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Tipp's Fringe Bunker

File: 023eca0ea68390d⋯.jpg (33.46 KB, 500x521, 500:521, Teratoma Tumour.jpg)



Is /fringe/ aware of the medical phenomena known as the 'Teratoma Tumour'?

>"One of the most baffling phenomena in medical science is what is known as 'teratoma' tumours – when limbs, organs, hair and teeth are found in tumours. Why does this happen?"

>"Teratoma tumours are thankfully quite rare, but their discovery can be quite alarming. Typically containing body parts such as organs, hair, teeth and limbs, doctors are still not exactly sure why they form."

There is a dark origin to this particular medical phenomenon and one you should all be aware of, so as to better defend yourselves against such an affliction.


These tumour weaving entities are drawn to a living human body because of its warmth and spiritual light. The spirit will enter the body and slowly uses the organic material available to it in an attempt to fashion itself a new physical body. This is why we see teratoma tumours sporting teeth, hair and in some cases, facial qualities. It is the spirits attempt to 'sculpt' itself a physical form. The lost spirits/entities do this in an attempt to return to (or gain semblance of) the state of corporeal fleshy existence they long for.

The most common type of entity/spirit thought to cause teratoma tumours is a type of ghost known as a "Mojo".

These spirits are known to dwell in cracks in masonry and above doors (they have been photographed and resemble dark shadows that blend in with the cracks) They will position themselves above door frames and when an unsuspecting person passes through the threshhold they drop down, through the crown chakra and enter the persons body via the top of the head. Once ensconced inside the host the mojo will spend its time attempting to fashion itself a body out of tissue, hair and other bodily detritus. What forms is a grotesque parody of human visage.

The tumours usually have to be surgically removed. These particular spirits (the mojo) are drawn to the depressive and those with low spiritual defences. Hanging iron above a door threshold can prevent them using the spot to drop into peoples heads. They can also be cleared (temporarily) from wall cracks by playing loud music directly into the fissures where they dwell (classical choir music or chanting seems to work best) This method seems to drive them away but they are prone to return.

Be aware of the phenomena and you will be less likely to fall victim to mojos and other similar entities that cause such affliction as the dreaded teratoma.


Why are they even bothering if they don't ever succeed? Or are there cases there they do? Any reports on that?



I think it is something they are drawn to do. They do it almost automatically, probably on instinctual level. The facsimile they create is akin to a bee building a hive. Im assuming they perhaps gain some measure of comform from the endeavour. If the tumour is removed, the spirit either remains in the body or else dissipates back into its incorporeal form to possibly await another victim. As to the spirits state of mind, we acn only speculate. Seems they crave what they have lost - humanity.



Just because you don't succeed the first time doesn't mean you won't succeed the second time. Maybe their reasoning is that the variables weren't right the first time or they were caught to quickly or they got the wrong host, who knows?


File: 62869455b2354f1⋯.jpg (63.83 KB, 750x571, 750:571, testicle3n-1-web.jpg)


This one form on a mans testicle and was spotted during an untrasound scan. Imagine getting your xrays back and seeing this staring at you, knowing it is inside your scrotum.

Fucking nightmare fuel tbh lads


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File: 38554acbb0ee179⋯.jpg (125.52 KB, 800x600, 4:3, mojo body.jpg)

More pics of the mojos attempts to fashion itself a body using bodily detritus. Hair & teeth form a grotesque parody of the human visage the mojo seeks to emulate.



Shits disgusting, but I am rather curious what the end result of this would be. Not that I would allow that thing to succeed if it was in me.


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The mojo seeks to build itself a physical body in an attempt to recapture the sensation of physical fleshy form. They are parasitical in nature. I cannot build a working physical body but instead settles on a facsimile. Its main aim is to remain within the host body as long as it can. It yearns for a physical body and so attempts to construct one using the materials available to it. Whether it does this consciously or through an kind of automatic instinct is a matter of speculation.

Im guessing the end result (ie without medical intervention removing the tumour) would be the tumour getting bigger and more "human" looking (at least in the mojos eyes) Perhaps they seek to create some kind of siamese twin type construct.

The fact that mojos commonly manifest teratomas in the testicles or ovaries of the host is interesting as it seems to be drawn to the generative, reproductive areas of the body.


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Id also speculate that the final form the mojo seeks to create would possibly resemble something similar to the affliction suffered by Chang Tzu Ping.




Interesting, thanks for the info lad.



Your are welcome. Happy to share with those interested and receptive to this kind of thing.

What is your opinion on this phenomena?



I'm personally both interested and disgusted by this. As I said I kinda wanna see the end result of something like this, it'd be interesting if someone "spawned" a mind with an alien intelligence. I wanna see if something like this could be worked out for the benefit of both beings, though I don't really wanna do that to myself.



I recall the teratoma/mojo phenomena is mentioned in an old enigmaTV/Chris Everard documentary. Ill try and dig it up now and timestamp the relevant section.

> wanna see if something like this could be worked out for the benefit of both beings, though I don't really wanna do that to myself.

Amen to that. Interesting thought though. Do you think there could be any benefits? The mojo seems parasitical to me.



I'm sure having another mind with unique insights could be of some aid, two heads are better than one, ya know. It'll probably lead to health complications in the long run though, but who knows, there might even be unforeseen benefits as well as other drawbacks.




Hell it might even split from you in the end if it succeeds, that would be an ally for life if it has any shred of honor.


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.





Here is the documentary that mentions the mojo ghost and teratoma phenomena. Relevant segment begins at around the 1hr08min mark.



Interesting though. Like a vardoger or doppelganger perhaps. It also reminds me somewhat of the concept of the 'pod people; from invasion of the body snatchers.



Thanks, I'll take a look at it.


Indeed. Hopefully the Mojos at least have some humanity left in them to give their host a reward or something like friendship and temporary servitude for putting them through all of that, unlike the pod people.



If the mojos are indeed souls of the dead, we have to speculate which aspects of the memory of their original life they retain in their new form. Do they remember everything or do they have vague flickers of their previous physical existence? Perhaps their intelligence is almost animal in its composition, acting on a kind of instinctual autopilot. Perhaps there exists variation in intelligence among different entities. So many questions to be asked…


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>Mojos are thought to be lost spirits

>consists of those who lived unfulfilled lonely or unhappy lives

>often dont understand or realise they are dead and are unable to move on to higher planes

>consequently remain on earthly plane

>seek out quiet run down places with little activity in which to lurk

>known to reside in wall cracks and especially above door frames

>Will use doorframes as a platform to drop into unsuspecting living beings aura/astral body

>enter though the top of the head (crown chakra)

>Once inside unsuspecting host they begin to build themselves a body of their own within the living person

>use tissue, hair and other bodily detritus to form teratoma bodies for themselves

>MILLIONS of mojos exist in cities all over the world

>concentrated in high population areas

>target the living who have some kind of deficiency in their spiritual defences

>Alcohol and drug intoxication makes one more vunerable to mojo infestation as it brings one down into lower vibrational level in which the mojos dwell.

>flat doorframes provide perfect perch from which mojos can drop into passers by (the smybolism of the threshold is significant)

>often form the teratoma in the generative parts of the body of the host (testicles & ovaries)

>Mojos exist in all cultures

>Medieval architecture seemed to be designed with the existence of mojos in mind

>the arches of doorframes of medieval churches, cathedrals ect always curved or arched so as to deny the mojo a perch, instead causing them to slide off

>mojos crave the warmth of human sensation

>mojos take seem to take the path of least resistance

>awareness of mojos helps prevent infestation in the individual by taking necessary precautions

>iron hung above doorframes (traditionally horseshoes) helps keep mojos away



Where are you getting your information from?



Research, personal experience and intuition. Also found it mentioned in an 11yr old david ike forum post.



really weird theory:

>cancer is caused by telling yourself lies and being dishonest to yourself

>america and world cancer rates skyrocketing

>people lying to themselves "I love my life, I'll work hard and this is the way it is and I accept it" when really they can't accept it because obviously it isn't true

>their lies manifest as their body screaming where it has no mouth

>this becomes cancer


>people with severe split personality disorder (so bad they don't even know they have it) suppress the other personality

>it's not another entity or something, but the other half of their one singular soul trying to represent its repressed half in the form of trying to make a siamese twin/second seperate body

>this always fails because one soul can't have two bodies at the same time without permission from God

>so you get these fucked up growths and melted twins in many different situations


Quality thread. A little /x/ tier, but well brought into /fringe/ territory. Thanks OP.


>cancer is caused by telling yourself lies and being dishonest to yourself

Where did you learn this? As far as my research has shown me, there are two main factors for cancer development, which tie into the one common point:

>suppressed stress and anger

>increased carb intake

Both of these result in a depressed immune system (former through high cortisol and the latter by not allowing its renewal processes to fire, general toxicity of sugar and feeding tumors, which can only feed on carbs, not fat like normal tissue), which is supposed to kill off any tumors that continuously try to develop in our bodies.

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