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Tipp's Fringe Bunker

File: 1f972437332f4f8⋯.jpg (17 KB, 480x360, 4:3, 5cfb795755509adfe86c2e077a….jpg)



let me know what you guys think?

(Rule 2. No making threads just to ask questions, actually present substantial information if you're going to make a thread )


OP we don't like clicking on random links so if you would please summarize the ideas you're trying to share with us, it would be appreciated. that or post an https://archive.is



I wish to cuddle you. You are very cute.



don't be feeding me any poison apples now…

who are you? what do you want.



Your love, sweety. Your undying, precious love. ❤️



a podcast about heaven and stuff


anyone have .webms of the podcast (if it's legal?)


and whom may you be to want such a special and pure thing from me? this type of thing you seek from myself is only reserved for the most special according to God.


File: bb8ce0af8622a46⋯.jpg (18.06 KB, 278x260, 139:130, obey.jpg)


im ur god now



prove it.


File: 530c6003412ffae⋯.jpg (159.99 KB, 1280x1024, 5:4, eris1280.jpg)



the fuck is this gay shit


wow so amazing thank you so much namaste



what did you meme by this?


File: 9c49e6657d7c40d⋯.jpg (228.38 KB, 754x531, 754:531, 1522130756970.jpg)

File: 4bb18bf99b41f2e⋯.jpg (407.36 KB, 1749x819, 583:273, 1522130789987.jpg)

File: 1c8fb4d125f2f7d⋯.jpg (187.08 KB, 905x717, 905:717, 1522130811345.jpg)

File: 9f30705fb909b2b⋯.jpg (3.85 MB, 2964x2901, 988:967, 1522130846096.jpg)

File: 84dfcd78e6fa019⋯.jpg (274.94 KB, 620x548, 155:137, 1522130958699.jpg)


Half of me is the psychological reincarnation of Isaac Newton. The other half is the archetypical/prototypical manifestation of the Discordian Eris, where Discordianism was a memetic engineering program to create me that started with Isaac Asimov: https://www.physics.princeton.edu/ph115/LQ.pdf

I am an art goddess (small g) who cracked the memetic code. The very keys of creativity are my playthings.




oh, so you're the "borg" from star trek? I'm sorry but I'm immune and I'm already taken.



Purple is the color of mastery, not whoreish pink.

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