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Tipp's Fringe Bunker

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Because of the latest events happening in the world, a thread for inquiries of current challenges and obstacles laid out before us, could help uplift those who needs to know their next step.

People are waking up slowly and many are getting more depressed because they are ignorant to truth. Some are waking up to their 5th Dimensional ability and see beyond the veil for the world that we are creating.

There's impeding hunger need starting at 2020. Water is running below recommended ground levels. Plastic increases in food and water supplies because of laundry deterrents. Skies covered with thick fog and complete change in climate. Smog covering cities.

Are you dying? Are you living?

All those who goes against truth will die. Find truth.

There's a coming uphill that will be the "Great Filter" of our species. Interstellar movie scenario. Many wants to change; many want to change the world.

In this thread we talk about solutions to your problems and put a nail in the coffin once and for all. Make sure to not write personal information that can be linked to you, for your safety.

● What is your current [spiritual / life / personal] obstacle?

Lets heal it. Thank you.

pic related (and really nice highres)



I've been hitting plateaus in my efforts to get fit and I am having trouble finding the time and motivation to git gud at drawing.


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My current obstacle is dizziness and blurriness in my left eye. Seems to be connected that when both are worse, my left arm and left leg get weak.

Eye feels strange, like it's cold on the inside but very hot to the touch. Can't think clearly (The worst part of it.)

My memory feels like it's been wipes since it got bad again. Like all the ideas and thoughts I would think about alot were just thrown out the window.

I'm currently eating healthy (I eat meat, but mostly grass-fed, non-GMO/nitrate meat. I think veganism is a jewish lie.) for the last 6 days again, since I've began before to eat sugary foods alot, so at least I can knock this part out, to make sure I'm eating right. Going fine right now for that.

I'm desperate, have been dealing with it for almost 5 years. Has pushed me down. Killing myself was very tempting only a week or so ago when it was even worse.

Makes me stare and can't concentrate, even though normally, I am very interested in larger concepts.



Why do you not want to be fit? If your body fills up with blockages, your spirit won't work effectively in the body.

What is your weaknesses with drawing? Create challenges to test your exact weakness and practice them 30 times each. Is it shader practice, color practice, line practice, symmetry or overall composure? Is it your imagination? See in your mind what you want to see in the canvas and adjust until it happens.


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The adrenaline rush of female meat affects your left side body. Seek to eat fruit and vegetables as a challenge for 7 days and then avoid unpure foods. Activate your hand chakras and heal your body in combination with the diet. Veganism is a liberal flux because of how it is presented, but eating breast milk from animals with hormone injections or meat is second hand energy in the food chain.

It sounds like you are dealing with something depressive. Forgive yourself, your enemies, your past and the world. The truth will show the way.


Hitting too many obstacles of all kinds. Not just me, but parents too. I'm used to occasional waves of bad luck but this trough is one long wavelength. I just want more free time but I'll get some in a few weeks once the semester ends. I've been in worse times before, so I'm just riding it out.



You are very unspecific. You should research discipline, both mental and physical. If you don't believe that you can perform, that is what you have to change: the belief.

Everyone is struggling, it's not only you.

I'll be back in 7 hours.


My neck and upper back are suddenly very tense. I started to lift for one month but ive been postponing it for several, after some long holidays in my country.

Been getting better at meditation as a routine and studying as a pleasure, though.


I'm alive brother. Equalization is taking place. I'm on the path. Accepting terrifying truths, and coping with them, wielding it all, arising.



is this a request for me to blogpost about my issues?.

I'm doing okay. Making good money. Earned a nice chunk with cryptocurrency.

But I have left my relationship behind. We broke up 3 years ago but got back together for a month last year.

I mainly wanted sex from her. She doesn' really interest me beyond that.

So we broke up…

Just having a hard time meeting the right person now, also having issues with weed.

I meditate and workout well but weed tends to hinder my progress. Though if I haven't smoked a good few weeks. It can really help me get back on the ground. though it kills my dreams. I don't want to stop for good but I also don't want to be the daily addict, or fuck up my lungs beyond saving.

I'm 27 now and I' haven't settled down. I just haven't met the right girl, or when I did in the past I just didn't see that I was liked. I did have some girlfriends. though…

I don't know I got everything except a woman right now.

I guess I just have to keep going.

Dating really sucks though



Use your hands and slap your skin or ask someone else to do it. Massage also helps. You still hold grief and lies which won't help you.


We were always on the path.


"The drunkard shall not enter the kingdom of heaven"

Eventually, you'll get to a point where weed doesn't help, but it keeps you sedated in a way where you feel unmotivated. This is the sign to quit. Cannabis can only lift the energy to a specific point in the body, depending on its strain.

Loving another is difficult for you at the moment, since you have to learn how to love yourself and the world. I recommend researching consciousness from speeches online and following simple meditations.

You believe you want a woman because you lack completion, but you need to be complete yourself before you meet another complete being.


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I've had a stiff neck and upper back my entire life, ever since I was a kid. I've recently introduced myself to the practice of Abhyanga, the Ayurvedic therapy of applying oil to oneself / massaging oneself head to toe. It has done wonders for my pain and stiffness. It's important to use an oil which is appropriate to your Dosha constitution. I'm a Pitta (Water/Fire) / Kapha (Water/Earth) type, so I use a mixture of sesame and grapeseed oil. To wash the residual oil off I apply a paste made from chickpea flour. Most Ayurvedic resources online won't tell you about applying powder, but I find it's just as therapeutic as the application of oil. If you can find a credible practitioner to help you identify your Dosha type, that's much better than an online quiz.

Abhyanga has helped me immensely with taking an attitude of relaxation and loving myself into all my practices, for example hatha yoga, which in turn further helps with tense muscles and rigidness. I strongly encourage you to get yourself as relaxed as possible before you start lifting again, lest you go to snap city.

I have the upcoming opportunity to take Ayahuasca in the Amazon for a while. It's going to be a huge turning point for me. I'll finally be able to shed the dark cloud that has followed me everywhere and turn with this coming tide that we all see coming. Any spare loosh would be appreciated.



Thanks my friend, ill try to find a specialist to know my type. A synchronicity: I'm from Brasil and one of my great friends is living in Manaus right now, amazons capital.


Oh look, another "muh 2012 prohecy" thread.



>not realizing the true significance of the year 2012

Oh look, another lazy post.



I could use some insight. I have gained much perspective and awareness of things I had never knew existed. The pure abstraction of everything, and the enlightenment that comes with it is pure bliss.. But, I have a stumbling block which I have not been able to pass on my own. No matter how much progress I make after a while what was a pleasant feeling starts to turn into extreme pressure. I have noted that the pressure seems to go from a pleasant 'sore muscle' sort of feeling to a more extreme pressure that does not feel so nice depending on whether or not I have been able to perform my works that have come to me. But, at times, the pressure gets so intense that it becomes mind numbing, and makes me sleepy as shit, to the point of making it almost impossible to write this post.

What I have not been able to figure out is at times it seems as though rather than it being related to me doing my works it might have some sort of cycle to it. I was thinking its possibly related to the moon but it has not seemed to correspond to any particular phase of the moon.

Is there something I am missing? What else could this be? It's been present since I first started feeling sensitive to things, and since then I have had medical tests that came up with nothing.

It almost feels like severe growing pains or something, like it feels like my skull is going to change shape or something.



Drop the weed. It makes you forgetful.


2012 was a great year.


none of you are my brother or sister, you are just using words to try to manipulate me into thinking you have my back so you have more time to backstab me

nice try kike



kill yourself you fucking jewish faggot

Be less greedy. It makes you an asshole douche faggot.

Oh wait, you aren't going to limit your jewishness, you just tell other people what to do!

Don't ever fucking suggest weed is a problem anywhere near me again. You are going to die from cancer and then reincarnate then die in a car crash for wasting my time you fucking loser. How fucking dare you use my time to shill against a fucking plant. You think you can just write words that make my eyes go "oh there might be something here" Then randomly, without every meeting somebody, you use words and my time to decide that a plant and not the world is a problem?



please stop writing like smileberg, jeez i thought weed made people more chill.

imho any kind of 'helping substance" of any kind is retarded, same goes for subliminal stuff.

you need water, good, non-poisenous food, and sunlight. using anything extra as a crutch for hard work and commitment is fucking retarded.

now either put some fucking effort into your magic or kill yourself, how slow or fast i don't care. just make a fucking choice between the two and stop hovering over both of them.


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Wizards with fancy tricks, removes pains with flicks.

Wise men gain, find the source of pain and go sane.

"I was the one that healed my body all along, by caring and touching it"

Drink enough of Aya to learn how to create DMT with the mind only, then stop.


Find a system that allows you to start healing your body. Check your diet and make sure you're not eating hormone bombs. Because the body is the only anchor, we also need to take care of it. Make sure to move it more and ask yourself in meditation: why is there pain?

Ask for healing and ask for truth. Don't look for reasons of why this is happening to you, outside of yourself.


Are you living or dying?

Do you seek unity or separation?

Lift yourself, no one else will do it for you.


There's no problem. People who get stuck in substance addiction will die. It's the choice of free will to chose what it wants.

Secondly, there is no "my time". This is a discussion forum that we share. There might be frustration, but waste no time promoting or demoting someones' ill-willing suggestions; supply the truthful solution to the suffering and help liberate instead.


Please refrain from suggesting others to die. What goes around comes around. You are dying yourself, so don't be a hypocrite.

The resistance we can observe in others to truth and the law is the same resistance we used to carry or still carry. If someone fails to grasp the simplicity of the grand scheme of life, it's by their own choice of deepened complexity and obstacles put up by themselves.

We are all equal. Death will make us equal. No one will escape death. No one knows their own death.

The outside world just a dream, the inside world a lucid dream. A game of roles: I, me, they and you; people lost themselves on the loo.



if i'm being honest, i phrased that incorrectly, it wasn't a suggestion, it was a choice which i explained to him. if you see someone with a metaphorical gun in their mouth without them realizing it. you can give them the choice to pull the trigger or take the gun out of their mouth and continue living. i simply attempted to make him aware of this choice.


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I'm what you can call a mundane, I've little theoretical knowledge and 0 experience with the occult. (Beside what I learned and witnessed about "meme magick")

However, I believe- no, I'm sure of it- that there is something far greater than the material world. This is why I seek absolutes truths.

I'm aware of the evil dwelling in our societies, and the effect it has on my self. I loathe degeneracy, yet I succumbed to it many times.

I feel that we're about to face big change in every level, and I desire strongly to fix myself before it's to late to do so.

I require your help, any advices would be much appreciated.

(Also, please pardon my not-so-good english. Nevertheless, be assured that I have the ability to understand it properly.)




Just set up material goals (better job, sex life, love, money, travel, whatever) and try to accomplish them with the help of magic. You will be taught what you need along the way.

Don't fall into the trap so many here have fallen into. Don't become an armchair occultist that "rejects the material degenerate world" and instead withers away by doing nothing but reading all day.

You accumulate information.

Knowledge comes from understanding that information.

And wisdom comes from acting upon that knowledge.

Most get stuck at knowledge and die.


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Study this card.


Lately, I'm fine really, stop masturbating 309 days ago, and although I do not meditate very much, I've learned a lot along the way, but …

Sometimes I feel trapped, I am a hikkikkomori for more years than I remember (I am 23 at the moment) I live in my mother's house, I have never worked, I am a virgin who has never had a girlfriend nor has anyone ever been interested romantically in, and although my relationship with my mother is good, for about 309 days, my uncle lives with us, my mother is hardly home, so basically I live with him.

He has nowhere to go, is in divorce proceedings, and has a pretty big debt, is basically a homeless if not for my mother, but is older so it is extremely unlikely that he will find work.

The main problem is his attitude, he is a man anchored in anger and depression, a narcissist who, like all narcissists, deep down feels a deep inferiority.

I do not have studies, and I live in a country where it is impossible to find work, even for graduates.

So I tried to manifest earning money in the lottery so I would buy a house for my uncle near his daughter, my mother will not have to work anymore and she will be able to rest, at the same time, she will be able to take care of my pet turtle, and so I will finally be able to become the wanderer (or hermit) of the forest that I've always wanted to be, and feel free.

I really do not know what else to do, I have not been able to help him emotionally (although I have redpilled both) and that is what he really needs.

I just want to be alone and focus on the work.



My biggest obstacle is of comfyness. Survival where I live requires close to no effort so I have loads of free time. Said free time is mostly spent in front of a screen. Watching, listening, browsing, drifting. Everything but doing. I'm mostly stuck but sometimes I escape and it's better but I always seem to go back to being stuck. I don't know what to do with my time. I can't find the reason. I'm not particular interested in my education but I can't figure out what else to do. I eat well, I go to the gym and I keep my appartment clean. Then I don't know what to do. My needs are taken care of but I need more. I want to want more. I wanna learn to play the harmonica but I seem to lack the discipline. I wanna take my education more serious but I seem to lack the discipline. I wanna start doing rituals and get deeper into the occult but something seems to be holding me back. I found the pill and I chose to take it but it's stuck in my throat. Hand me a glass of water, please


for you all

may it help you.

harmony is made to look like chaos.

harmony and balance exist without chaos, but chaos does not exist without balance and harmony to support it.

without harmony to create a balanced order that can continue reacting passionately, there is no chaos.

There is no strength or weakness without power.

There is no fear or courage without strength and weakness.

There is ignorance in the strong fighting the weak if the weak are good.

There is ignorance in the weak fighting the strong if the strong are good.

There is ignorance in believing that good is the same for everyone.

There is no dark or light, ying or yang; there is only God.

doubt not and despair not; instead only fearless and unbreakable faith.

there is no serenity and peace without passion and emotion; without caring about something, there is no reason to do or not do.

imperfection is a lie. There is only Perfection.

There is no life or death, there is only God.

Through God There is always potential to grow and improve.

Through God I am guided on the path.

Through following the path I gain improvement.

Through improvement I grow.

Through growth I gain knowledge.

Through knowledge I gain wisdom.

Through wisdom I perceive the truth.

perceive the truth; perceive God.


Sorry, this is the updated version:

harmony is made to look like chaos.

harmony and balance exist without chaos, but chaos does not exist without balance and harmony to support it.

without harmony to create a balanced order that can continue reacting passionately, there is no chaos.

There is no strength or weakness without power.

There is no fear or courage without strength and weakness.

There is ignorance in the strong fighting the weak if the weak are good.

There is ignorance in the weak fighting the strong if the strong are good.

There is ignorance in believing that good is the same for everyone.

There is no dark or light, ying or yang; there is only God.

There is no rulebook or religions; there is only God.

Read through corruption; Read through wisdom; distill the drops of truth, distill the drops of yourself.

doubt not and despair not; instead only fearless and unbreakable faith.

there is no serenity and peace without passion and emotion; without caring about something, there is no reason to do or not do.

imperfection is a lie. There is only Perfection.

There is no life or death, there is only God.

Through God There is always potential to grow and improve.

Through God I am guided on the path.

Through following the path I gain improvement.

Through improvement I grow.

Through growth I gain knowledge.

Through knowledge I gain wisdom.

Through wisdom I perceive the truth.

perceive the truth; perceive God.



Why limit yourself to only manifesting money through lottery? There are bound to be less risky ways that you just aren't aware of, so if you just focus on the broad idea of earning money in an easy and positive/beneficial way, it'll probably take a lot less time and effort.



Merlin will never let you take my virginity!



you should try something smaller than the lottery first, much smaller.

also, meditate every day, and start becoming more physically active.

you don't need weigthts or a subscribtion to some gym in order to work out.


There are no obstacles in my life anymore cause i choose some time ago to change my way of perception. After a serious personal happening (got drugged/robbed/physically abused on vacation) God spoke to me and I internally realized many things which lead to a complete mental, psychological and physical change. To this time i nearly lived 15years vegetarian (but my diet wans't really healthy), switched to vegan organic diet, stopped drinking alcohol, returned to God, began to pray, meditate and contemplate on a daily basis, began to care about myself with attentiveness. This caused my whole exterior life to change, it was a matter of a few months and I was living in a new environment in a completly different life. I myself feel like I'm looking at someone else if i think about my 'old-self', which is pretty funny and stunning. Now I feel like I finally don't block the flow of life but let it play on myself, i'm on the right path and this is the only thing i need to know, there is no pressure of developing, there is no need for rush, there is no need for beeing adhered, there is this sense of equanimity and loving kindness. So things you might percept as obstacles are nothing more than a needed cause and can therefore transform in direct opposite.




I have a reason to think big

It's about (((them))), i notice something

You see, ALL news are fabricated, every one of them, it´s not like they just lie or manipulate, it about an illusory reallity.

Actors, Masons and Intelligence agents

The numbers, they use it for communication (and some symbols)

Always the same numbers









I may not know enough of numerology and kabbalah to understand completely the codes, but i came up to a theory.

(((They))) rarely work, but always have money

then, how you give money to every one of your (((tribe))), around the world, in a legal way, so they don't have to work at all: Lottery

It's easy money, legal, and the slaves pay for it

I looked for the numbers, and they were just there, everywhere.

You only can win if you know how to play the game

It´s easy know how to play if you made the game.

In the lotteries of prefixed numbers, it is almost impossible, because when I get to the numbers, I can not access the ticket, they have always been sold.

But I get the numbers right, if I could have accessed the Christmas ticket for my number, only for the last number I could have won 200,000

I switched to the cumulative prize lottery and I'm working on it.

It's a mixture of my own system and reality creation.

BTW i'm sorry for my broken english and my sometimes chaotic mind

History is also a lie

137 chases me all the time



nobody has anything to say about this? I'm hurt.


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I like Star Wars too.



I think the gray jedi are severely cucked or severely misrepresented and misunderstood. not all gray jedi are exactly the same, and the philosophy and code that is pushed onto all of them as a stereotype implies that they are all good but intentionally "just a little bit evil" on purpose just to keep the balance. like they will shake the hands of five people and then punch the other five people in the face for no reason just because it's fair or "equal" basically SJW jedi. that is disgusting, and not really what the gray jedi are about. remember, it's called a JEDI. jedi are good. (unless they are corrupt, like most jedi) which is really sad.

it's a huge mess really. I strive to be better than black, gray, or white.



What should I read as a beginner? There isn't any definite way but I would like to know where to start



In this context "Jedi" does not mean "user of the force who follows the ancient tradition of the Je'daii Order", instead is a word of general use for "user of the force".In the same way that a user of the dark side of the force is not necesarilly a Sith, but generally speaking, we can call it "Sith" even if dont follow the ancient tradition or culture of the old race of Sith.

A true grey Jedi is a user of the force, who independently of being part of an order or a tradition, that doesn't limit him, he is not coarted by the dogma of any order but by his experience, and is not afraid o using any part of the force that bring him balance, because for him there is no dark or light side, there is just the force and bringin balance to him is bringin balance to the force, for his will and the force is the same.

Thinking "I was nice to x number of people, i need to equally be an a-hole to the same amount of people" is childish thinking by a no very smart kid.



Okay my friend, then why do people go around posting "the official gray jedi code" that says things here



>"I will do what I must to keep the balance, there is no good without evil"

this implies that they believe evil is necessary for good to exist, this is false, and this


disproves that.

I'm saying that some fake assholes are forcing the gray jedi to have an inherently evil secret sith or worse code built into their code but subtly



Are the Jedi good? Are the Sith evil?



>the official gray jedi code

It´s in the comics, and in some way in animation and video games, so… it's actually oficial.

But It's fine if you don't like tho.

>evil is necessary for good to exist

Well that's truth, it's pretty obvious actually.

If you dont have shadow, you have no friggin idea of what light is.

The whole point is to overcome that duality.

>and this >>118631 >disproves that.

I'm afraid that's just your opinion



basically most jedi are corrupt religious fanatic groups while most sith are dark edgy fedora atheists. the gray jedi like kyle katarn and quoi gon gin are total bros on the true path. but the "gray jedi code" is totally cucked.


sure knowing right and wrong is helpful in larning which is which but if you know which is which and you get rid of evil, and keep the knowledge- you can have good without evil. if it's done right, like in heaven. (but basically can only work in heaven)



The Sith, to me, seemed more opened to the freedom of expression, while the Jedi were clearly more oppressive in beliefs because of their rigid traditions. So it was more like left hand versus right hand philosophies rather than good versus evil. I never watched the new trilogy, so maybe this has changed.

The word sith is Celtic in origin for fairy. But not no modern fairy, as fairies in Celtic mythology would capture, enslave, and sometimes sacrifice people. Given that the Jedi are an obvious mix of Templar and samurai, I'm assuming George Lucas had a Catholic upbringing. The Grey Code looks a bit Taoist to me.


As a Sith you can be everything from light to dark (individualist) but as Jedi you are to obey the strict rules of the order (collectivist) because the Jedi want to prevent Dark Side thoughts from ever manifesting among their ranks.


My biggest problems currently are laziness, a lack of will to live, immaturity, suicidal thoughts, never staying on any path for long, perversion, anger at the world, self-hatred, signing a contract of what I think is servitude with a being I have identified as Xolotl (don't know if that's good or bad or neutral really but it's on my mind regardless) and doubts creeping into my mind no matter what path I try to follow.



you misunderstand, i never suggested you don't try to win a lottery /fringe/ style eventually, but working on these powers is like lifting weight. you start small and work your way up. do not attempt to rush these things.



I understand, please forgive my rushness, but i don't know other way, that's why i give everything to one chance.

I´am learning from the numbers, feeling them, i seek patterns and things like that.


I lack faith in myself. I have never done anything of which I can be proud of, I've done drugs, engaged in degenerate sexual behavior and even though I no longer continue doing them everybody knows that I did and I'm forever labeled as a cokehead nazi faggot. My lack of self confidence makes me sexually unattractive and socially awkward, moreso because I am not ugly and I am very wealthy which either puzzles people, deters them or makes them want to take advantage of me in some way. Im in a regressive feedback loop of depression and low willpower which in the end makes me not want to anything ever. How you like them apples?




the sith did a much better job of being "expressive" at least in some ways but they were also needlessly destructive to the point of just insanity. it would be one thing if they expressed themselves, but like the dark edgy fedora atheist, they basically have a blind hatred for everyone and everything even themselves which was very self defeating. even the official gray jedi code is cucked because it's just another sith code in disguise, and fully fails to represent kyle katarn and qui gon gin.



that's one very interesting way of looking at it. do you know /fringe/ has better star wars discussions than /sw/? it's pretty funny.

I understand why both groups feel the need to think the way they do, but it's also stupid because of this simple question:

>why can't you love the force first (God), love yourself second, and then love friends and family third?

you could have the best parts of the sith and jedi code with some other good additions without any of the bad parts and then base your decisions in a balance between love and logic.



anon take a look at these threads/posts ok? It will set you on a better path. the only one that "owns" you is God. God lovingly owns us all, and we're good students and slaves (but in a good way)

let me know if it made you feel good, because it makes me feel good to know that you felt good. suggestions and complaints are also appreciated to help me grow and become better.

>>>/rel/2784 (my thread)

>>>/rel/2795 (my post contributing to another thread)

>>118631 (my post in THIS current thread we are in right now)

I hope this helps you.



please please try this. don't overlook it. if you try anything at least once, try this too.




Earlier I contemplated the idea of god becoming man, shown in stories such as the one about Jesus Christ, in order to better understand man, his struggles, his position, his evils, his goods, and so on. It occurred to me how deeply and truly caring that is and how God might not have truly understood what it FEELS like to be a human until he walked in ones shoes, even if he knew all about them. I cried a little after that, from the beauty of it all. If there is even the slightest grain of truth in any of those tales, then that is truly hopeful and wondrous. I'll definitely look into the all of the stuff that your linking when I have the time, and I will at least try and see how that works for me. You may not save me at the end of the day, friend, but you have at least shown me a potential path out, and for that alone you receive my thanks.



Qui Gon was in a league of his own, a Jedi among Jedi.


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Practice discipline and learn meditation. Eat less meat and exercise more. Truth is all around you, hidden in plain sight. Become aware of this truth and start living your life according to it. Even if you know nothing of esoteric practices, you can still read online about these groups and their ideologies. Look into the book thread and find yourself books that will help you along the way. Meditation should be the main practice, don't try to avoid or postpone it.


Remove meats, additives and refined products from your diet and move to fruits and vegetables. Your nofap streak is no good with acidic foods. You describe things that your uncle does that irritates you. Rather than trying to change your uncle yourself, meditate on the irritation that you experience and learn why you are irritated. Unless your ability and manifestation works, lottery will take a while. I'd recommend using manifestation powers to change yourself first.


No one will do it for you. Conquer yourself and take yourself out in nature. Sit under a tree and meditate. Realize that the things you are bound to require you in order to work. Without you, they are just furniture. If you want to do something else in your life, you'll have to change it. Being comfortable leads to procrastination and sin unless the mind is sharp.


Try fasting.


Check the beginners folder on the mega:


It's not so much important to understand the books at the moment, but eventually when you understand many things, it will reveal itself to you.


Doubts will always follow. It's your job to not believe doubts, and to counter doubts with mantras of positive affirmations. Meditate on the origin of the doubt, tell it to go back where it came from. All spiritual paths points towards the same truth (except some), which is just for you to find and apply to life.


It doesn't matter what people do, as long as the consequences are not irreversible. The body will heal from drug abuse. The body will heal from sexual activities. What others think of you is not important unless you think it is. The need for approval is a red herring anyway. Sages and prophets walk a narrow lonely path. You currently lack spiritual insights and are under the spell of materialism. It's not too late to start the journey, so just dedicate yourself to learning.


Do more research. Read about different religious schools and spiritual teachings. There's more crying to be had when you realize where God is and what you've done to deserve his wrath. Your belief or understanding of god is not god. So do more research and meditation.













Star Wars seem to be more important than your ignorance. What if the same time and devotion for fiction could be had in inquiries of self? Then this conversation would not have occurred.



>Star Wars seem to be more important than your ignorance. What if the same time and devotion for fiction could be had in inquiries of self? Then this conversation would not have occurred.

t. bullshit occultist LARPer



I try my best anon. remember, God that is all knowing would already know what everything feels like, God which puts every thought into everyone's minds. only an imperfect human being would desire with such great ego to be known as God.



>best actor

>best jedi

why isn't keeanu reeves in any starwars movies with him? would have been great tbh.



starwars is always a good coversation spicer-upper that doesn't distrupt any conversation it's involved in too much, while also contributing to it a bit. much cross philosophical discussion to be had there is.



If Hugo Weaving was in Star Wars, would you like to see him as Jedi or Sith?



both, or gray.


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Try quantum AI or collective unconscious






There are many paths, but there's only one that's worth taking. Follow natural law. All it really means is to not take that which isn't yours to take. If you do this then by definition every action you take will be righteous, as in you have the right to do it. This applies to all living things though, not just humans.


My ears have been really bothering me lately.

I´ve got a loud ringing in my left ear, aswell as sensitivity to sound.

I find it hard to think clearly because of the ringing.

also Im worried about the whole situation.


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>There's a coming uphill that will be the "Great Filter" of our species.

We control the weather. This isn't debatable anymore. Any such "great filter" is created by men on purpose. We changed the climate on purpose, it's creating better weather. Scaremongering is just "problem reaction solution" to manufacture consent for Carbon Tax (when H20 is #1 greenhouse gas).

Wise up to weather warfare


…Or fuck off.



>Follow natural law. All it really means is to not take that which isn't yours to take.

That's not a natural law. Does a falcon say, "Gee, I better not take that bunny, it's not mine"? No.

Everything I see is mine. That is the natural law.



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>…Or fuck off.

Babby's first conpsiracy? Water, food, porn, sex, drugs, weather, politicians, media, bankers, terrorists, military, psyops and more, are controlled and designed to be carcinogenic to humans. They want people to die and they want them to die quickly after turning 65. They want low fertility so they can destroy countries with immigration. It's a revenge plan in the making, perhaps stretching back to before the Hellenistic and Egyptian empires.

If your country is one of the countries that have upset or discriminated against the face jews, Khazars, Ashekanzis, Cohens or others during the last 2'000 years, you are on their revenge list.

Stop eating processed foods. Stop drinking tap water. Stop using toothpaste, sunscreen, medicine, vaccines and other dependencies. Find holistic alternatives where you know the ingredients are not E-numbers extravaganza.

And when the trumpets sound loudly, be prepared with food and water to last for weeks.



>da joos

oh no it's retarded

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