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Esoteric Wizardry


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"Thou hast long dwelt in darkness, Quit the Night and seek the Day

Golden dawn thread? Resources, rituals, divination, Enochian magick, etc.


>the Hebrew Tree of Life is a map of human consciousness! Make sure to meditate on Yesod and Tiphareth before buying our next set of books!
>the names of God are words of power that will destroy your enemies! Don't use your ancestral gods' names for banishing, use ours! Agla Adonai!
>the Hebrew alphabet has magic powers and can predict the future! It's written in the stars themselves! Aleph Beth Gimel Daleth!
>angels and demons want to be your friend… as long as you've been studying your Hebrew! Don't forget to memorize your psalms and orations to the sacred Jew on a stick!
>This stuff isn't just for Jews, it's for EVERYONE! So shut up and study your scripture you stupid goy!

>Semitic Order of the Golden Goy


This is the exact reason I refuse to do the LBRP with the evocation of Yahweh and co. Such a shame that this practice is used by so many wizards since doing a banishing ritual without evoking any jewish deities seems to do the job just fine.


There is the "Hammer Rite" which is basically the LRBP but with Germanic names and concepts if the LRBP is 2j004u.


I suppose this will do nicely.
I'm mostly of slavic descent but I have some Germanic genes in me so I might resonate with the Hammer Rite a little better.


Isn't that one of the benefits of LBRP; that it can be endlessly adapted, substitute a couple of names; Genbu, Suzaku, Byakko etc. and instead of the Qabalistic Cross perhaps the Taijitu

You've now got yourself a Taoist LRBP!


Is there a version with Greek names?



sure is /pol/ in here


I guess this is as good a thread as any to ask: what's the deal with all the nazis on this board?
I'm new and was linked here from another occult-related site.
I would expect an esoteric board such as fringe to be open-minded enough to put aside the anti-semitism for just a minute.
There's a lot that the kabbalah has to offer, but I guess I've learned that I shouldn't expect most of you to care/do any research - at all.
'Cause that would make you "good goyim" and y'all are too enlightened to destroy your preconceived prejudices…


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>waahh i'm being offended!!

Welcome to imageboards bro, deal with it or get out.


>not National Socialists

Good goy. The future world worth striving for is an Aryan one, of unity through nobility, where none are slaves. Hitler was/is a god. Sooner or later, only noble folk shall remain on this planet, the filth will have been cleansed. Hail victory, comrade! You may stand against the inevitable global NatSoc revolution and be destroyed if it is your will.


I've been dealing with imageboards for a long time. I'm more so surprised everyone is so close-minded


or so autistic like this guy


Open-minded? Nigga, it would be open-minded to inquire if there is any proper basis for anti-semitism and NOT dismiss it as hogwash from the get go, which is the standard in this day and age.

Take what knowledge you can, use it and dismiss what is useless.


I'm all for questioning everything and the sentiment of "Take what knowledge you can, use it and dismiss what is useless..". The topic though was Kabbalah, not anti-semitism.
If people are so caught up in their in their mindsets that they can dismiss the philosophical thought of an entire people, then that is what I think is so fucked about this board.



>tfw you think biological/physical differences of race supersede the purity of the spirit

good goy…. keep believing


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>hurr durr I think that just because people around me are impolite and don't agree with me that they are "close-minded"

How do you know that the people here haven't gone through MANY paradigm shifts and changes of mind to reach where they're at now?

How many times have you truly absorbed a new idea and changed your mind and updated your worldview?

Maybe you're the close-minded one for all we know. It would make sense seeing as you can't look past such things and are still getting asspained about dissenting viewpoints. I personally adhere to every ideology I can and argue in favour of all of them, just to give every new idea I find a try. I've tipped my fedora and my wizard hat and my tinfoil hat. I've ran the gambit of nihilism to materialism to idealism to pragmatism. I've immersed myself in communities with many different extremist viewpoints and blended in perfectly fine whether it be a black supremacist group, a white supremacist group, a cultural marxist group, the westborobaptist church, a feminist group, and countless other highly divergent groups…

I think your idea of open-minded probably means "polite and agrees with me" but true open-mindedness is the willingness to investigate and entertain any ideas whatsoever no matter how impalpable a modest proposal it is.

…and open-mindedness begins with oneself. It's none of your business really how close-minded others are or aren't; what's important is they have new ideas that challenge your worldview and which you can examine. You should seek out novel ideas and learn from others whenever you can. Be a chameleon like me; I'm everyone's friend and enemy, supporter and adversary, and even the neutral bystander all at once.

"The surest way to corrupt a youth is to instruct him to hold in higher esteem those who think alike than those who think differently." – Friedrich Nietzsche


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>tfw this idiot mundane doesn't know about the law of correspondence and its implications in this matter
>tfw he doesn't think the body isn't a reflection of the mind and vice versa
>tfw he probably thinks that many alien races don't have far more developed spirits and that there biological vessels reflect their higher spiritual development
>tfw he doesn't realize that human races likewise are a reflection of things on higher planes
>tfw he can't accept that inferior races have also inferior souls incarnate in them
>tfw he was emotionally conditioned by the prevailing reptilian-zionist order into thinking nature's schemes are something to be opposed


>baaaaaawwwwwwwwwwwwwwww muh 6 gazillion


>implying we don't have several posters here with an in-depth knowledge of all things jewish who have studied the enemy in order to know them and destroy them
>implying I myself haven't read plenty of Kabbalistic material
>implying I won't use it to wipe out the kikes


Sure is /fringe/ in here you mean. We have always been a bunch of esoteric NatSocs who founded this group.


>I'm all for questioning everything and the sentiment of "Take what knowledge you can, use it and dismiss what is useless..". The topic though was Kabbalah, not anti-semitism.
If people are so caught up in their in their mindsets that they can dismiss the philosophical thought of an entire people, then that is what I think is so fucked about this board.

I agree, but we're not a board. We are a collective of wizards.


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>believing the religion of the Hebrews (proto-christianity) and religion of the talmud (Judaism) are the same thing
good goy


The culture here is unique, and semi diverse. I've never seen a discussion on qbl though (not that I lurk that much). Fringe isn't just fringe, it's the fringe ideas in the field of fringe ideas. If you want to have these kinds of conversations about what most people would call western ceremonial magic and its various elements, you won't likely find it here. Half chan had frequent threads for a while, but I haven't been there in a while. The fraters are balls deep in Crowley, so if they are still around they can definitely provide the discussion you're looking for. Otherwise, if I see a thread on occult or arcane, I'll reply. I don't know how many other people will though, as I have come to the conclusion that most diligent practitioners don't spend their time lurking and therefore don't make for lively conversion.


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Isn't Kabbalah of Egyptian origin? If so, it might also be of Atlantean origin.



It's Jewiss, the jew-type pokemon!


>tfw you're still stealing posts from /fringe/ and you've locked a ton of threads so we can't slide them into oblivion and they're all shit anyways and you're eternally butthurt on your shitty board by yourself


stickied* I mean


I've heard that before. It's hard to say since the claim is that it was an oral tradition for most of its history. The system that's used by the order op mentioned is more than likely the result of borrowing and refining from many different cultures, like most other elements of modern spiritual and religious belief.

I think you have me confused with someone else.


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>Isn't Kabbalah of Egyptian origin?

A decent introduction is Kieran Barry's book _The Greek Qabalah_, ISBN 1-57863-110-6.

Qabalah is the Hebrew name given to older Greek traditions, which may have ultimately come from Egypt.

It's all Neoplatonistic, anyway.

See also Iamblichus on Theurgy.


>actually believing that spirit or soul is "higher" than body
and taht is why kids gnostics are same kind of autists as scientismfags


>not trying to conquer nature
>not trying to confront law of universe
>being druidhippyfag
>being demiurgs toy
I'd rather be a powerful slave, than a coward you are



>mfw this idiot doesn't realize advanced spirits can reincarnate as any race

>mfw Jesus Christ(Master of Masters) was a Jew
>mfw the All Mind has no face


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G.'.D.'.fag here

Nice to see a /gd/ thread on /fringe/!

The order I'm with use the original rituals and texts, not the Regardie hatchet job.

Can't tell you about them, unfortunately, but what I can say is that Regardie omitted quite a lot of material, mainly because
>he was in the S.'.M.'., which was the shit-tier G.'.D.'.
>he was using poor versions of the S.'.M.'. papers
>he omitted some stuff himself because he didn't think it was necessary (e.g. the diagrams mentioned in the 1=10 ceremony)
>I think he was a Th.A.M, so he didn't know anything beyond that.

What I'll say is that the outer order material is basically all stuff you could find in Agrippa, Barrett, Dee etc. anyway, nothing particularly secret about it. The whole point was that the outer order uses basic occult stuff to prepare you for deeper stuff in the inner order ("milk for babes, meat for strong men"). So don't worry too much if you're using Regardie.

Not 5=6 yet, so can't give any opinions on Regardie's editions of the inner order material, but if the outer order stuff is anything to go by, I'd expect mistakes


That's a short-sighted view of Crowley. He encouraged the adherent to study as many religions and cultures from around the world to achieve the best perspective possible.

Here's him basically saying that the choice of entity has no bearing but to put your mind into the proper state:

“In this book it is spoken of the Sephiroth and the Paths; of Spirits and Conjurations; of Gods, Spheres, Planes, and many other things which may or may not exist. It is immaterial whether these exist or not. By doing certain things certain results will follow; students are most earnestly warned against attributing objective reality or philosophic validity to any of them.”

This is important because it puts you at the center rather than any supposed deity. The system you choose means nothing and can be mixed and matched as you see fit. There's a reason that everyone's got a mystical tradition that they claim works…. it probably does because on some level you're contacting the same entities.



It's been over a week and nobody's refuted my post here.

I do hope all you little budding natsocs learned something about your pal MEGATHERION. Good luck to you in your mystical endeavors.


First for the loosh.


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>using Khazar magic

Lord, have mercy.


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Actually, I should make a correction here.

Regardie was a Th.A.M because while the grades of P.A.M and Ph.A.M actually did exist, they were never really implemented, although Mathers did make out a cirriculum for P.A.M. The original order simply collapsed before they could be properly fleshed out and implemented.

The subgrades, as a result, got somewhat ignored by the AO (and I think SM), though some modern groups are reintroducing them again.

Zalewski gives an account of the Whare Ra (?) cirriculum for P.A.M and Ph.A.M in his Secret Inner Order Rituals Of the Golden Dawn.

And I'm probably being a bit harsh on Regardie, he did the best he could with the material he had, and without him the decline of the order may have continued.

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