I have a reason to think big
It's about (((them))), i notice something
You see, ALL news are fabricated, every one of them, it´s not like they just lie or manipulate, it about an illusory reallity.
Actors, Masons and Intelligence agents
The numbers, they use it for communication (and some symbols)
Always the same numbers
I may not know enough of numerology and kabbalah to understand completely the codes, but i came up to a theory.
(((They))) rarely work, but always have money
then, how you give money to every one of your (((tribe))), around the world, in a legal way, so they don't have to work at all: Lottery
It's easy money, legal, and the slaves pay for it
I looked for the numbers, and they were just there, everywhere.
You only can win if you know how to play the game
It´s easy know how to play if you made the game.
In the lotteries of prefixed numbers, it is almost impossible, because when I get to the numbers, I can not access the ticket, they have always been sold.
But I get the numbers right, if I could have accessed the Christmas ticket for my number, only for the last number I could have won 200,000
I switched to the cumulative prize lottery and I'm working on it.
It's a mixture of my own system and reality creation.
BTW i'm sorry for my broken english and my sometimes chaotic mind
History is also a lie
137 chases me all the time