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Tipp's Fringe Bunker

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Has anyone on fringe really gone beyond calm darkness when it comes to meditating?

I've been reading Introduction to Magic by Evola and following his (& the UR groups) advice recently. I've meditated for longer than I have been aware of any supernatural consequences of meditation, and I have yet to go beyond being calm and then usually either falling asleep of feeling extremely awake.

The best experience I've had so far was one night I had extreme angst, the kind that manifests physically. From one second to another, once my breathing stopped being conscious, the angst turned to equally great euphoria, which I gave me a small insight into the things I've read on Alchemy (and Hermeticism).

But I've yet to see any colors let alone different realities.

Would the few of you who have experienced something beyond "normie meditation" be willing to share these experiences?

How did you reach these states of consciousness?

How do you discern dreams from delving into your mind?

Has anyone on /fringe/ gained the wisdom of the waters?

Is there any point in keeping this up?

I will expect a ban for asking questions, but hopefully someone will still provide some answers.


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I've only ever reached a point of feeling bodyless, euphoric, pure and seeing a swirling mass of blue color in my vision. Never really understood how this leads to things like astral travel, but I'd love to.

>Is there any point in keeping this up?

For the purpose of magickal manifestation, yes. I've found that this point of present, pure awareness is what needs to be "impregnated" by conjured-up feelings of a desired state of being. That's basically brought the most powerful manifestations for me.


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>How did you reach these states of consciousness?

You have to let go of all conscious thought. When I first started doing meditation, I would consciously focus on a chakra, mantra, image etc. This is really good for manifestation, relaxation and healing. However, to reach a higher state of consciousness, you have to silence all conscious activity so the unconscious can come through. Don't focus on the mantra, use the mantra to preoccupy the conscious mind so it shuts up and you can go beyond it. Using this approach, I once had a meditation experience that felt like falling into a realm of non-linear time, ego death, and fractal visuals similar to a shroom trip. It was pure bliss, by far the most profound experience I've ever had.

>Is there any point in keeping this up?

I say it's worth it but fair warning, after my experience, I went through a year-long dark night of the soul. I wanted to go back there so badly but could not replicate the experience. It was a rough lesson, but I realized those kinds of experiences are a gift from the divine. You can't force them to happen, you can only be receptive and grateful when they do happen and let them transform you. Once I internalized that (about three months ago), I started seeing these sparkling lights in the air when I mediate sometimes. It changed my priorities as a magician; I'm less concerned with imposing my will on reality and working more on self-transformation.

>How do you discern dreams from delving into your mind?

When you dream, your conscious mind is in a passive state that can remember the dream but not really affect it. When you are delving in your mind, your conscious is actively interrogating the subconscious. And there are states in between, like lucid dreaming. Discerning the difference just takes practice.


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Well I will continue, it sounds like I am om the right path, but still far away. Thanks for sharing. Blue is a color that entered my mind when meditating once or twice, but just as a thought..

Maybe I am approaching seeing while meditating all wrong, did you actually see in the beginning or is it more about imagining seeing until your "third eye" opens?


Thank you, sounds like what I am searching for. I'm looking to truly know my self aswell, confront aspects of myself in the astral. Maybe finding Jungs library. :^)

Haven't actually tried mantras yet but will now, I need some way to quiet my mind.

Would love to hear more stories, maybe someone here has entered the astral with more intent.


I've been starting to meditate again recently to get back into the fringe. I sometimes get jolted out of meditation by what feels like an electrical shock. It's not really painful and I can continue drifting back into meditation right after but it's a really odd effect. Does anyone else ever get shocks?



>I went through a year-long dark night of the soul. I wanted to go back there so badly but could not replicate the experience

Search for hypnosis and bineurals, use them to reach that state. And yes, u can force this to happen.



Is it anything like the fall dreams?

Because that is your body fighting you for control (or scientifically, making sure you are awake)



I don't even feel close to sleeping when it happens. It's more like a physical shock in my skin. Maybe it could be physical and simply health related, but I don't know why it would only occur when trying to meditate.

I've had dreams before where I wake up jolted from falling in the dream, but this is much different as it stings the skin.




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The most useful thing for me was understanding the anatomy of the pineal gland (third eye). Look at reptile pineal glands and you can see it more obviously, there are some species that have it further developed so there's a "lens". See pic.

Understand that is *exactly what you have going on* in your brow. The third eye isn't theoretical or a model, it is a physical third eye that is underdeveloped.

Your third eye "being closed" is actually like a man with atrophied leg muscles is "bedridden". On the first day, walking three steps unassisted is a great victory. After a week, making it to the bathroom is possible. After a few months, you're walking like it was never a struggle in the first place.

That's your third eye: A muscle that has atrophied from lack of use to the point where it will take physical therapy to get it back to a healthy state.

All I did, and this may well work for you, is meditate on that space. Just like focusing your vision out of your left or right eye (while keeping both open). Closing your eyes may make it easier, but if you want to develop the Sight, learning to see with all three eyes open is what you need to do.


>I started seeing these sparkling lights in the air when I mediate sometimes

Cool to hear someone else share this experience. Difference being it's become nearly constant for me, but I also regularly do 1-5 minute "sits"/micromeditations throughout the day, so my baseline might be closer to meditative.


To answer the OP question, obviously yes. The later questions:

>Would the few of you who have experienced something beyond "normie meditation" be willing to share these experiences?

Here's a funnier one just to lighten this board up a bit: One of my first (aware) visions involved me biting my mother's ring off her finger and spitting it into the brush (think Memento when Lenny throws the keys). Later that day my mom came over and was talking about how she lost her wedding ring that morning and couldn't find it anywhere. Cue me sitting in the corner with a Steve Urkle face on: "Did I do that?"

>How did you reach these states of consciousness?

Meditate and let go. Don't try to force the visions, just let them come. They will probably be weird, coherency comes with practice. Pretty sure my first open-eyed vision was of a frog twisting itself into a rope. Don't overanalyze it, and don't ask "is this really happening, am I going crazy?". That shit takes you out of it. Just. Let. Go.

>How do you discern dreams from delving into your mind?

That implies a distinction that isn't present. Your intended question, meaningful dreams vs "dream nonsense" or noise, however: Experience and practice. You figure it out as you go. And you make mistakes along the way.

>Has anyone on /fringe/ gained the wisdom of the waters?

No idea what this means other than the water of consciousness, but I've sipped the mead of poetry for what that's worth.



Oh, one other note, regarding symbols (dream/vision - essentially the same unless you disagree). If you're unsure, you can look up symbols because they come from the global unconscious. Having said that:

Symbols are deeply personal, think about what that symbol means to *you* when reflecting on a dream.

A gun means a different thing to a hunter than it does to a veteran, as an example. Or to flip that around, what in my dream shows up as a bathroom in my friend's dream shows up as a shed: Both, to us, are places associated with private contemplation/reflection. Two symbols, same meaning.

A good seed if you're going after global unconscious symbols: Go towards your own blood when possible. Chinese and Islamic dream interpretation are the two largest in terms of content, but if you're white, those are very distant from your ancestry. A wolf will give you a very different meaning in celtic or native american dream dictionaries than in an Islamic one.



Self-defense mechanism activating, same as putting your hands out in front of you when you trip. You started going somewhere you weren't ready for and stopped yourself.

In other words: The safety belt is engaged, go forward without fear.


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>Has anyone on fringe really gone beyond calm darkness when it comes to meditating?

I've gotten in at least one hour a day of samatha meditation, every single day, for about the past 36 months now that's when I actually got serious about my practice Most of this was just focusing on the breath, maybe 10% of this was mantra practice, and 5% visualization stuff mostly the 9 stages of a decaying corpse Anyways there have been plenty of times when dream-like nonsense floats through my mind, of about the same potency of a thought or daydream, however actual visual consciousness stuff is really goddamn rare in my practice. Of course visions aren't at all what I'm seeking though, if you can say I'm seeking at all in the first place. Mostly I just sit, and what happens happens.

One time I recall sitting down in my room and after 30 mins or so a vision began to form in my half-closed eyelids, to the potency of appearing like normal eyesight, however it was just a mundane vision of my room from another perspective- on the opposite wall and about 6 feet to the left, looking back towards the wall I was sitting near. So I could just barely see myself in the corner of my eye. As I said, it was pretty boring as far as disembodied vision goes.


>All I did, and this may well work for you, is meditate on that space. Just like focusing your vision out of your left or right eye (while keeping both open). Closing your eyes may make it easier, but if you want to develop the Sight, learning to see with all three eyes open is what you need to do

In the book Prometheus Rising, the author claims that there are Hindus who constantly and at all times try to retain awareness of this area in the head as a means of attaining enlightenment. I've personally not came across such a thing anywhere else in my studies, but the practice does make some degree of sense to me.

A while ago, perhaps within the last year I've became very much aware of a sensation of pressure inside of my skull, in what feels like the dead center. To me it reminds me of a switch or button of some kind that I can "feel" in a very tangible sense just by focusing there for a moment, an action which calms and centers me a good bit. Do you think this could be the third eye you're speaking of? The idea has struck me before but I've never spoken about it.

<not sure if brain tumor


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Thank you!

I'll try to focus on the pineal gland, it makes sense to me somehow.

Clashes with the UR groups teachings though in that it sort of binds my self to my brain. The UR group/Evola would disagree with that since they have records that say the self would "exist" in the heart, at least while meditating, according to traditional beliefs (In this case they cited a christian monk I believe).


Seems I just have to keep going.

Even a boring out of body experience sounds pretty exciting to me tbh

Do any of you guys use music, or do you prefer silence?

I've tried Binaural beats a few times and it does nothing for me, a bit of meditative repeating music can get me pretty relaxed though.


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A toxic person is somebody who interferes with your life and has nothing to add to it. They are literally just there to come into your life, shit on you, destroy your shit, and block every pathway to recovery.

They never have a legitimate reason either. Even a prosecutor will fuck off after they get somebody sentenced and they are in prison. When the fuck have you heard of a prosecutor, somebody who made a very fucking active effort to stop somebody who society views as toxic, going into prison to become the murderers life coach? It does not happen, because anybody looking out for your own good will do, and then be done.

I would estimate that 99.9999% of humans are toxic people. I am not saying I have never been toxic, but I actively seek out peaceful resolutions in everything, and my end goal is me doing my shit and you doing your shit, so I have a fucking eternity of peace. Any interactions with other people will always be voluntary, because being a slave is hell. The way the world works is, oh, you have nothing? Well I have everything. Hard work doesn't lead to success. Hard work FOR ME will lead to success. While you were not alive, I was gathering up all the resources in the world, so anytime you need anything you HAVE TO GO THROUGH ME!

100% of relationships can be mutually beneficial business partnerships, no, friendships. You scratch my back, I scratch yours. Everybody on the planet has something to offer. Even if you have to guide somebody through something, you can give them their dignity and help them grow, and you will reap the benefits of that because people lead by good people become *gasp* good people, and LESS TOXIC PEOPLE = COOL WORLD>

So let's think very fucking clearly about what is happening on the planet. Low estimate, I will say as we speak, one million people are using power they have over somebody in a toxic way. There is a Muslim dude who is ugly and stinky as fuck who use using the threat of murder to force a woman to be his slave. Her entire existence is fucking pointless, because anybody that shitty is useless, and so she has to spend all her time propping up the worst fucking person who ever lived. This is, by definition, hell. For no fucking reason either. There is no legitimate purpose to that. For no fucking reason, somebodies sovereignty is taken, and somebody who is intent on taking other peoples sovereignty is the one getting the benefits. Multiple that by like 999999999999 trillion and that is life.

I think it's time to treat these people like murderers, because they assassinate large chunks of peoples lives and usually get away with it. It will be for their own good, because there is a point of no return where nobody will ever want to go near a toxic person again. There are toxic things I did, but after learning about the toxicness, if it wasn't something that I was using against a perceived threat, I would try to stop it. It isn't fucking rocket science figuring out what behaviors of yours are harming others, you just have to get in tune with what is going on around you. A more empathetic world view will just make you smarter, because the more perspectives you have the better you can solve your own problems.


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Imagine you're an aspiring basketball player. Your coach has you shooting free throws and working on your dribbling every day in practice for years. Your fundamentals become rock solid, but you still never experience the feeling of winning a game because you haven't even started playing yet. You're just always practicing.

What you've mastered in meditation is the fundamentals. Countless techniques exist that require you to use the ability to clear your mind in order to achieve something, but they will give you additional insight and instructions on how to go even further.

You should begin reading more in order to find a technique, ritual, practice, or whatever that will suit your needs. I cannot tell you where to begin, only to start looking. Your fundamentals seem to be rock solid, but sometimes it's not enough to simply master those. Sometimes a change of pace helps, and it's up to you to go find it. Plenty of people have achieved things through pure meditation, but perhaps you're not one of those people. There's nothing wrong with that (I hope, I'm definitely not one of those people haha), but it can never hurt to change gears every once in a while. Sometimes a change is what's needed in order to make progress.

Have you read the stickied books? Have you explored the mega libraries? Go through those, and I'm sure you'll find at least one thing that piques your interest.

Good luck brodie; godspeed.


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>Do you think this could be the third eye you're speaking of?

All I can say is that doesn't quite feel like how it's felt in my experience to me. It may very well feel differently to you. Just like how a spirit/egregore I perceive as female may appear as male to you.

I'll meditate on the sensation you're describing and see what comes to me. As far as I can say at this stage: If it feels right to you, do it bro.

>brain tumor

Lol I've had the same thought (so maybe we are experiencing the same feeling but using different words to describe it), but I've created a hand-sigil of swiping my left hand's first two fingers from right to left. A mental backspace. Delete that thought from your mind because you are fully capable of both creating that ailment and curing it based on how you imagine your internal structure to be. The mental image in your head has sufficient power to recreate the physical structure within.


>binds my self to my brain

I'd disagree. I see it as something akin to the following. Think of the "space-time grid" pictured. Imagine that ball in the center as being your consciousness/sense of perception, rather than the earth.

Now, one of those lines (in fact, all of them, in all directions, up/down/left/right/forward/center/diagonally) is the direction of your perception of time. Some others are spacial coordinates (longitude/lattitude/altitude on earth, I'm unsure how exactly these would be described in deep space).

The pineal gland, in my view, is basically like the thread connecting "spacetime" to the etheric/astral layered over it, which probably is shaped similarly (the same "3-d grid" image applying, but with the possibility of different densities/focuses within it; these being "bodies" of collected psychic energy; essentially the etheric equivalent of gravity). The "brain" is like a psychic abacus, a supercomputer designed to aide the experience from the other side. The one mirror sees itself, resonance is when two harmonic waves increase the energy of one another. When two densities on two separate wavelengths collide while vibrating at compatible frequencies, the resultant frequency can be higher than either source. This is the purpose of the material plane as far as I can tell: A cosmic echo at a precise angle.

The heart and the breath are both equally important. Something that between a few people I know is baffling is the fact that most mundanes (and even some supposed "witches" or other claimed magic users) are incapable of hearing their own heartbeat after a moment's focus. "Vibration" is essentially a synonym for "heartbeat", and in a manner of speaking "magic" is hypnotizing objects… Finding a resonant wave and amplifying a specific energy within it. Applies to anything from programming a crystal to reading a horoscope to convincing a judge to finding a job or making a sandwich. There are several energies, a harmony is created when they're all resonant; i.e. a complimentary balance between all energies within an area (human body, bedroom, house, neighborhood, city, nation, earth).


This might get a bit rambly but I'll try my best to be clear and concise.

First off what are you trying to achieve by meditation? If you don't have a goal in mind then you are not directing your awareness towards anything. If all you see if dark I feel you have succeeded in shutting off your "lower mind", so to speak. Once you are in this state, you must begin to be aware of all the things within the darkness of your meditation. You may not be able to see anything in that darkness, but I promise you it is not empty.

Begin to open yourself to your own power and wisdom. You have to train yourself to accept events that break your "normal" experience of reality. I view energy like raw data. You need to be taught how to process that data to get anything useful out of it. This takes time. Simply be aware that ANYTHING can happen.

I'd also like to touch on seeing things in meditation. I have had this happen in a few separate forms. The most common is simply seeing something in your minds eye. Think of getting a thought stuck in your head. I consider this the lowest or the easiest form of the phenomena. You know those colors you can see behind your eyes when you close them around light? Pay attention to any stray colors that seem to come into your vision while meditating. They are very easy to ignore, but once you notice them you can learn to view them as full shapes. Eventually even in non 3-d forms.


I think I have experienced the same thing and believe they are just a response to accessing a large amount of energy at once.



i took your advice of trying to see out of my forehead wew , the only thing i've noticed so far is that i can see and imagine more clearly. i went on my daily morning route and i noticed a lot of things i usually don't, it's almost like i've got an updated mind map of that place now. not seeing any kinds of esoteric colors though, i've just got a headache.



That sounds perfect for one day of it. Colors that "aren't there" might take a couple of months (or not).


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I'd just like to start by thanking everyone for posting, every description and tip makes me feel as though I am closing in on my goal. It's nice to know there are other people exploring their spirituality, feel a bit less crazy knowing I am not alone.


Your post struck a chord with me, I have read a few of the books, but not many enough most likely. I will spend more time on studies. I wouldn't call my fundamentals rock-solid though :^)


That's a tough question, what am I trying to achieve.. I just want to take a step in the right direction. I'd like to meet and talk to people, read books I just want to learn things that I can't while conscious, about my self and what I am.


A very nice simile.

I have heard my heartbeat, but only twice.

Really good advice!

Haven't had much time lately but I will meditate on everything soon.

Hopefully I'll leave the city tomorrow where I'll find a bit more peace.



But also what is the right direction? You should know where you are trying to go before you attempt to get there. Just like in real life where you wouldnt go on a trip with no idea where you were going.



>Just like in real life where you wouldnt go on a trip with no idea where you were going.

To the contrary… I'd say that both physically and etherically there is value in "getting lost for its own sake". Though I'll agree you should know that's your goal before you do it.



>could not replicate

One of the most important, and most easily sinned against, lesson is one must have the awareness to recognize when their efforts produce no fruit. We are all monkeys. Some monkeys sit at the roots of the tree waiting for fruit to fall for them, they have no awareness of why the fruit do, or do not, fall when they do. Some monkeys learned to climb the tree. Not all who climb the tree have figured out how to seek out the good fruit, those ones just go out onto the branches and maybe they find fruit and maybe they do not. If you are one of those monks who climb higher it is important to realize that sometimes the same branch you once found fruit on will not have any further fruit for you to take.

Gotta know when to say 'I know this branch once had fruit but it no longer does, continuing to search here will not make the branch grow more fruit.'

And that's one hard lesson. In the same vein, a monk must be able to recognize when a fruit that he has bitten into is poison, and cease eating it.

And, a different, but related, lesson is that which only a master monk monkey master will achieve… When the monk learns to climb the higher branches, and consciously find fruit, he must know when he has eaten enough of a fruit. He must learn to take only the bites that he needs and then throw the rest down to the monkeys at the roots, lest he get a belly ache from consuming the myth instead of ensuring it continues. Those fruits aren't what he is after anyway, he is just eating them to follow the trail to the mystical coconut. Legend has it… it's a tough nut to crack… A fruit that none have eaten… With no known means to be opened… But that monkey… He think's he just might be the one.



>you should know that's your goal before you do it.

Maaaan… When I started down this path I hadn't a singular fucking clue what I was in for. I had been meditating for health reasons (serious headaches/shit from an injury), not to conquer the impossible. And I was doing research, for research's sake, and it was not into this stuff.. more just trying to research abstract concepts that had popped into my head.

Those concepts became a bit of a calling more like I was compelled to answer paradoxical questions with such devotion that my comfort was sacrificed (Every waking second was devoted to either pondering or calculating something related to it, for weeks on end with very short breaks in between)

>next thing I know Im fucking in it real fucking deep

There's a very, very fine line between seeing past the deception and insanity.



>In the book Prometheus Rising, the author claims that there are Hindus who constantly and at all times try to retain awareness of this area in the head as a means of attaining enlightenment. I've personally not came across such a thing anywhere else in my studies, but the practice does make some degree of sense to me.

I've achieved this, it is absolutely amazing. Completely ineffable.


Once you attain it.. It is very hard to hold onto. I have not been able to figure out what it is that makes it slip away, at first I thought it maybe had something to do with the phase of the moon, as there was a window between several days after a full moon and several days after a new moon where it would tend to slip from me. But, I think it may also have to do with your conduct.. You need to have full fucking control of your emotions, never letting any negative energy in. And once you let too much in you will feel it slipping away over the course of a day or two and then its like fuck. Once you lose it all you will be able to think about is how badly you need to get it back. When it is gone you feel naked, much less powerful than you once were. And the worst part of it is that once you have attained it, you will know, because of you you attained it, that path can never be walked again. You already walked it, it is behind you, and the only way back 'in' is to pull out your machete and carve another path. Which is much easier said than done because the path is impossible. You need to find another impossible path and make that path possible.

>im currently slashing my way back.. been about 3 weeks out lost in the forest

Be warned about that, when you have it.. Nothing can compare.. When you lose it… Nothing can compare.



>A while ago, perhaps within the last year I've became very much aware of a sensation of pressure inside of my skull, in what feels like the dead center. To me it reminds me of a switch or button of some kind that I can "feel" in a very tangible sense just by focusing there for a moment, an action which calms and centers me a good bit. Do you think this could be the third eye you're speaking of? The idea has struck me before but I've never spoken about it.

><not sure if brain tumor

That means you are close. Read what I wrote above and, if you want to proceed… Focus on it. Pay attention to it with your eyes open. There is no need to close your eyes, if you need to close them then you are deceiving yourself. Mediate when you normally would, but when ever possible focus on this with your eyes open. Pay real close attention to it. It's just a feeling of pressure right? As you become more and more aware of it from focusing on it more and more, it will start to feel like pain. Not horrible/bad pain but just a sensation that could only really be described of as pain.. a painless pain that is very painful (will make sense in the future). It will start to feel like a combination of muscle pain and as if the center of your skull/brow ridge is growing. It's a blessing and a curse. It is a crown of thorns. The more intense the feeling the more hyper aware you will become, but the more painful it will get. Think of it like the difference between jacking off into a sock and grabbing your waifu by the tits and smashing her so hard that you can feel your muscles tearing. It's a good pain but it is hard to keep the endurance up. The second you lose the rhythm :^) its hard to hear the drum beat :^) again after that.

>why the music references

you are on stage the mic is in front of you and you've a guitar slung on your back stop picking your nose, get lost in the rock n roll and drift away


OP, First off, realize that the meditation whereby you clear your mind is just to establish a canvas. It's baby's-first-step tier.

Secondly, don't buy into dogmatic bullshit, ever. Meditation can be a means of scrying. Rather than dispel the thoughts that come to mind, dance with them and stitch a silver connective thread through them, collecting them and whirling them around until a meaning forms.

Zen meditation is for plebs. You can not master your lower self if you completely ignore it, thus such completely blank minded "Zen Masters" are merely half enlightened (in truth, the real mastery of Zen has been corrupted in popular occult literature. Here: "Act but do not think", now go be a Katana in the wind…).

If one wishes to query the all mind it is a simple act of preparation of the local space and personal mind, posing the question, becoming the form which can answer and awaiting a reply. This is a true meditative practice and has very little to do with being a blank minded fool.

I have zero experience with any farcical astral plane, and seriously doubt it exists. Instead, reality does exist and all is mind, ergo there's no "elsewhere" plane to travel – soon as I stopped ass-trail LARPing I gained the ability to ditch the local material realm and travel.

One thing that few people mention is that like all other initiatory rites a (great) deal of psychic stress may be required to break through. Consider using sleep deprivation and mushrooms or other hallucinogenics.

If you are able to remain in control of the mind as it is attempting to spin those dream worlds around you, then there is another realm of power you can experience – it is the opposite of lucid dreaming: Rather than being trapped in a fantasy world but able to control it, you can be free in the real world and in full control…

Meditation is one piece of the puzzle. The goal should be mastery of ones full self. Don't just stop at control of breathing, feel your pulse and actively change its rhythm. Try building a control interface to your lower self that you may unify with it and transmute the deadened involuntary lead into lively and useful gold.


> I have not been able to figure out what it is that makes it slip away, at first I thought it maybe had something to do with the phase of the moon, as there was a window between several days after a full moon and several days after a new moon where it would tend to slip from me. But, I think it may also have to do with your conduct..

The moon is a construct. It has some effect on beings, but should not weigh on you as such in this endeavor; The latter is more likely true – unless you're susceptible literal "lunacy", meaning you need to practice mastery of your physical lower self more before attempting mental mastery.




typical bullshit occultist rant



This post is actually decent, if you don't see that you're just exposing your own lack of understanding.



Big problem with the whole "you can control your whole reality" thing. Does that mean you're the nigger that allows oppression and countless Wars go on? You people forget what being in control means after a small success in the occult. If you were powerful in anyway youd be far from this board and hated by humanity for being a god amongst suffering men. Do you people that believe you're in control of reality ever consider you're the reason why hopeless mundanes suffer?


Follow this video from start to end. It will release the naturally occuring DMT in your brain.


45 minutes. Lie down. Breathe all the way in(ALL the way in, all air you can get in your lungs), let go(relax, let the air flow out, don't push it out - but don't let all of it go) - repeat this in a circular fashion 30-40 times. On the last inhalation go all the way in, let go and then stop. Hold your breath. When you feel the need for air hold it for a count of at least 10-20 seconds longer(push thru the fear), then inhale all you can, and hold your breath now for 10-20 sec.

Rinse and repeat.

You will see colors and/or geometries.



Was it jhana?


About two years ago, I listened to Hemi-Sync (courtsey of the Monroe Insitute's media page) and I immediately began to feel vibrations/pressure/fluttering in the centre of my forehead after a brief spell of "pain" which a poster described above; I can control and stretch this range of sensation. It automatically starts up when I'm even remotely relaxed. I can even see flashes of light and golden orbs, weirdly, when in the shower. It really feels like I just have to focus more on the right spot in my brain.



Like you wouldn't believe.

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