying them. This is essential because next you may deal with monsters you did not summon yourself.





Now comes the crucible of fire where you must stress and break bits of yourself to transmute yourself from a lower leaden Saturnian state into a Sunny Golden enlightened self. This is scary and best done with a partner or other IRL support. Now you will learn to induce sleep paralysis. Sleep deprivation (and optionally stimulants, caffeine, cocaine, crystal meth, etc. be careful but these are not absolutely required). A mild psychoactive drug may also help, the weed + coffee is common. When you have a weekend off, try not sleep starting Friday night. Sleep deprivation widens the gulf between awake and asleep and makes your day/night dreaming even more potent.

Keep going for longer and longer without sleep. The goal is to induce sleep paralysis through insomnia. While very tired yet awake and unable (or unwilling) to sleep lay down, go through the physical motions of preparing to sleep but keep the mind engaged and hyperactive. You should feel brief pulsing waves accompanied by a rushing sound while slipping into paralysis. you're experiencing delta waves while your consciousness remains aware of itself. Proceed and create auditory and visual hallucinations this way. Time your REM pattern and use an alarm clock to wake you from your dream, a single loud clap, pop or bell is better than a recurrent ringing or alarm tone, but you'll have to engineer a contraption if you have no partner to help. The goal is to induce sleep paralysis while waking as well as going to sleep. During the time of sleep deprivation your day dreams may slip into brief dreams that last a few moments. You may nod off for seconds at a time in the middle of a task, do not drive or operate heavy machinery.

Now you must learn how to control the sleep paralysis, to dispel it. You'll need to have your familiar trained to wake you from it at your command. Next you need to become so familiar with entering the sleep paralysis that you can go into the trance state at your will. Now your day dreams will be so powerful you can dream about anything. The sleep paralysis will allow you to see dreams overlaid into your wakeful vision. Your dream companion will be able to move about on its own. You risk possession and insanity if unprepared.

To master the dream magic you will learn to build an interface to your subconscious, to link various thought forms to specific tasks. You'll be able to harness and command your physical body in ways others only dream of. A physical discipline that requires full body precision is helpful, dance or martial arts. You will be able to break the paralysis while still seeing the waking dreams. You'll trace sigils in thin air and see them and their magics carried out. No more "I've lost my keys", you'll be able to summon a sprite to fetch them for you. The aether and your subconscious record where you left them, the spectral being will flit over to where they are immediately, guiding you to the lost item with ease.

Now you'll have mastered the dream magic. Next is to master the local aether. This will allow you to gain conscious control over the world beyond your physical body. Most witches will move to the woods or a secluded area unpolluted by interference from man and other people's technology. They will often make their own buildings, machines, paper, inks, cups, etc. The more things shaped by your physical self the more influence you have over them.

Fear will activate your hyper vigilant state, it's important to still have fear to summon the forces you must battle if you want to dominate your local aethereal plane. If your mortal fears and basic phobias have been dispelled you may find it difficult to proceed, it's more dangerous to induce fear via risking your immortal being. Now you will actively confront and do battle with the local forces of nature and spirit. Be ware of any thing or being you did not create yourself, no alliance is permanent. Once you have concqured and dominated the local aethereal and physical forces your day dreams will be so powerful they influence others. With nothing impeding you locally you'll become a path of least resistance to much magical energy. Bits of the future will slip through you before becoming reality resulting in clairvoyance.

I'm sure you can see where this is going. From there you can either seek to become one with the universe, or create a new one in your image.



The tulpamancers have a great guide on making your own wonderland.


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I feel like I've not put my interests forth very clearly. For me, it's not specifically about day dreaming, but about improving our imagination skills, to perhaps a level where you'd have the capacity to, essentially, create a sort of imagined, or completely 'inner' virtual reality, though I realize it would probably end up on something far deeper than that, and I do believe that.

The main issue I'm having is that it is very hard to find any sort of discussion about imagination itself, with the only discussion available being on things like daydreaming as an addiction, and stuff like that; even things like visual arts, which you'd think would be entirely based upon the discipline of visualization, aren't so, for some reason; and that arts like painting and sculpture can be augmented through mind images is well documented from the early ages.

It's like people actively shun imagination, and try to forget it even exists. You don't find articles or accounts saying "I've tried to get this deep into imagination, and I've personally concluded it didn't work", instead you find silence on the topic.

Now, you may be thinking why would I even want these sorts of discussions, if I already have a plan I'm convinced will work for reaching what I want to reach. To me, it's a matter of uncertainty. I'm sure it's just me being weak, but sometimes I doubt my ability, or rather, our ability as humans, of reaching these heights.


>Imagination is powerful, and rulers do not want to empower their serifs.

Surely, this is not the entire picture. I personally think that the way we developed has lead us to value words so much, many actively despise - in a way - images, as they are something they can't reason around, since the only way they can reason is through rhetoric. I'd bet many rulers do not know the first thing about these things. What I get the feeling of, is that people are simply afraid of betting on something that hasn't got a lot of authority backing, because I think if you were to show these people these things - even without the magical connotations - I mean, everyone has experienced memory - they would still not be willing to see it as the discipline of disciplines it is, be it in the pursuit of the All, or in the solving of day to day problems.

How do we fix this?



but, why would you want to deceive yourself?



Deceive myself about what? Can you elaborate?


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I don't think it's possible to live another life in your head, simply because your imagination is entirely yours and only imagined situations will happen. Real life is full of unplanned scenarios and random events.

However you can make your imagination/daydreaming very strong you forget about your current life and like watching a very good movie, you just get engaged with it.

If you want to make your imagination vivid, you have to practice it a lot, imagine places/people/animals whatever you want but try to imagine the aspects they would have look in real life. For example if you imagine a dude then you have to imagine his voice, his clothes, his height, how the wind blows his hair if he has any and so on.

It will work if you are creative enough (right brain more active).

You should get in touch with people who have "maladaptive daydreaming". They might help you out, I am one of them, unfortunately I'm not good at explaining things and my english is also bad.

Overall I think imagination is a skill that needs to be developed and only works if you have enough inspiration. You can get inspiration from yourself if you are creative but games, music, movies can also help.


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>For me, it's not specifically about day dreaming, but about improving our imagination skills, to perhaps a level where you'd have the capacity to, essentially, create a sort of imagined, or completely 'inner' virtual reality, though I realize it would probably end up on something far deeper than that, and I do believe that.

Have you ever had a dream Neo that you were so sure was real? What if you were unable to wake from that dream? How would you know the difference between the dream world and the real world? What would happen to your dream Neo if you woke up? Would his adventure end? Would it start over? Would he never have to know there were sequels? How would Neo even be able to destroy sentinels with his mind while outside The Matrix? When did he get WIFI implants? I want WIFI Implants! Holy shit, Lain, Why are you holding out on me!!!1!10011010

If you're talking about what I think, then I might be able to help. I have some wicked AF recurring mind-scapes. Sometimes I forget my progress there (that can be desirable), other times I pickup where I left off. There is a magic to it, but my solution is also computer assisted…

People always do this, so don't feel bad if that's what's going on, it's perfectly normal: They encounter a problem (in this case: No available resources, out of memory error, #404: not found), and then they imagine all sorts of causes for the problem, and stab away into the dark. The bug report can be miles detailing all the things they unsuccessfully tried to do. When I finally ask them, "Wait, what is it, exactly, that you're trying to do", they explain it and the answer is typically, "Oh, that's simple, the real issue is [arcane parameter], here's the fix."

My question is: How are you distinguishing a lucid dream from "imagined inner virtual reality?"

Describe in details your desired result. Provide an example scenario if possible.

TLDR: The easy way out doesn't exist this time, you actually have to RTFM (read this fscking msg).



I'm not the OP, but I have a similar problem, so I will ask: "What exercises should I do to keep myself emotionally balanced?" I've been aiming to immerse my senses so I can visit some places astrally and have fun. I have myself emotionally stuck, for some reason I keep subconsciously getting myself worked up when shit doesn't work right here right now. This mindset is stupid, because I know better, but my own mind keeps holding me back.


>>117764 was informative, thank you, but >>117765 on the other hand is a case of WHY THE FUCK are you even remotely suggesting this shit?!. Sleep deprivation will fuck you up mentally, physically, and spiritually. Hard drugs- especially coke and meth, are physically addictive, and will exacerbate your problems even further. To compound this, if your thoughtforms are using yourself as the source of their energies, you and them will be double-fucked if you're sleep-deprived and stimulated by shit in your body. Basically, with this method you are hacking your brain with a sledgehammer.

A safer and saner way to control your sleep paralysis is to meditate and get yourself in a state of relaxation so deep, that your body is physically sleeping, while you are mentally awake. Try to do as little as possible during this- to the point of letting yourself automatically breathe even.



one good advice i could give you is to minimize carbs, especially sugars, in your diet. eat more protein and fat rich stuff, also be physically active.

a healthy body is a healthy mind


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This. Get a lot of meta data in your subconcious; faces, bodies, voices, attitudes. I'd start with a small village in your head before you try to overwhelm yourself with a world. If you're serious write it down, draw the village, flesh out each residents description and atiitudes, what they would do in given situations.


Again, mental wonderlands have been attempted for a long time and here's a modern guide.


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I believe that if you were to read "William Walker Atkinsson and Edward Beal's Personal Power(even just the 'I AM I' chapter)", or even subscribe to that "non duality I am a god head LHP shilling" you can build your own mental wonderland without walking around like a blithering fool in the material world.

them /tg/ niggas can teach you a thing or two


Why are you treated worse than a pedo if you shoot a bald eagle but billions of other animals are slaughtered every year and why is it because Americans are fucking autistic?

Seriously, go declare anything special. You will be thrown in prison. If rand Paul decides something is special you have to worship it , because he said so!

Great world you got here fucktards!


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Fuck with my spirit animal and I'll shove my chi charged foot up your ass


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I practice visualization at least once a day. Mainly with the goal of being able to see things I imagine as if my eyes were open looking at it. Like OP said, the lack of discussion on this sort of topic makes it hard to figure out what else one could do beyond "imagine everything really hard." Or if even what I'm doing is possible beyond the mind's eye. But I go on assuming it is.

I've used places I used to live for practice, as well as fantasy settings. (games, movies, pictures, etc.) things that are a bit more static than people but stand out more. When I do focus on a person it's usually just them. Something I've noticed is that I've had more frequent dreams of the former (places) rather than "fantasy" stuff that I haven't physically stood in.

The closest I feel like I gotten to success was coming out of a session, I felt like what I had just imagined was something close to a real memory. (Like suddenly thinking about what you had for dinner yesterday, you sort of "see" yourself sitting at the table eating.) So I feel like I got some aspects of this down, but I'm sure there are a lot of different ways to improve on where I'm at. Breathing techniques is something I'm starting to look into but it's probably gonna take some experimentation.



Nice. I don't practice enough. I don't hit a stance or anything just lay in bed before I sleep eyes closed trying to hold an image of a cube indefinitely without it fading. Then controlling colors.



wrong thread schlomo



I usually just lay down on my bed as well. Though I try to avoid doing it when I'm half awake or going to sleep.


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Kill yourself faggot you are a Jew you killed jimi Hendrix Kurt Cobain bill Hicks and amywinehouse Bob Marley dj Rashad Jim Morrison fat Pat Janis Joplin so that your untalented faggot ass jew children could be more popularer every single single single single single single Jewish invention is just a stolen invention the Jews have never done one thing you literally just sit back like parasites stealing everything you steal every fucking posting style I use you steal all my lifestyles you steal fucking everything because you suck gay fuckint cocks you act like I'm a golem when you are a fucking golem you can't do a fucking thing you fuckint curly fries sideburn Jewish fuckint faggot fucks



Smiley or one of his neophytes?



your writing style is akin to smileberg, and you hate americans for some reason.

drown in semen :^)



def smiley. also bill hicks, amy winehouse, jim morrison and janis joplin are all jews lmao



Who decided what was a food and what was a drug? Is it wiser to jump into a fire or boil in a pot? If you knew what's in store for those in the cauldron, you would brave the fire. Survival of the fittest applies at all scales of this reality.

> if your thoughtforms are using yourself as the source of their energies

I know they don't have to.

If you are pregnant with thought forms try giving birth? If independent sentience can not exist then why do you care if more thought forms are made? If minds can have thoughts apart from one another then why leave them all in a single mind?

Where does the energy come from to advance the state of the universe into the future? Do you imagine this is a limited resource? Is there any reason to believe that time has ever stopped? How would you notice if it did?



> Something I've noticed is that I've had more frequent dreams of the former (places) rather than "fantasy" stuff that I haven't physically stood in.

The opposite is my experience. Usually have fanciful dreams. When people say shit like, "I dreamed friend X and I did plausible thing Y, LOL!" I feel sorry for them.

Example: Dreamed I defeated a nebulous million head hydra using clever tricks the ancient ones gave me. I became able to speak as an oracle sent by the gods. Woke up and actually knew a secret fundamental truth of the universe that Odin told me when he had borrowed my body.

Dream magic is powerful stuff. Try to embody concepts and conquer insurmountable odds: Once a brain parasite was enslaving my medieval village (I knew it was mine somehow). Everyone had the green shine of the mind virus. They were about to hold a festival in honor, no one could cum for a whole week though boy they were trying. At the "stroke of midnight" on the 7th day the screams of pleasure were heard rolling across the town, the mind parasite was fucking its minions. It came to me, ostensibly to enslave me through my lower mind, and instead I had a lusty spiritual battle using ethereal BDSM gear. I topped "her" from the bottom and chained the mind-slut; Fucked her so good she became my bitch. Woke up while debating, "Should I free the townspeople or have some orgiastic fun first?" (bet that bitch was trying trick me & ensnare me again).

Concentrating on militaristic endeavors and energy theory had me dreaming of being Percival. I had attained knowledge of the Holy Grail. Morigan's golden-child was an AI cyborg able to exude waveforms that caused drowsiness or anger. I led my stainless steel army against her (iron keeps out EM rays and can be polished to reduce laser damage). We wielded X-Caliber (X-Ray) weapons and destroyed the evil pylons scattered about the land. I was Merlin, but unlike the Authur Legend, King Authur was an actual Author who I had taught to rewrite destiny through meme magic. The AI was destroyed through false information. It could only think about what its sensors saw, and could only associate patterns in minds it dissected if it observed the living brain think… thus it was easy to fool into creating the wrong associations. All of its allies were turned against it. Then, Eternal life was revealed to us by the Dragon's Tail, a small common green lizard, in fact, that could detach and grow back its tail…

Actually, I lied. I'm dreaming right now, and all of that stuff is reality.

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