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It's possible. I have ended my cycle of reincarnation.

There's is no delusion or lack of delusion in me anymore. No action or non-action. I will perform appropriate actions as necessary, for there is no difference between motion and rest anymore.

If there's action required of me I will perform it, what difference could it make to me? I, who am of the nature of pure unconditioned, infinite, undivided consciousness.

You are all on the same journey I was once on. I'm here to tell you not to stop believing in the impossible, in the unlikely. You are that.


A great man said: "With kriya, silence and transparency become the features of ones consciousness."

In the Yoga Vasistha it says: "Do not abide in the ego, do not abandon the ego. How can the unreal be embraced or abandoned?"



When what is possible is all that exists and what is possible today was not possible yesterday then what is possible is impossible.


That's the idea, you've got it, and that's great, but it ought to be noted that we already have something like 3+ active tantra threads going in which it's a bit of a given that you've grasped this thing, call it what you will. Good to hear, though.



You must have the confidence to perform the impossible.



I apologize if my thread seems wasteful, but I haven't just "grasped this thing", I can actually confirm the completion of the karmic cycle.

I don't think it happens very often, not counting plain old bullshit.



it's a natural advancement: a great understanding for the realizement of the Wholeness of your Being with all the Aspects Integrated (Sovereignity etc, this time i will excuse myself from repeating as my posts have become common, specially in threads that float around the 2nd-3rd page. if you are interested you can take from these posts!) :D



I do mean that, actually. Please check the Tantra threads. I think they'll be to your liking, more or less. The dzogchen thread too, even if the OP hated it, has wonderful material posted in it.

>I don't think that happens very often

We can't really know how often it happens since there's no telling how many people attain arhat status, and a vow-bound bodhisattva who claims as much is almost certainly full of shit. If you've come about this relatively recently, let me be the first to welcome you to our secret buddhas-only clubhouse, just remember the rules:

1. No dvaitic cooties allowed.

2. No getting rid of dvaitic cooties.



Indeed. It is no easy task to accomplish. I find the best approach is in recognizing, through means of logic, that because you know for certain that a lie has been told atleast once and you neither know where that lie begins, nor where it ends, the only logical conclusion is that everything you know is a lie until you can verify otherwise. Of course, this must be approached with a sound mind and a firm understanding of how to find your ground again should things get out of hand… because they easily could if you try this without being ready for it

I wouldnt even say that it is confidence that is the key… I would classify it as being more of an absolute absence of doubt. You have to believe, beyond the shadow of a doubt. If you let so much as a single pang of doubt enter your mind you will undo what you have accomplished.

Start smallish. Start with something that you can back up with physical effort as well, this is where confidence comes it to build your confidence in yourself. Decide what you want to do. For me, the way I proved to myself that it absolutely works, I decided I wanted to be in better physical condition, so I altered my diet a bit.. Not drastic, just healthier food when ever possible. And I adopted the belief that I was losing weight at a rate far exceeding that which my slight change in diet should affect, and on top of losing weight I was also putting on muscle, even though I was not getting much exercise at all. The diet was a confidence boost, I was physically working towards results, but my belief, and lack of doubt therein, caused muscle growth which should not have been happening. From there it was only a hop skip and a job to a spell of expand dong +1.



dude, i juz accidently a hole univerz


OP I feel similar, please check out my thread. I'm only posting this around where I see others who it may be relevant to. tell me what you think? I'm mostly interested in you teaching me something new or your realization that you may learn something new. it brings me joy either way.




can you please help me become stronger in erasing doubt from myself? I'm in a similar situation but even though I know, I still have little afterfeelings of doubt like old scars, even though I have no attachments and let go already. I'm clean but I'm just in pain from knowing what it was, like phantom scars. I'm not actually sick, I'm just stuck feeling the remembering of what it was like to be sick, and just getting an upset spiritual stomach from that after-shadow. I'm also spiritually home sick if that makes sense, which only makes me feel worse, but I'm completely detached and clean and karma clean. please give me some guidance, I really need it. I feel like you might be the right person to talk to. I'm the person that posted the link to the mewch thread above.


where is everyone? nobody seems to be on /fringe/ at all, like ever lately.



I have nothing to post. I try to keep my shitposting addiction to a minimum here as /fringe/ is my serious discussion board.



If you truly think of yourself as nothing than somebody can stab you and you will feel nothing. Whoever can't do that isn't the zen master. If somebody who you don't have control over can come up to you and move you in a different direction and take away your control of your universe, then you aren't free and are shackled to this gay ass fucking physical realm which serves no purpose and relies on black magic bloodshed to attract anything to it. The next stage where we never have to deal with ANYTHING that has ANYTHING to do with ANYTHING in the history books is in this door right over there. Do you see it? It's right fucking there. One of you is holding the door shut. Move. Get the fuck out of the fucking way so I can go into this fucking room and shut this virus world down. Thanks!





what dis is?

>2. No getting rid of dvaitic cooties.

what does this mean?



> Whoever can't do that isn't the zen master.

You wouldn't know a Zen Master if it whorled through your village dancing with swords like an angel of death.

Yuppies have neutered Zen into some complacent bullshit. Truth is: You wouldn't be able to stab a real Zen master. The true Way of Zen is Warrior Magic, removal of the emotion and self to become a force of nature, a tornado of doom. Before your knife could flash against him a true Zen Master would be studying your blood sprayed entrails like one of those squiggly line meditation plaques.

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