Vegetarianism, karma, and morality 04/24/18 (Tue) 14:51:27 No. 119294
Hello /fringe/. I am a morally conscious individual, and I primarily intend to communicate my experience to other like minded RHP individuals who might be conflicted on whether or not they should eat meat and are of the mind to offer service freely to others with no expectation of repayment. Consider the concept of karma - you reap what you sow. This can be proven to be true in both the literal sense and also whether your actions result in an overall increase in the well being of other conscious beings, or the suffering of other conscious beings.
For the morally conscious individual who feels guilt from stealing things he/she didn't earn from others, it will weigh on his/her conscience and feelings of self doubt will arrive which can and most often does lead to inaction and stagnation. There are plenty of morally conscious people who were raised in a household of meat eaters. I was one of those people. I had a sense of morality but I just didn't give a flying fuck about the animals hundreds/thousands of miles away who lived through hellish conditions just to have everything they could possibly give unceremoniously stolen from them. I was basically blatantly ignoring the consequences of my actions. This was reflected in many ways over the course of my life as I kept stagnating and falling further into the abyss of self doubt and inaction. To put it simply, I was letting my loosh just fade away.
You too could be letting your loosh fade away without even realizing it. The most simple and guaranteed way to stop doing this is to make a constant effort to be consciously aware of the consequences of your actions in the here and now. I believe this is the essence behind the mysterious concept that people call "conscious evolution". It's conscious in that it not only increases your awareness, but it requires and active choice on your part. I'm not saying that becoming vegetarian will automatically give you loads of loosh, but that taking into consideration the truthful consequences of your actions will result in the loss of the desire to eat meat as long as you are indeed morally conscious. In my own experience, making the effort to be aware of the consequences of my actions in the present moment has resulted in a considerable increase in freedom of self, confidence, and plenty of unintended consequences that have been wholly beneficial for myself.
If you are stuck, feel free to give this a try.
04/24/18 (Tue) 17:33:41 No. 119300
But if life is a dream then it doesn't really matter does it
04/24/18 (Tue) 18:41:48 No. 119306
Doesn't matter if it's a dream. The experience is real. It matters. Quit spouting bullshit.
04/24/18 (Tue) 19:06:12 No. 119308
Animal Liberation Front (ALF)
Animal Rights Militia (ARM)
Direct Action Everywhere (DxE)
Justice Department (animal rights)
Lobster Liberation Front (LLF)
Southern Animal Rights Coalition (SARC)
Western Animal Rights Network (WARN)
Here now join one or shut the fuck up. If you care so deeply for them you can spare your free time to helping their situation
Not eating meat doesn't stop the situation nor does it bring them back from the dead
04/24/18 (Tue) 19:12:41 No. 119309
I can do whatever the fuck I want. At least I know I'm not part of the problem anymore.
SAGE! 04/24/18 (Tue) 19:28:00 No. 119313
Are you done? I can stick around for a while and show everyone how wrong you are. Can you at least tell me how abstaining from eating meat doesn't alleviate your own contribution to the problem? Probably not.
04/24/18 (Tue) 19:36:19 No. 119318
Anyone who actively seeks self-improvement and a better life will turn away from eating carcass and continuously refine their diet for more positive effects. It's very obvious the deeper you get into such topics.
harmful, toxic, degenerative diet -> vegetarian -> vegan -> raw vegan -> water -> non-physical diet
Real self-improvement goes hand-in-hand with an increased compassion, kindess and love.
04/24/18 (Tue) 19:48:09 No. 119320
Refine your diet if you have the time and money for it, some poor hobos or workslaves who are tired af after 9-5 every day cannot afford this luxury. Or faggots who are allergic to plants and nuts. Eating meat is part of this demiurgic hell we are living in.
Besides, plants have life and consciouness too. If you eat them you are eating carcass too. If you really wanna show compassion and make a difference then you have to become breatharian and live from sunlight and air only.
04/24/18 (Tue) 19:50:35 No. 119321
A cheap bag of rice goes a long way. Keep in mind the step by step process denoted by >>119318
You have to start somewhere to make progress.
04/24/18 (Tue) 21:20:14 No. 119326
You are right. I should start a better diet, and if I get some nutrient deficiencies or some sicknesses and die early then it's only better. I'd do it purely out of compassion and love for animals since I do not fall for silly karma horror stories and I also do not believe that any kind of food will rob your loosh or something like that. Also not for my health for I do not care about existing in this material 3D earth plane, it is as far from living as one can get. Death is new life.
Animals however are at the stage where they want to live and they do not want to be harmed. They are innocent and helpless and I feel like bettering myself just to help them a little bit.
But one must not delude himself that being a fucking vegan does change much here in the large scale. Your very existence is a burden upon anything and everything and everyone on earth. Even of you only existed through leeching prana you still would be a burden and a waste.
Not that anything matters anyway here in this grand nightmare illusion.
04/24/18 (Tue) 21:37:47 No. 119328
If you're serious about it I would highly recommend doing research on the nutrients that a vegan diet is lacking in. Vitamin B12 sprays are pretty affordable. I think it can be done without too much ill effects on your health. I personally do it regardless of the effect on my health.
04/24/18 (Tue) 21:38:44 No. 119329
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
>if you have the time and money for it
You have no idea how much it's cost also not everyone was born with a silver spoon up there ass
04/24/18 (Tue) 21:39:58 No. 119330
Then pick up smoking
04/24/18 (Tue) 21:42:14 No. 119331
You're using the wrong flag. Edgy fuckwad would suit you better.
04/25/18 (Wed) 08:42:33 No. 119341
All you need is rice, beans and vegetables. And you have a whole diet. If you live in nature and dont wash your vegetables completely, you will naturally get the vitamin b12 from the dirt. Im living on 200 eurs a month and I have more than enough vegan food.
Also You will have enough if you take action and prioritise a healthier lifestyle.
t. permaculture guy
04/25/18 (Wed) 09:42:00 No. 119343
Yes I'm fucking serious about it. I already cut out milk, sugar and alcohol so why not also cut out meat. I'm not sure about eggs yet.
I'm also celibate so I naturally generate more of my own life force without wasting it. Soon I will stop working out at the gym and instead do a more spiritual fitness that also costs less energy and instead gives more energy so I won't have to eat that much and especially not meat. I already eat only when I must and not for pleasure. If you feel like teaching me more then go ahead. Already I know about rice and beans
04/25/18 (Wed) 10:14:15 No. 119344
That's good. I didn't mean to imply any doubt. Have this quote from the Corpus Hermeticum. "And if he may lay the cause of evil upon Fate or Destiny, he will never abstain from any evil work." The more I continue on this path the more I agree with this statement.
04/25/18 (Wed) 16:28:07 No. 119358
if every vegan thought like this, then nobody would be a vegan and the world would be much worse off.
04/25/18 (Wed) 16:34:57 No. 119360
04/25/18 (Wed) 16:39:06 No. 119361
04/26/18 (Thu) 05:10:16 No. 119383
Thanks. I was hoping to find something like this.
04/26/18 (Thu) 20:44:08 No. 119407
Whatever happened to food being a means to an end?
If your so focused on your physical diet for spiritual gain aren't you falling into another trap
congrats you won the game now for the finally step. break your computer and be one with nature.
04/27/18 (Fri) 10:51:31 No. 119423
The day after I posted this we had chicken for dinner and since I still attend the gym I thought some chicken once in a while is nice and not too bad. After all I don't want to go completely without meat from one day to another especially without proper prepartion beforehand. But as the chicken was getting prepared I looked at it and already felt disgust. Because of this thread I thought of the chicken as a carcass instead of food. Then when eating it after it was prepared first it tasted good but then I started to really feel sick. I almost threw up in the end and I felt like I'll never eat meat ever again. Maybe it was a coincidence that I felt sick but maybe this thread cursed me….maybe you changed me. Wtf
04/27/18 (Fri) 15:05:32 No. 119427
We exist now as animals to consume our brothers and sisters as well as the world around us. Do you think you get some medal for being different? Do you think that entities that are born into fodder animals aren't aware beforehand of the truth to that life. Would you rather a stagnant world devoid of consumption, where bodies and masses pile up on one another en masse via overpopulation? Do you think our hunting ancestors are shameful because of their actions?
Just because you call yourself a soul doesn't make you any less a man right now. Just because you distance yourself from nature does not suddenly make you a saint. What 'karma' are you trying to barter for? Where does life stop being significant to count? Shall you also obtain servants to sweep your path of bugs? Is your immune system, and it's internal genocide of microorganisms "just a fact of life"?
They say we are what we eat. Very well, someday prey animals will feed upon your grassy corpse and think nothing of it.
04/27/18 (Fri) 15:38:28 No. 119429
>We exist now as animals to consume our brothers and sisters as well as the world around us.
According to who? I have the freedom to decide my own purpose. I honestly don't care what our hunting ancestors did to survive in ancient times. Like it or not, we're in modernity now. Even if every person on earth decides to stop eating meat, that doesn't mean predators, scavengers, fungus, and bacteria won't do what they always do. I'm not going to go around genociding predator animals just because they kill other animals.
>Very well, someday prey animals will feed upon your grassy corpse and think nothing of it.
I doubt I'm going to die in a forest.
04/27/18 (Fri) 15:54:25 No. 119430
I will now translate this shitpost for better understanding and fun:
>I love being a shitty human so much
>I love doing shitty things all the other shitty humans are doing
>I will make no effort to better myself, evolve and get the fuck outta here
>This post is entirely made by my butthurt ego
>I love sucking demiurges dick so hard
>I pretend my consciouness is at the level of animals to justify my shitness
>Yeah I totally will be here in this 3D physical shitghetto forever and I want everyone else to stay too and not to evolve, because then I would feel very lonely and very bad about myself
>muh natural state
>muh humanity
>muh tears
Go home anon and meditate
04/27/18 (Fri) 15:56:38 No. 119431
This is the same guy who preaches against celibacy because
>it's natural to have sex
>everyone else is doing it too
>our ancestors have all had children and civilization were build upon this fact, without it you wouldn't even be here
>muh natural state
>muh fucking humanity
How can someone who is on fringe be so blind?
04/27/18 (Fri) 15:57:55 No. 119432
Only you can change yourself. Other people can present you with information, but ultimately it's up to you how you act on it.
04/27/18 (Fri) 16:02:47 No. 119433
You're completely disregarding the occult aspect of overpowering an animal during hunting and consuming its flesh. This is perfectly in line with LHP (which is the only real path), your RHP stuff is fake, magic is never truly beneficial to all in the human world. If you claim that it isn't hurting anyone, you're delusional, humans live by feeding on other lives, be it animals or plants.
Plants have feelings too, don't delude yourself into thinking you're not killing just because you're vegan.
Salad is murder! End plant genocide!
04/27/18 (Fri) 16:05:07 No. 119434
What about fruits? They disperse seeds through turds and it doesn't kill the plant they come from if you eat them.
04/27/18 (Fri) 17:01:15 No. 119435
Milking cows doesn't kill the cow and eggs are not fertilized so if you use that logic you can be vegan and eat dairy and eggs. Eggs are basically equal to menstruation for hens.
What if you follow a pack of predators around until they kill an animal and then chase them off? You didn't kill the prey so then it's ok to eat it, right?
What if you just buy the meat at the store, you still didn't kill any animal, it was done by the butcher.
The point is that vegans are hypocrites. There is nothing wrong with killing to support your own life. I don't eat meat every day and I don't care a lot about it, but I don't like militant morons like vegans who are just giving the environmental movement a bad reputation.
It wouldn't surprise me if they were planted by people who are against environmentalism.
04/27/18 (Fri) 17:08:38 No. 119437
It's not even about eating meat vs eating plants or whatever. It's about this guys shitty argumentation. This "natural human state" bullshit is absolutely disgusting to me. I am not a human, I am a spirit somehow trapped in a human body and I don't like it. I don't like it at all.
So I shit on what's natural and how humans are "supposed" to be, I shit on being a human and I do what the fuck I want until my time is over and I get to get the fuck outta this shithole again. I see how animals are abused and tortured and it's disgusting so I choose the lesser evil which is eating fruits, nuts, vegetables and seeds. Yes plants have consciousness too just like any other thing in this world but imo it is still by far the lesser evil. There is no escape from shittyness in this world, this world is build to create suffering and bad karma, you gotta see how you get around. If you wanna eat meat then eat meat, in the end it I think it doesn't even matter but don't start with this natural human state bullshit. We are not animals.
04/27/18 (Fri) 17:25:13 No. 119439
>Milking cows doesn't kill the cow and eggs are not fertilized so if you use that logic you can be vegan and eat dairy and eggs. Eggs are basically equal to menstruation for hens.
That's true, but the masses still economically commission slave conditions for dairy cows/chickens that they get their eggs and milk from. If you want to eat free organic range eggs/dairy from ethical farms I'm not stopping you.
>What if you follow a pack of predators around until they kill an animal and then chase them off? You didn't kill the prey so then it's ok to eat it, right?
Good luck chasing a pack of wolves away by yourself. People do scavenge pretty often in survival scenarios, especially in areas where the carcasses are preserved by the cold. I'm not in a life or death survival scenario so I'm not going to scavenge.
>What if you just buy the meat at the store, you still didn't kill any animal, it was done by the butcher.
This is even worse than killing it yourself. You're reaping the benefits while not having to see what you're paying people to do. I doubt you'd find it necessary to stick a red hot piece of metal on a cow's face for 5-10 seconds to mark it if you were doing it yourself.
I think this all goes hand in hand with environmentalism. Bad shit occurs on both sides (plants vs animals) if you just stop caring about what you're doing. Factory farms contribute immensely to environmental degradation. I'm not denying that it's objectively better to kill animals as painlessly as possible while letting them at least have some semblance of freedom by letting them graze out in the open of nature, but both of these roads lead to the same thing. On one side of the spectrum you have reckless disregard which results in both immense suffering for animals and environmental damage. On the other side, you have less unnecessary trauma for the animals you get your food from and less shitty chemicals getting dumped into nature. For me it's just easier to stop eating meat entirely so I don't have to worry about the damage I'm commissioning with my money.
04/27/18 (Fri) 17:43:37 No. 119440
I grew up on a farm and would help my grandma butcher pigs in the kitchen when I was a kid. Yes it's pretty disgusting and the mental images of intestines, the smell of blood, the sound of sawing off bones, it's still there, but it doesn't stop me from eating meat. I look at it at the store and I know perfectly well what I'm buying. Sometimes I need to empty my mind completely and stop thinking when eating things like liver and blood pudding, because the knowledge of what it is, is repulsive.
But this is all part of life. Feeling that something tastes good, feeling that something is unpleasant, that's normal. When you remove one part of it, the unpleasant side, that's when things start getting abnormal. Modern society with its industrialized production is abnormal, and this is the meaning of the natural human state vs the unnatural.
If you're just doing whatever, like this guy
have fun being reincarnated again forever until you lose your human standard and really become an animal. The attitude expressed in that post is disgusting and unenlightened, I can't believe I'm reading this shit on /fringe/.
04/27/18 (Fri) 17:47:24 No. 119441
>Sometimes I need to empty my mind completely and stop thinking when eating things like liver and blood pudding, because the knowledge of what it is, is repulsive.
Why subject yourself to this?
04/27/18 (Fri) 17:54:17 No. 119442
The attitude expressed in the post probably just threatens your worldview so you twist it's meaning in your own head to your liking and then use fear to threaten a guy with "reincarnation" and becoming an animal which is plain bullshit. We evolve, not devolve. It is people who love being human so much and doing the lowly things that humans do who will be stuck and not evolve to higher levels of consciouness and dimensions. Your silly shaming bullshit only affects the most unenlightened here, if at all. Go suck some more demiurge dick, you love meat so much right?
04/27/18 (Fri) 18:27:06 No. 119443
I bet you think karma and hell isn't real either, huh?
Fuck off with your love and light newage faggotry.
04/27/18 (Fri) 18:30:09 No. 119444
>I know eating animals is shit but I still do it even tho I know I could do better
>Is comfortable being an animal and doesn't want to change, yet claims others who want to change will not evolve
What is it with this board? Where do all those people come from? Also those JoS shills and christcucks… Are there any real occultists left here?
04/27/18 (Fri) 18:40:58 No. 119445
Well if you think that I will get bad Karma because I don't like this earth and being a human and I want to evolve and free myself from the suffering (while eating no more meat) and at the same time you keep being an animal and eating meat even if you know it's bad…well I honestly don't know how to argue anymore. Who of us will get bad karma and go to hell? Who will reincarnate forever and maybe eventually even become an animal? I can't take this serious anymore.
04/27/18 (Fri) 19:11:22 No. 119447
That's actually incorrect.
I just came here to see if Fringe was still a sniveling pile of extremists only to see that nothing has changed since the day I decided to hop off.
Also, has no one considered that you're still eating a once living organism? Plants are a form of life. To say you're vegan simply because you value life is stupid, as obviously you don't care for that which you consume to survive.
Just because you swear off of eating a certain food and masturbating doesn't mean your shit suddenly stinks of roses. Now I'm not trying to sound preachy, but it strikes me as odd that someone would choose to incarnate in a world of freedom simply to restrict themselves of all vices they deem "unfit" for a sanctimonious lifestyle. Who determines these rules anyway? Individuals that have lived shalllow lives and only wish to see others do the same?
04/27/18 (Fri) 19:17:45 No. 119448
Have there ever been? For years this has been a place of vile /pol/ users sowing disinformation and hatred. I don't even want to share my insights and knowledge here anymore.
04/27/18 (Fri) 19:25:54 No. 119449
>Follow my exact instructions or else you won't ascend with me!
Not to sound Frank or anything, but that's just as bad as christcuckism.
04/27/18 (Fri) 21:20:10 No. 119451
> I don't like this earth and being a human and I want to evolve and free myself
You're lining up a bunch of attachments as your reason for wanting to leave, that's why you'll never make it.
04/27/18 (Fri) 21:25:23 No. 119453
>JoS shills and christcucks… Are there any real occultists left here?
Both of them are real practices that actually work.
Veganism on the other hand isn't occult in the least, it's just a leftie political stance. Soyboys like you are what's ruining /fringe/, why don't you go back to /r9fit/ and discuss how to lift trannies up on pedestals?
04/27/18 (Fri) 23:16:45 No. 119455
>Also, has no one considered that you're still eating a once living organism?
This is along the same line as the brainlet-tier argument that we should be fine mimicking any behavior that animal forms of consciousness that are far lower than our own exhibit because they're alive too.
>Veganism on the other hand isn't occult in the least, it's just a leftie political stance.
When you eat meat, the energy you are taking into yourself goes from the sun, to plants, to animals, then to you. When you eat plants, it goes from the sun, to plants, and then to you. That's an entire step closer to the source of the energy. If you think this has no value to an occultist you are just being willfully ignorant.
04/27/18 (Fri) 23:27:44 No. 119456
>This entire post.
There is good and bad refinement, firstly, something can be refined to uselessness or it has a multi stage process.
Secondly, your comment essentially runs in a "this is bad because I say it's bad" nonsensical chatter. You still haven't refuted the argument that you're still consuming organisms to survive. Just because you call it a "brainlet argument" doesn't suddenly mean you're right.
And just look at this King of Fools. Like you have so many discoveries to share that will suddenly grant someone wisdom like Mana from heaven. I thought you Fringe folk hated ego.
04/27/18 (Fri) 23:39:04 No. 119457
>You still haven't refuted the argument that you're still consuming organisms to survive.
No shit. I'm not going to refute a fact. But I will further refute the argument that eating plants is the same exact thing as eating animals.
When you eat meat you are NOT eating a more refined form of energy. Your body has to do even more work to refine it back into something usable. This is beginner tier shit.
04/28/18 (Sat) 00:16:03 No. 119458
The physical body is made of meat.
04/28/18 (Sat) 00:27:36 No. 119460
So are you just going to ignore the fact that the body is healthier on a diet higher in fat and protein than carbohydrates?
Are you also going to ignore that humans are category 4 predators on par with that of owls and foxes due to how our bodies digest bone?
If anything, it looks like humans are more inclined to be predators than eat prey food.
04/28/18 (Sat) 01:17:45 No. 119467
>Besides, plants have life and consciouness too
This is what they refuse to realize.
As long as you're human you will eat lesser beings such as animals for their meat, plants, nuts, you call it. There's no avoiding this.
And lizzies eat us.
04/28/18 (Sat) 01:36:24 No. 119471
>posting scientific american
>on /fringe/
Is this a joke?
04/28/18 (Sat) 04:48:18 No. 119476
You're the punchline.
Humans are a hunter species. The thrill of the hunt is saturated in human history and archetypes.
You didn't become human to learn perfection but to learn imperfection.
04/28/18 (Sat) 06:18:39 No. 119478
Again, all of this is according to who exactly? Drop the larpspeak and give me a real argument.
SAGE! 04/28/18 (Sat) 08:00:33 No. 119480
I agree with you, absolutely. It gets worse by the hour.
It makes perfect sense not wanting to share your insights here because all the rare gold nuggets here will instantly be drowned in seas of shit and disinformation. It feels like a deliberate attack is going on to corrupt all good insights and lead people as much astray as possible.
If there are any honest seekers left here they will have to rely on their own insights and are far better off studying source material from books, enlightened masters etc instead of wasting too much time with discussions here, or even taking them seriously.
It is sick what is going on here, and some people say it had been shit for years, but I recall even only one year ago things were still much better than now.
04/28/18 (Sat) 14:46:33 No. 119487
If a belief cannot fight back against opposition then it simply doesn't deserve to exist.
Fight me, run and I'll take piece by piece until nothing left remains.
04/28/18 (Sat) 16:31:12 No. 119491
What no one mentions is how nice this place has gotten in the last year. Back in 2015 you couldn't make a single post with legit info without being cursed.
No, I'm not saying "cursed at", someone would throw curses at you, attack you by occult means and even attempt to kill you.
Ever since smiley handed moderation over to /pol/, posting here is relaxed and completely free from occult attacks. Some may argue that this is because the board is now subverted by the jews over at /pol/, but the board is now actually useable. The womenhaters also seems to have left.
Those saying the quality went down don't know what they are talking about, you'd have to be a complete newfig to not have been subjected to the shit that went on before.
04/28/18 (Sat) 19:12:45 No. 119496
Assholes have no problem to expand time and energy to curse you for no reason, but when you ask for someone to send a succubus to you to have some fun and get more experience with spirits nobody ever does it. How is it fair? Seems like some guys here have no problem dealing with spirits, why not send succubus for spirit sex in exchange for loosh or sth?
04/30/18 (Mon) 12:58:16 No. 119534
satanic shill spotted. their words are a snare of lies and deceptions to fill you with doubt.
04/30/18 (Mon) 12:59:54 No. 119535
they're here on the dime brah
04/30/18 (Mon) 13:02:44 No. 119536
04/30/18 (Mon) 13:03:06 No. 119537
http s://
htt p://
htt p://
htt p://
htt p://
The obesogen (chemicals that signal cells to turn into fat cells) organotin has been found in large amounts in fish.
High levels of PCB (industrial toxin) in fish oil, fish, and eggs (94% of eggs tested).
Even when meat consumption is reduced to only fish and eggs, insulin-like growth factor (IGF-1) remained relatively the same.
Notes: IGF-1 has been shown to promote cancer growth.
Fire retardant chemicals (PBDE) and polychlorinated naphthalenes (PCNs) found heavily in meats.
Notes: For PBDEs, fish was the worst offender.
Perfluorochemicals (linked to thyroid disease) exposure comes from meat, fish, and eggs.
Xenoestrogens (human made chemicals with estrogenic effects) have been found the most in fish.
Methionine (an amino acid) is required for many cancers and tumors to stay alive and grow. Methionine is found virtually only in animal products (with eggs, fish, and chicken being the worst).
Mercury in fish shown to outweigh benefits of omega-3s when it comes to brain development (specifically IQ).
Some chemicals (dioxins, PCB, and DDE) found in fish have half lives as high as 10 years.
04/30/18 (Mon) 13:03:35 No. 119538
04/30/18 (Mon) 13:03:52 No. 119539
04/30/18 (Mon) 13:07:31 No. 119540
>we do not devolve, we evolve
>by doing stupid shit from a long time ago we know is bad
04/30/18 (Mon) 13:08:09 No. 119541
whoops, got confused there. sorry anon, not sure what side you were on.
04/30/18 (Mon) 13:10:59 No. 119542
>implying anyone chooses to come to a place this bad
>implying plants aren't the better choice.
lots of people would love to eat fully non-kill diet but we would still all kill the mosquito that's trying to suck our blood because it's a parasite.
04/30/18 (Mon) 13:13:32 No. 119543
veganism is about letting go of as much bad as possible (physically and spiritually) while taking in as much good as possible. it's a highly enlightened choice that says "I choose to take a huge step in the right direction because I can"
you're just a shill spouting buzzwords like "liberal" and "soyboy" because you want to meme it into some kind of embarrassing mindset that people frown upon out of peer pressure. you are a disgusting shill.
04/30/18 (Mon) 13:15:09 No. 119544
holy shit, look at this cuck attacking any voice of reason in the thread.
04/30/18 (Mon) 13:18:16 No. 119545
>implying muh diet is better because I say it is
>implying you can't get fat and protein from plants if you choose them correctly (peanut butter, fucking easiest simplest guess)
>MUH PALEO: a shitstorm of unnecessary dietary restrictions based on the fact that "muh cavemen" could find 20 chicken eggs a day per man "BY ACCIDENT" just by walking around randomly but couldn't ever find even a single walnut, SO YOU SHOULD NEVER EAT FUCKING WALNUTS, EVER!!!!!!!!!!!
you damned stupid fool.
04/30/18 (Mon) 13:26:31 No. 119546
ouroboros spotted.
>always hungry, always eating, never full
>always healing, never healed
>always hurt
post 2909, bottom right, ouroboros section.
04/30/18 (Mon) 14:09:10 No. 119547
>calling me shill for presenting counter arguments in a vegan shill thread
None of this is /fringe/, why is this thread even allowed here? If it was about nutrition you could have posted in the thread we already have for that
This shit is nothing but spam
04/30/18 (Mon) 14:14:21 No. 119548
Elaborate on the occult aspects of your veganist practice pls.
What world do you go to after you die? Who is your patron diety? What is your view on breaking free from the cycle of reincarnation, explain how you achieve it?
04/30/18 (Mon) 20:54:51 No. 119553
You've already been destroyed by /fit/. No one is going to fall for this.
05/01/18 (Tue) 12:32:19 No. 119565
Enjoy your heart attack, meat eating twat
05/01/18 (Tue) 15:20:35 No. 119567
On being vegan:
I have respect for Jesus's teachings and Christian teachings on eating meat, in the sense that if we are not being reckless and killing animals ourselves, but we are hungry and need some sort of food….then it it permissible for one to eat meat and we shouldn't be OCD about it.
However, in my heart, I personally believe that it is better to be vegan. Especially in our high-tech society where food is so abundant… we should be able to live without killing animals and perpetuating that spirit of murder, even if it is only murdering animals.
05/01/18 (Tue) 20:02:54 No. 119573
If you eat from the animals, you take on qualities of the animals.
If you eat from the Earth, you take on qualities of the Earth.
The choice is yours…
05/01/18 (Tue) 20:31:44 No. 119574
>If you eat from the animals, you take on qualities of the animals.
Really? Nice.
05/01/18 (Tue) 21:35:03 No. 119576
>all my facts come from the same source
right have fun being paranoid about food
05/01/18 (Tue) 21:39:10 No. 119577
>facts with no source
05/01/18 (Tue) 21:48:03 No. 119578
>you can be a vegetable or animal
ge if I want to be human than I better eat humans :D
05/01/18 (Tue) 22:12:41 No. 119579
So you want lower-vibrating energy?
05/01/18 (Tue) 22:25:55 No. 119580
Why not. For example, just because the earth element has a low vibration doesn't make it any less useful than the other elements. Everything has its use.
05/01/18 (Tue) 22:29:54 No. 119581
Which is why vampires and jews have higher vibrations than any of the grass eaters in this thread.
05/01/18 (Tue) 23:43:15 No. 119582
That doesn't even make sense. Animals get their food from the earth as well. Ever heard of the food chain?
05/02/18 (Wed) 02:39:54 No. 119585
>the earth element has a low vibration
That doesn't make any sense. The elements are abstractions of concepts throughout existence. For example, if an idea or an emotion or something physical has anything to do with heat or expansion, it can be represented with the fire element, or if it has something to do with coldness and shrinkage, it can be represented by the water element. Those abstractions apply to anything that fits those descriptions, regardless of their vibration. The earth element isn't inherently low vibration. You seem to have a fundamental misunderstanding of all of this. Low vibration vs high vibration relates to how close something is to the all. A lower degree of will and a higher degree of attachment to the physical plane and animalistic emotions gives something a lower vibration than something that has some degree of will and development. You should probably read some more books.
05/02/18 (Wed) 07:28:59 No. 119593
If you take the dense earthy feel you get when invoking earth and compare it to the weightless free feel of air and don't believe one vibrates lower than the other then we have different fundamental beliefs and my example is useless. I'll use your definitions so you can understand me better. My point is that taking in and using low vibration energies to your advantage is a good and healthy thing. We live on the physical plane and you need balance of spiritual (high) and material (low) or you'll die. If you're not a little animalistic you become the worlds doormat and never get shit done. You can live your entire life in your head like some drug addict getting high on all those "high vibrations" talking to spirits, going on adventures and whatnot, but if you're not willing to get your hands dirty and work with the dense lower vibrating energy of the physical plane to bring things down into the physical plane to manifest what you desire whats the point of being on earth? Why not just kill yourself and live your life in the astral free of all these low energies of the physical plane that you seem to dislike. Same applies to being overly physical, if you're just living in trance doing whatever your animalistic desires tell you, your soul will be unfulfilled and will want something of more substance. We're dualistic.
05/05/18 (Sat) 01:56:04 No. 119678
>I'm ignorant to how eating healthy is connected to being more in tune with good spiritual health
>everything I disagree with is spam
you're a total cuck, rethink your entire life.
05/05/18 (Sat) 01:58:20 No. 119679
two shills posted at the same time and accidentally contradicted each others arguments.
05/05/18 (Sat) 15:54:58 No. 119712
Trips of insight have been recognized.
To address your post
>are there any real occultists left here?
Yes and no.
I mean of course there's the "no true scotsman" thing, some people's occult knowledge starts and stops at "freemasons and celebrities use handsigns that mean something deeper", and others go much further than that.
But generally speaking most serious practitioners use this board as a source of amusement and contemplation, you can learn more from what idiots are doing so you can avoid their mistakes. Of course, the biggest mistake to avoid is to preach rather than practice, and this board is full of that.
As far as animal consumption is concerned, a few posters in here have touched on my truth: What matters is your appreciation for the meal, more so than the meal itself. This also bundles nicely with the reply that mentioned christcuck practices work; "saying Grace" is a form of the exact practice I'm suggesting here, thanking the world for providing you with sustenance.
Of course it's better if your gratitude begins from the seed and follows the life cycle all the way to your eventual expulsion of it as waste, but you will only ever get more when you've shown you can be gracious for receiving what you already have. Work with what you've got, thank the animal for offering its life to you and offer your sympathies for any pain it went through, and when the opportunity comes to consume animals that lived a better life, I'm sure you will find reason to take it.
05/05/18 (Sat) 16:06:53 No. 119713
>eating healthy
>avoiding meat and dairy
This is still just a political thread about weakening people and turning them UNhealthy by eating vegan food.
>you're a total cuck
>being vegan
>not a cuck
05/05/18 (Sat) 17:35:34 No. 119715
The only way to eat unhealthily is to consume food without appreciating it and integrating its life energy ("prana") into your system.
Simple exercise for practicing this: Close your eyes and focus your attention on your mouth while you eat, chew thoroughly (16-30+ bites per mouthful, more for muscle fiber) and taste it fully. Bonus points for thinking of the animal/plant's life and imagining it while you eat (i.e. a deer running through the woods for venision, a cow happily munching on grain/grass for beef, a pig wallowing in mud, a banana tree swaying in the breeze and soaking up the sun, etc.).
Practice makes perfect, the key is to shut off the extraneous senses and focus on the meal itself. If the TV must be playing with dinner because it's not your decision to make, then look away while you eat and close your eyes with each bite, focus on the sound of it in your mouth over the noise of the television, focus on the tastes and smells of it, the texture of it. Use all five senses to appreciate the meal.
The more you practice this, the healthier you will feel and become. Experiencing is believing and this is an easy practice for anyone to begin with, so I suggest it to everyone. At a minimum it means you'll enjoy your food more, so there's only positive reasons to try this experiment.
05/05/18 (Sat) 19:39:20 No. 119720
Attitude of gratitude is a great start.
05/05/18 (Sat) 21:04:28 No. 119725
I like that phrasing, I'll borrow it. "Attitude of Gratitude".
Two other powerful feelings to resonate on for immediate results: Relief and Awe.
Both of these, even if just done for a few minutes here and there, quickly begin to build up within a couple of days and provide strong foundations for other learning to take place. Once someone has seen REAL results, it's almost impossible to stop them from craving more practice.
05/06/18 (Sun) 02:29:08 No. 119753
just another shill as usual. animals eat plants, and then we eat animals. better to just eat the plants that are right for us, instead of eating the animals that are always wrong for us.
05/06/18 (Sun) 09:24:41 No. 119763
>better just eat the plants
Cows can digest cellulose, humans can't. That means you can get food from land that's unfit for food production, through the cattle eating grass, and humans eating the animals. In some areas this is the only way for humans to survive, because there is no fertile land. You can't replace eating meat with eating plants, because there is not enough land to grow them on.
>TL:DR: Veganism requires depopulation. You know full well that this is an NWO agenda. You're a shill for them, people need to realize that this is what veganism is for.
05/06/18 (Sun) 22:57:26 No. 119780
Oh okay, so because cows eat plants that people don't eat because they can't digest them, people shouldn't eat any plants- even the ones that we can digest, and instead we should all eat meat because it's the only way to get nutrients (by eating animals that ate plants that we couldn't) and plants that we can digest obviously don't exist, because every vegan who has ever lived has died of malnutrition and there totally isn't a huge amount of them alive right now that have been vegan for years and years will less health problems. Gotcha.
Oh and let me get this straight too
>Veganism requires depopulation. You know full well that this is an NWO agenda. You're a shill for them, people need to realize that this is what veganism is for.
Ohhh yea, this makes a whole lot of sense because it's a much more efficient way to produce food by growing tons of plants and feeding them to animals, not to mention the millions upon millions of gallons of water used to water those plants and feed the thirst of those animals, plus the tons of antibiotics and drugs given to those animals while they shit everywhere and get sick and pollute the world, than to simply grow some plants and eat them ourselves
I'm sure it's much better to just eat animal products like eggs and meat and fish and cheese and get heart problems and a host of other completely avoidable health issues and get stuck paying rental fees on ones own health- I mean prescription drug fees to big pharma just to stay alive and unhealthy while they make billions of dollars off us all every year.
sure buddy, it's vegans that are part of the NWO agenda to depopulate everyone. thanks for proving me wrong.
05/06/18 (Sun) 23:03:26 No. 119784
There's a deed for each deed, there's an alm for most needs, there's a meat, there's a grain, and in grain there is no pain,
05/09/18 (Wed) 14:37:40 No. 119856
The truth is impartial.
05/10/18 (Thu) 15:22:56 No. 119890
when i was young i thought about consuming animals as what they are: animals, not meat. So when i became courageous enough i simply stopped eating animals, causing my whole family to ask for at least 5 years "but you still eat chicken? And fish?" which was rediculous cause i tried to explain them everytime. They fooled me and still do some times, but they slowly came to tolerate my decisions in life or better were forced to. Now it's over 17 years i stopped engaging in this meat eating insanity and i just got healthier over the years. Became a vegan, stopped drinking, smoking, etc,. began to view my body as a temple, not a trashcan, a vehicle given to me for experiencing life. This body should be filled with life, not with death, should be treated with love and appreciation.
This is a point of view, which many will try to discredit and make fun of if you speak about it, for example family members. Why? Simply because they feel caught - in their hearts they feel the truth, but their indoctination is too strong which causes ultimately cognitive dissonance which might end up against oneself. But if you understand mechanisms you can't judge them on their behaviour, cause they're unconscious about it.
This is one thing especially veganism has offered me: compassion.
Love and compassion have no boundaries and many of my friends became vegetarians/vegans, because they were feeling all the mental and physical benefits i was showing as an example. It's important to think of yourself as a person who should be a good example, even if you see yourself far away from this; try to imagine yourself as your best version, like in a game, the best modus/skills/weapons/…for your character and try to become that person. Be aware that the way is your destination, cause it's million of single choices which will form the bigger picture of your life and can change it the way you want it to.
05/10/18 (Thu) 22:39:45 No. 119901
…or you could just, like, do things for a reason.
Being vegan isn't a purpose in itself, you're just a mundane with a peculiar lifestyle and will die just like them, having achieved nothing.
06/12/18 (Tue) 21:21:27 No. 121469
>>119890 you write carnists "indoctrination is too strong which causes ultimately cognitive dissonance "
and " they're unconscious about it."
Close but it's worse than that.
Worse, carnists are addicted to adrenochrome and flesh.
Worse, carnists don't care, don't have empathy and are parasitically solipsistic.
WORST : Carnists are parasitic mind-control and parasites eat the host.
06/12/18 (Tue) 21:23:35 No. 121470
>>119900 adrenochrome and flesh addiction IS schizophrenia.
got that meat-tard?
06/12/18 (Tue) 21:30:53 No. 121471
>>119780 you dirty little shill cunt parasite. how much are you paid to obfuscate and divert?
meat, dairy and egg production is destroying the air, water and earth we need to live.
John Rose and all of us eating anatomically correctly are living PROOF in symbiosis with earth.
Only symbiosis persists : Logically
Change for good or GO BACK TO HELL - you are shitting up the World
06/12/18 (Tue) 22:52:20 No. 121477
Hey buddy buddy. listen. I know you just misread the post but you need to work on a few things ok?
>calm down even if the world around you isn't calm. you are not the world. you are better than the world.
>improve your grammar
>improve how you write so that you don't put spaces between every single sentence.
>realize the post was being sarcastic towards an anti-vegan shill and that the post was in fact pro-vegan.
>if you don't know what sarcastic means I wont force you to go look it up.
here's an example:
someone is filling up their car the wrong way and ignoring the warning signs that warn people to not top off their gas tanks because it causes spillage of gas and more pollution and fire hazards, while also ignoring the warning sign that says no smoking. Very dangerous indeed! Another person looks at them and says sarcastically "Could you be putting everyone around you in any more danger?" It's obvious that the person said that because they are upset and obviously pointing out that what the person is doing is dangerous.
This post was not meant to be condescending and was only made to be helpful.
06/12/18 (Tue) 22:59:51 No. 121481
06/12/18 (Tue) 23:05:51 No. 121483
durr if der were less murders ppls woul have less childrens
thats why its good to kill people and make sure thy have more baby durerrrrrr im retardedrde
06/12/18 (Tue) 23:53:06 No. 121491
>>121477 sorry - i should have read more. i try to be concise.
carry on , and thank you for WHAT you do :-)
06/13/18 (Wed) 00:07:09 No. 121495
It's no problem just try to be more thorough. by the way, I'm not trying to be nasty or anything but you sound like you're an Iphone posting 16 year old liberal girl researching lesbian dance therapy and posting about it on facebook.
>Lol u tk hm 2 d bar >:) XD ;^)
Please clean that up. You don't have to blend into the crowd and become someone that sounds exactly like everyone else but you can't bring that cancer to 8chan. I'm sure you will enjoy your stay, but just try to clean up a bit you know? I have nothing against lesbian dance therapy I'm sure it's really nice, I'm just saying.
06/13/18 (Wed) 00:08:58 No. 121498
>>119567 have you read the Essene Gospel of Peace Book One?
the one where Jesus exposes and eliminates parasitic gut nematode(s) - where he exposes the things that make Man *hu-man !
man is (are) symbiotic frugivores and can be benign herbivores.
parasitic hu-man die in apoptotic suicide.
*hu-man or the color-of-man are the willfully ignorant, violently destructive, carnists and pedovores addicted to adrenochrome and flesh from terrorized and slaughtered sentient beings.
BE Man or begone
06/13/18 (Wed) 00:09:21 No. 121499
actual quote is
"lol u tk m 2d |?
06/13/18 (Wed) 00:17:03 No. 121501
>Iphone posting 16 year old liberal girl researching lesbian dance therapy and posting about it on facebook
sause pls - i love to see an example , except i don't do faceplant or any social media. 8chan is my last stop - and to be honest - having lurked and posted enough to calibrate - i am just about finished with 8chan too. i may remind Louise Cypher who matters now and again. otherwise tards gonna be Tards and (without being misanthropic) natural attrition 'n apoptotic suicide can't cum soon enough for DEM parasites.
Type 1 here we come :-)
06/13/18 (Wed) 00:32:56 No. 121507
>>119435 your "thinking" and writing exposes your (violent) insanity.
change or be known by your deeds
06/13/18 (Wed) 00:56:03 No. 121508
06/13/18 (Wed) 02:41:34 No. 121518
this is really fascinating! can you show some quotes from the bible or link them where this is talked about and explain how you arrived at these conclusions? I really want to learn more! super cool.
06/13/18 (Wed) 02:42:48 No. 121519
Oh okay. I never really figured out what that meant in the first place even when I first heard it long ago. why would a girl take their boyfriend 2 d |? isn't that where she met him? then they go home after right? or is that a totally silly interpretation?
06/13/18 (Wed) 02:47:10 No. 121520
forgive me. I guess eccentric posting styles can sometimes appear like things that they are not. just keep in mind that it makes it way too easy for nasty trolls to recognize you even if you don't "namefag" all your posts like some others do.
just a few questions if that's okay?
>what is type 1?
>what is natural attrition 'n
>what is apoptotic suicide?
>can't cum
hue hue what? hahaha
>soon enough for DEM parasites.
democrats??? which parasites?
I feel like you have a lot of wisdom to teach. you're like a really eccentric guru of hidden truths. I think I like you, you seem cool. sorry for making assumptions about you. Why are you almost finished with 8chan? It is many better peoples last stop and it's understandable but why leave now?
06/13/18 (Wed) 02:54:12 No. 121521
meathead anon, when you buy eggs even unfertilized ones, you're helping someone kill a chicken because the company that sells eggs only care about money. when the chicken stops laying eggs they don't keep feeding it and let it pass away of old age. they kill it and sell it for dog food or pink sludge like in fast food. the chickens also live in horrible conditions their whole lives and suffer endlessly. they live in tiny rooms full of thousands of chickens pooping all over each other or in tiny cages where they can't even turn around. same with most other animals. also, the eggs contain nutrition yes, but are very unhealthy to eat so much so that they are not worth the risk.
cows also live in horrible conditions and are force fed hormones to be able to continue to produce milk or are forcefully artificially inseminated so that they are always pregnant and always producing milk. what happens to the baby cows? killed for veal. also cows milk is addictive to keep the baby cow close to the mother cow in nature which helps with avoiding predators, and the milk is full of ingredients that are supposed to help a tiny baby cow gain hundreds of pounds in a very short amount of time. people shouldn't consume that.
no matter what animal products you buy, you're contributing to your own health going down while the suffering of animals going up.
The good news is that if you do some research you can get 100% of all your vitamins and minerals and nutrients from plant based sources if you talk to a nutritionist and formulate your diet correctly with the help of a doctor and all that. after that you only need D3 and B12.
06/13/18 (Wed) 07:55:16 No. 121538
>>121508 I AM not your enemy.
Butt Louise Cypher is hunting parasites 'n hu-man
and hu-man has the added breach of parasitic gut nematodes attacking from within - it's force-multiplied apoptotic suicide
Good luck with That !
06/13/18 (Wed) 14:47:26 No. 121547
What you're completely missing here is the occult aspect of killing and eating the flesh of another being. You won't ever replace that with plants.
06/13/18 (Wed) 17:23:21 No. 121553
>What you're completely missing here is the occult aspect of killing and eating the flesh of another being. You won't ever replace that with plants.
06/13/18 (Wed) 18:07:35 No. 121557
yes it's bad to eat animal products and flesh
but fuck off with your moralizing bullshit you're just going to make retards say "HURR DURR IF PEOPLE HATE ME EATIN MEAT SO MUCH IMMA EAT DOUBLE MEAT CUZ I CAN FREEDOM FUCK YEAH"
preaching doesn't do shit
06/13/18 (Wed) 18:22:35 No. 121560
The issue with vegans is they're trying to force their ideology on everyone, they're exremists and some of them even militant, they attack farmers on their farms for keeping livestock, something humans have done for at least 12k years in this current period of civilization. The only result of doing this is they'll force some farmers out of business and the production will move to countries where harrassing business owners gets you shot or jailed indefinitely.
This is proof vegans are working for the NWO, and people like OP are useful idiots if they don't understand this.
If this was just about "RHP" discussion I wouldn't care but it's not. The RHP is fake, magic is never only beneficial within the karma sphere, claiming that you can benefit with no harm to anyone is a false statement and a sign you're being controlled by some external entity who's the real beneficiary.
The LHP realizes that there is gain and loss and if you benefit, someone else will be harmed. Knowing this, you can direct that harm at your enemies or your competition willingly and cause minor harm to your friendlies. When you're pretending to not harm anyone, you're just obscuring who gets hit by the negative consequences and you're fooling people into thinking they're free of karma just because they don't know who they're harming.
If you kill and animal and eat its flesh, you know exactly who you harmed and can compensate the spirit for that. If you claim you didn't harm anyone because you killed a plant which you consider to not be alive, you're not showing the plant's spirit any respect and you're also telling other people that they can safely kill plants and not cause harm.
The idea that plants do not have spirits and that they can't feel pain is a very dangerous delusion if you're trying to minimize the harm you do.
06/13/18 (Wed) 18:27:29 No. 121561
bullshit occultist
there's no such thing as "benefit" you wanker
literally self destructive masturbation of the worst order
06/13/18 (Wed) 18:29:12 No. 121562
also you're pretending that you have to kill a plant to eat plant produce
only if you're a bullshit city wanker that doesn't grow plants
you can harvest from a plant wthout killing it
06/13/18 (Wed) 18:38:50 No. 121564
>you can harvest from a plant wthout killing it
06/13/18 (Wed) 18:39:47 No. 121565
What exactly are you trying to show?
06/13/18 (Wed) 18:50:53 No. 121567
The only plant you're not killing is fruit trees.
All root vegetables you're eating the plant itself, same with grains where you're eating the seeds, which includes your beloved soy beans.
How do you not see this?
oh right, because you're a fucking redditor ;^)
06/13/18 (Wed) 19:00:51 No. 121569
muh leddit hand path brvdder hola back
06/13/18 (Wed) 22:30:58 No. 121584
>>121560 Fruit is made by plants for frugivores to eat and thrive in symbiosis;
Man is anatomically, direct evidence of frugivore; sentient and conscious.
you promote the anti-live thinking, emoting and action.
you kill for taste.
you kill for pleasure.
you force your ideology on everyone with every meaty mouthful.
you pay taxes for subsidized flesh, slave-dairy and eggs.
You vote for and enable kakistocracy - rule by the worst parasite.
and parasites eat the host.
Good luck with that MEAT TARD.
06/13/18 (Wed) 23:27:59 No. 121590
The strong consume the weak, it is the way of the universe. The meek shall inherit the earth because the strong will transcend it.
06/14/18 (Thu) 04:13:18 No. 121598
you're the ones who are always overreacting to the fact that we are just stating plain and simple facts in a calm way. everybody should calm down.
06/14/18 (Thu) 04:22:22 No. 121599
>The issue with vegans is they're trying to force their ideology on everyone, they're exremists and some of them even militant, they attack farmers on their farms for keeping livestock, something humans have done for at least 12k years in this current period of civilization. The only result of doing this is they'll force some farmers out of business and the production will move to countries where harrassing business owners gets you shot or jailed indefinitely.
Because all vegans are one person who did stuff like that. great strawman.
>This is proof vegans are working for the NWO, and people like OP are useful idiots if they don't understand this.
Really? you just hate vegans so they must magically fit into your conspiracy theories.
>If this was just about "RHP" discussion I wouldn't care but it's not. The RHP is fake, magic is never only beneficial within the karma sphere, claiming that you can benefit with no harm to anyone is a false statement and a sign you're being controlled by some external entity who's the real beneficiary.
Vegans are choosing to avoid things we know are bad for moral and for health reasons. We don't win anything by eating something that in unhealthy for us, so why even hurt the thing?
>The LHP realizes that there is gain and loss and if you benefit, someone else will be harmed. Knowing this, you can direct that harm at your enemies or your competition willingly and cause minor harm to your friendlies. When you're pretending to not harm anyone, you're just obscuring who gets hit by the negative consequences and you're fooling people into thinking they're free of karma just because they don't know who they're harming.
I can't believe you're bringing up karma in an argument against vegans. Since you hate vegans so much you're probably the opposite right? In that case talking about karma is talking out of your ass considering how you do things.
>If you kill and animal and eat its flesh, you know exactly who you harmed and can compensate the spirit for that.
>If you kill a plant and eat it, you know exactly who you harmed and can compensate the spirit for that.
If you claim you didn't harm anyone because you killed a plant which you consider to not be alive, you're not showing the plant's spirit any respect and you're also telling other people that they can safely kill plants and not cause harm.
the only difference is that you could choose to eat a plant and know that sunshine and water and soil went into it, or you could eat an animal that had that same stuff + thousands of other plants and tons of extra water and resources and drugs, hormones, antibiotics, stress hormones the animals make, and the bad energy from the way they live and die in fear. If you eat animals, you're killing more plants than a vegan does.
>The idea that plants do not have spirits and that they can't feel pain is a very dangerous delusion if you're trying to minimize the harm you do.
I never made that assumption. It's a sad world we live in. we're all trying our best to do the most good and the least amount of harm possible for the world, other beings, and our health.
06/14/18 (Thu) 04:24:36 No. 121600
vegans would probably love to go 100% no-kill-atarian fruit mode only but I don't think we could get all our vitamins and minerals that way. we would die of malnutrition. If there was a way, and hopefully there's a way eventually, we will move to the better way naturally.
06/14/18 (Thu) 04:27:33 No. 121601
>in comparison to a large population of healthy and successful vegans in the world, a small percentage of them weren't responsible and didn't do their fucking research on nutrition before committing to it
>bad things happened
>these idiots are somehow representaive of all vegans
nice strawman.
06/14/18 (Thu) 04:30:20 No. 121602
you were saying?
>Baboumian has been a vegetarian since 2005, and became a vegan in 2011.
>Since 2009, Baboumian holds the log lift World Record (-105 kg division). He lifted 162,5 kg in his second attempt in the German log lift nationals 2009. 2010 Baboumian also set a new German heavyweight loglifting record with 180 kg. 2011 Baboumian competed at the loglifting world championship and placed 4th with a new German overall-record of 185 kg. On 21 May 2011 he lifted 190 kg in Turku, Finland winning the local competition. 2011 Baboumian also won the title of "Germany's Strongest Man" by winning the open division at the German strongman nationals. On September 20, 2015, Baboumian beat his own world record by completing the yoke walk with 560kg in Kitzcher, Germany.[1]
vegetarian since 2005
>2007 German Champion -105 kg Strongman-GFSA
>2009 German Champion -105 kg Strongman-GFSA
>2009 German Team-Champion Strongman-GFSA
>2009 German Champion log lift -GFSA
>2009 World record log lift -105 kg (165 kg)
>2010 German Champion log lift -GFSA
>2010 German record in log lift +105 kg (180 kg)
became a vegan in 2011
>2011 4th place at loglifting worldcup (185 kg)
probably had to do some research and improve on vegan methods
>2011 German record in loglifting +105 kg (185 kg)
now he's kicking ass again
>2011 German Champion and total winner in log lifting -GFSA
>2011 German record in beer keg lifiting (13 repeats)[3]
>2011 Germany's Strongest Man 2011[4]
>2012 European Champion in Powerlifting Class –140 kg division (GPA)[5]
kicks ass all the way to here and then starts kicking the worlds ass
>2012 World record beer keg lifting (150,2 kg)[6]
>2012 World record Front Hold 20 kg (1:26,14 Minuten)[7]
>2013 World record yoke-walk, 550,2 kg over 10 m in Toronto[8]
>2015 World record yoke-walk, 560 kg in 28 seconds[9]
4 more world records after going vegan
Set world records and broke PBs (personal bests) while being vegetarian and vegan.
06/14/18 (Thu) 05:53:09 No. 121609
>>121589 thank you for going full-TARD !
Please know i'm kNOT attacking you when i expose the logical fallacy of your posts: Orangutan don't feed babies quinoa milk ! not until they're weaned at least ! And i reckon hemp "milk" is better anywhey
06/14/18 (Thu) 06:00:32 No. 121611
>>121602 OORAH Plant Based Marines
APEX <:> !
06/14/18 (Thu) 06:06:25 No. 121612
>>121600 there are plenty of good carnists that want to hunt down and exterminate the problem while we transition …
imagine the symbiot-plant-based hunting with them and you'll see not all is as it seems…
06/14/18 (Thu) 06:43:25 No. 121613
nigga you can live off dew and sunshine if you're woke
06/14/18 (Thu) 16:29:09 No. 121623
Logically it's not a straw man if it actually happened to somebody in the demographic
06/14/18 (Thu) 16:31:23 No. 121624
What does he mean by this?
06/14/18 (Thu) 22:32:04 No. 121635
>>121624 60 50 40 level zero clear
06/15/18 (Fri) 01:49:35 No. 121637
anon please for the love of God improve your writing and posting style. you need to calm down and put less spaces between all your sentences. everyone is saying reddit spacing not to troll but because you're really overdoing it. look at the way I post.
06/15/18 (Fri) 01:50:54 No. 121638
nobody has ever explained how to "dew" this. If this is true then it is also true that someone could just ask the divine for free pure energy too and not even depend on dew and sunshine. How is this done? please explain.
06/15/18 (Fri) 01:52:18 No. 121639
>Logically it's not a straw man if it actually happened to somebody in the demographic
Not logically at all considering the fact that you're trying to strawman by saying "look at this small percent of people who are doing things wrong, ALL vegans are this!" poor troll 0/10 no shill bonus.
06/15/18 (Fri) 02:18:55 No. 121645
>The only way to eat unhealthily is to consume food without appreciating it and integrating its life energy ("prana") into your system.
Then how could you explain how the average vegan is healthier than the average standard-diet consumer? None of them are appreciating the prana.
thinking of the animal/plant's life and imagining it while you eat (i.e. a deer running through the woods for venision, a cow happily munching on grain/grass for beef, a pig wallowing in mud, a banana tree swaying in the breeze and soaking up the sun, etc.).
The reallity is, likely, closer to a sick cow hopelessly munching soy it can't really digest for beef, and a half-decapitated pig wallowing in a pool of its own blood while the slaughterhouse workers wait for it to bleed out for pork. And don't get me started on the bananas. They harvest them when they're green so they more or less ripen on the way to the consumer's hands.
I'm not saying it shouldn't be done, I just don't think it can be an excuse for eating animals.
It really is beautiful to eat from your garden, remembering your (and your friend's) pleasant work on it and the course of the plant's lifecycle until the frost comes and all that's left of the plant is a ripe, colorful, tasty pumpkin that you can thankfully eat and do the plant a favor by planting and distributing its seeds.
06/15/18 (Fri) 03:59:01 No. 121666
I like this post.
06/15/18 (Fri) 03:59:25 No. 121667
>inb4 "THANKS SATUNNNN huerrrrr"
06/15/18 (Fri) 18:04:31 No. 121708
…and I like you.
06/15/18 (Fri) 19:06:25 No. 121709
I like browsing this thread to see who parrots off the most. I try counting the original thoughts in this thread and can still manage to tally on my fingers.
You can eat vegan and be unhealthy just as easily as eating more meat and being more healthy. I mean, most of you sound like you don't even eat the bones, fatty tissue, bone marrow nor tendon/cartilage.
Also, I own snakes and feed them. Does that suddenly put me in the wrong because I'm tending to my babies? What about us that get somewhat anemic if we don't get enough iron?
06/15/18 (Fri) 21:25:56 No. 121713
>>121709 you obfuscate. snakes do what snakes do. but if you feed and breed serpents in you belly - that's a sign you choose to harm the air, water and earth we all need to live - including your baby snakes. you're in cognitive dissonance. negatives knowledge. worse, under serpent mind-control.
06/15/18 (Fri) 21:59:06 No. 121715
You wanna know what I'm curious about? If this is such a wrong and evil thing why isn't there some force trying to pressure itself against me? Or is it just letting me do what I want? Does that mean if there is some force that finds it abhorrent, they are not truly good for not halting this behavior?
I eat flesh for what it is. Do I need any other reason? Times like this I wish I was born into the form of some animal. I'd rather feel free and die young then have sanctimonious members of my own species tell me how to live. I say, what's the point of it all if the universe is mental?
I won't lie though, I wish I could supp on the flesh of god, whatever form it may have taken. Something pings in my mind I'm doing so already, like some avaricious parasite that burrows in the gut. Maybe I'm just one hell of a baby?
06/16/18 (Sat) 03:35:48 No. 121728
>>121715 nah you are a hu-man-bot - nouned [caged] by what you think and write, known for your deeds.
pedovores are caged in Type 1's -sorry: you're IT - unless you can change.
Try John Rose and Ralph Smart. RAW and Ralph's a smart shrink - Verilly
good luck - u NEED it
06/16/18 (Sat) 05:07:54 No. 121733
>You don't the no enough like my cult, pls indoctrinate self
And they call ME crazy.
06/16/18 (Sat) 05:51:25 No. 121734
Rice,bread,pasta,=sugar. A high carb diet will lead to early death
06/16/18 (Sat) 07:13:56 No. 121736
06/16/18 (Sat) 08:05:23 No. 121738
>>121733 and don't worry about your baby snakes - they be safe and grow to be FREE with me. you can visit them when you're better.
06/16/18 (Sat) 08:12:31 No. 121739
>>119318 yes, good. you are concise too :-)
06/16/18 (Sat) 08:17:21 No. 121740
>>119360 Great Creation ! Thanks
06/16/18 (Sat) 10:12:12 No. 121742
06/16/18 (Sat) 11:51:55 No. 121744
This actually.
I'm shocked no one seems to understand root vegetables is starch and fruit is fructose. Eating vegan made me want to graze, this spikes insulin too many times in the day. Insulin spikes = body promotes weight gain.
06/16/18 (Sat) 21:15:42 No. 121767
>>121742 what is it with willful ignorance that makes you assume you are not exposed for it?
"the participant presents cognitive dissonance your Honer " my grama is Terrible as my spelling. sorry for my Tourettes too. so we'll keep it funny enough for generations to come : least we be accused of scandalizing the Court. Commercial stuff aside;
Q1 : what anatomical category is man ?
Q7 : what are the nearest examples alive on earth today?
Q4 : what do they eat?
5: define symbiosis.
8: give example of living symbiosis.
2: what r u ?
06/16/18 (Sat) 21:21:45 No. 121769
>>121744 take your willful ignorance to John Rose .
if you feelthe need; video yourself re-aligning your gut nematodes and monetize it.
or beware black goo can turn on you
06/16/18 (Sat) 21:44:23 No. 121770
>ignore medical studies, follow the same insane conclusions I come up with myself
06/16/18 (Sat) 21:47:41 No. 121771
>I don't acknowledge your nutritional data. Call me when you can talk to your gut bacteria to continuously process sugar from grains and the sugar from fruit.
06/16/18 (Sat) 21:56:16 No. 121773
>I like browsing this thread to see who parrots off the most. I try counting the original thoughts in this thread and can still manage to tally on my fingers.
what is original or unoriginal to you?
>You can eat vegan and be unhealthy just as easily as eating more meat and being more healthy.
You can eat chips and soda (animal product free) and that's unhealthy but it's no longer vegan. That's called a "junkfood-snackatarian". Sure you could also eat more meat but you would be extremely unhealthy, so don't even try to lie. The best way to be healthy is eat a whole food plant based diet as long as your getting all your nutrients, and thank God if you're very careful you actually can.
>Also, I own snakes and feed them. Does that suddenly put me in the wrong because I'm tending to my babies?
having pets =/= eating animals unless you're going out of your way to kill other animals for them to eat.
<hue hue let me imprison a bunch of animals in a cage and feed them other animals.
you're basically just helping perpetuate the suffering that already exists in nature, and that aside your baiting really hard there.
>What about us that get somewhat anemic if we don't get enough iron?
<implying there are no iron rich sources of plant food
<implying there is no medication for people who suffer from that no matter what they eat because of health problems
you ignorant idiot, do your damn research please. stop fucking playing dumb.
06/16/18 (Sat) 22:13:06 No. 121774
>I eat flesh for what it is. Do I need any other reason? Times like this I wish I was born into the form of some animal. I'd rather feel free and die young then have sanctimonious members of my own species tell me how to live. I say, what's the point of it all if the universe is mental?
Yea I'm sure it must get really annoying for you to repeatedly hear people desperately trying to warn you about the harm your doing to animals and yourself. We're such sanctimonious pains in the asses because you're essentially a dietary smoker and you're destroying your body and memeing your destructive behavior to other just-as-gullible fools who continue to recklessly perpetuate the same mental disease and spread the suffering all the while you directly fund some of the most evil drug-dealer-like corporations in the world who are more than happy to give you stupid idiots all the poisonous unhealthy food created from pure suffering of trillions of animals every single day while our country is trillions in debt taking care of your lazy and unhealthy drug-junkfood addicted asses because someone once told you eating animals was healthy or you were raised to believe it was healthy or acceptable or "natural". One of the huge problems in this country is the multiple billions of dollars a year spend on keeping ham-planet land-whale sized obese abominations or the silently-obese (fat on the inside, bad heart from bad diet) alive with medication and end-of-life hospital care because they just couldn't choose the damn salad instead of that tempting juicy drug-like cheese burger or red meat or fish. You couldn't just eat that potato without loading it up with an assload of cheese or butter, couldn't just eat that fucking breakFATS without your fried chicken periods (because that's what eggs are, THEY'RE DAMN CHICKEN PERIODS, You couldn't have just avoided that cancer by eating a low-risk diet so we wouldn't have to see our tax dollars fly down the fucking drain at the speed of light getting sucked into a blackhole. Why? WHY? "because muh meat, I'm a manly man, I'm a t-rex rarrrr gimme meat I'm so ravenous for the flesh of something else- huh?- what's that? plants have vitamins too? you can get all your protein from plants? what? HAHAHA VEGAN LIES!!!! give me more BACCONNNNN!!!!"
you sick fucks get every health problem you deserve. I wish you would listen to everyone who's screaming "WAKE UP".
you will make fun of us, you won't believe us, you will listen to all the propaganda that says you need to eat GARBAGE to be a man, and at the end you will say "nahhh I just have heart disease, diabetes, cancer, athrosclerosis, dementia, and a thousand other diseases because "muh genetics" or because it was going to happen anyway!" You will probably go out sadly way way before your time due to completely avoidable health issues if you had only eaten some fucking salad instead of literal shit.
06/16/18 (Sat) 22:18:47 No. 121775
this is true. simple carbs convert to sugar very easily. I only eat rye, oats, dark colored beans and lentils, buckwheat, pease etc.
complex carbs only.
no rice, corn, wheat, potato, or white beans. rice is full of arsenic anyway, no matter where you buy it.
06/16/18 (Sat) 22:19:55 No. 121776
>I went vegan and all I ate was the shittiest food possible so now I know vegan doesn't work. I'm so smart!
06/16/18 (Sat) 23:16:18 No. 121797
>human body runs on mostly glycogen requiring only small amounts of amino acids which it can't synthesize itself
It's hilarious how people just parrot things they read/hear and don't actually know anything. Yeah if you only eat 2-3 times a day complex carbs are better for insulin levels, if you eat simple carbs and sugars throughout the day it's the same on your insulin and less taxing on your liver and kidneys.
06/16/18 (Sat) 23:40:22 No. 121802
>criticize someone and agree with them in the same post
>GRR I just wanted to disagree with you and try really hard to make a fool out of you even though I actually agree so here's my angry post because fuck you grrrrrr
simple carbs are shit bro. there's no reason to ever eat them instead of healthy complex carbs. people who eat pasta and bread get really fat more often than people who eat beans and quinoa.
06/16/18 (Sat) 23:41:35 No. 121803
06/17/18 (Sun) 00:37:56 No. 121805
So many meat-eating degenerates getting triggered by the mere mention of a vegan diet.
06/17/18 (Sun) 00:39:44 No. 121806
>Sure you could also eat more meat but you would be extremely unhealthy, so don't even try to lie. The best way to be healthy is eat a whole food plant based diet as long as your getting all your nutrients, and thank God if you're very careful you actually can.
<you would be unhealthy if you followed the omnivorous diet that has pulled humanity out of the trees and increased our life span steadily over the years. Never mind the studies that show that cooked food and protein from animal sources are easier to digest and allow more energy for complex thought. Eat based on this hypothesized micronutrient list we think are essential for your body.
06/17/18 (Sun) 00:46:57 No. 121808
>how do I make the people disagreeing with me feel as bad as I do? I know I'll call them degenerates for following their biological make up. And as a bonus new comers will associate eating meat with degeneracy :^)
06/17/18 (Sun) 03:16:20 No. 121813
>>121808 naughty - settle down ; patterns 'n mathematics it's religare apocalypse. . .. ;-)
Q : if Louise Cypher is a spider; what's black goo?
>The Bases page on you tube has the most complete and detailed info on it that I have found.
06/17/18 (Sun) 03:26:43 No. 121814
>>121806 if you're "getting all your nutrients, and thank God if you're very careful you actually can."
Yes that is the crux of it.
Q : should we treat monkey-hunting chimpanzees differently to non-Jain orangutan - just for their dietary choice?
check Q : how does a Jain diet differ from an orangutan' diet?
with humor too pls :-)
06/17/18 (Sun) 03:38:28 No. 121815
>>121802 the pith keeps my Beelzebub thriving for more - darn thang's addicted to raw fruit pith. butt i do cook pasta too - and rice and corn - a bit ofthis 'n a bit of that - just no harm 'tis all . 'cause we recall being degenerates - like "hairy brutes shitting in our caves " !
the Moriori cohabited with Moa and the Hasst Pass Eagle "when i was lying in the VA hospitle… i recall flying over the trees…" or something like that; ask James Cameron - he tells it better than me. i just live it…
06/17/18 (Sun) 03:52:01 No. 121816
>>121774 yes but we NEED to offer remedy for our addicted family and friends. recall we're only changing what mans' gut nematodes crave and need. the religare tards will change as the logic of symbiosis blooms :-) recaal 95 percent of us were taught to, "play with the apple and eat the rabbit". if you want to blame something - blame parasites: Logically
06/17/18 (Sun) 07:05:21 No. 121823
>>121805 what do you think about Harald Kautz-Vella talks parties and people that expose carnists' kitchens? … obfuscation is pathetic : sentient symbiots don't party with parasites.
"Harald Kautz Vella Explains Black Goo"
there is something about tards…
06/17/18 (Sun) 07:47:03 No. 121825
Reminder that not every wizard has to be this level of schizophrenic.
06/17/18 (Sun) 19:04:52 No. 121832
Or your own post, for example of unoriginal thought. Feels like you're trying to hand me a buffet of energy to go with my flesh of lesser animals. When we both die, I'll wave off to you when I see you because you're going right where I'm going. Chat like this isn't that of an enlightened MO, just another ranting kid. Also, the fattest people here are folk that think pizza is a vegetable.
<I don't know what
When you don't OD on carbs your body turns existing fatty stores into energy. Iirc it's used in conjunction with ketogenesis, which kicks on when you fast. Carbs cause people to get drowsy due to the insulin and blood sugar spikes, especially if you consume wheat products.
06/17/18 (Sun) 19:07:26 No. 121833
You mistake triggered for ridicule. I might speak for other carnists when I say the reaction of vegans will always turn funny fast. That and desperate, pathetic, almost a "feelings only" argument based around bullshit cherry picked studies.
06/17/18 (Sun) 20:29:01 No. 121838
>Even of you only existed through leeching prana you still would be a burden and a waste.
While I might have some disagreements with vegan lifestyle, that post is plain wrong anon. You're not gonna make it if you seriously believe that.
06/17/18 (Sun) 21:43:50 No. 121841
>>121825 he he, chips and beer - close but no. not wasted on the dirty floor. that's like feeding pearls to swine. and recall, it's only schizophrenia if you are confused. what confuses you?
06/17/18 (Sun) 21:50:47 No. 121842
>>121833 sentience comprehends the difference between parasitic and benign / symbiotic thinking, emoting and actions.
can you define sentience? do you intend harm? recall we cage [harm]
06/18/18 (Mon) 01:50:24 No. 121847
>>121838 you write,
>"leeching prana" does that imply parasitism ?
r u Hegelian and in cognitive dissonance? can you define WHAT is destruction ?
Bonus Q : Quadrivium Why?
with sentient humor too please - it's time we clean up our chan-speak. enough for the Barron to read - 'n at least without D45 going 666. you don't piss Fathers off. and i'd be accused of singing frigging in the rigging with Willie Nelson and his sons should Mum get involved. so don't make her go Lioness on our arse and no more cursing . unless . . .. … ;-)
06/18/18 (Mon) 01:58:40 No. 121848
>>121847 unless u want to open Penrose Tiles to Trapdoor Ciphers? know that ONE?
06/18/18 (Mon) 03:05:46 No. 121853
<you would be unhealthy if you followed the omnivorous diet that has pulled humanity out of the trees and increased our life span steadily over the years.
How would you know? because science says so? because they measured some dead guys teeth who's been dead for thousands of years and "scientifically guessed" that they knew what they ate? Even though this is total bullshit I'll go a level deeper to even defeat you in your own flawed world of logic. The only way that eating animals "pulled us out of the trees and increased our lifespan" would have been a very short increase considering what these same "scientists" say about our very short lifespans "back then" and the increase would have been very small considering the dangers of that type of life. Look at the way people live today. Maybe I won't get eaten by a bear or a lion in this society, the chances of that happening are much lower than it used to be back when people didn't live the way they do now, but there are no "lifespan increasing benefits" for me these days because I could eat fruits and veg at home and have a massively lowered risk for countless different health problems, or I could eat some meat and live a shorter and much sicker life because of the damage it does to my body. I would have to be an absolute fucking retard to eat meat, because it's just as good for me as smoking.
<Never mind the studies that show that cooked food and protein from animal sources are easier to digest and allow more energy for complex thought. Eat based on this hypothesized micronutrient list we think are essential for your body.
white sugar and white flour are also way easier to digest but that doesn't make them healthier for people. complex carbs like nutritionally balanced plant based meals are more difficult to digest but vastly superior nutritionally speaking. Sure, your body works a little more to digest it but broccoli isn't giving anyone atherosclerosis. Meat isn't exactly easy to digest anyway so I don't know why you're making things up. pure delusion and bro-science brainwashing.
06/18/18 (Mon) 03:10:44 No. 121854
>how do I make the people disagreeing with me feel as bad as I do? I know I'll call them degenerates for following their biological make up. And as a bonus new comers will associate eating meat with degeneracy :^)
meat is degeneracy. you're so sick that you believe you need to torture and kill some animal and eat it's flesh and blood in order to get any vitamins and minerals. people are screaming at your stupid face "YOU CAN GET EVERYTHING FROM PLANTS HELLO!! HELLO!!!! HELLO!!!! ARE YOU LISTENING!!!!!!!!" and you just ignore them and tell them that butter is good for you even though it clogs your heart. you're worse than a smoker.
A "Whole, Unprocessed Plant Based Diet" "(Vegan Diet)" of vegetables, fruits, nuts, seeds, grains, legumes, beans, herbs, and spices etc., with b12 methylcobalamin and D3 cholecalciferol as supplements that has been formulated properly to be nutritionally balanced and nutritionally complete is healthier and superior in every way vs a "Standard American Diet" of processed foods, refined sugar, excessive caffeine, excessive sugar, excessive sodium, excessive oil, high fructose corn syrup, bleached flour, simple carbs (bread, pasta), fried and other greasy foods, steak, fish, eggs, meat, milk, chicken, lard, butter, cheese, fast food, restaurant food, and other animal products.
(((shills))) want you to think eating healthy is bad and want to associate any style of fitness or good health with the negative or any concept they percieve that others may look down upon. "hey you eat plants? Haha look at this guy he's so healthy! wow you're GAY!" ASK YOURSELF WHERE THE MONEY GOES WHEN YOU GET HEALTH PROBLEMS.
>heart disease
>high cholesterol
>heart attack
>high blood pressure
all these diseases require doctors to prescribe billions of dollars of (((pharmaceutical prescription drugs))) every year.
06/18/18 (Mon) 03:11:10 No. 121855
>muh saw palmetto is bad because I'm insecure of my masculinity and testosterone levels!
in small amounts saw palmetto can't do more than just calm down you're system a little bit in terms of DHT but it's very beneficial for prostate health without fucking with anything else. plenty of body builders take saw palmetto and have no issues with getting gains.
>muh flax is bad because I'm insecure of my masculinity and testosterone levels!
again, this is also really good for your prostate and it's an excellent source of Omega3 fatty acids. unless you eat huge amounts of this, nothing bad is going to happen to you.
>muh soy is bad because I'm insecure of my masculinity and testosterone levels! but here, let me eat a ton of estrogen from animal products because I'm stupid!
I would be worried if anyone was eating a fucking shitload of pesticide gmo soy all day long every day but I have had some non-gmo pesticide free tofu every once in a while in small amounts on and off for years and I never had any problems from it. I would be much more worried if someone was eating meat, eggs, fish, cheese, milk, bacon, and so on as those are severely dangerous hormonal threats to the human body.
>muh vegan diet! muh plant foods! anything that's healthy is feminine and GAY! all plants are bad because I'm insecure of my masculinity and testosterone levels!
eat some maca root, eat some broccoli, eat some oats, do some squats, stop being a pussy, get all your amino acids from hemp protein powder, stop whining like a bitch, ????, profit. read from post number >>132424
06/18/18 (Mon) 03:12:05 No. 121856
There is nothing wrong with eating a Plant Based Diet. It is okay to be Vegan. It is a great and wonderful thing to share knowledge and information on how to create a Nutritionally Balanced Vegan Whole Plant Food Diet. There is nothing wrong with sharing vegan recipes. We are Right, We are Superior, We are Healthier, and We are Not sorry.
anti-vegan (((globalist corporate establishement shills))) ETERNALLY CUCKED.
The healthiest foods in the world are plant foods.
06/18/18 (Mon) 03:15:00 No. 121857
anon, please listen to me. nobody can understand any of your posts. If english isn't your first language it's understandable but if not please try harder to speak in clear sentences. I'm not going to break rule 5 (I believe it's rule 5) and say you're the same person I'm seeing everywhere on /fringe/ because I really don't know for sure if you are, but It's getting really annoying. you sound like you come from facebook. I can't ever understand what you're saying. I mean this in a nice way, I just can't make sense of your words.
06/18/18 (Mon) 03:20:06 No. 121858
>Or your own post, for example of unoriginal thought. Feels like you're trying to hand me a buffet of energy to go with my flesh of lesser animals. When we both die, I'll wave off to you when I see you because you're going right where I'm going. Chat like this isn't that of an enlightened MO, just another ranting kid. Also, the fattest people here are folk that think pizza is a vegetable.
I didn't even talk about the afterlife. I'm saying that what you're doing in the world right now and to your own body is wrong right now .
>When you don't OD on carbs your body turns existing fatty stores into energy. Iirc it's used in conjunction with ketogenesis, which kicks on when you fast. Carbs cause people to get drowsy due to the insulin and blood sugar spikes, especially if you consume wheat products.
We're not talking about ODing on carbs buddy. We're talking about quality not "quantity". nobody should OD on anything because that's just plain dangerous and stupid, but when I eat carbs, I choose high quality complex carbs only like beans and lentils and rye and buckwheat and oats. eating wheat flour and rice and corn and potato is stupid even if you don't over eat it.
06/18/18 (Mon) 03:23:13 No. 121859
>You mistake triggered for ridicule. I might speak for other carnists when I say the reaction of vegans will always turn funny fast. That and desperate, pathetic, almost a "feelings only" argument based around bullshit cherry picked studies.
All carnists can do to vegans is ridicule them and make fun of them and laugh and pretend everything is all nice and fine and funny and come up with logical fallacies to desperately try to continue to fool themselves into thinking that their unwise and unhealthy dietary choices are somehow smart or right. carnists can't debate vegans because vegans are right, so carnists just shut the hell up and laugh nervously thinking "Oh no, I hope don't have to admit to myself that I'm actually eating foods that are the equivalent of smoking!"
06/18/18 (Mon) 03:24:49 No. 121860
>almost a "feelings only" argument based around bullshit cherry picked studies.
06/18/18 (Mon) 03:26:37 No. 121861
vegan here, actually want to learn how to live on energy alone. no sarcasm.
06/18/18 (Mon) 03:40:02 No. 121863
>Meat isn't exactly easy to digest anyway so I don't know why you're making things up.
Nice mom science
06/18/18 (Mon) 03:41:27 No. 121864
Just following my biological make up shill.
06/18/18 (Mon) 04:07:27 No. 121866
i eat meat because it taste good
i rape woman because feel good
i kill people because make me happy
fuck off vegan shillbots
06/18/18 (Mon) 04:32:01 No. 121867
>Meat isn't exactly easy to digest anyway so I don't know why you're making things up.
<Nice mom science
nice fake excuse science
06/18/18 (Mon) 04:32:48 No. 121868
>i eat meat because it taste good
>i rape woman because feel good
>i kill people because make me happy
>fuck off vegan shillbots
this is the type of people who eat animal products. this is the kind of people we are dealing with.
06/18/18 (Mon) 05:16:05 No. 121870
<kind of like your reference of 'broscience'
06/18/18 (Mon) 05:17:01 No. 121871
Enjoy your double (you)'s
06/18/18 (Mon) 09:28:44 No. 121878
I'm the first guy. Just because the vegan doesn't understand sarcastic double irony isn't my fault bro. But this thread is shit just like ever memegan thread.
>meat bad it kill you!
06/18/18 (Mon) 13:23:48 No. 121886
I first thought you were mocking them, but then I saw you were actually just quoting them. Sick, disgusting freaks.
06/18/18 (Mon) 16:55:55 No. 121888
they're sameflagging it's the same person
06/18/18 (Mon) 19:01:21 No. 121891
Unless you post a screenshot of the single (you). The similar post style and same flag that has been schizo shilling in every other thread leads to me to believe you're the same person.
06/18/18 (Mon) 19:52:12 No. 121893
06/18/18 (Mon) 20:24:02 No. 121897
>>121868 my fruit trees crave you. you'll know them as Triffid and you'll nourish them for a long, long time…
06/18/18 (Mon) 20:26:00 No. 121898
06/19/18 (Tue) 06:10:19 No. 121907
highly sneaky samefagging attempt at framing others for said thing.
06/19/18 (Tue) 06:12:00 No. 121908
stupid meat eaters only know about low quality carbs and worst types of plant sources of food so they assume that plant based anons are stupid just because meat eaters are stupid.
06/19/18 (Tue) 06:13:19 No. 121909
that's what the meat eater was trying to make you think. maybe I took the bait by responding. fucking meat shills.
06/19/18 (Tue) 22:31:52 No. 121970
>>121849 the Pharisees believed in public masturbation too. They would ejaculate in public. some things sentient beings and children don't need to see.
Do you hear voices ? recall adrenochrome and flesh addiction is schizophrenia.
worse, carnism induces psychosis and hysteria.
06/19/18 (Tue) 22:39:08 No. 121972
>>121857 sorry i'm not your research assistant. and if you can't figure out what "eating the correct food for your body" means - then you are lost.
06/19/18 (Tue) 23:46:06 No. 121978
>>121974 i do recall making and eating dem. figured , but muh vegetables! EAT THE ENEMY ! …
now i comprehend what parasites do. and filtration and transmutation thinking, emoting and action.
and in an emergency humans can eat and thrive like chimpanzees in fruit trees. Like Orca and Man and Orangutan. I suppose Gorilla can eat dem garlic slugs 'n snails - butt ewwww the scat eating! Dogs et al outside please; unless clean ;-)
06/20/18 (Wed) 08:15:43 No. 121987
Can you please change your writing style? It really grates. And it makes it super obvious who you are.
06/20/18 (Wed) 09:07:27 No. 121990
I thought the principle of living was to define your own reality then carry that 'learning process' to the higher worlds in a more 'hands on' approach.
Thusly, trying to dictate what others do in a life is about as useful and helpful as trying to capture clouds with a fishing line. As I said before, we're all going to the same location anyway… or at least from an individual perspective it would be 'ideal'. I'm 99.99% certain my ideal post-life existence is nowhere near even a vast majority of folk posting here. Why? Because folk are so different.
Also, I consume flesh -because- I can sate myself on life energy that way. I'm tired of having my plants die in my room under good care simply because I don't get my lb of flesh every day.
06/20/18 (Wed) 15:26:43 No. 121997
How can you have a post-life existence if you had no life existence?
How can you have a life existence if you had no life pre-life existence?
06/20/18 (Wed) 16:30:17 No. 121998
Simple, I exist because I have always existed. I just change forms here and there when bored. I cannot be routed, averted, or stopped as my existing is simply an account of something similar to a force of nature. I can only be stalled.
06/20/18 (Wed) 21:19:18 No. 122002
>>121998 parasitic solipsists are stalled, caged and relocated actually. like a wild animal. and if you become a burden, hunted down and eliminated. humans know rape and murder when they sense it
06/20/18 (Wed) 21:25:40 No. 122003
>>121987 is that all you have? pathetic - i hope your not being paid for your failure. you are either nescient or willfully ignorant and obfuscating with an anti-live agenda. i guessing the later because any halfwit knows key-strokes identify and exposure is where we are now…
06/20/18 (Wed) 21:29:09 No. 122004
I don't give two shits whether you eat meat, plants, humans, fruit, spirits, sunlight, or are completely self contained. My complete is entirely aesthetic, and only has to do with your writing style which is an absolute disgrace. Plus you are easy to trigger which is hilarious.
06/20/18 (Wed) 21:32:25 No. 122005
>>121990 if you cannot grow grow your food you could save money and purchase plants to live. but your are addicted to flesh and adrenochrome from terrorized and slaughtered sentient animals. why can't you just be honest about your addiction? you sleep better having identified your primary problem.
06/20/18 (Wed) 21:33:58 No. 122006
>>122004 here's your problem: if you harm we cage you.
do you harm man?
06/20/18 (Wed) 21:41:40 No. 122007
Why do we still have rule 5 if Smiley only made it so he could ban people for calling him out. Is the BO friends with him or something?
06/20/18 (Wed) 22:15:06 No. 122009
>>122007 stop trying to divert the thread. here's a question for you: do you eat meat? and slave dairy and slave eggs? and if you do - how do you justify your anti-live actions? carnists and pedovores are willfully destroying the air, water and earth we need to live. they art destructively suicidal. their psychosis is schizophrenia and creates mass hysteria. worse , they enable kakistocracy. it is little wonder humans become misanthropic and eugenics aligned after climbing over their fellow man in the zoo
06/21/18 (Thu) 02:36:22 No. 122018
In biology a good parasite is within the host body and the host is unaware of it's existence. Someday the earth will give birth, instead of the expected essence it will be me that is born anew. I have all the time I need, then I will work to create an existence of true freedom for EVERYTHING.
I don't think you realize you're not making a very compelling argument.
Cages were made to be deformed.
Chains were made to be broken.
Pillories were made to be splintered.
I wonder if the maggots that feast on your fetid remains have their own usurpers that would try to avoid eating flesh.
06/21/18 (Thu) 03:58:24 No. 122020
>if u eat meat ur retarded
>nuh uh if you don't eat meat ur retard soyboy
this thread is indeed the level of discussion I expect from 2018chan/fringe/
06/21/18 (Thu) 05:36:24 No. 122021
06/21/18 (Thu) 06:01:17 No. 122024
>step into a special ed class where retards are arguing with each other
>tell them they're both retarded
06/21/18 (Thu) 21:52:30 No. 122049
>>122018 you write "In biology a good parasite is within the host body and the host is unaware of it's existence."
you are a special kind of stupid. parasites eat the host. parasites exposed are deposed and disposed.
we make special cages for special tards.
maggots and worms have their place: they eat crap and stop the place from gunking-up.
if choose to feed and breed parasites in you - and they are devouring you from the inside - you are committing suicide. in biology it is apoptotic suicide. that would be ok except your suicidal actions are destroying the air, water and earth that those of us - UNLIKE YOU - need to live.
you need to change for good…
06/21/18 (Thu) 21:56:53 No. 122051
>>122034 you are an example of obfuscation under parasite mind-control.
if X is rape and or murder and or pedovore , then you better be anti-X.
or be caged for insanity (etc)
06/21/18 (Thu) 22:11:32 No. 122052
>you're the one who claimed to walk into a room of retards arguing and agreeing with neither
06/21/18 (Thu) 23:07:03 No. 122054
I know you're autistic but this is just pathetic.
(Rule 5) Post last edited at 06/22/18 (Fri) 04:02:42
06/21/18 (Thu) 23:15:29 No. 122055
06/22/18 (Fri) 04:10:31 No. 122058
And you're a special kind of stupid that doesn't even know how parasites function.
There are hundreds of thousands, if not millions, of microscopic parasites currently eating your dead and living cells. There are microbial parasites that do a battle of expansion against your natural flora in your gut. There are small organisms that only consume cells around your eyelashes.
In fact, there's a good chance that you have small worms in your large intestine and have no clue about them. The 'gunking up' part comes when a successful parasite becomes unsuccessful when it's success causes it to become so numerous it's drawbacks finally become noticeable to the host organism.
I think you're thinking more of parasitoid species that eventually control or manipulate the host organism somehow. The best examples of these are horsehair worms, cordyceps fungi, and a good number of wasp species (that lay their eggs into larvae of other species).
06/22/18 (Fri) 21:35:16 No. 122089
>>122058 thank you for your research. you are concise.
parasite load determines what matters.
parasites are a numbers game. numbers illuminate scalar pattern.
but beyond number; controlling appetite is god-like and i know living humans whose crap is not offensive.
imagine THAT. e.g. Dr. Sheldrake would ask, "are you having my Sanctity?" after entering a class of un-schooling students - John Taylor Gatto…
lost? Prof. Knuth can help your numbers game beyond surreal number <:> !
06/22/18 (Fri) 21:50:01 No. 122090
>thinking more of parasitoid species that eventually control or manipulate the host organism somehow. The best examples of these are horsehair worms, cordyceps fungi, and a good number of wasp species (that lay their eggs into larvae of other species).
Great Work. leaving the psychology of carnism aside for now (it's psychotic hysteria) : what studies have you reviewed that links parasites and addiction in humans ? i'd be happy to provide links…
06/24/18 (Sun) 03:16:14 No. 122121
>I'm not entirely convinced of your point. How does it correlate with this other unrelated topic?
06/24/18 (Sun) 21:12:23 No. 122133
>>122121 you are exposed; known by what you write. your attempt to divert and obfuscate indites you: GUILTY
"the parasite is going to alter dopamine, GABA, glutamate, and other key neurotransmitters at two hundred different places in the brain," said Evans, "so it's not surprising it's going to be subtly influencing human behavior" -or, if the cysts happen to cluster in certain regions, even contributing to psychiatric disease. "I do take seriously these reports of an increase in suicide and schizophrenia related to the parasite."
06/25/18 (Mon) 02:30:38 No. 122137
So do I eat onions, garlic, turmeric, peppers, and ginger for a week and they're dead?
06/25/18 (Mon) 02:47:27 No. 122138
06/25/18 (Mon) 05:14:10 No. 122145
>>122138 obfuscation - "dr"Wilson writes, "PROTEINS. Avoid ALL fish and shellfish except for 3-4 cans of sardines per week. "
cognitive dissonance much?
06/25/18 (Mon) 22:22:14 No. 122172
>>122137 John Rose proves a "solid food vacation" is remedy.
stopping reinfection is your path…
06/26/18 (Tue) 00:00:29 No. 122177
You dumb motherfucker… sardines are considered low in mercury and I guess other toxic shit too. What the fuck would it have to do with obfuscation either way? You don't even know how to confer intent or grasp consequence. Braincel faggot.
I hate people that butcher every single thing in one fucking go. Like watching a train wreck.
06/26/18 (Tue) 02:37:03 No. 122183
>>122177 k not sure y u so Triggered.
i used to collect, cook and eat the dead flying fish and squid off my deck while sailing high-seas. And i'll do it again if eye NEED IT…
u2 - would u like some?
see you out there…
06/26/18 (Tue) 14:21:12 No. 122191
Whilst that's genuinely interesting if true, I like quality posts and try to improve boards with the potential to be good.
SAGE! 06/27/18 (Wed) 16:07:22 No. 122253
06/27/18 (Wed) 21:25:50 No. 122281
What about roadkill? If a deer is already dead and I didn't kill it, the meat is salvageable and the animal led a fulfilled life in the wild, it feels irresponsible to leave it to rot and feed nothing (or at best, carrion eaters).
06/27/18 (Wed) 23:47:21 No. 122292
>this thread
>t. vegan who never grown anything himself
Where do you think the dung you use as fertilizer for your crops come from? You can't farm without livestock either way so your only option is to go gatherer with no hunting and then you have to abandon large part of the earth because in many places the only natural source of protein is from hunting and fishing.
To bad people already live everywhere, retard, with your meek muscle free body you won't be able to fight anyone off and you'll die from trying to live off grass and roots eating 300 calories daily for 2 weeks until you collapse with cramps.
That's your future, vegancuck.
06/28/18 (Thu) 14:22:19 No. 122333
if trips, everybody posting after this must cease eating meat
06/28/18 (Thu) 20:32:54 No. 122353
>>122292 hear HERE is your Problem violent , adrenochrome addicted meat-Tard : wHERE WE livE on MANA when NEEDED [only]
you are the suicidal parasite trespassing and exposed by WHAT HARM you do intend.
there's a deeper majic in DEM EYES.
"now go live vegan" as Emile says -
you stupid traitor. you are the type we don't feed OR teach how to FISH.
06/28/18 (Thu) 20:37:06 No. 122354
>>122333 yes - few choose to research WHAT is happening . and we know why :-(
humans CHOOSING to eat sentient beings for taste is breaking the law AND categorized "insane", and worse. research search sentience laws!
06/28/18 (Thu) 20:38:51 No. 122355
>>122253 what do Orca say about humans eating fish? (i'm sure they'll agree we can in emergency [only] )
06/28/18 (Thu) 21:15:40 No. 122358
>>122281 help your self to road-kill ! if you can beat the internal nematodes from consuming it from within - exponentially at death…
and in an emergency - do not worry about your Children - i'll do the killing and cooking and cocking when NEEDED
that's what real MAN do - when they can THINK …
06/28/18 (Thu) 23:41:36 No. 122364
After finishing this sentence, you will now want to eat meat again.
06/29/18 (Fri) 06:09:41 No. 122404
>>122364 yam and spinach and hemp-protein "steak and eggs". if you couldn't tell the difference would you choose to eat it?
it's a Louise Cypher Question - careful how you answer
06/29/18 (Fri) 06:10:56 No. 122405
killing for taste ain't kosher. and it's beyond theism
06/29/18 (Fri) 07:43:10 No. 122409
>Plant based eaters try to tell everyone the truth that plant food is healthier
>Bunch of meat eaters come into the thread for the sole reason of protecting their insecurities.
Never let people who are doing worse than you drag you down with them.
06/29/18 (Fri) 16:33:25 No. 122429
>Which is, in a way, his point: Human beings evolved to eat cooked food. It is literally possible to starve to death even while filling one’s stomach with raw food. In the wild, people typically survive only a few months without cooking, even if they can obtain meat. Wrangham cites evidence that urban raw-foodists, despite year-round access to bananas, nuts and other high-quality agricultural products, as well as juicers, blenders and dehydrators, are often underweight. Of course, they may consider this desirable, but Wrangham considers it alarming that in one study half the women were malnourished to the point they stopped menstruating. They presumably are eating all they want, and may even be consuming what appears to be an adequate number of calories, based on standard USDA tables. There is growing evidence that these overstate, sometimes to a considerable degree, the energy that the body extracts from whole raw foods. Carmody explains that only a fraction of the calories in raw starch and protein are absorbed by the body directly via the small intestine. The remainder passes into the large bowel, where it is broken down by that organ’s ravenous population of microbes, which consume the lion’s share for themselves. Cooked food, by contrast, is mostly digested by the time it enters the colon; for the same amount of calories ingested, the body gets roughly 30 percent more energy from cooked oat, wheat or potato starch as compared to raw, and as much as 78 percent from the protein in an egg. In Carmody’s experiments, animals given cooked food gain more weight than animals fed the same amount of raw food. And once they’ve been fed on cooked food, mice, at least, seemed to prefer it.
Read more:
06/29/18 (Fri) 19:58:23 No. 122445
What if my belly is a furnace and I'm burning up inside. I crack an egg in my mouth and I spit it out over easy. My shits look burnt and my skin is cracking, something is shining through from underneath. My bed's catch on fire and my bathroom steams when I take a cold shower yet I never look clean. Every thing seems to twist and groan, my mind takes corruption and gives it a sheen. I can't stop the fire and soon I won't be able to do this alone, I'm cut to the bone. I walk the streets at night and develop skills to hone; I think I might have made victims with actions no good man can condone but I stumble and wade through the vaporous memory of a fiend, I look at my face and worms seem to teem just behind the glazed screen of hollow eyes and fallowed meat. What grows is barbarous vines that carry spider vibes to the blackness inside, smoke screen hiding the venom that resides.
fagits. Seriously though, what animals benefit from cooked meat? This just says cooked food. More predatorial and large animals may not benefit from cooked meat or food.
06/29/18 (Fri) 20:25:59 No. 122446
>>122429 your either obfuscating in ignorance or trying to divert with an anti-live agenda. either way you are guilty. your parasites are controlling and devouring you.
Harvard biologist Richard Wrangham fails to mention humans are anatomically herbivores and can be frugivores.
the smithsonian occults frugivores and megaliths.
06/29/18 (Fri) 21:47:00 No. 122449
06/29/18 (Fri) 22:07:40 No. 122451
plant-based are next level , beyond pharisee
'cause it's not our fault we're born this way
Gorilla DNA
06/29/18 (Fri) 22:09:19 No. 122452
>Stop your efforts or there will be consequences.
threat noted. knock knock Tard
06/29/18 (Fri) 22:11:12 No. 122453
>>122450 you are being attacked from within and without. this war is asymmetric - and you are failing.
you are exposed; known by what you write. your attempt to divert and obfuscate indites you: GUILTY
"the parasite is going to alter dopamine, GABA, glutamate, and other key neurotransmitters at two hundred different places in the brain," said Evans, "so it's not surprising it's going to be subtly influencing human behavior" -or, if the cysts happen to cluster in certain regions, even contributing to psychiatric disease. "I do take seriously these reports of an increase in suicide and schizophrenia related to the parasite."
06/29/18 (Fri) 22:21:17 No. 122455
>>122454 there's that violence stuff we're recording again… i am a farmer you stupid meat-tard! creating transition models for dairy and beef and poultry farms. pig farms shouldn't exist period.
now, calm down and read the book about humans' brains on parasites.
linked 3rd frigg'n x !
06/29/18 (Fri) 22:23:17 No. 122456
>French butchers have issued a plea for police protection against vegans, whom they blame for a series of attacks designed to “spread terror” among meat-lovers.
>The butchers say they are coming under “physical, verbal and moral" attack from vegans and animal rights groups in the land of the “steak frites”, and warn that animosity against their profession is being fuelled by heavy media exposure to the anti-meat cause.
>They are asking for the interior minister, Gérard Collomb, to intervene.
>Their request comes days after a rotisserie in Lille, northern France, was vandalised - the fourth such incident of its kind in a matter of weeks. In the Hauts-de-France of northern France, seven butchers and charcuteries were attacked and sprayed with false blood in April.
>Several other similar incidents were reported in the southwestern Occitanie region, they said.
06/29/18 (Fri) 22:26:22 No. 122457
>SHOCKING damage to meat-focused restaurant in France after 'VEGAN TERROR' attack
>A MYSTERIOUS vandal has trashed a meat-focused restaurant in France in a vandalism attack claimed to be an act of “vegan terror” by the offender, local media has reported.
>The La Boucherie (The Butchery) restaurant’s emblem of a cow was plastered with red paint, made to look like blood, and the “vegan terror” inscription was spread across the walls and windows of the building.
>The suspect, who smashed 14 windows during their attack, was masked, hooded and dressed in black.
>Bruno Toni, the owner of the restaurant, heard the attack when it happened and called the police.
>He said: “It was so, bim-bam-boom!
>I wondered what was going on, I was sleeping in a room in the adjacent hotel.
>“I opened the window and I saw a rather sturdy hooded individual who broke all the windows of the restaurant and the hotel.”
>There has been a rise in the number of high profile attacks from vegans on those seeking meet over the past few years.
>Farmers in England have claimed they have received death threats and have been called “murderers and rapists” by militant vegans.
06/29/18 (Fri) 22:38:35 No. 122459
>>122456 thanks for the links. (more) violence is not good or condoned. the enemy is not the man but the parasite within.
farmers are the most important humans alive today. they remedy…
the French farmers are good with natural soil conditioning and are under attack because of it.
we need harm reduction - refer Ortegrity
06/29/18 (Fri) 22:39:39 No. 122460
>Vegan animal rights activists are 'sending farmers death threats' branding them 'murderers'
>Activists compare farmers to 'slave traders' and say 'this is a classic case of the oppressor playing the victim card'
>Farmers have described receiving death threats and being called “murderers and rapists” by activist vegans.
>Alison Waugh, a trainee farmer in Northumberland, said she had received notes telling her and her family to “go die” from animal rights activists.
>She said farmers across the country were feeling threatened by vegan campaigners “overstepping the mark”.
>“You’ve got people storming the meat mart, spraying graffiti…that’s when it’s not OK, when you’ve got people worrying if their cows are going to be safe tonight,” she told the BBC’s Victoria Derbyshire show.
>“[It] is quite ironic from people that want peace for animals, but then they tell you, ‘I hope you and your family go die in a hole for what you do’.”
>The National Pig Association has also claimed its members “cannot sleep at night” because certain activist groups have turned up at farms and slaughterhouses in the night.
This is the true face of the vegan movement.
06/29/18 (Fri) 22:47:09 No. 122461
>>122460 anyone stupid enough to harm others and believe they are getting away with it - are …Stupid. that includes vegans attacking out of context. for example - would you stop someone hurting a puppy or kitten?
06/29/18 (Fri) 22:56:02 No. 122462
>>122458 IAM-2SIN666 <:> !
06/30/18 (Sat) 00:12:04 No. 122467
>>122445 yes. Q logic u r.
i know good Doctors (et al) that allow their children to eat anatomically correctly - even though the good Dr. says, "enough ! i jus luv's MY meat"
- at witch Time Honesty prevails: worm spoketh.
and we recall Ortegrity like "Thomas Edison On Drugs"
Men occasionally stumble upon the truth. But most pick themselves up and hurry off as if nothing had ever happened. (JH paraphrase Churchill)
Irrefutable ;-)
06/30/18 (Sat) 02:24:26 No. 122471
This steak is for you bud. 9 bucks to cook it myself with salt, pepper, onion powder, garlic powder, and rosemary leaves. Smells like Ascension
06/30/18 (Sat) 02:33:03 No. 122472
Messed it up. Too long on one side than the other, and a couple minutes too long in general. Still delicious obviously
06/30/18 (Sat) 05:08:22 No. 122475
overcooked, into the trash
if it's not red inside it's garbage
06/30/18 (Sat) 07:48:12 No. 122481
>>122472 oh gosh - u shouldn't have : will dem gods accept burnt offerings of hemp-protein instead? 9 bucks too ! seems like expensive Ascension - there is an easier and better way ya know
06/30/18 (Sat) 16:08:15 No. 122491
why not just put it in the blender if you like meat with the consistency of soggy diapers so much. pink meat is a meme, medium well+ is the true patrician path of steak.
06/30/18 (Sat) 19:31:32 No. 122497
I'm gonna have to call bullshit. I went fully raw for a year once and nothing bad happened to me. people become malnourished because they don't do any research on nutrition and eat like complete retards. that being said, I'm mostly raw now but still have some good cooked meals because it's just more enjoyable.
06/30/18 (Sat) 19:36:29 No. 122498
It's funny how big agro meat and dairy shills are so desperate to convince people to eat shit junk food that when they lose an internet argument because plant based eaters are right, they resort to trying to make vegans look bad by character defamation tactics like implying that all vegans are violent bad people who hurt poor innocent butchers or something. meanwhile, they've all eaten tons of murdered animals.
>implying all vegans are the same
>implying your stomach isn't a graveyard
>implying you're better than plant based eaters
vegans are right, and we're alright.
06/30/18 (Sat) 20:39:38 No. 122501
>>122497 yes - me too; i've gone raw with no problems just to confirm survival. however, long-term it's not sustainable. cannibalism should be reserved for emergency [only]. ask an Orca 'n see u out there :-)
06/30/18 (Sat) 20:40:41 No. 122502
I think it's more psychological. a nice warm meal makes a difference for me. sometimes psychological things are very important.
06/30/18 (Sat) 21:12:59 No. 122506
>>122502 yes - i think humans can warm and ferment food without harm.
But the religare of carnism participants are prone to amygdala hijacking. JH states it succulently, "you have a responsibility to know what i know."
"Thomas Edison On Drugs"
06/30/18 (Sat) 21:37:39 No. 122508
>>122498 what do you think about the ray and orca in this video?
06/30/18 (Sat) 21:58:33 No. 122510
Yup paired it with some American whiskey and kimchi cause I can't have plain veggies.
06/30/18 (Sat) 22:31:57 No. 122513
>>122510 Verily Good. Contact our Legal Team ; Trump is accepting nominations - if you wish MAGA
06/30/18 (Sat) 22:41:46 No. 122514
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. Your little movement has reached its peak, it's downhill from here.
You will perish like your friends in daesh. More and more people are waking up and seeing vegans as they really are.
>Veganism – A Cult of Intolerance Founded on a Lie
>A philosophy doesn’t need to mention God in order to qualify as a religion or to make a cult of its adherents. All that’s necessary to be a religious cult is for people to make an idol of something and to demonize those who don’t worship at their altar.
>Veganism is the worship of animals based on the erroneous notion that when properly used for food, animals are being mistreated. Vegans consider themselves to be wiser and more righteous than the population at large and strongly condemn the authors and followers of the Scriptures, who give mankind wholesome and proven guidelines from God about the use of animals for food.
>It was, after all, the land of milk and honey, not of tofu and sprouts, which God promised the children of Israel as their great blessing of inheritance.
>Veganism is a most pernicious ideology and cult, because it comes directly against God and His sound wisdom with a self-righteous vehemence that would destroy everyone and everything – including their beloved animals – should they hold sway. This is the madness and contradiction of veganism.
>This is not at all to say that mankind has been doing things right in the production of animal foods. Concentrated Animal Feeding Operations (CAFO’s) and the assembly-line approach to raising animals is an unmitigated disaster – for the animals, environment, workers, and consumers.
>But because people do things the wrong way doesn’t mean the right way doesn’t exist. Thinking the answer to the CAFO abomination is ceasing to practice sound animal husbandry practices is like saying the answer to widespread prostitution and fornication is to forbid marriage between a man and woman. Talk about throwing the baby out with the bathwater! (Read Regenerating Grasslands, follow the FB page: Regenerating Grassland, and watch this presentation on the subject: How to Green the World’s Deserts and Reverse Climate Change.)
>This is not to say that anyone should be forced to eat meat or can’t freely choose what they will eat. Not everyone must get married, and the same freedom applies to one’s diet. But veganism is a militant philosophy that doesn’t allow for others’ freedom of choice, slyly working on people’s consciences by labeling them as murderers if they’re meat-eaters. That’s a damned lie and vile wickedness to boot.
>Some vegans may protest that their religion wasn’t founded on the erroneous notion that using animals is exploitation. They may think it’s just a superior diet, but the record says differently on both counts. Veganism was founded on the doctrine that people should live without “exploiting animals” and pledges seeking an end to the human use of animals, period. And many of those who think veganism is the path to superior health sadly find out otherwise. No culture in the history of mankind has been sustained on a vegan diet.
>As for those who think eating animal products lowers their “vibrations,” they haven’t considered that plants are actually lower life forms than animals. Therefore, if one is seeking “higher vibrations,” one should eat animals, rather than plants.
>Jesus Christ, Who as a man among us ate meat, summed it up succinctly, “Not that which goes into the mouth defiles a man; but that which comes out of the mouth, this defiles a man” (Matthew 15:11 MKJV). The truth of His words is perfectly demonstrated by our vegan correspondent. God is always vindicated.
07/01/18 (Sun) 00:08:55 No. 122517
Quality posts. The meek shall inherit the earth because the strong will ascend it.
07/01/18 (Sun) 02:34:35 No. 122522
I would love to know what proportion of the people arguing for meat eating in this thread are actually /fringe/ regulars and have read the recommended reading list. I would be surprised if it was any more than 10%. It actually surprises me a bit that a great deal of the arguing here is based on health reasons when I would say a significant reason why most of us in this thread who don't eat meat don't eat meat is due to /fringe/ reasons as opposed to typical muh climate change/environment stuff.
07/01/18 (Sun) 02:51:17 No. 122524
bunch of insane lies and desperate straw grasping assumptions
meanwhile vegans are just eating some celery like "what dude?"
man what the fuck, this just makes me want to eat even healthier just to go even more against this evil.
07/01/18 (Sun) 11:58:11 No. 122550
I don't really eat a lot of meat myself, maybe just 3 times a week and I don't care what someone eats.
But vegans are fucking NWO commies and I'm opposing their twisted ideology by showing people that they don't give a fuck about health or the world. Veganism is purely political and doesn't even belong on /fringe/ in the first place. The arguments they present has nothing to do with improving your magic skills or reaching enlightenment, it's all
>muh animal oppression
>muh meat is murder
>muh cows farting ruins climate
>we will force our values down your throat no matter what
If you don't want to eat meat it's a personal choice, do as you will.
Veganism on the other hand is an extremist movement resorting to violence to achieve their goals. What they're doing is counter productive for both health advocates, the environmental movement and for people who actually care about animal treatment in farming.
07/01/18 (Sun) 12:37:38 No. 122553
>I don't really eat a lot of meat myself, maybe just 3 times a week and I don't care what someone eats.
Obviously you do because you hate the fact that vegans eat healthy and are teaching other people how to each healthy too. healthy people have less prescription meds and hospital visits and bills than those who are very sick, which means that a healthy population = less money for (((them)))
>But vegans are fucking NWO commies
Provide some goddamn evidence you dirty fucking manipulative deceptive liar shill. I'm a vegan and a Trump supporter all the way.
>and I'm opposing their twisted ideology by showing people that they don't give a fuck about health or the world.
Vegans don't give a fuck about health or the world? even though we avoid funding the industries that genocide a shitload of animals all day every day? Even though we learn how to get our vitamins and minerals from plant foods that have been proven to lower the risk of many different diseases?
>Veganism is purely political and doesn't even belong on /fringe/ in the first place. The arguments they present has nothing to do with improving your magic skills or reaching enlightenment, it's all
I refuse to eat animals or their products. If you weren't so ignorant you would know how horrible the lives of those animals are. I refuse to take that bad energy into my body, and I refuse to give my money to the people who do it to them because I'm just feeding the most baseless and pointless suffering possible. Not only that but I eat clean and healthy and that makes my mind clean and clear. clear mind = better meditation. a Vegan just proved you wrong as hell.
>muh animal oppression
this is a fact.
>muh meat is murder
this is a fact.
>muh cows farting ruins climate
this is up for debate, but I doubt it helps at all in addition to cars. (btw I'm ANTI UN and carbon tax BS it's all a scam)
>we will force our values down your throat no matter what
>If you don't want to eat meat it's a personal choice, do as you will.
Wow I'm sure that since it's a personal choice and people should do as they will "DO AS THOU WILT" -SATAN -then I guess it was meaningful and important enough for you to come all the way here into a thread you don't don't even like to tell us "HEY BTW DO WHATEVER YOU WANT, LOOK AT ME! LOOK AT HOW UNBIASED AND CENTRIST I AM, YOU CAN TRUST ME, BTW VEGANS ARE EVIL SO DON'T DO WHAT THEY SAY, DON'T EAT VEGAN!!!! BTW EAT SOME MEAT IF YOU WANT, ITS OK HUE HUE"
>Veganism on the other hand is an extremist movement resorting to violence to achieve their goals.
That is a lie. just because a small group of vegans made the news for being a bunch of punks doesn't mean that all vegans are that we. vegans eat the least violent diet in the world and want to see the world become a better place with less murder.
>What they're doing is counter productive for both health advocates, the environmental movement and for people who actually care about animal treatment in farming.
Right, so lets just go back to killing billions of animals every day after pumping them full of hormones, antibiotics, drugs, shit tons of grains and corn they were never meant to eat in nature, and just let the massive environmental impact take place because VEGANS are ruining the world, oh my gosh.
07/01/18 (Sun) 12:47:57 No. 122554
You included me in your post and yet ignored what I said, so I'll ask: how much of the library have you read?
07/01/18 (Sun) 12:50:35 No. 122556
>You included me in your post and yet ignored what I said, so I'll ask: how much of the library have you read?
I think you posted in the wrong thread because there are only two mentions of the word "library" in the entire thread.
07/01/18 (Sun) 12:51:44 No. 122557
Read >>122522 and then tell me how in the hell you're confused about this. I explicitly said the words "recommended reading list".
07/01/18 (Sun) 12:54:08 No. 122559
>so I'll ask: how much of the library have you read?
>how much of the library have you read?
>I explicitly said the words "recommended reading list".
07/01/18 (Sun) 12:59:13 No. 122560
Are you fucking braindead or are you trying to loosh farm me?
>I wonder how many of the pro-meat eating people in this thread have read any of the books
>irrelevant kvetching about vegan animal rights activist types being shitty people
>that has nothing to do with anything; have you read any of the books?
This is not a difficult conversation to follow, so I really don't understand what you're trying to say here. I asked a simple question.
07/01/18 (Sun) 15:03:20 No. 122562
>Are you fucking braindead or are you trying to loosh farm me?
the only farm I eat from is a plant farm, I don't lewsh people.
>I wonder how many of the pro-meat eating people in this thread have read any of the books
probably more than you have
>irrelevant kvetching about vegan animal rights activist types being shitty people
irrelevant in your opinion because you disagree.
>that has nothing to do with anything; have you read any of the books?
This is the part where no matter what answer anyone gives you, you suddenly shout out and proclaim that it is insuficcient even if they have read over half of all the material, and there is a very large amount of material. I know how you argue. you argue out of a lack of actual substance and logic and fact because you are not inherintly ingrained in the truth.
>This is not a difficult conversation to follow, so I really don't understand what you're trying to say here. I asked a simple question.
Yea you've been asking alot of simple questions.
07/01/18 (Sun) 17:44:42 No. 122572
I haven't had milk in a month and a half and my nails are super weak now. I've chipped two and bent back one.
07/01/18 (Sun) 17:48:12 No. 122574
Why are you ignoring the post you were quoted in?
>how much of the library have you read?
07/01/18 (Sun) 18:12:36 No. 122576
The whole thing is nonsensical hypocrisy
07/02/18 (Mon) 09:16:54 No. 122632
>The whole thing is nonsensical hypocrisy
Please explain how "The whole thing is nonsensical hypocrisy" with facts and logic or you're a liar.
07/02/18 (Mon) 16:21:33 No. 122654
>Obviously you do because you hate the fact that vegans eat healthy and are teaching other people how to each healthy too. healthy people have less prescription meds and hospital visits and bills than those who are very sick, which means that a healthy population = less money for (((them)))
>Provide some goddamn evidence you dirty fucking manipulative deceptive liar shill. I'm a vegan and a Trump supporter all the way.
Complaining about the same tactics you use. Such as the previous quotation and it pretty much repeats like that every post. You say something with no evidence, and when people do the same you kvetch
07/02/18 (Mon) 20:18:24 No. 122671
Until direct intravenous nutrition and then either brain-in-a-vat or outright exoskeleton (no mind uploading, brain contains soul, quantum microtubules) the temporary astronaut solution is insect meat, blendered or turned into protein blocks (e.g. Snowpiercer). Many have a slight dislike for even humane animal farming which is understandable (never mind the herding of the human cattle!) but until synthetic nutrient infusions some sort of meat is better than no meat for most people. Food is gay and humans should have their taste/flavor senses permanently almonddeactivated at birth (there are nasal sprays used for weight loss currently, most "taste" is actually processed in the nose not the tongue, and these products deactivate those receptors). Cockroaches and silkworms have been tested for this and insect meat has comparable nutritional value to red meat. Insect eaters will ascend to a higher state of existence because they see beyond food (just a utility). Vegan + Meat Eater = 2 sides of the same shekel. The purpose of existence is to be good monkeys enjoying the taste of banana combinations.
Space Aliens draw energy straight from the Warp. Food is for niggers.
07/02/18 (Mon) 20:53:26 No. 122681
>Obviously you do because you hate the fact that vegans eat healthy and are teaching other people how to each healthy too. healthy people have less prescription meds and hospital visits and bills than those who are very sick, which means that a healthy population = less money for (((them)))
>I am allowed to be who I want to be
>Criticizing me on my weight is oppression
>Obese people deserve special treatment
>I am not fat, I am simply curvy
>Health at every size
>It's genetics
Obese people will make the most irrational decisions and will find any way to justify their unhealthy eating habits and lack of aerobic exercise. Attempting to brief obese individuals on why their obesity is negatively affecting them is considered going against political correctness and is considered discrimination. However, a quick look at the scientific articles that I have provided below will show that obesity is truly bad. Not only does it increase your chance of diseases such as heart disease, malnutrition, stupidity, hormone imbalances, and many other harmful effects, but it can permanently damage your brain and cognitive abilities and may leave you not as intelligent as you use to be, assuming you were intelligent in the first place.
Cognitive Effects:
h ttps://w
h ttps://w
h ttps://w
h ttps://w
h ttps://w
h ttps://w
h ttps://w
>"More than two-thirds (68.8 percent) of adults are considered to be overweight or obese."
>"More than one-third (35.7 percent) of adults are considered to be obese."
h ttps://w
07/02/18 (Mon) 20:57:10 No. 122682
nope. the future of sustainable food is vegan, but probably more synthetic and less natural. lots of lab grown spirulina and soy and specialized bacteria and micro organisms will produce sludge that contains all vitamins and minerals in a flavorless nutrient paste. you're just trying to sound smart.
07/02/18 (Mon) 22:16:00 No. 122686
>mfw we forcefully take control of Africa and have a whole country for raising cattle for steak
07/02/18 (Mon) 22:19:24 No. 122687
Post your meal data.
07/03/18 (Tue) 07:52:22 No. 122729
>wow so manly look at all the propaganda
07/03/18 (Tue) 15:13:56 No. 122753
I've seen what's coming. Nothing is to be feared.
Have faith in what is greater.
07/03/18 (Tue) 15:22:54 No. 122754
07/03/18 (Tue) 18:31:40 No. 122763
Dietary calcium leeches calcium from your bones. Odds are you're full of shit, but in any case, those two are not directly linked.
It's possible that a lifetime of poisoning your body is having the result that it's taking time for your body to figure out how to do things on its own.
But more likely you're full of shit.
07/03/18 (Tue) 18:32:57 No. 122766
You realize those are fictional characters, I could draw a hyperbuff dude eating a house and it wouldn't mean drywall is good for you.
07/06/18 (Fri) 19:26:20 No. 122964
I quite meat eating for moral and metaphysical reasons the night before Hitler's last birthday. The universe had been prodding me in this direction for some time, I have been cutting back on flesh for over a year and life has been getting healthier and more synchronistic since. What finally pushed me over the edge into vegetarianism was Nasim Aghdam, the YouTube hero, and an AMA by an alleged Rothskike on GLP. Realizing my nemesis only eats meat during rituals, and none of my heroes(SS, Nasim, Pythagoras) ate meat I knew it was time to take my training to the next level. Thus far the only tangible difference is it had made Nofap easier because indulging in one animal instinct begets another.
>inb4 low T soy
I haven't had any legumes since 2014. I impregnated my wife in the dead of winter and am recovering from that. The desire and urge are actually stronger nowsummer roasties so I have to work harder to transmute the energy. My body has also become more Chad though, in a lean welterweight way and as I move I feel less resistance and more boyant. Other areas of self discipline are being repaired as well.
There really isn't a name for my diet but I'll lay it out for critique and to help others. As mentioned above I abstain from beans. It was forbidden by Pythagoreans and I think whether they knew it or not, it's because legumes are what botonists call nitrogen fixers. The roots and bean pods are covered in a bacteria that take nitrogen out of the air and put it into the soil which is why they are used in crop rotation. I believe over consumption of beans helps these bacteria cuckold your microbiom, which can cause psychological problems in addition to health problems. Both are detrimental to esoteric studies obviously and I believe one reason why many vegetarians/vegans are insufferable. I still eat limited dairy but am trying to quit, it's harder than meat tbh. I eat 6 pasture raised eggs a day, and the rest of my protein is from almonds, pumpkin seeds, hemp seeds, chia seeds, Spirulina, chlorella, and Sacha Inchi. The later five should be eaten by all vegans because they have the amino acids, B vitamins and omegas of meat so further supplements will be minimal if necessary. I also recommend kelp, dulse, and other sea vegetables. I've also read that purslane is higher in omega 3's and minerals than kale. I also eat one avocado daily, 2 tbsp coconut oil, 2 tbsp Apple cider vinegar, and Kim chi. Lastly I only eat grain when we go out for Indian or Italian. Soon we'll have our own poultry so I can make sure they can live through retirement.
07/07/18 (Sat) 12:14:47 No. 122988
do research on the connections between calcium, magnesium, vitamin k, vitamin d, and boron.
ask your doctor about it.
07/07/18 (Sat) 13:39:27 No. 122990
I don't eat vegetables.
I blend them with fruits and some vegegreens, and protein powder.
Eating them, no matter how they're cooked, gives me an intense gag reflex. My body gets physically weak.
I get most of my calories from meats, grains, and cheeses. I eat a lot of salty food but I try to make up for it by drinking a lot of water.
If this is immoral, i'm okay with that. maybe in my next life i'll have an easier time.
07/08/18 (Sun) 08:01:24 No. 123030
Your low soy levels explain why you post Nasim.
07/08/18 (Sun) 10:14:35 No. 123035
I haven't drank milk my whole life and my teeth and nails can scratch steel. If you have information to share, share it, but dairy isn't how you get strong teeth/bone/nails if you live healthy and eat well.
07/08/18 (Sun) 18:50:27 No. 123053
>lab grown super soyan
The point transcends plant or meat. If all kinds of crap become synthesizable the only argument against current meat practices becomes "animal consciousness".
If the most optimal synthetic goop for the human animal contains plant-only proteins etc there would be no problem whatsoever, this is about what is achievable when.
Nutrition is not about the couple of vitamins minerals phytonutrients we currently know, there's lots of crap in food that is barely understood. Meat has useful stuff.
If it turns out that there is literal spiritual energy that is contained in meat and gets transferred to the human somehow, and artificial meat lacked it, that would be fun.
And then who is to say that it won't also be found out that fucking plants also contain this "energy"? We already know that plants literally store solar energy. This is the problem with dogmatism. Dogmatic vegetarians become vegan soyboys whose brains get completely fucked up. Chillax.
This is the point at which vegan moralism fails to understand one simple thing: if Mankind had to Exterminatus the whole of Terra in order to establish the Imperium, so be it.
But no, the vegan thinks all life is precious. Never mind that Humans are the only monkeys who can protect any life at all against extinction-level events. All Zen and shit.
(We are also equally dumb so we may end up gassing our own stupid asses in the process but that's another matter.)
Any form of overarching protection or caretaking flows from higher forms of Intelligence downstream. The principle of Extropianism is Universal Life Expansion.
The Emergent properties of all life make organisms adaptable on the micro by themselves but comprehensive macro safeguarding can only take place from Above (Humans/Ayys).
(neater link breaking: https://
Vegetarianism is very good because it promotes ways of viewing nutrition that are very functional and low-level, the opposite of the jewish (((food industry))) .
Maximum lifespan is determined by mtDNA but all things considered the plant-oriented eater will probably live a life with fewer health complications which is good.
No prepackaged/processed foodstuffs, only basic components, no "chemicals", a kind of personal alchemical experimentation through herbalism, etc etc, high awareness.
The vegetarian is a human being possessing a level of consciousness several orders of magnitude above that of the retard normie who is a filthy casul eater of (((all))) .
>Realizing my nemesis only eats meat during rituals
No shit, juden in their criminal hangouts ate lots of meat and drank lots of alcohol (also foreskins). There's truth to this.
Technically the jew's entire life is a foreskin-munching ritual, both spiritual and physical.
>But all the greater, often, are the demands relative to food and drink. In this the 'Boost' must be efficient, and also must be supplied with wine and champagne. Bouillon, beer and Schnaps, blood is consumed in large quantity, and that bodily well-being is otherwise well looked after is given away by the rows of sausages and the bowls of grilled foreskins, with cold pig's feet and the like, which are always very popular.
07/09/18 (Mon) 14:16:30 No. 123073
Gotta admit, by now I've expected someone posting the countless people who became younger and healthier by going raw vegan.
/fringe/ knows nothing.
07/10/18 (Tue) 05:49:20 No. 123093
universal morality is not possible. being vegan doesn't automatically elevate you to god status. there are cultures that dine on human beings. does that make them contemptible? no, only God can decide that.
SAGE! 07/10/18 (Tue) 20:35:06 No. 123126
>the countless people who became younger and healthier by going raw vegan
Donald Trump is the healthiest american president ever and he lives on burgers and other meaty fast food. Vegans BTFO :P
They're trying to cover this up by stealing his doctor's medical records and fabriacting lies. Typical of the jewish NWO vegan industry.
07/13/18 (Fri) 04:59:02 No. 123249
Thanks lad. Check out >>>/greenbreeze/ for more.
>Trump healthy
>vegan industry
Nigger tier bait but kind of funny overall. Have a (you).
I know everything kikes do is a blood ritual. I was talking specifically about one Rothschild who says he's a vegan except of course when playing dominos on cheese pizza. Here's a pastebin with a tl;dr some anon did of an AMA said Rothschild did.
https ://
>dogmatic veganism
Exactly this. Their cult is so busy one upping each other they lose all reasoning on top of what they lost through making soy the bottom of their food pyramid.