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Tipp's Fringe Bunker

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I repeat, this is the redpill to wake you up, about what is really going on. The Hidden Hand dialogue is very real but do not be deceived by their subtle lies, the Messiah is alive and He IS coming, and his Wrath will execute judgement upon all. Wake up, the deepstate is real, and the prison planet is real. We have been repeating this existence for an innumerable amount of timelines, the Big Crunch is real and that has always been the reset timer for the Universe but not anymore. The 13 Royal blood lines are very much real and their large following of Luciferian elites have been following the Grand Plan since the dawn of history, and every timeline before us. One event that has always played out the exact same has been Lucifer's rebellion in Heaven and his following imprisonment on this Earth, and his manipulation to cause Adam & Eve (humanity) to eat from the Tree of Knowledge. But Jesus Christ has freed us from our enslavement/punishment when he died on that cross, and was resurrected in power and glory, promising his quick return.

Isaiah 42:7 NASB

7 To open blind eyes,

To bring out prisoners from the dungeon

And those who dwell in darkness from the prison.

Wake up! Resist the deep state, and whatever world events they purposely stage should not fool you. I come with a message though and this message must be spread throughout all people. Wake up! Look around you, the brewing of the storm should be obvious, do not be deceived.

2 Thessalonians 2:11-17 NASB

11 For this reason God will send upon them a deluding influence so that they will believe what is false,

12 in order that they all may be judged who did not believe the truth, but took pleasure in wickedness.

To all who want to familiarize yourself with the Hidden Hand's dialogue I urge you to read through this document as well. Practice discernment and realize that this man speaks truth mixed with lies. Our Messiah is ALIVE.




It's the anon asking about kek in the last thread.

How can I be on God's side? Were parts of the Bible corrupted by some institutions such as the Catholic Church? Are all denominations filled with lies?

How can I perceive properly Satan's actions?

Please, help me. I believe you.

How can I repent?



Hello, friend! Yes, I was typing up a response before the thread got archived.

The Bible is your sword! Pray in isolation, pray in your room, pray wherever. Prayer is not only closing your eyes and bowing your head down. Praying is as simple as thinking. Thinking and BELIEVING that you are speaking to God. When you get good at this, you will begin to have a relationship with Him. Place your trust that he knows you might fail, yet because he loves you he will always forgive you if you repent with your heart. Almost all mighty men of the Bible like the violent swordmaster and fornicator King David or hot-tempered Apostle John. Treat God as if he is your true Father and the Lord as your good Master. Obey him and he will NEVER fail you. You will begin to feel unstoppable but always rebuke feelings of superiority to those around you. The Lord is a mighty leader and his army will leave the forces of evil trembling before us. Nevertheless, do not underestimate these enemies. They are very ancient and very intelligent, they may outsmart you and will play dirty, but remain persistent and attack back even stronger. There will a be time where even we will be trained by angels in the final hours, with this in mind, cast your trust that Good will prevail. Be always loving and true to your dignity in Jesus. Almost all denominations are somewhat deceived through practices but rest assured that many still worship the true Lord. Either way, by their fruits (mannerisms) will you perceive and discern whether they carry the Love of God in their hearts.

Prayer is indeed powerful and how you interact with the spiritual world, even with other entities.

Develop your intuition, constantly talk to God. There is not a single half hour that passes by in my life where I don't talk to God or ponder on his mysteries. God will honor you if you seek him.



I thank you deeply for such a quick answer!

I will pursue my effort then, I'm sure we are in the end times since the fulfillment of Rev 12 on the 23th September.

Oh and last question, what if I'm not baptized yet?

The process before the baptism seems to take quite some time, and I can't even go to the nearest church… I don't have my driver license yet.

Last tip, the activity here is far slower than on /pol/.



I am always happy to share the gospel, friend! The act of baptism is all about symbolism and faith. Good news, you can be baptized by another born-again Believer! Perhaps in dire emergency can that happen but look for ANY church around you. If you really can't find any surely there is another Believer you know. If not, it's you. Find a lake or a large body of water. If you can, be in fasting and prayer, for that specific day. Mentally prepare for your integration into the family of God, for by baptism you will be given the POWERFUL gift of the Holy Ghost, so that you may perform wonders in the name of Jesus Christ with complete authority. Before you emerge yourself completely, place your hand and slightly touch the water and say this, "Lord Jesus Christ bless and make this water holy before your eyes. Amen." then take off your shoes and accessories and belongings (keep clothes on). Now before you enter truly decide if you have repented for your sins. Look up to the sky and raise your hands up high and and say these things, "I confess to you Lord Jesus Christ that you are my Lord and Savior, and that you have died for my sins! I entrust my faith in you and the acknowledgement that I baptize myself in the NAME of Jesus!" and emerge yourself with your eyes closed.

You CAN recite the exact words but what matters is your heart, now that is where true Faith comes. Speak from your heart and make those words matter. Do not come out expecting to never sin again, for that's not what baptism is about. But the formal acceptance of Jesus Christ and your salvation.


Let it be clear that you should say "that you died and RESURRECTED for my sins" if you want to be precise haha


>the bad guys that worship satan said bad stuff!

>I can help you to wake up

<posts no useful information

>trust me jesus said so

>but please totally disregard that jesus and satan are both the morning star and the same exact person.

>please totally read my hidden hand dialogue or whatever and get indoctrinated in my cult!

Yeaaaaaa…. no thanks.

Here's the REAL truth guys:


the image deconstructs a bunch of BS we have been fed for thousands of years, text in the posts builds back up your understanding of the real truth. hope it helps you all. stay awake!



To claim that Jesus and Satan are the same is ABSOLUTE blasphemy that shows just how good Satan is at deceiving even intelligent people like you. I applaud you for being adept at always being able to step back and attempt to determine what you've read but you fail to realize is this: Have you ever considered as shown by my other friend in this thread that messages such as these are just as useful if not more edifying than only a picture that doesn't even preach the safety and strength to fight back gained in the name of Jesus Christ? Do you not see with your eyes someone being curious about the gospel and even being baptized and saved? Perhaps this message just saved a soul. And a soul is PRICELESS under the eyes of the Lord, a repenting soul is a spiritual jewel, a beautiful thing that the Lord and every angel sings a song of victory and rejoicing. And a gained soul for the Lord is also a soul that can be turn tides in spiritual warfare, only the Lord knows his plans for every individual a prophecy in the name of the Lord can do. Blessings.


ITT: literal autism and schizophrenia



t. fellow schizo browsing /fringe/

also nice TWO double-dubs.


The christfags have taken over /cringe/. It's fucking dead.


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Here's my problem with you Christians. I have made a real effort in my life to be a truthful person, which hasn't always been easy. One aspect of truthfulness is realizing and accepting that a great many people are not truthful, some by acts of choice, some because they've been mislead. So how can I trust the word of my fellow man or books? I have to go with my own experiences and intuition.

Furthermore, as any who have done any work with the myriad of spirits in this world will tell you, many of them claim to be the "one true god." If I summon up Jesus, he's going to tell me he's the one true god. If I summon up jehova, he's going to tell me he's the one true god, if I summon up the muslim moongod he's going to tell me he's the one true god. If I summon up the little earth spirit in my backyard he's going to puff his little ethereal chest and tell me he's the one true god. Most of them are able to produce remarkable magical effects, what you would call miracles. So by this we can know that spirits also lie, as you also admit and that magical effects is not something rare or remarkable.

Now, to you Jesus is the one true god. That's fine and I don't want to take that away from you. But to me he's just another one of a myriad of spirits telling me the same thing. All of them can't be right, and as far as I'm concerned it's quite possible none of them are. There is nothing unique your deity brings that can let me discern he's more truthful than any of the many other spiritual vectors in this world.

What else can I do other than polite disbelief? If you are right and your god is the one true god, and he's going to punish me because of this position, a position born out of love for truth in a world steeped in lies, then as far as I'm concerned he's one evil creator anyways. Godspeed.


HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.


The problem you should have with Christians is how the bible is a mixture of conflicting beliefs, a joining of books from different religious groups.

Backstory: Nicaea



No, I don't have any problems with that. Everything is a mixture of conflicting beliefs.

Backstory: reality



just because some fool recieves what they believe is salvation and enlightenment doesn't mean that it's true. "Oh my lord I've been saved by JEEEEEEZUUUUUUUS! HALELOOYA" it's a common thing. you've gone from spiritual ignorance to basically choosing a false idol of some jewish hippie wearing a bathroom and flip flops that made a desperate attempt to follow the messianic shopping list and meet the requirements to be the next messiah, meanwhile-

>son of man

>jesus and satan both relatd to or called "the morning star"

>jesus isn't related to the bloodline of david because he was supposedly a virgin birth (not related to joseph anymore, uh oh!)


bible says "you shall not make false images in my name"

>walk into a church

>glass windows showing false idol depictions of god as "jesus" and jesus cross statues all over the place

>people kneel down and worship this statue and drink his "blood"/wine and eat his "flesh"/bread

all hail zombie vampire false idol jesus- said every fool


>I-I-It's coming, any day now

Humans have always been their cattle. Life has always been cruel. Zombie Jebus saviour never did anything about it and never will




Psalm 14:1 For the choir director: A psalm of David. Only fools say in their hearts, “There is no God.” They are corrupt, and their actions are evil; not one of them does good!



what you want me too cut myself and hex you?



You could at least argue with what I said or something, why even reply with something so unrelated and shallow. How many before you predicted his coming and how did it work out for them? What does have to happen to trigger it, is our current state of the world not enough? Your God is blind hope.



>only fools say "there is no god"

Hello? anybody home? I said there is no fake false idol god impersonating jesus, and that humans shouldn't be worshipped.

praise be God the one and only God, the God of all nothing and all everything. the one and only God beyond all limitations.



Whatever happens just do not be deceived by the Anti-Christ. The end of days are upon humanity very soon. Signing off for now.

- prospy


You can't rely on anything in this world/realm/reality. We are confined by linear time as far as our superficial knowledge is concerned. And most of the action is happening outside of linear time in some other context we don't have the capacity to comprehend.

Jeremiah 33:1-3

33 While Jeremiah was still confined in the courtyard of the guard, the word of the Lord came to him a second time: 2 “This is what the Lord says, he who made the earth, the Lord who formed it and established it—the Lord is his name: 3 ‘Call to me and I will answer you and tell you great and unsearchable things you do not know.’

Your best bet is to be as honest as possible while exercising faith in a higher power.

Any belief system you try to adhere to will have already been corrupted. It doesn't mean there isn't truth in it, just that it will have been subverted on a human level.

A good example is the Catholic church and vatican II. But it happens on all levels. Even just a few people getting together to talk about faith will see it start happening.

Honesty, humility, and intolerance are keys to survival.


Get your fucking schizophrenic nonsense out of my fucking face. You are leading people down dead ends because your a fucking parasite and only know how to con. There is more to life than what we are told, but all Abrahamic religions do is justify the evil acts of their leaders. All these people fuck over other people to feel good, then when people suffering beg for help they say "haha tough shit you have to suffer for me I mean god haha my ego I mean god is so fucking important".

You chose the wrong fucking universe to try your fucked up brainwash game you psychopath. Now you get to watch as all your dumb ass scams fall, and people start taking matters into their own hands. That scares you doesn't it faggot? Sovereign beings, solving problems instead of seeing them and going "uh, well, I guess my imaginary friend can solve this!".

It's happening and there is nothing you can do about it.

Prove there is anything to your fucking schizophrenic bullshit. I want to hear an actual explanation unlike the the 5000000000000000000000000000000000 other debates where you ran while screaming FAITH then declared yourselves the winner of a fight you were too much of a pussy to fight. You aint got shit. Sad! The cool thing is I have been expanding infinitely in my spiritual journey, and I actually go to areas you parasites refuse to enter. I'm gonna make sure everybody who you scammed gets everything they were promised. Accountability is a great thing. We don't just want someone to get away with murdering random people. You don't want fucking accountability, you want free reign to kill whoever you want, and you want to escape the consequences. Like a bitch, rather than just being truthful about your intentions you LIE , then LIE , then LIE , then LIE . Sad! Awww, your god gave you a promotion! And he ignored that child getting abused! What is your explanation of that? "That innocent child needs to suffer, because that is what GOD wants! People need to be in pain forever, because that makes Christian God happy!" Sounds pretty fucking satanic to me.


Here's some real shit instead of snake oil. Anyone ever deal with mental barriers? Oh, I shouldn't go to that event, it won't go well. I shouldn't try that spiritual quest, it won't work. That person said I was a loser, so that means maybe I am, and I need to use up my own energy going over this in my head over and over. Do not give anybody trying to turn you against yourself or set up barriers in your life ANY of your energy. Parasites die off when they have nothing to leech off of because all they know is stealing. Do not give these people one fucking ounce of your energy. If they come up to you and spit in your face, walk away. Not because your forgive them, but because you are playing chess, and these cancer beings will be defeated. Every fucking soul on this planet can have their own paradise, and every interaction with other souls will be voluntary. Zero problems need to exist. Putting two completely different people in a room where they will eventually feud is pointless when there are infinite rooms. It's that fucking simple. Everybody, every fucking person willing to respect others sovereignty as long as they don't fuck with their sovereignty can be happy. Everybody who has sovereignty, sees somebody else sovereign, and then attempts to take their sovereignty because they don't worship them is a lazy parasite.

^ You will get a lot more from just reading that than that dumb ass 45:5 Dave 9592:843289 Smith faggot brainwash shit.




The corrupt one is you. You preach pain and suffering and wish to become a mirror of jesus but yet you abscond faith and spiritual development.

So to anyone else who is reading this, here's a question for you; '''why is it that all singular-god religions worship the same oneness of god, but call god different names, and give the same name to a hundred different devils?"'



>The corrupt one is you.

More like "corrupter". I tend to sow chaos and exacerbate certain situations towards rapid resolution. Like I said in my previous post, nothing in this reality can be relied upon. You aren't going to map out the heavens because things don't operate in a comprehensible way on the other side of the veil.

As soon as you have your map/dogmatic belief system, the terrain shifts. Some truths will remain but for the most part your just going to get messed with by stuff that likes messing with people who try to map out heaven. And if your a real threat to the powers that be in this world you will get even worse outcomes, so long as you rely more on dogma than on spontaneous intuition.


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>read all kinds of occult stuff for many years

>somehow have missed this conversation

>read it

>get a panic attack first time in 5 years

Fuck man. I don't want to reincarnate here forever. I want to be in heaven with my parents.



You won't. Snap out of it faggot and don't let those fearmongers brainwash you into giving all your power away. If you are such a pussy and go with this shit then you actually will have to reincarnate.

You don't have to incarnate just because some slave-driving karma-preaching torturer says so. Now go and meditate.



I like his advice because the end goal is beneficial but the way he got there was through false statements. The prison reincarnation cycle is real. It's only a matter of denying the Antichris no matter what and always fight for good. A positive harvest MUST AND WILL be reaped. Satan is a liar and a deceiver. Humanity is God's precious creation. We are the true masters over our destiny. Follow Jesus Christ our true KING!


When did this board become a propaganda outpost for christcuckery?



It didn't, it's just that shitposters be shitposters, and schizophrenic brains are constantly in a dreaming state.



>More like "corrupter". I tend to sow chaos and exacerbate certain situations towards rapid resolution…

>…And if your a real threat to the powers that be in this world you will get even worse outcomes, so long as you rely more on dogma than on spontaneous intuition.

My faith is sound and fluid. I simply despise your type because you preach pain and suffering. You ask for followers instead of students, you are all filler and no substance, and you offer no tools that teach those who are willing to learn. You are a bad stereotype at best, and a predatory fraud at worst.

by the way, thank you for admitting to us that you're an asshole.


reincarnation isn't a prison, It's a game. Play it, enjoy it.


It's 100% a dude LARPing.

Why the fuck would an STS entity be required to give information to a forum of deluded, misled retards.

He's read The RA Material and decided to have some fun LARPing as a wanderer.



Take your meds, Crowley.



>Hidden Hand dialogue

Dear G*d people are retarded.



You're just a moron if you don't think that the ones on top don't conspire to stay there.

The trick is that the top of the pyramid is a prison. "Most High God" as Blavatski would place it, is just a singularity, entrapment, a single point unable to move.

The real magic is in the foundation… And yet it moves!

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