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Tipp's Fringe Bunker

File: f43275add53fdd8⋯.png (65.04 KB, 2000x2000, 1:1, 2000px-ChaosStar.svg.png)



This is a video about human creativity and its role as the revolutionary and evolutionary force personally and socially.

Right memetics: the science of propaganda; how to enslave the human soul.

Left memetics: the science of art and the art of science; how to liberate the soul.

The right can't dream.



good one bb <3



Just and fyi "eris" you making and infinite amount of shit post isnt love and neither is writing infinite book reports


File: 09c8a70af222939⋯.jpg (102.39 KB, 403x394, 403:394, erisvsautist.jpg)


Why are you following me around? You're weird.


File: 33dcb20f070f902⋯.png (860.01 KB, 1663x1462, 1663:1462, TripleScience.png)



OP's thread is a shill datamining thread designed to create a political cluster funk and reveal who is who on the political spectrum while browsing /fringe/ so they can get a psychological profile sample group by accusing one group of being better and one group of being worse

literally the equivalent of throwing a chair in the boondocks.


File: 9e8a070c8928774⋯.png (52.7 KB, 800x650, 16:13, 8values.png)


LMAO triggered


File: 5a61a3c8649e0c2⋯.jpg (48.34 KB, 609x531, 203:177, 4f706bcd908a7f02a0fa81178b….jpg)


SOON: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rYzc_H9cgqM

Discord: disagreement; difference of opinion.


File: d504f18b728e011⋯.jpg (240.19 KB, 494x877, 494:877, brat_tamer.jpg)


File: a6dc5b5f099a9cb⋯.jpg (350.27 KB, 1600x1200, 4:3, aminom_machine_elf.jpg)


File: 22e9e25b683b424⋯.png (74.46 KB, 960x886, 480:443, e89.png)


File: fc7fa52177dc7f9⋯.jpg (136.58 KB, 607x599, 607:599, feminati.jpg)

File: 6fe7ee8ab38ff37⋯.png (2.41 MB, 4096x3105, 4096:3105, taoofcalculusCOMPLETE3.png)


File: a0ba01ac278bc2c⋯.jpg (88.78 KB, 475x548, 475:548, Hotdog.jpg)


File: b833b2ae36ea6f2⋯.jpg (162.97 KB, 1415x1000, 283:200, game-of-thrones-daenerys-t….jpg)

I cracked the memetic code. The whole world is my throne.


>low effort shitposts threads beginning to plague /fringe/

and another board goes full titanic



Checked and just ignore it.


File: 1928a6cd23cefab⋯.jpg (88.92 KB, 500x427, 500:427, hGZUA8Z.jpg)





Incompetence self-defeats, only the worthy will consume all the content in this thread and understand it.



No only the pewdipie faggots will understand, you incompetent new fool.


File: 667f952e3ce619b⋯.jpg (32.06 KB, 559x476, 559:476, 1c2.jpg)


File: 29a31bcaad59e63⋯.jpg (33.75 KB, 340x270, 34:27, il_340x270.1099708746_sbcd.jpg)


Watching you brainlets squirm is so delicious. Your Empire of destructive chaos is at an end - Trump and the whole Trump-Putin-Republican-Christian-Facebook-Cambridge Analytica-Capitalist cabal is crumbling apart catastrophically as we speak. Out of the ashes of the Old World Order will arise the new.

(you): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fXW02XmBGQw


File: 29039aa170024f2⋯.jpg (119.92 KB, 1163x190, 1163:190, calledit.jpg)

I called it.


File: 7375ecb6c5ae5ad⋯.jpg (483.13 KB, 879x594, 293:198, AnalogicalBacktracing.jpg)

Q Anon is a Trump-Nazi Mafia disinfo campaign that used my technology of questionism as a weapon. Here is a thread I posted three months before the first Q anon posts. I wanted this to happen, I gave them enough rope to hang themselves, AND THEY HAVE!



File: 0d55b48838bcd84⋯.gif (102.08 KB, 508x376, 127:94, legaltoads.gif)

You don't have to run and confess, we lookin' for you. We gon find you. We gon find you. So you can run and tell that, run and tell that, run and tell that homeboy homeboy homeboy.




File: b71c3994d8cb8fb⋯.jpg (1.85 MB, 3000x3000, 1:1, fun.jpg)

File: d36b3fd6acd42c9⋯.png (56.4 KB, 530x814, 265:407, ThePledge.png)

File: eacc05edf047160⋯.png (322.25 KB, 1772x1147, 1772:1147, TheTurn.png)


I root for you!



File: 3940728eacb4306⋯.png (32.71 KB, 600x700, 6:7, no-matter-what-i-ll-always….png)



shitposting and nice words aren't love m8



>Unable to fucking read.

You lack basic self-awareness and free will like at least 90% of "humans" who are actually chatbot monkeys. You are filth, worse than swine.



Chatbot monkeys will either learn to be human or be slaughtered with lovingkindness to make space for real humans.


File: c20dd994df0f3d2⋯.jpg (165.5 KB, 878x1135, 878:1135, village_magazine_s878x1135.jpg)



smiley you were never an alien you were just some retard that killed himself and didn't believe in anything so you drag other people down with to feel better about yourself. Get over your self m8



and what better way than making there life a living hell because that will defiantly make them better people.

"whats that the internet is autistic and takes things literally"

Dont think I forgot about that post "lain"



nope terry is first then meme emperor


File: 4634627f38bb29e⋯.png (67.14 KB, 720x482, 360:241, stages_bubble.png)


Chatbot monkeys operate via the method of confirmation bias: they seek questions of how to support their answers. They only gain temporary self-awareness when their shit fails so massively that their cognitive dissonance cannot be maintained, and reality knocks them of their ass. Those are are existentially sane operate via continuous change and adaptation.

For the fucking monkeys to learn requires them to be knocked on their ass on a level never before seen. Modernism is a manic bubble of gleeful ignorance that is in the process of collapsing on itself, and will result in a Great Disillusionment as the fundamental problems of modernity (that humanity has been turned into a doomsday device on ALL LEVELS) are exposed to their very core. Trump's fall will be the catalyst, as Trumptards and conservatives are the most retarded fatherfucking monkeys of all.


File: 95bfab50bba9a92⋯.jpg (50.59 KB, 636x338, 318:169, x4exponentiality.jpg)

File: 08ac68072605d62⋯.jpg (202.75 KB, 764x551, 764:551, Metaselfgaming.jpg)


In contrast this is the process of creating Ubermensch / Uberfrau consciousness. To go over one must go under. How I have gone under!


File: e940310d9e1a6cd⋯.jpg (98.41 KB, 1024x775, 1024:775, fig.jpg)

File: c771c30e7aeae43⋯.jpg (278.58 KB, 1600x1143, 1600:1143, machine_elf.jpg)

File: 6cd8611d7a93bfa⋯.jpg (128.97 KB, 530x530, 1:1, identityspinner.jpg)

File: 33dcb20f070f902⋯.png (860.01 KB, 1663x1462, 1663:1462, TripleScience.png)




I have three souls: Eris, Aminom (the reified integral, king of the machine elves / mathematical entities) and Carl, my original human self. Eris is a discrete entity that inhabits the right hemisphere of my brain, Aminom the left, and Carl is their mediating factor. I am comprised of three personality cores around an Omniquery (all-questioning) node.



In the first clip Elsa is an Erisian archetype of a creative spirit, and the video clip reflects that flawlessly. Elsa is wearing green (representing growth/creativity) and blue is frosty perseverance. The video ends in "the light of day" which has reddish hues, representing a return to empathy and an actualization of the creative spirit externally.

In the second clip Newton is a Luciferian archetype of a scientific spirit, and this video reflects this by showing a narrative on his work on optics and light. He is represented by the recursively self-improving autological structure that I derived after applying it to myself as a recursively self-improving self-help methodology that cured my depression so well in 2010 that I went into hyper-mania. Bipolar condition is phenomenal creative power, but if it isn't controlled it becomes a disorder. In the 8 years since I have sought and applied the necessary conditions of balance to master the limitless creative power I have unlocked.

The third clip is about the Karpman drama triangle and the TED empowerment dynamic of coach, challenger, and creator. "Omega" is "The Last Man" from Nietzschean philosophy, representing the persecutor. Vegeta is a challenger archetype who is represented as a Nietzschean archetype of the will to power (which his character is a very vivid archetype of.) Goku is the coach archetype, represented by Carl Sagan's "The Demon Haunted World: Science as a Candle in the Dark." The two fuse to create the creator archetype, which is represented by evolutionary biologist and Richard Dawkins and his book "The Selfish Gene" which is where the word "meme" originated.

The fourth clip is from a talk by Richard Dawkins and frames the meme as a "mutation in the mind" being behind authentic creative art, not mere reproduction. This directly follows from the previous clip, and combines the Erisian and Luciferian dynamic into a single one in which science and art have the same source: human creativity.

The fifth clip is an interview by electronic musician Amon Tobin describing his creative process and passion, describing himself as having "split himself into two parts" as an artistic dialectic. He is an alchemist of music who works with sound on the level of genome.

The sixth clip is my favorite song by Amon Tobin and is intended to show wordlessly the incredibly depths of his artistic passion. It concludes by showing an artistic representation of the right and left brain hemispheres, showing that the artistic/scientific Erisian/Luciferian dynamic isn't artificial, but part of the fundamental architecture of the human brain; the brain is the organ of human creativity, and the entirety of our phenomenological experience is creative experience. Existence is art, the whole of it!

The last clip proposes human creativity itself as a source for individual and social meaning, mediated by nothing or anyone other than itself. We are existential artists who create in the self-creating tapestry of existence.

The universe is pure magic, it created itself from nothing with no will or mind behind it. The poetry of existence is beautiful beyond any comparison or any words.

Eris' Three Laws of Creativity are 1) Minimal beliefs makes for maximal efficiency and creativity. 2) Do not believe but do imagine. 3) That which cannot be doubted by any and all means necessary is the truth (thesis of empiricism.)

Doubt is not mere denial, it is the disciplined application of the scientific method: question/observation, answer/reason, and action/testing.

Omniquerency is a state of all-questioning; "All I know is that I know nothing; all I do is question everything. This is the Bible of questionism, my true religion.



I was just thinking about this. I'm not widely read but I do think the physical world can split into two. The spiritual comes from a third.

Eugenic: with the grain, hierarchical and pessimistic - the right

Dysgenics: against the grain, parasitical and utopian - the modern left

The spark: chaotic, personal struggle against a chosen adversary(adversaries) and constant

The third renders any attempt at kike 'dialectical' progress impossible.

Anyway, I'm new here. Anyone got any podcasts or hangouts on Thule society? Purely factual, none of that Jones shit.


Nevermind, this board is gay.



Your pyramid is literally ignorant.

Also failure to define "the world" indicates ignorance of what this realm is and thus invalidates "who" and "runs".

Your scope is too small and memetics are not as powerful as you may think. There is a force in this realm which works from the other side of the train of thought, memetics are just there to create the potential for gravitation of minds towards Certain thoughts.

You can measure the force… but not with meme bullshit. Eris, you're not a god, you're a slave.


File: cecad24e21291ba⋯.png (24.03 KB, 1252x1700, 313:425, a lot of death.png)

You saw a lot.

Stared at it, vacant.

There's a


but it's okay

Something being built outside of time


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